Ladder horizontal 110 with a dry shutter. Online store of plumbing shower. How the Primus siphon works

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How to choose and install a sewer ladder?

Today, many people prefer to implement their own ideas for organizing a bathroom instead of installing standard shower cabins. in accessories and finishing materials there is no lack. If you do without a pallet, you can significantly increase usable area and create your own shower stall design. In order for all these advantages to “work”, you need to know how the floor drain is installed. Without the right one, there is nothing to think about the comfortable operation of the bathroom.

Correct installation drain drain help avoid flooding your neighbors and damaging your bathroom renovation.

What are the ladders?

The material of manufacture can be different, and these products can be metal, aluminum, plastic, cast iron, combined metal and plastic. The shape of the ladders is also not the same, but the most common are round, square and rectangular. The height of the products varies from 75 to 180 mm depending on the model. By design, they are all similar and consist of the following elements:

  1. Front panel (grille). May have different sizes and the shape of the drain holes.
  2. Siphon. Designed to prevent the penetration of odors from sewer system. It can be made in several versions: water seal, dry seal, mechanical seal. The latter is set to outdoors or in non-residential premises.
  3. Sealant.
  4. Elements for sealing (pressing).
  5. Frame.

Structural features of ladders

  1. Horizontal. The most commonly used type, since its installation is possible on any floor, regardless of the number of storeys.
  2. Vertical. They have a much higher throughput, but require special installation conditions.

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What to consider when choosing a ladder?

It is important to choose the right ladder, since after installation it will be difficult to dismantle it: you will need to remove flooring and screed.

Floor drain structure with combined system shutter.

The material of manufacture is not so important, everyone chooses what he likes best. Now the most popular plastic ladders, as they have the most interesting design, there are different color combinations. Feel free to buy hardware They are durable and do not corrode.

You should decide on the dimensions of the ladder. Suitable for showers of medium size with good throughput. If a ladder is needed in a drainage or other system, then the size is determined based on the estimated volume of drains. An important point is the configuration of the sewerage system in the place where the drain will be installed. For example, the design of domestic sewer pipes allows you to connect up to 3 outlets (pipes from a sink, sinks, etc.). The direction and diameter of the outlet is very important, this point must be taken into account.

Optimal Performance

Corner drains have a mechanical water seal PURUS Nood.

  • throughput not less than 1.2 l/s;
  • built-in siphon;
  • if at home sewer pipeline plastic with a section of 110 mm, then the drain must have sleeve connections of the same diameter for a vertical drain or 50 mm for a horizontal one;
  • the grating must be designed for load class A;
  • the design of the ladder must ensure the adjustment of its installation depth in accordance with the mark of the floor covering;
  • equipment with seals;
  • It would be nice to have installation instructions.

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Which ladder is better: with a dry or hydraulic shutter?

More recently, manufacturers produced products only with hydraulic seal. What does he represent? This is a tube bent at a certain angle in which the liquid is located. It is she who is the obstacle that the odors coming from the sewer system cannot overcome. Caring for such a shutter is simple: it is enough to periodically spill it with water.

What is the disadvantage of such a design? The fact that the shutter with infrequent use of the shower dries up: unpleasant odors begin to cause inconvenience. It is also possible for other reasons: design errors, elevated air temperature in the room, use of the “warm floor” system.

With the appearance on the market of drains equipped with a dry shutter, many problems were solved by themselves, and these designs became very popular. Such products are also convenient in that they can work both independently and in combination with a water seal.

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How is the shutter at the ladder arranged?

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The shutter is equipped with a diaphragm to which a spring is attached. When the water is drained, the membrane opens and lets it through, and when the flow ends, it closes the inlet to the sewer under the action of a spring.

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On the surface of the water in the hydraulic seal tube there is a kind of float, which, as the flow of water decreases, falls and blocks the through hole.

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Its work is based on the principle of gravitational force. Under her influence mechanical device the shutter always tends to take a position in which it closes the pipe.

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Installation of a sewer ladder

Installation of products with a dry and water seal is practically no different. The main rule: you should make such a floor to ensure the proper level of slope to the ladder for unhindered drainage of water into the riser. Therefore, the installation of a drain funnel is often associated with raising the floor level or dismantling an existing floor covering.

Basic installation rules:

The material of manufacture is not important, the main thing is that it is moisture resistant.

  • the grating of the drain must be flush with the surface facing coating gender;
  • finishing begins with laying tiles from the ladder;
  • seams between tiles should not exceed 2 mm;
  • the grout used is moisture resistant;
  • The floor surface must provide a slope for water runoff.

Materials that will be required:

  • cement;
  • sand (sifted);
  • waterproofing membrane;
  • warm and soundproof material(often use foam);
  • mastic or adhesive composition for laying tiles;
  • tiles that provide an anti-slip floor surface (rough).

"Dry ladder" is a siphon for drains of shower rooms and other rooms where water is used. Serves to prevent sewer gases from entering the room.

Unlike a conventional siphon with a water lock, a dry drain can perform its functions during long interruptions in the use of water.

That is, even in the toilet, after a couple of months of non-use, the water evaporates, and air from the sewer begins to enter the apartment. Which of course is bad. We have the same with other siphons with a water seal.

What can be done with the toilet and siphons during a long absence - read here.

The dry ladder is designed so that the sewer gases in it are cut off not by a water lock, but by plastic or metal curtains.

There are also dry ladders with a float. In the absence of water, the float sits on the saddle and blocks the air supply. But this option is not very good -

if there is excess pressure in the sewer (and this sometimes happens), then the gas will be able to raise the float and enter the room.

The outlet of water at the ladders is vertical and horizontal. The most commonly used are horizontal. In this case, it is imperative to ensure sufficient deflection sewer pipe starting from the ladder itself.

Let me remind you the requirements of SNiP for pipes f50 mm - pipe slope 3cm / 1m. When laying pipes, we try to avoid straight lines, and even more so sharp corners.

If the ladder is installed in the floor, then it is very important right make a floor slope to the ladder. How to do this is described here.

Stanislav Plitochkin was with you. I will help save SVDN©!


    Good afternoon, Stanislav! Help me please! I have a steel ladder in my shower room. But the grate and something that should block the gases from the sewer are lost. I can’t decide which component to buy, what is the name of this component? Or do I need to change the whole thing by buying as a set? Could you advise me on whatsapp? My number is 89256260038. Sincerely, Lucia Mikhailovna, pensioner.

    • Good day, Lucia Mikhailovna! The best advice I can give you is to take a picture of the ladder with your phone and show it to the salesperson at the construction market. Most likely you will be offered to buy the ladder as a whole, because I have never heard that they were sold in parts.
      If three or four sellers tell you so, then you have no other choice - you have to buy. But, there is a chance for a positive outcome of the case, so try it!

To prevent the ingress of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the premises, special structural elements. The simplest of them is a hydraulic or water seal. Nevertheless, as practice shows, such a system does not always and everywhere work effectively. Because in recent times more and more common is a ladder equipped with a dry siphon. It has the same properties as a water seal, but it is devoid of its shortcomings. Design features dry drain let it filter sewer drains, separate large elements, thereby preventing clogging, accidents. Nonetheless, main function is to prevent fetid odors from entering the living quarters from the sewer system.

  • 2 How to choose
  • 3 Mounting


If we analyze the market plumbing equipment, you can find several varieties of dry ladders:

  1. Membrane valves. Experts consider them the simplest in terms of design, but no less reliable. The main element is a spring-loaded membrane, which opens slightly due to the action of the water flow and diverts wastewater. As soon as the flow of water stops, the membrane closes and guarantees tightness.
  2. Pendulum gates. A similar drain, equipped with a dry siphon, has a valve with one fixation point. When the drain passes by it, the valve deviates from the axis, after which it returns to its original position due to the influence of gravity.
  3. Float gates. Some even manage to make them with my own hands. In fact, the float ladder is a combination of dry and hydraulic shutter design. It is a ladder with a vertical outlet and with a built-in plastic valve. If it's about own production then use balls of the right size.

Float valves work according to the following principle. If there is enough water in the water seal, the ball floats and does not delay the drainage. If there are long breaks in use, the water partially evaporates, and the ball falls into a special nest. Due to this, the shutter is sealed. After draining, the water re-enters the system, the design begins to work again as a water seal.

Dry drains have not yet gained their well-deserved popularity due to their higher cost compared to standard solutions. Their work is based on the working elements used, which, due to their design, always tend to return to their original position after being displaced by the flow of effluents.

How to choose

If you still decide to purchase a drain equipped with a dry siphon, it is important to pay attention to the conditions under which it will be installed.

  1. To begin with, determine how much sewage will pass. Ordinary apartment it is enough that the conditional passage of the ladder is 50 millimeters, and if it is a public bath or shower room, then 100 millimeters.
  2. The height of the device. A ladder with a horizontal outlet can be mounted under fairly tight conditions, since its height is about 7-10 centimeters. The vertical type of shutter is more demanding in this regard, since it needs a minimum of 15 centimeters free space for installation.
  3. Before purchasing the device, make sure that all its elements are in good working order. Ideally, you can check the functionality of the product.
  4. Just foreseeing everything technical details you can pay attention to external aspects. The ladder grate is made of plastic, metal, with a variety of shapes, and so on. The choice already depends directly on your wishes and requirements.


If you have already encountered the installation of a hydraulic shutter, then a ladder equipped with a dry siphon will not cause problems during installation. All because there are no fundamental differences.

Important condition competent installation is to provide high quality waterproofing for the system. To achieve this, apply modern materials isolation. Under certain conditions and needs, they also carry out sound insulation, do not disregard the issue of insulation.

The installation of the device should be carried out in such a way that the grate of the ladder is on the same level with the floor finish. Due to this, you will not encounter discomfort during operation, you will not hit it while walking around the room.

As practice shows, the dry principle ladder guarantees trouble-free and reliable operation of the sewerage system. It becomes especially relevant when evaporation from the water seal occurs due to rare operation, or other factors that cause water to be drained.

Of course, without the appropriate experience and knowledge, it is not recommended to do the installation yourself. To save strength and your own nerves, it is better to contact specialists with the necessary qualifications. They will quickly carry out the installation, provide a really reliable and efficient work systems. You can fully appreciate the advantages of this type of ladder.

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Dry shutter - best defense from the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer

One of the most popular devices for wastewater systems is a sewer drain. They are designed to receive and discharge wastewater from a horizontal floor surface into the sewer system. These devices are found wide application in residential, public and industrial buildings. The design of the ladder should provide the following functions:

  • drain water quickly and efficiently;
  • filter wastewater from large contaminants;
  • prevent the penetration of unpleasant odors into the room.

Advantages and scope of dry drain

Until recently, only ladders with a hydraulic seal were produced. A water seal is a certain way, filled with water, which prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewerage system into the room. Such a shutter requires periodic renewal in the form of a strait with water. The most common problem in the operation of sewer drains with a hydraulic seal is the drying up of water and the unpleasant odors that the sewer is rich in, freely enter the room, causing inconvenience to people.

Scheme of assembly of ladders with straight and oblique outlets

Let's figure out what can cause the drying of the water seal. There are many reasons, and the most basic among them are: the ladder is used occasionally (for example, it is located in the guest bathroom, in the shower room of the hotel complex or is designed to drain water in case of an emergency leak, and not for regular everyday use), heated floors, high air temperature indoors, hot climate, failure of the water seal due to design errors in the sewerage system.

At present, the requirements are becoming more stringent, people need comfortable use of devices, excluding additional labor costs for device maintenance.

The way out of this situation is to use a drain equipped with a dry shutter, and this solution is becoming increasingly popular.

This device does not allow the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the absence of a water seal and does not require frequent maintenance. A dry seal for sewerage can work both independently and as a set with a water seal, when each of them complements each other.

Dry shutter device

The most common devices:

  1. Membrane. Under the pressure of the water passing through the ladder, the shutter opens, and after the passage of water, the spring moves the membrane to its original position. Access unpleasant odors covered securely.
  2. Float. It works due to the fact that the float is always on the surface of the water seal, and when the water evaporates, the float is at the very bottom and closes the passage.
  3. Pendulum. Under the influence of gravitational forces, the mechanical device constantly strives to take a position that blocks the sewer pipe.
  4. Based on the molecular memory properties of the material. Tubes of elastic material are used, which always tends to return to its original shape.

Dry and combined drains are made of durable materials (mainly a plastic body and a stainless steel grate) on modern equipment. The lineup of these devices expands, you can pick up a dry ladder, equipped check valve to protect against ingress of sewage from the sewer system into the premises in case of flooding, as well as to select models that can be operated in unheated premises under conditions sub-zero temperatures, as well as heavy-duty, able to remain sealed under significant shock loading.

Main technical parameters

When choosing any sewer ladder, including those with a dry shutter, it is imperative to pay attention to a number of the following important technical issues: outlet direction and diameter, capacity and height. The drain at the ladders is either located horizontally (straight and oblique bends are made), or vertically (directed down). Next parameter, which must be taken into account is the diameter of the outlet. There are ladders with 50 and 100 mm. AT housing construction mainly use ladders with a conditional passage of 50 mm, they must ensure the removal of wastewater in an amount of at least 0.7 l / s. Drains with a conditional passage of 100 mm are installed in public premises and at industrial facilities; they must ensure the discharge of wastewater of more than 2.1 l / s. When choosing a sewer ladder, great attention should be paid to such a parameter as the height of the ladder (in modern models height ranges from 7 to 18 cm). ladder made of quality materials has an almost unlimited lifespan.

Installation of a sewer ladder

Installing a dry device is no different from installing a drain with a water seal. It must be remembered that from quality installation, correct connection to the sewerage and from the competent selection of the drain drain depends on its service life, the safety of water leakage and the aesthetic appearance after finishing. The installation of the drain entails some lifting of the floor in the shower room or other room in which it is necessary to divert waste water from a horizontal floor surface. It is extremely important to create a slope of the floor to direct the water to the drain.

The floor in the room in which the sewer drain is installed should be a system consisting of several layers:

  • material providing thermal and sound insulation (for example, polystyrene foam);
  • concrete screed;
  • membrane material with waterproofing properties;
  • concrete screed, which sets the required slope towards the ladder;
  • ceramic floor tiles with a rough surface and a minimum percentage of water absorption, which is laid on a special adhesive solution.

When implementing installation work when connecting to the sewer, it must be remembered that the grate of the drain is installed flush with the floor surface and should not protrude above the tiles located in the immediate vicinity. Tiles are laid, starting from the ladder. The thickness of the joints between tiles should not exceed 2 mm; when sealing the joints, grouts that are resistant to water are used. After completion of the work, the ladder is securely concreted into the floor.

Opt for a dry drain, and you can forget about the musty smell from the sewer, and also you will not need to keep track of the regular replenishment of the water seal. This device will serve you long years, reliably perform their functions and please with ease of maintenance.