How much does it cost to study in the Netherlands. Visa regime for students. Dutch university rankings

Dutch universities for Ukrainians who know English well are the best choice among educational institutions of non-English speaking European countries. After all, it was the universities in the Netherlands that were the first to introduce English-language programs of study, which attracted a huge number of foreign students to the country. At the moment, the number of courses taught in English exceeds 2000.

If we talk about England or multilingual Switzerland, then in comparison with them, Dutch universities offer a much lower cost of education. At the same time, in terms of prestige and authority, the Dutch education is among the top five in Europe. In addition, almost all Dutch people speak English and German, which makes life much easier for all foreign students, including Ukrainians.


Despite the fact that about 70% of educational institutions are private, the state vigilantly monitors compliance with all requirements for education and training. Therefore, in the Netherlands it is almost impossible to change the status of an institution in the form of a polytechnic becoming a classical university, which is often noted in other countries.

You can get an education in Holland in three separate types of universities:

  • scientific universities (in our terms - classical);
  • universities of applied sciences, including various academies, higher schools, etc.;
  • international institutions of all levels of accreditation (business schools also fall into this category).

When a Ukrainian aims to get a specialty, especially in the technical field, then he will be completely satisfied with universities in Holland that fall under the gradation of universities of applied sciences. Their main requirements are:

  • complete secondary education;
  • age from 17 years;
  • good knowledge of English (German, Dutch) within TOEFL 550;
  • high grades in the certificate in mathematics (for engineering areas) or in core subjects.

To enter such universities in Holland, it is quite enough to graduate from high school in Ukraine. Preparation is needed only to improve the knowledge of a foreign language or additional study of any general educational discipline.

To enter a classical university in Holland, a Ukrainian school certificate will no longer be enough. A year of difference in the level of education will have to be made up for in the preparatory program or to study one course at a Ukrainian higher educational institution of the corresponding profile. In addition, scientific universities in the Netherlands do not accept if the applicant is under 18 years old.


In principle, it is not so difficult. The best part is that there are no entrance exams to universities in Holland, they can only invite you for an interview. But there is a competition of certificates, so a high average score will serve as a guarantee of admission.

The process itself is pretty standard:

  • fill out an application;
  • send a copy of the certificate with grades (translated and legalized);
  • a copy of the diploma or certificate of passing the exam for knowledge of a foreign language;
  • certificate of completion of the preparatory program or an extract from the university indicating the subjects studied (for scientific universities);
  • bachelor's degree with an insert (for a master's degree);
  • a copy of the international passport to check the age of the applicant;
  • receipt of payment of the registration fee (if any);
  • bank account number with deposit funds for study and accommodation.

Dutch universities often help foreign students with their visas. As soon as the educational institution gives confirmation of admission to study, the Ukrainian is invited to the embassy for paperwork. As a rule, the procedure does not take much time.


The main difference between studying in the Netherlands is that you can retake the course you have already taken. This is not considered unusual for this country. That while getting an education at school, that during their studies at a university, the average Dutchman can easily stay for the second year if the program turned out to be difficult for him or some subjects were not sufficiently studied or understood.

Regarding the gradation of programs and degrees awarded, they are usual for Europe:

  • bachelor's degree - 3 years at a scientific and 4 years at a technical university;
  • magistracy - up to 2 years;
  • PDEng - 2 years;
  • PhD - 4 years.


The most prestigious and famous of them is the University of Amsterdam. This public educational institution was founded in 1632. At the moment, it is recognized as the largest scientific and educational institution in the country. It is regularly included in the TOP 50-100 best universities in the world, according to all ratings, it ranks 15th in Europe. Offers a wide range of study programs, including English language courses.

Delft University of Technology, the oldest Dutch technical institution, received worldwide recognition, in 2018 it outstripped the University of Amsterdam in the international ranking. His programs in architecture, computer science, mathematics, engineering, and technology management are highly rated.

In engineering and technical areas, it is only slightly inferior to Eindhoven University of Technology, which is also among the top five universities.

It is impossible to talk about the universities of Holland without mentioning the oldest educational institution in the country, Leiden University, founded in 1575. Among its graduates there are 16 Nobel laureates, 40 research centers operate under it. All this provides him with the best positions in any rankings.

Slightly fewer Nobel Prize winners at Utrecht University, which is a little “younger” than Leiden University, since it was opened in 1636. But it also does not stop there, it constantly develops and does not leave the TOP of the most prestigious universities in the Netherlands.

Studying in the Netherlands is a reliable way to get a prestigious international diploma, build a successful career and connect your life with one of the most prosperous countries in Europe. Universities in Holland are famous for their wide choice educational programs in English. According to official data, in 2019 foreign students are offered over 2100 similar courses. In addition, most Dutch people speak English fairly well.

Depending on the citizenship of a foreigner, the cost of higher education in Holland differs significantly. If for Europeans this amount is several thousand euros per year, then students from the CIS countries, for example, Russians and Ukrainians, need to calculate in the amount of 6-8 thousand euros and above, depending on the university and direction. However, these investments are highly likely to pay off in the subsequent employment or opening your own business in the Netherlands or another EU country.

Dutch universities with enviable regularity occupy high positions in various international rankings. For example, according to the version QS World University Rankings 2019 the TOP-200 best higher education institutions in the world include 9 universities in Holland, 3 of which are in the first hundred. The most prestigious is Delft University of Technology, which occupies the 52nd line of the ranking. In some fields of study, for example, in design and art, Dutch universities are world leaders.

The quality of education, long-standing traditions and relatively affordable tuition fees attract a large number of foreigners to the Netherlands every year. According to official data, students in Dutch universities today over 90 thousand students from abroad, including more than 22 thousand - are representatives of countries outside the EU. Mostly young people choose economic and engineering specialties.

The higher education system in Holland

    Research Universities (Universiteit). Aimed at providing general academic education based on research programs. In total, the country operates 14 universities of this type, where more than 240 thousand students study. Learning programs:

    • Bachelor ( 3 years).
    • Master ( 1-2 years).
    • Doctor ( 2 years).
    • Academic degree ( 4 years).
  1. Universities of Applied Sciences (Hogescholen). Provide professional training in specific areas. The training programs are designed for the practical application of knowledge in the field of healthcare, economics, technical sciences, education, art, and agriculture. About 446 thousand students study in 37 universities Applied Sciences Holland. Learning programs:

    • Bachelor ( 4 years).
    • Master ( 1-2 years).

In addition to the two main categories of universities mentioned above, there are institutes of international education and other specialized educational institutions in the Netherlands, including private ones, where training programs for foreigners are available.

The teaching methodology in the universities of Holland is built on the simultaneous combination of independent studies and effective teamwork, the main goal is to unleash the student's creative potential and ability to think critically. One of the distinguishing features of the Dutch higher education system is the scale for assessing students' knowledge. Universities in the Netherlands apply 10 point system.

The academic year is divided into two semesters:

  • autumn ( September-January);
  • spring ( February-June).

Each higher education institution in the Netherlands sets its own requirements for foreign students upon admission. For example, for some specialties there are special quotas, especially in popular destinations - medicine, economics, business. Sometimes you need to additionally pass an interview or pass exams. Therefore, for accurate information, definitely, you should contact the university directly, where the conditions for enrollment will be indicated in more detail.

Application deadlines may also vary depending on the university and the student's nationality. Applications are usually accepted until May 1st. Do not forget that foreigners from third countries, including Russia and Ukraine, will need to open a visa and apply for a residence permit in Holland. All this must be considered and planned in a timely manner.

There is a special resource for choosing a suitable program for studying in Holland - Here you can set the language of instruction you are interested in, the city, the name of the university, the area of ​​​​knowledge and much more. Also, to apply, you will most likely need to register on the website. We repeat, a more specific mechanism and procedure will be prompted only by representatives of the educational institution.

Basic requirements for admission to a Dutch university

  1. High school diploma or high school diploma from your home country. Checking the recognition of foreign diplomas in Holland is carried out on this resource - Often, citizens of the post-Soviet space for successful enrollment are better off studying at a domestic university minimum 1-2 years.

  2. Knowledge of the language. For admission to a course taught in English, you need to provide proof in the form of a passed test. The following certificates are usually accepted:

    • IELTS
    • TOEFL
    • Cambridge English

Very often, Dutch universities offer foreign students to take special preparatory courses for 1 year. This will allow you to properly prepare for studying in Holland, improve your language skills and, in general, give you more chances to enter.

Tuition fees in Dutch universities depend on the institution, specialty and nationality of the student. For foreigners from the countries of the post-Soviet space, this amount starts from 2 thousand euros, and on average varies from 6 to 20 thousand euros per year, for some areas, for example, medical, the cost can reach 30 thousand euros. At the same time, many students from abroad are provided with scholarships and grants, and there are exchange programs.

For example, since 2015, 18 Dutch universities have been offering talented Russian students participation in a scholarship program Orange Tulip. Over 60 scholarships are available for the 2019/2020 academic year in areas such as economics, medicine, business administration, law, social sciences, technology and the humanities. Read more.

It is believed that in comparison with other European countries, the cost of student life in Holland is relatively comfortable. In any case, depending on the city and personal needs, you need to calculate the amount at least 1000-1500 euros per month. For example, in Amsterdam, housing will cost more. On average, for renting a room in private, you will have to pay about 500 euros, food expenses from 300 euros.

In most cases, students from the CIS countries will need to take out private health insurance, and this will be a prerequisite for employment. Price about 100 euros per month but you can get a discount. It is allowed to earn extra money no more than 10 hours a week, for this you need a special work permit in Holland.

Studying at a Dutch university helps many foreign students to successfully integrate into the local society and obtain a Dutch passport in the future.

Top Universities in Holland

University of Amsterdam

One of the largest educational institutions not only in Holland, but also in Europe. In various international rankings, it occupies the highest positions among all Dutch universities. Founded in 1632. Today, over 31 thousand students study at the University of Amsterdam, up to 10% of which are foreigners. The educational process is provided by about 5 thousand employees.

The structure of the university includes 7 faculties, several campuses, a university college, a medical center, a large library, a sports complex and museums. The University of Amsterdam actively cooperates with educational institutions from all over the world and many well-known companies. More than 150 courses are presented in English, including in the fields of economics, law, medicine, humanities and social sciences. The average cost of education for foreign students is 12.6 thousand euros per year.

Official website of the University of Amsterdam -

Delft University of Technology (Delft University of Technology)

The university occupies a leading position in the Netherlands in the preparation of qualified technical specialists and is one of the most prestigious in the country. The history of the educational institution begins in 1842, although the modern name was registered only in 1986.

More than 20 thousand students study at the University of Delft, including foreigners of more than 100 nationalities. The teaching and administrative staff is represented by more than 4,600 employees.

The structure of the university consists of 8 faculties, a research school, 3 institutes, modern sports facilities and libraries. There is an opportunity to study in the field of civil engineering, architecture, industrial design and other technical sciences. More than 40 programs are presented in English. On average, the cost of education for foreign students is 14.5 thousand euros per year.

Official website of the Delft University of Technology -

Utrecht University (University of Utrecht)

The prestigious and one of the oldest universities in Europe was founded in 1636. Closes the top three universities in the Netherlands. Among the graduates and staff of the educational institution there are 12 Nobel laureates.

By the way, the famous BBC channel made the city of Utrecht one of the 5 happiest places to live. Currently, about 6,700 employees of Utrecht University, including 550 professors, provide the educational process for more than 30,000 students.

The university has a modern infrastructure, including 7 faculties, two colleges, schools, a cultural center, a museum, a botanical garden and a sports complex. A wide range of courses includes the fields of law, economics, natural, social and human sciences, medicine. Foreign students have access to programs in English. The university actively cooperates with other educational institutions of the world, industrial companies and government agencies. The average cost of education for foreign students is from 10 to 21.1 thousand euros per year.

Official website of Utrecht University -

The dream of studying in Europe is quite feasible: you can get an education in the Netherlands. Dutch higher education institutions annually host thousands of young people from all over the world. After all, this country is a recognized cultural, commercial and scientific world center.

Typical narrow street in Amsterdam

The universities of Holland have a well-deserved high reputation, and the received diploma guarantees an excellent career and high earnings. After graduation, it will be possible to get a good one and stay to live in this country.

Dutch higher education institutions are constantly looking for new and effective teaching methods. A striking example of this is the "Problem-Based Learning" method. He allowed students to fully reveal their natural talents and abilities, endowing them with creative thinking and the ability to solve complex problems.

The constant cooperation of the teaching staff with students teaches teamwork, allowing you to broaden your horizons and improve professional skills.

Studying in the Netherlands immerses you in an international atmosphere, because people come here for knowledge from all over the world. In percentage terms with the Dutch, it's about 50/50.

The building of the University of Amsterdam

Students have the opportunity to get acquainted with a variety of cultures, traditions and languages, and most importantly, they learn to coexist with others, unlike them, people in peace and harmony.

The favorable tax climate allows foreign businessmen to open their offices here. It becomes possible to take an internship in such companies in the Netherlands and make the necessary contacts for further work.

An important factor is cost. Education in Holland is low compared to other universities in Europe.

For a year of life, a student will have to pay 10,000 euros, along with food and insurance.

The payment for master's and bachelor's programs is compensated by the government of the country, and the student must pay 1,906 euros per year. If a student is from a non-EU country, a bachelor's degree will cost 5-8 thousand euros per year, and a master's degree will cost 7-8.
In addition, Dutch universities provide scholarships that make tuition even cheaper and are able in many cases to pay for the additional costs of their students.

The central geographical and economic position of Holland makes it the gateway to such European countries as, and. Studying in Holland will allow you to enjoy all the sights of these states.

Programs and required documents

Before choosing a particular study program and submitting documents, you should familiarize yourself with the list of requirements that include academic knowledge, which includes English, for which a corresponding certificate is issued.

The next step will be the choice of the type of educational institution, of which there are two in Holland - higher and university. The first is more highly specialized training than the second.
Having chosen a particular university and program, you will need to familiarize yourself with the requirements and deadlines for submitting documents. All the above actions are carried out on the website of the educational institution, scanned papers are uploaded there and an application is submitted.

Studying in the Netherlands will require the following paperwork:

  1. International passport.
  2. Attestation certificate and/or USE result translated into English or Dutch. When applying before graduation from school, an official document is submitted indicating the deadlines for obtaining a matriculation certificate and listing the main subjects with intermediate grades.
  3. A letter explaining the reason for choosing this particular university and this program, describing plans for the future and a story about yourself.
  4. Resume, which indicates all the contacts and data of the educational institution or place of work.
  5. Language proficiency certificates.
  6. Birth certificate (apostilled) - original. In some cases, a copy is allowed.

What is required of students

Studying in the Netherlands provides for monitoring progress and submitting a report on this to the immigration service annually. In order to keep the opportunity to continue their studies, the student must complete half of the workload that was supposed to be learned in a year of study.

If there is any problem that interferes with the planned workload, it should be immediately reported to the mentors or facilitators. This will allow you to continue your studies next year.

The reasons may be:

  1. Serious illnesses.
  2. Exceptional family circumstances.
  3. Student pregnancy.
  4. Disorders - physical, sensory and functional.
  5. Fulfillment of serious assignments at the university.

It must be borne in mind that not all the education system in Holland allows you to stay with 50% of the knowledge gained. There are universities with standards reaching 70%.

Information about scholarships and grants

Education in the Netherlands provides for various financial assistance in the form of scholarships and grants, which can be found through the Grantfinder service that exists for these purposes. Here are the main types:

  • OTS is a program for talented Russian students in the fields of: economics, business, international finance, MBA, art, law, medicine and a number of others;
  • EM is intended for young talents who have studied for four years, who can continue their studies in other European countries;
  • "Global Education" - a Russian scholarship paid to students who themselves entered a foreign university;
  • HS is assigned to students residing in countries that are not part of the European Economic Area.

Visa regime for students

To be able to get a higher education in Holland, Russians need.

Tilburg Academic University in Holland

They are short-term - for three months, as well as long-term and with a residence permit.
To obtain a long-term visa, you need to contact an educational institution to expedite the procedure. After that, it will also be possible to make a request for, since the student himself will not be able to do this.

The local municipality conducts registration of newcomers who wish to receive higher education.
Any type of visa requires personal presence at the time of application to the Dutch representation located in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

You can apply for permission to enter the country without being present in person if you have two Schengen visas received within the last three years.

University mediation involves the simultaneous acquisition of:

The mediation of the university does not end there: it has the right to apply for the arrival of relatives of its student.
For a short stay in the Netherlands, for example, in order to study English, a short-term visa or a Schengen visa is issued.
List of required papers:

  • First page of the passport plus personal information;
  • Confirmation of the availability of the necessary funds. This may be a letter from the university on the provision of financial assistance, a bank statement with 10,250 euros of the student or sponsor on the account, indicating all the details;
  • Two photos taken in passport format with dimensions of 35*45 mm;
  • Documentary evidence of rented or purchased housing.

Additionally, a questionnaire is attached and a form confirming the reliability, filled in in English.

A sample of filling out an application form for obtaining a student visa MVV to Holland

A certificate from a medical institution of a certain form must also be submitted.

Every year, about 50,000 foreigners come to the Netherlands to become students of Dutch universities. People from all over the world are attracted by the opportunity to visit this amazing country and, of course, get a truly high-quality education at reasonable prices. Studying and living in this country have many advantages.

The cost of studying at universities in the Netherlands much lower than in the US and most other European countries. On average, a year of study will cost between 6,000 and 17,000 euros, depending on the chosen specialty. Meanwhile, the quality of education is not inferior to the most famous British and American universities.

The Dutch education system receives comprehensive support and financial subsidies from the state. Thanks to this, students of Dutch universities study in well-equipped educational institutions with equipped classrooms, libraries and laboratories. At the University of Holland there is always a student cafe or canteen, where food prices are much lower than in city institutions.

Admission without exams in most Dutch universities makes this country especially attractive for foreign students. To enroll in almost all universities in the Netherlands, a certificate, a motivation letter and the results of the international English language exam IELTS / TOEFL are enough. Passing scores are considered to be 5.0 for IELTS and 65 for TOEFL when entering a bachelor's program and not lower than 6.0 and 80 points, respectively, for a master's degree.

There are no entrance exams as such in Dutch universities, only for admission to some faculties it may be necessary to pass an entrance test in a specialized subject. For example, the faculties of economics and finance require the applicant to have excellent knowledge of mathematics and, consequently, passing the test in this discipline. The rule of admission without exams also does not apply to those wishing to acquire a creative profession - artists, designers and musicians are waiting for a creative competition.

Most of the inhabitants of the Netherlands speak excellent international English, which makes the daily stay in Holland as comfortable and attractive as possible in the eyes of foreign students. Thanks to the widespread use of English in the country, shopping, going to the doctor and communicating in other public places will not seem difficult.

Finally, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which has a convenient geographical position, can become a starting point for many students to travel to neighboring countries in their free time. After all, the state borders on Germany and Belgium, and the North Sea connects it with Great Britain, Denmark and Norway. By high-speed train, you can quickly get to different parts of Europe - 2.5 hours to Brussels and 3 hours to the heart of France - Paris. And this means that student life can be even more eventful and full of vivid impressions.

Features of education in the Netherlands

Higher education institutions in the Netherlands have inherited a lot from the British education system. Education at a Dutch university is focused on developing practical skills for students and obtaining specialized knowledge in their chosen field. The peculiarity of Dutch education lies in its interactive nature. With this approach, the student in the process of studying interacts not only with teachers, but also performs joint work with other students. Pair and group projects, presentations, games that reproduce real communicative situations - all this allows students to acquire the skills of communication and business dialogues long before they start working, and also helps to form their own opinion and develop creative thinking.

Upon completion of studies at any Dutch university, the student becomes the owner of a diploma that is recognized around the world. Such a document on higher education becomes a pass to a highly paid job in a specialty in a prestigious company in any country.

Universities in the Netherlands

All universities in the Netherlands are divided into two types:

  • research universities
  • universities of applied sciences

Research Universities (Universiteiten)

In Holland there are 18 research, or otherwise called - classical, universities. These are prestigious educational institutions of world importance, in which special attention is paid to the study of the humanities. In teaching at the classical university of Holland, a predominantly theoretical approach is used. Students conduct active research activities under the guidance of experienced teachers, work on writing analytical articles and essays and have extensive theoretical knowledge.

Classical universities offer training programs:

  • undergraduate - 3 years
  • magistracy - 1-2 years
  • doctoral studies - 4 years

Universities of Applied Sciences (Hogescholen)

Universities of applied sciences train specialists in a narrowly focused area. Education in them is focused directly on obtaining a profession. Therefore, practical training and internships are an important part of the curriculum, both in Dutch companies and in international enterprises whose offices are located outside the Netherlands.

Universities of Applied Sciences offer training in the following programs:

  • undergraduate - 4 years
  • magistracy - 1-2 years

Dutch university ranking

Many higher education institutions in the Netherlands are included in the TOP of the world's best universities. So, in 2014-2015, the World University Rankings, prepared by the British edition of Times Higher Education (THE), included 10 Dutch universities, 6 of which were in the top hundred. In 2017-2018, 13 universities of the Netherlands were already in the ranking, 7 entered the top hundred.

university Position in 2016-2017 Position in 2017-2018
University of Amsterdam 63 59
Delft University of Technology 59 63
Wageningen University and Research Center 65 64
Leiden University 77 67
Utrecht University 86 68
Erasmus University Rotterdam 69 72
University of Groningen 80 83
Maastricht University 94 103
Radboud University Nijmegen 121 122
Eindhoven University of Technology 177 141
VU University Amsterdam 156 165
University of Twente 153 179
Tilburg University 198 195

How to get into a Dutch university

Flexible admission rules allow Russian applicants to study on the basis of a certificate of complete secondary education and the results of an international language exam. However, in case of insufficient knowledge of English or Dutch for admission, it may be necessary to take preparatory courses, the purpose of which is to replenish the language knowledge of the applicant and adapt him to further education at a Dutch university.

Most of the universities in the Netherlands start accepting applications before the beginning of May. Often, by this time, Russian schoolchildren do not yet have a certificate in their hands. In this case, a delay in its presentation is provided, but a certificate from the school with the date of the forthcoming issue of the document may be required.

Education and work

Students at a Dutch university have the right to request permission to work part-time by receiving a letter from the university or directly from the employer. At the same time, the number of working hours per week should not exceed 10 and affect academic performance. During the summer holidays, it is allowed to work an unlimited amount of time.

After completing their studies, a graduate of a Dutch university has the right to extend his stay in the country for a year in order to look for work. By contacting the Dutch migration service, he will receive the status of a qualified migrant and a residence permit with the right to work. A year later, you must confirm this status and prove the availability of work. Otherwise, he will be obliged to leave the country.

Despite its relatively small area, the Kingdom of the Netherlands is one of the most economically powerful countries in the world. It is not for nothing that the central offices and headquarters of large international companies such as Philips, Sony, Heineken, Microsoft are located in Holland. The experience of living in this country and having a diploma of higher education obtained in the Netherlands will undoubtedly be a profitable investment in a successful career at the international level.

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Orange bikes, high salaries and poor students

Last year I entered a Dutch university.

Kirill Noskov

went to study in the Netherlands

Higher education in the Netherlands is considered prestigious: all 13 public universities are in the world top 200, and the country's educational system ranks eighth in the world. There are many programs in English and they are cheaper than in the US or UK.

But living in the Netherlands is expensive. Before studying, I planned every weekend to get out to some European city, go to museums and spend the night in a hotel on the banks of the Seine. The plan did not work: there is only enough money for rare trips around the country, and you have to spend the night at McDonald's, Starbucks or at the station. In the Netherlands, this is a familiar sight: students are poor and save on everything - housing, food, entertainment.

But first things first.

How to apply to a Dutch university

The Netherlands has a two-tier system of higher education. First, students receive a bachelor's degree, then a master's degree. Studying for a bachelor's degree takes 3-4 years, for a master's degree - 1-2 years.

Bachelor's students are accepted immediately after school: there are enough results of the Unified State Examination or a certificate from the school that you are passing it this year - the results themselves can be sent later. Only sometimes, in the coolest universities, they first ask you to unlearn a year at a university in your homeland or take preparatory courses.

Entrance exams in specialized subjects are rare here. Some universities ask you to take math tests to study as an economist or financier. Sometimes they offer to pass an interview if there is a big competition for the program, or to collect a portfolio if the specialty is creative. The only thing that is required for admission to all universities is the results of tests in the language of instruction - English or Dutch.

Most often, studies begin in September, but there are also February sets for undergraduate studies. Non-EU students need to submit documents at least three months before the start of their studies - this is how long universities issue a student visa.

Teaching in English

You don't need to know Dutch to study in the Netherlands. Local universities are trying to attract more foreign students, so they translate programs from Dutch into English and German. There are already more than two thousand English-language programs in the Netherlands - in almost all specialties. Only doctors and lawyers have to study Dutch.

6 points

the minimum level of English on the IELTS scale required for admission to a Dutch university

But you need to know English well. All Dutch universities accept IELTS and TOEFL test results, and in some places also the Cambridge test. The minimum level for a bachelor's degree is 6 points on the IELTS scale. If you score 5 points, you will be asked to learn the language on your own or offered to take preparatory courses at the university itself. It is best to prepare for the test with the help of specialized courses, where they analyze the tasks of past years.

How to choose a university and program

The main source of information about studying in the Netherlands is the website of the Nuffik-neso state organization, which promotes Dutch education in other countries. The main site is in English and Dutch, but the Russian branch also has its own Russian site. Before entering a Dutch university, it is better to learn it by heart, because local education has many nuances.

There are two main types of universities in the Netherlands: classical research universities, and universities of applied sciences, universities of applied sciences. Research is more focused on the scientific training of students, applied - on the practical. The level of education in them differs slightly, but still, when they talk about the universities of the Netherlands, they mean the classic ones - Amsterdam, Leiden, Utrecht. They participate in international rankings.

Universities of applied sciences compete with each other within the country and do not climb into international rankings. Studying in them is not as prestigious as in classical ones, but it is also easier to do so. If you then go to work, then there is almost no difference. But if you want big science, then the university of applied sciences is not enough: you need a classical master's degree, and then a PhD program, an analogue of Russian postgraduate studies.

The nuances are not limited to the type of university. Universities differ in specialties, prices, deadlines for submitting documents, scholarships. Some help to rent the first room, others do not, and still others have a hostel. There are also those where part of the training takes place abroad.

It's best to sort this out beforehand. If you enter the first university you come across just because it is Dutch, then it is easy to be disappointed. The service "Nuffik-neso" - "Stadifinder" helps to choose a program.

My university

My university, ArtEZ is a university of applied sciences, which specializes in creative specialties: design, music, fine arts. Inside the Netherlands, it is considered cool, and five programs are the best in the country.

The faculties of the university are located in three cities: Arnhem, Zwolle and Enschede. I study in Enschede, at the art academy ArtEZ AKI. There are four universities in the city, 26 out of 158 thousand residents study in one of them.

My program is undergraduate Cross-Media Design. It is still difficult to say who I am studying for. I organize photo shoots, shoot on film, make ceramic dishes, make up booklets, edit videos. The academy prepares fighters who can do everything, and choose their specialization later.

But first of all, they teach independence. At the beginning of the day, students receive assignments, at the end they present their work and receive feedback. At the end of the semester, students organize exhibitions of their work and receive grades for the semester. The commission evaluates both the result and how the students received it. For example, the next semester I was forbidden to use a computer: I got so used to it at home that I did almost everything in graphic editors, and this narrows my horizons.

At the academy, I feel free. Students here live more than study: they drink beer, order pizza. At the beginning of my studies, my fellow students convinced me to change the color of my hair and dyed it gray with a purple tint right in the class.

How much does study cost

Higher education in the Netherlands is paid. The cost of the program depends on the specialty, university, city and citizenship of the student.

Students who do not have the citizenship of an EU country pay the most. For them, a bachelor's degree costs 7-15 thousand euros per year, a master's degree - 8-25 thousand euros, an MBA - 13-40 thousand euros.

525 000 R

per year I pay for tuition at ArtEZ AKI

Studying in Amsterdam and Utrecht is more expensive than in small towns like Enschede. For example, studying business at the University of Applied Sciences in Venlo costs 7,500 € per year (525,000 R), while in Amsterdam it is already 8,000 € (560,000 R).

Research university programs are more expensive than programs at universities of applied sciences. For example, an MBA at the University of Amsterdam costs 37,000 € per year, while at the Hanse University of Applied Sciences in Groningen it costs only 14,000 €.

The Dutch and EU citizens also pay tuition fees, but much less. For them, a year of study at any state university costs about 2,000 € (140,000 R) - the rest of the universities are compensated by the state. This amount does not depend on the program.

40 000 €

the maximum fee for a year of study at a Dutch university

For my design program, I pay 7,500 € per year (525,000 R). In addition, I spend about 150 € per month (10,000 R) on paper and other materials. These are additional costs - they are not included in the cost of the program. In different universities, these costs are different - depending on the specialty, students have to pay for textbooks, uniforms, university services for organizing internships and company tours. For the academic year, it runs 1000-1500 €.

You can pay less for your studies if you get a scholarship or grant. Another Nuffik-neso service, Grantfinder, helps to pick them up.

student visa

To study in the Netherlands without EU citizenship, you need a student visa. Universities issue it for their students - it will not work on their own.

Before applying for a visa, universities want to make sure that the student has enough money to live in the Netherlands. To do this, they ask to transfer to the bank account of the university the amount that is enough for a year of life in the country according to the calculations of the immigration service - 10,400 € (728,000 R). After the student arrives in the Netherlands and opens an account with a local bank, the university transfers this amount back to him.

10 400 €

a deposit that must be transferred to the university upon admission. When you apply for a visa, arrive and open an account in a local bank, get this amount back

After checking the solvency, the university requests the student's visa documents and sends them to the Dutch Immigration Service. There, an entry visa and a permit to stay in the country are issued for the student.

An entry visa, or MVV visa, is a sticker affixed to your passport at the nearest Dutch embassy. An MVV visa costs 321 € (22,470 R) and is valid for three months.

During this time, you need to come to the Netherlands, go to the immigration office and get permission to stay in the country, or a VVR visa. This is a plastic card with which you can live in the Netherlands and travel around the Schengen countries. It is issued for the entire period of study plus three months, but no more than five years.

If you have received a student visa, you need to study, otherwise it will be revoked. Universities monitor the progress of foreign students and report it to the immigration office every year. If a student passes less than half of the credits by the end of the year without a valid reason, the visa is revoked.

Another document that is needed to live legally in the Netherlands is the social security number, or BSN. It is issued by the local municipality after you receive a residence permit and find accommodation.

Medicine and insurance

In addition to the visa, non-EU students are required to take out two insurances: health insurance and liability insurance. The university can advise on options, but you will have to choose and buy insurance yourself.


There are not so many leisure options in Enschede: bars, restaurants, cinemas, several museums. To dance or drink, people gather in popular places in the city center.

On weekdays, there is almost no time for entertainment: I arrive at the academy by 9 am and stay there until 7 pm. During breaks I have lunch, drink coffee and communicate with the guys from the group and from other faculties. After school, no one goes for a walk: everyone works on additional projects and homework.

At home I used to go out on Fridays, but in Enschede students go to clubs and bars on Thursdays. At first it seems strange, because on Friday, study. But on Friday after classes, the Dutch are already leaving for their hometowns and they have no time for bars.

On Saturdays, fairs and festivals are held in the city. On Sundays the streets are empty, shops and bars are closed.

Cannabis drugs are legally sold in the Netherlands. They are bought and consumed in specially designated places - coffee shops. Light drugs are mainly taken by first-year students and migrants. I got used to the smell of marijuana on the street.

Once every 2 weeks I go to the big cities of the Netherlands and neighboring Germany - I walk, see the sights, go to exhibitions and take pictures.

From time to time, concerts of famous musicians are organized in the Netherlands. In October, I bought tickets for Lady Gaga, but the concert was postponed due to the singer's illness, so I returned the money and bought tickets for Khalid in February for 35 € (2450 R). Tickets for concerts of popular artists are sold out very quickly: there were no seats left for Kendrick Lamar in 2 hours.

What is the result

In my opinion, the Netherlands is the most comfortable country for living in Western Europe. There is a high standard of living and educated people. A rational approach is felt everywhere - in the organization of space, transport, education, legislation.

In the Netherlands, it is customary to allow people to do what they do anyway, so from the outside it seems that there are prostitutes, drug addicts and gays all around. In fact, people here just do what they love and do not climb into other people's lives.

The Dutch are honest, friendly and straightforward. For the first six months I lived without a mobile phone, but they did not refuse to call me or show me the way. At the university, teachers communicate with students on an equal footing - they have lunch together, drink coffee, joke, wear tables for exhibitions and clean the classrooms.

Of course, there are also disadvantages: specific food, rainy weather and high prices even by European standards. And in the Netherlands, it's boring everywhere except Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The Dutch rarely rest until late at night, drink little, and spend holidays with their families. It is good to study, work and raise children in the Netherlands, and it is better to go on vacation to Portugal or Spain.

Room rental

590 € (41 300 R)

Meals and miscellaneous expenses

200 € (14 000 R)


100 € (7000 R)

Mobile communication and Internet

10 € (700 R)

Total per month

1800 € (126 000 R)

The first months, the expenses are above average, because you need to buy furniture, dishes, detergents and other small things. But during the holidays, you can save on studying and renting a room - if you go home and rent it to someone else.