Flushing the heating system of a residential building. How to flush the heating system in a private home yourself? Heating pipe cleaner

Everyone, sooner or later, faces the problem of interruptions in the operation of heating systems. Regular flushing of the heating system will help prevent this. After all, the reason, most often, is that deposits, dirt, silt and scale accumulate in the pipes and water cannot move freely through the system. This problem is absolutely solvable, and at home. There are various techniques. However, let's take a closer look at the most common ones.

If you notice that it's getting colder in your home, perhaps this is the first signal that you need to do a flush. heating system. This can be easily checked without the help of a specialist - just touch the batteries. If it is heated unevenly, or part of it is generally cold, wash it. There are several other indicators that it’s time to clean the pipes: uncharacteristic noise in the radiators; when the heating starts, the system takes a very long time to warm up.

Most often, the horizontal parts of the pipe are exposed to the main contamination. According to the standard arrangement of radiators in the house, this is usually small areas, and cleaning them will not be difficult.

If the battery heats unevenly, it means it is dirty.

Causes of contamination in the heating system

The primary source of problems in heating systems is hot water, the main coolant.

  1. Firstly, hot water, interacting with the materials from which the system is made, can provoke chemical reaction. The consequences are scale.
  2. Secondly, the properties of water themselves. It can contain a great variety of different impurities, which can provoke not only banal corrosion, but also contribute to precipitation and plaque on the pipes.

It is the occurrence of deposits from all of the above that can affect the quality of operation of the system’s heat elements.

An interesting fact is that even the layer of deposits is only seven to nine millimeters, the efficiency of the heating system drops by more than 42%.

And, of course, all this affects the service life of the heating elements as a whole; they quickly become unusable.

Types of flushing heating systems

Chemical flushing of heating

This method is based on dissolving various substances deposited on pipes in chemical compounds. This is one of the most effective, used and proven ways to clean the heating system of excess.

The chemicals liquefy all components of deposits and scale, which are then naturally washed out of the heating system. As a rule, such substances contain an element that protects pipes from the appearance of signs of rust and extends the service life.

In order to clean pipes using this method, you must have special equipment.

Usually, specialists use it in such cases. It is needed so that after injecting a chemical solution into heating devices, the pump gives direction to its movement through the system. The time spent on cleaning depends on each material in the heating system, the strength of the contaminants and the selected substance. In addition, the process of enveloping pipes from the inside with an oxide film also has its own time frame.

This method has several significant advantages:

  • Firstly, this is the cheapest and most proven method of cleaning the heating system;
  • Secondly, the speed of manifestation of results is very high;
  • Thirdly, flushing can be carried out without stopping the heating, which allows you to use it at different times of the year.

The disadvantages of the method are that, first and foremost, it cannot be used for washing aluminum pipes(since this can destroy their integrity), second, like any chemical, the solution is toxic.

The sequence of actions when using this method of flushing the heating system:

  1. First, try to examine the existing heating system in as much detail as possible in order to select the right chemical solution.
  2. Pay attention to the instructions for the composition. The products may have different consistencies and the chemical must be diluted as written in the recommendations for it.
  3. Connect the pump to the system, first filling the designated reservoir with the composition.
  4. Make sure the chemical is circulating in the system. We repeat that the time depends on the strength and composition of the contamination.
  5. Remove the chemical from the system, flush it with water pressure and fill it.

5 popular means for flushing the system

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⭐ 95 / 100

Dispersed heating flushing

Let's call this method the “second” generation of chemical. Its action is as follows: the chemical composition does not react with the metal and only affects the contaminant composition (silt, dirt, scale) and its interaction with the heating system. Also necessary.

The advantages of this method include:

  1. Firstly, this method is suitable for any heating system, no matter what material it is made of, and for any time of year.
  2. Secondly, the reagents are non-toxic.
  3. Thirdly, as in the case of the first method, all pollutants are removed already in the decay stage and cannot re-form a blockage. And, of course, in the future, our heating system will be protected during further operation.


  1. Define required quantity solution selected specifically for your heating system.
  2. Connect the pump to the system by filling the required capacity reagent.
  3. After cleaning, flush the system and discard the composition.
  4. If you are cleaning in heating season, then you need to connect a device that will close the heating system.

This method is based on descaling by applying water under high pressure through certain nozzles. This is an environmentally friendly method, which, by the way, copes well with pollution. Due to the properties of this metal, the chemical method may not be very effective. However, it is relatively more expensive (since you need special equipment capable of producing a stream of water under pressure of several hundred atmospheres) and high-quality cleaning will not be possible without the help of third parties. The fact is that before you start cleaning, you need to treat the stains with a solution that can soften them.

Pneumopulse method of flushing the heating system

This method is based on generating small explosions of air bubbles that are able to tear away contaminants from the inside. For this purpose, the following are used: a pneumatic gun, a switch, equipment for supplying air with an accumulation system (for example, a compressor), transition (connecting) hoses.

How does the installation work?

First, the air gun is connected to heating pipes through the hose and commutator, then comes the compressed air transmitter. Next, liquid is passed through this entire system, which sets the piston in motion and, in fact, starts the installation.

If you decide to use a compressor to supply air, then when water is introduced and the position of the piston changes under its pressure, the empty container begins to fill with air. After the cylinder is full, some of the air will move into the piston, which, directing it into the heating system, will create a shock wave.

It takes two to five hits to completely clear the system. The process itself will take a few minutes, and is completely independent of electricity - the installation operates autonomously.

One of the disadvantages of this method is its limited range of action, due to the characteristics of the pistol.

Find out and also read tips home handyman, from our new article.

The easiest way to implement, and which does not require any investments other than labor costs.

This is ordinary mechanical cleaning, which is possible in any apartment or house.


  1. First of all, you need to disconnect the radiator from the system and drain all the liquid from it. Be sure to cover all surfaces with unnecessary rags so as not to spoil or damage the coating. If you have a special tap on your batteries, this will make the task much easier. If there are cast iron batteries in the house, you may need to remove them. heating element(to make it easier to unwind the connection).
  2. Next, the radiator needs to be flushed. The easiest way to do this is in the bathroom, directing water from the shower hose under maximum pressure into the pipes. You need to do this for as long as it takes to run rusty water. If there is too large and noticeable a layer of deposits inside the pipes, use metal device. As soon as dirt stops being washed out of the battery, the cleaning is complete.
  3. We wash the pipes in the same way, cleaning individual sections.
  4. Be sure to clean the threads from corrosion before assembling the system.
  • Please note that aluminum bimetallic radiators, convectors have a relatively small volume in which the coolant circulation rate does not allow sediment to be released.
  • closed systems. Since in such systems the volume of water does not change, the amount of new pollution that appears remains the same.
  • Connect batteries from below. As already mentioned, deposits accumulate on horizontal surfaces, which means that the bulk will flow away with the flow of coolant.
  • Install the dirt filter. This is a relatively cheap device that will make cleaning easier for you. It is much easier to remove scale from one part than to clean the entire riser.

Prices for popular models of heating radiators

Heating radiators

Video - how to clean a heating radiator with your own hands

The product "MEDESK" belongs to the professional series highly effective products flushing heat exchange systems. Successfully used for flushing heat exchange equipment various types. Suitable for removing scale-corrosion deposits that occur in hot water boilers, heat exchange units, housing and communal services heating systems, and boilers during their operation. The product for washing heat exchange systems “MEDESK” does not harm the rubber gaskets and seals used in the systems.

  • fast and effective removal scale;
  • prevents corrosion of ferrous metals;
  • washes off quickly;
  • the product belongs to hazard class III (moderately hazardous substances);
  • thanks to the presence of a modern super-effective inhibitor, it is reliable.
  • Interaction with aluminum parts is prohibited.

Means for flushing heating systems Medesk

Docker Thermo is an acid-type substance for flushing heating and heat exchange devices. Does not harm the structure of the metal, does not contain harmful impurities and components. Can be used in operations with both metal and polymer pipelines. Does not corrode rubber elements of equipment. It is poured into the system and circulates through it under the influence of a pump for 2–4 hours. Packaged in 11-liter containers in concentrated form.

  • quick descaling;
  • cleaning at a solution temperature of 20-35 °C;
  • does not corrode rubber gaskets and seals;
  • does not contain mercury compounds and heavy metals;

Used in the treatment of pressure boilers, tubular heat exchangers, boilers, condensers, pipelines in industry and living conditions. Deletes different types contaminants, in particular limestone and corrosive deposits. Ideal for washing plastic, metal, rubber pipes. Gently cleanses without causing negative influence on the structure of the seals. Not recommended for cleaning systems with surfaces made of aluminum and derivative alloys. Preliminary testing on treated stainless steel surfaces is also recommended.

  • does not affect the structure of metals;
  • concentrated product;
  • high efficiency even with low temperatures use (20–35°C);
  • does not damage seals and rubber gaskets;
  • contains an inhibitor.
  • cannot be used for products made of aluminum and derivative alloys.

Heating system cleaner SYNTILOR Watesup

Deoxyl-3 is an acid-type product for chemical cleaning of pipelines in heating and water supply systems. It is packaged as a concentrate in 20 liter containers. The liquid is not flammable and belongs to toxicity class 3. For a greater cleaning effect, it is advisable to use the Deoxyl NO additive together with the drug. Foaming is neutralized by the Foral PG additive. The liquid is quite aggressive, so it is recommended to protect it when working with it. skin and respiratory organs with protective equipment. Use strictly according to label instructions.

  • completely removes scale-corrosion deposits regardless of design features equipment;
  • biodegradable;
  • after washing, the spent working solution can be drained into the sewer;
  • The composition includes various inhibitors that prevent metal etching and the appearance of corrosion. Inhibitors not only remove deposits, but also protect the metal.
  • The liquid is aggressive (work with it only with protective equipment).

Situations often arise when, after a few months successful work the heating system becomes less efficient. Experts say that the efficiency of the heating network may decrease by 10% by the end of the season. Naturally, it is necessary to deal with the problem. But what causes it? In most cases, the cause of deterioration in heating is contamination of the heating system, which can only be eliminated by flushing.

Do I need to flush my heating system?

The hot water circulating through the pipes is rarely different high quality, containing an impressive amount of various impurities. When the coolant reacts with metal, it causes rust, but often the pipes become clogged with sediment from various organic compounds. It is the appearance of plaque that causes a decrease in the efficiency of heat transfer, which makes flushing the system a mandatory step in proper operation.

The horizontal sections of the heating network, where the coolant flows rather slowly, suffer most from silting. The problem of the appearance of sludge is often encountered when there is cast iron batteries, which are distinguished by the impressive dimensions of the sections. If inner part The pipes are made of steel without anti-corrosion coating, then another problem appears - mineral deposits. However, heating networks made of any metal require periodic flushing.

How can you flush the heating system of a private home?

Heating networks in private homes become contaminated with microparticles that remain in the boiler, pipes and radiators after the coolant has passed through. Gradually accumulating, debris clogs the heating system elements, disrupting water circulation. If you don't take active steps, heating your home will become significantly less efficient. There are several methods for flushing the heating network that will help eliminate various types dirt and deposits.

How to flush the heating system in a private house using a pneumatic hydraulic hammer?

This cleaning option is suitable for homes with fairly old heating systems that use cast iron radiators. The method is effective and practical, but requires the use of special equipment. Using hydropneumatic devices, craftsmen create short but quite strong waves, which remove contaminants from the walls of pipes and radiators.

This method is not dangerous for the system itself, since the impact falls on the water flow. If the length of the heating network does not exceed 55-60 meters, then hydropneumatic flushing will become optimal solution with a pipe diameter of 4 inches. The process itself is carried out in as soon as possible- in a maximum of 50 minutes the system will be completely cleaned and ready for further use.

How to properly flush your home heating system with chemicals?

If the heating network differs sufficiently complex design, then the problem arises with removing contaminants from hard-to-reach areas. In this case, experts recommend using special chemicals that will help quickly and permanently get rid of various deposits.

This washing is carried out using acids that can quickly remove contaminants. But this method can be dangerous for the heating system itself, since active substances react with metal, sometimes leading to damage to pipe walls. Before using chemical cleaning, it is advisable to objectively assess the condition of the heating network and analyze the existing deposits.

How to flush an individual heating system with a water-pulsating mixture?

This type of cleaning also requires the use of special equipment, with the help of which the heating network is filled with a combination of compressed air and water. The resulting pulsation promotes rapid removal various contaminants. This method makes it possible to quickly and effectively clean pipes from rust, plaque and sediment. The efficiency of the heating system increases, as does its service life, and the consumption of fuel and electricity decreases.

How to flush the heating system yourself?

Experts do not recommend starting to clean the heating network yourself, as this can negatively affect the condition of the entire system. Yes, and the quality of washing without use special means and the equipment will not be too high. However, if there are no other options, then you can try to improve heat transfer on your own.

To flush the primary circuit, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Open the water pressure valve feeding the firebox.
  2. Open the valve supplying the reserve tank.
  3. Open the control and circulation jumper.
  4. Open the valve that allows coolant to flow to the batteries.
  5. Open the distribution valve.
  6. Open the return valve.

Then we close the last valve so that the coolant can pass through the drain pipe. When cleaning is complete and all valves are closed, you can begin working on the remaining circuits.

What kind of water is used to flush the heating system?

At the first stage, the system must be cleaned using cold water, which will remove various solid particles. To do this, all taps should be placed in the maximum open position for 2 hours. Then the water heated in the boiler is used, dissolving the oils and partially dealing with rust. To increase the efficiency of hot rinsing, you can add a little bleach, enhancing the cleaning properties of the water. Such treatment should be carried out not only during the operation of the system, but also immediately after its installation.

It is advisable to carry out water washing on your own once a year. It is not recommended to drain the coolant from the system during downtime, since existing contaminants will harden and can only be removed with professional cleaning.

During the entire period of operation, contaminants accumulate in the pipes and radiators of the heating system. They negatively affect performance and can lead to serious problems. Therefore, the owner faces the question: how and with what to flush the heating system of the house: radiators, radiators, pipes? After all, the quality of the entire heating supply to the house will depend on this.

Causes of clogged heating pipes

The water contains many additional components. The most predominant are iron, calcium and magnesium. When exposed to relatively high temperatures they are released in the form of small fractions that settle on the inner surface of pipes and radiators.

Therefore, before rinsing aluminum batteries heating system, you need to find out the nature of the pollution. In addition to calcium and magnesium deposits, oxide deposits can form due to natural rusting of metal heating components. Depending on the nature of the contamination, you select optimal technology cleaning.

Usually the plaque includes the following elements:

  • Iron oxides. In a system with steel pipelines and radiators, they can occupy up to 25% of the total plaque volume;
  • Calcium and magnesium deposits occupy up to 60%;
  • Oxides of copper, sulfur and zinc – up to 15%.

Since the heating radiator in an apartment should be flushed only after a preliminary analysis of the nature of the contamination, it is recommended to first take a plaque sample. To do this, you can dismantle part of the pipeline. In practice, this is not always done, especially for heating systems installed relatively recently.

The frequency of flushing the heating system depends on the composition of the coolant, temperature regime work, as well as from the materials used to manufacture pipes and radiators.

Heating system diagnostics

How to flush an aluminum radiator and when should it be done? First of all, you need to decide on the feasibility of carrying out the system cleaning procedure. It depends on several factors that can be identified independently.

The main sign of the urgency of resolving the issue of how to flush the heating system in apartment building is uneven heat transfer from radiators. Those. In some areas the heating temperature is normal, while in others it is not. Relevance of flushing heating batteries can be determined by touch (which is not entirely correct) or using a thermal imager and precision thermometers.

Since it is possible to flush the heating system in a private house only after comparing its current indicators with the required ones, you should check the pressure in different sections of the circuit. In places where pipes and radiators are clogged, the wire diameter decreases, which entails pressure surges. This is also one of the factors for mandatory cleaning.

What other external signs may indicate a blockage?

  • Increased noise level. It is a consequence of changes in the volume of passage hot water in various parts of the system;
  • Frequent activation of the safety group - air vent and bleed valve.

Having found out that it is necessary to flush the heating system in a private house, you should choose the right technology. It depends on the material used to make pipes and radiators.

Regardless of the symptoms described above, cleaning the heating system must be performed at least once every 5-6 seasons of operation.

Methods for flushing the heating system

Before flushing the heating system, you should select the best way cleaning pipes and radiators from blockages. One of the problems is the density of scale, which most often has a uniform structure located on the inner surface of heating devices.

Therefore, before flushing a cast iron radiator, this deposit should be destroyed, breaking it into separate components small sizes. Then, using a flow of liquid, they are removed from the heating. This process becomes more complicated if the heating network components are made of various materials– metal, polymers. Traditional chemical cleaning can damage some of them. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a method mechanical impact to scale.

Hydrodynamic heating flushing

This is one of the most labor-intensive methods for removing contamination. Its essence lies in the impact of a shock wave of water on sediments. This requires special pumping equipment, nozzles and fluid supply hose.

The hydrodynamic method can only be used for pipelines or radiators with a simple layout of water channels. How to flush long heating pipes? The use of chemical compounds will not be economically beneficial due to the significant volume of the system. Therefore, in such cases, scale is removed mechanically.

This procedure is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. The coolant is removed from the lines.
  2. Areas for flushing the heating system in an apartment building or cottage are identified.
  3. The pipe section is dismantled and the hose with the nozzle is inserted into the main line.
  4. Water is supplied under pressure, which destroys the scale.

After this, the system is filled with water and washed several times to remove any remaining scale. Before doing this, all internal filters must be removed. So that contaminant particles do not remain in the system.

But how to rinse heating radiators if their internal configuration has complex shape? The above method in in this case not effective. Therefore, you need to choose another, alternative.

For heating with a short length of pipelines, the hydrodynamic method may be advisable only if there are large solid deposits on the surface of pipes and radiators.

Chemical flushing of heating

Flushing heating radiators in an apartment is best done using chemical reagents. They act on scale, destroying it and crushing it into individual small components.

To flush the heating system in a private home, you need to choose the right composition. Some of them can destroy aluminum or polymer pipes. Therefore, before purchasing, you should read the instructions from the manufacturer.

To clean the heating yourself, you will need a pump and a container for liquid. These devices are connected to the main line using pipes. This can be done as follows: separate area, and on the entire system as a whole. For many chemicals it is necessary to first dilute the composition with water. After completion preparatory stage The procedure for flushing the heating system in a private house is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Draining coolant from the network.
  2. Filling the tank treatment plant prepared chemical composition.
  3. Turn on the pump and fill the pipelines and batteries with cleaning liquid.
  4. It usually takes 2-3 hours of exposure to the composition to destroy and dissolve the scale.
  5. Reusable fluid circulation in the system. This is carried out until no deposits are observed in the container filter.

After flushing the aluminum heating radiator and pipes, the system is cleaned with water to remove chemicals. Then the heating must be pressed and its tightness checked.

The cost of cleaning products for aluminum heating radiators depends on the composition and manufacturer. For a small system, it is recommended to purchase ready-made liquid, and for autonomous systems, a concentrate that must be diluted with water.

If there was antifreeze in the system, before chemical cleaning you need to first flush the pipes with water 2-3 times.

Pulse pneumatic heating flushing

With its help, you can wash aluminum radiators without fear of destroying their surface. It's relative new method, which requires special equipment and experience in its operation.

The principle of cleaning radiators is a short-term pulse effect on the hydraulic medium - water. This creates a pressure of up to 12 atm, with a shock wave speed of about 1400 m/sec. This will be enough to flush the heating system, regardless of its configuration. This technique allows you to remove plaque in long highways without dismantling individual components.

However, before flushing the heating radiator, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of pulse hydraulic cleaning:

  • The maximum pipe diameter is 4 inches;
  • Clogging is effectively removed even at a distance of 60 meters from the installation of the impact ram;
  • Virtually no effect on integrity assembly units heating - fittings, threaded and welded connections.

For flushing cast iron radiator heating in an apartment building, it is necessary to first shut off the flow of coolant in this section of the main line. This can be done without permission management company, if there is a bypass in the battery harness. Then a hydraulic ram is installed in one of the pipes and several cleaning cycles are performed.

Timely flushing of the heating radiator will increase its heat transfer by 20-25%. Those. will actually restore this indicator to the normalized factory value.

Do-it-yourself heating cleaning

Is it possible to flush heating pipes with your own hands? To do this, you will need to conduct a preliminary analysis of the degree of contamination of the highway. Most of the scale is formed in the zone of maximum thermal impact - in the pipelines located closest to the boiler. This is where most often aluminum radiators heating systems need cleaning.

If the system has not been cleaned for 15-20 years, it is recommended to dismantle the radiators, as well as the boiler heat exchanger. In this way, you can most effectively flush the heating system in a private home. To do this, you do not need to remove the pipes - just temporarily dismantle the batteries.

Then you should select equipment for washing the heating system. Since this procedure is rarely performed (once every 5-6 years), it is best to take pumping station for rent. During the cleaning process, you will need to drain the contaminated water. For temporary storage, use an airtight container. This is relevant when washing cast-iron heating radiators, in which most scale accumulates during operation.

Then the tank is filled with the already diluted cleaning liquid concentrate. The pump pipes are connected to the battery, and several circulations of the purifier are performed. They continue until there are no scale components in the filter. A similar scheme for flushing heating in a private house is carried out in the summer - during this period there is no coolant in the system.

Before the start of the heating season, you should conduct a test run of the heating system to ensure that it is in good working order. It is recommended to flush the system once every two to three years. To do this, it is necessary to drain the water from the system, and thoroughly rinse the pipelines and devices with fresh water under pressure. An even greater effect is achieved with hydropneumatic flushing, i.e., with the simultaneous supply of compressed air from a cylinder or compressor with water at a pressure of up to 6 kgf/cm2. Before flushing, the system is disconnected in two places - on the riser and the return line in the area where the boiler is installed (the boiler is washed separately). Connecting to the riser through the nozzle fitting flexible hose from water supply network, flush the system until it comes out of the return line clean water, which is then discharged into the sewer. When using hydropneumatic flushing, it is useful to first blow through the pipelines with compressed air to loosen sediments on the inner surface of the pipes, and then flush them with a mixture of water and air.

The method of chemical cleaning of the system is used. For cleaning, in particular, a solution of inhibited hydrochloric acid. Special inhibitor substances are added to it to slow down the reaction with the metal.

During the cleaning process, a layer of scale is etched on the internal surfaces of pipes and devices. After chemical cleaning, the system must be thoroughly rinsed with tap water.

Safer than dry cleaning, and cleaning the system by leaching is not so technologically difficult. The solution is poured into the system for 10-20 hours. soda ash, prepared at the rate of 20 g of soda per 1 liter of water. The solution is heated to operating temperature, stand for 10-20 hours. After cooling, the solution is drained from the system and the system is washed using the countercurrent method, i.e., by directing the flushing flow of water in the direction opposite to the water circulation in heating mode.

After washing, the disassembled connections are restored and the system is slowly filled with water through the filling pipe in such a way that there is no residue left in the pipelines and devices. air jams. Cleaning the boiler is usually combined with flushing the heating system.

To remove scale, use a solution of inhibited hydrochloric acid or special electrical equipment in bulk.

The product is anti-scale. electrical equipment wholesale
For such boiler cleaning, it is advisable to use a hydropneumatic
way. Compressed air is supplied to the boiler, half filled with solution, through the return pipe. The solution, rising through the sections, loosens the scale, which is then removed through the lower hole in the frontal section, followed by washing the boiler first with a caustic soda solution and then with clean tap water.

A simpler and more convenient way to remove scale at home is leaching. To do this, fill the boiler with the return valves closed with a solution of soda ash, followed by boiling for 16-24 hours. After this, the solution is drained and sludge and dirt are removed through the lower hole in the frontal section and the boiler is thoroughly rinsed with tap water.

It is well known that the efficiency of a water heating system begins to decline from the moment it is put into operation.

According to statistics, during the first months of the heating season alone, about 10% of operating and heating efficiency is lost. A characteristic noise in the pipes or uneven heating of the radiators suggests that the heating system is clogged.

And even if you have not yet encountered the problem of dirty pipes, you still need to have an idea about cleaning the heating system. This article will help you understand the cause of the problem and, if possible, fix it.

Why does the heating system become clogged?

The main conductor of heat is water, which causes contamination of the heating system.

As a result of the circulation of hot water through pipes, problems invariably occur. chemical processes interactions. Corrosion metal connections and sludge, formed by tiny particles of silt or hard water salts, eventually become a solid sediment - scale.

By settling on the internal walls of the heating system, scale significantly reduces its performance.

A thick layer of scale is a good thermal insulator, preventing heat transfer. According to engineering calculations, 9 mm thick scale increases energy consumption by 50%.

In addition, the scale layer stimulates the mechanical processes of wear of elements. In order to avoid an emergency situation (this is especially unpleasant in the cold season), it should, if possible, be prevented.

Periodically held preventative work will help avoid serious damage to the heating system. These include washing heating radiators, risers, pipes and other elements included in the heating system.

Signs of scale in pipes

The main signs of the appearance of a layer of scale in the heating system:

  1. Radiator batteries heat up unevenly. As a rule, upper part The radiator is warm, while the lower one is cold.
  2. Warming up a room takes significantly longer than before.
  3. When the boiler heats up, a characteristic cracking sound occurs due to a thick layer of scale. This happens due to micro-explosions of water vapor when they enter the layers of scale. The boiler output is reduced.
  4. When the heat supply pipes are hot, the radiators remain cold.
  5. Significantly increase energy costs.
  6. Introducing a new boiler room into an old heating system or replacing a heating boiler.

Today, physical and chemical methods are used to clean heating systems.

TO physical means include: hydraulic pulse and hydraulic shock flushing, which require the use of special equipment - a compressor.

Chemically impact is the use of drugs, both biological and chemical composition, dissolving scale and sludge deposits. Taking into account the wear and tear of the heating system, the following cleaning methods are used.

Cleaning the heating system with a water-pulsating mixture

This method is based on cleaning heating pipes with a pulsating mixture of compressed air and water (barbatage).

The heating system is supplied compressed air, the turbulence of which, together with water, raises particles of sand, soot, corrosion, salts and other deposits. Subsequent pulsed air supply removes sludge from the heating system, preventing it from settling on the walls.

Pneumohydropulse washing effectively saves energy resources, extending service life engineering systems for 20 years or more.

In general, the cost of cleaning using this method ranges from 8 to 12% of the cost of replacing the same heating system, without modifying it. This method allows you to clean heating networks at any time of the year without dismantling batteries and risers, increasing their heat transfer to 90-95%.

Attention: Washing using this method requires special equipment.

Flushing pipes with biological products

This method is environmentally friendly and highly effective. It is based on the introduction of microbiological preparations into the heating system.

Circulating through the pipes, biological products break down solid, oily, mud and organic deposits. The process occurs without disconnection or disassembly.

One more positive thing here is the safety of super cleaners for old heating systems. A drug made from water based, simply separates dirt from the walls without reacting with them.

The result is 100% heating cleaning (down to the metal) within a few days.

Cleaning through pneumohydraulic hammer

Typically used for flushing old heating systems. Often, for buildings from the beginning of the last century, the use of a hydropneumatic installation is the only way“reanimate” heat in the building.

Founded this method on the action of a shock hydraulic wave, which, propagating at a speed of 1200 m/s, breaks through plugs of sludge and scale. In this case, the walls of pipes and radiators are not damaged - only 2% of the force of the wave shock acts on them.

The remaining 98% consists of unnecessary sediments, which, when destroyed, are discharged through a flexible hose into the sewer system.

The use of the shock pneumatic hydrocleaning method makes it possible to reduce financial expenses for building renovations. Operating costs are reduced and there is no need to replace radiators and pipes.

For example, cleaning a pipeline with a diameter of 4 inches and a length of 60 m using this method takes from 5 to 60 minutes, which is incomparably cheaper than a major overhaul.

Flushing radiators and pipes with chemicals

They help clean and rinse heating risers, pipelines and other components of the heating system using reagents based on inorganic and organic acids.

This method of chemical cleaning is considered one of the most economical, and completely covers both surfaces and hard to reach places sediments. Technological products completely dissolve traces of corrosion and scale in the heating system within 6-10 hours.

However, before using chemical reagents, the condition of the heating equipment should be assessed.

The degree of wear, the physical condition of pipes and radiators, wall thickness - all these parameters must be carefully examined for the risk of damage to them by reagents, which may include hydrochloric acid.

In conclusion, it should be added that not always one of the proposed methods is effective. Sometimes, due to heavy contamination, it is necessary comprehensive cleaning heating system. Where biological products do not help, physical cleaning methods are possible.

In this case, you will need to consult a specialist who, after examining the system, will suggest the right solution.