What is the best width for a double bed? We select the size of the bed: single, one-and-a-half, double. Decide on the length

It's no secret that a person spends almost a third of his life in a dream, and everyone wants this dream to be strong and deep. Properly sized bed will help to ensure comfort during sleep.


Usually, the standard sizes of any furniture are determined based on average body measurements. If we talk about beds, then the ratio of length and width is calculated by adding 15-20 cm to the average height of a person and about 30-40 cm on the sides.

It's believed that average height of a person is approximately 170 cm, so the length of the finished bed usually cannot be less than 190 cm. With this length of the bed, most people sleep comfortably.

With width standards, everything is much simpler - they depend on the type of bed and on how many people sleep on it. Therefore, the bed can reach a width of 70 to 170+ cm. The range of sizes is unusually wide.

It should be noted that the standard sizes different manufacturers may differ significantly from each other. Therefore, when choosing a bed, you should consider where it was made. Let's compare the standards of Russian and European furniture factories:

  • Russia. According to GOST Russian sizes, as a rule, less than European ones, but this difference is not critical. So, in the size chart for single beds Russian production in width they range from 70 to 90 cm, and in length - from 190 to 210 cm. Perfect size for a one-bed has a so-called soldier, or army, bed 190x90 cm. There is enough space on such a bed, but it will not work for two. In such a situation, a one-and-a-half bed comes to the rescue, the Russian dimensions of which are 200x130 cm.

But for adults the best option is a double bed in sizes from 160-180+ cm wide and from 200 cm to 210 cm long.

  • European standards are usually 10-15 cm larger than Russian ones. So, for example, a single European bed often does not exceed 210 cm in length, but 90-100 cm in width. Standard Width, in turn, must be at least 140 cm. Double and triple beds of European companies are interesting names "King-size" and "Super-King size". At the same time, the “King-size” model has almost the same parameters as the “Double”, exceeding them by 5-10 cm. The “Super-King size” beds do not have standard parameters and include any large beds 201x180 cm.

For comparison, the length of many models of French beds exceeds 220 cm.

Sleeping area dimensions

Furniture companies also offer sizes that do not fit into the general size range. Usually such beds are several centimeters larger than standard ones or have a non-standard ratio of length and width. Many of these models are created according to the individual parameters of the owner of the bed.

For non-standard models, the classification of beds described above also applies. Recall that it includes models that differ in width and, therefore, the number of people who can fit on them. So, the beds are divided into:

  • Single. Unlike standard beds, these models reach from 85 to 110 cm in width. They practically do not differ in length from wider models, but due to the small width and elongated shape Easily fit into a small room. Ideally accommodate one person of average build. However, if in a dream a person often changes position and tosses and turns, it is better to choose a wider option. For example, a single bed.


  • One and a half sleeping freely accommodate one person, but two can be cramped on it. The width can vary from 110-120 cm to 170 cm.

  • Double rooms. The difference between them and one-and-a-half beds is rather arbitrary, since their width is 170-200 cm.


  • Beds "King-size" and "Super-king size", which are popularly called the royal size. Quietly accommodate two or even three people if necessary. Although a triple bed for the Russian mentality is nonsense. In width, such models are truly huge - it exceeds 200 cm.

The description of any bed will be incomplete without specifying such an important parameter as height. Usually, the height of the bed is divided into three types:

  • Low (from 20-25 to 30 cm);
  • Medium height (from 35 to 60 cm);
  • High (from 65 to 90 cm).

The height of the bed is often chosen depending on the personal physiological characteristics of the person and on the general style of the room. So, a bedroom in ethnic or Arabic style beds with a low frame and a low mattress are suitable, and in a classic style, on the contrary, high beds look chic, while low ones look out of place.

When choosing the height of the bed frame, it is also worth considering the size of the mattress, because it usually increases overall height beds by 5-10 cm.

Other options

In addition to the listed sizes, there are also the most non-standard ones. As a rule, these are large sizes (reduced models are much less common), exceeding standard beds two and sometimes even three times. Typically, these dimensions are set for models that have a unique shape. For example, for round, oval or square beds. Also figured beds in the form of a heart, a star or a drop fall into this category. Such models do not fit into our usual standards, are rare and have little demand, but in the skillful hands of a designer, they can interestingly dilute the interior.

It is impossible not to note the convenience of such options. They are so big that you can even sleep across them on some of them, and your legs will not hang down from the edge. Sleeping and, most importantly, getting enough sleep on such beds is a pleasure. However, they also have a significant disadvantage: enlarged models will by no means suit the owners of small bedrooms - such big bed definitely won't fit in there. And if it does fit, it will fill the entire space, which is equally inconvenient and ugly.

round and oval models usually measured not by the ratio of length and width, but by diameter, which is also calculated in centimeters. By the way, the diameter of such a bed ranges from 220 to 240 cm. There are also more massive beds, but they are only suitable for large apartments- in small ones, such a colossus will look miserable. So it will not add beauty to your room. By the way, similar models rarely found in the store, they are usually made to order according to the individual measurements of the customer. Such a pleasure is not cheap, and a lot of time and effort will have to be applied, but if the desire to possess unusual bed great, it's worth it.

Often, such furniture is popular either among people with non-standard parameters or among those who adore luxurious things. Just imagine how chic a round bed will look, built into a window niche like a bay window sofa. Eye-catching.


Often Size chart adapts to specific model. AT this case the rule applies: simpler form, the more likely it is to have a standard size. Conversely, for an unusual model, the size is usually unusual. Model specifications:

  • The most familiar and common form of bed was and remains rectangular shape. However, more and more often you can find oval and round beds.

  • Some models can be supplemented with unusual elements such as a canopy. This design looks very comfortable and fits any shape of the bed. Also, an unusual back and footboard can become an additional decorating element, although there are good bed designs in which they are not provided at all. I must say, the height of the backrest largely depends on the style in which the room is made. Classic style requires a high back, and modern areas such as Loft give us complete freedom of choice, as they accept both a high back, and an average one, and its absence in general.

  • Beds are also divided according to the type of headboard attachment, which can be stationary, hinged or attached. Note that massive headboards are usually found in large-sized models, while single beds either have a very low back or no back at all.

  • Among single and one-and-a-half models, transforming beds are more common, having a built-in mechanism inside the frame. It can be a roll-out bed or a bed that can be disassembled like a French folding bed.
  • Among such pieces of furniture, such an unusual model as a bed-cabinet stands out strongly. This is enough simple model bed, which, when assembled, turns into a small table or cabinet. A very functional thing: at night it is a place to sleep, and during the day - Coffee table or even complete workplace. It is noteworthy that the dimensions of such a bed can be correlated with the dimensions of a single and one and a half beds. So it can be quite roomy.

  • Not less than functional model is a bed built into a wall or closet. Such furniture will appeal to owners of small apartments, where it is quite difficult to place everything you need and because of this it is inconvenient to move around the room. Built-in beds are good because they free up the necessary space during the day. An option for a built-in bed is a wardrobe-sofa bed.

  • A good additional storage space are models with drawers, in which you can hide bedding, pillows, blankets, things - anything. Linen drawers help to hide everything superfluous and not clutter up the room. Such boxes are built-in, as a rule, in double models.

  • Among single beds, the most popular was the now forgotten armored bed.. Its frame is completely made of metal, and the base is made of a special shell mesh. It is impossible not to note several advantages of such beds. They are durable and may not break for years, able to withstand a lot of weight, do not accumulate dust and cost mere pennies. But their appearance outdated for a long time, besides, a transformer mechanism is not provided for them. Now the armored bed has been replaced by more practical and lightweight models, the base of which consists of slats.

How to accurately determine the desired parameters?

On the market upholstered furniture so much various kinds beds, that the eyes involuntarily run up. Therefore, sometimes it can be difficult to focus on buying a bed. In order not to make a mistake in choosing the perfect bed for your apartment, It is worth making some preparations before direct purchase:

  • First you need to arm yourself with a tape measure and determine the size of the desired bed: measure the room, think about where you can put the bed and how much space it can take. Try to imagine your ideal bed - how it will look, what style it will be made in, what shape it will have.
  • Next, determine the length and width of the future bed. You need to focus on your height, physique and level of activity during sleep. If a person often turns in his sleep and likes to sleep in an asterisk position, arms and legs spread out in all directions, then it is better to look at beds with a greater width.

  • Ideally, the length of the bed should be more growth its owner by 10-30 cm. If during sleep a person slides a little to the foot, he needs to choose a longer bed so that his legs do not hang in the void.
  • If you prefer a firmer or more soft bed Worth a try right in the store. Sit on it, then try to lie down and move around. Try to take the position in which you usually fall asleep and wake up and see if the mattress is comfortable. Remember, the bed must be selected exclusively for yourself, so uncomfortable options must be immediately discarded.

In the case when a person has too much height or weight, it is better to give preference to custom-made beds. This will greatly facilitate the arrangement of the bedroom.

  • Here we have already decided on the most important thing - the size of the bed. However, when choosing it, you need to take into account a few more nuances, one of which is the choice of frame height. It is generally accepted that height is an optional parameter, and many do not take it into account. However, it also affects the comfort of the future bed.
  • The height of the frame must also be selected according to the height of the owner. Low beds are suitable for people of short stature, and tall people are also suitable for tall people. Models of medium height are universal and will suit almost everyone.

  • For older people, a low bed (as well as too high) will be uncomfortable: it is difficult to get up from it and it is difficult to sit down with sore joints. Remember that the mattress will certainly increase the height of the frame, so when buying it is better to immediately determine the size of the mattress. In addition, it should not be too small, otherwise it will tremble while you sleep. Also, it should not be too large - then it simply will not fit into the bed frame and will lie in bumps. Sleeping on such a surface is extremely uncomfortable.
  • Don't buy a bed without first measuring it. It is impossible to navigate “by eye” in such a matter, otherwise you will have to be content with an uncomfortable bed and eternal lack of sleep. If the dimensions of the apartment allow, it is better to choose a bed wider, with a margin of space.

  • Worth paying Special attention on bed and mattress materials. They should not be too cheap, otherwise such furniture will quickly fail ahead of time. If the selected model is a transformer and has an internal metal mechanism, you need to make sure that it is working. Ask a consultant in the store to disassemble and assemble the sofa, but rather try to do it yourself. The mechanism should move smoothly, not creak or jam.
  • The material of the upholstery, mattress and bed linen also matters. It is worth giving preference to natural and environmentally friendly fabrics. Feel the material of the bed and mattress, they should be pleasant to the skin. The bed linen chosen for the size of the mattress should be soft and smooth. Rough and prickly sets of underwear made of poor-quality material can rub or even cause allergies. And yes, sleeping in this bed is uncomfortable.

How to make a bed according to individual measurements?

Sometimes even the widest range of ready-made bed models cannot please the buyer's imagination. The desired bed is still not found, but I want to equip the bedroom as soon as possible. In this case, you can stop looking and simply order a product from the master according to your own sizes.

First of all, a potential customer must decide what kind of bed he needs. The procedures here are the same as when choosing a finished bed: you need to evaluate your dimensions, the parameters of the room, as well as the general style of the interior.

When the image of the future bed began to gradually emerge, it is necessary to find a furniture company and a craftsman who is ready to take on this order. To begin with, you can search among the finished beds for models that are at least approximately similar to the one presented by the customer. After the sample is found, you should study the company that produces such models, and contact the master who manufactures them. So it will be easier for the customer to describe the desired model, and the end result will be as similar as possible to the one expected by the customer.

There is another option: you can immediately contact the company for the manufacture of custom furniture. However, in this case, the customer must explain as clearly as possible what kind of bed he wants. You can cite photographs of similar models as an example, so that the master has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat type of bed he will have to make.

When ordering non-standard furniture from the manufacturer, the customer receives a lot of advantages. So he can choose any size and shape of the bed that is convenient for him. He can choose the material and color he needs. The customer can be sure that it will fit perfectly into the interior of his bedroom. Moreover, custom-made furniture is one of a kind, and it is very pleasant to own a unique thing.

When ordering furniture and helping the manufacturer draw a sketch, the customer becomes a kind of co-author of the work. He invests part of himself in the future piece of furniture, which sounds very symbolic.

Of course, the price of custom options is higher than the price of finished furniture. mass production, and the mattress bed linen You will also need to order custom sizes. However, the overpriced price is fully justified. Indeed, for many non-standard apartments with small bedrooms, this option is a necessary strategic decision.

We can immediately say that the standards are different, since different regions apply different metric systems:

  • in the USA - in feet and inches;
  • in Europe - in meters and centimeters;
  • in Russia - in meters and centimeters.

If in Europe a single bed corresponds to a mattress width of 90 - 100 cm, then the American counterpart will have parameters equal to 99 cm and the Twin marking. Also in Europe, for example, for a single bed, only the length is typical, and the width may vary. Also, for comparison, we can say that in the USA, double bed widths are from 135 cm, and in Europe from 140 cm. In England, in addition to the usual one and a half and double beds, there are also standards for king beds, and the width of such products is from 150 cm, which is not a limit. Also in England there is a size: "royal super", which means a width of 200 cm. In the United States of America, there is also an unusual standard that sounds like “Olympic Royal” (width 168 cm, length 203 cm), as well as “California Royal” (width 152 cm, length 213 cm) and “Eastern Royal "(width 193 cm, length 203 cm). Remarkably, even in Australia itself, a 160 cm wide bed already belongs to the “royal single” category. And in addition, I would like to say more about small features European standards, when single beds are categorized as "extra small" with a width of 75 cm, "small" with a width of 80 cm, and "large" with a width of 100 cm.

From all of the above, we can conclude that they love to sleep chic most of all in America (USA), and in Europe people are much more modest. But in Russia we have something in between, on the one hand, and there is not always money for an ordinary bed, but a wide range of we love and see and try. I personally even had the opportunity to sleep on a king bed for some long time (more than two meters for sure), and now I have two aspirations, firstly, to get such a bed in the end, and secondly, I want to know where bedding of this size is bought underwear. I didn’t run it myself, the maid ran it, now I’m tormented by conjectures about the true size of such a set bedding. Yes, you still need a blanket.

Here are our standard bed sizes:

  • single width from 70 to 110 cm.
  • one and a half- standard length 200-210 cm, width from 110 to 160 cm.
  • double- standard length 200-210 cm, width from 160 cm to 200 cm, and more.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that in fact, the question turns out to be much deeper than it might seem initially. Here I have given the data on the result of a selective analysis carried out on information found through the Internet. Please do not evaluate my work strictly, because this is what I managed to do in almost an hour of pure working time. If, for example, I had the opportunity to work on a permanent basis in a large furniture center, then of course I could answer the question more accurately, since professional activity definitely leaves an impression. Yes, for example, even a four-year period of work in a taxi allowed me to better understand cars and people. And ten years spent in Telecom made me a signalman and an IT specialist.


And one more small touch. Indeed, when buying imported furniture, for example, from a catalog, you can be pretty surprised at the product you receive, so it’s better not to lose vigilance when choosing and placing an order. And from this point of view, of course, it is necessary to show increased attention to this issue- to standards and sizes.


Beds exceeding a width of two meters carry the word "Royal" in their name. For example "Royal Super" or "Royal Standard".

We all sleep on something. AT one-room apartment more often for this purpose use a sofa. But if you have a bedroom, then it is supposed to have beds. It should not only be combined in color and style with the decoration of the room.

Bed-one and a half. Dimensions

All beds are divided into single, one and a half and double. Width 80-100 cm have single beds.

Standard - width 120 cm with a length of 190 cm. Although it can usually have a width of 110-150 cm. The width of a double is 160-220 cm. It can be from 185 cm to 2 meters in length. A single bed takes up little space, but the two of us cannot sleep on it. In this case, you can take a double. But it takes up too much space. A comfortable option can be a single bed. Two people can easily fit on it, and the saved space can be filled with a bedside table, wardrobe or other furniture.

What is the bed made of?

Having solved the issue with the choice of size, you need to consider the design of the bed. Find out what points you need to pay special attention to. The bed-one and a half consists of a framework with legs and a frame.

Usually the frame has:

  • back (headboard);
  • side panels (side panels).

The headboard can be:

  • stationary (bearing element);
  • attached;
  • hinged (decorative).

Most often used stationary and mounted. A bed with such a headboard can be placed anywhere, for example in the middle of the room. Attached headboards are hung on the wall and are usually complemented by shelves, bedside tables, tables.

There may be one or two backs. There is a bed without backs at all. Depending on the number of backs, the tsarg can be from two to four. They are usually made of wood or chipboard and give strength to the product.

bed frame

It depends on the quality of the frame whether the bed-one and a half will be comfortable. The dimensions of the frame depend on the parameters of the frame.

Made from long boards, plywood board or metal pipes. The least convenient will be plywood. She is quite solid. In more expensive models, the frame can be orthopedic. It is divided along the length by an additional metal joint, to which beech lamellas (connecting curved planks) or logs about 5 cm wide are attached. expensive models The lamellas have rubber-plastic holders, which improve shock absorption.

The more lamellas, the higher the orthopedic effect. This design does not sag, as it is designed for six legs, two of which are placed on a longitudinal connection. The frame can be equipped with a lifting mechanism to change the angle of the head, legs or the whole body.

In furniture stores, an orthopedic frame can be purchased separately. An addition can be a box for linen, a mattress complete with an orthopedic base for it.

When choosing a bed, you need to consider:

  • frame height;
  • the material from which it is made;
  • the strength of the tsarga;
  • mattress;
  • legs.

Determination of frame height

Choosing such an important part of the interior, they take into account the style of the room, their ideas about convenience and beauty. But will your single bed be comfortable? Dimensions, especially the height of the frame, directly depend on the age and health of the owner. There is a rule, the first part of which says: the older the person, the higher the bed should be. But up to a certain limit. If it reaches 80 cm, then it will be difficult for an elderly or sick person to get off it. Especially if he has heart problems.

The bed frame can be:

  • low (20-30 cm);
  • medium (50 cm);
  • high (80-90 cm).

Low beds are suitable for healthy young people. If you decide to decorate, then such a bed will not only decorate it, but will also be comfortable for you.

Medium height frame will suit almost everyone. Average (European) are designed so that, sitting on it, you lean on the floor with your feet. This (photo) has such that it is convenient to sit on it, it is easy to get up from it.

The frame, whose height reaches 80 cm, is preferred by the Americans. Legs can be adjusted to fit desired height. Or adjust to uneven floor. Metal ones are equipped with plastic plugs so that they do not scratch the floor.


The bed frame can be made of chipboard, wood, metal, plastic. The cheapest, but fragile material - particle boards(chipboard). These beds are inexpensive, but not very durable. Parts can delaminate, and the body loosens. Pairs of varnishes and glues used in chipboard manufacturing, may cause allergic reaction. Nevertheless, such a one-and-a-half bed can last a dozen years, or even more. Veneer and MDF are a bit more expensive and better quality.

The wooden frame is durable and eco-friendly. Made from veneer or solid wood. The best varieties of wood are oak, ash, beech. It can be made from rare varieties, such as mahogany, hevea. They are not affected by moisture mechanical influences. These beds are quite expensive. But they will serve for many years. Wicker beds made of rattan, cane and straw will be original.

Metal frames are the strongest. No wonder they were in vogue in the middle of the last century. Now they are in demand again. Their price is also high. Metal parts are coated with a special polymer powder. He is resistant to mechanical damage and protects structural elements from rust. Decorate with forged patterns and knobs.


Like the frame, it determines how comfortable a single bed is. The size of the mattress must match its parameters. If it is smaller, it will move out of bed. If it is large, it will shrink, and it will be uncomfortable to sleep on it. It is better to take an orthopedic mattress.


Styles: classic and modern (avant-garde, hi-tech, techno). There is Japanese and country music. In the decoration of beds, various upholstery materials, leather, eco-leather. The lifting mechanism provides access to the box. It turns out something in between a sofa and a bed.

Often the beds are equipped with a lifting mechanism that allows you to get to the built-in laundry box. Designers are constantly developing new interesting models beds: with canopies, transforming beds. The basis for them was a single bed. Dimensions, standard are preserved, but supplemented original elements design. Some models decorate LED backlight. Among this variety, everyone can choose their own bed.

Despite the prosaic nature of the issue, the choice of furniture dimensions is of fundamental importance. If even 20 years ago it was difficult to surprise Russians with something non-standard, today manufacturers of bedroom sets use them to diversify their product line and attract more buyers. How can the dimensions of a double bed differ from each other, how to correctly and accurately measure the dimensions, what to look for when buying mattresses and bed linen - we will answer all these questions in our article. In addition, we will study the options and features of markings of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

What you need to know about sizing systems in different countries where twin beds are made

Before you decide to go to furniture showroom It is important to clearly understand what size bed you need. In addition to the actual dimensions of the bed and its functionality, it is important to consider the following nuances:

  • the number of people who plan to use;
  • age. Indeed, for older people, the rigidity of the bed, the height of its legs are important, you may need an option with a rising headrest (for example, for patient care);
  • personal preferences: choice, favorite sleeping position, the presence of drawers and so on.

Advice! AT recent times more and more often, Russians are paying attention to double transforming beds. They can fold up and turn into a bezel. However, in this case, it is important to take into account the dimensions of the bed, the height of the ceiling, providing space for unfolding the built-in headset.

Usually the sizes of double beds can be found in two designations:

  • English(typical for England, USA). Usually measured in feet or inches;
  • Asian(typical for Europe and Asia). Dimensions are given in meters and centimeters.

Advice! The length of the bed on average should be 20 cm longer than the height of its future owner. But the width is a more conditional value, for right choice of a comfortable width, it is enough to lie on the bed, turn on its side, while neither knees nor elbows in a bent state should hang from the bed.

Sizes of double beds and mattresses standard in Russia

Standard size double bed starts from 160 cm wide and is practically unlimited. On sale you can find products and 2.5 meters wide. It should be borne in mind that the width is the width of the mattress laid on the base, and not all structural elements most .

Advice! Remember, if you have a restless sleep, it is better to choose larger beds so as not to disturb those who are nearby.

Interestingly, at some stage, the dimensions of European single beds with a width of 160 cm just meet the minimum standards of a Russian double bed. Therefore, in this sense, the difference between them can be called conditional.

Advice! Beds large sizes require large bedrooms - otherwise even the most elegant model will look miserable. Choose a bed in accordance not only with the style of the interior, but also with the area of ​​​​the room.

"Family" beds have the largest range of widths, it is this format of beds that has a size range in 5 cm increments

Standard sizes of double beds in cm: 160×200, 160×190. For non-standard samples, square samples of 200 × 200 cm or 200 × 220 cm are allowed. Sometimes, if the bed is selected for a rather tall person, then in this case you can pay attention to models with parameters of 220 × 240 cm.

Sizes of double beds and mattresses euro-standard

In the European marking there are special terms that reveal the size range. The larger the dimensions of the beds, the more majestic the name. And in this case, almost royally, the unit of measurement for them is an inch.

One of the most common sizes is the Euro-King model with dimensions from 160 to 200 cm (if counted in inches, it corresponds to 53 × 66 inches)

As mentioned earlier, the standards of beds made in Europe have something in common with Russian ones. However, if in Russian standards a model with a width of 140 cm is considered to be one and a half sleeping, then according to European parameters, this is the size of a double bed marked “Double” (from the English “double”). And the largest double bed by European standards has dimensions of 180 × 200 cm and is called Super Royal.

Their versatility lies in the fact that it is easier to pick up for such beds, and it is easier to cover it. On the other hand, such beds allow a person of any size to equally comfortably fit on a bed.

Standard Sizes for American Double Beds and Mattresses

Interestingly, in America, Great Britain and Australia there is a more fractional classification. Namely, doubles (that's right), beds are considered to be 120 × 190 cm wide (the original name is Compact-Double).

  • double standard (Double)- 135 × 190 cm;
  • double royal (King)- 150 × 200 cm;
  • double superroyal (SuperKing)- 180 × 200 cm.

With the same markings, only with a length of 80 inches, beds are made in Australia;

Slightly more spacious 76×80-inch models are made in the USA. Thus, when translated into understandable centimeters, the length of a double bed in the USA and Australia will be approximately 203 cm, and in England - 200 cm.

Important! Do not forget that you need to choose a mattress for the bed that you purchase. It is best that the purchase takes place in the same store. However, if this is not possible for some reason, it is important to choose the same country of origin and the same marking.

Russia also has its own standards when choosing mattresses, their length can be from 190 to 200 cm, but they can vary in width. For a double bed, the mattress can be from 160 cm to 200 cm, depending on the design of the bed.

Advice! To choose the right mattress size, you need to measure inside bed frame. You may have to bring a construction centimeter or tape measure with you to the store.

Deviations of 1 cm are allowed, if the error is more than 2 or 3 cm, you will have to take individual measurements and sew the mattress separately. Usually minimum size mattress 190 cm, and the maximum 200.

In addition, the mattress should always be selected higher than the size of the side of the frame, otherwise you will experience discomfort when using the mattress or sitting on it.

standard height the mattress for the bed should not be less than 10 cm. Otherwise, this product cannot be called a mattress, and a maximum of a sealant. For example, on with sagging springs. And if you choose a more serious model, with orthopedic inserts or additional pads, then its height (as well as cost) will inexorably increase. On average, the thickness of special mattresses varies from 28 to 32 cm, it all depends on the model of the mattress. There are also higher products, they are far from cheap, as a rule, they are 50 cm in height.

Related article:

In the publication, we will consider the designs, characteristics operational properties, criteria for evaluating mattresses, rating of manufacturers and reviews of specialists and users.

How to choose the parameters of a double bed

How to choose the right parameters for a double bed? There are several important points that are worth paying attention to. First of all, we will study the parameters that may affect your choice.

Length of double bed

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the growth of a person. Not worth buying for Gulliver if you are of average height. To buy the perfect bed, simply add another 30 cm to your height, this will be your bed size. And then you already select a finished sample that is as close as possible to yours.

Note! The standard size is 2 meters or 1.9. In exceptional cases, manufacturers receive an order for a length of 1 meter 95 cm. But if you order a bed from non-standard material, for example, from bamboo, then because of natural shrinkage their size is always higher than the standard by 10-15 cm.

Double bed width

When choosing a bed, it is important to measure all the dimensions of the room ahead of time so that you can understand in advance whether the bed you like fits into your interior, then you won’t notice any discomfort at all. As we have already said, European dimensions allow you to choose the size of the bed, ranging from 140 cm wide up to 180 and even 200 cm.

Double bed height

If you plan to use the space under the bed for storage and want to organize, for example, a couple of roll-out wardrobes in a niche, then it is better to choose a model above 65 cm. This is approximately equal to the upper limit of the height of classic models.

Bed height options:

  • the podium bed is available with a height of 45 cm;
  • the height of classic models varies from 50 to 65 cm;
  • antique-style models have a height of 90 cm.

But for example, high beds are not suitable. In this case, the lower the legs, the better. Usually bedside tables, tables in this style are made of natural fabrics, they are very simple in execution, but, on the other hand, are solid.
