We decorate the room for the new year. New Year's decor: how to decorate the living room and the festive table. How to decorate a New Year's room with your own hands beautifully

New Year's Eve chores are quite pleasant. It's time to choose gifts for loved ones, come up with an outfit and buy food for the table. But it is worth remembering that your home also needs decoration. Interior decoration for the New Year, how to decorate, you personally decide. However, there are many excellent useful ideas that will create beauty and comfort in any room.

Christmas tree decoration

One of the main elements of any New Year's decor is the beautiful Christmas tree. It's 2019 and now there is a diverse selection for any space, from living to artificial, from huge to small and fluffy.

If the room is very crowded, you can limit yourself to sprigs of a Christmas tree, folding a bouquet out of them. Just take a vase. Put branches in it and decorate them. Get a small homemade Christmas tree.

Many on this holiday are accustomed to hang a wreath on the front door. You can also make it from spruce branches. Take the wire and roll a ring out of it. It should be quite thick, because this is the basis of the wreath. With the help of a thin and flexible wire, proceed to fixing the spruce branches to the base. Bows, cones and ribbons can be used as decorative elements.

Cones are also used to create a wreath. First, the foam is taken and a base is cut out of it, resembling the shape of a ring. The wire should be wrapped around the legs of the cones, and then they begin to stick into the base until the legs pass through. Turning the base over, these ponytails are bent.

This wreath requires a large number of cones, because the base should be completely hidden behind them. Use ribbon to decorate different colors.

In addition, decorative Christmas trees can be made from cones. To do this, take a bump big size and paint it green. If you want the Christmas tree to be a little non-standard, then use not green, but, for example, silver or gold. Place the resulting cone on a stand or in a small flower pot. It should be placed upside down. To decorate this decorative Christmas tree colored beads will do.

We hang beautiful garlands

In order to better understand how to decorate the room, you can see a photo of the decorated room on New Year. This way you can get some ideas. Well, another mandatory element of the New Year is a garland. She is not only decorated with a Christmas tree, but also hung on the walls. Garlands powered by electricity should be bought at a store where their choice is diverse. But home-made ones are not so often used now when decorating rooms.

Although such garlands look quite impressive and beautiful. It's easy to create them. You can make a garland corrugated paper. Multi-colored long strips are cut out of it. All must be the same width. Each strip has frequent cuts along the edges.

As a result, you will get a fringe. Do not make them too deep, at least 2 cm from the edge of the strip should remain. Two stripes different color twisted together into a rope. Do this for all stripes. As a result, you will get a fluffy garland, you can place it above the door or on the wall in the form of numbers 2019 or a wave.

We decorate windows

In addition to the walls in the room, windows should also be decorated. Usually for this they take decorative curtains or do paper crafts. But the most popular option since childhood for everyone is decoration with snowflakes. Of course now they are already sold in finished form.

However, it is much more interesting to do them yourself, connecting the whole family. To attach snowflakes to glass, just moisten it with a little water.

In addition to snowflakes, other figures can be cut out of paper of different colors. For example, they often use characters from fairy tales, copied from books or drawn by you.

You can also make a candy wreath. For this you must have:

  • tinsel,
  • Super glue,
  • candy and
  • foam ring.

Attach the candies with super glue to the ring and decorate with tinsel.

Decorative curtains are another way to decorate windows beautifully. To do this, simply fix the rain on the ledge. It can also be replaced with satin ribbons with different lengths. At their free ends, you can attach cones and Christmas balls.

This element is used quite often when decorating a room for the new year 2019. And now it will not be difficult to choose and buy suitable candles. However, candlesticks made by with my own hands.

To create a candlestick, you can use a glass. Decorate the edges and leg of the glass with braid and various beads, and lower a flat small candle inside. You can use scented candles.

To decorate the table, you can choose floating candles. To do this, you need a crystal vase, into which water should be poured, and then a couple of candles should be lowered. Everything is sprinkled with glitter on top.

Children's decoration for the New Year

When coming up with various decor elements before the holiday, it is important to remember not only that everything should be beautiful, but also about safety. There are several useful advice, which will help organize the correct design:

1. If the child is not yet five years old, place all decorations so high that he cannot take them;

2. Try not to use small parts and toys. After all, the baby can drag them into the mouth or nose;

3. It is worth refusing to use glass Christmas decorations. Now there are many balls made from polymer materials. These do not break even when they fall from a great height;

4. If there are small children in the house, you should refuse any decorations with burning candles;

5. Check how firmly the tree is fixed. It should not fall if someone accidentally touches it.

Decorating a room for a holiday is exciting creative process. It is not necessary to buy all the elements in the store, because you can make them with your own hands. So the room will look even more original.

Don't forget about the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree! Decorate it with fantasy. Let the most unusual items come into play. Try to create your own Christmas decorations.
Approach home decor from an unusual angle. Dream up on this theme, and your house will look very cozy for the New Year 2019.

You can also see interesting materials on the topic:

70 photo ideas on how to decorate a room for the New Year 2019

Festive wreath

For a wreath, you will need a frame, spruce branches and New Year's decor

The tradition of decorating doors with wreaths came to us quite recently, but has already fallen in love with many. The craft is built on the basis of a round frame. The ring can be crafted from tightly tied tree branches, wire, or an unnecessary sewing hoop. Also in the shops for creativity, special foam rubber blanks are sold. To decorate the wreath, the most different materials. Initially, these were branches of coniferous trees.

Now cones, nuts, cinnamon sticks, dry fruits, sweets, Christmas balls are in use. Attach all the elements to the ring with superglue or tie with threads. To make the craft look more interesting, alternate different objects - you will get a nice pattern. When making a wreath, you can always come up with something new. For example, this one is built from sheet music.

Unusual Christmas wreath from musical scores

Usually a wreath decorates the entrance to a private house. But it can be hung on any door or put on some surface - for example, on festive table. Traditionally, candles are placed in the center of the wreath.

Winter bouquet

Christmas composition of fir branches, toys and cones

Ikebana from natural materials take pride of place on the windowsill, table or chest of drawers. Such a composition will delight you with a pleasant aroma and look wonderful from the street. For this craft you will need:

  • Flower pot, beautiful bottle or wallet;
  • Decorative balls and beads;
  • Cones, nuts;
  • Branches of coniferous trees;
  • Apples or tangerines;
  • Sweets;
  • Ribbons or beads;
  • Super glue;
  • Glitter or fake snow.

If your vessel is transparent, put objects on the bottom of the stronghold: balls, cones, wax fruits. Upper layer build from branches, nuts and sweets. A bow or string of beads will give a special charm to the bouquet. To keep the composition firmly, fasten all its elements with superglue. Sprinkle your flower arrangement with a pinch of glitter and it will sparkle with snowflakes!

Wall Christmas tree - another version of the New Year's composition

Compositions from dry branches are in fashion. A festive look is given to them by a shiny spray paint that looks exactly like frost. You can decorate such an ikebana with a garland, Christmas balls or flowers. Such a bouquet perfect solution for home or office modern style! Well, from several branches of different lengths you can make a funny wall Christmas tree.

Crafts from cones

Washed and dyed cones can and should be used in decor!

These gifts of the forest are an excellent material for New Year's decor. You can paint them with glitter spray paint. Variegated cones look good in vases. Choose pleasant shades of colors - and you will get unusual decoration. You can also hang the craft - to do this, glue a loop to it or screw a carabiner into the middle of the cone.

You can make a laconic garland of cones with your own hands

Pass a thick thread, ribbon or beads through the hole and hang the craft in the chosen place. The bump can be decorated with a bow and decorative stones. This craft looks great not only on spruce branches. It can be placed on the eaves, fastening curtains or a chandelier. And from golden cones and a skein of twine, an excellent garland is obtained!

Christmas stockings

Scraps of bright fabric will do for Christmas stockings

A composition of multi-colored socks is a mandatory attribute of the winter holidays. For many centuries, children have been hanging stockings over the hearth, waiting to find a gift from Santa Claus there. Agree, this wonderful tradition is worth adopting. Moreover, socks can be hung not only over the fireplace, but also in the children's room. For sewing, take the following materials:

  • wool or fleece (preferably red or green, but other colors will work)
  • thick white fabric or faux fur;
  • scissors;
  • threads (thin and woolen);
  • needles (regular and gypsy);
  • pins;
  • paper and pencil.

Variant of Christmas socks made of burlap and ribbons

Draw on paper future crafts. You can sew not only ordinary socks, but also funny boots with twisted toes. Cut out the pattern and transfer its outline to the fabric. To prevent the pattern from moving out, attach it with pins. Cut out the pieces of the sock and sew a strip of white fabric to the top half of each. Sew two blanks from the back and turn the finished sock inside out.

The craft is almost ready! It remains to decorate it with beautiful embroidery. Sheathe the edges of the sock with a dense white thread, making large stitches. Embroider the child's name, snowflakes or Christmas patterns. To the upper edge of the sock, you can attach a braid with pom-poms or multi-colored buttons. And do not forget to sew a loop to the stocking through which you can thread a ribbon or rope.

Snowflake ballerinas

"Skirts" of ballerinas can be made from tulle or paper snowflakes

Love dancing? Then it is worth decorating the house with figures of graceful ballerinas. To create this craft, you will need:

  • a sheet of thick paper or white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • tulle;
  • tape or paper clips;
  • thread or thin ribbon.

The New Year has always been a special holiday for people - a harbinger of change, new achievements and victories. Whenever it's time for the festive festivities, many tend to give their apartment as festive as possible. But people do not always know exactly how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, and now, when the 2016 meeting is approaching, this is especially important.

Many of us mistakenly believe that the main decoration of an apartment for the New Year is the New Year's table, and in the decoration of our apartment they are often limited to just decorating a festive dinner. At the same time, few people think about decorating a room for the New Year, despite the fact that the arrangement of rooms contributes to the atmosphere of festive comfort and family harmony. It will be doubly pleasant if you make the elements for decor for the year of the Fire Monkey, which is 2016, with your own hands.

Interior design rules for the New Year 2016

When choosing the color scheme of decorations for the house, stop at bright red, fiery red and yellow colors, symbols of fire that can please the hostess of 2016 - the Fire Monkey.

Do not forget also about candles, lamps, homemade toys and voluminous origami in the form of Christmas trees. penguins from plastic bottles must be decorated by drawing bright orange hats for them, in accordance with the colors of the fire.

In the same time bright colors should be in harmony with the rest, not cutting the eyes shades - beige, green flowers and pastel tone in decoration.

Above all, the Fire Monkey appreciates coziness and comfort. You can please the hostess of 2016 homemade jewelry home for the new year.

Christmas tree for 2016

The Christmas tree has been a symbol of the holiday for many years. Without Christmas tree no one imagines a full-fledged holiday. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to details. When decorating a Christmas tree with your usual toys in the form of balls, rain, tinsel, try to use more often bright colors, corresponding to the color of the flame, the symbol of the coming year.

Don't forget to also decorate the walls with snowflakes and other types of Christmas decorations.

DIY home decorations for the New Year

You can decorate a Christmas tree or walls for the house with ordinary pine cones, tying them with bright yellow or red ribbons.

According to Eastern belief, the bell becomes the main talisman of the Year of the Monkey. It is important to hang a bright and shiny bell over the door so that every guest entering your house can ring it and make a wish.

You can also build a garland of bells by tying a twine on top and hanging them on doorway at the entrance to the living room, kitchen or bedroom.

Symbol of the coming Year of the Monkey

You can purchase any kind of figurine - ceramic, wooden, plastic or plush monkey. Such decoration will successfully fit into any type of interior. You can place the monkey anywhere - on the windowsill, on coffee table in the living room, under the tree. And if you have a small wooden figurine of a monkey, you can put it in the center New Year's table.

You can also cut a monkey out of paper and attach it to the window in the form of a snowflake. Snowflakes on the windows you can cut out of paper or draw with toothpaste. Do not forget also about the usual snowflakes - a symbol of any New Year's interior.

Kitchen decoration for the New Year

Do not forget that the kitchen is an important part of the New Year's house, because it is in the kitchen that the solemn gala dinner takes place on the night of December 31 to January 1. In order for the kitchen to match the symbol and theme of the holiday, do not forget to redecorate the kitchen, and do not forget to decorate the walls and ceiling.

Any tinsel, rain or garland is suitable for the kitchen. The main thing is the tones - light beige, red, yellow. Lay a red tablecloth with beige edges. In the middle of the table, you can put a small figurine in the form of a monkey. It is important to observe the symbolism. Also, do not forget to throw beige covers on the chairs. The entire kitchen should be in line with the New Year 2016 theme. If you wish, you can decorate the kitchen with branches or cones. In the middle of the table, you can put a vase with a spruce paw - one of the types of room and table decoration for the holidays.

A tablecloth on the table and chair covers are a must for decorating the kitchen for the New Year. The main thing when decorating is to keep the proportions so that the kitchen is not crowded, and the set decorations do not hamper the hosts and guests at the table.

Features of the symbol of the New Year

In the year of the Fire Monkey, you will have to fork out for decor items for your home, because the monkey is eccentric and likes everything in the house to be decorated from the heart. She does not like it when the owner saves on the improvement of his apartment, so she will be especially supportive of people who do not spare money for decorations.

In the coming year, it is recommended to change the curtains to brighter ones or choose patterned ones with original ornaments. Decorating your living room is essential. You can also decorate the front door by hanging a festive wreath over the opening in a combination of pine needles and bright festive ribbons.

While preparing for the holiday, do not forget that the New Year is a family tradition, so try to involve your family in decorating your home. Children can be safely involved in such an activity as cutting snowflakes or composing an artificial garland by inviting them to combine business with pleasure.

It would be better to come up with ways to decorate an apartment for the New Year together. Perhaps in this way you will be able to figure out how to furnish your interior in an original way, without spending extra money - you can make all the decoration elements with your own hands.

Whether or not you believe in omens, decorate beautifully New Year's interiorthe main task to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in a festive setting.

Every time on the eve of the New Year, we try to decorate the house with decor that, in character and color, supports the symbol of the year. This year it's the Fire Monkey. so that the dwelling looks unique, and maintains the style of the sign, and maintains comfort, knows Tatyana Zaitseva, head of the studio comfortable interiors Tatiana Zaitseva Design Studio.

On the one hand, those who like to delve into symbolism can find many ways to appease this particular sign. On the other hand, it is important to decorate the house for the New Year 2016 in such a way as to create an environment in which you and your family will feel the atmosphere of the holiday. I advise you to stick to your own feelings, but I will also try to give a few useful tips about the decor of the living room for the New Year holidays.

In the center of attention, of course, is the tree and the table. Now there is a lot of discussion on the topic of whether to buy a natural or artificial Christmas tree. If you associate the New Year with a simply decorated tree, then feel free to take an artificial one. If you don’t feel the holiday without smell, as well as the process of choosing and installing a forest beauty, then take it live!

To decorate the Christmas tree, use a variety of bright toys and garlands. This year, you can hang more tangerines and candies on the tree, as the monkey loves both. Yes, and you yourself probably like it, especially if there are children in the house. Do something with your hands. For example, garlands of sweets and cinnamon sticks or snowflakes, you can even make rag angels from taffeta and paper (I'm sure this is not the only way). A gold wide fabric ribbon looks good. You can buy a large skein and make bows with long curly ponytails. They and the garland will be a wonderful and quite sufficient background decoration for the Christmas tree.

The decor imitating winter berries or nuts, such as juniper or hazelnuts, looks interesting. It can be attached to the edge of the branches, where there are no cones. No need to block the decor with real cones on the tree.

It is also easy to sew from beautiful thick fabric socks for Santa's gifts. You can also make funny little socks and hang them on the lower branches of the Christmas tree in the form of a garland.

If the curtains in the living room are neatly fixed to the sides of the window, you can decorate the window sills with dishes with candles or Christmas balls and brilliant decor. But only if you plan to light candles, then you can’t put candles and other decor on the same plate - this is dangerous. With the help of shiny threads (serpentine, rain) or ordinary coarse woolen thread, you can hang compositions of light glass or fabric toys over the window. Snowflakes and lanterns look especially beautiful on the window, which you can make with your own hands or entrust this mission to children.

Throughout the house, you can arrange bowls or small candies with sugar-coated gingerbread or other dry pastries that are associated with Christmas.

It has long happened that many people start preparing for the celebration of the New Year a few months before it starts, and 2016 is no exception. For each person, the New Year is associated with different things. Someone, at the mention of the New Year holidays, recalls clean snow crisp underfoot, and for someone, the New Year is associated with fireworks, the aroma of tangerines and spruce. But one of the main attributes of the holiday is a clean and skillfully decorated apartment or house for the New Year holidays and a beautifully decorated festive table. It is enough to show a little imagination in the design of the home and the atmosphere new year holiday will enter your home.

Many elements for decor are now available in various New Year's souvenir shops. But after spending a little time from improvised materials that are available to almost every housewife, you can make individual, unique, elegant little things to decorate an apartment for the holiday.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with creative ideas for New Year's decoration do-it-yourself apartments Very soon 2016 will come, according to the eastern calendar, this is the year of the Red Fire Monkey. Astrologers predict this year for positive-minded people big changes and capacity for creativity. The playful and noisy patroness of the year, the Fire Monkey, will appreciate a home creatively designed to celebrate 2016.

When meeting the coming year in the decor of the apartment, elements from natural materials should be used. And most importantly, when decorating a home, do not skimp on rich and bright colors that will appeal to an extravagant monkey.

We begin to decorate our home for the celebration of the New Year, of course, with decorations front door. For many, a beautiful wreath of fragrant pine or spruce branches decorated with all kinds of tinsel (garlands, Christmas tree decorations and rain) has become traditional.

But in the year of the Red Fire Monkey, it would be appropriate to make an original wreath with elements of leaves of other evergreens, decorated with small figurines of playful monkeys or without them. Make such a wreath and the patroness of the year, the baby monkey, will undoubtedly bring good luck to your home.

Christmas decoration of furniture and interior doors.

decor options interior doors and there is a lot of furniture for the holiday. But we propose to consider the most accessible of them.

You can cut out cute figures of a Snow Maiden, Santa Claus or a snowman from ordinary napkins or plain writing paper. It will not be difficult to fix such applications on furniture doors or door leaf using small pieces of stationery tape.

Along the perimeter of the door, using the same adhesive tape, you can fasten garlands of beads, rain, serpentine and other Christmas tinsel.

Very stylish look attached to doors or furniture Stuffed Toys small size. To give the toys a festive look, you can dress them up by making funny hats and scarves out of multi-colored patches or tinsel.

On the sofa you can put a bright and stylish bedspread from bamboo fabric.

Look for more inspiring room decor ideas for the New Year in the photo:

Christmas window decoration.

Of course, according to tradition, you can stick self-cut paper snowflakes on the windows. But try to show a little imagination in the year of the Monkey. Make various paper stencils with holiday figures.

The silhouettes of monkeys dressed in New Year's coats, reindeer or just snow-covered hills will look very nice.

And you can make such a stencil, which, by attaching to the window, you can use paints on water based draw beautiful holiday drawings.

Christmas tree garlands made with colored paper, balls and other materials available to everyone can be placed on the balcony or around the perimeter of the window.

Other ideas on how to decorate a window for the New Year can be seen in the photo:

Decorating the Christmas tree.

The main attribute of the New Year - a beautiful Christmas tree in 2016 is better to decorate with toys and tinsel of purple-red or bright orange.

Hung on the Christmas tree will look very advantageous bright tangerines, oranges, bananas and all kinds of figurines made from their skins. For examples of such decorations, see the photo.

Also, on the Christmas tree you can hang funny faces of funny monkeys, simply printed on a color printer.

And at the end of the festive image of the Christmas tree, decorate the branches of the New Year's beauty with artificial snow.

Decoration of the New Year's table.

To decorate the New Year's table in 2016, use as many bright elements as possible.

You will need colored napkins, colorful dishes, holiday candles and a tablecloth.

Tablecloth for the table is best to choose bright red or lemon yellow color. Napkins selected in one will look beautiful color scheme with a tablecloth.

And multi-colored lights of candles will add zest to the decoration of the festive table.

Also, it would not be superfluous to put several glass or ceramic figurines of monkeys on the table.

And, of course, spectacularly decorated festive dishes will help to finish the decoration of the New Year's table.

And the main decoration of the New Year's table will be the smiles of your loved ones and a festive mood.