Who is Navalny and why is he popular. Who is Alexei Navalny: biography, fight against corruption, political activity

Alexei Navalny was born near Moscow, in small town Butyn. He grew up in a complete family with his father Anatoly Navalny and mother Lyudmila Navalnaya. Anatoly was from the Chernobyl region, and here it was received military education. Alexey's mother was born in a small village near the city of Zelenogradsk. She received her education in this village and then worked in various factories.

In 1993, one of the factories where Lyudmila worked was ruined. Immediately, the parents decide to use this opportunity and create a workshop in this ruined factory. When Alexey finishes studying at school, he enters the Peoples' Friendship University at the Faculty of Law. In 1999, he entered the Financial Academy, which he successfully completed and received a diploma. While studying Alex He worked as a lawyer and later as an economist.

Activities as a politician

Alexei Navalny was a member of the political council of the Yabloko party from 2000 to 2007. Further, he often organized various popular movements and nationalist processions. Repeatedly created political organizations protecting the rights of the people.

In 2008, Navalny, along with his like-minded people, began to organize an active struggle against oil companies, which, according to him, did not respond to numerous requests. In 2010 Alexei Navalny founded the RosPil organization, which quickly found its like-minded people. Thanks to active and effective actions to prevent fraud, a large amount was saved for the state budget in a year. For this, the organization received an award at an international competition.

The Anti-Corruption Foundation is the only private organization in Russia, investigating cases of such importance. An important issue for Russia is roads, with which the state is always in trouble, and to solve it, a project was founded that allows anyone to show a picture of an unsuitable road section.

Complaints were sent to the traffic police, but the employees did not take action, so a paper was formed and sent to the prosecutor's office, necessary to provoke any work to fix the roads. It is also worth mentioning that Alexei Navalny discovered Shuvalov's private jet, on which his wife drove her dogs of high breeds to various exhibitions.

Candidate for mayor of Moscow

In 2013, Navalny was nominated for the post of mayor of the Russian capital. Initially, he was registered only because a larger selection of candidates for the post of mayor of Moscow was needed, but, contrary to all expectations, he fell slightly short of first place in the voting results.

Court cases

The next day, Aleksey collected a package of documents on the falsification of elections. During the demonstration, people actively expressed their dissatisfaction with the Moscow government. During the procession, the police detained Navalny, and Aleksey was arrested for 15 days, allegedly for resisting arrest. But the most important court case that unfolded around Navalny, was the case of "Kirovles" which dragged on for quite a long time.

The essence of this case lies in the fact that Alexei Navalny and the entrepreneur, allegedly through delusion, made a deal with Opalev, the director of the above-described enterprise, on unfavorable terms for him. Aleksey himself denied all guilt, referring to the fact that the case was fabricated due to the fact that Navalny had achieved his goal, and the director of the enterprise was removed from his post.

Subsequently, the case was closed, but a couple of months later it was reopened due to new data. As a result of the whole long chain of proceedings, the charge came into force. The politician explained this by the fact that the case was formed to protect him from political participation in the life of the country.

Family life

Navalny has a beautiful wife, Yulia, a daughter, Daria, and a son, Zakhar, who was born in 2008. For a long time, a large family lived in a one-room apartment, but the four of them became crowded, so they started looking for an apartment for rent.

Election 2018

The preparations for the elections went like this:

  1. At the end of 2016, Alexey expressed his intention to participate in the 2018 presidential elections in the Russian Federation.
  2. An election campaign was organized in which he announced his intention to continue the fight against corruption schemes.
  3. In the spring and summer of 2017, Navalny again gathered strikes and rallies, as a result of which he was detained and received punishment, both in the form of a fine and in serving a sentence of 15 and 30 days.

On December 27, Navalny was not allowed to participate in the 2018 elections because of the Kirovles case, despite its illegality. After that, the politician called on his like-minded people to join the strike action.

Alexey Anatolyevich Navalny. Born on June 4, 1976 in the military town of Butyn, Odintsovo District (Moscow Region). Russian political and public figure, lawyer, investment activist, former member Board of Directors of Aeroflot. The author of one of the highest-rated socio-political blogs in LiveJournal. He positions himself as a fighter against corruption in Russia.

Alexei Navalny was born on June 4, 1976 in the military town of Butyn, Odintsovo District, Moscow Region.

Father - Anatoly Ivanovich Navalny, co-owner and CEO enterprise "Kobyakovskaya wicker weaving factory", was born and graduated from school in Zalesye (formerly the Chernobyl region, now the Ivankovsky region, Kyiv region), after graduating from the Kyiv military school of communications, he was assigned near Moscow.

Grandfather Ivan Tarasovich was a carpenter and almost all his life, like his wife Tatyana Danilovna, he worked on a local collective farm.

Mother - Lyudmila Ivanovna Navalnaya, co-owner and commercial director of the Kobyakovskaya wicker weaving factory, comes from a rural area near Zelenograd, Moscow Region, studied at the Moscow Institute of Management named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, worked as a laboratory assistant at the Zelenograd Research Institute of Microdevices, married in 1975 for Anatoly Ivanovich, after graduating from the institute she worked as an economist, since 1987 - deputy director for economics.

Navalny's parents currently own the Kobyakovskaya basket weaving factory in the Odintsovo district, where Alexei is the founder.

Brother - Oleg Anatolyevich Navalny, until May 2013 - Deputy Director of the Automated Sorting Centers company, a branch of the Russian Post, First Deputy Director of the express delivery company EMS Russian Post.

Cousin - Marina Navalnaya.

According to A. Navalny, all his relatives lived in Ukraine, and until 1986 he himself spent every summer in the Kyiv region. But after the accident Chernobyl nuclear power plant part of the relatives moved to other regions of Ukraine.

He considers himself more of a Ukrainian in terms of "some kind of roots and genetics." According to his uncle, more than half of Navalny's relatives live in Zalesye and Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky.

In 1993, Navalny graduated from the Alabinsky high school in the military settlement of Kalininets in the vicinity of the village of Taraskovo near Moscow.

He studied well, however, he says, he constantly clashed with teachers - "because my perception did not fit that a teacher automatically becomes an authority just because he is a teacher".

Ros is a cynic and anti-Soviet, a kind of juvenile dissident.

“As a child, I was the larva of the “scoop”. It is in this formulation. “Sovok”, a person who despises Soviet power and tries to squeeze it out of himself, because already in early childhood on a subconscious level, it seemed to me that something was wrong with this country. Well, as a larva, since it had not yet taken shape in clear contours and frames, it was at the level of children's sensations ... there was some oppressive oppression and pressure from varnished officialdom, which runs counter to observable reality ... from the beginning of the 80s we got a receiver broadcasting the "Voice of America" ​​... " he says.

In 1997, he founded Nesna LLC, the main activity of the company was hairdressing services. For some time, "Nesna" handed over "zero" balances, and then was sold.

In 1997 he registered LLC "Allect". In 1998-2005, he served as Deputy Director for legal matters in this company. In the 2007 Duma elections, the Allekt company was an advertising agent for the Union of Right Forces party. In total, SPS purchased advertising for 99 million rubles through Allekt, Navalny received a commission of 5% from this, that is, 5 million rubles.

In 1998-1999 he worked in the development company ST-Group. Among other things, he dealt with currency control and antitrust law.

In 1998 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

In 1999, he entered the Faculty of Finance and Credit of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (specialty "Securities and Exchange Business"), graduating in 2001.

In 2000, together with friends in the legal Faculty of RUDN University opened a company "N. N. Securities. Navalny was the owner of a 35% stake in this company and served as chief accountant in it. "N. N. Securities traded securities on the stock exchange, as a result, this company went bankrupt. According to Navalny, playing on the stock exchange, he lost "what little money" he had.

The year 2000 can be considered the beginning of political activity, when Navalny joined the Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko and was a member of the Federal Political Council of this party. In 2002 he was elected to the regional council of the Moscow branch of the Yabloko party. From April 2004 to February 2007 - head of the apparatus of the Moscow regional branch of the RODP "Yabloko". During the period of party activity, he became friends with SPS functionaries Nikita Belykh and Maria Gaidar.

Alexei Navalny combined business and politics.

In 2001, Navalny co-founded Eurasian transport systems". The company was engaged in logistics, earning on road freight.

In 2006, he was the host of the Town-Planning Chronicles program at the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

In 2007, Navalny co-founded the national democratic movement "People".

In 2008, the creation of the “Russian National Movement” was announced, which included the DPNI organizations, “ Great Russia” and “People”.

According to the Vedomosti newspaper, in the spring of 2008, Navalny bought shares in Rosneft, Gazprom, Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, and Gazprom Neft for about 300,000 rubles. Then he began to fight for his rights as a minority shareholder.

In 2009, Navalny established LLC "Navalny and Partners", in 2010 this company was liquidated.

In 2009, Navalny passed the qualification exam at the Chamber of Advocates of the Kirov Region.

In 2010, Navalny transferred to the Moscow City Bar Association. During his legal practice, he participated in 11 cases in arbitration courts, and only in two of them personally, and in other cases, his representatives spoke on his behalf.

He says about his studies at Yale that it was there that he decided to seriously take up the fight against corruption in Russia.

“In a nutshell, this is something like a very cool advanced training course for people from all over the world who have already largely taken place in their profession, but strive for new heights and expanding their social circle. So, Serezha Guriev (Rector of the Russian School of Economics) and Oleg Tsyvinsky (Professor of Economics at Yale) were able, thanks to them for this, to “reach out” to me and insist that I would do well to take these courses, especially in terms of international corporate law. much wider, which was not there, and with whom only we met ... By the way, it was at that time that we just launched Rospil, we really took up state corruption. save public money..., - Navalny said in an interview with Voice of America.

Alexei Navalny - interview with The New Times

On December 5, 2011, the day after the elections to the State Duma, Navalny spoke at a rally sanctioned by the authorities and held by the Solidarity movement on Chistoprudny Boulevard. The purpose of the rally was to express disagreement with the results of the elections and accuse the authorities of large-scale fraud. After the end of the event, he, along with several hundred more participants, took part in an unauthorized march to the building of the Central Election Commission of Russia on Lubyanka, during which he was detained by the police and subsequently received 15 days of administrative arrest.

On May 9, 2012, he was again sentenced to arrest for 15 days for participating in an illegal public event that took place in the early morning of that day on Kudrinskaya Square.

In February 2012, Alexander Lebedev's National Reserve Bank (NRB) (which owns 15% of Aeroflot) nominated Navalny as a candidate for Aeroflot's board of directors. Navalny agreed to become director, saying that if elected, he would concentrate on corporate governance and anti-corruption activities.

June 25, 2012 Navalny joined the board of directors of Aeroflot according to the decision of the annual meeting of shareholders. 787 million votes were cast for Navalny, which, with a total number of votes of 12.1 billion, is 6.5% (the votes of the NRB and a number of other minority shareholders). Navalny became a member of the Personnel and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of Aeroflot. In February 2013, it was reported that Navalny had not been nominated as a candidate for the new board of directors of Aeroflot.

December 14, 2012 investigative committee Russia initiated a criminal case against Alexei Navalny and his brother Oleg Navalny on the fact of committing crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159, p.p. "a", "b" part 2 of Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud committed organized group on an especially large scale and legalization Money acquired as a result of the commission of a crime, by a group of persons by prior agreement and using their official position).

According to investigators, Navalny created the Main Subscription Agency LLC company, with which in the spring of 2008 an unnamed trade company entered into an agreement for the implementation freight traffic mail. According to the investigation, the agreement was concluded with the participation of Oleg Navalny, who at that time worked as the head of the Department of Internal Mailings of the FSUE Russian Post branch - Automated Sorting Centers, who convinced the company's managers to conclude an agreement at a deliberately inflated cost. At the same time, the “Main Subscription Agency” did not have its own material base for transportation, and in fact they were engaged in another enterprise, which was led by an acquaintance of Oleg Navalny.

Later it became known that a criminal case against the brothers Alexei and Oleg Navalny was initiated at the request of the head of the Russian division cosmetic company"Yves Rocher" Bruno Leproux. His application addressed to the head of the ICR, Alexander Bastrykin, was received by the Investigative Committee on December 10, and on the same day the materials of the criminal case were submitted to a separate proceeding.

According to the RF IC, a total of 55 million rubles were transferred to the account of the “Main Subscription Agency”, while the actual cost of services was 31 million rubles. Most of this amount was, according to the investigation, spent by the Navalny brothers for their own needs, and more than 19 million rubles were legalized by the Navalny by concluding fictitious contracts with the Kobyakovskaya wicker weaving factory, the founders of which were, among other things, the Navalny brothers themselves.

Alexei Navalny with his brother Oleg

On December 30, 2014, the court announced the operative part of the verdict: Oleg Navalny was sentenced to 3.5 years in a penal colony, Alexei Navalny was given a 3.5 year suspended sentence. The brothers must pay more than 4 million rubles to the MPK company, in addition, each of them was sentenced to a fine of 500 thousand rubles.

On April 4, 2013, on the air of the Dzyadko-3 program on the Dozhd TV channel, Alexei Navalny announced that he planned to take the post of President of Russia in the future. With this step, he "wants to change life in the country", and to ensure that the inhabitants of Russia, a country rich in natural resources, do not live "in poverty and hopeless squalor", but live "normally, as in European countries."

In 2013, in the early elections of the mayor of Moscow, he was nominated as a candidate from the RPR-Parnassus party.

On March 20, 2014, during the Crimean crisis, The New York Times published an article by Navalny in which he asked for additional sanctions against "Putin's inner circle". In particular, Navalny called on Western countries to freeze financial assets and confiscate the property of large Russian businessmen. The Navalny Anti-Corruption Foundation has prepared an expanded list of persons for sanctions by the European Union. This document was published on the website of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe.

In January 2015, Alexei Navalny, in his blog, accused Senator and head of the Anti-Maidan movement Dmitry Sablin of owning undeclared real estate. In November 2015, Dmitry Sablin and his wife filed a lawsuit against Navalny for the protection of honor and dignity, demanding compensation for moral damages in the amount of 5 million rubles each. The reason for the claim was, however, not the January FBK investigation, and Navalny's post of June 12, where, in particular, he called "Anti-Maidan" a movement "in defense of the property of Senator Sablin, received as a result of bribes and fraud, thanks to his marriage to the daughter of the governor, who stole billions from the budget of the Moscow region." The court found Alexei Navalny guilty and ordered him to pay Dmitry Sablin 408 thousand rubles.

On February 20, 2015, Navalny was placed under administrative arrest for 15 days for unsanctioned campaigning in the subway.

On October 8, 2015, Alexei Navalny was restricted the right to travel abroad due to the fact that he did not pay off a debt of 4.5 million rubles in due time. Timur Korobitsyn, the representative of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in Moscow, said that “in the Office Federal Service Bailiffs in Moscow are conducting enforcement proceedings to recover a joint and several debt from Alexei and Oleg Navalny in the amount of more than 4 million 490 thousand rubles in favor of LLC "Multipurpose Processing Company".

In December 2015, Aleksey Navalny paid the fines under the claim of the Diversified Processing Company and, according to him, the enforcement proceedings against him were terminated.

On December 1, 2015, Alexei Navalny posted online documentary and longread "Gull", dedicated to the investigation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation on the activities of the sons and colleagues of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika. In particular, the authors of the investigation claim that the Deputy Prosecutor General is connected with the Tsapka gang from the village of Kushchevskaya, the eldest son of Yuri Chaika Artem made a fortune on the raider seizure of enterprises, and the youngest, Igor, on illegally obtained government contracts. The film received a special prize at the Artdocfest documentary film festival in December 2015.

The film's budget was 250,000 rubles, and brought donations to the Anti-Corruption Foundation in the amount of 3.5 million rubles.

On December 7, 2015, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov said that the film did not arouse the interest of the Kremlin, since it was not about the Prosecutor General, but about his adult sons.

At the beginning of 2016, Switzerland considered the complaint of Alexei Navalny against Artyom Chaika. The Anti-Corruption Foundation sent on December 8, 2015 to Prosecutor General's Office Switzerland with a corresponding complaint that Artyom Chaika and other persons have been laundering money in Switzerland for at least ten years. An audit conducted by the supervisory authority did not find facts of money laundering that would be associated with the name of Artyom Chaika. In addition to Chaika, other persons were also listed in the complaint, in respect of whom an inspection was also carried out. In order to eliminate the bias of the check, the prosecutor's office entrusted the investigation to a special police unit in Lugano, canton of Ticino, investigating "white-collar" crime.

Ruslan Shumakov (Artem Chaika's lawyer) reported to the RBC newspaper that Artem Chaika had received a notification from the Swiss prosecutor's office that there were no claims against him. Ruslan Shumakov additionally conveyed information that Artyom Chaika, on the basis of his own request, received from officials Greece confirmation of the legitimacy of transactions carried out by him in Greece (acquisition of a hotel on the island of Halkidiki).

February 8, 2017 Leninsky district court Kirov re-sentenced Navalny and Ofitserov to 5 and 4 years of probation. Navalny noted that the court's verdict literally repeats the old one, issued in 2013. On March 3, an appeal was filed against the verdict to the Kirov Regional Court. At the meeting on March 15, 2017, the court did not consider the complaint on the merits, but returned the case to the district court to eliminate procedural violations. At the next meeting, which took place on May 3, the court confirmed the earlier verdict. Navalny's defense reiterated their intention to appeal the verdict to the ECtHR.

On March 2, 2017, FBK published an investigative film "He is not Dimon to you" about the alleged assets of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of Russia. The film is narrated by Navalny, who claims that Medvedev is leading a multi-level corruption scheme, owning multibillion-dollar real estate acquired through charitable foundations and organizations legally registered with proxies, with the money of oligarchs and loans from Gazprombank.

According to Navalny, said in the video, his investigation took more than one month. Press Secretary of the Russian Prime Minister Natalia Timakova said that it is "meaningless" to comment on Navalny's investigation, as it is a "propaganda attack" by an oppositionist. Medvedev himself at first did not comment on the FBK investigation and on March 10 blocked Navalny on Instagram.

Navalny called on his supporters to go to rallies on March 26, 2017. Protests were held in 82 cities of Russia, some of them gathered several thousand people. After the rallies, Medvedev described Navalny as a "tried character" and called the FBK investigation "nonsense", filmed for "big money" not from "the people", but from "private sponsors".

Speaking in the State Duma on April 19, 2017, Medvedev declined to comment on the investigation, calling it "absolutely false products of political crooks."

In its turn, entrepreneur Alisher Usmanov filed a lawsuit in April 2017 against Navalny and FBK, and on May 18 of the same year he recorded a video message to Navalny, in which he severely criticized him, noting that he felt “the terrible envy of a loser and a failed businessman who started his business with kickbacks on small transactions”, and also rejected the accusations against him, emphasizing that Navalny's attempts "to slander me are the barking of a pug at an elephant."

On May 24, 2017, Usmanov, in response to Navalny’s challenge to come to the debate, where he promised his opponent to give an answer to all the charges, recorded a second video message, where he noted that he “waited for an apology, not a debate”, instead of which he “heard from him more accusations, lies, cheap populism.”

Usmanov compared Navalny with the character of M. A. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, "who dreamed of taking everything away and dividing" and expressed the opinion that Navalny was his "worthy successor." In addition, he pointed out that "if Sharikov is a stupid and uneducated demagogue", then Navalny "is not just a demagogue, but also a highly artistic liar" and stated that when Navalny's untruth is documented, he begins to get scared and declare that he threaten. Usmanov refused to debate, believing that this was a “debate between truth and lies” and summed up that all “debates will be in court”, where Navalny, whom Usmanov called “Aleksey Poligrafovich Navalny”, “will explain the difference between truth and lies.”

On May 31, 2017, the Lyublinsky District Court of Moscow fully satisfied Usmanov’s claim against Navalny and ordered the defendant “to delete the videos and publications posted at the indicated addresses within 10 days and publish a refutation for a period of at least 3 months at these addresses.” Thus, the court ordered the removal of the film from YouTube, as well as the removal of the site where the investigation was posted, and the removal and refutation of the post saying that Usmanov gave a bribe to Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov, and information about censorship at the Kommersant publishing house, controlled by Usmanov.

Alexey Navalny - Mind Games

Director of the Effective Policy Foundation Gleb Pavlovsky expressed the opinion that Navalny's goal is to create a "political project" with the formation of a certain "electoral sector" with the aim of its further transfer on certain conditions to one of the opposition parties or movements. Pavlovsky believes that the idea of ​​creating such a social populist project was taken in the West, comparing, in particular, Navalny's activities with the "Tea Movement" in the United States.

According to the leader of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov, expressed on the occasion of the Moscow mayoral elections in 2013, "Navalny sat with Saakashvili together on the same bench, trained in America how to fool Russian citizens."

Height of Alexei Navalny: 188 centimeters.

Personal life of Alexei Navalny:

In 1999, while on vacation in Turkey, Alexei met his future wife, Yulia (Yuliya Borisovna Navalnaya, maiden name Abrosimova). The holiday romance ended with a wedding.

Alexei Navalny with his wife Yulia

The couple has two children: daughter Daria (born in 2001) and son Zakhar (born in 2008).

Alexei Navalny with his family

The couple say that at home they have a complete delimitation of spheres of influence: Yulia supports Political Views husband, but does not give advice on work, and he does not interfere in household and raising children.

The Navalny family lives in the Maryino district near Moscow in the usual panel house in an "economy class" apartment with an area of ​​about 80 square meters.

I foresee the indignation and discontent of many people whom I would like to see in my friends.
But I am sure that Navalny sets false goals.
And this needs to be talked about.

I want to clarify right now.
I am for civil liberties.
I am against corruption (is there at least one person, besides the corrupt officials themselves, who is for it?).
I am for the fact that the elite, the business elite, military and political, know their shores, do not become impudent and act in the interests of ordinary people.
I am for change of government.

And I am against Navalny.

Fighting corruption is not the key to Russia's problems.

If Navalny comes to power and really starts to imprison Medvedev, Usmanov, Putin, right and left, this will not work.
That's absolutely nothing!
In addition to joy and pleasure to Navalny himself.

The main problem of the country is the economic model, which needs to be changed.
The fight against corruption will not create a different economy.
It will not make Russians active and enterprising.
It will not provide entrepreneurs with cheap credit.
It will not clear the domestic market for entrepreneurs.
It will not create new goods and services.
It will not make pensioners wealthy and able-bodied citizens rich.
It will not change the quality of education and healthcare.
It will not change the mentality of people and the age-old traditions of Russians.

We will remain the same and there.
Only with President Navalny and his associates at the head.

I am ready to support Navalny only on one condition - if he takes to the streets not with populist anti-corruption slogans, but with a program for the country's economic emancipation and economic growth.

Only the growth of the economy and the creation of conditions for the free economic activity of citizens can give people hope and perspective.
Including schoolchildren and students who think that corruption deprives them of their life prospects.

But this is not so, it is not corruption itself that creates life's problems, but a bad economic model that breeds corruption.
This is the root of our problems.
This is the basis of our corruption.

Without changing the economic model, corruption will not be defeated.
Navalny proposes to fight not with the cause, but with the effect.
He just doesn't understand what the real problems are facing the country.
Therefore, I am against Navalny.

Among other things, today he behaved like a provocateur.
He had the opportunity to demonstrate his supporters legally and without problems for the support group.
But he did not spare his political soldiers.
And it seems to me that in Russia the time has come to feel sorry for people.
Even those who are willing to sacrifice themselves for a just cause.

People want justice and hope.
And some politician uses them for his personal project.

Since truth and historical perspective are not on his side, Navalny will not make a revolution.
But firewood ( human destinies) will break a lot.
I'm against.

Alexei Navalny proposes to exempt small businesses from taxes, liquidate the Pension Fund, create a special service to fight corruption and cancel the conscription. Experts interviewed by RBC assessed the main provisions of the policy program

Alexey Navalny (Photo: Egor Aleev / TASS)

The founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, a year after announcing his intentions to run for president, published a program with which he plans to go to the polls if he is registered as a candidate. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, earlier said that a politician would be able to register only after the removal of a criminal record.


Navalny proposed to liquidate the Russian Pension Fund and create on its basis "the world's largest fund-investor" by analogy with the Norwegian sovereign fund Government Pension Fund Global. The latter invests the Norwegian government's oil and gas revenues in assets around the world. “Sounds like populism, but no more than that,” says the deputy director of the Institute social analysis and Forecasting RANEPA Yuri Gorlin. “Alexey Navalny is liquidating the Pension Fund, but how to pay pensions to today's pensioners? Who will be in charge of this function? — says the expert.

The oppositionist proposes to transfer to the new pension fund the funds of the National Welfare Fund, shares of state-owned companies traded on the stock exchange and their dividends, as well as income from privatization. “Suddenly it happens that next year the income of Rosneft or Gazprom, which Navalny is talking about, will not allow paying dividends for some reason. How to make it stationary? Gorlin says. According to him, the idea of ​​directing part of the additional income of state-owned companies to the reserve of the pension system to ensure greater growth in pensions and smooth out fluctuations in the income of the pension system has been repeatedly reproduced, “but this should be systemic based on a dividend policy or through an increase in income tax or other taxes, but not breaking the existing insurance system”.

The transformation of the PFR into an analogue of the Norwegian fund will not lead to a good result, Oleg Buklemishev, director of the Center for Economic Policy Research at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, agrees. The National Wealth Fund (NWF) was supposed to play the role of the Norwegian fund in Russia, the economist recalls, but the NWF did not take on this status. “That is, the experience of centralized investments for pension purposes in Russia has, in fact, failed,” Buklemishev notes.

Increase in the minimum wage to 25 thousand rubles. - another idea of ​​​​Navalny - "exceeds the capabilities of business and the state," Buklemishev believes. In order to increase the salaries of workers several times, entrepreneurs will either have to comply with the law and fire a significant part of them, or transfer them to a shadow form of employment, to which “there are serious gravitations,” the economist says.

Distribution of income equally between federal center and regions, as Navalny suggests, requires serious corrective measures, Buklemishev believes: “Let me remind you, 50 to 50 is the ratio of the times of President Yeltsin. Now it is, of course, biased in favor of the center, but imagine that we change it through some kind of taxes, and it turns out that the richest regions will receive additional money, and the poorest will become even relatively poorer.

Photo: Oleg Kharseev / Kommersant

An increase in the minimum wage, pension reform, and the redistribution of tax revenues between the federal center and the regions are “absolutely reasonable economic ideas,” says Georgy Ostapkovich, director of the HSE Center for Market Research. “I think that the future government will raise these same questions, and in principle these are not extremist proposals at all,” says Ostapkovich. But the idea of ​​transferring funds from the National Welfare Fund “looks populist”, and comparing Russian and Norwegian economic realities is “incorrect.” According to Ostapkovich, to achieve a minimum wage of 25 thousand rubles. “absolutely real”, the government will come to similar figures in a few years. “If unemployment is allowed to increase to 8-9%, then the minimum wage can be increased to 25,000. Such an increase in wages will lead people out of the market. I don’t see anything wrong with that,” the economist reflects, stipulating that “we have a socially oriented state and people should receive at least some kind of salary, but not be unemployed.”

Fight against corruption

To effectively fight corruption, the oppositionist proposes to establish a special independent structure that will not be part of the law enforcement system. Navalny also insists on the ratification of the UN Convention against Corruption and proposes to transfer state-owned companies, along with other state assets, under the control of a special fund under a structure that will replace the FIU, as well as reduce the presence of the state in the economy, introduce and tighten laws on disclosure of conflicts of interest and lobbying.

“He is absolutely right about the conflict of interest. The control of affiliates and the introduction of regulations that would control this more strictly is really necessary. This also includes lobbying and an increase in the statute of limitations [for corruption crimes from 10 to 20 years],” said the head of the project and training laboratory for anti-corruption policy at the National Research University high school Economics Elena Panfilova.

Panfilova noted that the program lacks a part related to the applicant's system of protection against corruption. This part has been ratified by Russia, but is being implemented “not very well”. “The applicant has problems, because most often the declaring entrepreneurs become victims of the “return” - Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud),” Panfilova explained.

Commenting on Navalny's proposed establishment of an independent body to fight corruption, Panfilova noted that Russia needs a structure that would "primarily deal with coordination." “The investigation will remain with the investigation, the prosecutorial functions will remain with the prosecutors, but it is necessary to make sure that they do this according to some kind of unified program and a single system - that would be nice,” the expert explained.

Foreign policy

In terms of conducting foreign policy, the oppositionist proposes to make peace with the rest of the world, stop "aggression against Ukraine" and thus achieve the lifting of sanctions. For the problem of Crimea, the politician proposes to find a "legitimate solution in favor of the local population." Navalny also advocates the introduction of a visa regime for the countries of Central Asia.

Checking documents of foreign citizens at Pulkovo airport (Photo: Sergey Konkov / TASS)

“He [Navalny] does not want to associate himself with the annexation of Crimea and at the same time does not want to oppose it. If any referendum is held, the majority will vote in favor of remaining within Russia. For the Russian authorities, the referendum is unacceptable for reasons of prestige, but for Navalny there is no problem here, since he did not join, ”political analyst Alexei Makarkin told RBC.

According to Makarkin, the program raises many questions about the mechanisms, but it will suit his audience. She [the audience] wants us to come to an agreement with the Europeans, and keep Crimea behind us,” the political scientist explained.

In Navalny's proposal to introduce visa regime with the countries of Central Asia, the expert saw contradictions. “His proposal for a visa regime completely contradicts the proposal for integration in the post-Soviet space. On the one hand, he is for integration in the post-Soviet space, on the other hand, for a visa regime. There is a contradiction in this, but for his constituent there is none. In this case, Navalny follows his voter, who wants both," Makarkin said.

Other initiatives

In his program, Navalny also proposes to reduce the state apparatus, minimize the control of power over business, give more powers to the regions, guarantee the independence of the judiciary, reduce sentences for a number of crimes, return to a four-year presidential term, cancel conscription and a number of other initiatives.

President of the International Institute of Political Expertise Yevgeny Minchenko, in a conversation with RBC, called Navalny's program "typical social populism, designed for a very undemanding public."

“One of the advantages of the program is that there are no hooks to catch on, for example, the issues of Crimea, relations with the West – everything is tied specifically to social issues. Social populism in the style of the early Zhirinovsky, but without the national question,” Minchenko said.

He noted that Navalny does not explain his initiatives. “Twice (increase spending) on ​​education, double on healthcare. Why exactly twice? Not explained. 25 thousand rubles - minimum wage. Why not 20 thousand or 30 thousand rubles? There is not even an attempt to [explanation]. It will be better - there will be more money, ”the expert explained.

However, in election program Navalny "has much less populism and drastic measures than expected," says Kirill Titaev, a leading researcher at the Institute for Law Enforcement Problems at the European University. The program lacks solutions to some important problems, such as rebooting the judiciary, but the key ideas indicate that the work has been done quite seriously, Titaev is sure.

“A dubious and utopian idea,” according to Titaev, is the proposal to elect judges. “In Russia, this is an unrealistic measure, given the small turnout in the elections. This measure is rather harmful, since it will create pseudo-legitimacy for pre-agreed candidates,” the expert explained. Navalny's proposal for a "total revision of the legislation" speaks of "a not very correct understanding of how law enforcement agencies work," Titaev concluded.

Navalny chose a bad time to publish his program, Andrey Kolesnikov, head of the Russian Domestic Politics and Political Institutions program at the Carnegie Moscow Center, told RBC. Now, the expert says, "everyone is going crazy" about Putin's press conference tomorrow. “If he [Aleksey Navalny] wanted to kill her in the information space, then this obviously will not work, and the effect of her [program] appearance is blurred,” Kolesnikov told RBC.

With the participation of: Valery Romanov, Olga Ageeva, Ilya Nemchenko, Anton Feinberg

In our article we will consider the biography of Alexei Navalny. Date of birth - June 4, 1976. Politician, prominent public figure, blogger. But he calls himself an investment activist who investigates corruption cases in the Russian Federation. A. A. Navalny created the FBK (Anti-Corruption Foundation).

In the elections for the mayor of the capital, he lost to S. Sobyanin, taking second place. At the end of 2016, Navalny announced that he planned to run for the presidential elections, which took place in March 2018. And Aleksey Anatolyevich decided to promote himself on Prime Minister D. A. Medvedev.


The biography of Alexei Navalny (the photo is given in the article) has a lot of curious cases, but it all started pretty standard. Born into a Soviet military family. My father is from Ukraine, he served in the Odintsovo district in the Moscow region after graduating from the Kyiv Military School of Communications.

Aleksey himself considers himself more Ukrainian than Russian. Many of Navalny's relatives live near Kyiv. Alexei's mother was born in the Moscow region, in Zelenograd. She studied at the Ordzhonikidze Institute, after graduation she worked at the Research Institute of Microdevices. Today, Alexei's parents are co-owners of the Kobyakovskaya wicker weaving factory.

As for the grandfather and grandmother, they are simple workers, they worked on the Zalessky collective farm. Before the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, Alexei lived with them every summer.

School and idols

The biography of the politician Alexei Navalny is quite rich. Since his father was a military man, he often had to move, so the children changed schools like gloves. Since childhood, Navalny has been in love with the Hollywood actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is quite possible that it was the characters from the films with this actor that became an example for Alexei. The politician claims that he could beat anyone except high school students. The height of Alexei Navalny -188 cm - and physique allow you to fight back.

In 1993 he graduated from high school and entered the PFUR for the law faculty. This faculty in five years in 1998 successfully graduates. On the next year Alexey enters the Financial Academy, organized under the government of the Russian Federation, graduates from it three years later in 2001.

Business and work

While studying at the university, A. A. Navalny tries himself in business. A year before graduating from RUDN University, Alexei founded Nesna LLC, which provides hairdressing services. But soon he successfully sold the company in order to register a new Allekt LLC.

At Allekt LLC, Alexey works as Deputy Director for Legal Affairs. At the same time, he works in the ST-group development company, deals with real estate, antitrust laws, and currency control. I even managed to work for a short time at Aeroflot Bank. According to Aleksey, it was at this time that he faced numerous violations of the law and corruption.

These were difficult 90s, for some laws there were no laws at all, instead of bribes, certain people used the physical elimination of unfit people. Therefore, corruption is the most harmless thing that could stand in the way of Alexei.

Early 00s

To this day, Alexey has a share in the family business. He is the master of the quarter authorized capital, the rest belongs to relatives. At the Faculty of Law, Navalny met several people, with whom in 2000 he founded the firm N. N. Securities. Alexei owned 35% of the shares, in addition, he was listed as the chief accountant in it.

The company traded securities on the stock exchanges. Navalny himself recalled that the game on the stock exchange dragged him out a lot. As a result, he himself lost all the money of the company, which caused the collapse. But Aleksey already in 2001 opens a company engaged in cargo transportation - Eurasian Transport Systems LLC.

Wife, children, brother

The wife of politician Alexei Navalny Yulia Borisovna (née Abrosimova) is a supporter and supporter of him. They have two children - the eldest daughter Daria, born in 2001. and younger son Zakhar born in 2008

It is worth noting that few people are interested in the personal life of politician Alexei Navalny. But criminal cases and various intrigues occupy first places in the top news. Few people know that Alexei's brother Oleg, who worked until 2013 as deputy director of the Russian Post branch, received a well-deserved prison sentence for money laundering (Yves Rocher case).

Social media

To date social media is a place where you can find an audience. Alexei Navalny actively uses Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and his personal blog on LiveJournal. In social networks, he communicates with subscribers, expresses his position on various issues. He also uses rather provocative methods of promotion.

Once, for 10 thousand rubles, Alexei filmed a video in which he and his wife are walking in the park. They just promised more, according to Navalny himself. Another dubious move: Alex posted his photo on Instagram, in which he greedily eats noodles fast food. And he signed: "I love doshik." If he knew how many "fotozhab" and parodies will appear after this publication, he would have thought a hundred times before publishing. Although, if you take a closer look, this is also PR for Alexei Navalny. The rise in popularity is a logical consequence of the hype. And after such an avalanche of attention, everyone started talking about Navalny.


In 2000, Alexei Anatolyevich joined the Yabloko party, even becoming a member of its political council. In the period 2004-2007. he leads the regional branch of the party. And in 2007, it is excluded from it for the following reason:

Causing political damage to the party, in particular, for nationalist activities.

The interests of what nationality Aleksey represented was not said. But, starting from 2006, Alexey establishes a large number of public structures and organizations. These are the "Union of Minority Shareholders", "Political Debates", "Police with the People", "Committee for the Protection of Muscovites".

Together with Natalia Morari and Maria Gaidar, she organizes the YES! youth movement. Every year he only increased his awareness through the media. On "Echo of Moscow" he hosts the program "Urban Planning Chronicles", on TVC he is the editor-in-chief of the program "Fight Club".

And in 2009, he worked as a freelance adviser to the Governor of the Kirov Region. At the same time, he has close contacts with Nikita Belykh (who was arrested and accused of corruption). Belykh was found guilty of taking a very large bribe.

Yale University and mayoral elections

But once Aleksey became seriously interested in the Yale World Fellows program. About 15 people from different countries are chosen annually in the world. On the recommendations of Garry Kasparov, Evgenia Albats, Sergei Guriev and Oleg Tsyvinsky, Navalny was offered to the university. And in 2010, Alexei successfully completed a 6-month course. Many Russian politicians did not approve of this move. According to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. A. Zyuganov:

Mr. Navalny is a political product made in US laboratories for the next pogrom against Russia.

In 2013, Navalny ran for mayor of the capital, but lost to Sergei Sobyanin.

"Case of Kirovles"

Navalny has repeatedly been a witness in administrative, arbitration and civil cases. The article contains photos of Alexei Navalny, in which he speaks in court. It is impossible not to mention the famous “Kirovles case”, in which Alexei was accused. The accusation was that he, being an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region, from May to September 2009 colludes with the general director of Kirovles and the Vyatka Forest Company.

As a result of such a criminal conspiracy, more than 10 thousand cubic meters were stolen. m of forest (if in money, then this is more than 16 million rubles). Aleksey was sentenced only in 2013 to 5 years in prison, but later deadline replaced with a suspended sentence. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in 2016 also cancels this sentence due to:

Taking into account the decision of the European Court of Human Rights, which found in the investigation documents a violation of the right to a fair trial.

This caused a retrial, the court sentences all suspects to suspended sentences. And Kirovles is filing a claim for the recovery of 16 million rubles from Navalny, Opalev and Ofitserov as compensation for losses. But the Nikulinsky court decided to recover the amount of 2.1 million rubles.

Yves Rocher and Alisher Usmanov

Together with his brother Oleg, Alexei was charged in the Yves Rocher case. The company made claims against the brothers. The court proved guilt, Navalny fraudulently laundered money. At the end of 2014, Alexei was sentenced to 3.5 years of probation. And in 2017, the probationary period in the Yves Rocher case was extended for 1 year.

May 2017 - the beginning of the conflict with businessman Alisher Usmanov. He filed a lawsuit against the Anti-Corruption Foundation. A. Usmanov said that his honor and dignity were hurt. Also, Mr. Usmanov recorded a video message in which he responds to the accusations against him from the FBK and Navalny. Over 6 million people viewed this video in one day. And the second message to Alexei Navalny is pure criticism. Usmanov compares Alexei with Bulgakov's hero Sharikov.

Navalny and Shariy

Anatoly Shariy is a Ukrainian journalist who tried to earn a lot. Even in the casino he played in his youth, but he did not achieve success in this matter. But he excelled in journalism and brightly covered the events that took place in Ukraine since the end of 2013. But, apparently, with some of his phrases, he hooked Navalny. The politician reacted sharply to Shariy's statements.

This is where the struggle between the two bloggers began. Unfortunately for Alexei Anatolyevich, legal education did not help him in this conflict. Shariy covered Navalny's entire path to the presidency in his video publications. But the path was short, Alexey very quickly fell out of the race due to the fact that a significant part of his electorate are people under the age of 18 who do not have the right to vote. This is one of the facts that was ridiculed in numerous videos.

election race

In 2016, Alexey declares his desire to run for the presidential elections in Russia, which took place in March 2018. In numerous debates in which Navalny took part, the advantage was not on his side. Even his allies drove him into dead ends with their speeches, from which it was difficult to get out. K. Sobchak, who is also an oppositionist, as it turned out, is clearly not on Alexei's side.

In 2016, the Russian Supreme Court overturned the verdict in the Kirovles case. This gave Navalny the opportunity to take part in the elections. But in 2017, the court returned a guilty verdict. Alexey officially dropped out of the election race, although he tried to continue the fight.

rallies in support

"March of burrs", "Children's battalion" - as soon as they do not name the electorate of A. A. Navalny. Although, if you look closely, you can understand that there are many people of various age categories in his support group: from high school students and students to pensioners.

Alexey invites his supporters to rallies quite often, but sometimes events end in dispersal and arrests. The reason is banal - any demonstration must be coordinated with the local authorities, who set the date, place and time of the event. There were cases when Alexei's supporters were satisfied with the date and time, but not with the place. It is quite possible that these were provocations on the part of opponents. And it turns out that the rally is illegal (after all, it is held not on the Arbat, for example, but on Tverskaya).