Nodular money magic: knowledge for profit. Node of wealth or prosperity

Tying a knot is one of the oldest ways to attract what you want. Our ancestors quite often used nodular magic to protect against evil, unclean forces, as well as to gain material wealth.

There are several varieties of knots at once, and each of them has a special secret meaning. Money nodes attract wealth and prosperity, luck nodes help a person achieve success in all areas of life, the desire node serves to realize a cherished dream. site experts will tell you how to change your life for the better with the help of simple knots.

good luck knot

A black streak can come in the life of every person. At such moments, Fortune turns away from you, and any attempts to change your life do not bring positive result. Of course, you can just accept and get through this difficult period. However, if you want to overcome obstacles as soon as possible and return good luck, you can do this with the help of a regular knot.
It may seem to many that tying knots for good luck is a long and painstaking work requiring quite a bit of effort. In fact, everyone can tie a knot of luck. To do this, you will need three red threads or narrow ribbons. First, form the top of the knot by tying a double knot from the threads. Then fold the threads in such a way that two of them are woven together, and the other is separate from them. After that, start tying small knots, and at the end, tie a double knot again so that the knots do not unravel. While weaving, say:
“I tie knots, I tie luck to myself.”
After that, always keep the knot with you so that others cannot see it. If one day you lose the knot, do not be upset: it means that you were able to avoid a big failure or a serious problem.

money knot

The money knot is popular not only in Russia, but also in China, as well as in many other countries. The Chinese quite often call it the knot of life, based on the fact that a person's life can be happy only if he does not experience financial difficulties.

Making money knots is as easy as making a good luck knot. You only need one cord for it. Fold it in half, and then form a knot in the form of a shamrock - such as shown in the picture above. To prevent the knot from falling apart during weaving, you can fasten each loop with needles. When the money knot is ready, say:
"May the money knot bring me wealth."
The money knot should be kept in a wallet in the bills section or at the workplace. You can use it as a talisman by tying it to your watch or bracelet. If you want your family to never experience financial hardship, put a bundle in the place where you keep money.

Wish Fulfillment Knot

Every person strives to realize their dreams. However, sometimes it takes too much time, and during this period a person ceases to believe that his desire can be fulfilled. There are many ways to attract what you want into your life, and you can do this with a simple knot.
Before you start weaving, you need to properly tune in. To begin with, you must concentrate as much as possible on your desire, trying to visualize it in every detail. To consolidate the result, write your dream on paper. Try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts that do not allow you to concentrate, and if you can’t do this, take up weaving another time.
Take three laces different colors and put them together. The weaving technique is in many ways similar to the knot of luck, only during the tying of each knot you need to pronounce your desire. You should get 12 knots.
After that, keep the talisman with you until your wish is fulfilled. You can make only one dream at a time, but after that you can repeat the manipulations with another desire.

At all times, knots have been talismans with strong energy properties. In our article, you can learn how to properly tie a knot with which you can attract good luck and wealth, as well as fulfill any desires.

Tying a knot is one of the oldest ways to attract what you want. Our ancestors quite often used nodular magic to protect against evil, unclean forces, as well as to gain material wealth. There are several varieties of knots at once, and each of them has a special secret meaning. Money nodes attract wealth and prosperity, luck nodes help a person achieve success in all areas of life, the desire node serves to realize a cherished dream.

Experts will tell you how to change your life for the better with the help of simple knots.

good luck knot

A black streak can come in the life of every person. At such moments, Fortune turns away from you, and any attempts to change your life do not bring a positive result. Of course, you can just accept and get through this difficult period. However, if you want to overcome obstacles as soon as possible and return good luck, you can do this with the help of a regular knot.

It may seem to many that tying knots for good luck is a long and painstaking work that requires quite a lot of effort. In fact, everyone can tie a knot of luck. To do this, you will need three red threads or narrow ribbons. First, form the top of the knot by tying a double knot from the threads. Then fold the threads in such a way that two of them are woven together, and the other is separate from them. After that, start tying small knots, and at the end, tie a double knot again so that the knots do not unravel. While weaving, say:

“I tie knots, I tie luck to myself.”

After that, always keep the knot with you so that others cannot see it. If one day you lose the knot, do not be upset: it means that you were able to avoid a big failure or a serious problem.

money knot

The money knot is popular not only in Russia, but also in China, as well as in many other countries. The Chinese quite often call it the knot of life, based on the fact that a person's life can be happy only if he does not experience financial difficulties.

The knot is the source of magical properties. With the help of magic, the node's strength is increased many times over. The meaning of nodes in magic has strictly individual shades. We can see echoes of the mystical essence of the knot even in such an innocent ritual as “tying a knot in memory”.

O magical properties knots were known by our ancestors, hence many rituals and beliefs arose, some of which have survived to this day. The application of knot-howl magic is one of the simplest and at the same time extraordinary effective ways attract wealth into your life.

Money ritual for 9 knots

First option.

We perform the ritual on the growing moon or full moon.

Take a green silk ribbon about 30 cm long.

Tie 9 knots on it, sequentially for each knot saying:

« The first knot of sorcery begins.

With the second node, the work is done.

With the third knot, the money goes to me.

With the fourth node, new opportunities are knocking at my door.

With the fifth node, my business is booming.

The sixth knot fixes witchcraft.

With the seventh node I am given success.

With the eighth node, income is multiplied.

With the ninth knot, it's all mine now!»

Keep the tape with you as a talisman

Second option.

Tie nine knots on the cord. General order them on the cord should be as follows: 1-6-4-8- 3-7-5-9-2. That is, first tie the first knot at one end of the cord, the second at the other end, the third in the middle of the cord, the fourth in the middle between the first and third, the fifth between the third and second, etc.

As you tie each knot, say: “I fasten this knot all in one, my will, my passion, my monetary power.”

When finished, burn the cord over a candle flame, then scatter the ashes into the wind.

Money ritual on a green candle

At the dawn of the day of the waxing moon, light a green candle.

From a skein of green yarn (wool), cut nine threads of the same length. Put them together, hold them between your palms, rub your hands against each other, forming a cord from the threads.

Performing manipulations, say:
“Nine ways, nine ways will come to me what I want: copper nickels, silver rubles, gold chervonets, significant bonds on paper, marked with signatures and seals.”

A bundle of wealth for the lazy

A modern and simplified way to attract wealth with the help of a thread.

You will need a green thread, preferably from natural fibers, about 30 cm long. This thread is tied around the little finger 5 times clockwise on the hand: for women - on the right, for men - on the left. As you tie the knot at the end, mentally wish yourself prosperity. If the thread gets wet or dirty, replace it with a new one, tying it in the same way and wear it until you receive the ordered amount. Then remove and burn.

English knots of prosperity

Perform the ritual on the growing moon on Thursday.

  • green candle,
  • any aromatic stick,
  • square patch of green / Brown,
  • 3 silver (or just white metal) coins,
  • a little bit of different herbs: marigold, saffron, la vanda,
  • 10 rock salt crystals
  • and, most importantly, two threads, gold and silver.

Retire to a quiet place. Mix the herbs and pour on a flat surface in the form of a circle. In the center of this circle, place a candle and an incense stick, put coins, salt, a piece of cloth and thread. Light the candle, then the incense stick. Take the coins in your palms, bring them to your mouth - and exhale on them four times.
Repeat the spell three times: “I call on the air - I call the way money”,
then once: "Done and will be blessed!"

Collect herbs, coins, salt, lay on a green flap and wrap it in the form of a bag. Intertwine silver and golden thread. With the resulting rope, tightly tie the bag from the green flap with seven knots. Carry this bag with you for thirty days, and then hide it at home in a secluded place.
Based on materials from,

You can believe or doubt, but the fact that the magic of money has unlimited power is an indisputable fact. financial well-being, stability, a decent life, the possibility of personal self-realization - all this can give you the magic of attracting money and success. You just have to take advantage of its capabilities and enjoy the result

AT modern world high technology it is difficult to believe in the power of a bundle that can protect from trouble, attract good luck. Do not be skeptical about this, the magic that came to us from the depths of centuries has not lost its significance in our days.

The Slavs believed in the power of a tied thread, for centuries they created ways of weaving, knowledge was passed down through generations. Unfortunately, many secrets have been lost due to persecution by the Christian church, but a piece folk wisdom called Nauzy, has come down to our days. The basis for creation is an ordinary thread, which itself carries a sacred meaning depending on the color, and a knot tied in a certain way doubles its strength. Since ancient times, people have worn a knotted bracelet on the wrist, worn around the neck. Depending on the purpose of the amulet, the threads were different color. In addition to knots, pendants were used: bags with herbs, coal, salt, medicinal plants were woven.

The question arises: “What is the magic of the knot?” The secret is simple - it's faith. When a person creates a knot, his thoughts are directed in a certain direction. Here it is important to think about what you want from the amulet: protection from damage, getting rid of the disease, attracting fortune and money. Thoughts should be directed to good, you should not think much. By making one knot after another, you secure your desires. In addition to the mental message, conspiracies should be read during the ceremony. It is best to entrust the creation of a talisman to a blood relative or make it yourself, without fail good mood and good health. When making nauzes, it is desirable to use natural threads (wool, linen, cotton, silk) - they retained the energy of nature. Weaving from ribbons, ropes and even hair is acceptable. If you decide to create a similar amulet yourself - great option make it in the field, forest, park, away from the noise. This is an opportunity to concentrate and direct thoughts only to the creation of an amulet. Hold it before use sunbeams or moonlight.

Video "Nauzy"

Magic talisman on the wrist

For many peoples, the hand is a channel open negative energy. AT Ancient Russia knot was considered reliable protection from the evil eye. In the work we used threads from hemp, nettle. enough these days decorative materials to create for yourself not only a magical, but also a beautiful bracelet. However, the decorative effect of such an object is not the main thing - the meaning invested in the amulet at the moment of tying knots is important. Decide on the purpose of the talisman: for happiness, love and good luck, to improve health, or it will protect you from negativity. Choose the color of the threads according to your preferences. Each shade has its own meaning:

  • Red - protection from the evil eye.
  • Green - protect against deception, lure money.
  • Yellow - envy.
  • Blue - promotes emancipation, relieves stiffness in communication, gives self-confidence.
  • White - should be worn by those who are planning changes in life, to come to the intended goal.

Video "Nauza - nodular magic"

How and when to tie knots

Before making a node, you should get acquainted with the rules for its creation. It is made only in the phase of the growing moon; this should not be done on the waning moon, since magical powers will be very weak. The day of the week is also important:

  • Monday - nodules for love.
  • Tuesday - from damage and the evil eye.
  • Wednesday - to find success.
  • Thursday - attracting financial flow.
  • Friday - a conspiracy to love, female beauty.
  • Saturday - from evil spirits.
  • Sunday - protection from diseases, healing.

Before knitting a knot, decide on the purpose of the bracelet, clearly pronounce the desire aloud, read the plot, the prayer.

Video "Weaving Nauz"

Which hand to tie?

It matters on which wrist to wear such a talisman. On the left they wear a bracelet designed to protect from the influence of diabolical forces. It is believed that there is a channel for the penetration of negative energy. On the right, charged with desires. You should not share information about your amulet with others, advise others to tie the same one. To enhance the effect of the nauz on the talisman, it is recommended to place pendants. It can be mineral stones, metal and wooden figurines. Before creating such an attribute, take a look at the meaning of symbols common today:

  • Bird - longevity.
  • Angel - honest thoughts.
  • Libra - focus on the right decisions and actions.
  • Wolf - career success, luck in business.
  • Horse, unicorn - spiritual purity and purity.
  • Star, sun - from the dark forces.
  • Coin - attracts wealth.
  • Heart - love, strong marital relations.
  • Palm - from negative energy.
  • Fish - financial success.

The meaning of the black thread

The use of this color in universities is questionable. If we exclude the unpleasant associations that the thread causes, then we can understand how powerful positive energy it has, is able to bestow balance and self-confidence. Suitable for weak-willed people - it will help to become decisive, and unrestrained to curb emotions. Paired with thread white color contribute to the achievement of the goal.

The meaning of the amulet from the red thread

Such a node has wide application. It can serve as a protection against negative bioenergetics - in this case, wear a bracelet on left hand to block the dark energy channel. At the same time, a similar talisman can be. Then put it on right hand. Often the amulet is spoken for love, these are 3 threads that are tied into 7 knots. Red in Slavic culture was a powerful amulet. In the esoteric teaching, Kabbalah also has magic power. Because our days are popular, often used as a talisman.

Knot for love

If your relationship with a loved one has gone wrong, you want to find your soul mate, reach an agreement in family relationships- you need a talisman, charmed by love.

- kindle a fire between spouses, increase physical attraction and spiritual unity. To weave such an amulet, you need to choose the right material - it can be a ribbon with which joint memories are associated or even shoelaces. If you weave the hair of the spouses into the knot, witchcraft will increase several times. As you work, imagine that you are tightly tying your love together. The first days are close to the body, near the heart, then give it to your spouse. The best way make a nauz in the form of a keychain. A similar tie can be done on interior items.

and burning hearts - are also able to return a faded feeling, protect from family strife, betrayal. They tie an amorous knot only on the growing moon.

Girls should know that braiding is a magical ritual. If you think about the chosen one, repeating the conspiracy, you will certainly achieve mutual feelings.

Video "Nauzy - a love adventure"

Science for health and healing

People who are prone to ailments, no doubt, should believe in science. or on the neck will help to heal, protect from ailments. For pain in lower limbs, the knot is put on the legs. People of harmful professions use such talismans.

One of the ways to get rid of the disease:

  • Take a black thread;
  • Tie an odd number of knots;
  • For each, say the name of the disease;
  • Put on fire or bury the thread away from home;

Nauz Zhiva - Helps to improve well-being, fills weakened organs with healing energy.

Solar - indispensable for exhaustion of the body, constant fatigue.

- knitting knots is done on a thick green thread. Hang at the head of the bed, able to reflect the negative, maintain health.

Celtic knot - a strong nauz from diseases, helps to rid the body of heavy energy that destroys the human biofield.

Video "Health Knot, Celtic Nauz"

Knot from the evil eye

Poor health, fatigue, malaise, a series of failures that have begun - may be the result of the evil eye. A nodular talisman will become a faithful protector from such troubles. The most effective is considered a bracelet made of. Such amulets can be worn around the neck, on hands, attached to a purse or hung over the entrance to a dwelling. By creating an amulet on your own, you charge it with the direction of your thoughts, convey a good message. The purchased node should be cleaned and activated. You do not know who made it, whether he was healthy, what thoughts he had when tying knots.

Video " How to tie a knot for health? »

Nauzy - a talisman with his own hands

During the manufacture of the item, we do not forget the main rule - a state of peace and tranquility in the soul, good thoughts. It is desirable to perform the work in nature, if this is not possible, a lit candle will be a good “helper”, of the same shade as your future talisman. Strengthen defensive actions threads different shades according to their sacred possibilities.

The simplest nauz of our ancestors is the Solar - a sign that personifies the luminary. Weave a magic wreath of three, four threads. For each string, clearly imagine what the amulet protects you from, the main thing is to believe in its power and positive energy who will be with you in difficult times.

Knot Shield- was considered a talisman of the dwelling. It brings protection from dark energy, attracts harmony to the family.

Video "Weaving knots"

Nouns that bring good luck

Our ancestors believed not only in the protective powers of the knot, but believed that such talismans bring success. It is important - what value we put into each of them during weaving. Try to clearly articulate the desire, if the thought escapes, then something is wrong here. Make sure your messages are good. it is not necessary to carry it with you all the time, you can take it only during important events.

Video "Slavic science for good luck"

Money knot - its meaning, how to make

At first glance, weaving nauzes may seem like a difficult task. There are quite complex schemes, but most magic knots are within the reach of any person. The simplest one can be tied daily using a scarf or tie, saying out loud a conspiracy aimed at attracting money. No need to look for texts of such conspiracies, they can be yours. The main thing is to believe and have good thoughts, not to wish evil to others. The most popular and easiest to perform can be called a knot. Money Tree. It consists of 3 equivalent nodes, resembles a crown. For work, use a thick thread Green colour. The talisman must be made on the growing moon. It is recommended to keep it in your wallet, do not tell anyone about the existence of a magical item, especially do not let strangers touch it.

Video "Nauza for good luck in trading"

Knot for all occasions. Weaving patterns

The technique of creating nauzes is not forgotten, because such amulets work. They are created by our ancestors, tested by time. To take apart step by step diagrams need to be patient. But it is precisely such talismans, created through painstaking work, that have great power.

Opinions expressed by the owners of nauzes

These talismans are gaining popularity. People different ages acquire to node magic. For the most part, carriers of such amulets give positive feedback:

  • “They really have power…”
  • “I have never been depressed since my girlfriend gave me a bracelet woven from threads ...”
  • “... began to hurt less. The demolished nouzes need to be burned. Don't throw them out on the street..."
  • “In my wallet, I settled a money tree from knots. It works, but that doesn't mean you have to quit and do nothing. I have a steady income, financial stability in my life ... "

Video "Conspiracy for a better future from the book" Nauzy - Slavic magic of knots "

The knot is not just a charm or another fashionable hobby, it is part of the culture.

Knot Magic- one of the most ancient species of magic. It is at least 4000 years old, as evidenced by the amulets-knots and letters found during excavations.

The magic of knots has reached the present: in cultural life different peoples there are still traditions, customs and signs that are associated with knitting unusual knots. So, for example, at a wedding, the newlyweds tie their hands with a special towel so that their union is strong; but during the pregnancy of the expectant mother, on the contrary, it is contraindicated to tie knots, since it is believed that this may negatively affect her childbirth: the knots will “tie” the woman in labor or the newborn herself, and the childbirth will be difficult and painful. Knots were also knitted from diseases and, on the contrary, for illness. For example, African sorcerers could tie a person's life into a knot, bring illness, failure and even death to him, but they also tied the diseases themselves into knots, after which the sick soon recovered. There is a belief that Finnish magicians tied the winds into knots and sold them to sailors on a long voyage. And as the sailors untied these knots, a fair wind suddenly came, and their ship sailed on.

In various religious traditions (Greek, Scandinavian, Slavic, etc.), the very fate of a person is presented as a thread, but it is never straight, it bends and connects with other threads. This thread is spun by three goddesses, personifying, respectively, the three times of being: past, present and future. According to legend, as long as the thread of fate is intact, a person continues to “walk” along it and live.

Nauzy, what is it?

The word "nauzy" Slavic origin- this is a weaving consisting of several knots with meaning. It is customary to knit them from everything that can be woven: threads, ropes, grasses, ribbons, hair, animal veins and other materials. natural origin. Nauses can be used for protection, love, health, money, success and other desires of a person. They are of two types: simple and complex. If in a simple knot all knots are tied in a simple way, then in complex ones there is a special weaving technique, which is different depending on the purpose of their creation. Among such nauzes there are real works of art that can be worn disguised as jewelry.

What is the secret of magic knots? The fact is that by tying a knot, you can embody any idea, thereby giving it a specific physical form. The principle of operation is as follows: when the knot is untied, the energy contained in it is released, and, conversely, when the knot is tied, then the directed energy is contained in it. Thus, you have the opportunity, thanks to the sciences, to get rid of what hinders you or to give strength to accomplish your plan at a particular moment in time.

Knot magic has three parts:

specific pattern (or weaving sequence),


and the process of weaving.

Most main principle this type of magic is that anyone who wants to can do it. The magic of knots is special in that when weaving knots, a person falls into a light trance and is freed from unnecessary thoughts. And in this state, he has more chances to realize his intention and carry out his plan. Further, the “tied” forces will already act, a person can only wait and at the right time, if necessary, release them, untying all the knots.

What can increase the strength of nauzes?

If you are going to use for a specific task special materials, pick up certain colors(for example, golden color - for wealth, red - for protection or love), weaving herbs or stones into knots, anointing them with oils - this will give strength to the action of nauzes. Also, to enhance the strength of the knot, it can still be alternated with beads. At the same time, when a desire is enclosed in a knot, a force is put into the bead that helps to realize this desire.

It is important to weave nauzes on those days of the week whose patron planets correspond to your goal, for example: knots are knitted for love on Friday (Venus) or Monday (Moon), for protection - on Tuesday (Mars), etc. Follow the cycle of the Moon: if it is growing, then make a bow to acquire something, and if it is waning, to release something.

While knotting, try to get rid of unnecessary thoughts that distract you from your goal, especially those that undermine your self-confidence. Think only about what you put into the knot.

What to do with the finished nauz?

When you have already weaved and “spoke” the main part of the knot, you will have free ends. For different purposes, the ends of the thread are either fastened or connected. So, if you need to make changes to the situation or attract something or someone, then the ends of the thread are not tied or fixed in parallel. When it is required to preserve or protect what has already been received, the ends of the thread are tied with a ring.

Ready-made nauzes are usually worn on themselves, in a bag, in a pocket; Nauses to enhance personal qualities can be put under the pillow, then they will act on you during sleep, sciences for health can be applied to a sore spot. Nauses to get rid of something can be buried in the ground, somewhere away from home, and to make the action happen faster, they are attached to fire.

When the goal is reached, the nauzes are usually dismantled or burned. In the event that they are torn or lost, this means that either the action has already been performed, or the nouzes have lost their strength.

Money nauzes

In countries Far East weaving knots for money is still widely used today. However, the presence of such a magical little thing does not mean that its owner can calmly do nothing at the same time, and, so to speak, a big sum of money will surely fall on his head. Such knots will help you do your job better, attract people who will favor your personal growth, in general, they will help you develop all the skills and qualities that you need, owning which you will achieve financial success.


Purpose: Raising money.

Material: Cord of red and gold (yellow) colors, not less than 4 mm thick. The golden color of the cord means money, and the red color means the necessary energy to receive it.

Day: Friday or Monday

Moon: Growing.

Conspiracy: “Money comes, money grows, money flows like a river into my pocket. True".

1. Plan the creation of the nauz in advance. A few days before the ritual, refrain from things that take a lot of energy from you: for example, do not eat meat and eggs. Before starting the ritual, practice weaving a knot so that you don’t go astray at the right time and do everything right.

2. Concentrate on the purpose of the ritual, discarding all other thoughts.

3. Start weaving nauz, sentencing this conspiracy, and so on until you finish.

Don't let strangers touch your nauz. Wear nauz on yourself (for example, on a belt), in a wallet or in a bag; it can be put in an envelope with money or where you usually keep money at home or at work; they can be sewn on and stuck on something, for example, at the entrance to your house or office to attract cash flow. Options for the arrival of money in your life may be such that you did not even suspect.

Nodular magic works wonders: nauses bring the desired changes and help achieve goals, influence events, help loved ones and yourself.