The benefits and harms of mint decoction, tincture, tea for women, men, children, pregnant women. Mint tea recipes. Peppermint tea: useful properties, contraindications, tips for use

And it is used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. The content of essential oil in it is 3%, mint contains pinene, piperitone, tannins. There are more than 25 plant species. In addition to menthol, mint contains vitamin C and carotene.

Most content useful substances in mint that is harvested before flowering. Mint decoctions are used internally and externally, in the form of tea, tinctures (learn how to prepare mint tincture correctly) or compresses. The menthol contained in mint is used in pastes, essences, drops and various ointments and tablets.

Useful properties for the body

This plant has long been used in alternative medicine for the treatment of various diseases. It is known for its healing, soothing properties and is even used in cosmetics. It contains many essential oils, menthol, which determines the smell and taste of mint, and is also a bactericidal agent.

Benefits of mint include:

  • painkiller;
  • vasodilating;
  • soothing;
  • tonic, etc.

Peppermint tea is good for treating colds and viral diseases. Fresh tea will relieve headaches and migraines, eliminate the first symptoms of a cold.

With a cold

In a porcelain container, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mint leaves (dried), then pour 200 ml of boiled water. Cover the decoction and let it sit for 10-15 minutes dark place. Then strain the resulting broth, and you can drink it.

Remember! For children, you should not make such a strong decoction, 1 tbsp will be enough. spoons of mint leaves, filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water.

In addition to curing the common cold, peppermint tea is used to treat a variety of ailments. Peppermint contains quite a lot of menthol, which is used for skin diseases, to relieve itching or rashes. A decoction of mint is used for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the stomach and intestines. Such tea, metabolism, the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Peppermint tea for stomach problems

Take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mint and pour 400 g of boiling water over them. Let the broth brew for about half an hour, then strain and drink this tea before meals.

For headaches

  1. Dried mint leaves 1 teaspoon pour 200 g of boiling water.
  2. Add lemon or lemon zest, a spoonful of honey and drink instead of tea throughout the day.

For skin diseases

  1. 1 teaspoon brew 10-200 ml of boiling water.
  2. Let the decoction brew, then strain and rub into problem areas on the skin.

Rules for brewing

It's worth remembering a few simple rules when brewing mint tea.

  1. You can brew mint only in glass or porcelain dishes.
  2. You can drink such tea only fresh, because the next day the tea will already lose all its beneficial features.
  3. For children, it is necessary to reduce the content of mint by 2 times.
  4. Tea should not be brewed with boiling water, as this will kill all the beneficial properties.
  5. Lemon or pieces of fruit can be added to tea. Mint can also be added to black tea, or any other.

Benefits and harms for women

Women often use mint as a means to remove toxins from the body and toxins. It helps to normalize the metabolism, which can lead to weight loss or weight gain if necessary. This plant is widely used by many cosmetic companies in the production of cosmetics, because it has a good effect both on the body and its organs inside, and on the condition of the skin.

Read for the body and its contraindications in our article.

Tea with ice:

  1. Boil water. Sprinkle a few mint leaves in it.
  2. Let the tea brew for about 25-30 minutes.
  3. Then cool the drink and add pieces of ice.

Arabic mint tea:

  1. It will take half a liter of water (boiling water), add 3-4 tablespoons of tea (black or green) to it.
  2. Simmer for about ten minutes, then add mint and sugar.
  3. Continue to cook for another 25-30 minutes. Let the tea cool down and you can drink your drink.

During pregnancy

Mint tea is no less useful for women who are pregnant and expecting a baby. Since mint does not adversely affect the fetus, many women prefer to be treated with mint. It can help a pregnant woman with colds, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and stomach problems. But do not overuse mint decoctions, especially highly concentrated ones.

Important! Pregnant women are often nervous, worried about future births and the condition of the unborn baby. Peppermint tea will help to calm down, relax, and be distracted.

Indications for drinking tea:

  1. Constant nausea, toxicosis.
  2. Flatulence, colic, diarrhea and other stomach problems.
  3. With insomnia, headaches.
  4. Skin inflammation.

With nausea (toxicosis)

3 art. rub dry mint spoons through a sieve or in the palms. Then pour 200 g of boiling water. Let stand for half an hour. Cool the broth and drink it a few minutes before eating.


Because it is full of useful properties, but we must remember that it is not worth abusing tea with mint, its decoctions.

It contains a female hormone, it can cause premature contractions and childbirth. Mint lowers blood pressure, so if you suffer from low blood pressure, then you need to limit its intake. If the expectant mother suffers from varicose veins, then you should not drink mint tea often either.

Benefits and harms for men

The effect of this plant on female body harmless if there are no contraindications due to diseases or allergies, but men should be careful and limit themselves to taking mint tea.

  1. . Peppermint tea helps with bowel diseases, nervous system, vessels and heart. It helps men relax at the end of the working day or calm down before an important meeting.
  2. Harm. The biggest disadvantage of mint for men is its detrimental effect on potency. With frequent use of mint, male hormones begin to be produced less frequently and less actively. Therefore, you should not abuse this plant.

Peppermint tea for the heart

Mint is a sedative, so tea with it will help you normalize sleep, pressure. Such tea can be drunk for prevention, heart attacks and hypertension. A decoction of mint will also help with pain in the heart, as it has an analgesic effect. Peppermint tea will help normalize the heart rate.

Remember! If you suffer from hypertension, then you should consume mint in small amounts, and not too often.

On the adult body, mint tea has a calming effect. But the effect on the child's body is not fully known. Mint, the content of menthol in it, can provoke an allergy, itching, and a rash in a child. Peppermint tea should be given to a child over 3 years of age, and preferably after consultation with a pediatrician, to avoid adverse effects.

Attention! If your children suffer from diseases of the kidneys, nervous system and urinary system, then you should refrain from drinking mint and tea with it.

  1. To 1 teaspoon of tea, add 5-7 petals of the plant, pour 500-700 g of water (boiled).
  2. Let stand for 5-7 minutes, strain if needed and drink.
  3. Children can add lemon or grapefruit to tea.

Harm and contraindications

With all the beneficial properties of mint, a beneficial effect on the body and the general condition of a person, remember that it has contraindications. When not correct use can harm, not benefit the body.

  1. Mint does not have a favorable effect on potency, so men must follow the rules that were described above in this article.
  2. It is necessary to observe the correct proportions when brewing tea for children.
  3. Hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the kidneys, urinary system should be careful with the use of mint tea and decoctions.
  4. If you are allergic to mint or menthol, you should stop drinking this tea.
  5. Also, with heartburn, infertility, drowsiness, doctors do not recommend using it, as it will only aggravate the condition.

In this article, we examined the benefits and harms, as well as the effect of mint tea on the body of a man, woman and children. We demonstrated several recipes for mint tea for various diseases.

Herbal teas (also known as infusions) have been used for centuries as natural remedies for a wide range of ailments and as a means of maintaining good health and well-being. Of all the varieties of these drinks known in the world, mint tea is one of the most widely used and popular.

In addition to the pleasant taste and aroma, this drink offers many health benefits. It is especially useful for those who suffer from headaches or stomach problems.

Peppermint tea has been used as medicine for many centuries. Today it is recommended by alternative healers, herbalists and many others as a treatment various diseases, and also as a tonic for the body as a whole. What are the benefits of mint tea?

From headaches

For some headache sufferers, a milder remedy than strong analgesics can be offered. Instead, you can try the proven folk remedy. If suddenly you are overtaken by a strong headache try using fresh or dried mint leaf tea instead of aspirin or other pain relievers. By drinking it immediately after a few minutes of soaking and steeping, you may just find that your condition is relieved without any side effects or taking unnecessary medications.

Peppermint tea is often effective in stopping headaches caused by stress or a poor diet. Such negative factors usually cause the blood vessels in the brain to spasm, causing severe malaise.

Effective pain relievers stop such pain by dilating blood vessels. Peppermint tea works in the same way, bringing relief to the sick. Interestingly, even the aroma of mint (or essential oil) can help with headaches, as well as colds.

Tea successfully fights colds

Menthol is a natural chemical that gives mint its refreshing, icy taste and similar flavor sensation. In addition to being one of the most pleasant herbal flavors, peppermint tea also plays another important role in relieving cold symptoms.

This substance is known to soothe inflamed mucous membranes in the sinuses and throat, relieve swelling (ensuring comfortable breathing) and act as a decongestant (disintegrates phlegm and mucous accumulations). In addition, inhaling peppermint vapor can also relieve many of the symptoms associated with fever. This means that if you suffer from respiratory problems or seasonal allergies, a cup of peppermint tea can help you feel a lot better (especially if you're breathing steam!).

Mint stops indigestion

Peppermint tea is sometimes called the "stomach healer" because it is known to relieve many gastrointestinal ailments, including stomach pain, colic, heartburn, flatulence, indigestion, and diarrhea, and to promote healthy digestion in general.

This is especially effective if you drink this drink after meals and before bed (especially if you had a late dinner and heartburn often occurs). This tea also helps at any time in case of stomach problems.

It is also interesting to note that peppermint essential oil effectively treats one syndrome that has little known methods treatment - IBS or irritable bowel syndrome. Many practitioners also believe that drinking peppermint tea regularly will provide significant relief for these patients.

Calming and toning properties

Peppermint tea is not just good for your taste buds - it also benefits your mind! This drink has been shown to improve brain function, making the consumer more attentive and improving memory.

Is it possible to drink peppermint tea for a calming purpose, given its tonic properties? Research shows that it is quite possible. Along with the above qualities, mint is also a natural stress reliever.

For menstrual pain

As you can guess from the above, tea from this plant is used to relieve spasms. It might make him a good remedy for everyone - from professional athletes to people suffering from regular stress. However, it is especially effective in treating a certain type of spasm - the muscles in the walls of the uterus. That is why it is successfully used to relieve menstrual pain.

Other Health Benefits

In addition to the above benefits, peppermint tea also has the following benefits:

  • antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic properties (which makes it effective tool for skin cleansing and great helper to fight bacterial infections when applied topically);
  • may act as an analgesic (helping relieve pain of many types);
  • be effective as a treatment for some skin diseases(such as psoriasis and some other skin rashes) and arthritis (when applied topically);
  • helps relieve colic in babies;
  • helps burn fat in digestion;
  • improves bile production and destroys kidney and gallstones (but this should be done under medical supervision!);
  • reduces bad smell from mouth;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relieves the symptoms of seasickness.

How to brew mint tea correctly?

This tea can be easily prepared at home. To make it, use fresh or dried leaves. You can either grow them yourself or buy them from many grocery stores and in the markets. In dried form, mint is sold both in bulk and in bags.

The mint tea recipe is as follows. You will need about one tablespoon of crushed fresh leaves or about one teaspoon of dried leaves per cup of fresh water.

To prepare the drink correctly, bring the water to a boil. Add mint to boiling water. Stir for five minutes or a little longer (you can do this up to 12 minutes). If you want the drink to be really strong, you can also boil the leaves. Then strain the tea or remove the tea bag.

How to drink mint drink?

If you are using it medicinally, it is best to drink peppermint tea while it is hot (but not scalding). You can add some sugar or honey if you feel it is necessary. However, it is better to drink it without additives. But if you have a sore throat, just mix it with honey.

If you are using tea as an external remedy, you can dampen a sponge with it and rub it on selected areas of the body. Alternatively, you can add some freshly brewed tea to your bath water.

If desired, you can mix mint with other herbs when you make herbal tea. This herb is well suited to be mixed with lavender (to relieve stress), ginger (to improve digestion) and fennel seeds (for detoxification).

Is mint tea harmful?

Even though peppermint infusion is a great health-boosting drink, it's worth noting that it does have a few potential side effects for certain people. For this reason, you should carefully study the benefits and harms of mint tea before drinking it. The benefits of this drink are mentioned above, and its possible negative effects on the body are as follows. Avoid drinking peppermint tea the following cases:

  • If you have persistently low blood pressure (the relaxing properties of peppermint can cause it to drop even more).
  • Avoid excessive use of peppermint tea during pregnancy as it can, in extreme cases, cause uterine relaxation and lead to miscarriage. If you have had such a history, medical practitioners usually recommend that you refrain from drinking this drink.

Also, although very rare, peppermint overdose can cause diarrhea, heart palpitations, or a slow heart rate. For young children, mint should be used in very limited amounts to avoid irritation or allergies.

However, it is clear that all of the above side effects are rare and most people have nothing to worry about. Peppermint tea is considered a safe, effective and natural remedy for many health problems and overall well-being.

If you have any questions about the side effects or health benefits of mint, talk to your doctor or consult your herbalists. It is absolutely officially established that the menthol contained in this plant has anti-spasmodic effects. In addition, peppermint tea helps treat indigestion, the effects of stress, and menstrual cramps. Drinking one cup of tea two to three times a day for several days before and during your period can significantly reduce pain and discomfort.

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to tell you the benefits of mint tea. Now it's summer and fresh mint has appeared, I really like its smell and taste. Peppermint tea with honey is something. Very tasty, healthy and flavored drink it turns out. Such a drink perfectly calms and, as they say, puts thoughts in order. But, everything is good in moderation, I often do not drink mint tea.

On the blog I already have an article about mint, a very detailed article where I describe its beneficial properties, treatment, harm and contraindications. You can read everything in the article "". My mother grows mint in her garden. Yes, what to grow there, a mint bush, a lemon balm bush, peonies, roses and many others grow various colors. But what a beauty, that's where you can relax both body and soul.

You can now buy mint in a pharmacy, ready-made dry, but you can dry it yourself. Even if you do not have a dacha, you can buy mint in the market and dry it. In my opinion, now any vegetables, fruits and herbs can be all year round find.

I simply add fresh mint to a cup, pour boiling water over it, insist and drink. You can add a sprig, or you can mint leaves. You can add a sprig of mint to the teapot where you usually brew tea, your tea will acquire a unique taste and aroma.

Mint tea. Benefit. Properties.

  • I want to note the cooling property of mint tea, which is very important on hot days. It is due to the content of menthol in mint leaves that mint has such a characteristic taste and aroma.
  • Peppermint tea is used as a sedative and analgesic for stress and nervous overexcitation.
  • Peppermint tea is very useful for spasms of the stomach and intestines, as this drink has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Peppermint tea with honey is useful for any colds.
  • Peppermint tea is drunk with migraines and headaches, with hypertension.
  • Peppermint tea is used for nausea.
  • Peppermint tea has a calming effect on the nervous system, so it is useful to drink it at night for insomnia. It is best to drink it in combination with honey.
  • This drink helps with a cold. With nasal congestion, it facilitates nasal breathing.

In our modern world, where stress is a common thing, a cup of mint tea will help to cope with stress. Peppermint tea will help you calm down and relax. Plus, it's a natural remedy.

Let's take a look at whether mint tea has contraindications, and also what harm it can bring to our body.

Mint tea. Harm. Contraindications.

  • Mint is harmful to people who have low blood pressure. Since mint tea is soothing and can lower blood pressure even more.
  • As for the use of mint tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding, then in this matter you need to get your doctor's approval.
  • With excessive consumption of mint tea, drowsiness can occur, so you should not abuse mint tea.
  • With individual intolerance to mint or allergies, mint tea will have to be abandoned.

Be wise, do not get too carried away with mint tea, drink a cup of mint tea. At the same time, if your mint is dry, then follow the dosage. Usually, I brew one full teaspoon of chopped herbs in half a liter of boiling water. Since a teaspoon of mint per glass, in my opinion, the tea turns out to be too concentrated.

Mint tea with honey.

Peppermint tea improves digestion, relieves headaches, helps relieve nervous tension and calm down. You can drink mint tea both cold and warm. In summer, when it's hot, you can drink cold mint tea with honey, and you can add lemon, ginger, and lemon balm. In general, everything for every taste.

In winter, of course, mint tea with hot honey is very useful. If desired, lemon can be added to the drink, it will give the mint tea some piquant sourness. And this tea will be very useful for flu and colds.

In general, one can write odes about honey, how useful it is and rich in vitamins and microelements. Honey replace sugar, I like to drink mint tea mixed with honey. But, remember that honey is also a fairly high-calorie product. You can add a spoonful of honey directly to tea.

Honey has always been used as a general tonic. As a means to help cope with insomnia and calm down. For this, a spoonful of natural honey is added to chamomile tea, and in boiled milk, in mint tea. Drink any of the listed drinks at night.

Mint tea. Benefits and harms for women and men.

Peppermint tea has some benefits for pregnant women, as it helps to cope with toxicosis. Although mint tea is a natural drink, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy. Therefore, it is wise to consult a doctor on this matter.

A cup of mint tea will help relieve fatigue and relax after a hard day's work. Although I read on many blogs on the Internet that mint tea invigorates and you need to drink it in the morning, it does not invigorate me personally, but calms me down.

But for men, mint tea is not very useful, especially at night, as it calms and if you had plans for the evening, then they may never be realized.

How to brew mint tea.

There are no special tricks when brewing mint tea. I usually add a sprig of fresh mint to a cup of boiling water, insist, add honey to taste and drink.

You can add a sprig of mint to the green tea infuser in which you brew tea. This tea can be drunk at any time of the day.

If you have dry mint, then there are no tricks either. Usually they brew 1 teaspoon of chopped mint in a glass of boiling water, but I brew it for half a liter, insist, again honey to taste and drink tea.

The benefits of mint tea are obvious, but before using mint tea, read the contraindications so as not to harm your health.

A fragrant and pleasant drink that can be consumed regardless of the season is mint tea, the beneficial properties of which were described by Avicenna.

In those distant times, when the terms "hyperexcitability", "hyperactivity", "neurosis" were unknown to mankind, and all this was considered somewhat heightened emotionality, healers advised patients who noticed deviations from the norm to put in order their state of mind with a bowl of mint tea.

Centuries have passed, many new "fashionable" diseases have appeared, generated by stress. To get rid of them, a lot of new ones have been developed. But before taking them, try to brew a cup of mint tea, relax, think - maybe it’s not what you need, it’s expensive medicine, maybe an amazing drink made from aromatic mint will be enough?

Equanimity is your middle name

There are moments when everything is enough - work, the road to the office, rush hours with their eternal traffic jams or hustle in public transport, philistine conversations that one way or another you have to have with friends or friends, even your own family does not give you what you need Usually in this state I want to break loose at someone, shout out, get rid of negativity, which most of us do, loading those around us with the same negativity.

You can free yourself in many ways: beat the dishes or use them for their intended purpose - brew, for example, tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which primarily lie in the ability to quickly put the nervous system in order.

With constant use of the drink after a few weeks, you may be surprised to find that the former irritants practically do not bother you. Crowds of people, queues, bright lights, city noise, morning lectures from the boss - everything is taken for granted and does not cause resentment.

Well, the peppermint tea has done its job and you are well on your way to becoming Mr. (Miss) Equanimity.

female drink

And yet this aromatic drink is more popular with the fairer sex. And not only because ladies prefer mint tea to other varieties. Its beneficial properties are most noticeable precisely by the female body.

Relieving spasmodic pain on days of menstruation that are not the most comfortable for any woman or relieving the symptoms of menopause, peppermint tea becomes an effective and affordable pain reliever.

It can and should be drunk by pregnant women suffering from toxicosis. But at the same time, the measure should be observed - no more than one cup a day, because what is good for the mother can harm the fetus, especially if the unborn baby is male.

But this is far from the end of the list of physiological problems that peppermint tea helps to fight. Useful properties for women also consist in the ability of this rather simple drink to lower the level of male hormones. The property is very valuable for women suffering from excess body hair.

Peppermint tea - irreplaceable aid for all those who are losing weight and dieting: the abundance of essential oils in the composition of mint grass, which dull the feeling of hunger, allows you to use the drink as a “main drink” if you need to lose a few extra pounds.

In the process of losing weight, there are options for drinking mint tea - a pure drink or well-known mixes: green tea + mint, + mint.

So is it calming or invigorating?

Like any other with mint, it has its own useful properties and contraindications. Not without it. But the main dilemma remains what properties are more inherent in mint tea - soothing or invigorating.

According to herbalists, mint drink is universal: it can be used both as a sedative and as an invigorating agent, the difference is only in quantity.

For example, if you need to calm down, you can not limit yourself to drinking a drink. If you want to cheer up, then two cups a day will be enough.

Why are men afraid to drink mint tea?

With regular use of mint tea, it is possible not only to calm the nervous system, but also to lower male libido, which is undesirable for the stronger sex. Moreover, many of the men consider this process irreversible and refuse to drink even if necessary (to relieve severe nervous tension).

You should not be afraid, because mint tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been studied so well, affects male power temporarily. It is enough to stop drinking the drink, and everything will be restored.

Mint as an additive

Not only pure mint tea is in honor of his fans. Many are happy to use this plant as an additive to other teas. Linden, thyme, currant leaves, chamomile, herbal preparations- These are the most common teas, drinks and infusions in which mint may be present. Tea, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be considered in each separate case, should be used with caution, but never deny yourself the pleasure or, even more so, the need to drink a cup of healing drink.

One of the recipes that have come down to us from time immemorial, consists of mint, thyme, St. John's wort, rose hips and currant leaves and is the best remedy for malaise and loss of strength.

Not only the aroma gives tea with thyme and mint - the beneficial properties in this case are focused on the antiseptic and analgesic effects of herbs. A double whammy for pain is peppermint and thyme tea.

Take during an epidemic

It is impossible not to feel the bright menthol aroma at the touch of a sprig of mint. The plant is indispensable not only as a natural air freshener (although if there is a sick person in the room, you can use mint bouquets as an oxygen purifier from pathogens), but also as a powerful antibacterial agent.

During the period of increasing cases of acute respiratory infections or a starting flu epidemic, consume as much as possible with mint and breathe it. Ideally, if mint grows in a flowerpot - so it can be used fresh all season.

An excellent remedy for rampant colds is green tea with mint, the beneficial properties of which are to improve the body's defenses and relieve muscle spasms and headaches - the first symptoms of the disease.

What else can mint do?

Useful plant containing healing power and which can be easily grown on suburban area, can stimulate the work of the brain and the cardiovascular system, activate the body's metabolic processes, work gastrointestinal tract, improve appetite (but also reduce it - everything again depends on the concentration of the drink).

Mint tea, the beneficial properties of which have been tested by more than one generation, is drunk for migraines, nervous overexcitation, the first signs of a cold, and is given to hyperactive children (but a weak drink - two leaves per liter of boiling water). Peppermint tea is used as an external remedy for itchy skin rashes.

Those who need to be careful about drinking the drink are people suffering from low blood pressure, varicose veins, and those who have an individual intolerance to mint and allergic reactions on her.

Let's look at the benefits of mint tea for both sexes. This fragrant soothing drink is endowed with a mass of medicinal properties.

Health benefits of mint tea

What are the benefits of mint tea?

Drinks with the addition of mint and other medicinal plants are actively used today as additional funds in the treatment of SARS. Of course, the drink itself is not drug, but it can significantly improve well-being. It is also known that mint teas reduce the acidity in the stomach. The processes of food processing in the digestive tract are normalized. There is a removal of spasms and inhibition of infectious pathogens. By using this natural aromatic remedy, we have a chance to improve metabolism. The functioning of the immune system improves. Also note positive action mint tea on the cardiovascular system.

Mint for women

Now we need to name the row good points important for the female. On difficult days of menstruation, women may experience various ailments, such as abdominal pain. In each case, there is a different intensity of pain. The good news is that peppermint tea helps reduce this discomfort.

Everyone knows that women different ages often suffering from migraines and muscle pain in different parts body. The drink helps to improve the condition with headaches associated with high blood pressure or having a psychogenic nature. And it also relieves muscle pain without fail.

Girls are characterized by mood swings, many suffer from depression due to different reasons. This cannot be completely cured, since women's vulnerability and the tenderness of their character play a decisive role here. Fortunately, mint is available to us, when drinking drinks from this plant, the functioning of the nervous system is normalized and tension is instantly relieved.

With regular use of peppermint tea in moderation, women notice signs of a decrease in unwanted male hormones in the body. This can be determined by a decrease in the amount of vegetation on the body and a decrease in rigidity in behavior.

Experienced women in adulthood should know how mint tea is useful and, if necessary, use the drink to improve well-being. Women in menopause are often recommended to brew mint, as it helps to more easily endure all the physiological changes in the hormonal system that inevitably occur at this time.

Mint for men

Mint tea is not contraindicated for healthy men. Properly selected herbal teas help the body cleanse itself in a timely manner and resist the destructive activity of free radicals. When using a maximum of 1 cup of weakly brewed infusion per day, there will be no harm.

Men are not immune from the so-called colds. A weakened body, in addition to medications, needs healing herbs. AT this case mint tea is the best.

You can use a mint drink as a heartburn remedy, a drug to reduce too high stomach acid, or a safe choleretic agent.

To calm the male nervous system, you can add peppermint oil to aroma lamps, drip mint extract into bath water, or relax on a pillow with dried herbs inside.

Evening cool foot baths with the addition of a few drops of mint extract help men get rid of excessive sweating of the feet and relieve tired legs after hard physical labor.

Do not abuse mint-based products. A number of side effects may occur. For example, from too concentrated mint drinks in in large numbers there are deviations - a decrease in libido and negative changes in male potency.

Tea with mint: with moderate use, it is useful for the female and male body, however, the drink has contraindications

How to make healthy mint tea?

Standard way


  • dry mint.

To prepare a traditional mint drink, we need properly dried mint. The crushed leaves are taken in the amount of 1 large spoon. To mint it is necessary to pour 200 milliliters of clean boiling water. To get real tea, you need to infuse for 10 minutes. Ready infusion can be consumed with any preferred additives, chilled or hot.

Mint for colds


  • dry mint;
  • lemon;
  • natural honey.

To brew an effective cold drink, you need a freshly prepared classic mint infusion, the recipe of which is described above. For a hot drink get well soon, you need to put a slice of lemon and a small amount of honey. It is optimal to take a drink 4 times a day, a single dose is about half a glass. The infusion should be warm or moderately hot. The nasal passages are washed with pre-cooled mint infusion and the sore throat is rinsed. At the same time, one should not forget about traditional treatment.

Peppermint tea for the stomach


  • dry mint.

Small doses of concentrated mint drink contribute to the rapid recovery of the body in the treatment of intoxication of the body or serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an infectious nature. Dry mint is taken in the amount of 2 large spoons, crushed leaves should be poured with boiling water - 1 glass. In this case, it is necessary to insist the remedy for about 2 hours. Strained infusion is taken three times a day for 1 large spoon, each time doing this in the process of eating.


We discussed the benefits of mint tea, but it is also worth in general terms describe contraindications. Despite the many healing qualities of peppermint tea, we need to be extremely careful.

  1. The inflammatory process in the kidneys or liver is a contraindication.
  2. Tea helps to reduce pressure, so it is contraindicated for hypotensive patients.
  3. When consumed in significant quantities, it is possible to impair milk production in nursing mothers.
  4. If a man is in large quantities drink herbal teas with the addition of mint, then there is a risk of a decrease in libido and a dangerous decrease in the percentage of testosterone in the blood.
  5. It should be noted that even in relatively healthy body individual intolerance may be detected active substances found in mint.

Mint goes well with black and green tea and is also compatible with many medicinal herbs. This fragrant plant is actively used as part of diets. Drinks with mint are characterized by the presence of impressive doses of essential oils, therefore they can suppress the feeling of hunger. In order not to suffer from a pronounced diuretic effect, in addition to drinks with mint, you need to drink enough clean water.