famous generals. Great generals of Russia. As a conclusion


Russian commanders.

Major events in the history of mankind have something in common with military actions, and breakthroughs in science with the need to win. The greatest commanders of the world, such as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar and Alexander Suvorov, amazed the world with their military genius and personal qualities, and Napoleon Bonaparte and Hitler with their scale of thinking and organizational skills. Russia has always been famous for its military talents. Its commanders surprised their enemies with strategic decisions and invariably won. So today we bring you a list great commanders of Russia.

Great generals of Russia.

1. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.

An ingenious commander and a brilliant military theorist. An amazingly frail and sickly child, born in the family of a man distinguished by his erudition and energy, did not agree with his future in the civil service. He was constantly engaged in self-education and strengthening his own health. Historians speak of Suvorov as a commander who did not lose a single battle, with the enemy outnumbered.

2. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov.

The decisive and strong-willed commander won victories, despite the losses in his ranks, for which he was constantly condemned by critics. His strategy was characterized by active actions and counterattacks, in response to enemy operations. Having not received a specialized education, he comprehended the secrets of military art on his own, which, combined with natural talent, led to stunning results.

3. Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky.

His name includes the most important victory in life, which brought him huge posthumous popularity. The real politician of Kievan Rus and the legendary commander are closely intertwined in his image. Moreover, the attitude to his victory was not always unambiguous. He was canonized by the Orthodox Church.

4. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

His whole life was spent in the war. He, like Suvorov, did not believe that it was possible to lead from the rear. His personal merits brought not only awards, but also two head wounds, which doctors considered fatal. The restoration of the commander's combat capability was considered a sign from above, which was confirmed in the war with the French. The victory over Napoleon made the image of Kutuzov legendary.

5. Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky.

The son of a railway worker and a teacher was born in Poland and was left without parents at an early age. Attributing to himself a couple of years, he went to the front as a volunteer. He was distinguished by composure and the ability to correctly assess the situation, which more than once saved the situation. He had practically no military education, but he loved his job and had the appropriate talents.

6. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov.

With his light hand, the formation of the Black Sea Fleet began, its first traditions were born. Ushakov's baptism of fire was the Russian-Turkish war, which glorified him, thanks to his determination and ability to make extraordinary decisions. The tactics of maneuvers he created were completely different from the generally accepted ones, and helped to win even with a significant numerical superiority of the enemy. The great admiral was recently canonized. In the capital of Mordovia, the city of Saransk, a temple named after the Holy Righteous Warrior Feodor Ushakov was built.

7. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov.

Hero of the defense of Sevastopol. Of the five brothers who graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps, the only one who glorified his last name. He was distinguished by his love for military affairs and the sea. His passion was so strong that he forgot to get married and start a family. All the ships he commanded became exemplary over time, and his subordinates were infected with his love for the fleet.

8. Donskoy Dmitry Ivanovich.

It got its name in honor of the great Battle of Kulikovo, which became a turning point in relations between Kievan Rus and the Golden Horde. For services to the Fatherland and outstanding personal qualities, he was canonized as a saint.

9. Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev.

Despite numerous military merits, he always sought to avoid human casualties during military operations. He treated the soldiers with respect, realizing that the final result of the battle depended on their personal qualities. For personal qualities, as well as for command in a snow-white uniform and on a snow-white horse, he was named "white general".

10. Alexei Petrovich Ermolov.

The great Russian commander, who became a legendary figure. He not only participated in many wars of the Russian Empire and won victories, but was selflessly devoted to the emperor.

Fought at the front of the Great Patriotic War from March 1942 to May 1945. During the time he was wounded 2 times near the city of Rzhev, Kalinin region.

He met the victory near Koenigsberg with the rank of senior sergeant as commander of the 7th branch of the Motorized Reconnaissance Company (participated in 21 reconnaissance operations).

-Order "Glory of the 3rd degree" for courage and courage shown in the fight against the German invaders;
- medal "For the victory over Germany in the Second World War 1941-1945;
- badge "Excellent scout".

Kutuzov M.I.

Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov, famous Russian commander, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, savior of the Fatherland. For the first time he distinguished himself in the first Turkish company, then, in 1774, he was seriously wounded near Alushta and lost his right eye, which did not prevent him from remaining in the ranks. Kutuzov received another serious wound in the second Turkish company during the siege of Ochakov in 1788. Under the command participates in the assault on Ishmael. His column successfully captured the bastion, and was the first to break into the city. He defeated the Poles in 1792 as part of Kakhovskiy's army.

He proved himself a subtle diplomat, carrying out an assignment in Constantinople. Alexander I appoints Kutuzov the military governor of St. Petersburg, but in 1802 dismisses him. In 1805 he was appointed commander in chief of the Russian army. The failure at Austerlitz, when the Russian soldiers turned out to be only cannon fodder for the Austrians, again caused disgrace of the sovereign, and before the start of World War II, Kutuzov was on the sidelines. In August 1812, he was appointed commander in chief instead of Barclay.

Kutuzov's appointment lifted the spirits of the retreating Russian army, although he continued Barclay's retreat tactics. This made it possible to lure the enemy deep into the country, stretch his lines and make it possible to attack the French from two sides at once.

The father of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky, famous for the exploits of the Russian commander, was the youngest son. He was a specific prince and carried out diplomatic service, soon died of the plague forty days before the birth of his son Vladimir, later nicknamed the Brave for military merits. The young Prince Vladimir was raised by Metropolitan Alexei, who sought to raise the boy as a faithful and obedient "young brother" for the Grand Duke, in order to subsequently avoid civil strife in the Moscow principality.

Vladimir made his first military campaign as an eight-year-old child and even then showed unheard-of endurance and courage. At the age of ten, he participates in another campaign, gaining experience, getting used to the hard military life (1364). The new war (1368) affects the interests of Vladimir Andreevich: his Serpukhov inheritance is endangered by the powerful Prince of Lithuania and Russia, Olgerd Gedeminovich. But the Serpukhov regiment coped on its own, driving the “Lithuania” back home. Subsequently, Prince Olgerd concludes a peace treaty with Moscow and even gives his daughter Elena to Vladimir Andreevich (1372).

The chroniclers tell about many military campaigns of Prince Vladimir: he fights against the Russian princes, the Livonian crusaders, the Tatars of the "Golden Horde". But fame and fame brought him the famous Battle of Kulikovo (September 8, 1380). Before the battle, there was a large military council, where the battle plan with his participation was discussed.

Born in a small old Russian town called Tarusa, Kaluga province. His family was poor: his father, Grigory Efremov, an ordinary tradesman, had a small mill, and that's how they lived. So young Mikhail would have remained to work at the mill all his life, until one day a Moscow merchant named Ryabov, who owns a manufactory in Moscow, paid attention to him and took him as an apprentice. The young man's military career began in the Russian Imperial Army, where he graduated from ensign school in Telavi. He spent his first battle as an artilleryman on the Southwestern Front, in which the Brusilovsky breakthrough was made in Galicia. In battles, Mikhail showed himself as a brave warrior and commander respected by the soldiers. After returning to Moscow after the First World War, he got a job at a factory.

However, soon, in the midst of clashes between supporters of the Soviet regime and supporters of the provisional government, he enrolled in the ranks of the Zamoskvoretsky Workers' Detachment, where he was appointed instructor of the Red Guard detachment. In October, he participated in the famous uprising in Moscow. Later he was appointed commander of the Moscow infantry brigade. After starting as a commander, he fought on the Caucasian and Southern fronts, for which he received two orders: the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Banner of the Azerbaijan SSR “For Baku”. These were not his last awards, later he was awarded a personalized golden saber, a crystal vase framed with precious stones and another order of the red banner of the Azerbaijan SSR, but already “For Ganja” Such a case in the life of Mikhail Grigorievich is typical. During a breakthrough to the Ugra River on April 2, 1942, in order to get out of the German encirclement, the general received a leaflet from the Germans, which contained a proposal to Yefremov and his troops to surrender, signed by the Military Command of the Third Reich itself.

There are such people in the history of great Russia according to their biography and contribution to history, you can track the dramatic path of development and the formation of the state.

Fedor Tolbukhin, just from this list. It would be extremely difficult to find another person who would symbolize the most difficult path of the Russian army in the previous century from the double-headed eagle to red banners.

The share of the great commander, which will be discussed today, fell 2 world wars.

The hard fate of the forgotten marshal

Born in a large peasant family on July 3, 1894. An interesting fact is that the date of his birth coincides with the date of his baptism, which may indicate inaccuracies in the information. Most likely, the exact date of birth is unknown, which is why the date of baptism is recorded in the documents.

Prince Anikita Ivanovich Repnin - commander of the reign of Peter the Great. Born in the family of Prince Ivan Borisovich Repnin, who was titled as a close boyar under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (Quiet) and respected at court. At the age of sixteen, he was assigned to the service of 11-year-old Peter the Great as a sleeping bag, and fell in love with the young tsar. After 2 years, when the Amusing Company was established, Anikita became a lieutenant in it, and after another 2 years - a lieutenant colonel. He faithfully served Peter when the rebellion of the archers took place in 1689, accompanied him on a campaign against Azov, and showed courage in taking him. In 1698 Repnin became a general. On behalf of the king, he recruited new regiments, trained them, took care of their uniforms. Soon he received the rank of general from the infantry (corresponding to the rank of general-general). When the war with the Swedes began, he went with his troops to Narva, but on the way he received an order from the tsar to transfer the army under the leadership of Field Marshal Golovin, and go to Novgorod himself to recruit a new division. At the same time, he was appointed governor of Novgorod. Repnin carried out the order, then participated in the Battle of Narva, supplemented and equipped his regiments. Then, in the course of various military operations, he repeatedly showed his military talent, tactical cunning and the ability to properly take advantage of the situation.

The name of Mikhail Borisovich Shein, boyar and governor, is inextricably linked with the seventeenth century. And his name is first found in 1598 - that was his signature under the letter of election to the kingdom. Unfortunately, very little is known about this man's life. He was born at the end of 1570. Basically, all historians, including Karamzin, describe only two significant events in Shein's life - this is his courageous two-year confrontation in the besieged Smolensk.

When he was governor in this city (1609 - 1611) and, already during the reign in 1632 - 1934, when he failed to return the same Smolensk from the Poles, for which, in fact, Mikhail Borisovich was accused of treason and executed. In general, Shein Mikhail Borisovich was the offspring of a very old boyar family, he was the son of a roundabout.

He fought near Dobrynichy in 1605, and so distinguished himself in battle that it was he who had the honor to go to Moscow with the news of the victory. Then he was granted the title of okolnichi, and he continued his service for the benefit of the state as a governor in the city of Novgorod-Seversky. In 1607, Mikhail Borisovich was elevated to the rank of boyar by royal grace and appointed governor to Smolensk, which Sigismund the Third, the Polish king, just decided to go to war.

Mikhail Ivanovich Vorotynsky descended from a branch of the princes of Chernigov, more precisely, from the third son of Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich of Chernigov - Semyon. Back in the middle of the fifteenth century, his great-grandson named Fedor, received the city of Vorotynsk for specific use, which gave the surname to the family. Mikhail Ivanovich (1516 or 1519-1573) is the most famous descendant of Fedor in history.

Despite the fact that the military voivode Vorotynsky had a fair amount of courage and courage, despite the fact that for the capture of Kazan he received the rank of boyar, as well as “what is given from the sovereign, and that name is more honest than all boyar names”, namely - the highest rank of the royal servant, the fate of Mikhail Ivanovich was hard and, in many ways, unfair. He served as the Grand Duke's governor in the city of Kostroma (1521), was a governor in Belyaev, and in, and in the Moscow state.

Daniil Vasilyevich was a noble offspring of the Gediminovich family themselves, the Lithuanian princes. His great-grandfather was hospitably received in the Moscow principality after his departure from Lithuania in 1408. Subsequently, Schenya's great-grandfather laid the foundation for several Russian noble families: Kurakin, Bulgakov, Golitsyn. And the son of Daniil Vasilyevich, Yuri, became the son-in-law of Vasily the First, who, in turn, was the son of the famous Dmitry Donskoy.

Schenya's grandson, Daniil, named after the illustrious grandfather-commander, turned out to be related to and with the Lithuanian prince Gediminas. In the service of John the Great, he was at first in minor roles, for example, he was in the retinue of Grand Duke John the Third on a campaign against Novgorod in 1475, then, already as a diplomat, he participated in negotiations with the ambassador of the empire, Nikolai Poppel. The future military associate was born in the city of Gusum in 1667, in the duchy of Holstein-Gottorp, located in northern Germany. He faithfully served the emperor of Saxony for fifteen years, and then, in 1694, he transferred to the Swedish service as a cornet. Rodion Khristianovich served in Livonia in a recruited regiment under the command of Otto Weling.

And then, in the autumn of 1700, on September 30, the following happened: Captain Bauer fought in a duel with his comrade in the service.

Famous generals

Abercrombie Ralph(1734–1801) - English general. The creator of the English army, which was able to defeat the troops of Napoleon and become the main military force in the world of the XIX century. He personally won several important victories, but his main merit was bringing care for the soldier to the life of the army. For the first time in the world, Abercrombie began to build comfortable barracks, created a field kitchen service, etc.

Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great(356–323 BC) - the great ancient conqueror, king of Macedonia. He defeated the Persians at Granik (334), Issa (333), Gaugamelach (331), conquered Persia, Babylon, Central Asia, reached the Indus River.

Alexander (Yaroslavin) Nevsky(1220–1263) - Prince of Novgorod, Grand Duke of Vladimir. The winner of the Swedes on the river. Neva (1240), the Teutonic Knights (Battle on the Ice on Lake Peipsi, 1242).

Attila(406-453) - from 433 the king of the Huns, the son of Mundzuk, in 441, having killed his co-ruler, brother Bleda, in Hungary, became the sole ruler; in 434-441, having subjugated the Alans, Ostrogoths, Gepids, Heruli and many other tribes, he created a powerful tribal union that controlled a vast territory from the Rhine to the borders of China; in 436 he defeated the first Burgundian kingdom. After a series of devastating campaigns on the territory of the Eastern Roman Empire (443, 447-448), as a result of which the Huns obtained from the empire the payment of a huge annual tribute, Attila rushed west, to Gaul, but was defeated in the battle of the Catalaunian fields (451). During the campaign of 452, he came close to Rome, but retreated, limiting himself to a ransom.

Babur Zahir ad-Din Muhammad (Babur the Conqueror)(1483–1530) - Uzbek and Indian ruler, commander, founder of the Mughal state in India. At the age of 12, he inherited the throne of Fergana from his father. For many years he waged internecine struggle with other feudal lords. In 1504 he was expelled from Central Asia by Uzbek nomads and conquered Kabul in the same year. From Kabul, Babur made campaigns against India from 1519 and in 1525 undertook a campaign against Delhi. In the battles with the Delhi ruler Ibrahim Lodi at Panipat in April 1526 and with the Rajput prince Sangram Singh at Khanua (near Sikri) in 1527, Babur won victories. By 1529, Babur's dominions included Eastern Afghanistan, the Punjab and the Ganges valley, as far as the borders of Bengal.

Bagration Petr Ivanovich(1765–1812) - Russian general, one of the military leaders in the Patriotic War of 1812, a participant in the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A. V. Suvorov. Mortally wounded in the battle of Borodino (1812).

Batu (Batu, Sain Khan)(c. 1207–1256) - Mongol khan, son of Jochi, grandson of Genghis Khan. The leader of the general Mongol campaign in Eastern and Central Europe (1236-1242). He conquered Volga-Kama Bulgaria (1236-1241), ruined the principalities of North-Eastern and Southern Russia (1237-1238, 1239-1240), fought in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, etc. From 1242 he ruled the lands of the Jochi ulus to the West of the Urals founded the Golden Horde.

Bolivar Simon(1783–1830) - liberator of South America from Spanish rule. As a result of his activities, five states gained independence - Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia (named after Bolivar).

Brusilov Alexey Alekseevich(1853–1926) - Russian and Soviet commander During the First World War in 1914–1916 - commander of the 8th Army; adjutant general (1915). From March 17, 1916 - Commander-in-Chief of the armies of the Southwestern Front; in May - August he led the offensive, which later received the name "Brusilovsky breakthrough" - one of the largest operations on the Russian-German front.

Hannibal(247–183 BC) - an outstanding Carthaginian commander. During the Second Punic War, he crossed the Alps, won a number of victories over Rome, but in 202 at Zama he was defeated by the Romans.

Grant Ulysses Simpson(1822-1885) - American political and military figure, commander-in-chief of the army of the North during the American Civil War of 1861-1865, general of the army, 18th President of the United States (1869-1877).

Griboil Jean Baptiste de(1715–1789) - French general. "Father" of modern artillery. Under him, artillery became an independent branch of the armed forces, a division into calibers was carried out, the mobility of guns was increased, etc. Thanks to him, French artillery became the best in Europe.

Guderian Heinz Wilhelm(1888–1954) - German colonel general, commander of tank formations, chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht. Developed new principles for the use of tank troops.

Denikin Anton Ivanovich(1872–1947) - lieutenant general of the Russian army. During the Civil War, he commanded the white Volunteer Army, then was the commander-in-chief of the "Armed Forces of the South of Russia."

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich(1896–1974) - Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union. In 1939 he defeated the Japanese troops near Khalkhin Gol, during the Great Patriotic War he commanded troops in the battles for Moscow and Leningrad, coordinated the actions of the fronts in the Battle of Stalingrad. Signed on behalf of the USSR the Act of unconditional surrender of Germany in World War II.

Charlemagne(742–814) - king of the Franks from 768, emperor from 800. The Carolingian dynasty is named after him. After the death of his father Pepin the Short (768), Charlemagne began to rule part of the Frankish state (the other was in the possession of his brother Carloman), and from 771 he became the sole ruler of the reunited state. Almost the entire 46-year reign of Charlemagne was spent in continuous wars. Historians counted 53 campaigns in which he took a direct part. However, unlike many military leaders and statesmen who are no less militant, Charles proved himself not only as an outstanding commander, but also as an outstanding strategist.

Charles XII(1682–1718) - King of Sweden, a talented commander. At the beginning of the Northern War of 1700-1721, he won a number of major victories, but then suffered a crushing defeat from the Russian troops led by Peter I.

Clausewitz Carl(1780–1831) - German military theorist, Prussian general. He developed many principles of strategy and tactics, formulated the position on the war as a continuation of politics.

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich(1745–1813) - an outstanding Russian commander, field marshal general. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian troops in the Patriotic War of 1812. He exhausted the Napoleonic troops in the battles of Maloyaroslavets and Borodino, forced Napoleon to retreat and defeated him on the river. Berezina.

Marlborough, Duke(John Churchill) (1650–1722) - English military and statesman who distinguished himself during the War of the Spanish Succession. He has a reputation as the most outstanding English commander in history. For his services he was granted the titles of Earl and then 1st Duke of Marlborough. From 1701 he was the commander-in-chief of the British troops on the continent during the War of the Spanish Succession of 1701-1714, he won victories at Hochstadt (1704), Ramily (1706), Oudenarde (1708) and Malplaque (1709).

Mehmed II Fatih (Conqueror)(1432-1481) - Turkish sultan, an outstanding commander. He led an aggressive policy, personally led the campaigns of the Turkish army. He conquered Constantinople (1453) and made it the capital of the Ottoman Empire, effectively putting an end to the existence of Byzantium. Under Mehmed II, the independence of Serbia was liquidated (1459), Morea (1460), the Trebizond Empire (1461), Bosnia (1463), Fr. Euboea (1471), the conquest of Albania was completed (1479), the Crimean Khanate was subordinated (1475).

Moltke Helmuth Carl Bernard von(1800–1891) - Marshal of Prussia For more than 30 years he headed the General Staff of Prussia. Prussia was able to unite the smaller German states, defeat the then superpowers of Austria and France, and become the dominant power in Europe. Moltke developed the rules for the strategy and tactics of modern warfare: the use of large armies, railways, means of communication, mobilization; the transfer of troops over long distances; specialization of officers, etc.

Montgomery of Alamein (Bernard Lowe)(1887–1976) - English field marshal In World War II, he won a victory near El Alamein over the troops of the German Field Marshal Rommel. He commanded the 21st Army, which landed in Normandy, liberated Belgium and Northern Germany.

Moritz of Orange(1567–1625) - statesman and commander of the Republic of the United Provinces (Netherlands). Son of William I of Orange. Stathauder (head of executive power) of the provinces of Holland, Zeeland and West Frisia (from 1585), from 1590 also Utrecht and Overijssel, from 1591 Geldern, and from 1621 and Groningen. Moritz of Orange was an outstanding commander and military reformer. He introduced uniform training of troops, strict military discipline, laid the foundations for new, linear tactics, improved the tactics of defense and siege of fortresses; he created a new type of cavalry - reiters (cuirassiers), light artillery. In the 1590s, under his leadership, the liberation of the republic from the Spanish troops was completed, over which Moritz of Orange won a number of victories (the largest was at Newport in 1600).

Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte)(1769-1821) - Emperor of France, an outstanding commander. He waged victorious wars, significantly expanding the territory of France, but was defeated in the war against Russia, abdicated the throne, recaptured Paris, after the defeat at Waterloo (1815) was exiled to St. Helena, where he died.

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich(1802–1855) - Russian naval commander, admiral, winner of the Battle of Sinop (1853). Successfully led the defense of Sevastopol. Mortally wounded in battle.

Nelson Horatio(1758–1805) - Viscount, English naval commander. Decisive actions defeated the French fleet at Aboukir, Trafalgar. Created a new maneuverable tactics of naval combat. He was mortally wounded in battle.

Pershing John Joseph(1860–1948) - American general. He commanded the American Expeditionary Force in Europe during World War I. Modernized the US Army - it was under him that tanks, automatic weapons, cars, etc. were adopted.

Peter I the Great(1672–1725) - Russian tsar, from 1721 - emperor. Skillfully led the troops during the capture of the Noteburg fortress, in victorious battles with the Swedes at Lesnaya (1708) and near Poltava (1709). He laid the foundations of Russian military art, founded the navy.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich(1578–1642) - prince, Russian commander, national hero. Member of the 1st Zemsky militia of 1611, one of the leaders and commanders of the 2nd Zemsky militia. In 1613-1618 he led military operations against the Polish invaders.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich(1896–1968) - Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union and Poland. During the Great Patriotic War, he commanded various fronts, participated in the defeat of German troops near Stalingrad, in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.

Rommel Erwin (1891–1944) - German commander, field marshal general. He commanded German troops in North Africa, Italy and France. Participant in a conspiracy against Hitler, executed.

Sadah ad-Din(Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, in European sources: Saladin) (1138–1193) - the ruler of Egypt, the founder of the Ayyubid dynasty, an outstanding commander. The son of Ayyub ibn Shadi, one of the commanders of the Syrian Sultan Nur-ad-Din, who successfully fought the crusaders. After the death of Nur-ad-Din in 1174-1186, he subjugated his Syrian possessions and some possessions of minor Iraqi rulers. On July 3–4, 1187, the army of Salah ad-Din defeated the crusaders near Hittin (Palestine), took Jerusalem on October 2, 1187, then drove the crusaders out of most of Syria and Palestine.

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich(1843–1882) - Russian general, liberator of Bulgaria from Turkish rule. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878 he successfully commanded a detachment near Plevna, then a division in the battle of Shipka - Sheinovo.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich(1729–1800) - an outstanding Russian commander and military theorist. Generalissimo. He began his service as a corporal in 1748. During the Russo-Turkish wars, he won victories at Kozludzha, Kinburn, Focsani and others, and captured the Izmail fortress by storm. Brilliantly conducted the Italian and Swiss campaigns, defeated the French troops on the river. Adda, r. Trebbia and at Novi. Created original theories of combat and training of troops.

Tamerlane (Timur)(1336–1405) - Central Asian statesman, conqueror and commander. He created a huge state with its capital in Samarkand, defeated the Golden Horde, conquered Iran, Transcaucasia, India, Asia Minor, etc.

Togo Heihachiro(1848–1934) - Japanese admiral, commander of the Japanese Combined Fleet in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904–1905 On May 27, 1905, in the Battle of Tsushima, the Japanese fleet under the command of Togo utterly defeated the 2nd and 3rd Pacific squadrons.

Tourenne Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne de(1611–1675) - Marshal of France. The greatest French commander who proved himself in the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) and the conquests of Louis XIV. Creator of the professional army of France and French hegemony in Europe.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich(1744–1817) - Russian admiral, naval commander, one of the creators of the Black Sea Fleet. He developed and applied the maneuvering tactics of naval combat, defeating the Turkish fleet at Tendra and Kaliakria, and successfully carried out the Mediterranean campaign of the Russian squadron against France.

Themistocles(525-460 BC) - Athenian statesman and commander of the period of the Greco-Persian wars (500-449). Being the leader of the so-called. sea ​​party, reflecting the interests of the trade and crafts and the poor, Themistocles sought to turn Athens into a maritime power (fortified the harbor of Piraeus, created a navy of 200 trieres). He was the initiator of the creation in 478-477 BC. e. The Delian Union (the union of coastal cities and the islands of the Aegean Sea), played a decisive role in organizing the united Greek resistance forces against the Persians, won a number of victories over them (including at Salamis in 480 BC).

Foch Ferdinand(1851–1929) - Marshal of France (1918), British Field Marshal (1919) and Marshal of Poland (1923) At the beginning of the First World War, he commanded a corps, then the 9th Army, in 1915–1916 - the North Army Group. From May 1917 - Chief of the General Staff, from April 1918 - Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces. He played a significant role in the victory of the Allies over the coalition of the Central Powers.

Friedrich II Great(1712–1786) - Prussian king since 1740, from the Hohenzollern dynasty, a major commander; As a result of his policy of conquest (the Silesian Wars of 1740-1742 and 1744-1745, participation in the Seven Years' War of 1756-1763, in the first partition of Poland in 1772), the territory of Prussia almost doubled.

Frunze Mikhail Vasilievich(1885–1925) - Soviet statesman and military leader, military theorist. During the Civil War, he commanded an army, a group of troops during the defeat of Kolchak, the Southern Front during the defeat of Wrangel's troops. After the war, he carried out military reform. Author of several works on military science.

Khmelnitsky Bogdan (Zinoviy) Mikhailovich(1595–1657) - Ukrainian statesman and military leader, hetman of Ukraine (1648). In 1647, Khmelnitsky was arrested, but soon released, fled to the Zaporozhian Sich. In January 1648, under the leadership of Khmelnytsky, the Liberation War of the Ukrainian people of 1648-1654 began. During the war, the hetman acted simultaneously as a commander, diplomat and organizer of Ukrainian statehood. Under his leadership, victories were won at Zhovti Vody, in the battle of Korsun in 1648, near Pilyavtsy. The troops under the leadership of Khmelnitsky won the battle of Zborovsky in 1649, but the betrayal of an ally - the Crimean Khan - forced Khmelnitsky in 1649 to conclude the Zborovsky peace with Poland. After the defeat of the Cossack troops near Berestechko in 1651, a difficult Belotserkovsky peace was concluded. The armed struggle of the Ukrainian people under the leadership of Khmelnytsky continued and led to the defeat of the Polish army near Batog in 1652. After the decision of the Russian government on the reunification of Ukraine with Russia, Bogdan Khmelnitsky headed the Pereyaslav Council of 1654, which solemnly confirmed this act.

Caesar Gaius Julius(102-44 BC) - ancient Roman dictator, commander. He conquered and subjugated to Rome all of trans-Alpine Gaul (present-day France), won a victory in the civil war with the supporters of Pompey and concentrated unlimited power in his hands. Assassinated by Republican conspirators.

Genghis Khan (Temujin, Temujin)(1155–1227) - the founder and great khan of the Mongol Empire, the organizer of aggressive campaigns against the peoples and states of Asia and Europe.

Eisenhower Dwight David(1890–1969) - American general. Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Western Europe during World War II. 34th President of the United States.

Jan III Sobieski(1629–1696) - Polish commander, from 1666 - full crown hetman, from 1668 - grand crown hetman, from 1674 - king of Poland. Being the great crown hetman, he commanded the Polish troops in the Polish-Turkish war of 1672-1676, defeated the Turkish army on November 11, 1673 in the battle of Khotyn. In April 1683, Jan III entered into an alliance with the Austrian Habsburgs to resist Turkish aggression; coming to the aid of the Austrians, he utterly defeated the Turkish army in the battle of September 12, 1683 near Vienna, thus stopping the advance of the Ottoman Empire into Europe.

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Famous sculptors 3 Moore, Henry - English sculptor of the XX century. Famous works: "King and Queen", "Mother and Child". Ryud, Francois - French sculptor of the 1st half of the 19th century. representative of romanticism. The famous work is the Marseillaise relief on the Arc de Triomphe on

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Famous wrestlers 5 Pinda, Emmanuelle - France: karate champion. Ruska, Wilhelm - Netherlands: twice Olympic judo champion. Saito, Hitoshi, Japan - judoka, twice champion. 6 McKay, Pat - England: karate champion. Skulls, Wade – USA: 821 wins.7 Akimoto, Mitsugu

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Famous hunters 3 Ming - Russian hunter, writer.5 Lvov, L.A. - Russian hunter, author of books about hunting. Palen - Russian hunter, Count. Urvan - Russian hunter.6 Paskin - Russian hunter.7 Lukashin - hunter from the Pskov province. - Tver hunter.8 Karpushka

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FAMOUS DESIGNERS Friedrichstadt Passage, Quarter 206, Friedrichstr. 71, metro station Franzosische Stra?e line U6 or Stadtmitte line U2. Cerruti, Gucci, Moschino, Yves Saint Laurent, Strenesse, Rive Gauche, Louis Vuitton, Etro, La Perla are represented here. Many designers have their own boutiques on Kurfürstendamm, for example, Burberry, Chanel, Jil Sander,

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Generals and statesmen Lucius Vitellius (Lucius Vitellius) exclaimed, congratulating (emperor) Claudius on the centenary games: “I wish you to celebrate them more than once!” (Plutarch. "Vitellius", 3, 1) (138, p. 247)

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Famous pillars In Eastern Siberia, on the high bank of the Yenisei, there are amazing rocks that seem to support the sky. These are the famous Krasnoyarsk Pillars. Tall and narrow, they really look like poles. Nature created these strange sculptures around 450

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Famous fat men The ancient Greeks and Romans, who amazed the world with beauty and strength, struggled with fullness, ridiculed fat men. Soldiers, for example, could not exceed the established body weight, and saddles were confiscated from cavalrymen with a tendency to be overweight. Hippocrates

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Great generals AGRIPPA MARK VIPSANIUS (63-12 BC). Roman commander and statesman, son-in-law and friend of Emperor Octavian Augustus. Agrippa played a significant role in the military successes of the emperor, who himself did not possess the abilities of a great commander. Yes, at 36

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Generals and statesmen Lucius Vitellius [Lucius Vitellius] exclaimed, congratulating [emperor] Claudius on the centenary games: “I wish you to celebrate them more than once!” (Plutarch. “Vitellius”, 3, 1) Hannibal * After the defeat in the Second Punic War Hannibal fled to Syria.

Over the entire period of the existence of mankind, there have been many wars that have radically changed the course of history. There were many of them in our country. The success of any military action entirely depended on the experience and skill of military commanders. Who are they, the great commanders and naval commanders of Russia, who brought victories to their Fatherland in difficult battles? We present you the brightest domestic military leaders, starting from the time of the Old Russian state and ending with the Great Patriotic War.

Svyatoslav Igorevich

The famous commanders of Russia are not only our contemporaries. They were in the period of the existence of Russia. Historians call the Prince of Kyiv Svyatoslav the brightest commander of that time. He ascended the throne in 945, immediately after the death of his father Igor. Since Svyatoslav was not yet old enough to rule the state (he was only 3 years old at the time of succession), his mother Olga became regent under him. This heroic woman had to lead the Old Russian state even after her son grew up. The reason was his endless military campaigns, because of which he practically never visited Kyiv.

Svyatoslav began to independently rule his lands only in 964, but even after that he did not stop his conquests. In 965, he managed to defeat the Khazar Khaganate and annex a number of conquered territories to Ancient Russia. Svyatoslav conducted a series of campaigns against Bulgaria (968-969), capturing its cities in turn. He stopped only after he captured Pereyaslavets. The prince planned to move the capital of Russia to this Bulgarian city and expand his possessions to the Danube, but because of the raids on the Kyiv lands of the Pechenegs, he was forced to return home with the army. In 970-971, Russian troops led by Svyatoslav fought for Bulgarian territories with Byzantium claiming them. The prince failed to defeat the mighty enemy. The result of this struggle was the conclusion between Russia and Byzantium of profitable military trade agreements. It is not known how many aggressive campaigns Svyatoslav Igorevich managed to carry out if in 972 he had not died in a battle with the Pechenegs.

Alexander Nevskiy

There were outstanding commanders of Russia during the period of feudal fragmentation of Russia. Alexander Nevsky should be attributed to such politicians. As the prince of Novgorod, Vladimir and Kyiv, he went down in history as a talented military leader who led the people in the fight against the Swedes and Germans claiming the northwestern territories of Russia. In 1240, despite the predominance of the enemy forces, he won a brilliant victory on the Neva, inflicting a crushing blow. In 1242, he defeated the Germans on Lake Peipsi. The merits of Alexander Nevsky are not only in military victories, but also in diplomatic abilities. Through negotiations with the rulers of the Golden Horde, he managed to achieve the liberation of the Russian army from participation in the wars conducted by the Tatar khans. After his death, Nevsky was canonized by the Orthodox Church. Considered the patron saint of Russian soldiers.

Dmitry Donskoy

Continuing to talk about who the most famous commanders of Russia are, it is necessary to recall the legendary Dmitry Donskoy. The Prince of Moscow and Vladimir went down in history as the man who laid the foundation for the liberation of Russian lands from the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Tired of enduring the arbitrariness of the Golden Horde ruler Mamai, Donskoy marched against him with an army. The decisive battle took place in September 1380. The troops of Dmitry Donskoy were 2 times inferior in size to the enemy army. Despite the inequality of forces, the great commander managed to defeat the enemy, almost completely destroying his numerous regiments. The defeat of Mamai's army not only accelerated the moment of liberation of the Russian lands from the Golden Horde dependence, but also contributed to the strengthening of the Moscow principality. Like Nevsky, Donskoy was canonized by the Orthodox Church after his death.

Mikhail Golitsyn

Famous commanders of Russia also lived during the time of Emperor Peter I. One of the most prominent military leaders of this era was Prince Mikhail Golitsyn, who became famous in the 21-year Northern War with the Swedes. He rose to the rank of Field Marshal. He distinguished himself during the capture of the Swedish fortress Noteburg in 1702 by Russian troops. He was the commander of the guard during the Battle of Poltava in 1709, as a result of which the Swedes suffered a crushing defeat. After the battle, together with A. Menshikov, he pursued the retreating enemy troops and forced them to lay down their arms.

In 1714, the Russian army under the command of Golitsyn attacked the Swedish infantry near the Finnish village of Lappole (Napo). This victory was of great strategic importance during the Northern War. The Swedes were ousted from Finland, and Russia took over the bridgehead for further offensive. Golitsyn also distinguished himself in the naval battle of Grengam Island (1720), which put an end to the long and bloody Northern War. Commanding the Russian fleet, he forced the Swedes to retreat. After that, Russian influence was established.

Fedor Ushakov

Not only the best commanders of Russia glorified their country. The naval commanders did it no worse than the commanders of the ground forces. Such was Admiral Fyodor Ushakov, whom the Orthodox Church canonized for numerous victories. He took part in the Russian-Turkish war (1787-1791). He led at Fidonisi, Tendra, Kaliakria, Kerch, led the siege of the island of Corfu. In 1790-1792 he commanded the Black Sea Fleet. During his military career, Ushakov fought 43 battles. He was not defeated in any of them. In battles, he managed to save all the ships entrusted to him.

Alexander Suvorov

Some generals of Russia became famous all over the world. Suvorov is one of them. Being the generalissimo of the naval and ground forces, as well as the holder of all military orders existing in the Russian Empire, he left a noticeable mark in the history of his country. He proved himself as a talented military leader in two Russian-Turkish wars, Italian and Swiss campaigns. In 1787 he commanded the Kinburn battle, in 1789 - the battles near Focsani and Rymnik. He led the assault on Ishmael (1790) and Prague (1794). During his military career, he won victories in more than 60 battles and did not lose in a single battle. Together with the Russian army he went to Berlin, Warsaw and the Alps. He left behind the book "The Science of Winning", where he outlined the tactics of successful warfare.

Mikhail Kutuzov

If you ask about who the famous commanders of Russia are, many people immediately remember Kutuzov. And this is not surprising, because for the special merits of this man he was awarded the Order of St. George - the highest military award of the Russian Empire. He held the rank of Field Marshal. Almost all of Kutuzov's life was spent in battles. He is the hero of two Russian-Turkish wars. In 1774, in the battle of Alushta, he was wounded in the temple, as a result of which he lost his right eye. After a long treatment, he was appointed to the post of Governor-General of the Crimean Peninsula. In 1788 he received a second serious wound in the head. In 1790, he successfully led the assault on Izmail, where he proved himself to be a fearless commander. In 1805 he went to Austria to command the troops opposing Napoleon. In the same year he took part in the Battle of Austerlitz.

In 1812, Kutuzov was appointed commander-in-chief of the Russian troops in the Patriotic War against Napoleon. He held the grand battle of Borodino, after which, at the military council held in Fili, he was forced to decide on the withdrawal of the Russian army from Moscow. As a result of the counteroffensive, the troops under the command of Kutuzov were able to push the enemy back from their territory. The French army, considered the strongest in Europe, suffered huge human losses.

Kutuzov's military talent provided our country with a strategic victory over Napoleon, and he himself brought worldwide fame. Although the commander did not support the idea of ​​persecuting the French in Europe, it was he who was appointed commander in chief of the combined Russian and Prussian forces. But illness did not allow Kutuzov to give another battle: in April 1813, having reached Prussia with his troops, he caught a cold and died.

Generals in the war with Nazi Germany

The Great Patriotic War revealed to the world the names of talented Soviet military leaders. Outstanding commanders of Russia put a lot of effort into the defeat of Nazi Germany and the destruction of fascism in European lands. There were many brave front commanders on the territory of the USSR. Thanks to their skill and heroism, they were able to adequately oppose the well-trained and armed with the latest technology of the German invaders. We offer you to get acquainted with the two greatest generals - I. Konev and G. Zhukov.

Ivan Konev

One of those to whom our state owes its victory was the legendary marshal and twice hero of the USSR Ivan Konev. The Soviet commander began participating in the war as commander of the 19th Army of the North Caucasian District. During the Battle of Smolensk (1941), Konev managed to escape capture and withdraw the army command and communications regiment from the enemy's encirclement. After that, the commander commanded the Western, Northwestern, Kalinin, Steppe, First and Second Ukrainian fronts. Participated in the battle for Moscow, led the Kalinin operations (defensive and offensive). In 1942, Konev led (together with Zhukov) the first and second Rzhev-Sychev operations, and in the winter of 1943, the Zhizdra operation.

Due to the superiority of the enemy forces, many battles conducted by the commander until the middle of 1943 were unsuccessful for the Soviet Army. But the situation changed dramatically after the victory over the enemy in the battle on (July-August 1943). After that, the troops under the leadership of Konev carried out a number of offensive operations (Poltava-Kremenchug, Pyatikhat, Znamenskaya, Kirovograd, Lvov-Sandomierz), as a result of which most of the territory of Ukraine was cleared of the Nazis. In January 1945, the First Ukrainian Front under the command of Konev, together with the allies, began the Vistula-Oder operation, liberated Krakow from the Nazis, and in the spring of 1945 the marshal's troops reached Berlin, and he himself personally took part in its assault.

Georgy Zhukov

The greatest commander, four times Hero of the USSR, the owner of many domestic and foreign military awards, was a truly legendary person. In his youth, he took part in the First World War and the Civil War, the battle of Khalkhin Gol. By the time of Hitler's invasion of the territory of the Soviet Union, Zhukov was appointed by the country's leadership to the positions of Deputy People's Commissar of Defense and Chief of the General Staff.

During the years he headed the troops of the Leningrad, Reserve and First Belorussian fronts. He took part in the battle for Moscow, the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk. In 1943, Zhukov, together with other Soviet commanders, carried out a breakthrough of the Leningrad blockade. He coordinated actions in the Zhytomyr-Berdychiv and Proskurovo-Chernivtsi operations, as a result of which part of the Ukrainian lands was liberated from the Germans.

In the summer of 1944, he led the largest military operation in the history of mankind "Bagration", during which Belarus, part of the Baltic states and Eastern Poland were cleared of the Nazis. At the beginning of 1945, together with Konev, he coordinated the actions of the Soviet troops during the liberation of Warsaw. In the spring of 1945 he participated in the capture of Berlin. On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place in Moscow, timed to coincide with the defeat of Nazi Germany by Soviet troops. It was entrusted to Marshal Georgy Zhukov to receive him.


It is impossible to list all the great military leaders of our country in one publication. The naval commanders and commanders of Russia from Ancient Russia to the present day have played a significant role in world history, glorifying the domestic military art, heroism and courage of the army entrusted to their disposal.

The fate of millions of people depended on their decisions! This is not the whole list of our great commanders of the Second World War!

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich (1896-1974) Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was born on November 1, 1896 in the Kaluga region, into a peasant family. During the First World War, he was drafted into the army and enrolled in a regiment stationed in the Kharkov province. In the spring of 1916 he was enrolled in a group sent to officer courses. After studying, Zhukov became a non-commissioned officer, and went to the dragoon regiment, in which he participated in the battles of the Great War. Soon he received a concussion from a mine explosion, and was sent to the hospital. He managed to prove himself, and for the capture of a German officer he was awarded the St. George Cross.

After the civil war, he graduated from the courses of the red commanders. He commanded a cavalry regiment, then a brigade. He was an assistant inspector of the cavalry of the Red Army.

In January 1941, shortly before the German invasion of the USSR, Zhukov was appointed Chief of the General Staff, Deputy People's Commissar for Defense.

He commanded the troops of the Reserve, Leningrad, Western, 1st Belorussian fronts, coordinated the actions of a number of fronts, made a great contribution to achieving victory in the battle of Moscow, in the battles of Stalingrad, Kursk, in the Belorussian, Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations. Four times Hero of the Soviet Union , holder of two Orders of Victory, many other Soviet and foreign orders and medals.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895-1977) - Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born on September 16 (September 30), 1895 in the village. Novaya Golchikha, Kineshma district, Ivanovo region, in the family of a priest, Russian. In February 1915, after graduating from the Kostroma Theological Seminary, he entered the Alekseevsky Military School (Moscow) and completed it in 4 months (in June 1915).
During the Great Patriotic War, as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945), he took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945 he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, he was commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East in the war with Japan.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1896-1968) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Poland.

He was born on December 21, 1896 in the small Russian town of Velikiye Luki (former Pskov province), in the family of a Pole railway engineer Xavier-Josef Rokossovsky and his Russian wife Antonina. After the birth of Konstantin, the Rokossovsky family moved to Warsaw. In less than 6 years, Kostya was orphaned: his father was in a railway accident and, after a long illness, died in 1902. In 1911, his mother also died. With the outbreak of World War I, Rokossovsky asked to join one of the Russian regiments heading west through Warsaw.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he commands the 9th mechanized corps. In the summer of 1941, he was appointed commander of the 4th Army. He managed to somewhat restrain the advance of the German armies on the western front. In the summer of 1942, he became commander of the Bryansk Front. The Germans managed to approach the Don and, from advantageous positions, create threats for the capture of Stalingrad and a breakthrough to the North Caucasus. With a strike by his army, he prevented the Germans from breaking through to the north, towards the city of Yelets. Rokossovsky participated in the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad. His ability to conduct combat operations played a large role in the success of the operation. In 1943, he led the central front, which, under his command, began a defensive battle on the Kursk Bulge. A little later, he organized an offensive, and liberated significant territories from the Germans. He also led the liberation of Belarus, implementing the plan of the Headquarters - "Bagration"
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973) - Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born in December 1897 in one of the villages of the Vologda province. His family was a peasant. In 1916, the future commander was drafted into the tsarist army. In the First World War, he participates as a non-commissioned officer.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Konev commanded the 19th Army, which participated in battles with the Germans and closed the capital from the enemy. For the successful leadership of the army, he receives the rank of colonel general.

Ivan Stepanovich during the Great Patriotic War managed to be the commander of several fronts: Kalinin, Western, Northwestern, Steppe, second Ukrainian and first Ukrainian. In January 1945, the First Ukrainian Front, together with the First Belorussian Front, began the offensive Vistula-Oder operation. The troops managed to occupy several cities of strategic importance, and even liberate Krakow from the Germans. At the end of January, the Auschwitz camp was liberated from the Nazis. In April, two fronts launched an offensive in the Berlin direction. Soon Berlin was taken, and Konev took a direct part in the storming of the city.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich (1901-1944) - army general.

He was born on December 16, 1901 in the village of Chepukhin, Kursk province, into a large peasant family. He graduated from four classes of the Zemstvo school, where he was considered the first student.

In the early days of the Great Patriotic War, Vatutin visited the most critical sectors of the front. The staff worker turned into a brilliant combat commander.

On February 21, the Headquarters instructed Vatutin to prepare an attack on Dubno and further on Chernivtsi. On February 29, the general was heading to the headquarters of the 60th Army. On the way, his car was fired upon by a detachment of Ukrainian Bandera partisans. The wounded Vatutin died on the night of April 15 in a Kiev military hospital.
In 1965, Vatutin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich (1900-1976) - marshal of the armored forces. One of the founders of the tank guard.

He was born on September 4 (17), 1900 in the village of Bolshoe Uvarovo, then the Kolomna district of the Moscow province, in a large peasant family (his father had seven children from two marriages). schools.
In the Soviet Army - since 1919.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in defensive operations in the area of ​​the cities of Lutsk, Dubno, Korosten, showing himself to be a skillful, proactive organizer of a tank battle with superior enemy forces. These qualities dazzlingly manifested themselves in the battle near Moscow, when he commanded the 4th tank brigade. In the first half of October 1941, near Mtsensk, on a number of defensive lines, the brigade steadfastly held back the advance of enemy tanks and infantry and inflicted enormous damage on them. Having made a 360-km march to the Istra orientation, the brigade M.E. Katukova, as part of the 16th Army of the Western Front, fought heroically in the Volokolamsk direction and participated in the counteroffensive near Moscow. On November 11, 1941, for courageous and skillful fighting, the brigade was the first in the tank troops to receive the title of Guards. In 1942, M.E. Katukov commanded the 1st Tank Corps, which repelled the onslaught of enemy troops in the Kursk-Voronezh direction, from September 1942 - the 3rd Mechanized Corps, In January 1943 he was appointed commander of the 1st Tank Army, which was part of the Voronezh, and later 1 th Ukrainian Front distinguished itself in the Battle of Kursk and during the liberation of Ukraine. In April 1944, the Sun was transformed into the 1st Guards Tank Army, which, under the command of M.E. Katukova participated in the Lvov-Sandomierz, Vistula-Oder, East Pomeranian and Berlin operations, crossed the Vistula and Oder rivers.

Rotmistrov Pavel Alekseevich (1901-1982) - chief marshal of the armored forces.

Born in the village of Skovorovo, now in the Selizharovsky district of the Tver region, in a large peasant family (had 8 brothers and sisters) ... In 1916 he graduated from a higher primary school

In the Soviet Army since April 1919 (he was enrolled in the Samara workers' regiment), a participant in the Civil War.

During the Great Patriotic War, P.A. Rotmistrov fought in the Western, Northwestern, Kalinin, Stalingrad, Voronezh, Steppe, Southwestern, 2nd Ukrainian and 3rd Belorussian fronts. He commanded the 5th Guards Tank Army, which distinguished itself in the Battle of Kursk. In the summer of 1944, P.A. Rotmistrov with his army participated in the Belarusian offensive operation, the liberation of the cities of Borisov, Minsk, Vilnius. From August 1944 he was appointed deputy commander of the armored and mechanized troops of the Soviet Army.

Kravchenko Andrey Grigoryevich (1899-1963) - Colonel General of the Tank Forces.
Born on November 30, 1899 on the Sulimin farm, now the village of Sulimovka, Yagotinsky district, Kyiv region of Ukraine, in a peasant family. Ukrainian. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1925. Member of the Civil War. He graduated from the Poltava Military Infantry School in 1923, the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze in 1928.
From June 1940 to the end of February 1941 A.G. Kravchenko - chief of staff of the 16th Panzer Division, and from March to September 1941 - chief of staff of the 18th mechanized corps.
On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since September 1941. Commander of the 31st Tank Brigade (09/09/1941 - 01/10/1942). Since February 1942, he was deputy commander of the 61st Army for tank troops. Chief of Staff of the 1st Tank Corps (03/31/1942 - 07/30/1942). He commanded the 2nd (07/2/1942 - 09/13/1942) and 4th (from 02/07/43 - 5th Guards; from 09/18/1942 to 01/24/1944) tank corps.
In November 1942, the 4th Corps participated in the encirclement of the 6th German Army near Stalingrad, in July 1943 - in a tank battle near Prokhorovka, in October of the same year - in the battle for the Dnieper.

Novikov Alexander Alexandrovich (1900-1976) - Air Chief Marshal.
Born on November 19, 1900 in the village of Kryukovo, Nerekhtsky District, Kostroma Region. Educated at the teacher's seminary in 1918.
In the Soviet Army since 1919
In aviation since 1933. Member of the Great Patriotic War from the first day. He was the commander of the Northern Air Force, then the Leningrad Front. From April 1942 until the end of the war - commander of the Red Army Air Force. In March 1946, he was illegally repressed (together with A. I. Shakhurin), rehabilitated in 1953.

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich (1902-1974) - Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union. People's Commissar of the Navy.
Born on July 11 (24), 1904 in the family of Gerasim Fedorovich Kuznetsov (1861-1915), a peasant in the village of Medvedki, Veliko-Ustyug district, Vologda province (now in the Kotlas district of the Arkhangelsk region).
In 1919, at the age of 15, he joined the Severodvinsk flotilla, attributing two years to himself in order to be accepted (the erroneous 1902 year of birth is still found in some reference books). In 1921-1922 he was a combatant of the Arkhangelsk naval crew.
During the Great Patriotic War, N. G. Kuznetsov was chairman of the Main Military Council of the Navy and Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. He promptly and energetically led the fleet, coordinating its actions with the operations of other armed forces. The admiral was a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, he constantly traveled to ships and fronts. The fleet prevented an invasion of the Caucasus from the sea. In 1944, N. G. Kuznetsov was awarded the military rank of Admiral of the Fleet. On May 25, 1945, this rank was equated with the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union and marshal-type shoulder straps were introduced.

The hero of the USSR,Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich (1906-1945) - army general.
Born in the city of Uman. His father was a railway worker, so it is not surprising that in 1915 his son followed in his father's footsteps and entered the railway school. In 1919, a real tragedy happened in the family: because of typhus, his parents died, so the boy was forced to leave school and take up agriculture. He worked as a shepherd, driving cattle into the field in the morning, and every free minute he sat down for textbooks. Immediately after dinner, I ran to the teacher for clarification of the material.
During the Second World War, he was one of those young military leaders who motivated soldiers by their example, gave them confidence and gave faith in a brighter future.