Pump oblique abdominal muscles. Exercises to help pump up the lateral muscles of the press: recommendations and rules for performing

Hello fellow athletes. In this article, as you could already understand, we will talk about how to pump up the side press. Any sport and any physical exercise is a good thing, but the exercises you need to do should depend on your goals. For example, you can’t do it with the help of press exercises alone. Of course, various ones can help a lot, but they cannot solve the problem alone.

If we are talking about the lateral press, then, most often, we mean the oblique muscles of the abdomen. These muscles are divided into several groups, namely internal oblique and external. Here again, I would like to clarify what is meant by external ones, which can stand out beautifully. These muscles are attached to the ribs from above, and to the pelvic bones from below. A person with developed abdominal muscles, both oblique and straight, looks quite beautiful, but do not forget about the rest of the body muscles. And, of course, I would like to say that if there are many subcutaneous fat, then no one will see your beautiful muscles.

So ... In general, we figured it out. Let's now look at exercises that will help pump obliques. There are many variations, but the principle is the same: the oblique muscles work while bending the body to the sides and turning the body.

Let's take a look at the following exercises:

  1. Tilts with weight
  2. Lying leg raises

Tilts with weight

You can use anything as a weight: kettlebell, dumbbell, building block, sandbag and so on. We need one projectile, which we will keep on the side. Of course, it all depends on your initial training, but I think that many will initially be able to train with a projectile of 8 kg. Of course, before you start doing the exercises, you need to warm up well - do inclinations, turns, and so on. For example, we have a kettlebell - we take it in one hand and hold it on the side next to the leg. We stand exactly in the initial position, then we lower the weight down, also from the side along the leg. Then we return to the starting position along the same route. We perform 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Lying leg raises

We lie down on our side, resting our elbow on the floor and placing the palm of the lower hand on the torso. We simply put the second hand on the back of the head. In this position, perform leg raises. There is nothing difficult in the technique of this exercise. As you do this, feel the contraction of your oblique muscles. We do 5 sets of 10-20 repetitions.

Turns of the body in a sitting position

The next exercise that will help us get closer to the goal is torso twists. Exercise should be performed while sitting, as this allows you to leave the pelvis motionless. Sitting on a bench, you need to put a barbell on your shoulders, or other weighting, in order to slightly load the muscles of the core, and in particular the oblique ones. Now just make turns left and right. Do not rush - try to feel how the muscles work.

Here you train and train, you seem to have gained some form and even the press cubes are visible. But the trouble is, it does not look the way we would like, namely, it has not been worked out lateral muscles press.

This is not the case, you can’t ignore them in any way, because you either do it or you don’t - no half measures are needed. So, how to build oblique abdominal muscles so that everyone will go crazy when they see you on the beach, or at least look sideways.

The main task of the side press

- It does not exist in order to win the hearts of the opposite sex, although we use it most often for this.

His real task is elsewhere. The oblique or external abdominal muscles are constantly at work, as they support our torso in an upright position. Participate in turns and tilts of the body to the sides.

They also take on a considerable load when carrying heavy loads. That is, by carrying packages from the store home, you, to some extent, train the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Where do they fit

– In many sports where you need a sharp turn of the body or its fixation to perform an action.

Among them: boxing, wrestling, throwing a shot and a hammer, weightlifting, etc., etc. But in professional sports, these muscles may not be visible.

In bodybuilding and fitness, athletes perform completely different tasks; a good relief press is important to them. And it is achieved not by training, but by a balanced diet.

Point worth knowing about

- Although in many articles they write that by training the oblique muscles of the abdomen, the waist becomes narrower - this is not so.

Moreover, this is complete nonsense.. Swinging the lateral muscles of the press, the waist by no means can become smaller. After all, this is logical, the muscle increases, therefore, the waist circumference increases with it.

However, if you train them, then the stomach may visually appear thinner. But, only visually, and only if the muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower body are developed in proportion.


“If you are only interested in the visual appearance of the press, then you need to train them in easy mode to acquire and maintain tone "

Training for maximum hypertrophy in this case is undesirable.

3 exercises for pumping oblique abdominal muscles

– These exercises, in the future, will make your abdominal muscles an example to follow. :

  • Body lift with rotation
  • Side crunches
  • Pullover with dumbbell

Each of them individually, frankly, will just waste your time. To obtain a relatively fast and high-quality result, it is necessary to alternate or combine them.

Body lift with rotation

When asked how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, this exercise immediately comes to mind.

It can be done on the floor sports ground(you know there is special pipes to fix the legs?) or an incline bench in gym.

How to do:

  • Sit on the floor or bench;
  • Put your hands behind your head and close it in the lock at the back of your head, fix your legs;
  • Lean back while inhaling, keeping the muscles in tension;
  • As you exhale, lift your torso and touch your left elbow to your right knee. Then lean back again, and then, rise and touch your right elbow to your left knee.

I don’t know if it’s worth explaining, but if you do this exercise on the floor, then you need to fix your legs bent at the knees.

Side crunches

This exercise places more emphasis on the lateral abdominal muscles than the previous one, and also works the serratus lateral muscle.

How to do:

  • First you need to lie on your side, bend your knees at 90 degrees and pull up perpendicular to your stomach;
  • The hand that is on top must be placed behind the head;
  • From this position, perform a slow rise.

After you do right amount repetitions, do the same, only on the other side.


  • To maintain balance when performing side crunches, bottom hand hold on to your knee.
  • No need to try to lift yourself by the head, work with the lateral muscles of the press.

Pullover with dumbbell

Great exercise for pectoral muscles, especially cool for them to finish them off at the end of a workout.


What's with the oblique abdominal muscles?

- Nothing. Almost…

The fact is that the pullover seriously loads the lateral serratus muscles. And, in my opinion, except for a pullover, it is impossible to pump them up to a normal look.

By the way, they play an important role in building a quality torso. Therefore, the pullover should not be neglected.

I won't describe the technique. This is how lazy I am. In addition, I wrote a detailed article about this exercise ().

A little about the principles of diet

- To pump up the oblique muscles of the abdomen, this is only the first task. The second is to make them visible.

To do this, you have to get rid of excess fat. Like it or not, you need to follow a diet, otherwise no one will see your efforts.

If you are not very fat (th), then it will be enough to limit yourself in carbohydrates and transfer their use to the first half of the day. In a month or two, everything will be as it should be.

Well, if you only have 10 kilograms on your stomach, then you don’t have to think about the oblique muscles of the abdomen. First you need to seriously lose weight, competent drying will help here, which can take from three to five months.

Useful articles:

So the bottom line

Now you know how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles, what exercises to use, and how important it is to combine training with proper nutrition. But knowing does not mean doing. Do you want a nice lean body? If you want everyone to open their mouths in surprise at your sight, then get together and act. Everything will work out for you! JUST DO IT!

I greet you, the most slender and pumped ladies and gentlemen! If you got here, then you are probably interested in how you can look even better? How to make your body truly perfect? A good muscle corset in the abdominal area will give you not only beautiful figure and envious looks, but also the excellent functioning of internal organs, digestion without failures, and, as a result, good health.

Brief anatomical excursion

If you are at least a little familiar with anatomy, then you know that in the abdominal area we have rectus muscles - this is a large group from the pubis to the ribs. But our silhouette is formed precisely by the oblique muscles, both external and internal. In addition, there are also transverse muscles that lie under the layer of the aforementioned fibers.

Our conversation today will touch on the study of the waist zone, I once wrote about, which also contributes to the study of the waist. And today we will learn how to pump up the oblique muscles of the press.

Attention! Be careful when pumping oblique muscles, otherwise you will get wide and not beautiful waist! I would not recommend pumping oblique muscles at all! Pump only the rectus abdominis, then if it is not enough, you can also pump oblique ones.

This group is mainly responsible for turning the body to the sides. External oblique muscles can be easily seen on the body of well-pumped and dried athletes. They literally encircle your waist from the sternum to the lower abdomen.

Such fibers work in a mirror image, that is, contractions of the left oblique muscle turn the body to the right and vice versa. It is unrealistic to see the internal oblique muscles, because they lie under the external ones.

preliminary stage

Before any workout, you will need to prepare. At this stage, it is worth observing simple rules. For example, it is not recommended to eat about 2 hours before the upcoming loads. However, exercise on an empty stomach should also not be done. Therefore, have a light snack during the indicated period of time to get maximum return from the body.

By the way, immediately after a workout, it will also be harmful to stuff the stomach tightly. Wait at least half an hour and then eat. To satisfy your hunger after class, have a snack with a banana or an apple.

Regardless of where you train: at home or in the gym - start your workouts with a small warm-up that activates blood circulation and prepares muscles and ligaments for the upcoming challenges.

Usually these are the simplest complexes, for example, jogging on a track, pedaling on a bicycle, or simply rotating large articular groups, as well as tilting and turning the body. You can make a beautiful waist in 3-4 workouts a week. It’s not worth doing more, so as not to overstrain.

Did you know:

Cheap gainers often contain a lot of sugar. See composition. After all, sugar can be bought much cheaper.

It is better to warm up and not work out than to work out without warming up.

All specialists of our site who write articles and answer your questions are professional trainers and doctors

Muscle pain after a workout is the result of microtrauma in muscle fibers

The ideal weight for women, from the point of view of aesthetics, is height minus 113. From the point of view of physiology: height minus 110

The ideal rate for weight gain is 1 kg per week. If faster, then in addition to muscle there will be a lot of fat

Whatever your strict diet, you should not consume less than 1100 kcal per day

The ideal weight loss rate is 1 kg per week. If you lose weight faster, your muscles will break down

25% of beginners at the first workout experience a state close to fainting. This is due to a sudden drop in pressure.

When losing weight, you need to reduce the total caloric content of the diet due to fats and carbohydrates, but not due to proteins.

Curvature of the spine can be corrected with strength exercises only in childhood and adolescence

You can't force your body to burn fat in only one specific place.

Men lose strength after sex. Women are increasing. Therefore, it is better for men to abstain before training.

Women's breasts cannot be reduced or enlarged through exercise. After all, it consists mainly of adipose tissue

Until the 1920s, there were no squat and bench racks in the gyms. And the bar was taken from the floor.

Abdominal and glute exercises allow women to achieve orgasm faster and easier

Sports nutrition can increase the effectiveness of your workouts by about 15%

To increase the biceps by 1 cm, you need to build up about 4 kg of muscle throughout the body

If you feel weak and dizzy while exercising, then most likely you have low blood pressure. Drink sweet juice between sets

3-4 months after the start of training, a person develops a physiological dependence on training

How to pump up the oblique muscles of the press? During any exercise, your muscle fibers should stretch and tighten. If this does not happen, then you are not working correctly. Note that the obliques do not stretch very well, so you will tire fairly quickly. But this reaction is considered normal.

Exercises for beginners

Even if you are a very advanced athlete, but have never played sports, you will not be able to bypass this stage. Of course, one should not expect special results from such classes. Get clear reliefs with their help also will not work. However, you will tone your muscles and strengthen them well.

At this stage, exercises to remove the stomach and sides of the man, as well as the woman, will be next.

Level for advanced athletes

When you already perform the exercises from block 1 without additional effort, proceed to the next step.

  1. Sit comfortably on the gymnastic mat with straightened legs, one hand is behind the head. Now we begin to raise one leg, bent at the knee, and at the same moment we pull the bent elbow towards it.

    After they meet, return to the starting position. Change arm and leg and do this exercise again.
  2. You can make a variant of such a rise when the legs are on the mat (for convenience, bend them at the knees) and are fixed, and the hands are behind the head at the back of the head.

    You only need to raise the body and reach out while twisting with your elbow to the opposite knee.
  3. How to download an oblique press in other ways? Side knee raise . To perform this complex, you need, respectively, to sit on your side, leaning on the substituted elbow. We start the second hand behind the back. Legs are straightened.

    Now simultaneously pull your knees up to your chest, but try to do it in such a way that they do not touch the floor. Relax and do 10-20 repetitions, and then roll over to the other side.
  4. To know how to pump up the sides of the press, you need to understand how your muscles work. Naturally, the more they stretch and contract, as well as strain, the better. Therefore, the most suitable exercises for complication will be twisting on the horizontal bar, where you will experience the maximum load.

    And if earlier we just raised our legs sideways to different levels, now your task will be to linger in extreme points voltage. The longer you can hang like this, the better.

  5. One of the most difficult ways work on the horizontal bar is turns. We firmly hold on to the crossbar and begin to describe the arc with our feet in the air. This exercise requires excellent coordination.
  6. Do you think I told you about all the ways to pump up an oblique press? Of course not! I have a couple more blanks for the strongest and most stubborn. We will do slopes with a neck. To do this, you will need either a short 10 kg bar or a long 15 or 20 kg bar.

    Feet shoulder-width apart, and the handle of the neck rests on the trapezium. Now we make tilts to the sides, trying to fix in order to feel all the stretching of the muscles. Make sure that the body does not deviate from a straight axis.
  7. Want to diversify? Make exactly the same slopes, but with a turn. Try to stand very steady so as not to lose your balance. After all, you will have to lean forward and at the same time tuck the body to the side towards the opposite leg.
  8. To narrow your waist will help the following invention of fitness instructors, which is called "Lumberjack". To do it, you need a simulator with an upper block. Grasp the soft handle with both hands and pull it from the right shoulder to the left leg and vice versa, making chopping movements.

    So, today we studied how to pump up the side press at home and what can be done in the gym for these muscles.

The desire to have a beautiful torso is fully justified. But any toned figure starts with a narrow waist and a flat stomach. Therefore, many begin their first workouts with huge loads for abdominals. This approach will not help to make the waist narrow, since for this you need to work out much more muscle press exercises. One of the main places in the formation of the muscular frame is played by the lateral muscles. But how to pump up the side press at home to get thin waist in the shortest possible time?

It must be understood that the amount of load should be normal on the muscles of the press and sides. Excessive effort can cause this area to grow. And if for men this indicator is not so important, then women and girls clearly do not need such a result after intensive exercise on the press. Therefore, one should look for optimal balance the level of loads on different muscle groups with a focus on the result that you want to get. The side press is very difficult to work out with exercises, and therefore the first volumes of loads should be determined only with the participation of a trainer. He will also make sure that every movement is carried out correctly.

The basis of all side exercises performed in a vertical position are slopes. You need to perform them, calculating and controlling every movement. Accordingly, tension is felt only in this area.

The oblique abdominal muscles require a special approach and careful execution of movements. This is the key to proper training. If you choose a complex for classes, taking into account your own physiology, then the results will not be long in coming. Here are the basic exercises for the side press.

Exercise #1

IP exercises for the lateral press: stand straight and as stable as possible. Put your hands behind your head. Feet shoulder-width apart. If classes go without dumbbells, then from this position, first tilt to the right. Then the same number of tilts to the left is done. The body should not deviate forward or backward when moving. At the same time, there should also be no painful sensations - only tension in the sides.

Exercise #2

IP exercises for the side press: as in the previous exercise, but the dumbbell is taken in the right hand, and the left is placed on the back of the head, and tilts are performed to the right. Dumbbell at head level. After completing a certain number of times, transfer the dumbbell to another hand and continue training. During the execution, pain should not be present in the lateral muscles of the press. By the way, with dumbbells with a slight weight, there will be no pumping of the waist. This will only slightly increase the load.

Exercise #3

IP exercises for the lateral press: as in the previous exercises. Hands placed at shoulder level extended forward. To tilt the body forward, while right hand try to touch the toe of the left foot, and then return to the PI. After bending over and touching the toe right foot left hand. This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

Exercise #4

To work out the lower part of the oblique muscles, you can perform leg swings. IP exercises for the side press: stand with your right side to the fulcrum (for example, the back of a chair or swedish wall). Rest your right hand on it. After that, start lifting your left leg to the side. At the same time, it is necessary to control the amplitude of movement so that the limb does not deviate during the exercise on the lateral abdominal muscles at home either forward or backward.

Important! If it is not possible to work out in the gym, then you can do a set of exercises at home, in front of a mirror, which will allow you to see how accurately you follow the recommendations.

This is enough simple moves for the side press, which should be done as carefully as possible so that the load goes exactly to the sides. Therefore, the first training is best done with a specialist.

Exercises from a horizontal position

A set of exercises for the muscles of the lateral press (laterals) is also considered very effective. At correct execution it relieves the load from most of the body, while in the process of movement, with proper execution, the main share of the load falls on the trained areas - on the lateral muscles of the press.

Exercise #1

IP exercises for the lateral press: lying on your back, stretch your arms forward, bend your legs at the knees. Twisting is done. Hands stretch alternately to the left, then to the right, lifting the body a little above the ground with the effort of the muscles of the press and sides.

Exercise #2

Reverse crunches for the side press. Place your hands on the floor in line with your shoulders. During the exercise, the shoulder girdle is stationary, not coming off the surface. The legs are bent at the knees at a right angle and raised above the floor with tension in the abdominal muscles. You begin to perform the exercise: lower your legs alternately to the right, then to the left, trying to press either on one side or on the other with your thigh to the floor. Movements should be smooth and measured, and the load mainly falls on the oblique muscles of the press and sides.

Exercise #3

Another type of twisting for the side press. IP: lying on your back, stretch your arms along the sides of the body and lift above the floor. Lift off the surface with your shoulders to tighten your abdominal muscles. The legs are bent at the knees and the heels are as close to the buttocks as possible. Now try, by swinging the body to the right to the left, touch the palms to inside ankles alternately (pendulum movements).

Exercise #4

IP exercises for the side press: lying on your back, hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Raising the body, you should try to alternately touch the left knee with the elbow of the right hand, and the right knee with the left elbow. Only the body rises, while the legs remain in their original position.

Exercise #5

IP exercises for the lateral press: lying on your side, lean as steadily as possible on the elbow joint of one hand and with the palm of the other, make support in front of the chest. From this position, as smoothly and slowly as possible, try to raise both legs above the floor at once, as much as possible for you. This should be done with the force of the muscles of the lateral press. After a few repetitions, switch sides.

Important! During the first workouts, you can not overload your body. Otherwise, you will not be able to study next time, which will lead to a violation of the class schedule. It is better to increase the load gradually, and at first do it without weights.

As you can see, horizontal exercises for the muscles of the lateral press are based on twisting the body. This is one of the best natural movements for the human body, which, when performed regularly, gives the best results. How to properly pump the side press at home can be answered by special video tutorials suitable for both men and women.

Exercises while sitting and using the horizontal bar

From a sitting position, you can also pump up your sides and abs. To do this, you should sit on the very edge of the seat so that your legs are on the floor, fixing the lower half of the body. IP: put your hands behind your head, sitting on the edge of a chair. Rotate the body left and right, while straining the oblique muscles of the press. Remember that your feet should be completely on the floor. Also include the lateral abdominal muscles in the work. Despite the simplicity, this exercise gives an excellent effect.

Remember! It’s not scary if fatigue comes quickly during the first workouts. Weakened muscles are developed gradually, and therefore it will be possible to defeat this condition only by perseverance and regular exercise.

A beautiful figure is the dream of every girl. But fat folds on the stomach and sides often spoil the picture and make you lose self-confidence. However, when right approach for training in a short time, you can find the desired relief. We offer you to get acquainted with how to pump up the side press at home, find out which exercises will be the most effective, and also get recommendations on proper nutrition.

The so-called lateral press is formed by the oblique abdominal muscles, which are divided into two types - internal and external, each of them has its own functions. The inner ones are aimed at protecting the abdominal organs, and the outer ones visually form the sides. In general, the muscles help to bend and unbend, rotate the body, support the back. Their development and strengthening is necessary not only for a beautiful toned body but also for health.

Please note: the lateral abdominal muscles have a direct impact on how the outlines of the figure will look, therefore, if you approach their training incorrectly, you can achieve a wide, ugly waist and an H-shaped silhouette, which does not look feminine at all.

That's why it's important to consider the following:

  1. You should start exercising approximately 2 hours after a meal. Also, before training and during it, you do not need to drink a lot of water, a couple of sips to quench your thirst is enough. After completing the complex, it is recommended to eat no earlier than an hour later.
  2. The obligatory beginning of each lesson is a warm-up, it will prepare the muscles for the load and help to avoid sprains and injuries. It can be jumps, a series of turns and tilts.
  3. The content of each workout should be varied, so you can add strength and cardio exercises to your complex.
  4. Classes at home should be held at least 3 times a week. Only in this case, after 3-3.5 weeks, it will be possible to notice the first improvements.
  5. The load should increase gradually. In the early days, you don't have to chase a large number repetitions. It is much more important to try to deliver "muscle joy" and enjoy the fact that your body is becoming slimmer.

During the exercises, it is very important to retract and tighten the stomach, this will help to fight fat folds even more effectively, as well as prevent back strain, which is often observed in beginners.

The most powerful exercises

Exercises for working out oblique muscles are diverse. Get acquainted with the most effective of them, allowing you to achieve impressive results in a short time.

From a prone position

It is best to pump the side press with simple exercises that require only a gymnastic mat. We offer three of the most effective.

side plank

Helps to work out the side press, due to high load allows you to quickly achieve a noticeable effect.

The execution order is:

  1. Lie down on the floor, focusing on outside feet and a palm placed exactly under the shoulder.
  2. The waist and hips form one straight line that goes into the legs.

It is necessary to hold such a position for as long as possible, at first - 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the time to 1.5-2 minutes on each side. It is performed in 3 approaches.

A bike

Another exercise useful for the lateral abdominal muscles, available for performing at home.

It is done like this:

  1. Lie on your back, pressing your lower back firmly to the floor. The arms bent at the elbows are placed behind the head.
  2. Raise your legs.
  3. Alternately bend your legs, making simultaneous movements of the body. The right elbow tends to the left leg and vice versa.

It is performed in 3 sets, between which there is a break of 10 seconds. In each approach, you need to do 10-15 elbow and knee touches.

Mahi legs

It is necessary to take a starting position - lie on your right side, slightly bending your right leg at the knee. Reliance - on this leg and on the arm bent at the elbow, located under the head. Left hand put at the level of the abdomen - it will also become an additional point of support.

The exercise is done like this:

  1. Raise the straight left leg as high as the hip joint allows.
  2. The leg should be straight, abduction to the sides is unacceptable.

Perform 3 sets of 15-20 times with each leg. These lifts also help to train the muscles of the buttocks.

With dumbbells

Side press training with weights will help you quickly achieve a beautiful relief, but girls are not recommended to use big weight(dumbbells 1-1.5 kg is enough).


It is done like this:

  1. Stand up with your legs wider than your shoulders, holding a dumbbell in your hands.
  2. Turn the body to the left, dumbbell in outstretched arms bring over the left shoulder.
  3. After that, turn the body to the right, move the dumbbell to the right knee, moving diagonally and take a squat position.

It is enough for a beginner to perform 8-10 times in each direction, gradually increasing the number of repetitions.


This is the simplest exercise that allows you to pump up the lateral abdominal muscles at home.

It is done like this:

  1. Stand up, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart, in lowered hands on a dumbbell.
  2. Do tilts from side to side, trying to act with maximum amplitude.
  3. At the maximum point below, fix the body for 2 counts, then straighten up and repeat in the other direction.

It is enough for girls to complete 3 sets of 10-15 tilts in each direction.

The best standing exercise is leg swings

To work out the lateral muscles of the press, performing swings from a standing position is most suitable.

It is done like this:

  1. Stand up to the support, back straight, legs together.
  2. Perform a side swing with the left leg with the greatest amplitude, holding the support with the right hand.

Do 3 sets of 10-15 swings in each direction.

On the horizontal bar

Meet another very effective exercise that allows you to pump up the lateral muscles - twisting on the horizontal bar.

It is done like this:

  1. Hang on the bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Raise your legs bent at the knees to chest level.
  3. Move your legs right and left.

Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Ready effective complexes

Get acquainted with the sets of exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles, which will help you get a beautiful waist.

For newbies

For those who have just started working on perfect body you can do the following exercises:

  • slopes;
  • swing with straight legs from a prone position;
  • twisting on the horizontal bar.

Middle level

The following exercises will help improve your results:

  • side plank;
  • tilts with dumbbells;
  • a bike;
  • on the horizontal bar, you can additionally perform lateral leg raises: from a hanging position, raise your legs bent at the knees, but not straight, but to the left, fix for 2-3 seconds, lower, repeat to the right.

Advanced level

A powerful complex for those who have been practicing for more than 2 months:

  • tilts with dumbbells;
  • tilts with turns of the body (legs wider than shoulders, arms extended to the sides): the body moves in the direction forward - down, after which it turns to the right, then the movement is repeated to the left;
  • woodcutter;
  • swing your legs.

Ideally, each exercise is performed for 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions, but you can start with 10 repetitions.


It is strictly forbidden to pump the lateral muscles of the press in the following cases:

  • hernia (vertebral, umbilical, inguinal);
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthma;
  • nephrosis;
  • prolapse of the internal organs of the small pelvis.

In the case of pregnancy, intensive training for the press is also prohibited. However, adapted exercises will help keep the muscles in good shape, which must be selected together with the doctor.

Training Mistakes

In order for the training to take place with maximum productivity, and the stomach and sides quickly take on the desired shape, you need to know the main mistakes and avoid them.

Not allowed:

  1. No workout.
  2. Using the same type of exercises.
  3. Wrong breathing. During exercise, the muscles need oxygen, so at the moment of tension, inhale is taken, and when relaxed, exhale.

Therefore, each workout should begin with warm-up exercises, and the main part should include a variety of movements.

  1. You need to eat in small portions 4-5 times a day.
  2. Completely exclude flour products, sweets, carbonated drinks and smoking from the diet. Ketchup and mayonnaise are also banned.
  3. basis healthy eating should be eggs, lean meat and fish, cottage cheese, buckwheat, cereals, rice.
  4. Sitting on strict diets during active training is unacceptable, since the body must receive all the necessary elements.
  5. Drink at least 2 liters of water, but do not abuse the liquid before and during training.

These tips will help you achieve an attractive and slim body faster.


In the next video you will see some more very effective exercises for the lateral abdominal muscles.

Another video contains a whole range of exercises for the oblique muscles.