How to pump oblique muscles. How to pump up a side press in the kitchen and what does lumberjacks have to do with it

If the exercises designed to pump the abdomen are more or less known to most people, then not everyone knows the abdomen. Such classes are distinguished by a complex technique of execution and are not always suitable for untrained people. In addition, they often require additional equipment, which not everyone can have. That's why the best place to perform such exercises - a gym.

Important! The visual effect of exercises designed to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles will be noticeable much later, in comparison with exercises aimed at pumping other muscle groups. Therefore, one should not count on a quick result here.

Today, many men and women dream of embossed abs. After all, the abdominal muscles are among the most visible and beautiful in the human body. And in order to succeed in this field, you need A complex approach. Below we will look at how to strengthen the abdominal muscles at home.

Features of exercises for oblique abdominal muscles

AT Everyday life we rarely push lateral muscles belly. Therefore, training is essential for their development. To do this, you will need the following additional equipment: gymnastic balls, dumbbells and specialized simulators.

Incline with a dumbbell in the opposite hand

Important! With excessive enthusiasm for this exercise, you can pump the abdominal muscles so much that “loss of the waist” will occur. Therefore, for men and women, for whom the aesthetic appearance is more important than muscle volume, these exercises are not recommended. You can also perform slopes with minimal weight or no weight at all.

In order to properly perform this exercise, you must first take a special stance:

  • Straighten up, taking the dumbbell in your left hand in such a grip that the fingers look in your direction.
  • Place your right hand on your belt.
  • Spread your legs shoulder-width apart.

The exercise must be performed as follows:

  • Exhale and slowly tilt the body to the right side. Make as low a slope as you can.
  • At the bottom point, you need to pause, after which you can return to the starting position.

  • Now lean in the same way opposite side.
  • After completing the planned number of repetitions, transfer the dumbbell to the other hand, and then repeat the exercise from the first paragraph.

Advice! Remember that the movement when tilting should occur exclusively in the lower back.


These exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles are performed on the floor, which limits the range of motion. it perfect choice for beginners, since such activities do not require you to purchase any shells.

Consider how to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles through twists:

  • Lie on your back.

  • Place your palms behind your head.
  • Now you should try, keeping your back straight, reach with your right elbow to your left knee (bending your leg and turning your torso).
  • Stretch for a second or two, then return to the starting position.
  • Now do the same with the left elbow and right knee.
  • Do 15-20 of these exercises in one set.

This technique allows you to pump the oblique muscles of the press right at home, without using any additional shells. As a burden between sets, you can perform the usual exercises for pumping the press.

Other Oblique Abdominal Exercises

We looked at the two most common methods for pumping the oblique muscles of the abdomen. In addition to them, there are a number of exercises that allow you to achieve this effect:

  • Fitball classes are perfect for girls. To perform such exercises, you need to take a gymnastic ball and lie on your back, performing ordinary twists, the technique of which was described above. Such classes have an increased amplitude, and therefore they are sure to suit everyone, with the exception of beginners.
  • Adaptation of exercises on uneven bars and horizontal bar. If you're into obliques, you'll need to modify your leg raises a bit to get great results. To do this, you need to raise your legs not evenly, but throw them first to the right, and then to the left.

A very effective exercise is twisting on the horizontal bar or pendants.

  • Exercise "lumberjack" on the block. These classes also give good results.

Regarding the last exercise, it is necessary to give some explanations on the technique of its implementation. So the starting position will be:

  • We fasten the I-handle to the block.
  • Next, we stand sideways to the block stand. It is desirable to put the legs wider, slightly bending them at the knees.
  • Leaving the pelvis in its original position, turn your body towards the block, holding the handle with both hands. The muscles of the back and the press must be kept in static tension.

Now let's look at how to do this exercise:

  • Hold the handle of the block with both hands, while making a chopping movement from top to bottom with a turn of the body.
  • Turning the body, try to bend the knees even more, while you need to pull the handle of the block to the foot located farthest from the block itself.
  • The handle must be lowered as low as possible, while not allowing the feet to leave the floor. It is forbidden to change the position of the feet during this exercise.
  • At the bottom point, you should make a short pause, then return to the starting position.

Advice! You should start this exercise with a small weight. At the same time, you need to follow the technique, performing all actions accentuated slowly. Do not perform this exercise with a relaxed abs.

The programs of many trainees do not contain. And this is one of the most common mistakes. As mentioned above, in everyday life, the load on these muscles is minimal, and therefore, in the process of regular loads, they will not pump up.

Among the exercises described above, you should choose one or two that will best suit your physical condition.

All of the above exercises should be performed after a thorough warm-up. Do them for 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions each. The frequency of training should be about three times a week.

The video shows the best exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen

Adding exercises to the oblique abdominal muscles to the exercise program will allow you to achieve the following effect:

  • For men - to develop a muscular corset.
  • For women - to gain a thin waist and harmony.

In addition, a well-pumped external oblique muscle of the abdomen allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • Strengthening the lumbar spine.
  • Maintaining posture.

  • Getting rid of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal region.
  • Increased stability in contact sports such as hockey, football, rugby, boxing, etc.


As you can see, in addition to aesthetic beauty, pumping the oblique abdominal muscles allows you to achieve a number of positive effects. Therefore, it is desirable to include such exercises in the training program, especially for experienced athletes.

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A beautiful, proportional figure in girls or an inflated torso in a man is possible only with long-term systematic physical education and sports. If you ask the question: “What is the first thing that catches your eye when assessing the condition of a person’s muscles?”, Many will say that well-trained abdominal muscles will be the central element. Moreover, the “press” will mean that not only straight lines are well developed, but also oblique abdominal muscles.

We offer you the best complexes with which you can make your body as beautiful as possible. More information can be found in the section.

An example worth striving for

And if for pumping the rectus abdominis muscle, such as lifting the body or legs in a prone position, on the horizontal bar, uneven bars, wall bars, the use of simulators for the press, etc. are even more or less known and intuitive for most people, then the side press is much more difficult to train.

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for oblique abdominal muscles often have a more complex technique, are not always suitable for untrained people, or require additional equipment that not everyone has at home. It is also worth noting that for the lateral muscles they give a visual effect much later than, for example, for the legs or back. Nevertheless, the result obtained in such a difficult way will give you incomparable pleasure from the work done.

The structure of the oblique abdominal muscles

The group of lateral muscles includes two symmetrical relative to the vertical axis of the body, external and internal muscles. outdoor visible oblique muscles, which start from the lower part of the chest and slope towards the bottom belly, partially intertwined with the rectus abdominis on one side, and pectoral muscles with another. They are responsible for turning the body, moreover, contraction of the left half of the muscle turns the body to the right and vice versa. The inner muscle, which is not visible, is perpendicular to the outer muscle below it, and its contraction along with the outer causes your body to lean forward.

Knowing the structure, you can train better

Exercises for the external abdominal muscles

In everyday life, a person rarely exposes this muscle group to serious loads, giving the slightest growth effect. Therefore, their most rapid and correct development is carried out during training, often with the help of additional equipment: dumbbells, gymnastic balls and other simulators.

The list of exercises for the press when performing strains external oblique muscle as well as other muscles belly will train optimally looks like this:

  1. Tilts with dumbbells in the opposite hand. (It is worth noting that excessive enthusiasm for this exercise and the use big weights can pump your obliques, which will cause "losing the waist", as in the photo. Therefore, this exercise is not recommended for women and those men for whom an aesthetic appearance is more important than increasing muscle volume or strength. Therefore, you can perform such an exercise without weights or with minimal weight.

Tilts with dumbbells - video

To comply with the execution technique, first of all, you need to take the correct stance:

  • Stand up straight and take a dumbbell in your left hand, gripping your fingers towards you.
  • It is better to leave the opposite hand on the belt.
  • Feet should be placed approximately shoulder-width apart.

The exercise is performed as follows:

- Exhaling, slowly tilt the body to the right side as low as possible. After a pause at the bottom point, you can return to the starting position.

- Repeat the above while tilting in the opposite direction.

- After completing the planned number of repetitions, transfer the dumbbell to the other hand and do the same number of repetitions. Do not forget that the movement should occur only in the lower back.

  1. Twisting or reverse twisting of the body. These exercises are performed on the floor, and the range of motion will be limited. Beginners should focus on them, because they do not require the purchase of any shells.

The key to a quick result is only technique!

An example is the exercise of lifting the legs to the sides, which consists of the following stages:

  • The starting position is lying on your back, arms spread apart at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the body.
  • Raise your legs vertically up, then lower your legs until they touch the floor. Now you can raise them to their original position, and start lowering them in the opposite direction. Thus, observing the technique, it is worth progressing the increase in the number of repetitions to 20.

After that, you should think about the use of weights. What they will be is up to you. An alternative to the use of weights can be the fact that you need to perform such exercises for the oblique muscles immediately after the sets for training the rectus abdominis muscles or between them. So, by combining partial lateral crunches with traditional crunches, using the above ab exercise will really work your obliques.

  1. Twisting and other exercises on the gymnastic ball. Due to the increased amplitude, such exercises are perfect for everyone except perhaps complete beginners.
  2. Adaptation of exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. For those who like to pump the press on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to slightly modify the traditional leg raises and get excellent results.
  3. Exercises "lumberjack" on the block. This option gives a good result, although its use by beginners is very controversial. However, in 90% of cases, the equipment for its implementation can only be found in the gym.
Exercises, not only dynamic, but also static

Many trainees do not include exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen in their programs, while they lose quite a lot.

  • Among all the variety, it is worth choosing one or two that are most suitable for your current physical condition.

The correct technique for oblique exercises, which are ideal for home workouts, can be viewed in numerous videos from experienced athletes. The easiest way to find such manuals is on the Youtube website.

All the above exercises should be done after a thorough warm-up, using 2-3 sets of 15-25 repetitions, depending on the characteristics of the body and its condition. The frequency of training can be up to a maximum of three times a week. Most common mistake in the technique for beginners when doing exercises for both the rectus and oblique muscles of the press, there is “cheating” - that is, the work of the main muscles is supplemented by the “help” of other groups. In our case, this is the participation of the muscles that are responsible for flexing the pelvis. Therefore, it is worth considering this problem carefully when developing the right technique.

An important component of an excellent athletic figure for girls is a flat tummy, for the male half - a relief press. The oblique muscles of the abdomen are responsible for their formation. The more developed they are, the thinner the female waist, and the more pronounced for men. V shape torso. In addition to the aesthetic function, the development of this muscle group plays a huge role in holding the internal organs in the desired position.

Anatomy of the oblique muscles of the abdomen

This muscle group is divided into 2 types of muscles: internal, external. The internal one runs under the external oblique muscle, so it is not noticeable.

The main functions of the oblique abdominal muscles are:

  • rotation of the body, spine
  • trunk flexion
  • keeping the torso upright

The lateral abdominal muscles are involved in the formation of a muscular corset, which is very important for proper posture.

Oblique muscle training program

It is important to consider the following: most people have a fat layer in the abdomen. It is difficult to get rid of it with exercise alone. Therefore, do not forget about proper nutrition. In the menu, protein foods should prevail over carbohydrate foods. And it is better to reduce the amount of carbohydrates to zero.

In the first months of training, it is unlikely that it will be possible to perform required number repetitions. Experienced athletes recommend giving their best to the maximum, but not overloading the muscles so as not to injure them. Add one repetition to each workout. If 10 repetitions were performed in the last lesson, then 11 repetitions next time. In addition to gradually increasing the load, observe the correct execution of each exercise. Don't forget to warm up. It will prepare the muscles for stress.

How to pump the oblique muscles of the press, using the exercise "tilts with a dumbbell"

Starting position: the back is straight, the legs are set slightly wider than the shoulders, we fix the hands behind the head. We proceed to tilt the body to the right and left sides alternately. Make sure that the body does not lean forward or backward. As soon as the abdominal muscles are no longer receiving the proper load (a feeling of "burning"), complicate the task by adding a dumbbell.

Technique: the back is straight, the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, we remove one hand behind the head, in the second we take a dumbbell. Tilts are made in the direction in which the projectile is located in the hand. We do the same with the other hand.

How to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the exercises "raising the body to the sides"

We lay down on our side in a special simulator, fix our legs under the rollers, we clasp our hands behind our heads. We proceed to raise the torso up, straining the lateral abdominal muscles. Repeat the same process on the other side.

On a note! If you do not have a special simulator, then the exercise can be carried out on a horizontal bench, and fix the legs with straps or involve a partner to hold them.

Pumping the oblique abdominal muscles using a horizontal bar

Hanging on the horizontal bar, it is necessary to bend the legs until an angle of 90 degrees with the body is formed. The task is to touch the crossbar with your knees. We do not take out our knees in front of us, but we direct them alternately to the sides (for example, first to the left, then to the right).

Advice. You can complicate the exercise as follows: perform lifting to the sides of straightened legs, trying to touch the crossbar with your fingertips.

How to pump the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the slopes with the bar

We take the neck in our hands and lay it on our shoulders, we put our legs a little wider than our shoulders. Select the mass of the neck depending on the level of physical fitness. Untrained people can start with a 10 kg bar, experienced with 20 kg. We proceed to tilt the body to the sides, holding the ends of the projectile with both hands. It is important to control that the body does not deviate forward or backward.

How to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen using the machine with the upper block

The exercise is also called "lumberjack". We stand sideways to the simulator, take hold of the handle with both hands and perform movements that imitate the work of an ax. We pull the handle from the right shoulder diagonally to the left leg. We carry out similar movements on the other side.

How to build oblique abdominal muscles at home

In most cases, home workouts mean the absence of sports equipment and exercise equipment.

Therefore, especially for you, we have selected a number of effective exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles:

  • lateral twisting - carried out in a prone position on the floor. We lay on the right side, we remove our hands behind the head (the head should not touch the floor). When lifting the torso, exhale, when returning to its original position - inhale. Having reached the top point, it is important to linger for 3-4 seconds and only then lower the body back. We do the same on the other side
  • "Lumberjack" - an exercise similar to the one proposed above, only instead of a simulator we use a sandbag. 1.5-2 kg is enough for a woman, 5-6 kg for a man. We set our legs shoulder-width apart, keep the body straight, the bag is on outstretched hand above the right shoulder, the second hand on the belt. Straining the side press, we try to smoothly lower the load diagonally, tending to the left thigh. We return to the original position. We do the same on the other side
  • inclinations of the body - we set the legs slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms are directed strictly upwards. We perform torso forward bends, slightly twisting the press and trying to touch the toes of the left foot with the right hand. Then we start pumping the other side

Tip: do not forget that only high-quality training will bring positive results. It is best to go to the gym for the first time, where the trainer will show and teach you how to perform this or that exercise correctly, and also select an individual set of workouts.

How to pump oblique abdominal muscles in a short time

It is difficult to quickly pump the oblique muscles of the abdomen, since muscle growth does not occur in one or two days. In a short time and with intense loads, you can only injure the muscles. If you want to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles and make your abs even more powerful and attractive, then we recommend that you take your time in this matter, but do everything gradually and wisely, without unnecessarily loading the muscles.

popular and effective exercises To date, for training the side press are:

  • lifting the body with a turn - the exercise can be done anywhere (simulator, floor, bench). The technique for its implementation is described above. 3 sets of 9 reps
  • side twists - to maintain balance, in the process of performing side twists, bottom hand you have to hold on to your knee. Lifting should be carried out only with the help of the oblique abdominal muscles. 3 sets, 10 reps
  • turns on the horizontal bar - you need to hang on the crossbar and begin to describe the “rainbow” with your feet. The floor cannot be touched. We perform 3 sets of 7-8 repetitions

If you perform only one of the presented exercises, then positive result you can't achieve. To achieve the goal, it is important to perform all 3 exercises for the oblique abdominal muscles, periodically alternating them with each other.

Pumping oblique abdominal muscles with professionals

We swing the oblique abdominal muscles - the best exercises from Yuri Spasokukotsky

We perform slopes with one dumbbell to work out the oblique abdominal muscles. When the dumbbell is in the right hand, the left side of the body is trained, and vice versa. Not recommended to take big weight, otherwise you will pump yourself up with massive oblique abdominal muscles, respectively, the waist will become noticeably wider. In the process of performing torso tilts, we try to keep the pelvis motionless.

Tip: You should train with only one dumbbell. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the exercise is lost specifically for the oblique abdominal muscles.

Secrets of the perfect press from Denis Gusev - a selection of the best exercises

  • lateral leg raises in the hang - in the starting position we grab the crossbar with our hands at the width of the shoulder level. Holding your breath, we perform leg lifts at the same time turning them in one direction. Slowly return to the original position. We carry out required amount repetitions first in one direction and then in the other. Throughout the exercise, the body should not swing, otherwise the side press will not receive a quality load.
  • twisting with lifting the body on a bench with a negative slope - we sit on an inclined bench with a slope of 15-30 degrees, we wind our legs behind the rollers. Do not apply inertia during body lifts. The pace of training is smooth. When returning to the starting position, do not touch the bench with your back
  • lifting legs from a prone position on a bench - we lie down on a bench, grab the stop with our hands. Legs should be raised to a 90 degree angle at the hip joint. When returning to the starting position, do not touch the floor with your feet.
  • during training, make sure that the pumped muscle group is always in tension
  • avoid long "rest" between repetitions
  • go to the gym at least 1-2 times a week
  • increase the load gradually
  • alternate the exercises presented with each other
  • make sure to rest your muscles
  • start your workout with a warm-up part ( Treadmill, exercise bike, simple tilts and turns of the torso).

The oblique muscles provide mobility to the body. They perform the function of a corset that protects the internal organs from injury, and the lumbar region from sprains. Thanks to the side press, a person can turn and tilt to the sides. Developing oblique muscles is recommended for people who want to master martial arts or sign up for boxing. The side press is also intensively trained by athletes who dream of a thin and embossed waist.

Beginner Basics

Abdominal muscles hidden under a layer of reserves for a rainy day? It's time to reconsider the diet and remove high-calorie foods:

  • sweets, even honey and dark chocolate;
  • flour products;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausage;
  • fatty meats.

Exercises for the development of oblique abdominal muscles do not contribute to weight loss. If you do not stick to a diet and do not limit the amount of calories consumed, subcutaneous deposits will not go anywhere. After a few workouts, the side press will increase in volume and begin to “push out” the fat, the waist will become wider and larger by 1-2 sizes.

How to model a toned and flat stomach? Track calories. Get less and burn more to start the process of splitting subcutaneous reserves. You can’t starve, otherwise the body, along with subcutaneous fat, destroys the muscular system.

It is better to replace fast food and pasta with healthy protein foods, drink protein shakes and a lot of clean water. Be sure to have a snack after your workout. Boiled chicken, unsweetened yogurt or sports nutrition.

You need to eat before class. If you come to the gym with an empty stomach, then the forces will run out very quickly. But you need to eat food about 2 hours before the warm-up. In a full stomach during intense training, discomfort occurs.

Start with a jog, exercise bike or jump rope to warm up your muscles and joints. If you do not prepare the body for intense stress, there is a high probability of sprain or dislocation. Beginners are advised to do 2-3 sets. Start with 5-9 repetitions and gradually increase to 12-15. It doesn't make sense to overload the body too much. Muscle mass will not grow faster if you do 20-25 repetitions. It is better to dilute your workouts with exercises to develop flexibility. They contribute to the development of oblique muscles and help to form a thin waist.

Tilts and turns

The starting position for all exercises is the same: lower limbs place shoulder-width apart, lower the upper ones at the seams or raise them, placing them on the back of the head. Athletes who have been training for more than 2 months are allowed to hold dumbbells or other weights in their hands.

  1. In the first exercise, the hands are clasped into the lock and wound behind the back of the head. Pull the body forward and down. The right elbow tries to touch the left knee. Retract the stomach when tilting to train not only the oblique muscles, but also the anterior abdominal wall.
  2. In the second exercise, the position of the hands is arbitrary. You can put your palms on your shoulders, fold your upper limbs on your chest, or spread them apart. The main thing is that the legs and pelvis do not move. Only the torso and neck work. First turn to the right, trying to see your own buttocks, then to the left. The movements must be very fast, because the muscles are trained due to the inertia and resistance of the body. What should be the amplitude of rotation? Focus on sensations: if a pulling pain appears in the lower back or abdomen, then the body has reached its limit.
  3. The lower limbs stand at the width of the shoulder joints. The arms are relaxed, the palms are pressed to the legs. Leaning the body forward, slide the upper limbs along the thighs and shins. Temechko stretch to the left, and then to the right knee. Slowly return to the original position.
  4. The lower limbs are in a bent state. Feet can be spread a little wider if it is difficult to maintain balance. Grab the back of your head with your hands. The body leans first to the left, then to the right. The back does not bend in the lower back or shoulder blades, it should be perfectly flat. It is recommended to gradually increase the amplitude and accelerate. The exercise can be performed by lowering the arms along the thighs of the body and taking dumbbells or water bottles. Weighting agents create an additional load on the oblique muscles, improving the result.
  5. Arms outstretched, palms facing different sides. The legs are located at the width of the shoulder joints. As you exhale, draw in your stomach as much as possible and lean forward, trying to reach your left foot with your right palm. Inhaling, return to the original position. The press does not relax, but constantly strain.
  6. The exercise is intended for professionals who want to make the oblique muscles prominent. You will need a ball filled with sand. The weight of the inventory ranges from 1.5–5 kg. Depends on the experience of the athlete and his physical form. Take the projectile with both hands and lift it over the left shoulder. At the same time, sit down, bending your knee joints at an angle of 45-60 degrees. Drop the ball moving diagonally. When he is at the right thigh, stand up and take the starting position.

It is recommended to start with 4-6 repetitions. The oblique muscles work, not the arms or lower back. Be careful not to stretch your back. The movements are smooth, avoid sharp jerks that can provoke stretching of the lumbar muscles, especially if the ball weighs about 4–5 kg.

Load increase

You will need a karemat that prevents the body from slipping during classes. Spread the rug on the floor, lie on it with your back. The surface must be even. Rest your heels on the floor, bending your knees. Complete 3 exercises:

  1. Grab the back of your head with your palms, spread your elbows to the sides. Turn your legs to the left, the body remains in place. Only the torso rises, but without too sharp and fast jerks. The loin does not move, pressed to the floor. Only the press works, the rest of the muscles are in a slightly relaxed state. After doing 5-10 repetitions, turn the lower limbs to the right.
  2. The palms continue to squeeze the back of the head, the heels rest on the floor, and the bent knees are perpendicular to the ceiling. Raise the lower limbs and touch the chin, then reach the right or left shoulder and return to the original position.
  3. Lower right hand along the body, lean on the elbow and forearm. Grab the back of your head with your left hand. On the right leg, bent at the knee, put the foot of the second limb. Press your lower back to the floor, only the upper body moves. The left elbow touches the right knee, then returns to its original position. Don't put your shoulder blades on the ground. Rise and fall quickly. If the athlete feels tension in the lateral muscles, then he is doing everything right.

Remaining on the floor, roll over to the second side and continue training:

  1. Legs bent in knee joints, pull up to the stomach. Rest your right elbow and forearm on the floor, keep your head straight. Raise bent legs 15-20 cm from the ground. Straighten and bend the lower limbs without lowering them to the floor. You can rest on the ground with the upper part of the thigh.
  2. Rest on the floor with your right forearm and outside feet. Lift the body off the ground, it should be straight and not bend down. left hand lift so that your fingers look at the ceiling, and then gently lower it down and touch the floor with your palm. Do 5-10 reps and then rest for 20-30 seconds. Roll over to the other side.
  3. Straighten your right hand and stretch it up, put your head on it. Left to rest on the floor to make it easier to maintain balance. Close your legs together and tear off the ground 20 times, trying to raise as high as possible.

Exercises are performed for both sides. Move smoothly and not too fast, because the main task is to wake up and make the oblique muscles of the press work. They need to be kept in constant tension.

Twisting gives a good result:

  • Raise the lower limbs, bent at the knees, and put the shins on the sofa.
  • Grasp the back of your head with your hands, spreading your elbows.
  • Fix the lower back on the floor.
  • Get off the ground only upper part torso.
  • Reach with your right elbow to the opposite knee. Do not lower the body.

A pleasant tingling will appear in the muscles, which indicates that everything is done correctly.

Additional inventory

You can pump up the side press with a fitball:

  1. Cling your feet to a sofa or bench.
  2. Lie with your back on the ball, clasp your head with your hands or cross your upper limbs on your chest.
  3. Raise the body, twisting left and right.
  4. Having taken the starting position, relax for 2-4 seconds so that the muscles do not get tired so quickly.

A horizontal bar will help to form a relief press and a thin waist. You need to hang on the pipe and raise your bent legs to your chest. Pull the right knee to the left shoulder and vice versa. Experienced athletes are advised to raise straight legs to increase the load.

You can pump up oblique muscles at home, you just need to exercise regularly and follow a diet. For one lesson, it is recommended to spend from 30 minutes to 2 hours, taking short breaks between sets. If you do all the exercises correctly, do not skip workouts and work hard, the result will appear after 1-2 months.

Video: how to pump up the press at home

Good day, Alexander Bely is with you, and that means it's time for another interesting article in the information and sports blog sportivs. Everyone on the beach looks at your figure with envy, you effectively stand out from the crowd. The opposite sex does not take their eyes off you. It's nice, isn't it? All this is real, and for this it is necessary to have good press. Therefore, today we will talk about how to pump up the oblique muscles of the press.

Anatomy of the press

As usual, almost any article begins with anatomical basics. This is necessary in order to have an idea about the muscle groups that we train. The most popular misconception is that people believe that the abdominal muscles are divided into several parts. In fact, the press is one muscle group that can be visually divided into several parts. But the abdominal muscles do not end there. There is also lateral muscles, or obliques. In everyday life, they are actively responsible for turning the torso.

No matter how you try to pump the press, it will not be visible if you have a large body fat. How to be you ask? In order for your abs to transform into relief cubes, you need to reduce the fat layer. The main key to success lies in active training, as in gym as well as at home. But the most powerful "battle" for the relief press will be in the kitchen. Now we'll just talk about it.

The importance of proper nutrition

The secret of all training in the gym lies in the correct ratio of physical exercises, which are combined with the correct daily routine, and of course nutrition. Thanks to sports diets, you can make a thin waist, achieve excellent relief and muscle venousness. no reflection big belly will not scare you in the mirror if you eat right.

The point is to limit the number of calories you consume. This works when you are actively involved in sports, and the total daily calorie intake is less than what you spend. Thus, the body will use fat reserves as energy.

1. Exercising on an empty stomach promotes maximum fat burning. But in this case, it is difficult to practice as efficiently as possible for a long amount of time. I want to add to everything that in addition to active fat burning, muscle fibers will also be destroyed, which is fraught with loss of muscle mass. In this case, sports nutrition, in particular, will help well.
2. Drink a large number of water per day. This will help boost your metabolism.
3. Don't eat less than an hour and a half before your workout. Working out on a full stomach is always difficult.
4. Warm up. Do not forget about it, because it warms up the ligaments and joints, the muscles come in tone.
5. After training, try to eat protein foods. This tip is useful for those who want to achieve a good sculpted body.

After we've looked at the anatomy, nutrition, and training recommendations, it's time to talk about the most effective exercises which will help not only stronger sex but also for girls.


Surely you have read or heard before that tilting to the side with dumbbells helps pump up the oblique muscles. In a way, this is true, but in this way you will not achieve thin waist. This exercise promotes hypertrophy of the oblique muscles of the press, because of which they increase. If you have a good fat layer, then bending to the side with weight will only aggravate the situation. you build up muscle mass and your sides due to the muscles will become even larger.

It is a good exercise. But the peculiarity lies in the fact that you lie sideways on the bench and do lifts. For beginners, I advise doing it without additional weight and in moderation, as there will be a strong creepiness in the following days, which will cause discomfort.

The third exercise will be twisting on a Roman chair. Done right, this is one of the best ab exercises. Just 15-20 repetitions is enough and your abs are just begging for mercy. You just have to do twisting into yourself, in a word, curling up into a ball. Only you also need to do with a turn of the torso, which will put a load on the oblique muscles of the press.

After each exercise, you can hang on the horizontal bar, this will help stretch the abdominal muscles. Regular exercise will help develop strength and endurance. Plus, you'll look and feel great.