Press exercises for girls. Training program. The most effective abdominal exercises for girls

To organize a workout and choose a set of exercises for the press for women, many factors must be taken into account: from hormonal to anatomical.

How to lose weight with abdominal exercises?

Very long and ineffective. Any exercise on the press is power loads, their task is to increase the strength and endurance of the target muscle group. Calorie consumption in such loads is too small for weight loss.

Fitness trainers never tire of repeating to women that "abs are done in the kitchen"; healthy eating habits will cope with excess weight much faster than lifting the torso from a prone position. The body of a woman is designed in such a way that it is easy to store body fat, so on the way to a flat tummy without the right healthy eating not enough. No matter how pumped the abdominal muscles are, but even a thin layer subcutaneous fat hide them completely.

Help women do it difficult task cardio loads - trainings for a rapid heartbeat, which involve several muscle groups at once. Today, it is not uncommon for fitness trainers to post specific cardio workouts on their vlogs instead of warm-ups to prepare the body for the workout and burn off the extra calories.

Is it possible for women to pump abdominal muscles?

Women need to train the press! You should not unconditionally trust women's forums, which are full of horror stories about the missing waist, muscle tears and falling organs. Common sense should suggest that a woman’s body is not a bag of groceries so that something “falls out” of it, but a missing waist and damage to muscle fibers are the result of thoughtless and inadequately intense training.

The press is very important, it belongs to the core muscles - it helps to maintain balance, stabilizes the spine. With any effort, any load, the abdominal muscles tighten and fix the spine. The press must be both flexible so that tilts and turns are possible, and rigid to protect the abdominal organs and support the spine.

If a woman is planning motherhood, then strong abdominal muscles will facilitate the course of pregnancy - the load on the spine will be less, childbirth will be easier, and the recovery of the figure after childbirth will be faster.

Features of "volumetric" training in women

If the goal of training is embossed cubes on the stomach, then they talk about "volumetric" training; its mission is to increase the number muscle mass. The rectus abdominis muscle in women has a small volume, and even a well-trained press will not be covered with a pattern of cubes if mass is not added to it.

Men, when working "for volume", use large weights (heavy sports equipment) with a small number of repetitions (8-12). For women, this scheme does not work. Due to the characteristics of muscle fibers and hormonal levels, girls need to add muscle mass a large number of repetitions (up to 80-100).

Another feature of the "volumetric" training is a long break between abs workouts - about three days. That is how much time it takes for the muscles to recover and increase mass. If a woman is training to increase abdominal strength without increasing volume, then plan 3-4 sessions per week.

Will the waist disappear if you pump the press?

If the oblique muscles of the abdomen become too "voluminous", then the waist may become wider, but this rule does not apply to everyone. There are women in whom the structure of the abdominal muscles is such that no “pumping” will spoil the narrow waist. But even if the constitution of the body is prone to a wide waist, then the solution to the problem is not to use "volumetric" training in exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen, that is, not to do an exorbitant number of repetitions.

Abdominal muscles and the menstrual cycle

Such a delicate feature of a woman's body should definitely be taken into account when organizing training.

  • The greatest efficiency falls on the period between menstruation and ovulation, the body responds well to power loads.
  • 2-3 days of ovulation, the working capacity of a woman is the lowest in the cycle, the loads for this period should be small.
  • After ovulation and until the very menstruation, the physical capabilities are average, good results are brought by exercises, performed at a high speed.
  • Actually, menstruation is the most controversial period of the cycle. If these days turn into torture with pain and a vile mood, then any training should be excluded. If the woman’s well-being allows, then cardio loads are allowed, and abs workouts during this period have limitations: it’s absolutely impossible to pump the lower press and you can’t perform exercises in which the pelvis and / or legs rise above the stomach.

How to quickly pump up the press for a girl?

No way. It will take at least a month of regular training to achieve visible results. If overweight, the press will not be visible until the total amount of fat in the woman’s body drops to 10-15%.

There are no miraculous exercises that will draw cubes on the press in a week. And unreasonably intensive training will bring not only injuries, but also a breakdown, insomnia and a decrease in immunity.

The best ab exercises for girls are those that match the physical capabilities. Properly selected training leaves a feeling of pleasant fatigue, muscle pain is allowed, which disappears after a couple of hours.

A set of exercises for beginners

Beginners should not chase the complexity or speed of training, it is better to start with simple, time-tested exercises. Perform the first three exercises in two sets of 15-20 times, the bar - two sets of one minute. Between sets, a break of no more than two minutes. Do not forget about warming up and stretching before training, this will make the lesson effective and reduce injuries.

  • Twisting. You will need to lie on your back on a hard surface, bend your legs at the knees. It is better to put your hands on the back of your head, if it is too difficult, it is allowed to cross on your chest. It is necessary to exhale to pull the chest to the pelvis, rounding the back, and try to stay in this position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the starting position while inhaling. Do not confuse this exercise with “torso lifts” - the lower back should not come off the floor when twisting. This technique works effectively on the rectus abdominis.

  • Scissors. Starting position: lying on your back on a hard surface, stretch your arms along the body, hide your palms under the buttocks. It is necessary to raise the legs above the floor by 10-20 cm and make cross swings with the legs. The lower back should remain relaxed. With this training, you can work out the rectus and external oblique muscles of the abdomen.

  • Leg lifts. Starting position: lying on your back on a hard surface, arms extended along the body. The legs are raised above the floor over 10-20 cm. It is required to slowly raise the legs, and then just as slowly return to the starting position. The feet do not touch the floor. This is an effective exercise for the lower press for girls and women, it can be complicated by tying small dumbbells to the feet.

  • Plank, this exercise for the press allows girls to increase stamina, it is allowed to be performed during menstruation. Starting position: emphasis lying on the elbows, it is necessary to straighten the body and tighten the abdominal muscles. It is required to freeze in this position for one minute.

It is very important to perform the exercises correctly, in this case the press will work, and not other muscle groups. How to learn how to download the press from scratch will help a girl figure out the video, as an example, the technique of performing twists is analyzed.

If the training ceases to cause difficulties, 30 repetitions in each exercise are done without effort - it's time to move on to a more complex training complex.

A set of exercises for women with training experience

Do not be afraid to work with weights, exercises for the press with dumbbells are very effective, they are available both in the gym and at home; for women and girls, working with extra weight helps complicate classes and does not threaten to increase muscle mass. Exercises with the gymnastic wheel for the press bring excellent results, they are suitable for women who want to work out their abdominal muscles as much as possible, but cannot go to the gym.

This complex offers 6 exercises, they must be performed in three sets of 16-20 times, except for the last one, it must be done 10 times in both directions. The break between sets is 30 seconds, between exercises - no more than two minutes.

  • Rises of the torso while sitting on an incline bench. Fix the feet behind the rollers, legs bent at the knees. As you exhale, tilt your back back to a position parallel to the floor, return to the starting position. Such loads allow you to work out the rectus abdominis muscle.

  • Hanging leg raise. For this exercise, you need to hang on your hands on the crossbar. As you exhale, raise your legs to the crossbar, as if folding in half. If the load is too difficult, you can raise your legs to a position parallel to the floor. It is more difficult for women to work out the lower press than for men, and this exercise is one of the most effective for the lower rectus abdominis.

  • Press with a gymnastic roller. Starting position: kneeling, palms hold on to the handles of the gymnastic roller. It is necessary to lean on the roller in front of you and slowly roll it forward, tilting the body. Then return to the starting position. There are several options for exercises with a press roller, for women, bending forward and to the side from a sitting position is most effective.

  • Fold. Starting position: lying on your back, legs straightened, arms to the sides. As you exhale, you need to raise your left leg and pull yourself up to it. right hand. On an inhale, return to the starting position. On the next exhale, pull your left hand towards each other and right leg, on the exhale to return. On the third exhalation, pull both elbows and both knees towards each other. Return to starting position. This is an effective load on all abdominal muscles.

  • Tilts with dumbbells. Stand up straight, take a small dumbbell in your hands, place your legs shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, lean to the right, trying to reach down with your right hand. On an inhale, return to the starting position. On the next exhale, lean to the left. The difficulty of this exercise is correct technique- the abdominal muscles should be tense and felt during the training.

  • Plank with dumbbells. You will need to take the position of the bar on the right side - emphasis on the bent right elbow, left hand lifted up and holds a dumbbell, the body and legs are straightened. As you exhale, pull your left elbow and left knee to each other, while inhaling, return to the starting position. After 10 reps, change position to left side plank, and do 10 reps with right elbow and knee.

How to pump up the press for a girl? Of course, you need to do special exercises on the press. Look for exercises for the upper and lower press, as well as exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles in this material.

Time goes by, and the question “how to pump up the press” still remains one of the most popular. There is just a huge variety of exercises for the abdominal muscles and it is quite difficult for an “unprepared” person to figure out what they need. In this article I will try to solve this problem.

I have already described the main criteria for achieving not just a flat stomach, but a relief press in the article “How to get a relief press”. I hope that you will also read it, and therefore in this material I will not repeat myself and focus on the choice of suitable exercises.

The best exercises for the press: what are they?

First of all, they are safe. What I mean? That any exercise should be appropriate for your fitness level. There is no point in trying to pump up the press with, for example, a fairly famous roller or a wheel for the press, if the simplest twists are difficult for you. Because you will not be able to do it correctly and other areas will be subjected to extreme stress, in this case, the lower back. And any exercise, in most cases, is effective as long as it is hard for you. So, if the simplest type of twisting is difficult for you to perform now, then it will be effective at this stage.

How to achieve a beautiful press for a girl?

I didn’t use the word “beautiful” for nothing, because it’s very easy to “get carried away by the process” and instead of a harmonious, neat relief, get a wide waist (or rather, its absence) and a masculine torso. To prevent this from happening, I will give you a few tips:

1) include in your workout equally exercises focusing on all areas of the press: upper, lower and oblique muscles

2) exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen (this is all that is connected with turning the body to the right or left), in most cases, perform with your own weight so as not to make the waist wider. Those. of course, if you perform, for example, the exercise “Russian twist” with a ball a couple of times a month, nothing bad will happen, but if you do this every workout, then most likely you will greatly develop the oblique muscles of the press and be left without a waist

3) don't do exercises that require you to do body raises while your legs are locked up (using an incline ab bench for this) - this can also widen your waist a little, as such exercises form a more “deep” drawing of the muscles, if so can be expressed. But that doesn't mean don't use it at all! I really like the system where you can do two incline raises (or add hanging leg raises) in one workout, and three bodyweight exercises in the next workout. With a combination of these workouts, you can get a neatly defined embossed abs as a result. Tracking the effect, you can do either more workouts on the mat, or more exercise on an incline bench.

4) replace the exercise with a more difficult one when it has become too easy to perform - this will ensure your progress

5) no need to pump the press every day - muscles need time to recover for growth

Abs exercises for girls and men: what's the difference?

In principle, there is no difference, because our muscles are arranged in the same way and, accordingly, are included in the work with the same exercises. The only question is that girls usually want to get a “non-pumped” press and, as we have already figured out above, not to expand their waist. And therefore, girls should do less abdominal exercises with additional weights. And of course, some exercises can be simply too difficult for women, simply because we are usually physically weaker.

How to pump up the press in a month?

I would like to answer “no way”, but this is not entirely true. In fact, with regular training 3 times a week, in most cases, after a month and a half, the outlines of the upper abdominal area already appear. But this is only on condition that there is enough subcutaneous fat on the abdomen. Otherwise, your press simply will not be visible, because it is “hidden” by fat over the muscle. Accordingly, if you have excess weight, then you need to “connect” a diet with a calorie deficit and aerobic exercise (cardio). Well, in this case, to make the press visible, of course, it will take more time.

Next, I will give some of the most “working”, in my opinion, exercises for the press for girls that will suit most of you. The exercises will be divided into groups, depending on the area on which they emphasize the load more.

And yet, in order to avoid misunderstanding, I’ll clarify that although we usually say “upper press” and “lower press”, we don’t have two of them. All this is one rectus abdominis muscle and it always works fully. It’s just that some exercises transfer the load to the upper or lower regions more and therefore, in everyday speech, it was “divided” into two parts.

Exercises for the lower press for girls

Here and below, the exercises are listed in order of increasing difficulty. Accordingly, you can choose them for yourself, depending on the level of training. And do not forget not only to watch the video, but also carefully read the description of the exercise technique.

There are many types of exercises that allow you not only to lose weight, but also to bring your body into perfect condition, but some of them have the highest level popularity. One of these exercises can be called twisting on the press on the press for girls and women. Almost everyone who decides to take care of their health and do exercises starts doing crunches almost from the first workouts.

What effect does the crunch on the press for girls have on the muscle corset?

Before describing the methodology in detail this exercise on the press for girls, it is necessary to consider the theoretical part of the issue.

Then the mechanism of influence will become clearer faster and there will be more chances correct execution at the very beginning of the path to harmony and a chiseled figure. When performing the crunch, or as the professionals call it abdominal crunch, the main muscle that works is the rectus abdominis.

The rectus muscle is responsible for the condition of the 6-pack abs known to many, which most people who decide to start exercising strive for in order to get rid of visible figure defects in this place.

In addition, crunch training allows you to significantly strengthen the rest of the muscle corset located on the stomach, the core muscles are separately involved (they become much stronger).

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of training and the correct condition of the muscles in the abdomen, since they are one of the important stabilizers of the human body and play an important role in maintaining correct posture.

What muscles are involved?

The rectus muscle, located on the abdomen, allows you to bring the upper body closer to the lower one, or as it is also called, in the process of twisting. Also, actively involved in this process:

  1. Large chest, called pectoral.
  2. Internal and external oblique muscles.
  3. Transverse muscles located on the abdominal press.

At its core, performing abdominal crunches is the movement of the chest towards the pelvis. At this moment in without fail, to achieve the desired result, there must be a rounding of the spine.

The process does not involve the involvement of the hips, so the entire lower body, starting from the middle part of the back, is without fail in a stationary state. This crunch technique of this kind allows for an isolated load directly on the abdominal muscle corset.

Description of the muscles involved in the training process

In order to understand what outcome (in addition to the appearance of the cherished cubes) can be expected, as well as to consider the issue of twisting from a physiological point of view, it is necessary to consider in detail the abdominal muscles involved and listed above in the process.

The rectus abdominis muscle is distinguished by its length and thinness. It is located from the middle of the chest and ending with the pubic region in both men and women. It is a delusion that it is divided into several sections, by which many people mean the lower and upper cubes, the rectus muscle is whole and indivisible.

It begins to work only at the moment when the person leans forward and the chest rushes to the pelvic region. In terms of its role in abdominal crunches, it occupies a leading position, since it strains the most.

The external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen are responsible for the thickness of the waist, without work in these areas, even with a genetic predisposition, see wasp waist female representatives is almost impossible. In order to strengthen the twisting movement, as a rule, a twist is added.

Simple abdominal exercises

The simplest exercise for a separate workout is left and right tilts, performed in a standing position with the pelvis fixed in place. That with separate turns, that when added to twisting, when the internal oblique muscle is activated, the external oblique located on the other side of the waist is automatically included in the work.

The next muscle group, which is also involved in doing press exercises for girls, as well as men, are the transverse abdominal muscles. This group of muscles consists of numerous fibers, as if scattered throughout the lower part of this area.

To feel their work, it is enough to take the deepest possible breath and, accordingly, exhale. The transverse muscles allow artificial expiration when necessary, and are also responsible for keeping the area of ​​the body in question in a flat state when a person performs any twisting exercises.

Benefits of exercise

Twisting exercises can bring the following positive results:

  1. A significant increase in the strength of all muscle groups located on the abdominal press.
  2. Concomitant improvement in the condition of the entire muscular corset in this area, which is also sometimes called the cortex.
  3. With prolonged and correct execution, the level of rigidity and stability increases during other types of exercises.
  4. Over time, the posture of people noticeably improves, even with big problems in this direction.
  5. Twisting exercises for the press have a fairly large number of options, so that everyone can choose the most comfortable for him personally.
  6. To train in this way, there is no need to visit the gym without fail and spend large sums of money on it. Twisting on the press is also suitable for home workouts, without the involvement of additional specialized sports equipment.

After describing the benefits of doing this exercise, it becomes clear why it is mandatory to include it in any type of training, even for beginners. Since its implementation on the press for women and men allows you to solve several problematic issues at once, and not just remove extra pounds in the abdomen.

How to do it right? Execution technique

However, in order to achieve the results described above, it is not enough to know the structure of the twisting work, it is also necessary to ensure the correct execution of the exercise. Otherwise, not so good or even zero result is possible.

Despite the prevalence and apparent simplicity, many make mistakes when doing it. Therefore knowledge ground rules performing abdominal crunches will not be superfluous information at all.

  • The first step is to take a lying position on a firm and non-sagging surface. Only the upper part of the body and the pelvis retain the vertical position, the legs should take the shape of a house, for this purpose the knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Also, their location on a special bench is possible. Hands are wound behind the head, while it is not desirable to grip them into the lock, and the elbows are maximally spread to the sides. A prerequisite is a rigid fixation of the region of the spine on the surface.
  • After taking the position described above, a deep breath is taken, while exhaling, the upper back is brought to the pelvis to the maximum possible distance. Be sure to ensure that there is a rounding of the back, and not a simple lift off the floor and raising it to the knees.
  • After reaching the highest point, it is necessary to maintain the adopted position for an average of 1 or 2 seconds. On exhalation, return to the original position. It must be done slowly without sudden jerks.
  • Depending on fitness, the number of runs fluctuates, since it is quite difficult for beginners to master many approaches at once, the trainers recommend starting with 20, gradually increasing this number. In the process of muscle training, in order to achieve a more visual result, in the future it is possible to use weights in the form of a pancake.

Some nuances of correct execution

Like any other exercise, twisting has several nuances that allow not only to ensure its correct execution, but also in more short time achieve the desired result. Among them are the following points:

  1. You should not bring your hands into the lock at the back of the head, as mentioned earlier, as this can lead to tension in the neck muscles and some assistance to the body, which will significantly reduce efficiency.
  2. In order not just to bend and straighten your back, you can imagine that in the process of execution, two points come together, one of which is located on top and the other on the bottom of the abdomen.
  3. It is not advisable to hold your breath or make great efforts to inhale and exhale.
  4. The first approach can be limited to performing 3-4 twists.
  5. Sudden movements should be avoided, as this can lead to microtrauma in the muscle tissue. Especially if the workouts are on their own. initial stage and before that they were not carried out at all or there was a big break.
  6. Already after the first approach, subject to its correct execution, a burning sensation in the muscles should appear.
  7. The chin should not touch the chest.
  8. Even in the last most difficult approach, it is necessary to maintain a smooth lowering down, and not just throw yourself on the floor, wanting to rest as soon as possible.
  9. You can not help the body when using the muscles of the legs.
  10. When choosing an implementation option when the legs are placed on some surface, or simply held on weight, it must be remembered that the flexor muscles located on the thigh are also involved in this process. And accordingly, the load on the muscular corset of the abdomen is slightly reduced. This, in turn, can delay the achievement of the desired result.

We recommend that you also read about such an exercise as - Russian twist. It will help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and pump it even more efficiently. OK it's all over Now! Thank you all for your attention and see you soon in new releases.

The press cubes are clear evidence of excellent physical shape. In addition, the safety and correct location internal organs, mobility and flexibility of the body, and even posture.

For a girl, a flexible proud camp and thin waist are especially important. In order to spend energy on working out a beautiful press with maximum benefit, first you need to understand the structure, functioning and principles of training this muscle area, and then move on to the question of how a girl can quickly pump up a beautiful press to cubes or simply remove her stomach at home or gym.

The human abdominal cavity is bounded from the outside by the abdominal muscles. This group includes:

  • rectus abdominis;
  • two pairs of oblique muscles - internal and external;
  • transverse abdominal muscle.

rectus abdominis- This is a long ribbon-like muscle, starting from the xiphoid process of the sternum, covering the entire abdomen along the vertical axis and extending to the pelvic bones. It is this muscle that is visually perceived as a press.

Along it is divided into two equal stripes by the so-called white line of the abdomen, and in three places it is blocked by tendon bundles, forming what is called "cubes". Depending on which part of the body remains motionless, this muscle moves the opposite: twisting the spine, pulling the chest to the knees or lifting the knees to the chest.

The oblique muscles are located obliquely on the abdominal wall, attaching at the base of the lower ribs on one side, and on the white line and pelvic bones on the other.

In addition to the same motor functions as those of the rectus muscle, oblique muscles are responsible for turning the body to the sides.

The transverse abdominal muscle serves to the greatest extent to support the internal organs. Passing under the oblique muscles at a level just below the navel, it serves to retract the abdomen and is involved in tilting the body to the sides.

The goals of pumping the press in girls

Strengthening and strengthening the abdominal muscles for the female body is necessary for the following reasons:

  1. Waist reduction. A thin waist sharpens the curve from the shoulder through the waistband to the hip, which is usually associated with the concept of a feminine figure. It is this line that forms hourglass”, making the narrow waist synonymous with fragility and seductiveness.
  2. Formation of a flat stomach. Even with a small waist circumference, the stomach may be bulging or hanging. This not only goes against the existing aesthetic canons, but also indicates the weakness of the abdominal muscles, in particular, the transverse muscle.
  3. Muscle tone is useful during pregnancy and after childbirth. Inflated elastic press and muscles pelvic floor can reduce the risk and severity of injuries during childbirth and return the stomach to shape much faster after the baby is born.

Special Zones

In addition to the fact that the press is important in the complex, girls often complain about problem areas that they think need to be worked on in isolation.

Most often it is the lower press and the waist from the sides.

  1. Lower Press. It must be clarified that the division of the press into "upper and lower" is incorrect from a medical point of view. As shown above, the visible part of the abs is a single abdominal muscle, the rectus.

    With any exercise, this muscle is fully involved, the differences are in the degree of load. Therefore, based on the fact that the bottom pair of cubes is the most difficult to "draw", exercises for the lower press are usually called the most difficult for girls: lifting the legs in the hang on the crossbar or from the emphasis on the bars, reverse twisting.

  2. The sides are outlined by the oblique muscles of the abdomen, and they must be used to tighten these zones. For this, side twists and tilts are used. However, it is worth remembering that the abdominal muscles are no different from others.

    With additional load, they will increase in mass and volume in the same way as, for example, biceps. But in the case of a girl's waist, this will lead to its expansion., therefore, weights for girls during exercises for side press experienced trainers do not recommend using.

Press pumping technique

First of all, it is necessary decide on the purpose, which will be the pumping of the press from the girl:

  1. Remove excess fat from the abdomen.
  2. Deepen relief.

Excess fat on the abdomen is an indicator of a flaw in nutrition and a lack of fitness of the whole body.

The ability to burn body fat locally is a myth.

The process of splitting fats to obtain stored energy from them starts in the body only when it is necessary to recover from a serious load, and provided that stores of glycogen in the muscles and glucose in the blood are exhausted.

This situation occurs, for example, after a hard strength training session, or after half an hour of intense aerobic exercise. And this process takes place throughout the body: it is impossible to indicate to the body a place from which to take the excess.

Burning belly fat is only possible with a nutritional tweak combined with full body workouts.

If you need to pump up cubes, the technique is similar to the technique for working with any other muscle group: several exercises are selected, each will include 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.

Since the abdominal muscles are quite elastic and hardy, for 20 repetitions you can not feel tired, and in this case weighting is used. A dumbbell, or other weighting agent, is taken into the hands, the weight of which is sufficient to make the last 2-3 repetitions “failure”, from the last forces.

Knowledge of the motor functions of the muscles discussed earlier makes it possible to make important notes:

  1. The most useful for the press is twisting rather than lifting the entire body. Only the upper back should come off the surface, leaving the lower back pressed, while you try to “roll up”, maximally loading the entire rectus muscle.
  2. All exercises should be done slowly and in a controlled manner. so that you can feel the work of the press and prevent the inclusion of other muscles or inertia.

An example of a pumping program with exercise schemes

The most effective exercises for pumping the press, as well as for other muscles, are the so-called basic exercises, which most fully involve the working muscle group and require the greatest energy expenditure.

How to pump the press to a girl? The list of basic exercises is as follows.

Reverse crunches

The exercise begins from a lying position, arms along the body. The legs should be bent at the knees at a right angle and raised so that the hips are strictly vertical.

Start, tensing your abs, twisting the lower part of the spine, trying to reach your chest with your knees and tearing your pelvis off a horizontal surface. Lower back down slowly. Keep your abdominal muscles working, and not the muscles of the legs, move slowly.

Hanging leg raise

This exercise can be done on the uneven bars, resting your elbows and forearms on the support pads and holding on to special handles, or from a hanging position on the horizontal bar. The second is more difficult, but more effective.

The legs in both variations move in the same way: with the efforts of the abdominal muscles, twist the lower back, stretching the closed straight legs to the parallel with the floor. If you find it difficult to raise straight legs, start by lifting your legs bent at the knees. Avoid swings and momentum.

How to eat after a workout to lose weight faster? Find it out:

Classic crunches

It is useful to add isolated exercises to basic exercises. to strengthen individual muscles.

The most popular and effective exercise for the upper press for girls, which can be performed both at home and in the gym. Lying on the floor, leaning on the floor with the feet of bent legs, bring your hands behind your head. Make sure that the neck is not strained, the elbows are not pressed against the head..

Twist the spine, lifting the thoracic region up, the lumbar remains pressed to the floor. Lower yourself in a conscious movement without falling on your shoulder blades.

Twisting with twist

They start from the same starting position, are done in a similar way, but when lifting, turn the body, trying to reach the right knee with the left elbow, and vice versa. Change the side of the turn for each repetition.

If you feel how the abdominal muscles “burn” and hurt, then the technique is correct.


The exercise is aimed at the work of the transverse abdominal muscle. Standing on all fours, take a deep breath, then a slow exhale, and tighten your stomach so that it is drawn in as deeply as possible.

Ideal - almost pulled under the ribs. Hold like this for 20 seconds then relax catch your breath and repeat 4-8 more times.

This exercise will best help girls on their way to a flat elastic stomach.

How to properly and quickly pump up the press at home or in the gym - for more effective exercises for girls in the complex for pumping the press, see the video:

So, the press is an extremely important muscle group for girls. It helps to stabilize the body in space, aligns posture, supports correct position internal organs.

In order for the press to be embossed and the stomach toned, you need to pay attention to two things: proper nutrition and active exercise. Regular practice is the key to success. Therefore, abdominal exercises should be included in your training program at least once a week. But do not forget: the abdominal muscles need time to recover.

Standards female beauty changed a long time ago.

Instead of lush and voluminous, thin and athletic girls are popular today.

But the press is one of the most important problems for the fair sex.

In girls, the abdomen is problematic, the second, after the buttocks.

By itself, getting rid of belly fat seems to be quite challenging task, and making the waist slim and taut is even more difficult. Here you will need not only regular physical activity, diet, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

To pump up the press for a girl at home, you need to perform a special set of exercises.

The press, like any other muscle, should receive a directed load.

In this article, we will talk in detail about which girls need to do ab exercises at home, and in in general terms Let's touch on the topic of pumping the press.

How to pump up the press at home for a girl: how much time and effort is needed

Slim figure and the relief press is the prerogative of the few, and all because it requires a lot of effort. By itself, a person is a rather lazy creature, and is not always ready to do something, even for the sake of his own health and beauty. Especially in those cases when you need to do some kind of physical work. And so many girls who decide to pump up the press at home are wondering how long it takes to do it to see any results. The answer to this question depends on many factors. Genetics, age, exercise intensity, adherence or non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle and diet, physical activity - this is just a small list. But, the main thing among all this is your desire. If you would like to purchase beautiful figure, be prepared for the fact that you will have to be repeatedly disappointed before the result appears.

Nothing can appear suddenly, and so is the case with muscles. First of all, you must tell yourself that don't give up until you get results. If you plan to practice only for a while, then you can give up right away - otherwise you will be even more disappointed.

Problems with a sagging belly can be caused by two factors - muscle weakness, or large quantity fat in this area. In the first case, a person, as a rule, does not have large amounts of excess fat, and muscle weakness is explained by the fact that insufficient time was devoted to physical activity. Here you can limit yourself to only training the press.

In the second case, abdominal exercises for girls at home will have to wait for some time until you lose weight. But the best choice There will be a combination of cardio and abdominal exercises. In this case, when you get rid of excess fat, your abs will already be quite strong and sculpted.

One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is putting too much effort into training. But this is only at first. Feeling very strong abdominal pain the next day, new workouts can be postponed until better times that never come. For progress to appear, you need to know that the press, like any other muscle, needs good rest, and should not be overloaded. The intensity of training should increase gradually, from workout to workout..

The time for which "cubes" can appear is usually purely individual. If you take a person who does not have excess fat, but has never exercised physical activity, it may take about two months. If we are talking about a girl with excess weight in the abdomen, then more time may be needed. Daily exercises with good intensity can allow you to see beautiful abs in a month. But again, it all depends on the situation in which your body is. However, one thing is for sure - you will not be able to get quick results in any way.

Press exercises for girls at home: for beginners

There are a huge number of exercises that can be performed not only in gyms, but also at home. Below we will try to list the most effective for home workouts. It is not necessary to immediately perform the entire complex - you can independently build a program from these exercises.

Exercise number 1 - Twisting.

An exercise that has almost become a classic. There is a lot of talk about this exercise on the Internet, and most of this is fiction. It won't burn fat, it won't let you do abs in one day, and you don't have to do it in a multi-thousand set. However, it has proven to be the most effective for home workouts.

Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Legs slightly bent at the knees, stand on the floor. With the effort of the muscles of the press, slightly lift and twist the body, rising up. It is very important to watch your muscles here - many beginners make the mistake of performing this exercise with the effort of the muscles of the back, arms, and even the neck. Only the press should work. When performing, the body should twist so that the distance from the chest to the lower border of the abdomen decreases.


Exercise number 2 - Raising the legs.

This exercise works well on the lower part of the press. To perform it, lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Raise your legs up and then slowly lower. Do not drop your legs on the floor - during the approach, keep them at a height of 2-3 cm from the floor at the lowest point.

Leg raise

Exercise number 3 - Simultaneous lifting of the legs and body.

This exercise works well on the rectus abdominis. To do this, lie on the floor with your body in a straight line. Hands and feet lie on the floor. As you exhale, raise your legs and upper part body up, trying to touch the socks with your hands. The arms must be kept straight.

Raising the body and legs

Exercise number 4 - Lifting the pelvis.

This exercise helps to strengthen the lower and middle abs. Lie on the floor, put your hands along the body, legs raised up. With the effort of the muscles of the press, slightly raise the pelvis from the floor in the direction up and towards the head. It is very important that you do not help with this exercise with your arms or legs - only with your abs.

Pelvic lift

Exercise number 5 - Frog.

This exercise works well on the entire abdominal area and strengthens the abdominal muscles. To perform, sit on the floor, put your hands slightly behind the body and lean on them. The legs are straight forward, the body is tilted back. When performing, do the simultaneous pulling of the legs to the body, and straightening the body. Again, only the abdominal muscles are involved.


Exercise number 6 - Touching the heels while lying on the floor.

Ideal for working out the lateral and oblique abdominal muscles. Lying on the floor, slightly raise the body. Hands along the body, legs bent at the knees stand on the floor. Try to alternately touch the heel of the left foot with your left hand, and then vice versa. Hands should not stretch towards the leg - movement is only due to the body.

Heel touch

How to pump up the press at home for a girl: where to start?

Abdominal exercises for girls at home should wait a bit if she rarely played sports before. That is, do not quite wait, but they should be replaced with a number of other exercises that are aimed at improving the tone of the abdominal muscles, and will also allow them to be slightly strengthened. You can perform them at any level of training.

Exercise number 1 - Vacuum.

This exercise is great if the stomach sags due to insufficient training of the abdominal muscles. It can improve muscle tone and significantly reduce the stomach in volume in a short time.

There are several ways to do it, but the basics are the same for everyone. Try to make a deep, slow exhalation, while pulling the stomach inward with maximum effort. Then take the same long breath and draw in your stomach even more. In this position, try to hold it as long as possible.

Initially, this exercise was used in bodybuilding. It was invented to give the athlete's body an aesthetic shape, when a thin waist additionally emphasizes the rest of the muscles. Subsequently, it began to be used in any industry, primarily to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

It can also be performed sitting, lying down, and in general in any position. It is best if you remember the position of the abdomen when performing it. Try to keep playing it. In other words, keep your stomach constantly drawn in and tense, no matter where you are. Over time, the muscles will get used and strengthened, and the volume of the abdomen will decrease significantly.

Exercise number 2 - Plank.

This exercise well allows you to strengthen the rectus abdominis muscle, and improves the tone of the abdominal muscles. There are many variations of this exercise. Let's analyze classic version.

Lying on your stomach, stand on your elbows and toes so that your whole body forms a straight line. It is impossible to bend in the back or in the buttocks area. Try to stay in this position for as long as possible.

To complicate this exercise, you can deprive the body of one of the points of support - in other words, raise one of the arms or legs.

Exercise number 3 - Side plank.

Here the essence of the exercise is slightly different. It will be aimed at working out and strengthening the lateral muscles, as well as the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Lying on your side, lift the body on the elbow. The second hand lies on the body, one foot is on the floor, the second on it. Just like in the previous version, try to hold out as long as possible in this position.

side plank

Press exercises for girls at home: contraindications and warnings

Contraindications to performing exercises on the press can be various diseases and ailments of the organs that are in this area, hernias, recent operations, problems with the spine. I think this is understandable, but I’ll say it again - pregnancy is also a significant contraindication to performing this kind of exercise. The first month after childbirth is also better to refrain from physical activity.