Why dream of Broken Dishes? Why do dishes dream - interpretation of sleep

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What is the dream of Crockery in a dream according to 29 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the "Dishes" symbol from 29 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

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In a dream, what is the crockery dreaming of?

Dishes - for household chores that will not be appreciated by your loved ones.

Enamelware You have been waiting for this message for a long time.

Russian dream book

Dishes - change of residence; wash- material disadvantage; complete - all dreams will come true; empty - not to be what you hope for; iron - beware of edged weapons.

Family dream book

Clean dishes dreamed of in a dream- means the onset of a period of true prosperity.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a gloomy future.

If in a dream you picked up a plate- luck will visit you in reality.

Fallen and broken plates- portend that the time of successful events will be short.

A young woman who dreams of a store with beautiful crockery- waiting happy marriage with a decent person.

Empty tableware store- promises confusion in business and a decline in mental strength.

Symbolic dream book

Crockery - symbolizes home life, guests, reception, homework(for a woman), a festive feast (if expensive dishes and beautiful serving).

Dishes are well-being and relationships in the family.

Dishes are clean or dirty- is related to the state of the female soul (subsequently in reality).

Slavic dream book

Crashing, breaking iron cauldron- portends mourning.

Broken, broken frying pan, bowl- portends trouble.

porcelain cups- portend booze and snacks.

porcelain plates- portend a squabble.

Spoon - portends the appearance of a son or grandson.

Cores, strings- portends the appearance of a servant, a worker in a village house.

Basin, large bowl- portends the addition of stocks, great happiness.

You raise the basin, the bucket, and the bottom falls off- portends ruin.

Roaster, ceramic dishes- portends wealth and nobility.

Facial washbasin, sink- portends the appearance of a beautiful concubine.

Basins and bowls different sizes - portends the joy of communicating with the family.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see Dishes in a dream?

Eat in a dream from ordinary dishes- portends disagreements in the family, from wood - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, from silver - improve your material conditions, from the service - you are in danger of being deceived.

Glassware- portends happiness in the house, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - good relationship with the authorities, enameled - you will find success in an almost hopeless business.

Empty dishes - you have to urgently repay the debt, filled with something- get big money.

Dirty dishes piled high in the sink means you can't find mutual language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing dishes means that you are being misled, wishful thinking.

Clean dishes - personifies order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken - a sign of short-term happiness.

Cooking food in a dish- wait for the visit of guests, wash in it - to be spring-cleaning. Salt or marinate in a bowl- to sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buy dishes in a dream- to change in better side. Use different-caliber old crockery, in crevices, cracks, with chipped handles- a sign of poverty and stagnation without permanent job and bird rights. donate dishes - good views to improve the welfare of the family, receive as a gift- Do not refuse a request to help out friends.

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Dough kneading utensils, especially wooden ones- to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Clean dishes in a dream- portends the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: finally, you will be able to appreciate the favor of your fate.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate- luck will certainly return to you.

If the plates fall and break- this wonderful period will be short.

If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes- you will find prosperity and a well-established life in the house.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Tableware according to the dream book?

Crockery as a whole - reflects the home atmosphere, financial situation in the family and the state of relationships.

The old one is a favorable sign; new or dirty- quarrels; beat - fortunately; wash - to friendship and harmony; empty - a need for something, a lack; someone else's - false helpers.

Freud's dream book

Crockery as a set of containers- symbolizes the feminine, female genital organs.

Clean, sparkling dishes- speaks of the dreamer's health, his (her) sexual attractiveness and good sexual form.

Washing dishes - symbolizes the desire to have children.

Dirty - symbolizes promiscuity in the choice of numerous sexual partners.

Broken or broken- symbolizes the presence of serious problems in the sexual sphere, possibly a disease of the genital organs.

French dream book

Seeing dishes in a dream - good sign.

Pottery and porcelain dishes- portends a long, peaceful and happy life.

Gold or silver utensils- promises a significant meeting for you with a kind person.

Esoteric dream book

To see dishes - to small squabbles with friends and relatives. Pay attention to the state of your nerves.

Wash - if you do not calm your nerves, then you will bring yourself and others to illness and an unequal breakdown.

To beat - everything will go to dust, and family, and prosperity, and work, if you do not pull yourself together.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: Tableware according to the dream book?

Why dream of dishes? This plot- indicates that you are inclined to save and accumulate.

More interpretations

We bought it - it means that important events are not far off.

Seen dirty- a hint that your former like-minded people will leave you.

We washed it in a dream - be careful, someone is trying with might and main to start leading you by the nose.

Clean and beautiful dishes- a reflection of the fact that you live in harmony.

Broken - says that you are waiting for misfortune.

Rock crystal dishes in a dream- warns of a sudden deterioration in your affairs, you can lose everything you have at one moment, so be careful and protect yourself as much as possible from various force majeure situations.

If it's still new- promises you enrichment, grandiose purchases or an increase in the number of your relatives.

To shine you washed dishes, according to the dream book- is an good sign promising you a long-awaited happiness that will replace numerous trials.

If in a dream you saw broken dishes- most likely, some family troubles await you, there will be a conflict with the household, or one of them will cause your strong unrest.

A dream in which you wash dishes- warns that a period of misunderstanding and mutual reproaches will begin in your family, but for those around you you will still remain an ideal couple.

If she's dirty- this is a warning that your situation can rapidly deteriorate, and the coming days are preparing you some disappointments, so now try to prevent your misfortunes.

According to the dream book, glassware- promises family well-being, a joy that will fill every corner of your home.

Video: What is the Dream of Crockery

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I dreamed of Dishes, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

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    I am standing with a young, very handsome, young man, he says that he needs to go wash the dishes. I persuade him that I will do it myself. I stand at the sink, in which there are a lot of dirty dishes, I wash them, next to me are two women who are surprised that I, so rich and prosperous, suddenly wash the dishes myself.

    i dreamed that I had a fictitious wedding, all the guests and I were sitting at a table covered with a white tablecloth, the groom was sitting far from me. I was white Wedding Dress. The table was covered with empty dishes and all sorts of empty vases. Suddenly I heard my favorite song, asked me to add a sound, climbed onto the table and started dancing, spinning the dishes from the table, I liked how it fell and broke.

    I dreamed of dishes, plates, forks, spoons. The plates were clean and bright, their hostess threw them into the trash, carefully placing them. I approached and began to collect the dishes in bags to take home. One package fell off. That's the whole dream.

    I had a dream today as if I was sorting out the dishes in the wall at home and on the dishes there are numbers from 1 to 5 on the edging of the cups and I don’t know what they mean. The cups and sets are so beautiful and my colleagues at work help me. there was dust right on them and my sister wanted to sort through the books and I didn’t let me wipe the dust. I said myself. And in a dream I keep thinking what these numbers mean, then I started looking for the numbers on the dishes, I had to get up on a chair, I almost fell, but resisted .then everyone ate watermelon in the kitchen. but I didn’t get it))

    i dreamed how Mom and I looked at apartments for purchase and saw our dishes: plates, cups, glasses, and so on. and before that, it was as if they had stolen it ... we cleaned all the dishes from food and took them away, there the boys argued with us

    I'm sitting on the ground underneath right foot I have a glass bottle and the faster it rolls the faster I drive through the fields of the field around and in the middle of the field on the left side there are piles of dishes, mostly pots and plates, cups, it is not new, it looks a bit old

    I went to a restaurant with my wife and son, for some reason my wife left, I left the restaurant to count how much money was in my pockets, then I went back and the restaurant was already closing the waitresses rubbing white dishes, I asked! they beat me, they said the bill, but my wife didn’t have enough money, they had the main ones, I got another five, I paid and then the lights go out, some kind of pogrom begins and witches on broomsticks all around we ran out into the street at night and I had a flashlight, I saw some kind of silhouette on the street behind the flashlight turned on well highlighted the witch on the broom, she flew at me end.

    Hello Tatiana. I dreamed that someone was going to take away my house, but not just like that, but someone bought it, but I didn’t want to sell it. And on the windowsill in the house there were glassware, vases, candy bowls and many others. and someone dropped one dish on the floor, and after him all the glass vases shattered into small fragments. Then I started sweeping them, but they were poorly swept from the carpet and then shook them. and then I don't remember.

    Hello))) Today I dreamed that I gave my grandmother a whole set of beautiful tableware for her birthday (there were various plates and cups with saucers). The dishes were gentle Green colour))) What is it for? the dream is very vivid, this set was considered with undisguised envy by the neighbors)))

    It seems that my mother asks me for a set of plates! I ask her why you need dishes, she says: "I will give one of the neighbors"! I have two sets, one is old and the other is newer! I gave her the old one in a dream, but she refused and asked for the newer one! But I didn't!

    I was in a spacious room resembling a palace, it was brightly lit, it seemed that everything around me was especially memorable glassware
    some people ate from it, as if it were a holiday, and after them I washed these beautiful plates of blue glass, but at the same time everything around was white and gold in some Venetian style and I was in a white dress with me there was a man and my daughter and we experienced such bliss from the fact that we were together, as if we had been waiting for this for a very long time and now we are together and happy

    Today I had a dream in which I sacked a lot of new dishes, my mother and sister bought them and brought them home. I sat at the table and wondered її, there were many colors: light green, orange. I took an orange spoon and began to eat with it ...

    My family and I were with my mother-in-law, she lives far away and we traveled by train. When we arrived, the layout of the apartment was completely different. For some reason it was a terrible mess, there were fragments of crystal and glass all around. It is some kind of glasses and wine glasses. The remains of this dish neatly stood on the bottom shelf. coffee table. I told my husband, maybe we'll throw it all away, otherwise we have small children. And he said that let's just clean it up somewhere higher ... I know that you can’t store broken dishes ... But I don’t know why this dream at all. I have warm relations with my father-in-laws!!!

    Hello, my name is Svetlana. Usually I myself know the meaning of my dreams. But today, before the new moon, I dreamed weird dream/ As if I were at some kind of fair, but there were no people. And the male seller offers me to buy wooden vases of all sizes and very beautiful, but not painted, ordinary ones, and the same spoons of all sizes, from huge to small. These items look like they've just been made.

    My very good friend gave me a set of three glasses, in a box, in the same box there were 3 wine glasses, 3 glasses, 3 glasses. In life, this friend treats me so kindly that I was very happy in a dream

    Hello! I saw in dream table, with whom I managed to clean the dishes, and suddenly I notice another table with used dishes after eating (white plates). And they seem to feel uncomfortable in front of my mother (she is not alive).

    Hello, I had a dream, it is connected somehow with my men, I see two room apartment, as if I live there, at first I saw a former man, and then with whom I meet and at the same time not, but both of them are unimportant to me in my life, But for some reason I kept a shepherd dog and I know that this dog is my ex-man , and supposedly his name is Rex, I don’t specifically see my mother, but at my house I have donated her dishes, bowls, braids, and they are all new (I’m a Muslim and therefore the dishes are appropriate), and I wash the braids!

    Hello! From the beginning I dreamed of a silver, clean ring with a stone, then a pile of silver coins, and then clean and clean dishes - glasses, glasses, plates, vases and everything made of glass and they all shone, everything shone.

    three houses on the same platform of three grandmothers 2 relatives 1 radian along the line of my dad supposedly friends of the grandchildren of 2 relative grandmothers arrived and pulled out all the dishes of my grandmother, or rather all the glasses, wine glasses, faceted glasses, faceted glasses, I went to pick up all the dishes and they hid half of the old one crystal, but I found it and took it from them and took it home and old jewelry in the form of large earrings with multi-colored stones, I woke up from insults from these friends.

    In a dream, I saw how beautifully I set the table. She cooked fish. In the middle of the table stood a vase of red roses. There was a white cake. Then the friends presented a set of beautiful crystal glasses, cups and a very beautiful vase.

    My favorite man died, I didn't come to his funeral. And she cried a lot, well, she cried a lot. And then I came to the store, his mother is standing and someone else is looking at the shelves of so many beautiful new dishes. And pink and whatever you want. I look at this dish and cry, and say: Why do I need it now. After all, Andryusha is dead. Who should buy all this. And I walked, cried, did not believe in the grief that had happened, and looked for my Andrei, so that at least I could hear his voice.

    I dreamed that three guys came into my office, one, as it were, my boyfriend probably and his two friends gave flowers, and the guy gave packages with gifts and handed over the dishes, glasses and cups in a beautiful box


    I dreamed about the house in which I was born and lived until the age of 12. I dreamed that some kind of catastrophe was foreseen, such as the end of the world, but, as if it could be survived. and I, with my mother, brother and cousin, carry the dishes from the kitchen to the hallway, I rearrange them on the floor and cover them with pillows. I also say that it is scary for animals.

    the dream was on a Saturday afternoon. Very clear and bright. I saw a huge cardboard box, there were a lot of beautiful tea utensils in it beige colour with drawing. Every detail was lined with paper and the dishes were a little dusty. It was as if they had been stored for a long time.

    dreamed of a drunken dead father. He had a kettle in his hands and he was cleaning it. At that time I tried to get through to my husband with whom I was in a quarrel, but I could not. And then I see myself with my mother, also deceased. We walked around the market with her and she chose a new outfit for me.

    I sorted and washed mountains of dishes. I needed to move her to another place of residence. In the same dream, I found myself (I don’t remember how) at a holiday, there were many people there, including my relatives. I went to some house to bring Michael Jackson, I saw him there, he had withdrawal symptoms. And I was sure that he was only a year older than me, and we studied at the same school.

    I was at home, as always, waiting for my mother to come home and she brought the plates, they were white from the beginning, then a dull green pattern appeared on the next ones, the plates began to change, deepen, the edges changed. One dreamed of glass transparent thought that under the cookies.

    I had a dream that a man sent me to work through a courier nice box and inside there were very beautiful spoons, forks, tweezers, and some other objects, and it was very beautiful. And another basket, and there was a tea set

    hello, today I had a dream where there were a lot of dishes! it was mostly glasses! this dream was connected with my husband, who is now on a business trip! i dreamed that he arrived and brought a huge number of boxes, they filled all the rooms and there were dishes in them!

    i heard a sound broken glass in the kitchen. I went there and there my common-law husband did not tea break my favorite plates that I recently bought. I took it out of desperation and finished off the remaining whole ones. The plates were light green in glass and had chamomile on it.

    I was in some big building I was surrounded by my co-workers, and now the door to a bright room opened for me, where there were decorated wooden utensils, and I chose something there

    My sister was washing dishes in my house and we were quarreling. She reproached me for my slovenliness. There were a lot of dishes, both already clean (white, sparkling) and still dirty. There were also some strangers in my house and my sister tried to quickly wash the dishes.

    it happened in India
    In the workshop for painting glass and ceramic dishes. Next to the Hindu masters, I am learning to paint dishes, cups, plates with bright colors.
    As a result, after my labors and unexpectedly for me, they give me all my painted works. I am in great joy and pleasant shock.

    I left the robot with paper in my hands near my robot my cohabitant was waiting for me and I show him in a box of packed different dishes and suddenly someone came further with this person talked and he left and I promised my man to give a standing kushin beautiful but not my kushin

    Hello! I dreamed that I came to visit a guy I knew for a holiday and brought dishes with me, and there was food in some plates. Then I started washing all these dishes, and I also washed the bathroom. Then his relatives came and I started with get to know them.

    Some kind of house and I'm folding a wardrobe that looks like Bohemian glass in blue-green tones. Vases and wine glasses on high legs. Then I look for newspapers to pack this dish so that it does not break and take it for myself.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was coming to work with which I left a year ago and I see a lot of dirty dishes and raw fish fillets there, I see the employee very well, who is now on this moment holds the position of director, I tell her why there are so many dirty dishes, I need to wash them all alone, she tells me yes, I start arguing with her that I won’t wash so much that I don’t have to wash it alone, I don’t remember what happened next , but the dream was as pure as in reality.

    was visiting friends. They were not at home. There were dirty dishes on the table. A couple of plates were dirty and cracked. And in one the corner is completely beaten off. I decided to leave home. For some reason, before leaving, I looked in the bedside table, and there were 5 plates - supper clean and shiny. When I went outside, the sun was shining like never before.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was walking with a friend around the premises of some kind of workshop and women were sitting at the tables and immediately painting plates different diameter in different patterns and they are sold right there, I bought several plates. I don't remember exactly how long.

    I dreamed that my deceased dad, when we met with him and agreed to go to the sea, asked me to wash the dishes in the back room where he works, he went to his wife without inviting me, supposedly she doesn’t know what I am, then the workers came , my mother called me somewhere, I don’t know where, because I didn’t have my phone with me and I left without waiting for my dad.

    A set of prizes was handed out in a store with dishes for free - a teapot and a couple of mugs, rustic from thick clay, the seller walks along the rows in my direction with a prize, but before reaching someone he already gives, then again, and so 3 times, in once more I myself ran to her, because in her hands she had a very nice set color - olive, but again failed. To calm me down, she began to offer some other sets, but I don’t need them at all and I refused

    hello. in a dream I saw a former sister-in-law who brought to my apartment (which I sold 10 years ago) dishes, different, colored. I know that the dishes are not new, but clean and beautiful and in parts from different sets. I remember I asked why she brought it, because I have several sets. I don’t remember the answer, I remember that I convinced her to take it and said that it was very beautiful.

    I dreamed of a pantry-kіmnatka, in a way that saves different inappropriate speech. In the storeroom stood a square box of large, wide tea cups. I took a box of cups with a young handsome man (I don’t remember, chi vin my know chi I don’t know).

    I was preparing for a feast with some unfamiliar people, new work colleagues. Raznosila dishes, plates. Then they sat down at the table and the last one sat down and I didn’t have enough of a large plate, but I didn’t want to take a small one. And then I freed the large one from under some dish and set it for myself. putting beetroot salad. And before that, an hour ago I dreamed Railway, I was looking for a train I was going to go somewhere (but this dream ended, I woke up. And when I fell asleep again, I dreamed that I was at a new job (I don’t work now) and what I described about the feast

    Hello, I was riding a train ... and I dreamed that the train I was on had an accident ... later I dreamed that the dishes were falling from my hands. the next night I was riding a bus, and I dreamed that the dishes again fell from my hands and broke. what is it for?

    Me, my brother and his first wife (he divorced more than 20 years ago) sat down to dinner in an unfamiliar room. The table was fully set: plates, forks, knives, napkins. But there was no food at all, not even a crumb of bread, there was only empty bottle from champagne. In a dream, I understood that this was due to lack of money, and, in my opinion, I even said that it was temporary and we would survive it. Several people were having dinner at the next table, they had a lot of food, they laughed at us. Among them, I remember only the current wife of my brother..

    I’m dreaming of an old abandoned house, I moved there with my family to live and go around the rooms and collect my dirty dishes, and its endless amount It was scary to enter one room - something lived there, it seemed to me, but then it disappeared. lived there

    In a dream, I saw my ex-boyfriend. At first, we heated water with him to wash his son, then I saw him drunk, he was about to leave somewhere, he cursed at me, not that much, but he was simply not happy with something. When he left, I started washing dishes in his house (3 plates) and his new cohabitant came, began to express dissatisfaction, I explained that I would only wash the child ( former man). There were a lot of people in the house (men and children), everything was scattered, dirty. I collected some things, called my daughter to go home, she did not want to, I cursed at her. Then, in a tent near the house, she poured water for the son of her ex-man (a teenage boy), she said that now I would bring water and go out so that he would wash himself, because. already big.

    i dreamed that my friends, being visiting me, accidentally broke the porcelain china that belonged to my parents holiday dishes and beautiful porcelain flowers along with a vase. I reproached them saying that my parents collected this dishes all their lives

    I was walking down the street with my mother and saw a bedside table in a strange yard. next to the bedside table lay a commemorative silver coin. then I opened the nightstand and inside I saw the wedding dishes. and I stole it. and took it home.

    I saw that I was in our school cafeteria with my aunt and her youngest daughter. there were also children from the lower grades who ate. then they were told (I didn’t see anyone) to put away their plates (they were small, white with pink flowers), but many did not carry them and beat them right in front of the table for dirty dishes. but I didn’t see dirty dishes, on the contrary, I was glad that the school had acquired new beautiful plates. I also made remarks to the children like “what are you doing? after all, you yourself won’t have anything to eat from then and you need to take care of what they do for you, ”but one girl, the first-grader daughter of my friend (our children are in the 4th grade), somehow looked at me badly, somehow from podlobya. Here I think, how to connect and explain all this?

    I dreamed of a late grandmother who took out dishes, plates, dishes from the sideboard and put them into packages. I asked her why she smoothes the dishes? And she says - I'll take it to my grandfather, let him lie there for now. I say why? You already took things to him and what was the result? He gave up on you and didn't give up your things. Grandmother, as if remembering this, began to cry. At this, the dream ended; she did not see whether she took the dishes or not. In the past, when her grandmother was alive, she lived with her grandfather (this is her second husband), she moved all her things to him, and when she fell ill, he abandoned her, left her in the hospital, did not want to take her back to his house. My mother took and inspected my grandmother. And when the grandmother died, the grandfather did not give more than half of the things, he sold the apartment and went to his homeland, his relatives took him. It seems that now the grandfather is also deceased.

    I put clean chemical flasks on the piano, one, the very first flask, is squeezed out in the center, but I don’t see the fragments, the voice of a friend says that she needs to be thrown away and removes the flask herself (I see only her hand)

    Give away dusty dishes, dishes are bright orange color, just like fire .. but it is dusty .. she stood in the sideboard and the shelves in it are dusty. I gave it to some friend who does not have dishes ..

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that the owners unexpectedly arrived at the apartment I was renting (part of the apartment was unfamiliar, and the part where the dishes lay turned out to be the kitchen of the parental house, which was recently completely destroyed). the apartment is a big mess: things are piled everywhere and there is a mountain of unwashed dishes in the kitchen. The hosts came with guests, everyone was very unhappy, but there was no scandal (they are reserved people) I rushed to get out. According to the meaning of the dream, I should have already rented an apartment to them (of course, in its pure form). I always see colored dreams with smells and sounds. The apartment was gray and very dusty. People entered already in colored clothes. I had a dream this morning. My husband went to work, I woke up, and immediately fell asleep again. And again I entered this dream, I dreamed of its continuation, how I clean up with guilt and serve the guests. Someone was washing the dishes, but I don’t remember whether I was or not. This dream bothers me because today I was going to go to the prosecutor's office, ask for an inspection of an unscrupulous enterprise that does not give me my 10 thousand rubles. (I paid for the goods that they did not give me), I was going to write an article on them in a newspaper so that others people did not come across (This is due to many). Today I am going to court on this issue. What does this dream mean? He stands before my eyes. I usually forget my dreams right away.

    my husband, drunk after a party, folded, probably even made dishes from the table on our sofa on which we sleep, and I scolded him for this and put him back on the table, and he returned to the sofa and so on several times

    In the kitchen were me, my mother and our neighbor. I washed the dishes and tried to put another one on the shelf among the rest of the plates, but it did not fit in any way. As a result, the shelf fell along with all the dishes on it and there were many fragments, just a mountain! The crockery was porcelain.

    Hello! Forwarding the dream of my second husband. We live with him different cities and different states. In his description, I made several clarifications in the text.
    “I dreamed, it seems, from Friday to Saturday.

    New living space.
    New, in the sense that they just moved in ... They changed the current Moscow apartment. The furniture has not yet been arranged, and, by and large, there is almost none of it. The ceilings are high and the rooms are spacious. The huge kitchen has only wide shelving and a long, rectangular table.
    In the hall there is a table, large boxes with dishes. Part of the dishes on the table.
    I remember a son from my first marriage, vaguely, most likely a daughter from my first marriage.
    We decided to free the room from the dishes. While I was emptying the boxes, the children carried it to the kitchen. Pavlukha succeeded especially quickly. Lots of dishes. There are a lot of plates either porcelain or ceramic and (standard) metal spoons - sauce, tea, dessert. Mostly small.
    Finally all the boxes were empty. I go to the kitchen...
    Table in dishes. There are mountains of dishes on the rack. Not stacks, but mountains with slopes. Plates mixed with spoons. I feel that not all slopes are strong. Avalanches are not expected, but local falls are possible.
    I don’t remember why they put it this way, but I asked a question and received an answer ...
    I decided to shift and then the plates and spoons began to slide off. Not very many, but different places and from different shelves.
    Not a single plate, not a single spoon fell on the floor. All caught. Some on the fly, some managed to pick up while sliding down the slope.
    There weren’t enough hands for all the falling dishes, and when I already decided that I couldn’t hold everything, the second wife came in (she lives in another city and in another state) and took away part of the dishes. Came from the left side. The guys wanted to help, but you beat them to it.
    So all the dishes remained safe and sound.

    I hold in my hands two large, beautiful tea cups with saucers, and shiny teaspoons lie on the saucers, the feeling in a dream that I took from the sideboard, in the sideboard there are clean sparkling dishes (glasses, decanters, glasses, etc.) why dream ??

    I dreamed that I was opening the door. and there is a white toilet with clean water. I look closely and see dishes in the toilet bowl (a plate, a pot with a lid and a spoon), but there is still pure water. then someone went there a little and the water became transparent yellow .... why I can’t understand this ... help if it’s not difficult

    A classmate gave me a set of dishes in a box. New. not yet opened. The picture pasted on the box showed pots and pans. I didn't open the box, but I was delighted. because for me it is relevant. I have been wanting a new frying pan for a long time and pots would be nice.

    Good afternoon, I dreamed of shelves full of pasuda, spoons, forks, pans, talels in different shapes, I found one dirty at the bottom and was very surprised. And under the cabinet there are a lot of fancy-shaped bottles of champagne. All the pasudas and everything else lie not very evenly and correctly, just piled up and everything falls off when touched. I try to pick it up and put it down and notice it without order. I see a bartender girl patiently watching me. I don't know her. She is silent.

    I dreamed that I was arranging beautiful glassware in a wooden one ( light wood) sideboard. The crockery was a transparent service (transparent cups and plates), crystal glasses, a decanter, glasses. And behind him lay on the sofa a little boy as if someone is native

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

A dream about dishes always reminds you that you should pay attention to the state of affairs in your home and not get carried away with empty ideas. Sometimes such a dream predicts quarrels in the house. Clean, neatly arranged dishes on the shelves - a sign that everything is going well with you and you should not try to disturb the family idyll.

Scattered, bent, broken, dirty dishes in a dream portend quarrels and confusion in the house. New dishes in your house in a dream portend the addition of a family, marriage, or new acquisitions. But if you see that some vessel has fallen apart, bent or even deteriorated, then your hopes for marriage with some person will not come true. Sometimes such a dream suggests that you are wasting your time.

Shiny dishes made of expensive metal or with expensive coating in a dream portends well-being, happiness, new acquisitions, and sometimes winnings.

Seeing dishes on the shelves of a store in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life. Silver utensils in a dream means well-being and family happiness.

To receive silverware as a gift in a dream is a sign of gratitude to you for the person you helped in difficult moment. Buying silverware in a dream is a big and happy change in life. To be present in a dream at a sale (auction) of silverware portends troubles that will lead to large material losses and a change in your social status because of the betrayal of people whom you trusted as yourself. See china, drinks.

Why dream dishes in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Eat from ordinary dishes in a dream - disagreements in the family. Eat from wooden utensils in a dream - you have to be thrifty. Eat from silver dishes in a dream - move to new apartment. If you dreamed of a service - colleagues can deceive you. If you dreamed of glassware - this portends happiness in the house, if you dreamed of porcelain dishes - expect the loss of a friend, If you dreamed metal utensils- you are waiting for a good relationship with your superiors, if you dreamed of enamelware - you will succeed in an almost hopeless business.

If you dreamed of empty dishes - unfortunately and tears, filled with something - to receive big money. Dirty dishes - gossip behind your back. Wash dishes - you are being misled. Clean dishes - order in the house and harmony in family relationships. Broken dishes - short-lived happiness. Buying dishes is a change for the better. Use old dishes - poverty and vegetation. Giving dishes is an opportunity to increase wages.

Why dream dishes in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of empty dishes - to grief or ruin; to see full dishes in a dream - to profit; if you dreamed of metal utensils - to good conditions life; if you dreamed of broken dishes - to the loss of a friend; if you dreamed of night dishes - to profit; if you dreamed of silver utensils - to profit (large); buy dishes in a dream - to big changes in fate; have dishes for sale - you can count on good earnings; to receive dishes as a gift - you will be rendered a great service; packing dishes in a dream is the average state of affairs.

Eating in a dream from ordinary dishes portends disagreements in the family, from wood - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, from silver - improve your material conditions, from a service - you are in danger of being deceived. Glassware portends happiness in the house, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - good relations with superiors, enameled - you will find success in an almost hopeless business. Empty dishes - you will have to urgently repay a debt, filled with something - get a lot of money. Dirty dishes piled high in the sink means that you won’t be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing dishes means that you are being misled by wishful thinking.

Clean dishes represent order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken - a sign of short-term happiness. To cook food in dishes - wait for the guests to visit, to wash in it - there will be a general cleaning. Salt or marinate in a bowl - to sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream is a change for the better. To use old dishes of various sizes, in crevices, cracks, with chipped handles, is a sign of poverty and vegetation without constant work and on bird's rights. Giving dishes - good prospects for improving prosperity in the family, receiving as a gift - do not refuse a request to help out friends.

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Dream Interpretation - Dishes

Clean, beautiful, shiny dishes are a symbol of family happiness, well-being, and a calm course of life.

Dirty, shabby - to failure.

Arrange - be the master of your own destiny.

Wash dishes - to reconciliation.

Beat - to the agreement.

Elegant utensils - improving the financial situation.

To enter the store and admire the dishes - to receive a package in a dream - to rejoice at the reward for your hard work and diligence in reality. It’s good to get married.

Interpretation of dreams from

Crockery is a common household item. Therefore, when she appears in a dream, this can hardly alert. And very often such a symbol is ignored. But, when attention is focused on a certain object or action with it, the question immediately arises of what the dishes are dreaming of.

A lot of dishes - dream book

If you dreamed of dishes, then try to remember it appearance. If you see a lot of dishes in a dream and do not perform any actions, then this indicates that in real life you should pay attention to your own home, and not get carried away with empty ideas on the side.

Why dream of new dishes?

Many people are interested in what new dishes are dreaming of? This indicates that you are very careful and economical hostess. If a young woman sees how she enters a modern utensils supermarket in night dreams and admires new crockery, then this indicates that she will soon marry successfully and be happy in marriage. But if in a dream you had to go into a sloppy and untidy china shop with a small amount of dishes, then this warns that confusion will reign in business.

Washed dishes

It is also a good sign when you dream of washed dishes neatly arranged on shelves. This indicates that everything in your life is going according to plan and in the near future no troubles are planned in reality. For family people, this is a sign of a family idyll and absolute harmony in relationship.

Interpretation of sleep by type of dishes

You need to pay attention to the type of dishes seen in a dream, as follows:

    Plates portend a quarrel with loved ones; Spoons predict an addition to the family; Large dishes, salad bowls or bowls are a harbinger of a comfortable household life; The service indicates that an influential person will soon appear in life who will greatly affect your fate; Various dishes in in large numbers promises a pleasant pastime with the household.

old crockery

Old crockery with cracks and punctures is not a very good sign and can mean the following:

    Unpleasant conversation; Receiving unpleasant or unreliable news; A little disappointment in life.

Dreamed of broken or broken dishes

If you dreamed of broken dishes, for example, a pan with a broken handle, then this predicts sad events in real life. And if you dreamed of a bucket without a bottom, then you should expect serious material problems.

You should also know the following:

    Broken ceramic pot portends a happy coincidence; Old plates predict a short successful life period; An old frying pan is a harbinger of trouble.

Clean dishes

very positive interpretation clean dishes in a dream female dream book. In real life, there comes a very successful period for any new undertakings. At this time, fate is so favorable to you, all positive changes in life will take place on their own and the most secret desires will gradually come true.

Packed tableware

Seeing packed dishes in a dream that have not yet been used is not very good. This is a sign that troubles are to be expected in personal life. Most likely, there will be a break with a partner. But if you see in a dream that you were presented with very beautiful dishes, then this indicates that in the near future you will receive good advice, which should not be ignored.

If you dream of dirty dishes scattered around the house, then this portends quarrels and conflicts in the family. For a young girl who is about to get married, a broken dish indicates that hopes for happy marriage will not be justified. That is, such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that you are wasting time. If unwashed dishes are dreamed of against the background of depression, then this indicates that the time has come to fully relax.

Interpretation of a dream according to the material of the dishes

To interpret the dream, it is very important to remember what material the dishes were made of:

    Porcelain and ceramic dishes are considered to be harbingers of a prosperous life; Gold and silver dishes predict a fateful meeting; Copper or bronze dishes portend quarrels and disagreements with loved ones; Wooden dishes indicate good health; Aluminum dishes portend illness; Glass dishes reflect a prosperous state of mind dreamer; Pewter warns that in the coming period you need to save, but this will not last long.

If the dishes are made from expensive material and looks very beautiful, then it portends well-being, happiness. After that, you should be expected to make new acquisitions, and sometimes such a dream portends a win.

Dreams with silver utensils should be singled out in a separate group, as follows:

    If you dream that you receive dishes as a gift, then soon the person who received help from you in difficult times will express gratitude to you; Buying dishes - expect big and happy changes in life; Being present at the sale of dishes - expect trouble in material sphere that will lead to a change in social status.

You also need to pay attention to the type of dreaming porcelain dishes:

    Exquisite porcelain cups predict a pleasant pastime in the digging of friends; Porcelain plates portend a quarrel with a partner or soulmate, the cause of which will be a trifling occasion.

A very good sign for married women is a white dish seen in a dream. This indicates that soon the husband will receive a promotion, which will guarantee well-being in the house.

Washing dishes in a dream

With dishes in dreams you can spend different actions. This is very important factor for the interpretation of dreams. A very common question is, why dream of washing dishes? If you saw in a dream that you were washing dishes in a strange house, then soon your life will be filled with bright unforgettable events. But at the same time, you should pay attention to some nuances:
    Washing dishes at a friend's house means you need to slow down the pace of life and do quiet things; Washing dishes with relatives means that soon you will need to get vivid life impressions in order to avoid depression; new business that will become your hobby.
When you get the feeling that you have to wash the dishes in the house in a dream cold water, then you should prepare for betrayal. If you wipe the freshly washed dishes with a towel in your night dreams, then this portends a good deal. A dream in which you have to wash the dishes with rubber gloves indicates that you cannot focus on important matters. And if you happen to break the dishes while washing, then this indicates that you are paying too much attention. own problems. If, while washing dishes in night dreams, you use detergent, then you should expect that soon you will be in the spotlight. Soap foam, on which attention is focused, warns that you can commit a rash act. When in night dreams you have to wash dishes in own house, it indicates love. Moreover, if you broke the plates, then this symbolizes mutual feelings. And if, according to the plot of the dream, you had to break the cups, then this indicates that love is unrequited.

In addition, it should be noted a dream in which you wash an old service. Such night dreams portend a business trip. And if you have to wash a modern service, then this indicates that dreams will only come true when you show your natural talents. It is important to remember for the correct interpretation the entire plot of the dream:

    When you have to wash dishes in the bathroom, this predicts reconciliation with your loved one; If you have to wash pots and pans, then a fun feast is coming soon; When you feel like a dishwasher and are very upset about this, this indicates that that soon you will have to become a victim of partner jealousy.
When you dreamed that you were washing pots and other camping utensils at a picnic, this indicates that an important event will happen in your life. Besides:
    Rinsing one-time dishes - to soon wealth; Washing metal plates portends a meeting with an old friend; Cleaning a cast-iron pot symbolizes self-confidence; Wipe ceramic dishes- be ashamed of your own complexes.

Why dream of breaking dishes

It is very important to know why broken dishes are dreaming? Beating dishes in a dream is, in general, a very good sign. Almost all dream books predict positive change in the real life. You need to prepare for the fact that you have to experience new vivid feelings and experience new unforgettable sensations. It is very important to pay attention to how the dishes were broken:
    If you accidentally dropped it and broke it, then this portends a fleeting romance; If the dishes fell and pricked, then this portends a deception. The period has come when you need to be especially careful in everything; If you dream of broken dishes after it has been thrown at someone, then this is a harbinger of a promising marriage; If you break dishes in a dream filled with festive dishes, then this portends prosperity, associated with career advancement; If empty, dirty dishes were broken, then this predicts the end of a streak of bad luck.
A broken dream is a very bad omen. crystal tableware during a quarrel. This portends serious conflict situations with a loved one in real life, which will have bad consequences. In this case, most likely, the cause of misunderstandings is your wrong behavior. You will have to listen to completely justified accusations from your partner and you will have to look for compromises to save the relationship.

Break your favorite cup or plate

An unkind sign is the plot of a dream in which your favorite cup or plate was broken. This warns that you will soon have to endure a serious loss. It can be both the loss of a friend, and the loss of some material value. On the other hand, such a dream indicates that one should not be upset about this. Despite the fact that the loss will be very painful, you need to remember that time heals and soon the ability to feel the joy of life will appear again. If the dishes were broken, but the process of this went unnoticed in a dream, then this is a good omen, especially for a sick person. It predicts speedy recovery. In other cases, such a dream indicates a surge of vitality, which will allow you to successfully implement any undertakings. A warning is also a crack that has formed on the dishes that have fallen. This indicates that a person's health can significantly deteriorate, against the background of a developing disease. This is a sign that you need to urgently consult a doctor, only in this way it will be possible to avoid problems. For a young woman, such a sign also indicates that she may have problems conceiving a child. For a pregnant woman, such a dream promises problems during the period of bearing a child and childbirth.

In a dream, a cast-iron boiler breaks

Sometimes in night dreams there are scenes in which a cast-iron boiler breaks? This promises the onset of difficult times associated with a streak of bad luck. It also indicates that the support of closest friends will be needed soon. It should be expected that the dark streak of life will drag on for a long time and can lead to the development of self-doubt, as well as undermine faith in a happy, cloudless future. On the basis of this, depression can develop, which can cause serious damage to health. Therefore, you need to make every effort to believe that bad luck will end sooner or later and the sun will shine brightly again in a person’s life. Fragments of broken dishes are treated similarly. And the more of them, the longer the black life streak will drag on.

You will also be interested in:

Eating in a dream from ordinary dishes portends disagreements in the family, from wood - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, from silver - improve your material conditions, from a service - you are in danger of being deceived. Glassware portends happiness in the house, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - good relations with superiors, enameled - you will find success in an almost hopeless business. Empty dishes - you will have to urgently repay a debt, filled with something - get a lot of money. Dirty dishes piled high in the sink means that you won’t be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing dishes means that you are being misled by wishful thinking.

Clean dishes represent order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken - a sign of short-term happiness. To cook food in dishes - wait for the guests to visit, to wash in it - there will be a general cleaning. Salt or marinate in a bowl - to sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream is a change for the better. To use old dishes of various sizes, in crevices, cracks, with chipped handles, is a sign of poverty and vegetation without constant work and on bird's rights. Giving dishes - good prospects for improving prosperity in the family, receiving as a gift - do not refuse a request to help out friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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