Dream interpretation to see little kittens. Why do many little kittens dream of in a dream book. Unusual dream plots

Small white kitten bites the dreamer - for a man, such a dream should be a warning that the woman for whom he is inflamed or has already inflamed with passion is hunting only for his money. Bathe a white kitten in a dream - get rid of the freeloader. For a business person, such a dream may mean that he will find an embezzler of his own funds.

And now let's see if little kittens evoke such positive feelings both in a dream and in reality. "So cute, I would have eaten it!" "He's so pretty, he'd squeeze you to death." Consequently, these cute animals subconsciously cause an unexpected reaction in a person, a desire to perform some kind of destructive action. These contradictory facts are the subject of study by psychologists and can be transferred to the realm of human dreams.

This dream book claims that the color of the kitten plays an important role in the dream. So, if you dreamed of a black kitten, then in the near future various pleasant surprises await you. Moreover, the more kittens of this color, the more there will be reasons for joy. A red cat promises a profit, a white one promises good news or some unexpected, but positive, twist of fate. Kittens gray color do not promise anything special, predicting the dreamer only ordinary household chores and worries.

Dreamed of a representative of the weaker sex white Fluffy kitten can serve as a warning about the threat of deceit from a woman who is not indifferent to your lover. In general, kittens in a dream promise quarrels and quarrels for lovers.

It is also necessary to take into account what emotions were experienced when contemplating small kittens in a dream. At the same time, the more they cause tenderness, the higher the unfavorable value of sleep. Caressing kittens in a dream, kissing, stroking and squeezing them in every possible way means that future troubles will arise due to one's own stupidity or naivety. Judgment and caution in actions will help to avoid future mistakes. This is the main meaning of sleep - what little kittens dream of.

If a little kitty dreamed of a man, this speaks of the insincerity of his second half. A scratching kitten means the bad character of the beloved. At the same time, playing with a kitten in a dream means not noticing it. In such a situation, it is best to look at your beloved with new eyes and reevaluate her words and actions.

Red kittens symbolize problems on the love front. At the same time, for a long strong marriage, such a dream can mean minor troubles, but a new relationship can go downhill. A small striped kitten promises both troubles and positive moments.

Little kittens symbolize insincere and hypocritical people. Their main weapon is flattery. They are ready to flatter and please in everything, just to get what they want. And when they get it, you should not wait for mercy. They skillfully set their traps, trying to harm those people who until recently were praised.

Although little kittens in a dream promise trouble, they should not be greatly feared. Such a dream does not portend major troubles, adversity will be small and temporary. However, you should still be on the alert to move this period with minimal losses.

Scratched a little red kitten in a dream? Get ready for your partner to cheat. Also, your lover or lover may report a breakup. If it was a small black kitten who caused the pain in a dream, then, according to the dream book, very soon you will have to participate in the trial. You will be the one responsible for it.

The kittens look very cute and pretty, but the interpretation of such a dream is extremely unfavorable. Seeing little kittens in a dream is a sign of problems and troubles. Not one dream book speaks of this, but almost everything. Also, the most common option for what a fluffy ball dreams of is betrayal.

One of the dream books explains what little black and white kittens dream of. Such a dream promises a life filled with both pleasant and upsetting events. Black and white stripes will quickly replace each other. The duration of one period will be a minimum of two and a maximum of seven days.

Aggressive representatives of the cat family, according to almost any dream book, mean attacks by enemies. Enemies are actively trying to harm in every way. Try to drive away evil little lumps in a dream. If you succeed, then you can be calm, the enemies will not cause you much harm.

Did a little black kitten cross your path in a dream? Beware of betraying a friend. A traitor lurks among your friends, he tries not to show you his real attitude to you and conceived something bad in order to harm you. The dream book advises, after seeing the plot, to reconsider the circle of your communication and exclude contacts with this person.

For a representative of the strong half of humanity, a written dream with a shabby black little cat is a sign of his superiority in real life over a woman with whom he has a long war and rivalry.

Please note that if several babies dream of having a white color, or any other, then this portends minor chores and troubles, but one black kitten seen in a dream can complicate interpretation and have more serious consequences in real life.

A well-known American psychologist argued that black kittens seen in the plot of a dream portend big troubles to the dreamer. A skinny, grimy pet is a symbolic sign for a person - he will have to act as a victim in the intrigues of your enemies. The dream book advises not to trust everyone in a row and not to be led to an external gloss.

To dream about a Kitten - In general, kittens in a dream symbolize minor troubles and irritation. If a woman dreams of a frightened kitten, this is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by clever deception. Fortunately, her common sense and discretion will keep her out of trouble. Dirty or motley and skinny kittens portend the likelihood of becoming a victim of someone's unseemly act.

Why does a woman dream of a red kitten - she will have a fan who wants to become her lover. So think carefully before you act rashly.

Based on the fact that a blue kitten also belongs to the glorious smoky breed, what he dreams of, the dream book suggests understanding something similar: to well-being in the house. If we take into account its exquisite and noble color, the dream book quite reasonably suggests that such a dream promises innovation in your interior.

When it happens to kill a kitten in a dream, consider this sign as a warning. A friendly or outwardly harmless person from your environment is either plotting something against you, or, due to his short-sightedness, can be a pawn in someone's insidious game.

You have to deal with a person who strives to morally oppress - that's what you dream about when a kitten bites you. Such dreams are especially unfavorable for the bride: after the wedding, it may turn out that she has married a tyrant or a domestic aggressor.

An angry kitten in a dream symbolizes an unpleasant despotic person who will not be so easy to get rid of. Perhaps an unsuccessful acquaintance or a tyrant boss will fall on your head. Prepare to perceive this circumstance as a necessary evil.

Why do little kittens dream? There comes a good moment for confrontation, expressing dissatisfaction with unfavorable conditions for you. With due perseverance, you will be able to defend your own interests, while inaction will turn into big problems.

A small kitten in your arms indicates the need to pay more attention to your own behavior. Your frivolity can negatively affect your reputation. A small fluffy kitten promises the betrayal of a close friend, which will greatly upset you.

Who had a dream about little kittens?

Woman dreams of little kittens

The dream interpretation describes small kittens for a woman as a warning. External gloss can be deceptive, because of this, there is a high probability of becoming a victim of a fraudster or suffering from an unseemly act. Pay attention to the essence of things.

The girl dreamed of a little kitten

See little kitten in a dream for a girl - to dishonor, shame, tarnished reputation. Your frivolous behavior or the commission of a short-sighted act can be to blame for everything.

How many little kittens did you see in your dream?

Dreamed of a lot of little kittens

A lot of little kittens are dreaming - your problems will be less important than you give them, you should not exaggerate. You can find out about some after their successful resolution.

Dream Interpretation Kittens, why do Kittens dream in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do Kittens dream in a dream?

Seeing many little kittens is a dream as a symbol of your fears and weakness. The more of them, the stronger the fears. But the younger the kittens, the easier it is to solve your problems.

Why do many little kittens dream - to a losing streak. Playing with many little kittens is a betrayal of a loved one. Kittens have a lot of little meows - to deception.

To give birth to kittens - for a pregnant woman, such a dream only reflects her condition, because she is very sensitive during this period, and constant thoughts about the child stimulate dreams of this kind.

Why dream of giving birth to kittens in a dream or giving birth to a kitten - for those women who are not expecting a baby in this moment this dream means that you do not need to start new business, so as not to fail.

To give birth to a kitten in a dream and feed it - you have ill-wishers who want to manipulate you. They hide behind the guise of a friend, but with the help of your loved ones, you can avoid falling into their insidiously placed networks.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist D. Loff What do Kittens dream about in a dream book:

Cats - This symbol has several easily interpreted meanings. According to tradition, cats are endowed with intuitive and magical powers. First of all, the appearance of a cat suggests that you can rely on your intuition. In addition, the cat can symbolize your fantasies and desire to master the skills of witchcraft or learn the occult sciences. And your own cat may appear in a dream simply as a direct participant in your daily life.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Kittens what do they mean

To see kittens in a dream - Unpleasant surprises, squabbles.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Why do Kittens dream - Minor troubles and irritation, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book

Why Kittens dream - Flattering insincere friends

Everyday dream book Why do Kittens dream about a dream book:

Seeing a kitten in a dream is a rather unfavorable sign, which indicates that in the near future you will encounter minor troubles that will prevent you from feeling completely happy.

If a woman had a dream in which she sees a white, soft and fluffy kitten, this dream can serve as a warning that her chosen one is not at all the way he seems to her, not the way he wants to seem. And if a woman marries such a man, she will regret her rash decision more than once.

What the kitten is dreaming of - If you dreamed of a kitten that is being killed by a snake, then you can hope that your enemies, competitors, wanting to harm you, in the end, will do bad only to themselves.

If in a dream you see dirty and skinny kittens, then in real life you may not see the main thing behind the little things - discard all the tinsel and take a closer look at what will be behind it, for sure, you will be very surprised.

If you had a dream in which a large number of kittens run around the room or clearing around you, you can expect a large series of small problems, each of which is not so difficult to solve individually, but when they pile up in such a large number, they simply give up.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra Why do Kittens dream about a dream book:

Seeing a kitten in a dream - If you dreamed of a kitten who, having noticed a dog in the distance, immediately runs to hide on the roof, then you should beware of the danger that you have already managed to avoid once.


Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees in a dream that she is holding a cat or a kitten- then she will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

To dream of a lovely, fluffy, white kitten- an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by clever deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her.

If the kittens are dirty or speckled and skinny- then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.

see kittens- means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

To dream of snakes killing kittens- a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Seeing kittens in a dream- to be abandoned and alone, or to feel that way.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a woman dreams of a small fluffy snow-white kitten- this means that she will become the victim of a clever deception that will lead her into a trap. Judgment and common sense will help her get out of trouble.

In general, kittens- dream of trouble, and for lovers, such a dream promises quarrels and quarrels.

Aesop's dream book

If you dreamed of a kitten who, noticing a dog in the distance, immediately runs to hide on the roof- then you should beware of the danger that you have already managed to avoid once.

To dream of a cat with kittens- to problems with children. Perhaps your child is lying to you.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you see a beautiful white kitten- warns you to be careful when communicating with others. It is likely that your enemies are not asleep and are trying with all their might to prevent you from carrying out your plans.

If you dreamed of dirty, thin or colorful kittens- then this is reality, you can harm yourself with your negligence.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Kitty- They will try to deceive and outwit you, but common sense and caution will help you avoid trouble.

Dirty skinny kitten- your ill-wishers want to use you in a dirty and dishonest game.

New family dream book

If a young woman dreams that she is holding a kitten She will be involved in some unseemly deeds.

A woman who saw in her dream an adorable fluffy white kitten— must be wary of a cleverly set trap. Only prudence and common sense will help her avoid ruin.

Dirty and skinny kitten who appeared in a dream- warns: do not buy into external tinsel, otherwise you will become a victim of someone's unseemly act. Remember: not all that glitters is gold!

Modern combined dream book

If you dream of dirty kittens or multi-colored or thin- in reality, a woman will become a victim of her own negligence.

Seeing kittens in a dream- means that minor troubles will haunt you and bring you losses.

To dream how snakes kill kittens- predicts that you will have enemies who, trying to bring you harm, will harm themselves.

Children's dream book

Kitty- an unfamiliar girl or girl who will somehow affect your fate.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Pretty and fluffy kitten- to an affectionate friend.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

See a kitten in your armsgood dream. It brings new joys and hopes.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a homeless kitten in a dream- your enemies, trying to do you some kind of dirty trick, will eventually harm themselves.

Fluffy and playful kittens- a sign of close luck and prosperity, thin and sickly- to minor troubles and irritability.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

kittens- cunning, deceitful friends.

Women's dream book

In general, kittens in a dream- symbolize minor troubles and irritation. This streak of bad luck will last until you kill a kitten in your sleep.

If a woman dreams of a lovely, fluffy, white kitten- this is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by clever deception. Fortunately, her common sense and discretion will keep her out of trouble.

Dirty or motley and skinny kittens- portend the likelihood of becoming a victim of someone's unseemly act.

General dream book

If you dreamed of kittens- expect people to visit who will turn out to be completely different from who you thought they were.

drown kittens- to gloomy changes in life.

English dream book

If in a dream you are playing with a kitten and it scratches and bites you- this suggests that your beloved will have a small soul, an evil, unfriendly character. If you marry her- you will be unhappy and more than once regret your single life.

Lunar dream book

kittens- surprise.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

kittens- minor annoyances and annoyances.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Kittens see- to profit.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

kittens- unpleasant surprises, squabbles.

Collection of dream books

Kitty- to a gift; kittens- you will like it.

Dream interpretation little kitten

What is the dream of a little kitten in a dream

A little kitten is a very cute and pleasant sight in real life. However, the interpretation of such a dream is exactly the opposite: the kitten symbolizes failures and problems. If a newly born kitten is dreaming, blind and helpless, it means that now is the most right time to deal with possible troubles. If left unchecked, they can turn into serious problems. When a girl sees that she is holding a small kitten in her arms, she must analyze her own behavior: it is possible that excessive frivolity will cause shame and dishonor. In the case when in a dream you pick up a small kitten on the street and bring it into the house, we can conclude that the source of the problems is inside you. Learn to analyze your own words and actions and find a compromise with others.

Dream interpretation: why do kittens dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Kittens

To see kittens in a dream. If a girl or woman dreamed of a beautiful snow-white kitten, then she needs to be careful, as enemies will try to lure her into cunningly placed nets with a lie. She should trust her intuition and common sense.

If you dream of unclean, multi-colored, or red or thin kittens, then in real life she will become a victim of her indiscretion.

Saving a kitten in a dream can portend you wealth and prosperity in life. Also, a dream about saving a kitten means that all your problems will be successfully solved.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about kittens are about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see kittens in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Are the kittens dreaming? Tell me your dream!

why do little kittens dream



The little kittens that you saw in a dream do not really symbolize the tenderness and sensuality that they evoke with their fluffy appearance. Kittens in a dream symbolize troubles, quarrels, and small ones, out of the blue. The more kittens, the more squabbles await you in the end. Seeing kittens in a dream If you are a woman and you dreamed of a small and snow-white kitten, then this is a symbol that your enemy will soon begin to act. In the near future, you should take care of yourself and be more careful. Kittens in a dream If you dreamed about how you feed kittens, then this good sign because, in the presence of minor quarrels that this dream portends, you can easily deal with them. The more satisfying you feed the kittens in a dream, the faster you will cope with the problems in reality.

Kittens in a dream often become good harbingers of pregnancy or that a woman thinks and dreams about this position.

Much depends on what color the little fluffy animals will be, and what exactly they will do. For example, if a pet scratches, then this will be a warning not to the happiest family life.

Seeing kittens in a dream what does it mean

Modern dream books associate the appearance in a dream of recently born pets with life problems - far-fetched or real.

Dream Interpretations interpret that the more a cat dreams of a person, the greater are life's troubles.

Also, be careful dreaming of black pet. Dream Interpretations Confirm popular belief that the black color of a cat is a warning to humans.

Why do little kittens dream

The little cat who dreaming of a woman, is the symbol of a specific trap on life path. Therefore, a girl needs to be careful in dealing with her man.

Pregnant girl with such a dream, you need to analyze what feelings you experienced in a dream when you saw a feline baby. If you were pleased, then the birth of a child will bring great happiness.

Both a woman and a man need to be especially careful if you see drowning animal.

If a woman dreamed of kittens

If you dream little kittens for a woman, then a man will burst into her life. There is a high probability that he will not become a spouse at the same time, but at the same time the girl will become pregnant from him.

If a woman pet dreaming in arms, which means that the girl will soon let a rival into her house, who will aim for your place.

Seeing many little kittens in a dream

If you dream small woman lot, and they are clumsy, then this is a sign of weakness and helplessness of the fair sex. They are a sign of their own fears.

In large numbers, these pets are found in a dream when problems arise in life.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation confirms - a lot of cat children talk about a losing streak.

If you dreamed of a red kitten

Redheads dream to replenish cash. If a woman sees "saffron mushrooms" in a dream, then in the near future she will have a young man who stands well on his feet. However, there is no guarantee that this man plans to become your husband. His intentions will not be serious.

What is the dream of a black kitten dream book

cat black color indicates not the best news about a relative that will be reported in the near future.

If these babies are show aggression, scratch, then you are surrounded by a large number of ill-wishers who can bring real trouble.

Seeing white and gray kittens in a dream

if you dream gray cat, then various everyday worries await you. And dreaming of white to an unexpected twist of fate.

If you white cat drive away in a dream, then in reality you will not act very beautifully with a person close to you.

Why do newborn kittens dream

Seeing newborn pets in a dream - to annoying misses, a black stripe and troubles.

In Miller's dream book it is said that newborn pets should alert a sleeping person.

Vanga interpreted this dream as follows: the sleeper himself invents problems for himself, and it's time to get rid of them so that a scandal does not ripen.

Seeing a lot of kittens and cats in a dream

Freud's dream interpretation of the birth of kittens in a cat associated with increased arousal. If many animals were born, then this indicates a high desire for physical intimacy.

Such a plot can warn against wrong steps in real life and from mistakes made through inattention.

The dead are dreaming of meaning

Dead a pet is not a sign of real trouble. It promises small troubles that a person will bring to himself.

Such a dream is a signal that man or woman It's time to reconsider your attitude to life and your behavior.

Such a dream often becomes a symbol that you will get rid of an annoying acquaintance. But if death occurred due to the influence of outside forces, then the problem in reality should be solved on its own.

Dreaming with adorable fluffy babies is always a pleasure. But at the same time, they are not always favorable harbingers. The information from this article will help everyone to figure out why little kittens dream of a woman.

Why do little kittens dream of a woman: interpretation from dream books

In Vanga's dream book, kittens always turn out to be harbingers of failure. It is believed that they promise the fair sex a long difficult life span. It will be filled with problems and troubles. The girl will have to cope with all the troubles exclusively alone. It makes no sense to turn to someone for help, you still won’t be able to wait for it from others.

If the kitten is sleeping peacefully, and the sleeping woman is just watching him, then there is no need to worry about impending failures. They will resolve completely imperceptibly for a woman. Most likely, she will find out that there were problems after they were finally resolved.

In Miller's dream book, peacefully playing kids turn out to be an excellent sign. After seeing such a plot, the girl can be sure that the enemies will leave her alone, for example, switching to someone else. If she managed to drive away the kittens in a dream, it means that she will quickly overcome all her ill-wishers and completely exclude them from her own life.

The interpreter Tsvetkov suggests that a tiny kitten that is trying to hide from a woman is a negative sign for her. It should be taken as an important warning. In real life, the sleeper will face shame and dishonor. Her own wrong, frivolous behavior will lead to a tarnished reputation.

Dreamed of a pregnant woman - meaning

If a future mom saw in my dream of the dead kitten, then she should not worry about this. Such stories become harbingers of easy, quick childbirth. Therefore, you can safely wait to get to know your baby without worrying about the process of his birth.

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that she will be lured into a trap set for her by deft deceit, but her common sense and prudence will avert trouble from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatened her.

If the kittens are dirty or motley and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone's unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and annoyances that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

To dream of snakes killing kittens is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will eventually harm themselves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing in a dream an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, in general, any organ of the body is a warning against promiscuity in the choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause you serious damage if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Be in a dream small house or a small room - in reality you will feel constrained in funds.

To receive a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large amount due means unforeseen circumstances that will drastically change the measured course of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from