Delphi history. Delphi: attractions and places of interest. Origin of the place name Delphi

Sights of Greece -
Temple of Apollo at Delphi

In the photo: Temple of Apollo - general view

Delphi is an ancient Greek city located in southwestern Phocis, located north of the Corinthian Gulf on the slopes of Mount Parnassus. It is a city with a rich history and is full of places of great interest to historians, archaeologists and tourists.

The city of Delphi, which was once the center of the entire Hellenic world, thanks to the temple of Apollo located here and the Delphic oracle, has practically disappeared from the face over the centuries, and the village of Kastri eventually arose on its ruins. This continued until, in 1892, the French Archaeological School in Athens began systematic excavations in the village of Kastri, after moving it 1.6 kilometers to the west. Thus, the great treasures of ancient Greece were again revealed to the world.

Interesting legends are connected with Delphi and the Temple of Apollo. According to the myths of the ancients, when Zeus the Thunderer decided to determine the center of the world, he simultaneously released huge eagles from the west and east, which met over Delphi. The center of the world was marked with a memorial sign - an omphalos, on the sides of which sculptures of two golden eagles were installed. Today this place is often called the "Navel of the Earth".

Another legend says that Apollo, being the illegitimate son of the Thunderer and the mortal woman Lethe, even before his birth, he was subjected to countless persecutions from the lawful wife of Zeus - Hera. She sent the giant snake Python (Python) to destroy Lethe and her son. When Apollo grew up and got stronger, he killed the serpent and walled it up in the rock. But the poison of the snake was so strong that cracks began to appear in the walls of the rock-tomb from its stench. And then one day, not far from such a crack, a shepherd decided to rest. As he fell asleep, he inhaled the poisonous fumes emanating from the rock, and pictures of the future opened before him. The priests, who learned about this, drove the shepherd away, and the legendary architects Trophonius and Agamed built the sanctuary of Apollo at the place of his halt.

Ancient Delphi was located at the foot of Mount Parnassus - the habitat of the god Apollo, the patron of the arts, and his companions - the nine muses. According to the ancient Greeks, here was the center of the earth. This is how Delphi was depicted on ancient maps. Here, among the ruins of an ancient sanctuary, the "navel of the Earth" is still preserved - a marble statue, on the surface of which ribbons are depicted pulling it. The Greeks called it Omphalos.

The Sacred Road led to the temple of Apollo, on its sides there were many beautiful statues donated to the temple by whole nations and individuals. The inhabitants of Athens installed along the Sacred Road the figures of Apollo, Athena, the deified king Erechtheus and the commander Miltiades, who won the Battle of Marathon. The main rivals of the Athenians, the Spartans, donated statues of the Dioscuri brothers, Zeus, Apollo, Artemis and Poseidon. The number of all statues exceeded three thousand.

Behind the alley of statues, treasuries began, where precious gifts from residents of different cities, accumulated over many centuries, were stored.

In front of the wall of the temple of Apollo, visitors were greeted by a statue of a sphinx, donated by the inhabitants of the island of Naxos. It was an exact copy of the Delian Sphinx, which once stood in the homeland of Apollo - the island of Delos.

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi has been considered the most sacred place on earth for centuries. Here stood a golden statue of Apollo, inside of which there was a special sanctuary - the Delphic Oracle - a place where the Pythia sat on a ritual tripod - a priestess who conveyed God's messages to people, she uttered prophecies that were believed to come from Apollo himself.

She uttered prophecies not by itself, but under the influence of poisonous volcanic fumes that came out of a crack in the mountain, they were the source of hallucinations. The crack itself was also located in the temple, but has not been found at the moment. Only ether crystals have been found.

Starting from the VI century. BC e. there were three pythonesses. Before looking beyond the veil separating the present from the future, the Pythians devoured huge quantities of laurel leaves (laurel is one of the symbols of Apollo). The leaves of this plant contain potassium cyanine, which leads to hallucinations, and if consumed in excess, even death.

The most famous prediction was given to the Lydian king Croesus (546 BC). To his question - is it worth it to start a war with the Persians, the oracle replied: "Croesus, Alice, having crossed, will destroy the great kingdom" (Alice is a border river). Croesus was defeated and his kingdom was conquered by the Persians. The priests of the temple said that the prediction came true, since the oracle did not specify which kingdom would be destroyed.

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of Delphi throughout the Hellenistic world. At the time of its heyday, Delphi was truly buried in gold. Every Greek city-state considered it their duty to make a generous sacrifice to Apollo. Cities left their gifts in special vaults - treasuries. The best preserved of them is the Athenian. Like the building itself, so all its contents were a gift from Athens to Delphi.

This situation was not to everyone's liking. The famous fabulist Aesop, who visited Delphi, managed to quarrel with all the priests, accusing them that their predictions were false, and they themselves were mired in luxury. For such words, he was thrown off the cliff. True, later the priests repented of their deed and even fell in love with Aesop's fables.

During the heyday of the Greek policies, the priesthood of the temple of Apollo was under the influence of aristocratic Sparta. The Pythian Games took place here - pan-Greek festivities in memory of the victory of Apollo over Python. They were held first every eight years, then every four years. Initially, it was a competition of poets and musicians, whose patron was Apollo, but from 586 BC. e. sports competitions were also included in the program of the games. The last Pythian Games took place in 394 AD. e. At the same time, the emperor Theodosius I was completely ruined and closed the temple itself.

Rome also influenced the temple - for some time the oracle of Apollo continued to operate during the reign of the Roman emperors. Several shops were even built where pilgrims could buy and sell things. Later, a small church was also founded here, of which only ruins now remain.

When the temple of Apollo was excavated, it turned out that it had been destroyed by earthquakes and plundered to such an extent that there was practically nothing here except the foundation. However, during the excavations, so many old building structures were found, so that in 1939-1940, French archaeologists managed to restore one column completely and seven more partially.

Ancient amphitheater at Delphi

After passing the temple, the Sacred Road turns west, runs along its northern side, and then again turns at a right angle and ascends the steps to a higher level, to the theater. To the north of the retaining wall along the Sacred Way stood a bronze sculptural group - a four-horse chariot (circa 470 BC), from which only the figure of a charioteer survived, the rarest authentic example of early antique bronze sculpture. This masterpiece is on display at the local museum.

The northwest corner of the sanctuary is occupied by an open theatre, built in the 4th century BC and rebuilt several times. The amphitheater, designed for 5000 spectators, is well preserved, but only the foundation survived from the stage building. To the east of the theatre, the spring of Kassotida came to the surface, and even further to the east, the ruins of the forest of Cnidus (about 468-465 BC) are barely visible, i.e. places where visitors can have fun and relax. This lescha was especially famous for the frescoes of Polygnotus, an Athenian painter of the mid-5th century BC. The murals depicting scenes of the Trojan War are described in detail by Pausanias, but only minor fragments of painted plaster were found in the ruins.


To the northwest of the theatre, even higher up the slope is an ancient stadium. The well-preserved rows of stone benches and the markings of the running track give a clear idea of ​​what the venue for athletic competitions at the Pythian Games looked like. The foundations of the stadium date back to the 5th century BC, and an inscription dating back to the same time forbids bringing new wine to the stadium under the threat of a fine of five drachmas. The stadium had 7,000 seats, a much larger number of spectators could stand on the slope that towered above the stadium.

The ruins of the gymnasium

To the east of the sanctuary is the Kastalsky spring, a plentiful spring gushing from the rock. Below the sanctuary, to the south of the modern road, the ruins of a gymnasium with a long colonnade, a round pool and rooms for athletics are visible. Even further to the southeast (this place is called Marmaria) in a special enclosure was the sanctuary of Athena Pronaia. There were two temples dedicated to Athena, one from the 6th century BC, the other from the 4th century BC.

Tholos - Delphi

Between them are the ruins of a tholos, a round structure made of marble (about 400 BC), one of the finest structures in Delphi. Twenty Doric columns supported the architrave, on which rested a sculptural frieze depicting the battle of the Amazons with the centaurs. Inside the cella, also in a circle, stood ten Corinthian columns opening into the gaps with amazingly beautiful capitals.

Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia

The three outer Doric columns, together with part of the architrave, were reconstructed by French archaeologists in 1938. Between this round building and the archaic temple of Athena to the east were two treasuries, one of which belonged to the Massilians, built between 535 and 530 BC.

Treasures recovered during the archaeological excavations are exhibited in the local museum, located between the sanctuary of Apollo and the modern settlement. On the slopes of Mount Parnassus (1420 meters) rising above Delphi, there is the famous Koriki grotto, dedicated to Pan and the Muses.

The modern village of Delphi is located 1 km from the archaeological site. There are restaurants, bars, cafes, shops, hotels of various categories, as well as museums and the School of Arts at the service of vacationers. The European Center of Culture has been established in Delphi, where seminars, exhibitions of artists and sculptors are often held.

12 km from Delphi on Mount Parnassus at an altitude of 2459 m is a ski center. Modern lifts in just 15 minutes will allow you to reach the highest point, from where you can go down to the level of 600 meters along 20 ski slopes (some of them Olympic category). In winter, the ski center "Parnassus" is a favorite vacation spot for tourists and residents of the capital.

In the VIII century, the ancient deities disappeared, and Apollo appropriated the oracle that whispered in the depths of the cleft - the same oracle that, in a century, would make Delphi the religious and moral center of the ancient world. His fame continued to grow, and soon no important decision in the field of politics, trade or religion could be made without the approval of the oracle.

The power of Delphi was based on fabulous wealth, the city-states and all the Mediterranean colonies competed in the generosity of gifts to the oracle. Every four years, the Pythian Games were held to commemorate the victory of Apollo over the serpent Python. During Roman rule, Delphi was sacked by Nero and Sulla, but later restored by Hadrian. The oracle was eventually abolished by the Byzantine emperor Theodosius I at the end of the 4th century.

The sanctuary at Delphi and its springs are at the foot of two sheer reddish cliffs, the Cliffs of Fadriad, over 1200 meters high. In the depths of the gorge separating the two massifs, the icy waters of the Kastalsky spring are springing up, originating in the pool in which the oracle performed ritual ablutions.

sacred road

The entrance to the sanctuary leads through the agora, where the merchants of the temple used to gather in the Roman era. Passing through the sacred precinct (temenos), you will see a big road, along the edges of which there were once monuments and treasuries erected by large cities, islands and colonies of ancient Greece to store gifts from the inhabitants.

Temple of Apollo

Turning 180°, the sloping road approaches the retaining wall of the temple of Apollo, made of carefully fitted stones, the most sacred place in Delphi. The wall, 83 meters long, is covered with hundreds of inscriptions carved by freed slaves. Finally, before us appears the sanctuary itself, rebuilt in the 4th century BC. Subsequently, only a few columns were restored. It was here that the Pythia spoke.


Near the temple there is a theater of the 4th century BC, which accommodated at least 5,000 spectators. Once the Pythian Games were held here, now it comes to life only during the summer festivals. From the highest point of the sanctuary, a stunning panorama opens up, covering the steps, the temple, olive groves, tholos and the piercing, glaring blue of the waters of the Iteysky Bay.


The path that turns left leads to the stadium. (III century BC) with 7,000 seats. Its stone steps were completed in the Roman era.


Just below the main sanctuary, on the opposite side of the road, is the only important trace of the sanctuary of Athena Marmaria - the tholos. This is a round building of unusually harmonious proportions, although it retained only three columns and part of the entablature. His exact role is unknown.


The Delphi Museum possesses an extraordinary collection of works from the Archaic and Classical periods, of which Charioteer undoubtedly holds the palm. This bronze statue is from the 5th century BC. was found in 1896, having lain for 2000 years under construction debris, where it ended up as a result of an earthquake. Surprisingly natural, with a face bearing the imprint of calm pride and onyx eyes, the charioteer is depicted performing his circle of honor. You can also admire an archaic sphinx of the 6th century BC, a gift from the island of Naxos, two caryatids and elements of friezes from several treasuries, including Sifnos, two tall kouros and an amazing wooden statue of a bull lined with silver plates.


Snow on the peaks of Mount Parnassus, the residence of Apollo and his muses, does not melt until the beginning of summer. It is located a few kilometers northeast of Delphi. Reaching 2457 m at its highest point, Liakura Peak, the massif has become popular with Athenians who come here to ski in the winter and hike in the summer. You can make the ascent without much difficulty, it will take a little over an hour.


This mountain village, built at an altitude of 960 meters above sea level, on the road from Delphi to Athens, is now quite a busy place. Stone houses have turned into craft shops, cafes and restaurants. Here you can buy traditional products, and in spring (April 23) go to the colorful feast of the shepherds. This day marks the beginning of the season, when the shepherds go out to pasture.

Delphi Greece is a popular resort town that attracts travelers from all over the world. Each tourist finds exactly what he needs. Here you can fully enjoy the favorable climate, beaches, sights. Developed infrastructure contributes to the full enjoyment of the upcoming vacation.

General information about Delphi

Delphi is located on the territory of Phokis (mainland Greece). The city is located on the majestic Mount Parnassus, so you can imagine how majestic and picturesque the nature of these lands is. From any point there will certainly be a view of the picturesque valley with groves where olives grow, and the Gulf of Corinth.

Important! The distance to Athens is about 180 kilometers, to Kalambaka (this is where the famous monasteries of Meteora are located) - 300 kilometers, to Patras - 120. If you swim across the Gulf of Corinth, you can find yourself on the Peloponnese peninsula. If you carefully study the map and coordinates of Delphi, you can understand how advantageous the resort is and how interesting it is to spend the upcoming trip. In addition, the time here is European, so it will be easy for tourists to change lanes.

Delphi Greece

From the very beginning, Delphi has played an important role for Greece. The ancient Greeks considered the city to be the center of the world and associated it with numerous myths, as a result of which they tried to make the pilgrimage route here. From the very beginning, Delphi developed its culture; the Pythian games were held here. It is not surprising that in the 21st century, tourists prefer to spend their long-awaited vacation here.

Archaeological excavations on the territory of the ancient city began in 1900. New research was carried out in the late 90s, thanks to which Delphi was officially ranked as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Climate and weather in Delphi

The hottest months in the resort are July, August (the air warms up to +30 degrees and above). The coldest months are December and January, when the temperature drops to +4-12 degrees. The long-awaited trip is best planned from May to the end of October. Experienced tourists note that Delphi is a worthy competitor to the island of Crete, because the small city surprises with its history, culture and architectural appearance.

Sights of Delphi

Delphi is a real open-air museum. Despite frequent earthquakes, numerous cultural and architectural monuments have been preserved.

Note! The state of local attractions cannot be called ideal, but they still deserve special attention of travelers.

  • The Temple of Pythian Apollo is one of the main attractions. It has existed since 6-4 centuries BC. Here you can still understand that the temple was created in honor of Apollo. Opposite the temple is the main altar of the sanctuary, which has been preserved to this day, and it is made of valuable black marble. The sanctuary is also famous for its structure with corrugated columns (colonnade), the treasury of the Athenians (5th century BC). It is here that tourists can see the most important exhibits related to the culture and history of Greece.
  • The ancient stadium, which has existed since the 6th century BC, also deserves attention. It is believed that the stadium could accommodate up to 6 thousand spectators at the same time. The stadium is located at the very top and has been preserved in a fairly good condition. Tourists can imagine how athletes who participated in the Pythian Games fought here.
  • The Delphic Theater also deserves attention. It was created in a special way. Spectators should have seen the temple of Apollo and the valley below. The theater is located in the sanctuary of Apollo. It was rebuilt many times, but still the appearance corresponds to the original versions (2nd century BC). The theater is distinguished by the presence of stone benches, an orchestra and a stage. The bowl of the theater is partially formed by the natural relief, but it was still necessary to create an artificial embankment.

Delphi architecture

  • Natural attractions also deserve attention. For example, tourists can visit near the Castal springs. This spring springs from underground and is located near a rock on Mount Parnassus. The spring is the sacred spring of Delphi.
  • Tholos of Athena Pronoia is one of the most famous landmarks of Greece and Delphi. The circular structure is created in the form of a rotunda. The attraction has existed since the 3rd century BC. Until now, the purpose of the structure is unknown, but it impresses with its execution. In addition, the monument was created from various building materials, including limestone and marble. Statues depicting dancing women were used to decorate the roof of the tholos. However, the statues and reliefs of the tholos have not survived to our time. The tholos was only partially restored, and this significant event took place in 1938.
  • The archaeological museum of Delphi also deserves attention. The history of the museum center began in 1902. In 1938, a reconstruction was carried out. Antiquities that were found during archaeological excavations are stored here: statues, sculptures, antique objects. Currently, about 6 thousand valuable exhibits are presented here. More than 300 thousand people visit here every year.

How to get to Delphi

Delphi can be reached from the Greek capital, Athens. Buses depart daily from Athens to Delphi (once every 2-3 hours), and you need to buy tickets in advance. The journey will take about 3 hours. If you wish, you can go to Delphi for one day, but it is advisable to rent a hotel room and carefully explore the ancient city.

The beaches and resort of Delphi

Delphi is located at a distance of 10 kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. They include the small village of Galaxidi, which is ideal for a beach holiday. Here you can also go diving, surfing, windsurfing, sailing. Each tourist independently determines the appropriate format of recreation for himself.

  • Local attractions deserve special attention of tourists, so it is advisable to carefully consider the excursion program.
  • It is recommended to plan a beach holiday. The swimming season usually falls on May - October.
  • You can plan active shopping and visiting local cafes. In addition, the attendants often speak Russian.
  • A variety of hotels are available in Delphi, so you can choose the right option for the price.

When planning to visit Delphi in Greece, you can properly plan your upcoming vacation and enjoy it to the fullest.

Among the actors and musicians there are stars - people whom we may never have seen, but their name has been heard for sure. Among the cities of the world, known since ancient times, the city of Delphi Greece is a star of the first magnitude. Such exciting words as the Oracle, the Pythia, the sanctuary of Apollo are associated with Delphi. We really wanted to visit Delphi, to see it all with our own eyes.

Let me explain the situation right away: the place in Greece, which we call Delphi, consists of two parts: 1 - a modern town with hotels and 2 - an archaeological park, reserve or, as it is officially called, a site (not to be confused with sites on the Internet).

I will not confuse the story of ancient Delphi with the town of Delphi, to which we arrived from, after adventures with. In this article - a story about Delphi today. Where to stay, how much does a hotel cost in Delphi, how much does it cost to eat in Delphi, useful information for tourists.

Street in Delphi

Streets in Delphi - terraces

Delphi on the map of Greece

Scientists have not yet established when this settlement was formed. But it is clear that these are not the remains of an ancient city. Most likely, the city arose after the sanctuary of Apollo had lost its political and religious power.

Now numerous tourists from all over the world come to Delphi to stay for the night before visiting the archaeological park and museum located nearby, to relax, enjoy the natural beauty of Delphi, to feel the flavor of this mysterious place.

View of the valley from the balcony

Where is Delphi

Delphi is located on the territory of Phokis. This is mainland Greece. The city is located on Mount Parnassus, in a picturesque place. From almost anywhere (from a hotel, home, cafe) you can see the valley with olive groves and the Corinthian Gulf.

Delphi Map

The distance from Delphi to Athens is about 180 km, from Delphi to Kalambaki, where the famous ones are located, about 300 km. Through the Gulf of Corinth - the Peloponnese peninsula, and 120 km - the city where the relics of St. Andrew are located. By the way, in the temple itself there is no queue to the relics of the saint.

As a rule, Russian tourists go to Delphi in the summer to visit the archaeological park. European tourists know that Delphi is good in winter. The slopes of the mountains were chosen by skiers.

Delphi in winter Greece

11 km from Delphi, the small town of Arachova has a ski slope.

There are 3 campsites near Delphi. In the city itself, there are practically 4 main streets located in terraces.

Everything on the streets is for tourists - hotels, shops, taverns, where it is a pleasure to sit, thanks to the view from the balconies.

The city has a square where locals of all ages hang out in the evening, the Church of St. Nicholas, banks, and a post office.

Square and Church of St. Nicholas in Delphi

The city is quite densely populated. The population is approximately 1500 people. And a lot of tourists.

How to get to Delphi

The easiest way to get to Delphi is by car. The road is comfortable, although at the entrance to Delphi (we were driving from Meteora) there were warning signs - slippery road and ice. Indeed, the turn is quite steep, at the bottom there is a cliff; in winter or during rains in this area, you should drive carefully.

Tourist buses run constantly to Delphi. Booking an excursion to Delphi from almost anywhere in Greece is not a problem.

On your own, you can get from Athens to Delphi by bus. From the bus station st. Losion 260.

This site has a bus schedule, including to the city of Delphi: watch here

On the Internet, we found the following bus schedule from Athens to Delphi:

How to get to the bus station in Athens? From the center of Athens, for example?

The bus station is located at Attica metro station.

Up to st. the Attica metro station can be reached from the center of Athens from the Syntagma metro station, for example.

1. By subway. On a beautiful branch from Art. Metro Syntagma to the station. Attica (ticket costs = 1.40 euros and is valid for 90 minutes with transfers to any other land transport).

With the same ticket, you change to a bus (any of these - B12, 024,701,704,711,719 ...) go 4 stops and walk 60 meters to the bus station.

According to the schedule, a ticket to Delphi costs = 15.10 euros. Travel time 2 hours 30 minutes.

There is another way: According to the Lonely planet guide (guidebook), from the terminal Mavromateon station (FYI - Victoria metro) there are 6 daily flights to Delphi. The ticket price is 13 euros.

Tip: in Athens it is convenient to take a ticket for transport, which is valid for 24 hours without restrictions on the number of transfers to any land transport. It costs 4 euros.

In Delphi, transport tickets are not needed. Everything is within walking distance.

Useful information about Delphi

Prices for hotels in Delphi

Prices vary, but are quite reasonable. Really find a room in a hotel or boarding house for 40 € per day. If you are traveling by car or in a camper, you can stay at. There are also apartments, which is also incredibly convenient.

Delphi lives off tourism, so you shouldn't worry that you won't find something or get lost. Already somewhere, where, but in Delphi the tourist will not be lost!

How much does it cost to eat in Delphi?

Food prices are the same as in other cities of Greece - democratic. Depend on the cafe / tavern, its location. With a beautiful view - more expensive. Sit in a cafe - 10-15 euros.

You can have lunch from 15 -20 euros for lunch. If you take alcohol, it is already more expensive. Although the wine itself in Greece, in shops is inexpensive: 3 euros can cost 1 liter of simple young wine.

Collection wines have different prices.

Delphi. Useful Phones

Tourist Information Office Tel: +30 22650 82 900

Bus station (bus) Phone: +30 22650 82317

Amfissa Hospital at a distance of 20 km, phone: +30 22 650 22222, 22650 28400

Delphi Police, Phone: +30 22650 82 222

Delphi Tourist Police, Phone: +30 22650 82 220

In the following articles, I will tell you what are in Delphi, about and, of course, I will recommend a good one, where you can stay.

As a rule, tourists stay in the city for 2-3 days. We spent 2 days (1 night) in Delphi.

We arrived in the afternoon and checked into our hotel. We walked around the city, tried local food, got acquainted with the flavor of the town. In the morning we went to. We spent the whole day on the site and in the evening, taking things from the hotel, we went further - on a trip around.

Everyone from school has repeatedly heard about the amazing and very ancient Greek city of Delphi - the birthplace of many myths and legends. Today our article is dedicated to him. We will talk about its location, history and main attractions that travelers from different countries seek to see.

In the beautiful, at the very foot of the famous Mount Parnassus, in an absolutely picturesque place, between the high and powerful rocks of Fedriad, stands the city of Delphi. This place is a real magnet for lovers of ancient history and Greek mythology, as well as just curious people who don't like to sit still. Delphi is the pearl of the historical heritage of Greece, and its pride. The city is a real open-air museum, however, due to frequent earthquakes, historical and cultural monuments have not been fully preserved. Most of the monuments of Ancient Delphi located here are in a state of ruins; scientists date them to the Mycenaean period.

The history of Delphi begins in the sixteenth century BC. Scientists conducting excavations here have found traces of earlier sanctuaries here. If before that it was believed that there was a place of worship for the Greek goddess of the earth Gaia, then their finds belonged to the times when the pantheon of the Olympic gods did not take shape. What kind of sanctuaries these were, what gods were worshiped here before Gaia, it was not possible to establish exactly, but that this was the site of some other very early cult is for sure. So, according to the myths of Ancient Greece, Mother Gaia was the progenitor of future gods. In these places there was a cave - the entrance to the bosom of the goddess, tirelessly guarded by the son of Gaia - the mighty and terrible snake Python. Here is another legend about the founding of Delphi, which in ancient times was considered the center of the world and the "navel of the earth." Zev, from two opposite ends of the earth, released two eagles towards each other, the place where they fell, pierced by each other's beaks, became "Delphi" or "Navel of the Earth".

In general, it must be said that in Greece, absolutely everything is covered with legends, and Delphi and Mount Parnassus were no exception. In fact, Parnassus is a whole mountain range, in which there are valleys and gorges. The name of the mountains was taken from the name of the son of the Greek god of the seas Poseidon - Parnassus. Parnassus himself is known for giving people the knowledge of how to guess by the flight of birds in order to predict the future, now this type of fortune-telling is called ornithomancy. The ancient historian Ovid wrote about Mount Parnassus, who claimed that humanity was saved on it during the Flood. If the “Global Flood” itself was not in doubt among any of the historians, then the place of human rebirth among the followers of different religions is different. The Greeks believe that it is here. Namely, the god Parnassus used to live on the mountain, and a little later the god Apollo, where a huge sanctuary was erected in his honor.

They say that there are places of power on earth, there are several such places in Greece, and one of them is right here, in Delphi, and this is the Sanctuary of Apollo. Temple of Pythian Apollo, 6th-4th century BC. It was accidentally discovered during excavations in 1892. This Temple is known to people because of the Delphic oracle. Pythia lived in the temple - a priestess-soothsayer, to whom the needy citizens of Delphi went for advice, she answered any questions, whether it was politics or everyday affairs. The Sanctuary of Apollo at Delphi is a sacred place in Ancient Hellas. And right in front of the Temple of Apollo, travelers can see the main altar of the sanctuary made of black marble, well preserved to this day.

It is worth visiting the Treasury of the Athenians - a small marble building built at the beginning of the fifth century BC, after the victory at the Battle of Salamis, which is not there: both military trophies and objects dedicated to the cult of the god Apollo. Even the reliefs that adorn the building are marvelous examples of the art of a distant archaic era: you can see the exploits of Hercules and Theseus on them. In addition, there are a lot of murals with texts that played an important role in the study of the holidays and customs of the ancient Greeks: “Carrying a tripod”, “Carrying fire”, “Dodecaid”, “Ifaid”, and also, there are two hymns carved on marble god Apollo.

The ancient stadium, built in the sixth century BC, and accommodating up to six thousand spectators, is interesting. It is located next to the Ancient Theater, standing on top of a mountain. Previously, athletic competitions of the Pythian Games, held every four years, were held here. This tradition appeared from the beginning of the sixth century BC, thus, the expression of the unity of the nation was manifested. There was also a musical part in the Pythian Games, which took place in the theater of Delphi. The Delphic theater was built in such a way that the audience could see the temple of Apollo and the valley below. The bowl of the theater is almost completely formed by natural relief, there are thirty-five rows with five thousand seats. But from the ancient scene, only the foundation has been preserved.

Curious tourists who come to rest in must certainly touch the secrets of Delphi. To do this, you need to visit the Kastalsky spring - a spring beating near a rock on Mount Parnassus. This source was considered by the Greeks - the sacred key to Delphi. He gave inspiration to creative people: poets, musicians, and also, priests, temple servants and the Pythia performed ablutions here before making divinations. This was also allowed for people who came for a prophecy, leaving gifts to the gods.

Visiting map of Delphi - Tholos Athena Pronoi - a circular structure, in the form of a rotunda, dating from the third century BC. Tholos is a masterpiece of architecture, but what it was intended for is unknown to this day. The structure has twenty Doric columns and ten Corinthian semi-columns. The building is located on a platform with three small steps. The roof of the tholos used to be crowned with statues of dancing women, but today there are none. The tholos was partially restored in 1938. The Delphi Archaeological Museum contains some architectural details and parts of the relief decorations of this tholos.

In addition to the most interesting and exciting history, travelers who come to Delphi remain delighted with the stunningly beautiful nature: majestic mountain landscapes, clean air. And if you come to Delphi in the spring, then the aroma of flowering almond trees will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.