Why dream of a job change. Why dream of a new job for a woman

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Why dream of Working in a dream according to 22 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Work” symbol from 22 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

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The meaning of sleep: Work on a dream book?

Work, according to the dream book- warns that you need to be active in the near future.

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You work hard, leaving no time for rest- do what is most important to you, and do not be distracted by trifles.

If you were fired- expect complications on the love front.

Seek work in a dream- to unexpected enrichment.

If you dreamed of a new job- in reality, something unforeseen can happen that you could not foresee.

If you dreamed about your former job- this is a warning that because of your negligence, laziness and lack of initiative, your bosses will be extremely dissatisfied with you, things can go as far as dismissal.

If you dream of a job change- in real life you are also waiting for some innovations that can affect both the business sphere and personal relationships.

If in a dream you saw a dismissal from work- be careful, someone wants to ruin your reputation, or bring on you a huge amount of problems in order to gain their own benefit.

You started looking for a job in a dream- suddenly there will be a good opportunity to show their talents and abilities, which will help to succeed also financially.

The dream in which you get a job- warns that in order to achieve your goal and your own well-being, you just need to adhere to your own opinion and not compromise your firm principles.

If in a dream you were able to find a job- be prepared to perform duties that will take you a huge amount of time and effort, but will not bring the desired result.

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I dreamed of Work, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of working in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Another dream. I got my old job, but in a different position. But I understand that I can’t work there, they don’t have to refuse. Since I’m starting my own business and I’m very worried about this.

    I'm on a long vacation in Java. Now I'm going to go to work. But I'm so worried about this. First, because of the children. And most importantly, 2 people quit after my release and I have to go to a difficult area of ​​work. .and in connection with this, all my thoughts are clogged with work. And so I see a dream at night: as if my predecessor (she replaced me for 2 years) does not transfer the case to me and does not tell anything, she hides everything. And she is going to leave. And all this is so unpleasant for me. Thanks in advance!

    I was offered to dream work, in Moscow, and even she tells me that she wrote a statement instead of me, and I tell you that how I will fly every day, on an airplane, she answers: - YES you will fly.

    I dreamed that I went to new job with good kind people but I thought that I would receive less than at my last job, and this excited me. I thought with relief, it's good that this is a dream.

    having closed outlet with my partner, I returned to this point again and people flew in ... to that juice, to that ice cream, to that milk shake, then my partner came (as it turned out, mine came best friend in real life) we continued to work and the dream was interrupted by mom's screams about getting up

    I dreamed that I was back on old work I was well received there, everyone smiled and greeted me. I myself was very happy to return, I liked my work. But this is all strange, because I left there because of the unbearable workload, constant nerves and a terrible team (a snake lair). In general, I very often dream of my past job, its team, although 7 months have already passed since I quit.

    I dreamed that I was in another city, digging new friends and working with my brothers for some Armenian. We rebuilt a gym for him. They built it quickly, in one day, but they did it very very beautifully. And the next morning he was already paying us for our work. True, I had a feeling that he would not pay me extra. And then I woke up.

    Hello, I had a dream as if I were at a former job but did not work there
    the manager with whom was not in bad relationship in a dream she promised help with work during employee holidays

    dream periodically of the old workplace, I worked at the factory, shift.
    i dreamed that my female colleague was scolding me for the mistakes made in my work, this upset me. I even remembered my mother, asked her for support. She has been gone for 6 years. Why dream of an old job? I am a teacher by profession. Thank you.

    AT this moment I sent my resume to a company. In a dream, I dreamed that I was invited to an interview, where I felt very comfortable and gave answers to questions with a clear sense of knowing the subject of the conversation. There was a sense of goodwill on the part of the interviewer.

    I dreamed that I was working like everything was fine, although this moment I have problems at work, I don’t understand why I have a dream that I’m working, but at the same time it’s bad while I have things to do, so I want to know if it’s bad or good ?!

    I am looking for my job, my girlfriend shows me where it is (I have to go through her organization where she works - we are still waist deep in water) Then she shows me where I work - 200 meters from her.

    I dreamed about my workplace, I’m sitting at the office at the table, and it’s all littered with papers, documents, really a whole mountain. The boss comes up, and I lean back in my chair, freak out and say that they piled too much on me, I'm tired and I can't do it anymore. To which he told me that no one piled on anything, this is my job and left. This is a dream, and today I have to go for an interview, there is a desire to change jobs

    I do not remember the details of the dream, only the sensations: I am at work and suddenly I realize that I have not been fulfilling one of my duties for a very long time and I am painfully trying to understand, remember what exactly I am forgetting to do. At the same time, I still feel fright and bewilderment: why this has not yet been discovered and what will happen when it opens. And I have this dream quite often.

    At the moment I am not working. I dreamed that I got a job, I like everything, but the fact that the same person, because of whom I quit, did not make me very happy.

    hello. i dreamed that our friend came to our house and said that next Thursday I could start working in my profession .. she agreed with my potential employer. this is not the main dream, before that there were still moments when I was in conflict with my dormitory neighbor, then it seems my brother was at our house .. in general, I think I had a dream about work because I am now looking for work no more ..

    I got another job, but knowing that they pay less (than I get now), travel very far and work every day. I approached the manager and asked if I got a full job or can I still leave? she said completely. I asked to be allowed to work 3 times a week and she allowed it. I really regretted that I got a job there, and did not understand why I did it.

    I’m really waiting to be offered a job, and now I’m dreaming that I’m going to that office and asking if there are already places and you will still take me, but they tell me that there aren’t any places yet, you need to look for work somewhere else, then maybe when there will be a place we will call you. but not now

    An old factory, I organized a deal to sell scrap metal in the yard, I also dreamed of an old bus that was also supposed to be sold for metal, the whole dream was in search of a metal buyer, at the end of the dream I found a profitable buyer and was pleased with the deal

    I was visiting, we celebrated something there, then I went home and went to the pier, where there were many ships, then I could not find a way to get to another ship, my sister came and held out her hand to me. So I ended up on a ship. Then a man appeared who offered me to work on this ship, showed me where I would work and I really liked it.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was offered another job in another city. and I can't decide what to do, but at the same time I'm already at a new job. but I remember the old work. and I know for sure that at a new job the salary is many times higher

    Hello, I dreamed that I was at work and trying to do something at work, but not what I want is done, then my boss comes and I'm afraid of him and at the same time I'm not afraid, then my husband came to my work and I ran headlong to him, talked a little and climbed the stairs quickly and my husband walked up the stairs when he went to work for me. Then I came to our company’s store for work and started arguing with the administrator (before that we had a small conversation in raised voices) Then I dream of an explosion, but I don’t see it, but I feel a powerful shock wave and this wave lifts me up and strongly and vibrates terribly, and then I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was at a new job, but everything in the building was old: shelves, cabinets, everything was painted with paint in many layers. I wash a lot of green grapes, it is good. but there is a soft one. I wanted to put it in the refrigerator so that it would not deteriorate. On the wall at the top left I saw fried cutlets, I also wanted to put them in the refrigerator.

    I left work without being fired, now I dream of this job as if they forgave me and took me back to work! (I dream very often) I really liked the job, I left out of stupidity! what could that mean?

    I saw in a dream that I was looking for a job as an interpreter for my sister. Went to college and school, talked to them, both were hired. And I think if my sister can work as a translator, can she translate and that’s all

    Hi, I myself love numerology, astronomy, and everything that is tied from our dreams, and anything like that, I can say that I have a dream, I try to remember what I dreamed and what I could have dreamed after a dream. I know which one I plan to go there to check for vacancies, I even know what kind of vacancy manager trading floor I don’t seem to tie anything with them .. I really can’t tell you for a long time without a job, I can tell you what I need to go there to work…… sche pratsyuvav friend, the truth is that a friend and sister pratsyuvali already like at least 2 years ago) well, I don’t know if your friend will tell you if you think

    My director dreamed that she was driving me to another job to another director and gave me a phone number (the director's name is Sasha) because he pays more, and she pays little and will not raise her salary. But I didn't leave and said I'd stay.

    I dreamed that I was at work, sitting in a closet with the guards with one of them in an embrace. And he keeps repeating to me that I am too thin and I need to get better. It goes away and comes back and repeats everything again. Then the dream abruptly moved to the shopping center, it is located next door. I understand that this is exactly the mall, but inside everything is different. I go up to the second floor, meet two more girls from work. They lead me to some window, and there, outside the window, 2 benches are nailed to the wall. They go there to smoke. At the same time, they reproach me for being afraid to sit next to them. One generally holds on to the bench with one hand, and rests her feet against the wall. I'm leaving them. I manage to do some shopping at some point, I go down to the storage rooms. And next to the graves in the middle of the store. I go back to the second floor, because it seems that I forgot someone. I go up to this window with benches, and there two of my aunts fly up to me. They shouted that I was too thin, I answered that I eat as much as I want and they should not worry about it. I woke up on this.
    And how are the details. When I climbed the stairs for the first time, it ended on the second floor, but I knew that the building there was much higher. When I got up the second time, I saw that guard from the first half of the dream and it was a shame that he did not notice me. I got up already in pajamas, although at first I was dressed normally and in a winter jacket. It was summer outside. And in the first half of the dream there were ambivalent feelings. It's nice that the guy hugs and it's a shame that he directly calls skinny.

    Hello! Tell me please! From Thursday to Friday, I made a dream about where my beloved person would work, since he is the head of the guard and there is certain time sleep, the dream was like this: his workplace is in the office, where he straightens the bed. Thank you for your reply!

    the dream was such that he straightens the bed in his office, what does this mean?

    I left with hard work where he has worked for the last 6 years. I found an easier job, but I'm afraid I can't handle it. Therefore, I am tormented by dreams about work, that this is not mine and that I was also exhausted during the day ....

    Every night, I dream about my work, these dreams are different, but I fulfill my professional duties, today, for example, I was looking for a chocolate-colored armrest and could not find it, I asked the painters whether they painted it or not, they told me yes they painted it and it was in such and such a place, but I never found it

    I came to my familiar kitchen restaurant type met a friend but he didn’t shake hands with me the chef came and offered me a job because I was waiting for an offer from another person, I told him about it and he told me to think about it and left after that everyone began to congratulate me and that person handed me I said my hand with a smile, that’s why I didn’t extend my hand to you, I didn’t want to hurry with congratulations

    Hello! Sunday morning at about 5 o'clock, I had a dream in which I was demoted and I start working in another institution, I saw in a dream how I wrote this position in which I was demoted .... I woke up, went to the toilet .... and somewhere at 6-30 I went to bed again, and now I dream that the Head of the District (moreover, the former) offers a job in my position (head of the d / s) but in another place, I refuse, he insists, I don’t like everything there …

    i dreamed that they were taking a job for which I want to sign an agreement, etc. (I'm just looking for a job and really want to get this job that I dreamed of) will they really take me to this job? they will say the answer in 2 days, the dream was on the morning of the 5th

    a woman called and offered a job in her specialty, my friend advised me to her. We agreed to meet after 5:00 pm. I asked my uncle to pick up my son from kindergarten and take him for a walk while I go to a meeting. I went to make photocopies of documents, passed by the yard where my uncle and son were playing, the mood was very good, then I got on the bus and went to my destination, and as soon as I arrived I woke up

    The company seemed to have flourished, obviously the institution where I work was larger than it actually was, the authorities were busy and treated me indifferently, I was itch at that moment to go to the toilet and I didn’t know where the toilet was, I really wanted to go to the big one, no one answered me my question is, in the end, I went to the Manager’s office (she is a woman) and did my job behind her chair, then I went out and walked along the corridor there was a flower department from somewhere * home flowers (from somewhere a man appeared in a gas mask and started screaming and chasing me, I fled as best I could until I ran into a fence ... I jumped over the fence and that guy in a gas mask threw a marble stone at me with a fist (I know this stone, I always carry it with me) .... when he threw at me already woke up (sister woke up because I was screaming)

    Hello. I work as a veterinarian on a farm, I work with cows ... So, almost all my sleep I continuously give injections to both cows and calves without exception ... In a dream, the feeling of fatigue increased and no help was planned from anyone, ...

    I dreamed about work. Evening or morning, for the light was dimmed. There was energetic music playing. In general, a normal working day. I stood my ground play area and expecting kids. The flow was the usual 4-8 people in 30 minutes. I was very thirsty and there was some need to contact the head of the radio, which is a common thing, but I could not find the radio, I kept putting it off until later.

    I dreamed that I returned to my previous job and everyone was happy with me and the boss hugged me (because of her unfair words in real life, I quit). In real life, I forgave her and took it as a lesson. I am currently looking for a job

    Hello. I dreamed the following: as if I got a job (I'm unemployed) and as it turned out, a young man I like works there. I remember that I was interviewed, I said that only half the rate. The director of the institution spoke to that young man and they took me. I got a job as a teacher and during my sleep I found mutual language with students and found. I had to go to work in another wing of the city. I had never dreamed of this young man before.
    Tell me, why dream that I and my sister got married in a dream, but I don’t remember how it was, but I know that I got married. I didn't see my husband. I dreamed about it on the 27th lunar day.

    Hello! The dream was long, but I remembered what the emphasis was on! At first, my young man traded me for another and told me nasty things, but she took my side. Then they tried to kill me and at the same time two dogs tried to bite me. Then I was offered many vacancies and job options, and I tried to get to the sixth floor to my lover, but I left for 92!!!

    I dreamed that I was re-hired for an old (former) position and in a dream I was given a large amount of banknotes
    The bottom line is that I left this place for a year and a half, but nevertheless I would like to work there again
    Thanks in advance
    Yours faithfully

    they scold me why I don’t go to work, but in fact I don’t work now. some strangers scold me, at times it seems to me that I know them, and sometimes people I don’t know. I kind of tell them that it's none of your business.

    I am a mother on maternity leave. For a couple of weeks now, I have been dreaming of a robot. Then, I just come there as a visitor, then I hand in reports and I’m all very busy ...... (I’m not going to go to work yet, and in principle I didn’t think about it)

    I dreamed that I came to my former job at Rostelecom LLC and wanted to buy something there, I saw my former colleagues who were glad to see me. I told them where I work now. Next, I see my colleague from my current job, who did not expect to see me here, we talked with her, and she says that she is arranging her brother here for the position of chief, and I woke up all the time. In real life, she does not have a brother.

    hello, I was hired in a dream Kindergarten, I don’t remember the number of the garden, I asked the employees they said that kindergarten 263, and on the wall there was a license that kindergarten 262 was written on, they accepted the position of educator, when going up and down there were steep stairs and wooden ones with lacquered coating. actually I I do not work.

    I stood on the tower and jumped down, I flew like a bird, I saw everything clearly everything was beautiful and large-scale and I landed successfully :) on the ground I did some kind of work after which I was invited to a permanent

    dreamed about my work today. There were a lot of orders, but I managed. all the familiar girls were sitting, and 2 families were sitting at the same table. There was a conflict with my son, but without the use of physical force, because. his father took him. Also broke 2 hookahs and burned the sofa.

    Tatyana, welcome!
    The dream was from Thursday to Friday. I kept trying to get a job where I had already worked before in my life, only in the subdivision below, in fact, which was subordinate to me, well, and which I didn’t really like. It was an attempt, but I didn’t seem to get settled until the end, I woke up.
    The dream was brightly colored. There was a residue of effort and great perseverance.
    Thank you.

    Hello! I dreamed of a real place of work, also two cats, one adult, red, my cat. Second little kitty chocolate color. The second is very affectionate, fluffy, well-groomed Playing with little kitten i I forget about my cat, which turns out to be on the street, then my cat starts meowing outside the door, I let him in, at this time, a small kitten shat on the floor,

    Hello, I saw how a close friend offers me a very good job, but in order to get a job I will have to move from home to a hotel, I was very glad because I really wanted privacy. Behind that, in the same dream, I saw a frozen river, and two parts, one part on the bridge, the second was either a boat or just a pier, I had to go towards the bridge, but the old man suggested going the other way and crossed it safely without falling, so I also had to return back, without slipping on the ice, holding on to the sides of the bridge, I returned. I also had a dream in which I was with a former colleague (she smiled at me in the face, but everything was different behind her back). I saw how I, she and her boyfriend are walking, but her boyfriend gives me signs of attention and I am embarrassed, I throw the phone and leave

    like, in some kind of public catering (like a subway) and there you have to stand and make all kinds of food, and I say to them like this “yes, I don’t know how to do anything at all”, and they told me “here, you suit us in appearance , you will just stand and study ”and also,“ we get 30k each, they always give out a salary ”I was so freaked out, I also ask“ how about the san-book? should I do it?" , and they are like “no, don’t, we’ll buy it for you, it’s much faster”

    dreaming of a former job that paid well working with animals and then quit, tried again to get a job filled out a questionnaire and I’m waiting for an answer hoping for a good answer I would like to know why such a dream thanks in advance

    This dream is periodically repeated, it is more emotionally similar to a nightmare. For some reason, I missed work and I don’t have a sick leave, I’m terrified in my soul what to do, I come up with a lie that I was out of town, I didn’t have time to arrive, the phone was dead. The boss does not like me, so she decides to make trouble for me. (My father and I used to work at the same factory, although he died a long time ago) She tries to get through to her father, but does not get through, she goes to higher authorities and decides to transfer me to another department, to a lower salary. When I found out, I could not help laughing, I was bursting. Everyone looks at me and is surprised, but it’s funny to me, I can hardly restrain myself. Immediately I remember that I didn’t go to the institute for a long time and now I need to do something, how to justify myself or recover. For the first time in many years, I somehow find an opportunity, internal at least, to look for solutions, and not to panic. True, and two plots at once, which make me panic, I dream for the first time.

    in a dream, I dreamed of a former colleague whom I arranged my time for this job, tells me in a dream that there are vacancies at my previous job, in a dream I tell him that my former colleague should contact me

    I was fired from my job because of the refusal to marry (this is a fact). Now a dream: The translator called and said that I should not get another job and wait 2 weeks, as the workers ask me to be reinstated to work. The instigator of everything was the translator guy with whom I worked for 2 seasons. The management seems to want to hire me, but they offer me their own conditions. (Unfortunately, I woke up). Everything! Thank you!

    I got a job at a new good interesting work and I enjoy it. She started a white poodle and dreams of walking with a young man and two affectionate dogs on a sunny day.

    Got an offer high paying job in big company. Suggested by a friend who was asked to find an employee, and he recommended me. Our conversation took place in a smoking room, we often go to smoke together. That is, this proposal sounded, as if by the way. The conversation was informal.

    Today I dreamed that the director of one office asked me to work on the weekend, his employee fell ill, I told him that I would not have days off then, but he insistently asks and I had to agree, although in real life I don’t work for him.

    I am currently working on one project. And I dreamed today that I completed the project without errors, quickly in one day (although it takes several months), and everyone is happy. What does this mean, more specifically and in detail?

    Good afternoon, Tatyana. Today I dreamed that a person in uniform offers me the opportunity to change jobs, but offers not just in words, but gives contacts that I need to contact. There were several people with me, but he turned to me. Tell me the meaning of this dream. Thanks in advance.

    At work, they studied papers, reports and began to look for shortcomings and make claims to me about bad job. \I couldn't understand\. what happened and why. Surprise, but no fear and disappointment. My workplace disappeared and appeared glass table for me. I got angry and refused to work for him. Then I began to guess that they wanted to get rid of me at work, although I had always been a highly qualified specialist. I calmly waited for the resolution / current situation, then woke up.

    Hello! The dream was like this: My husband and children and I moved to live and work in another city and the work is good and everything is fine with housing, in fact, I really want to live in this city. Maybe that's why this dream does not give me rest?

    I ended up at my previous job, where I no longer work (in a dream), but I would like to. (While I was on vacation, they pressed me, those who believed). Continuation of sleep - I understand that I returned because they called me. Guests of the hosts arrange Christmas trees with colored lights around the house, I understand that this is Jewish New Year. The owners need to leave the house and they want to leave me on the farm, but they did not warn me. And I told them that if you had told me in advance, I would have taken my night clothes. (and according to these words, I remembered that I had already told them the same thing in a dream, which means the dream was repeated). In a dream, I hoped that they hired me again and experienced interrogative pleasure.

    Good afternoon! Last night I had a dream that the company I am currently applying for a job offered me a very low salary. In real life, I'm just getting a job, only the only issue left unresolved is wage, but in real life this company cannot give me such a salary, because they all have a much higher salary. What could this dream be about?

    My daughter works with me at the same company. Sleep - I am in her office, she is having a conversation with her boss, she scolds her daughter, angrily answers her. Then I intervene in their conversation and negotiate with the boss, asking her my daughter is not suitable for you at work, she answers no, so she answers yes to find another job. I burst into tears and go to the head of our department and ask for his permission to transfer my daughter to his service. The dream is over.

    A woman I know (they rented offices in the organization where I work, we just sometimes crossed paths over the transfer of documents) in a dream offered me a position in my specialty in the organization where she works as a director. I clarified with her whether this place is permanent and whether she really hires me and that I agree.

Always been real problem worldwide. Especially now, when you have to do it yourself, attending numerous interviews, finding a good job is becoming increasingly difficult. The search for a new job in reality is familiar to everyone, but what if such a plot is revealed to you in a dream? This article will tell you what the new job is dreaming of, its search and other details related to it.

What is coming in reality?

Change of workplace

Among the dreams of a new job, the most ambiguous and varied plots in which you changed the place of your work are considered.

Dismissal from your last job and getting a new job is a sign that in reality you are very optimistic and no difficulties can prevent you from achieving what you want.

Not so good is the dream in which you were fired, and your position was transferred to someone else - it promises you serious conflicts with work colleagues.

If you were offered Good workthis is a favorable sign. Joyful events and pleasant meetings await you.

Also interesting is the meaning of dreams in which you had to change your field of activity. What new profession did you choose in a dream?

  • Teacher (teacher, lecturer)- soon you will be able to become a good adviser for someone.
  • Medical worker (doctor, nurse) You may have health problems in the future.
  • Worker (miner, builder, metallurgist, etc.)- this one promises you a rather laborious, but at the same time well-paid job.
  • Intellectual worker (scientist, engineer)- a sign that in reality you have the gift of foreboding and well-developed intuition.
  • Dangerous job (cop, firefighter, lifeguard)- in the near future you may be in serious danger. But do not despair - caution and prudence will allow you to avoid any problems.

If in a dream you enter a new job in a position that is not in the position that you occupy in reality, such a dream means: in reality, luck will turn to you for a long time, and you will be able to change your life in better side. If in reality you are not satisfied with your salary, rejoice - such a dream promises you not only an increase in salary, but also a bonus or award.

Dreams are considered ambiguous in which you were forced to change jobs for external reasons . It all depends on the details of the dream and your mood in the dream. So:

  • You changed jobs because you moved to a new location- cardinal events await you life changes. If you were upset in a dream, the changes will be sad and bring you grief. If you were happy, the changes will be joyful and make your life better.
  • You changed jobs because of problems with- oddly enough, such a dream should be understood on the contrary - it promises you good health and great success in the future.

New office

The new office that you liked is a sign that promises the dreamer the opportunity to get rich and climb high up the career ladder.

If in a dream you came to work and saw a new office that you didn’t like, in reality, trouble awaits you in the service.

To be dissatisfied with your office, and look for a more suitable one - such a vision should be understood as a call: become more determined, kill your insecurities and fears, and act in accordance with your desires.

You have been transferred to a new office, and you cannot work in it - your constant discontent and unwillingness to obey will irritate people in your address.


Find a new job and get it - in order to gain respect for yourself, in reality you will have to show all your abilities and talents. Also, a dream of this kind means that soon a person will have a good cash gain, but at the same time he will have to work hard from the heart.

Work occupies a significant part of our lives, so it is not surprising that we can see it in a dream. Why dream about where you work? Here are the interpretations given by the famous dream books.

Why is there such a vision?

    Small Velesov dream book

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    I dreamed that you worked hard and woke up feeling tired - it means that you can safely take on difficult cases that inspire fear in you, you will succeed. You see working colleagues - you can count on a promotion, gratitude or bonus.

    Transfer your work to another person - to disappointment, trouble. Work in a dream angers and annoys - to conflicts with superiors, penalties, reprimand.

Promotion or dismissal

A dream about how you are promoted means your high self-esteem and self-confidence, however, not groundless. Most likely, you consider yourself an experienced professional who deserves better than he has now. It is quite possible that this dream will literally come true, and you will really step up the career ladder.

If you are sure that the dream about the increase has no connection with reality, its interpretation will be exactly the opposite. This is a harbinger of resentment or disappointment awaiting you.. There may also be a quarrel with a person who is close to you, or the danger of being drawn into other people's strife.

Often people have dreams in which they lose their jobs as a result of being fired. Of course, such a dream can be directly related to real situation at your service. But if this is not the case, then a dream about losing a job symbolizes your desire to avoid responsibility for making a decision in some difficult situation.

It also matters whose will you leave. If this is your initiative, the dream warns that sooner or later you will still have to solve existing problems, and delay can only aggravate them. When someone else fires you, it means that you have to wait and weigh the pros and cons before deciding to take any step.

Late for work or scandal

If in a dream you are late for work, such a dream portends trouble in real life. The plot, where you make every effort to get to work, and still do not show up on time, dreams of gossip that ill-wishers spread behind your back. Unfortunately, they can really harm you, so such a dream warns that you need maximum caution in dealing with people.

If you endure being late in a dream relatively calmly, then this is a sign that your success in real life is hindered by your laziness and unwillingness to make sufficient efforts to achieve it.

Often in a dream, various conflict situations, scandals. This one always portends some pleasant and profitable changes in life.. It is important who you act as in your dream. If you are a direct and active participant, it means that you will have complete clarity on the problems that concern you. All of them will be resolved in your favor.

When you watch squabbles from the side, it promises a quick reward for some effort you put in. If, on the contrary, you hear only the sounds of a quarrel, but do not see it, wait for the news that will come from an unexpected direction and will be extremely favorable. The dream in which you intervene in someone else's scandal and calm the debaters portends a major success in business area of your life.

Work as a sales clerk or waitress

A dream about working as a salesman, if he dreamed of a person of a different profession, indicates that he does not use the opportunities given to him to the end. Such a dream is a reason to reconsider your attitude to both work and personal life.

The details of the dream clarify its meaning. So, it is very important where exactly you work as a seller in a dream. If you dream that your trade is on the street, then beware of loss and disappointment.

Seeing yourself as a seller of a stall or a small shop portends empty chores and many minor troubles. But if you dream that you are a seller of a large and bright shopping center - it means that you are waiting for some kind of turn in life, leading to and prosperity. But in any case, such a dream means the need to revise your capabilities and begin to use them to their full potential.

Working as a waitress in a dream portends many new pleasant experiences. If you had such a dream, then your life will change radically, however, for some short period of time.

A dream can promise a trip to some exotic places, admission to study in a completely new direction for you, fixed-term contract to work in a distant city. In any case, the changes will be pleasant and will allow you to take your life to another, higher level.

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    settle down on the work in dream speaks of your individual point of view, which you will defend and defend in almost any circumstances. If in dream you were looking for a new work and were able get settled, it doesn't always mean actually looking for another service location. Dream can be regarded as a sign that you have the opportunity to significantly improve your financial affairs.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    For what dreaming new Work? Often in dream a person sees what worries him very much in real life. Thus, the subconscious seeks to solve existing problems, to find answers to disturbing questions. It is not surprising that everyday stories are so common in the world of dreams. What portends? settle down in dream to a new work may portend that the dreamer will defend and defend his point of view with all his might. Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation settle down on the work dreamed, for what dreaming in dream settle down on the work".Good afternoon! to me today, i.e., from Thursday to Friday, had a dream dream, what I got a job on the work at the casino I experienced slight discomfort, an unpleasant sensation ( I actually before worked in the casino and there was little that was pleasant) dream was colored, and at the end sleep I got pretty because what I found out that the salary me was decent. what does this mean?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    if you dreamed, what you are promoted - this dream portends you disappointment and resentment in the near future, because you have hopes that cannot be fulfilled in this period. Work- you will not be up to work settle down in dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "otebe"

    Search work in dream. Search according to the dream book work receive an unexpected but profitable offer. If such dream dreaming unemployed who is looking for work, so the circumstances will be encouraging. settle down on the work- according to the dream book, it is interpreted as follows: you are used to all Other interpretations dreams about work. dreamed very pleasant dream in which you got a promotion on the work? This should be taken literally - soon new perspectives will open before you. And how you use them in reality depends entirely on you.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Here's what else describes about work in dream one of the extensive dream books is Miller's dream book. If for some reason you remain in your dream without work- well, in reality you will react without fear to the upcoming difficulties, and such a positive attitude will be based on your faith in yourself and your ability to work well. If a lady dreamed, what she is got a job to someone at home work- ahead of a long work that does not promise joy.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.jofo"

    If a dreaming you ex Work, then such dream what, means in reality you are too serious about general work, and that's just it. dream interpretation work on the settle down in dream, for what dreaming settle down on the. work on the settle down in dream speaks of your individual point of view, which you will defend and defend under almost any circumstances.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Work - Work- Earn respect for a job well done. settle down on the work- you must defend your point of view, thanks to your integrity you will achieve success. dreamed /dreamed Unemployed - See yourself in dream searching in vain work, uselessly applying to various authorities - to a promotion, soon you will move on to a highly paid work.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    If a in dream looking for - in reality you will settle down to another firm. For what dreaming, what offer a new vacancy and even sent an invitation - there is a chance to be unemployed. man dreamed, what changes work- he will get a promotion. If the previous Work dreaming often, it means you miss your colleagues and regret that you return to the old work no longer possible. Still, it's nice that not all dreams about work reflect professional activity, sometimes interpretations are given regarding personal life. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    For what dreaming Work in dream: Former Work- such dream is a consequence of your ex Work dreaming also to a possible desire again on her get settled.dreamed,what me invite on the work To a foreign company. What would it mean? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I saw last night dream,wherein I half a year ago I want get settled on the work, here today tomorrow should call with this work, a to me dream had a dream what I already there working.Hello. to me in dream dreamed, what to me offered another work in another city. and I can not decide, what to me do but at the same time I already on the new work. but I remember the old work. and I I know exactly what's on the new work the salary is many times more.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    hello, to me had a dream dream wherein I got a job on the work in which you don't need work- they just pay money there! What does it mean? to me dreamed what I came to a new work, and there to me handed over some prize (on the box it was written that it was a jeep). In dream I very happy with the new work and for lunch I went to the buffet and bought myself all the best to eat. In real life I I really want to change work, already chill no work on the old one.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    dreams about work everyone sees from time to time. Someone daydreams about everyday moments like photocopying documents or signing contracts, and someone wakes up in a cold sweat after a scolding from their boss seen in a dream. So what's the point anyway dreaming Work?Dream where you see beyond work other people, promises hope for the best. If a girl sees in dream, what she is got a job work housekeeper, dream predicts an unclear future for her.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "imya-sonnik"

    See dream in which you settle down on the work- it is worth saying that in any case, in real life, you must remain true to your convictions. Late on the work in dream dreaming- your dream basically means that it is in reality that you will not keep your word at all. dreamed in dream stroll in working time - you will be ignored in the near future.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation got a job on the work dreamed, for what dreaming in dream got a job on the work? To choose an interpretation sleep dream dreams letter free alphabetically). Now you can find out what it means to see in dream got a job on the work by reading below for free interpretation dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    Work in dream means: If in dream Are you tense work, then in reality you should make a lot of efforts to achieve success. If you dreaming, how work others, interesting communication awaits you. If you dreamed, what Are you looking for work, then be careful and do not miss the opportunity to get rich. Work- you will not be up to work because you get sick, and when you get better, your place will be taken. settle down in dream to hire someone - to get addicted to someone. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "supersonnik"

    If a in dream On the contrary, you found settled down on the work which suits you perfectly dream- a sign: soon you will have plenty to choose from. This applies to all areas of life, including - work(professional activities). if you dreamed, what you have a new Work, this means that in real life you will have something new: not necessarily related to work.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "junona"

    Interpretation dreams Work, dream Work, dreamed Work. dream interpretation dream interpretation Work. Dream in which you are tense working, warns: in order to succeed, you will have to make a lot of effort. If a dreaming, how work others - interesting communication awaits you. dreamed, what you are looking for work?Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    There is an opinion that the in dream former Work, means the general mood of fate to correct previous mistakes. What if dreaming former Work? If such dreamed, this does not mean that there will be a direct return to the former team. Dream is more of a philosophical, subconscious comparison current conditions labor and those that were before.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Meaning sleep Work: To you dreamed Work why is it - to hard work, but prosperity. What does it mean in dream Work- You seem to be performing a difficult and painstaking task. work- you are ready to take on any task in real life work, you are not afraid of difficulties; you do everything, perhaps not very quickly, but with high quality; if you do not change your principles, you can count on success.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    Similar dreams: Work New Work. settle down on the work Former Work. In our online dream book You can find out not only what the new Work in dream but also see the interpretations of others dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller's dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning sleep"new Work".Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Work, Work, Change work. For what dreaming plot Work in dream? Does this mean dream, What you and in dream haunts your Work? Dream Interpretations do not consider such dreams prophetic and fateful and give them rather a psychological meaning. For example, change work, dreaming to you, It does not mean at all that this is exactly what awaits you in reality. But, As the Dream Interpretations say, Such a vision shows your hidden dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    settle down on the work in dream- a sign of joyful events and unexpected changes. This is how most people interpret famous dream books, for what dreaming employment. But if dreamed, what you, settling down on the work, strive to master a new specialty for you, this means that joyful events will not concern you, but someone close to you, but these events will also please you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    For them, it is a sign that you need to pay more attention to your family. You need to clearly understand that Work- this is not the whole life, it's just a way to make money. If you are in a dream arranged on the its former work, then this fact clearly indicates that such thoughts often come to you in real life. Here is another dream had a dream.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "vedunica"

    FOR WHAT DREAMING Work IN DREAM, DREAM Work DREAMED, INTERPRETATION SNA.Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April. Dream in which you settle down on the work, says that in any case, you must remain true to your beliefs and only then will you find success. heavy Work- in reality, show disagreement and obstinacy, provoking the wrath of people who can ruin your entire career. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-online"

    And vice versa, if had a dream unemployed, completely satisfied with his position, then your material well-being due to some events can be seriously shaken. If in the role of the lost work you saw yourself as a person, which means that your hopes for excellent results in some business are destined to collapse. For a woman in dream get settled to someone in the housekeeper - such dream prophesies to her a long work, which will take her a lot of time and a sense of the joy of life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    dreamed in dream work- Loff's dream book. If a in dream to you dream like some kind of person works on heavy work, then this dream says that your life will change for the better. Why dreaming former, old, former Work. If a in dream to you dreamed, what you work on the former work, then this does not mean at all that you will return to the previous team. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    Dream Interpretation Naidu I work dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Naidu I work? To choose an interpretation sleep enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams letter free alphabetically). Dream in which you settle down on the work, says that in any case, you must remain true to your beliefs and only then will you find success.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik.bun"

    dream interpretation Work dreamed, interpretation of the word Work and its meaning in dream, for what dreaming Work, read absolutely free and find out the interpretation dreams! Dream Interpretation from A to I Work »›. Dream in which you settle down on the work: says that in any case, you must remain true to your beliefs and only then will you find success.

A job change can be both a pleasant event and stressful situation. And not only in reality, but also in a dream. According to dream books, change professional activity reflects the real state of affairs in the service. But still, do not rush to conclusions, perhaps there is something that you do not even know about. It is in such situations that it is useful to know what a job change is dreaming of.

Miller's dream book about changing jobs

The interpretation of a dream in which you see yourself leaving the past and getting a job at a new enterprise means that you are full of strength, energy and optimism to overcome any difficulties.

But if you dreamed that you were fired and your position was given to a colleague, then similar visions can mean real work troubles and conflicts in the team, says the dream book.

Professional activity

If in a dream you see a job change, then remember exactly who you worked for, then you will understand why this is a dream:

  • see yourself as a teacher - someone needs your advice;
  • to be a health worker - to health problems;
  • i dreamed that you were a metallurgist, miner, builder, etc. - to difficult, but monetary work;
  • a scientist or scientist symbolizes the sharpening of instinct and intuition;
  • i dreamed that you were a fireman, policeman, rescuer - beware of dangers along the way.

Voluntary care as a symbol of new life

If you dreamed that you yourself submitted an application for resigning from your old place of service, then this means that in reality you are not too happy with the state of affairs that you have and want some changes, Pastor Loff's dream book suggests.

You leave your old place in a dream not in the position that you occupy in reality, and you leave precisely because you have reached the “career ceiling” in a dream - to changes in life for the better, says Tsvetkov’s dream book. Previous place you were satisfied, but the salary - no? Expect a raise or an unexpected bonus.

Dismissal is a sign of change

Why dream of a dream in which the boss calls you “on the carpet” and then fires you? Miss Hasse's dream book explains this vision in this way: most likely you have already experienced this, so the subconscious mind gives out such images.

Did you see the change of boss as if you only changed a department or workshop at the enterprise where you work? Such dreams, in most cases, promise changes in personal life, assures the Gypsy Dream Book.

Forced circumstances, or From joy to sadness

Here, as the Eastern Interpreter explains, what dreams are for, in which a job change is a necessary measure. For example, you had to change your position in connection with moving to another city: if you are happy and satisfied with this fact in a dream, then in reality you can count on pleasant events. You see that the change of work saddened you - be prepared for grief.