We swing the side press. How to build oblique abdominal muscles and keep them in shape

They are not involved in the training of other groups, therefore, in order to form a harmoniously developed body, it is necessary to deal with them separately. It is impossible to pump up the so-called oblique muscles without special exercises.

What are oblique abdominal muscles?

The photo presented in the article makes it possible to see their location. They consist of external and internal. The large outer group is three flat muscles that are clearly visible. The inner ones are not visible, because they are under the outer ones perpendicular to them.

Why pump the lateral abdominal muscles?

They do not give such a visual effect as, for example, biceps, wings or deltas, but thanks to them, a clearly defined waist and an elastic press appear. In addition to the aesthetic component, well-developed oblique muscles protect the internal organs, stabilize the spine during sudden movements and inclinations, and are also necessary when working with large weights. Therefore, every athlete should know how to pump up the oblique muscles of the press.


There are many exercises for this group, which are not the same in effectiveness. It is desirable to know them all in order to develop an individual training program. Let's move on to how to pump up the oblique muscles of the press with and without dumbbells.

Lateral slopes

Stand up straight with your arms along your body. Slowly tilt to the right so that the arms slide along the body, while the left side of the torso will be stretched. Then tilt to the left. Perform 10-15 repetitions in each direction.

With the help of side bends, but with a dumbbell? Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, dumbbell in right hand, left behind head. Slowly lean to the right so that the weight of the projectile carries along, while the pelvis remains motionless. At the bottom of the movement, linger a little, return to the starting position just as smoothly. Repeat 10 times for three sets. Select the weight in such a way that the last repetition in the set is performed at the limit.

Turns to the side

Stand up straight, bend your arms at the elbows and hold them in front of you. Turn the body to the right, while the pelvis and legs do not move. Do 10-15 reps on each side.

Sitting dumbbell twists

Sit on a bench with your legs together and your feet flat on the floor. Dumbbells in bent arms at the chest. Tighten the oblique muscles, turn the body as much as possible to the right, the pelvis remains motionless. Repeat 10 times on each side for three sets.

lying down

Lie on your back, bend your knees and put them to the right so that the left is on the right. Raise the body as high as possible, trying to linger for two seconds at the top point. Slowly take the starting position. In each direction, do 10-15 times.

Hip twists

Lie on your back, bend your knees, trying to pull your heels as close to the fifth point as possible. Hands are on the back of the head. Lower bent legs to the right, trying to touch the floor with your knees. Do 10-15 times in each direction.

Touching heels with hands

Take a prone position, bending your legs at the knees, keep your shins parallel to the floor, raise your head slightly, arms to the sides. Try to reach the heels of the corresponding legs with your hands. You can slightly move your legs towards your hands, and your shoulders are slightly tilted back. Performed in three sets of 8 repetitions.

Blade lift 1

Lying on the floor on your back, bend your knees. Raise your arms up so that they are shoulder-width apart. Straining the abdominal muscles, raise the right shoulder blade and the arm corresponding to it, while not tearing the pelvis off the floor. Perform 8 times in three sets.

Blade lift 2

Lie on your back with your knees bent right leg with an emphasis on the floor, put the other leg on it. The right hand is under the head, left palm up lies on the floor perpendicular to the body. Try to raise the chest to the left knee, while tensing the oblique muscles and putting pressure on the back of the head. right hand. Perform until the shoulder blade comes off the floor. After returning to the starting position, change the position of the legs and arms and do it in the other direction. Repeat 8 times in three sets.

Now you know how to pump the oblique muscles of the press. It is important to follow the execution technique, otherwise the training may be wasted.

To begin with, a little information about the structure of the press itself. The muscles of the press are conditionally divided into three areas: lower, upper and lateral; the location of the muscles is exactly the same in both women and men. The lateral muscle is the oblique supracostal muscles and sterapuses, which are located under pectoral muscles. What exercises we recommend doing for each individual muscle group, we will consider below.

Again, we provide you with a small but very effective superset for the press. We will analyze and perform each exercise with you, so let's go!

  1. Hanging diagonal leg raises.
  2. Cross twists.
  3. Lowering the knees to the sides, lying on the back.
  4. Tilts of the torso with dumbbells in hand.
  5. Collapsing the body with the upper block.

1. Diagonal hanging leg raises

When performing this exercise, you need to firmly hold on to the crossbar so that your hands do not slip off. You can use garters. To engage all the lateral and oblique muscles of the press, which are the most important for aesthetics, you need to make asymmetrical movements. These are diagonal twists combined with leg movements, all kinds of diagonal leg raises, where you either turn your pelvis or lift your legs slightly diagonally. As for the quantity, it doesn’t matter how many sets and repetitions there are: we work until it hurts, until it burns, then pause for 30 seconds, and again repeat to the maximum.

2. Cross twists

The upper body is in a twisting position, hands behind the head. top of the torso, we rotate, not trying to touch the elbow with the knee, but in its direction. Alternately we stretch to one, then to the other knee. Let's add a powerful breath. Thus, due to the movement of the legs, the lower part of the press is involved. Thanks to twisting and turning in the upper body, all parts of the press (costal and oblique) work. This exercise is done at least 5-6 sets, 15-20 seconds of rest, and again to the maximum.

3. Lowering the knees to the sides while lying on your back

Lie on the floor (on your back). The arms are spread apart perpendicular to the body, the legs bent at the knees are raised up, the toes of the legs are extended. Using the oblique muscles of the abdomen, lower the legs bent at the knees to the right so that lower leg lightly touched the floor, and then return them to their original position. Perform the movement to the other side. When lowering the legs bent at the knees to the right and to the left, do not prevent the hips from rolling by inertia in the direction of the movement being carried out. Concentrate your attention on the work of the abdominal muscles. During the exercise, the toes of the legs should be extended. Don't lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

4. Tilts of the torso with dumbbells in hand

This is one of the best exercises for oblique muscles. Take a dumbbell in your left hand and stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your right hand behind your head (or on your belt). Straighten up to the end when returning to the starting position. Tilt your body to the left as far as possible. With the maximum stretch of the oblique muscles of the right side of the body, try to reach even further with your right elbow. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete maximum amount repetitions. All repetitions until a strong burning sensation in the muscles. Take a dumbbell in your right hand, tilt to the right side in the same way.

5. Torso curls with the upper block

Exercise develops rectus and oblique abdominal muscles . Grasp the rope handle in the shape of the letter "L" with your hands and kneel, pulling the handle down. Pull it until your hands are near your face and bend your legs to allow the weight to stretch your lower back. This will be your starting position. Keeping your legs still, as you exhale begin to twist your torso until your elbows touch the middle of your thighs, hold in this position for a second. After a short pause, inhale as you return to the starting position. Make sure that the press is constantly tense during the movement. Choose a weight so that the lower back does not have to bear the brunt of the load. Repeat the twisting exercise on the upper block several times for the recommended result. You should also not rush to increase the weight of the weight, because when performing an exercise with a large weight, other muscles are included, namely: the hip extensors, arms.

So our training has come to an end, try to do these exercises after each of your workouts, not necessarily all, at least 2-3 exercises. Do not forget that the oblique muscles of the abdomen will become visible only in the case of a combination of regular physical activity With proper nutrition. After all, a beautiful press is not only painful training, but above all a diet! Do not forget about it, exercise, be healthy and remember that you are training your body!

The desire and desire to look chic - not only spiritually, but also physically - leads people to the fact that they suddenly lean heavily on pumping the press. It should be noted that there are a lot of benefits for pumping the “front” muscles, but how to pump up the side press? Here you can turn to professionals and pay them a round sum.

Those who want to become beautiful do not look for easy ways, so they prefer to practice at home. Whereas how to pump up the side press at home - this question haunts everyone who cannot find time for hiking in gym. It should also be noted that doing exercises for pumping the press at home is much easier and more interesting. Firstly, training is carried out at any convenient time. Secondly, during the exercises, you can watch an interesting movie or talk show. Having determined all the advantages of home pumping of the muscles of the sides, you should proceed with immediate implementation.

Before pumping up lateral muscles and the press in particular, you should study the basic rules and recommendations from experts.

Here are the following features:

  • Unlike other workouts, pumping the press in the morning on an empty stomach is prohibited - the effectiveness is significantly reduced. Before performing pumping exercises, you should eat a solid meal 2.5 hours in advance.
  • A preliminary warm-up is mandatory - it is important to warm up the muscles of the abdomen and the press, in particular. Here you can just jump to increase blood circulation.
  • To pump the lateral muscles and achieve a relief press, you can do it only 2-3 times a week.
  • The abdominal muscles during training should be tense - otherwise the complex is performed incorrectly.

To effectively pump the press with the lateral muscles, after training, you should refuse to eat for an hour. The set of exercises for men and women is no different - the only difference is the reduced number of repetitions, but if you have physical fitness, you can go on a par with the strong half.

Pump the press: the involvement of the lateral muscles

To strengthen the sides, a whole complex is proposed, which consists of three stages. In each stage, all muscles will be involved with distinctive exercises. Proper execution exercises for the lateral muscles of the press at home will ensure the achievement of the goal quickly and efficiently.

Stage one for the press

In the manual on how to properly swing the side press, training starts with a simpler intensity.

Here are the following exercises:

  • Pumping the lateral muscles is possible with simple tilts to the sides - here you should spread your legs shoulder-width apart and tilt. To increase the load, you can use dumbbells, which are simply held in your hands. Perform at least 20 tilts in each direction.
  • Lateral muscles and abs require the use of a bench - position the body so that the legs are on the bench, there is no torso from the waist. To carry out inclinations, having previously fixed the feet.
  • If you have a horizontal bar at home, you can do twisting - hanging on the crossbar, you need to bend your legs, while pushing them to the sides.

Follow the exercises - if performed incorrectly, pumping will be ineffective and the desire to become beautiful may disappear in principle.

Stage two for the press

As soon as the above exercises become insufficient to strengthen the press, you can proceed to the second stage. Here you should continue with the tasks listed above in order to maintain the side press

And add the following to them:

  • In the supine position, remove one hand behind the head. Perform body raises so that the arm behind the head and the "one-sided" leg are in contact. Switch sides and do at least 20 lifts.
  • In the previous starting position, it is necessary to bend the legs at the knees and remove the hands behind the head, securing them at the back of the head. Do twisting - lift the body, trying to reach the opposite knee with the elbow. it the right way pump up the side press.
  • You can pump up the side press with the same exercise on the horizontal bar - only now it is necessary to fix in a position with raised bent legs at the knees for the maximum available time.

A pumped abs and lateral muscles is an intense workout followed by a characteristic burning sensation in the muscles. If this is not the case, then the intensity and complexity will have to be increased.

Stage three for the press

For guys and girls, pumping the side press is a characteristic relief not only on the stomach, but also on the sides. The lateral muscles will have to be pumped constantly - the lateral muscles are less involved in the implementation simple movements during the day. In order not to lose the already acquired attractive forms, you will have to go to the third stage of the exercises.

Here are the following:

  • You can support the strengthened oblique muscles by tilting with weighting - a barbell is placed on the shoulders for uniformity and tilts to the sides.
  • The previous exercise can be improved by tilting with turns of the body.
  • If training was carried out regularly, it means that the muscles of the sides are already trained and endurance has increased. To pump even more press with side components, you should hook on the horizontal bar and raise your legs in upright position parallel to the floor. In this position, without stopping, it is necessary to describe the arc with your feet.

It is difficult to cope with the task, but it is possible. To do this, one should have not so much physical fitness and endurance as strength of mind and responsibility to oneself. Surprisingly, most of those who decide to transform gradually stop doing the exercises - not only at home, but in principle. The beauty of the body itself will not please you all the time - you will have to work hard to keep your shape.

Hello fellow athletes. In this article, as you could already understand, we will talk about how to pump up the side press. Any sport and any physical exercise is a good thing, but the exercises you need to do should depend on your goals. For example, you can’t do it with the help of press exercises alone. Of course, various ones can help a lot, but they cannot solve the problem alone.

If we're talking about side press, then, most often, we mean the oblique muscles of the abdomen. These muscles are divided into several groups, namely internal oblique and external. Here again, I would like to clarify what is meant by external ones, which can stand out beautifully. These muscles are attached to the ribs from above, and to the pelvic bones from below. A person with developed abdominal muscles, both oblique and straight, looks quite beautiful, but do not forget about the rest of the body muscles. And, of course, I would like to say that if there are many subcutaneous fat, then no one will see your beautiful muscles.

So ... In general, we figured it out. Let's now look at exercises that will help pump obliques. There are many variations, but the principle is the same: the oblique muscles work while bending the body to the sides and turning the body.

Let's take a look at the following exercises:

  1. Tilts with weight
  2. Lying leg raises

Tilts with weight

You can use anything as a weight: kettlebell, dumbbell, building block, sandbag and so on. We need one projectile, which we will keep on the side. Of course, it all depends on your initial training, but I think that many will initially be able to train with a projectile of 8 kg. Of course, before you start doing the exercises, you need to warm up well - do inclinations, turns, and so on. For example, we have a kettlebell - we take it in one hand and hold it on the side next to the leg. We stand exactly in the initial position, then we lower the weight down, also from the side along the leg. Then we return to the starting position along the same route. We perform 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Lying leg raises

We lie down on our side, resting our elbows on the floor and putting our palms lower hand on the body. We simply put the second hand on the back of the head. In this position, perform leg raises. There is nothing difficult in the technique of this exercise. As you do this, feel the contraction of your oblique muscles. We do 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Turns of the body in a sitting position

The next exercise that will help us get closer to the goal is torso twists. Exercise should be performed while sitting, as this allows you to leave the pelvis motionless. Sitting on a bench, you need to put a barbell on your shoulders, or other weighting, in order to slightly load the muscles of the core, and in particular the oblique ones. Now just make turns left and right. Do not rush - try to feel how the muscles work.

The lateral abdominal muscles are a muscle group consisting of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transverse abdominis muscles. You can see only the largest, external muscle, which runs from the chest along an oblique slope to the lower abdomen. The rest are hidden from our eyes. The internal oblique muscle is in a perpendicular position to the external one under it.

The external muscles are responsible for turning the torso left and right, the internal muscle is responsible for tilting the torso. The whole group is a "corset", which in Everyday life little involved. It is only possible to pump up this group not only at home special exercises. It is worth remembering this when starting bodybuilding.

When lifting big weights protection of the spine is required, which is provided precisely by the lateral abdominal muscles.

The exercise technique for both sexes is the same, with the only difference being that women should not use an additional load in order to avoid the appearance of extra centimeters of the waist.

For proper conduct training should follow a number of simple rules:

  • Food. Two to three hours before exercising, it is worth refreshing. You need energy to exercise, but you should not fill your stomach to capacity, this can lead to unpleasant symptoms. You should not eat immediately after a workout either, just eat an apple and drink a glass of water. And only after an hour to consume something more significant.
  • Warm up. To begin with, you should warm up the body by doing a classic series of exercises: jumping, running in place, turns, rotations, tilts.
  • Mode. You should train no more than 4 times a week, but not less than two.
  • Muscle stretching. While exercising, you should feel the tension of the muscle frame.
  • Do not be alarmed if you feel very tired, for beginners - this is normal. After a few sessions, fatigue will be less, and it will be easier to pump up muscles.

Important! During the exercises, keep your back straight and your shoulders straight, concentrating efforts in the abdomen.

Effective standing exercises

  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lock your hands behind your head. Lean, without turning the body, left and right to the maximum position. The exercise is performed in 2 sets, each with 20 repetitions for men, for women one set is enough.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward, slightly bent. Inhaling slowly turn the body to the right, the legs remain in place. Exhaling, take the starting position. The exercise is performed in 2 sets, 20 repetitions in each direction by men, 1 set by women.
  • Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up. Exhaling, lower yourself forward, twisting the press at the waist and touching the opposite leg with your hand. Inhaling, take the starting position. Do the same with the opposite arm and leg. Perform one set in each direction, 20 repetitions.

Effective exercises in the lying position

Side scroll

  1. Lie on the floor with your knees slightly bent, your heels ideally close to your buttocks.
  2. Close your hands in a lock behind your head.
  3. Inhaling, lower your hips to the side until your knees touch the floor.
  4. Exhaling, slowly return the hips to their original position.
  5. Performed once for 10 repetitions.

Hull lifting

  1. The position is the same, put your feet on your right thigh.
  2. Exhaling, raise the body to the maximum point, hold in this position for 2 seconds, exhale, gently lower it down.
  3. Repeat 15 times on one side and the other.

Blade lift

  1. We also lie with our knees slightly bent, hands on top shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tighten your abs and lift each shoulder blade alternately with your hand.
  3. When performing the exercise, remember that the shoulder blades should tend to the spine, and the pelvis should lie on the floor.
  4. Perform 2 sets of 9 reps.

Body flexion

  1. We lie down, leave the legs bent, fix the shins parallel to the floor surface, arms extended in different sides, head raised.
  2. Pull your shoulders back.
  3. Exhaling, stretch your hand to the heel of your foot. Approaches - 2, repetitions - 9.

Hull lifting

  1. Also lying down, put your right foot on the floor surface, the left one is placed on top.
  2. Bring the right hand behind the head, the left hand is extended perpendicular to the body with the palm up.
  3. Do not lift your pelvis, keep your elbow pointing to the side.
  4. Press your head on the wound arm, the press should be as tense as possible, and with your chest strive forward until the scapula leaves the floor.
  5. Slowly take up the starting position.
  6. The exercise is performed in 2 sets of 9 repetitions. Beginners can be divided into 3 approaches.


If you are involved in a sport that requires endurance strong blows on the torso, then it is necessary to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles, and these exercises are required. It is also important for bodybuilders to pump this muscle group, as heavy weights can damage the spine.

Developed lateral muscles of the press will prevent the formation of hernias, displacement of discs.

Absolutely everyone wants to have a beautiful torso. It is enough to train at home for a month to get used to the loads, pump up the abdominal muscles and make training a pleasant habit that you don’t want to give up.