What criteria should you use to choose a hood for your kitchen? How to choose a hood over a gas stove: what criteria to consider when choosing a suitable model. How to correctly calculate the performance of a kitchen hood

Choosing a hood for the kitchen - quite simple task, especially if you familiarize yourself in advance with the main characteristics of this device (of which, it must be said, there are not so many).

But first, let's say a few words about why a hood is needed at all and what functions it performs. The main task of the hood is forced ventilation and cleaning the air that inevitably gets polluted in the kitchen. These include grease splashes, sediment from burnt impurities present in household gas, and ordinary tobacco smoke. The easiest way to clean such air is to simply remove it from the room. More the hard way- filter the air and return it back purified.

Thus, we have determined the first parameter by which you need to choose a hood: will it remove polluted air or return it back to the kitchen?

Hood: recirculation or direct-flow?

In most cases, where it is possible to install a direct-flow hood, it is better to choose it: removing polluted air will clean the room from extraneous odors better than filtration. The straight-through hood can be installed anywhere. The only condition is the presence of a nearby ventilation system to which it can be connected. It is not recommended to pull the air duct over long distances: not only will it not look very aesthetically pleasing, but it will also lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the hood (it is believed that each 90-degree turn reduces the efficiency of the hood by 5%).

A direct-flow hood has a coarse metal grease filter, which is designed to prevent grease from settling on the inside of the device - the motor elements and the housing. After all, this can not only lead to engine failure, but will also become a source of unpleasant odor over time. This filter is usually removable. It can be washed and works for the entire service life of the hood. However, experience shows that it is often not so easy to wash it, and sooner or later the user is faced with the need to replace the filter.

A recirculating hood usually has two filters: one of them, again, serves to remove oil particles (as a rule, it is made in the form of a plastic cassette, which must be replaced after a certain level of contamination). The second filter is a carbon filter, it serves to eliminate unpleasant odors. The carbon filter is also disposable and therefore must be replaced regularly. It’s easy to guess that the costs of such “ consumables“can amount to a significant amount (for example, it is recommended to change the carbon filter once every 4-6 months). Especially if there is a lot of cooking in the house and often.

Many hoods provide an alarm to indicate the need to replace the carbon filter or maintain the metal grease filter. This could be, for example, a light indication on the control panel. A simpler option is special symbols on the filter that disappear as it gets dirty.

Therefore, a recirculation hood is recommended for installation where it is not possible to install a direct-flow hood: in the absence of access to the ventilation shaft or where the installation of an air duct is not suitable for aesthetic reasons (for example, above a kitchen “island”). We also note that the operation of recirculating hoods does not lead to a decrease in the temperature in the room (this may be important, for example, in country houses).

Direct-flow hoods often allow operation in recirculation mode: in this case, they will have to purchase an additional filter, which is usually not included.

But it’s better not to look at budget direct-flow hoods that do not have any filter elements: of course, they will cope with the removal of polluted air, but soon they themselves will become so dirty that it will be quite difficult to wash them.

Hood power

The volume of air that it can remove (or purify) per unit of time depends on the power of the hood. The calculation will be simple: according to sanitary standards, the hood should extract at least 10-12 m³/h. Calculating the volume kitchen area, multiply by 12, add a “reserve” of 20 percent and another 5%-10% if the kitchen uses gas rather than electricity - and we get what we are looking for. If you want to save money, you can subtract the volume occupied by furniture and a refrigerator.

For example, a kitchen with an area of ​​10 square meters and with a ceiling height of 3.2 meters will require a hood with a capacity of about 500 m³/h.

Most hoods have several operating modes, which allows you to regulate the speed of the motor, and at the same time the volume of air passing through the device (and at the same time the noise level).

Noise level

The noise level produced by the hood can cause some inconvenience. Therefore, it is better to be able to “listen” to the hood in a store (however, it’s easy to make a mistake here, because the level of background noise in a sales area will be significantly higher, and the dimensions of store premises are very different from the dimensions of a home kitchen).

A normally operating dome hood produces a noise level of 50 decibels. It can be compared to a quiet conversation at a distance of 3 meters. If the hood you choose is noisier, you should seriously think about the feasibility of such a purchase.

Hood dimensions and installation methods

Based on the method of fastening, hoods are divided into several types:

  • Hanging: such hoods are attached to the bottom plane of a wall cabinet or kitchen shelf. They are usually flat and rectangular shape and small dimensions. They are easy to install, but due to their small size, the filters in such hoods will have to be changed more often.
  • Built-in: such hoods are mounted inside kitchen hanging furniture, so they can be completely hidden from human eyes. Built-in hoods can most often be found on small kitchens- where you have to save space.
  • The fireplace or dome hood is well known to everyone: it is the one that can most often be seen in city apartments, especially where they cook a lot and often.
  • A wall-mounted hood is attached to the wall directly above kitchen stove.
  • An island hood, on the contrary, is designed for installation on the ceiling, above the stove located in the area of ​​the kitchen “island” located in the center of the room.
  • We also note the rarer corner hoods (intended for installation in the corner of a room) and telescopic hoods, with a retractable air intake element (such hoods are installed in a wall cabinet, but are characterized by extremely low power).
  • The latest fashion trend is retractable hoods built into the countertop. Such devices will cost significantly more than traditional hoods, but they will allow you to completely hide the device under the countertop (thereby freeing up space above the stove). More modern than this are perhaps hoods built directly into hob.

The dimensions of the hood should be selected based on the dimensions of the hob and common sense: in general, it is believed that the width of the hood should be no less than the hob (more is possible). Ideally, the length and width of the hood should match the corresponding dimensions of the stove or hob. This will not only provide optimal performance device, but will also look most aesthetically pleasing. Today, manufacturers produce hoods with widths from 45 to 90 cm. The most popular are models with body widths of 50, 60 and 90 cm.

Case design and material

The choice of the appearance of the hood is determined by two factors: the attractiveness of the design and ease of maintenance (everyday cleaning). There are many models on the market, so there is no doubt that every cook will be able to choose just the right hood that will look great in his kitchen. But cleaning can be difficult. Therefore, it is better not to choose hoods whose body is made of cheap heat-resistant plastic, and opt for enameled, or better yet, metal bodies, which will be more durable and easier to clean. The alternative in the form of tempered glass is visually attractive, but it is an expensive solution and not very convenient for everyday care.


The hood control can be mechanical or electronic (for example, touch). In the first case, switching operating modes and lighting systems is carried out using mechanical buttons, in the second - using electronic system, often equipped with a display indicating the selected operating mode.

The main advantages of the electronic control system (in addition to aesthetic ones) are the ability to set a timer for turning the hood on and off. More advanced models can automatically change their mode depending on the degree of air pollution, and some even allow remote control via a special remote control or smartphone. The need for the presence or absence of such functions remains at the discretion of the buyer.

Additional (optional) modes include an intensive mode, in which the hood operates at maximum power for some time, after which it switches to one of the standard modes, and an interval mode, which involves periodically turning on the hood for a predetermined time.

The controls for most hoods remain standard - understandable even to an inexperienced user

The lighting provided in most hoods will help illuminate the hob, and can also become an independent element of the interior. Most hoods use standard E14 bulbs, but due to the latest EU energy saving directives, all hoods will be switching to more energy efficient LED bulbs in the near future. If desired, you can choose a hood that allows you to adjust the light intensity or even allow directional lighting of a specific kitchen area.

Also worth mentioning are hoods ready for working together with hobs. Naturally, compatibility here remains at the manufacturer level: it must be the same. Such hoods are actually controlled by the hob itself: it decides what mode will be in at the moment optimal, based on the use of its resources.

Installation features

Concluding the conversation about hoods, it would not be superfluous to remind not only of the need correct installation this simple device, but also about organizing a proper ventilation system in a living space. After all, there are many more pitfalls here than one might imagine at first glance. The most obvious one is probably familiar to many: after installing double-glazed windows in the apartment, the air flow is disrupted, the air in the room becomes too dry, and there is little oxygen. You also need to remember about a sufficient inflow when installing a hood: after all, if enough air does not get into the apartment, then it will be more difficult to “pump” it out.

The second point is the installation height of the hood relative to the hob. Recommended values ​​are less than 75 cm for a gas stove and 65 cm for an electric stove. If the hood above the stove is located high, it is better to choose a model with a wider width than hob, surface for air intake.

We have already mentioned power losses associated with too long or winding air ducts, but many continue to forget about the need to ensure natural ventilation to this day. During installation of the hood, the original vent, as a result of which the air from the kitchen stops leaving naturally. As a result, the hood has to be turned on much more often - just to “ventilate” the room.

Most in a simple way connecting the hood to the ventilation system is a flexible silver corrugated pipe. However, it does not look very aesthetically pleasing and, in addition, can make noise during operation. The solution is a rigid air duct made of metal or plastic pipes.

Before installation, it would be a good idea to check all dimensions and mark the surface for installation: these instructions can be found in the instructions for the hood.

The easiest thing to install a hood is connecting to the electrical network. Most dome models allow you to “hide” the wire under decorative box(part of the air duct will also be hidden under it). This solution will require an outlet or at least a wire located in the upper part of the kitchen (under the ceiling). It is clear that it is better to think about this in advance - at the kitchen design stage.


Let us list once again the steps to be taken when choosing a home hood:

  • First, you need to decide on the type of hood: will it remove contaminated air (direct-flow) or clean it and feed it back into the room (recirculation).
  • The power of the hood directly depends on the size of the room in which it will be installed. To select the appropriate power, just use a simple calculation formula.
  • The method of installing the hood determines not only its appearance, but also whether it is suitable in principle for solving your problems: for a kitchen “island” one type of hood is used, for an open space - another, for embedding in kitchen set- third.
  • How “independent” the device will be depends on how “advanced” the hood control system is. If you are ready to turn the hood on and off manually, a mechanical control will do. If you want the hood to turn on and off according to a timer or according to a schedule, you cannot do without an electronic control system.
  • Not only the appearance of the hood, but also how convenient it will be to clean it from dirt depends on the material of the body. Various types coatings will require different care and different cleaning products.

On modern market There is a huge range of modern hoods from various manufacturing companies. Such devices differ in their functionality, dimensions, design solutions. Sometimes it is quite difficult to choose the most optimal product for yourself. Therefore, the best option is to seek qualified help from professionals. After all, it is very important which parameters should be taken into account when selecting a device, as well as what mistakes are the most common when choosing. In this publication, we will consider in detail how to choose a hood for the kitchen - advice from professionals for you.

Depending on the principle of operation, there are several types of hoods:

Kitchen hood housing type

First of all, it is important to decide which type of hood body will be the best option for your kitchen. Today, the line of the most popular manufacturers includes the following designs:

How to choose hood power for the kitchen

When thinking about how to choose the right hood for a kitchen in a private home, you should correctly determine the required level of performance, which is measured in m3/h. After all, if there is a need to select this type of equipment, then it is better that it removes polluted air from the room as efficiently as possible. Accordingly, power indicators should not be neglected.
According to experts, the calculation formula is very simple. You need to multiply the kitchen area by the height and then by a factor of 12. This number reflects the generally accepted sanitary standard, which states that the device should extract every cubic meter of air in the room 12 times in one hour. In addition, you need to take care of the power reserve, so the finished value will need to be increased by 20%.

How to choose a good hood: about dimensions

Choosing the correct dimensions of the hood is quite simple. In this regard, the advice of professionals sounds like this: the width of the exhaust panel should be slightly larger compared to the stove. This is necessary to prevent dirty air from rising past the fan. There are numerous devices on the market today different widths(from 45 to 90 cm). That's why you should choose your most good option, considering individual characteristics, not at all difficult.

Nature of management

When deciding how to choose a kitchen hood, be sure to inquire about the type of control of the device you like. In modern units, parameters can be adjusted using a touch system, pseudo-sensors or mechanical buttons. If you need to choose an inexpensive hood, then it is better to focus on the last two options. If the budget is not strictly limited, then a hood with touch control is quite suitable.

Kitchen hood lighting

It is convenient when the work area is illuminated using light bulbs located on the hood panel. When choosing one or another technology option, keep in mind that such lighting must be of very high quality; you should not save money and take the cheapest options. It is better if it is represented by LED or halogen lamps, since such light sources provide a higher quality luminous flux. And this parameter is very important during cooking.

Noise level

When choosing a hood and taking care of home comfort, we always want it to be quiet. That is why before purchasing, be sure to consult and clarify the information in technical passport about the solution you have chosen. Consider the following noise levels:

  • 60 dB – the volume level of a normal conversation;
  • 90 dB – scream;
  • 100 dB and above is the noise that occurs when a lawn mower is operating.

If you need a quiet hood for the kitchen, the best solution would be values ​​not exceeding 45 dB.

Material of manufacture

This parameter is extremely important, since the complexity or simplicity of daily maintenance of the hood depends on its choice. The easiest way to remove dirt and grease is from an enamel surface. This material is also good for its inexpensive cost, as well as excellent reliability and durability. Stainless steel is more expensive. It looks very impressive in the interior of the kitchen, and also attracts with its long service life. Tinted glass is considered the most expensive. This material is very attractive in appearance, but is too labor-intensive for daily care.

Additional options

Among the additional parameters of modern hoods, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • Automatic speed switching. Models that support this function are equipped with a special sensor on the body. It reacts to the appearance of soot and immediately switches to the most optimal fan speed.
  • Creating air flow. This option redirects air flow directly to the fan from the front panel. IN in this case fumes will not spread beyond the working area.
  • Alarm indication and protective shutdown when threats arise. This function is the key to the safety of the device.
  • Residual move. Models equipped with this option leave the fan on in a special slow mode for another ten to twenty minutes after switching off, which allows you to better clean the air from fumes.
  • Interval switching on. This functionality ensures freshness in the kitchen by periodically turning on the fan (one or several times per hour).

When choosing a high-quality model, be sure to pay attention to products manufactured by leading global companies. Such companies use high-quality materials and innovative technologies, which ultimately significantly increases the service life of the hood.

Main conclusions

You can't do without a hood in the kitchen. Choosing your best best option, be sure to consider:

  • Dimensions;
  • Functional;
  • Design features;
  • Design.

This is the only way to buy good device, which will not only please with its appearance, but also make the air inside the kitchen fresh and clean.

The question of how to choose a kitchen hood is of interest to everyone who has started home renovations. Housewives who have already seen how bad it really is without this tool take special care when choosing this technique.

Removing steam and fumes is the first reason for installation exhaust device

No matter which appliance you decide to buy, all are designed to clean your kitchen environment. This is done in two ways: by air filtration or exhaust ventilation. In the first case, the air is cleaned thanks to special filters that are built into the hood; in the second, polluted air is removed outside the room.

Why purify the air in the kitchen

The housewife spends 60% of her time in the kitchen; her health directly depends on the state of the kitchen environment. During cooking, the microclimate is polluted by combustion products, tiny particles of food that are released when heated. If the room is not well ventilated, odors create discomfort. They negatively affect people’s mood and can take away the appetite of even the hungriest. Ventilation is one of the ways to combat air pollution. But it is best to catch the polluted air directly above the stove and clear the room of it. Kitchen hoods can handle this task.

Which model to buy for the kitchen

The performance of the unit is of great importance when purchasing. This parameter is determined by the amount of air that it passes through itself per unit of time. The efficiency of the device depends on this. According to sanitary standards, the entire volume must be changed within an hour. You can calculate the productivity required for your kitchen using the formula: the kitchen area must be multiplied by the ceiling height, the resulting result must be multiplied by 12 (the air exchange rate accepted by the SES), the resulting result must be multiplied by the potential reserve coefficient (equal to 1.3). So, for a kitchen with a ceiling height of 2.5 meters and an area of ​​6 meters, you need to choose a hood with a capacity of at least 234 cubic meters per hour.

How to choose the right kitchen hood

When choosing, pay attention to the parameters: type, size, throughput (performance), control methods, operating modes, presence or absence of filters.


Its width cannot be less than the surface of the slab. If the size is smaller, the hood is less able to capture polluted air. It is even better if the width of the hood exceeds the width of the cooking surface. So, if the width of your slab is 50-60 cm, it is better that the size is about 90 cm, unless, of course, the design of the furniture allows you to do so.

Operating mode

Ask your sales consultants in what mode the hood you have chosen can operate. This can be an exhaust mode, in which contaminated air masses are removed outside the apartment, or a filtration mode, when it is cleaned and returned to the room, as well as its operation in both modes. It is believed that 100% cleaning in a room is ensured by the exhaust mode. But if you decide to buy a filter, it is better to immediately purchase cartridges and change them as needed.


They can be coarse or fine. Filters rough cleaning traps fat particles. These are reusable metal nets that can be washed when dirty. An additional filter is a disposable mesh made of synthetic material. It needs to be changed as it becomes dirty, since a mesh that has exhausted its service life negatively affects performance. Fine filters – carbon. They are purchased separately. The frequency of their replacement depends on the frequency of operation during circulation.

Control method

Which hood control method should I choose? It just depends on your personal preferences. Touch controls are activated by pressing a non-convex button. Push-button control involves pressing raised buttons. The control can also be slider - carried out using a mechanical horizontal switch.

Additional features

When deciding on additional functions: residual fan stroke, interval activation of the hood. The residual fan speed ensures operation for several minutes after it is turned off (from 5 to 15 minutes), which allows you to completely clean the kitchen atmosphere. Interval switching on ensures that the device is switched on for a short time (for example, once every hour or two for 5-10 minutes) at minimum power. This is done to ensure that the flow of fresh air does not stop.

Some are built in electronic timer. It should be turned on at the end of cooking so that the device turns itself off after a certain time.

Almost all devices are equipped lighting fixtures. Can use incandescent, halogen or lamps daylight. Incandescent lamps are cheaper, but appliances with halogen lamps consume less electricity. Replacing burnt out light bulbs is not difficult.

What determines the efficiency of a hood?

The effect depends on many factors.

  • From the pressure that the motor creates. If pressure indicators are high, then productivity will be high.
  • From the regime. If it is ducted into the ventilation shaft, the operation will be more efficient than in recirculation mode.
  • An important role is played by the cross-section of grease filters and density. The denser they are, the more effectively odors are removed. But remember that no carbon filter cleans 100%.
  • From the productivity reserve. The most effective mode allows you to clean the air in extreme conditions, for example, when food burns. When choosing, be sure to pay attention to this parameter.
  • From the sizes. The larger the device, the larger the area the fence takes place. This means that there will be no large swirls, the side of the kitchen wall cabinet will not shrink due to hot air.

Types of exhaust devices

  • Traditional or classic

This is a hanging hood that is mounted on the wall under the hanging kitchen cabinet above the stove. Many manufacturers offer devices with acrylic grease filters (disposable filters). Such devices operate mainly in recirculation mode. Requires disposable carbon filters that trap small particles. The odor is only partially neutralized. These devices are considered the cheapest.

Devices that have the ability to connect a corrugated hose are more expensive, but they clean the air space much better, and you won’t have to spend money on carbon filtration as often.

  • Built-in

Mount them in a hanging cabinet above the kitchen stove. Typically, built-in hoods are equipped with a retractable panel that increases working area– air intake area. This makes it easier to control the device and increases its performance. This hood turns on in the same mode in which it was turned off. Built-in ones are usually equipped with two motors and multi-layer grease filters. Built-in hoods are not much more expensive than suspended hoods.

  • Fireplace (dome)

They are not mounted wall to ceiling above a stove or hob. They are called fireplaces for their dome shape, which resembles a fireplace chimney. They come in three types: metal with glass, all-metal, classic wood or finished natural wood. The design is diverse, the shape can be very creative, for example, high-tech hoods

Functional features of the device

Modern hoods can remove up to 96% of odors and air pollutants that remain after cooking. Especially necessary for kitchen-dining rooms and kitchens that are combined with a living room. In such cases, it is important that the hood not only has high performance, but also worked quite quietly.

The operation of the device can be assessed as “very quiet” if the noise created by the motor and air flow is comparable to a whisper (up to 35 decibels). If the noise can be compared to a conversation at a distance of 10 m (up to 45 decibels), the operation of the hood can be called quiet. If your kitchen is isolated (not combined with a room or dining room), you may not be inconvenienced by a hood whose noise level is about 50 decibels (can be compared to a quiet conversation at a distance of 3 m). This noise level is rated as “normal”. It is not recommended to purchase hoods whose noise level exceeds 50 decibels. For example, noise of 70 decibels cannot be ignored at all: it is comparable to a loud conversation at a distance of about 5 m.

Also evaluate the case material. It can be plastic, enameled steel, stainless steel, tempered glass, aluminum. In terms of price/quality ratio, processed aluminum is the most attractive. The matte surface of this material goes well with many types of kitchen equipment. The aluminum body does not show fingerprints, is not subject to corrosion and is very easy to clean. The stainless steel case combined with tempered glass looks very stylish. There are very expensive models that are made according to individual order taking into account the wishes of the client.

In the room where food is prepared, there are constantly smells in the air: pleasant and not so pleasant. Soot and even smoke are not uncommon here. Particles of hot fat, mixing with dust, settle on nearby surfaces and stain them. Household appliances will help solve all these problems, so let’s figure out how to choose the right one.

Choosing a hood for the kitchen

The principle of operation of the technology

Main task equipment - removing impurities from the air flow entering inside. The most simple models They only retain fairly large particles of fat and soot; more advanced specimens also remove odors. There are one or two fans inside any device. Their power determines the performance of the device.

The number and type of filter determines the degree of purification of the stream. At a minimum, there should be a grease filter that stops the largest particles of contaminants. It protects the fan blades from greasy deposits, which not only spoils the mechanism, but can also catch fire under unfavorable circumstances.

When the fans are turned on, a vacuum area is created inside the case, into which air from the kitchen is drawn. The stream passes through a filtration system and is cleaned. It is then sent back into the room or into the air duct and removed from the building. It depends on the type of equipment.

What types of kitchen hoods are there?

Three types of units are used in a house or apartment.


They draw air inside their body, clean it and direct it into the room. The efficiency of the device directly depends on the type and number of installed filters. In any case, some impurities cannot be removed.


Flow devices capture contaminated air flow and remove it from the room. If the power of the equipment is selected correctly, it is completely . The housing must be connected to an air duct that has access to the street.


Combined devices are devices that can operate in two modes: flow and recirculation. They combine the advantages of both types and require connection to a ventilation shaft.

Systems are distinguished not only by the principle of operation, but also by the method of fastening.


Installed inside, which is placed above the stove. Such models are usually invisible, since they are a functional part of the headset. They are compact and can be equipped with a telescopic element to increase the working area.

Wall mounted

Mounted on the wall above the hob. I can have the most different design and power. Most often they are connected to a ventilation shaft, but recirculation models are also available.


They are brought to a slab located at some distance from the wall. They are attached to the ceiling, and there is also an air vent there, if one is supposed to exist. Very convenient for kitchens, when the stove can be placed even in the center of the room.

All designs can be straight or angular. The latter option is especially good for small rooms, as it makes it possible to tuck the hob into a corner.

8 selection criteria

We tell you how to choose the right hood for the kitchen based on the main parameters.

1. Type of exhaust device

Which hood is best to choose for the kitchen based on the type? To do this, you need to take into account the features of the kitchen space. For large areas and choose optimally flow models, because due to their design features they produce more power. In addition, some models are capable of operating in circulation mode, that is, supplied from the street fresh air.

Recirculation systems have lower productivity. They are optimal for large premises and for rooms where there are no ventilation shafts. Sometimes such devices are chosen where the distance from the ventilation duct to the hood is very large. In order not to pull the air duct, install a good recirculation unit.

2. Design

If you are looking for how to choose a built-in hood for the kitchen, then the decorative function of the device will be important. Built-in ones can be placed completely inconspicuously. Those who don’t want to bother with embedding choose the simplest ones suspended structures. But exhaust equipment can also become an interior decoration. These are, for example, dome models of various designs. Also interesting are chandelier hoods that appeared relatively recently, which are best hung over kitchen islands.

3. Dimensions

For efficient work the structure must be proportionate to the slab. This means that the width should be equal to or greater than the hob. The depth is less important and varies from 0.3 to 0.5 m. It must be remembered that if it is too large, a person will touch the structure with his head.

For a dome device, the distance between the ventilation hole and the lower plane of the umbrella is important. Optimal sizes from 0.7 to 1.5 m. When choosing a device, you need to take into account the height at which it will be fixed. According to safety rules, the distance from a gas stove to the hood should be at least 0.75-0.85 m, from an electric stove - 0.65-0.75 m.

The plan dimensions of the exhaust hood must be no less than the dimensions
This is, of course, ideal. If exhaust hood completely “covers” the hob, then almost all the polluted air (highly heated) rises up and enters the hood. If it is not possible to cover the hob in plan (it is too large), it makes sense to install two hoods with separate umbrellas or use an additional mini-hood built directly into the countertop.

4. Filtration system

Another important element in deciding which hood to choose for the kitchen is the filter system. Any type of device must have a grease filter. It can be made from nonwoven material, then it is replaced as it becomes dirty, or from a metal mesh. In the latter case, the element is washed from time to time. Some manufacturers put filters of both types on their products for better results.

In all recirculation devices and some flow-through devices, carbon filter elements are also installed. In the process, they absorb small particles of dirt and odors. After a certain time they require replacement. When filters are dirty, the efficiency of air purification drops to zero. More convenient in this regard are electronically controlled hoods, which may have a filter contamination level sensor. Such a hood will independently remind the owners that it is time to clean or change the filters.

5. Noise level

It is good if the equipment is as quiet as possible - with a noise level no louder than 45 dB. You will have to pay for this, since their cost will be higher with other similar characteristics.

When choosing, you should give preference to a device with two not very powerful fans. It will be quieter than a device with one super-powerful fan. However, the cleaning efficiency will not change.

6. Housing material

Most often, their cases are made of plastic, metal or glass.

The most low-maintenance materials are plastic, aluminum alloys and enameled steel. , which stains easily. The most capricious material is tempered glass, where every accidental touch is visible. But glass and stainless steel products become a real decoration of the kitchen.

7. Performance

Productivity shows the amount of air that the device can clean per hour of operation. The indicator varies from 100 to 2000 cubic meters/hour. The minimum performance is only good for very small spaces, and even then it may not be enough.

  • The performance of the unit must be selected taking into account the area. To do this, measure its length and width, then multiply the resulting values.
  • Find the volume of the kitchen space by multiplying the area by the height.
  • According to SanPiN standards, the air in the room where food is prepared must be completely replaced 12 times in 1 hour. Therefore, we multiply the resulting volume by 12 to determine the amount of air that must pass through the product per hour.
Select the hood performance with reserve. If you have an electric stove at home, multiply the calculated value by 1.7. If gas - at 2.

As a result of a simple calculation, the minimum performance for a kitchen hood is obtained. It is advisable to increase it by 10% in case of an emergency. For example, to quickly remove smoke or an unpleasant odor. In addition, if the ducts are long or have bends, the performance parameters must also be increased. On average, 10% is added for each bend of the pipe and for each meter of its length.

  • Material prepared by: Inna Yasinovskaya

A range hood is a modern kitchen appliance that copes well with unpleasant odors and smoke. Every owner knows that an air purifier must be present in the house. After all, ventilation alone cannot cope with persistent odors, especially since sometimes there are cases when it is not possible to open the windows.


Why is a hood needed?

Choosing a hood for the kitchen is primarily necessary to get rid of smoke and unpleasant odors. Also, a cleaning appliance is installed directly above the stove to remove grease and fumes during cooking. And the built-in lamps in the hood panels will become indispensable for troubles in the kitchen, replacing a chandelier.

Basic designs of hoods

Each form of hoods has its own characteristics, nuances, positive and negative aspects. In order to choose the right air duct, you will need professional advice from a specialist, or you can rely on your own knowledge, experience and preferences. Each household item has its own subtleties.

  • A built-in hood can be located in a cabinet or on a countertop. The big advantage of this air duct is that it is almost invisible and takes up a minimal amount of space. This option is convenient if the kitchen small size. You can also note the relatively low cost of a household appliance. Budget option will do precisely for those who value quality and at the same time do not want to overpay.

Another positive point is that the built-in hood can be selected to suit any taste and style of the room. She has large number various configurations.

The dimensions of the hood vary mainly from fifty to ninety centimeters and in order to purchase a suitable household appliance, you need to be guided first of all by hob. A mandatory feature of an air purifier is the ability to regulate power. An interesting fact is that the more power and performance a household appliance has, the more noise it makes. This should definitely be taken into account when choosing a hood.

A built-in hood usually contains from one to four filters. They can be either metal or coal. It can be located both vertically and horizontally. Additionally, some models come with a remote control. remote control, backlight and on/off timer.

The principle of operation of a built-in hood is air circulation. That is, smoke and unpleasant odors pass through the filter, are cleaned and returned to the room with clean air. But the fat does not pass further than the filter and settles on it.

It is worth remembering that you should not open a vent or window in the kitchen while the air purifier is running. Otherwise, the hood will swallow air from the street, try to clean it and throw it back into the kitchen. But unpleasant odors will remain in the room.

  • A suspended hood differs from others in its ease of installation above the stove, compactness, mobility and, in many cases, beautiful design. But there is one significant disadvantage - it is low power and performance. Therefore, before purchasing, you should pay attention to the size of the room and the amount of unpleasant odor emitted. After all, such a hood would be useless for a large kitchen.

Household appliance called suspended due to the fact that the hood is always attached to the wall and does not interact with the ventilation ducts of the living room. Installing an air purifier does not require any effort or experience. You just need to read the instructions and have the necessary tools at hand.

Hanging hoods are divided into models according to cleaning methods. These are single-stage and two-stage cleaning. The principle of operation of the attachment is based on air circulation, but a more complex process takes place here than with a built-in hood

Dirty air and various particles are sucked in by the hood, undergo first cleaning using a grease filter, then carbon filters do their job, and so on. clean air goes out to the kitchen.

A hanging hood is inexpensive and at the same time has a beautiful appearance. The compact device is ideal for small spaces. Moreover, there is no need to worry about natural ventilation. The mounted device will not interfere with air circulation.

Besides positive points there is also negative aspects. For example, regular manual filter replacement, increased noise and poor performance.

There is a widespread belief that hanging hoods are a thing of the past and are not relevant today. But still, some consumers cannot afford expensive options and purchase a household appliance of average quality, but at an affordable price.

  • A dome hood will look ideal in spacious and large rooms. Visually, it resembles a fireplace duct and always has only one shape, but two different positions - inclined or horizontal. But the pricing policy for such hoods is quite flexible and varied.

The dome hood is the highest quality of all types of air purifiers. It is always made of stainless steel and painted with a durable substance. The presence of an air duct allows for continuous circulation. It is equipped with two types of filters at once - carbon and grease-absorbing.

This type of hood has two motor options. For small rooms one unit, and for a fairly spacious kitchen you can choose a more powerful dual motor.

The dome device is considered the most modern device and has touch screen controls. Plus, you can find quite a large number of additions in the package. It is also worth noting that the hood has several appearance options and choosing a model to suit any style of room will not be difficult.

These are the three main and most popular models of hoods. But modern technologies do not stand still and constantly present consumers with new forms. For example, such as "domino" and "island".

  • Domino. A relatively new type of hood, which is hidden in the countertop from prying eyes and is pulled out only during cooking or when there are unpleasant odors in the kitchen. A very compact and convenient hood, but it costs a fairly large amount of money compared to others and is only suitable for small spaces.
  • Island. One of the latest models of hoods, which is ideal for large rooms, such as a combined kitchen and living room. The hood has a stylish appearance and can perfectly visually separate areas of the room.

Types of hoods

All kitchen hoods They are divided into two types according to the method of air purification. This:

  • Circulation. This hood sucks in dirty air that passes through filters. exhaust fan and releases it back clean. The big advantage of this hood is its easy installation and lack of interaction with the ventilation system. But one of the disadvantages is the high noise. This drawback will be especially noticeable in small rooms and will bring a lot of inconvenience.
  • Flow-through. Such a hood must be connected to the ventilation system. Filters, fans and air duct are always included in the package. The operating principle of a flow hood is similar to a circulation hood. It swallows dirty air, passes it through filters and releases it back fresh and purified.


Among the advantages are high and high-quality performance, easy cleaning of filters that are simply washed with water and soap, and low noise. But only a professional can handle the installation of this type of hood. Quite labor-intensive installation is the only drawback.


Filter systems

Filters are one of the most important components of a hood. All dirt, soot, and fats pass through them, which settle on the filters and thereby purify the air, and also protect the mechanisms of the household appliance.

There are two types of filters:

  • Metal filter. Its main function is to remove fat and prevent fatty plaque on the mechanism of the device. The metal filter is a very economical addition, as it does not require regular replacement, but only rinsing under running water with soap.
  • Carbon filter. This addition may be included in the package or purchased separately. Requires regular replacement as it gets dirty. On average, if the work is not particularly intensive, it is necessary to change it once every four to six months.

We determine the power, taking into account the size of the kitchen

Hoods always operate from electrical network and have one or two fans. This concerns additional characteristics related to power. After all, the quality of air purification depends precisely on the operation of the fans. But choosing a hood based on power is wrong; you must always consider the performance, which is measured in cubic meters per hour and is always indicated in the description of the device.

The most important thing is the maximum air output readings. The fans have different speeds that can be controlled and switched. For a small kitchen, an air purifying device with a medium fan speed and the same average hood performance is quite suitable.

But for a large room, it is best to choose household appliances with four fans and high rotation speed. It is worth noting that with four fans and high operating speed, the sound will be quite loud.

You can choose the right hood based on your kitchen parameters. It's very easy to do. First you need to take the total volume of the kitchen and subtract from it the volume of all the furniture that is in this room. Then multiply the resulting number by ten. The final figure will indicate the power factor of the hood, which is ideal for the room.

It is also very easy to calculate the required performance. To do this, you need to multiply the kitchen area by the height, and then by twelve. The number twelve is the air norm in cubic meters, which the hood must absorb in one hour. Next, you need to add twenty percent to the resulting number, that is, a certain reserve of power of the device. The number will be three digits, which should be rounded up.

Control panel - which one to choose

Modern hoods may have three various panels This:

  • Push-button. Simple and uncomplicated controls that anyone can immediately understand.
  • Sensory. More modern and functional control, unlike push-button controls. Lightly pressing the panel turns on one or another command for the hood. A household appliance with such a panel will cost much more than others.
  • Slider. A mechanical slider moves along the panel.

Additional features

As mentioned above, hoods may have additional functions that will make housekeeping and life easier for all household members.

  • Backlight. The hood panel may have built-in light bulbs. It is best to purchase a device with halogen or LED lamps. Since these devices provide brighter and better quality light.
  • Material. There are only five types of material: enameled steel, stainless steel, aluminum, plastic and tempered glass.

The care and service life of the hood depend on the material of the device. For example, an enamel air purifier is very convenient and easy to clean. The enamel body will work reliably and quite long time. And the cost of the hood is at an average level. But stainless steel will be a little expensive, but it will delight you with its ideal and stylish appearance.

Aluminum is durable, lightweight and harmonious material. It is easy to care for, as it practically does not get dirty. The excellent price of the product and appearance will easily find its fans.

  • Automatic speed change. This is a very relevant feature that will appeal to all housewives. The operating principle is based on the fact that the device itself determines when to reduce fan operation and when to increase it. It depends on the quantity dirty air, soot, burning.
  • Emergency indication. A very important feature for those who care about security. The hood gives a signal when the filter is already extremely dirty. It can also independently turn off the device if necessary. In this way, manufacturers took care of fire safety, because when the filter is covered in grease, dirt and soot, it can easily ignite at any moment.
  • "Residual move." This function allows you to better and better clean the air in the room. After the hood is turned off, the fans can run silently for another ten to twenty minutes.
  • Automatic on and off. The hood can be configured in such a way that the fans will operate independently at different intervals.

If you have the desire and, of course, the financial opportunity, then you should definitely purchase a product with these functions. They will make life much easier and become faithful helpers.

The most popular manufacturers

Very often people want to choose the best quality product, but not overpay. Today this is difficult to do due to the fact that the market household appliances a large number of companies and a huge number of models with additional functions, without and with an air duct, in various configurations and colors.

The most best manufacturers selected based on customer reviews and, of course, professional assessments. So, best hoods produce:

  • Siemens.
  • Coopersburg.
  • Best.
  • Zanussi.
  • Elika.
  • Gorenje.
  • Samsung.
  • Hansa.
  • Cronasteel.

It should be remembered that even a time-tested company may not produce very good quality models. Therefore, before purchasing, you should always consult with more experienced people and read reviews.

There is a list that you need to navigate when choosing a hood. Advice from professionals will help you make a quality and successful purchase. You just have to pay attention to the subtleties:

  • Filters. They can be either removable or aluminum.
  • Appearance of the hood and installation method.
  • Fan power and performance.
  • Control Panel. Touch, button and slider.
  • Dimensions of a household appliance.
  • Additional features.
  • Price.

According to experts, if you follow all these points, you can save a lot of time and effort in finding the right air purifier.