First Caucasian channel. PIK - First Informational Caucasian. Documentaries - Occupation

    First Caucasian Railway Battalion- THE FIRST CAUCASUS RAILWAY BATTALION, formed 8 MRT. 1906 from two companies of the 4th reserve. well. d. b on, formed on July 12, 1905 from the personnel company of the 4th f. d. b on, one company demobilized after Russian. Japanese war 2nd res. wish… … Military Encyclopedia

    First Caucasian Cossack Cavalry Artillery Battalion- THE FIRST CAUCASIAN COSSACK HORSE ARTILLER. DIVIZION, Second Kuban. Cossack she received her last name on May 24, 1894, she does not have an established elder and comes from number 11 con. b river Chernomor. Cossack troops, formed on July 1, 1842 from people ... Military Encyclopedia

    First Caucasian Mortar Artillery Battalion- THE FIRST CAUCASIAN MORTAR ARTILLER. DIVISION, received its name in 1910. Both of its breeches are older on October 1. 1895 and come from the then formal 1st and 2nd bray of the 7th mortar. art. a shelf … Military Encyclopedia

    First Caucasian Sapper Battalion- THE FIRST CAUCASUS ENGINEER BATTALION, formed on 15 snt. 1818 at the department. Georgian. to this department. mouth: pioneer under V. Gruzin. road, which existed since 1816, and the pioneer separately. Georgian. to sa, which existed since 1817. Initially, but ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    First Caucasian Rifle Artillery Battalion- THE FIRST CAUCASUS SHOOTER ARTILLER. DIVISION. He received his name in 1910. The first brother has a senior on April 2. 1874 and comes from the then uniform 6th bray 39th art. br dy. Differences: 1) marks on the goal. kill with inscription: For distinction ... ... Military Encyclopedia

    First Caucasian Rifle Regiment (Field Marshal Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich)- FIRST CAUCASIAN SHOOTER, gene. Field Marshal Vel. Prince Mikhail Nikolaevich, Col. See Caucasian rifle regiments ... Military Encyclopedia

    First Information Caucasian- PIK TV channel "First Information Caucasian" Country ... Wikipedia

    Caucasian Regional Committee of the RCP(b)- Caucasian Regional Committee of the RCP (b) [KKK RCP (b)], the highest regional party body; formed at the 1st Congress of the Bolshevik organizations of the Caucasus region, held in Tbilisi on October 2‒7 (15‒20), 1917. The KKK RCP (b) led the communist ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    First Kotlyakovsky Lane- Moscow general information MoscowRussia Country Russia City Moscow District ... Wikipedia

    First Kotlyakovsky passage- First Kotlyakovsky pereulok Moscow General information Okrug SAD Length 1.2 km Moskvorechye district Saburovo (No. 1, 1а (p. 1 3), 3 (p. 1 5), 5 (p. 1 6), 13 (p. 1) 10), 15 (p. 1, 2, 5) and 2 (p. 1 6), 6 (p. 1 6), 12 (p. 1, 2, 5, 6), ... ... Wikipedia


  • Caucasian collection. Volume 1 (33) , . The first volume of the renewed edition of the Caucasian collections basically repeats the structure of the predecessor edition (1876-1912). Articles are grouped into sections History, Ethnology and cultural studies,… Buy for 918 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • Caucasian collection. Volume 1, . The first volume of the renewed edition of the "Caucasian Collections" basically repeats the structure of the predecessor edition (1876-1912). Articles are grouped into sections "History", "Ethnology and…

is a media project unique in the history of the Caucasus.

"First Information Caucasian" is a Georgian Russian-language TV channel that broadcast in 2010-2012. 70% of the channel consisted of news programs: news from Georgia, Russia and the world. According to a number of experts, the idea of ​​creating the TV channel belonged to Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Since January 15, 2010, the channel has been broadcasting via satellites of the French operator Eutelsat. After about two weeks, the broadcast stopped. According to some reports, this was due to the expiration of the trial period of broadcasting, according to others - the result of technical problems. The channel's management, claiming that Eutelsat was under pressure from Russia, sued Eutelsat in France, and lost the case against the operator of the leading European satellites in the Paris Commercial Court. David Smith, director of the Georgian Security Analysis Center and senior fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, described the conflict with Eutelsat as the result of Russian pressure with "the tacit assistance of the French government." Mikheil Saakashvili called the shutdown "a dangerous precedent for international political censorship."

On July 14, the channel was transferred to the management of the private company Key 1, which employs British journalists. The channel was allocated 7 million lari from the budget of Georgia, 4.7 million of which was received by Key 1. Until November 22, a rebranding was carried out and the channel was called the First Information Caucasian (PIK). On November 23 at 20.00 the first test broadcast of the TV channel took place. On January 1, 2011, full-fledged broadcasting resumed on the satellite of the Hot Bird @ E13' channel. At the end of June 2011, the channel's web portal was translated into English language in addition to Russian.

Channel PIK Georgia Video archive: First Information Caucasian

On October 20, 2012, shortly after the victory of the opposition in the parliamentary elections in Georgia, the PIK TV channel suspended broadcasting in Georgia, as the Georgian Public Television terminated the contract with it. As the Interfax agency noted, experts do not rule out that the cessation of PIK broadcasting is connected with a change of government in Georgia, which is not interested in anti-Russian propaganda.

Documentaries - Occupation

The PIK channel broadcasts full-length broadcasts from 7 am Tbilisi time in Russian from Tbilisi (Georgia). We broadcast from Hot Bird @ E13' satellite (Transponder: 65, receive frequency: 12015 MHz, Polarization: Linear horizontal (H), Symbol rate: 27500 MSym, FEC: 3/4) in the territory. The channel is managed by a private company LLC "Key 1" (K-1), established by Robert Parsons and Ekaterina Kotrikadze.

Posted on March 1, 2011 by Givi Ivanic

State Russian Agency international information RIA Novosti announced the holding on March 2 in the building of the agency of the Moscow-Tbilisi video bridge “The First Information Caucasian (PIK). Georgian News in Russian”.
The agency reports that “at the end of January 2011, Georgia announced the start of broadcasting of a new Russian-language information channel created in Tbilisi. Why did Georgia suddenly decide to speak Russian? Who, in the opinion of the founders of the TV channel, will become its viewers? What audience is the Russian-language Georgian TV channel aimed at in Turkey and Iran, as well as in other states? What new standards of journalism in the region does PIK plan to set? Will PIK become a reliable source of objective, timely and timely information, as stated in its concept? Why and who needs an additional Russian-language channel in the Russian North Caucasus?
Tbilisi will tell colleagues in Moscow about new standards of journalism CEO PIK Robert Parsons and head of PIK information service Yekaterina Kotrikadze.
As REGNUM reported earlier, PIK began broadcasting in January 2010. PIK offered a number of political programs: “The Price of the Issue” by Zurab Dvali, where topics of Caucasian politics, relations between the states of the region and the role of Russia in this space were discussed, “Without a statute of limitations” by Andrey Belyavsky, which spoke “about the crimes of the Soviet regime”, the program “Georgia with Oleg Panfilov", "History in the Faces" by Zurab Kipshidze about the pages in the history of Georgia associated with "the forcible deprivation of statehood and joining Russian Empire”, “Caucasian portrait” with the widow of Dzhokhar Dudayev Alla Dudayeva.
In an interview with the Georgian magazine "Tbiliselebi" in July 2009, Oleg Panfilov stated: "I want to say very frankly that I admire Vano Merabishvili, like most of the members of Saakashvili's team." In the fall of 2009, Panfilov moved from Moscow to Georgia to work there as a professor at the Chavchavadze University and, in his words, "the presenter of a program on the new Russian-language channel of the Public Television of Georgia." As Panfilov clarified in an interview with, the PIK is intended primarily not for the Georgian diaspora in Russia, but "for Russians who are interested in Georgia."
In an interview with the Lithuanian edition of, Panfilov explained in January 2010: “According to the Constitution, state-owned media are prohibited in Georgia, and First Caucasian is a public television that has three channels: 1 - socio-political, 2 - political, 3 - Russian-speaking ... "The publication reported:" The interlocutor did not deny that there is a political component in the creation of the channel, and it consists in the fact that Georgia has the right to talk about what is happening on its own territory ... Since August 2008, there have been banned from showing 6 federal channels of Russian television. They are excluded from cable networks. If someone has satellites, then no one will be able to forbid these people to watch Russian channels ... "I believe that the Georgian authorities have done exactly the right thing, just like they prohibit the sale of spoiled products in stores," O. Panfilov said. “The popularity of the channel is the exclusive merit of Russian propaganda,” he assured. — Because I didn’t even imagine such a huge number of links to the website of our channel. Sometimes even the most readable resources provide links to our television website. And this is especially important, since for the most part our television will be distributed via the Internet. The Russian media bosses themselves are to blame for this absurdity.”

Posted on January 13, 2011 by Givi Ivanic

Created on the basis of the Georgian Public Broadcaster (GPB), the Russian-language First Information Caucasian (PIK) channel intends to go on the air on January 25, the channel said in a message sent to RIA Novosti on Thursday.
The PIK channel was formed as a result of the rebranding of the First Caucasian TV channel, the broadcast of which was stopped from the beginning of 2010 via satellite.
The management of the TV company claims that PIK is a unique media project in the history of the Caucasus.
“The PIK channel is a Caucasian channel, but it will not be a local channel. We intend to present peace to the Caucasus, and the Caucasus to the world,” says PIK.
The TV channel intends to carry out a six-hour broadcast from 18.00 to 00.00 Moscow time in Russian from Tbilisi and will cover the territory of the South and North Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, of Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey and Iran. PIK will be aired from the Hot Bird @ E13' satellite, as well as online at
The PIK TV channel sets itself the goal of “showing the most interesting and least studied corners of the world, involving the peoples of the North and South Caucasus in the global information revolution, providing Caucasians with prompt, accurate, objective and timely information about events and stories that interest and excite them, and set new standards of journalism in the region".
According to the channel, it will offer a wide range of genres, including contemporary documentaries, history and art talk, discussion talk shows and studio TV magazines.
“The website of the PIK channel will give Caucasians an opportunity to raise topical issues that affect their lives. Among other things, the channel will become a forum for holding rulers accountable to ordinary citizens. The Internet strategy of Channel PIK is to make information a two-way process,” the TV channel reports.
To provide the most prompt and comprehensive information about world events, the channel's correspondent network is located in Baku, Yerevan, Moscow, Kyiv, Makhachkala, Ankara, Brussels, Washington, Vladikavkaz and Tehran.
"First Caucasian" began broadcasting on the Internet on January 4, 2010, and on January 15 - went to the French satellite Eutelsat. Two weeks later, the TV channel was disconnected from the satellite. Eutelsat explained this for technical reasons and suggested using alternatives. The Georgian side accused the company of violating contractual obligations and filed a lawsuit with the Paris Court, but on July 12 the lawsuit of the OVG was not satisfied.
In its lawsuit, the OVG asked for the restoration of the channel's broadcasting on the W7 satellite, which made it possible to watch the programs of the First Caucasian for residents of Russia and other CIS countries. The leadership of Georgia gave a political assessment to the disconnection of the First Caucasian from satellite broadcasting.
Simultaneously with the shutdown of the First Caucasian, it became known that the international space communications organization Inter-Sputnik signed an agreement with Eutelsat Communication to lease 16 transponders to Russia for a long-term lease.
In the early summer of 2010, a reorganization was announced on the First Caucasian TV channel, and the channel's broadcasting within Georgia was suspended.
In order to increase the flexibility and efficiency of management, in July 2010 the Board of Trustees of the OVG decided to transfer the right to manage the "First Caucasian" private company"K-1", founded by a British journalist, the general director of the channel Robert Parsons and the head of the information service of the channel Ekaterina Kotrikadze.

At the initiative of the TV company First Information Caucasian on Tuesday, January 25, at live a large-scale project “The President answers the questions of the people” will take place,” Manana Manjgaladze said at a briefing by the President of Georgia on Monday.

“The channel starts broadcasting from tomorrow, and they expressed a wish that the first guest was the country's President Mikheil Saakashvili,” Manjgaladze said. According to the press speaker, the live broadcast with the participation of the president will begin at 18:00 (17:00 Moscow time) - this will be an interactive project in which residents of all Georgia, as well as media representatives, can take part.

Questions to the President can be asked by phone or via the Internet (email: [email protected]). “Today and tomorrow, the information center of the project will operate, where questions will be received,” the press speaker noted.

The PIK channel, which is positioned as informational, educational and entertaining, will broadcast six hours (18.00 - 00.00 Moscow time) in Russian from Tbilisi (Georgia) and will cover the territory of the South and North Caucasus, Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Europe, Russia, Turkey and Iran.

A press conference dedicated to the start of broadcasting will take place on Monday, January 24, at 13:00 at the Europe House, and on Tuesday the channel will go on the air.

The PIK channel will be broadcast from the Hot Bird @ E13′ satellite (Transponder: 65, receive frequency: 12015 MHz, Polarization: Linear horizontal (H), Symbol rate: 27500 MSym, FEC: 3/4), as well as on online format on the electronic page

To provide the most prompt and comprehensive information about world events, the channel's correspondent network is located in Baku, Yerevan, Moscow, Kyiv, Makhachkala, Ankara, Brussels, Washington, Vladikavkaz and Tehran. The channel will offer a wide range of genres, including contemporary documentaries, history and art talk, discussion talk shows and studio TV magazines.

The first Caucasian information channel, created on the basis of the Georgian Public Broadcaster, began broadcasting on the Internet on January 4, 2010, and on January 15 it went to the French Eutelsat satellite. Two weeks later, the TV channel was disconnected from the satellite. Eutelsat explained this for technical reasons and offered to use alternative options. The Georgian side accused the company of violating contractual obligations and filed a lawsuit with the Paris Court, but the OVG's claim was not satisfied. The leadership of Georgia then gave a political assessment of the disconnection of the "First Caucasian" from satellite broadcasting.

In the early summer of 2010, a reorganization was announced on the First Caucasian TV channel. In order to increase the flexibility and efficiency of management, in July 2010 the Board of Trustees of the OVG decided to transfer the right to manage the First Caucasian to the private company K-1, the founders of which are the British journalist, the general director of the channel Robert Parsons and the head of the information service of the channel Ekaterina Kotrikadze .

The regime is rampant! Censorship is back. First, the genuinely independent, Congressional-funded Radio Liberty was forced to stop broadcasting on medium and short waves.

Now the notorious "hand of the Kremlin" has reached out to another island of democratic broadcasting - Georgia. Another truly independent channel, financed by the Georgian government, stopped satellite broadcasting - the First Information Caucasian TV channel (aka PIK). It is still available on the Internet, but probably not for long.

What was interesting about this channel? Well, the news was there. And quite expected - half of the "non-systemic opposition", the second half - news about democratic Georgia and its former mega-democratic President Saakashvili. Well, in general, like our news about ORT, only instead of Putin - Saakashvili.

Of course, this channel was full of all sorts of " analytical programs”, where only two topics were discussed - Russia as a world aggressor, which only does what it does to oppress neighboring democratic countries, and about the “opposition”, which is fighting the Bloody Regime. Well, the authors of these programs are well-known - Ksyusha Sobchak, Matvey Ganapolsky, Viktor Shenderovich, and of course, Oleg Panfilov. I have already written about this character (however, not only about him).

Like any self-respecting TV channel, there were also documentaries. For example, a whole cycle called "Occupation". Naturally, about how Russia over the course of a century captured various freedom-loving countries. It is strange that there was a film about the Anschluss of Austria by fascist Germany, apparently, it was still somehow inconvenient to shoot only about the Russian occupation.

Well, of course, the PIK channel did not forget about culture. For example, the program "Caucasian Portrait", which was led by the artist Alla Dudayeva, well-known throughout the democratic world. Here short description of this megaprogram: “Guests of the program: politicians, artists, musicians and just interesting people who contributed to the promotion of peace, goodness through their activities and creativity. "Caucasian portrait" shows the proximity of cultures Caucasian peoples their uniqueness, similarity and common interests. During the conversation, the presenter draws a portrait of the guest. True, this program has the same relation to culture as I do to ballet.

You can laugh, but there again they talk about the imperial policy of Russia. Most of the program is spoken by Alla's guests, and this is good, because Alla says only a few things “oh, how right you are”, “Dzhokhar spoke about this in the same way.” And he utters these remarks in such a quiet and sad voice that a little more, and I want to kill myself against the wall. In general, a bit of hell - how Alla met Dzhokhar Dudayev:

And, for a snack, - the only program on the PIK channel that you can watch is about deffka, which is mastering men's professions. However, without politics here, too, could not do. We are watching a program about the achievements of the Georgian military-industrial complex:
“Didgori-1, an armored vehicle created at the Tbilisi Tank Repair Plant. The development of the machine was completed in 2011. However, a blonde, even in an armored car, will pay attention to comfort. What is the difference between Didgori-1 and the Soviet BTR-80 was recognized by Christina Giorgobiani.
We look at the Georgian combat miracle machine: