Adjusting the door closer. We adjust the door closer yourself How to set up a door closer in the entrance

Quite often doors various types equipped with a closer. This small device adds comfort when closing. The door doesn't slam or stay ajar. However, over time the closer may need to be adjusted. The more often the door opens, the sooner this action will need to be performed. It's a simple process.

Adjusting the door closer, the instructions for which are discussed below, is quite doable on your own. The device will operate for a long time and efficiently.

Operating principle of the closer

Installing a door closer allows you to reduce the load on hinges and fittings when opening and closing. The mechanism of operation of this device is simple. Its versatility allows the door closer to be used on almost any type of door.

When opening, the force is transmitted through the piston to the spring. It is located in a chamber filled with oil or gas. At the moment of opening, the spring is compressed. In this case, the contents of the chamber flow into the freed space. After the pressure on the system is released (at the moment of closing), the substance returns to the primary chamber through the channels of the hydraulic or pneumatic system.

This process is quite easy to adjust. The patency of the channels is controlled by screws. Thanks to them, the door closer is adjusted. The manufacturer's instructions indicate where these screws are located. They are easy to find for almost all types of devices.

Types of installation on the door

There are several types of door closers. They differ in their design and installation method. The simplest are overhead mechanisms, as well as devices that are installed in (instead of the contents).

More complex closers are installed during installation flooring. Their installation can be planned before the renovation begins. Another type of mechanism is closers hidden in the frame or door leaf. The instructions for their installation and operation require a fairly large thickness of the entire system. Therefore, such a door closer is rarely used for interior doors. More often, this mechanism regulates the closure of input species.

If you want to install a door closer with your own hands, you should give preference to simple overhead models with a sliding rod. They are made according to the same template.

Important facts about choosing a device

When choosing a closer for a metal door, interior or other types, you should take into account a number of operating conditions. First of all, you need to evaluate the dimensions and weight. It is further determined during opening and closing. With the same weight of the leaf, a more powerful door closer will require a wider door.

To make it easier for the buyer to navigate the selection process the desired variety mechanism, the EN1154 classification was developed. It includes 7 device groups. EN1 are designed for the lightest doors.

Also taken into account when choosing climatic conditions. Standard devices are operated in temperature range from -35 to +70 ºС. If winters are colder, you should take this into account and give preference to special mechanisms. the characteristics of which must be specified by the manufacturer, can function even in severe frosts.

Device traction

There are 3 main types of overhead door closer designs. They can have a sliding, lever rod, as well as a lock for stopping the blade in one position. When choosing a particular type, the dimensions, weight of the door, building design, and operating conditions are taken into account. The user's taste preferences play an important role.

Sliding traction is characterized by hidden structural elements. Not every owner is satisfied with protruding lever mechanisms. Especially if they are choosing a door closer for interior doors.

Adjustment principle

To ensure that the installation of a door closer meets your expectations, you should pay attention special attention adjustment. Such devices most often have two or three settings options. This allows the operation of the mechanism to be as close as possible to the operating conditions of the door.

The first adjustment is carried out immediately after installing the closer. During the process of opening and closing the door, the system elements will require additional configuration. Initially, you need to adjust the door closing speed. During the cold season this should happen quickly. Interior doors require slow, smooth closing.

Then the force of the clap is adjusted. It should be sufficient so that the door does not remain open. But a strong slam can quickly damage the fittings and hinges.

If you need to keep the door open for some time or increase the intermediate closing time, you can use and configure additional latches. This allows you to increase comfort when using the door.

Adjustment instructions

Do-it-yourself adjustment of the door closer is carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Usually the setup principle is identical for everyone. There are two screws on the closer body. They can be untwisted, but not very much. After making two full turns, you can expect the chamber to depressurize and the device to break. It is impossible to repair it at home. Even half a turn of the screw significantly changes the speed of the door leaf. If you turn it counterclockwise, the sash will close slowly.

First, the door closing speed is checked. If it is large, turn the screw half a turn. Next, you may need to add a little speed. To do this, turn the screw in the opposite direction a quarter turn.

To adjust the aftershock on the last 15 cm before closing, the speed is adjusted in the same way. To do this, unscrew the second screw. The procedure is similar to the previous step. Depending on the door closer model, you can pay attention to the opening angle of the blade, as well as average speed progress.

A standard overhead door closer requires adjustment during its operation. This is felt when the seasons change in oil models. The contents of the chamber become thicker after harsh winter frosts. Therefore the mechanism front door need to be adjusted more often.

To avoid frequent system adjustments and purchase a durable device, it is worth purchasing a special type of mechanism for external doors. They contain gas, not oil, inside. This is a pneumatic closer for entrance doors. Device adjustments are required less frequently. Gas does not change its properties during operation.

Additional functions of the closer indicate certain markings. If there is no need for them, it is better to buy a simple overhead door closer. The price of such a device will be lower. Additional features increase the cost.

Model overview

Today, the market for devices for soft closing of doors is represented by domestic and foreign door closers. The most popular today are German (Dorma, Boda), Italian (Cobra, Cisa), Finnish (Abloy) devices. Domestic closers are represented by the Expostroymash Plus company.

Today you can buy a high-quality door closer, the price of which is 1000-1200 rubles. However, the cost of the devices foreign companies, which are endowed additional functions, can reach 3500-4000 rubles.

The models performed especially well in harsh winter conditions Finnish company Abloy and German GEZE and Dorma. Domestic door closers are not inferior in quality to European models, and their cost is significantly lower. You should not purchase cheap devices from unknown manufacturers that do not have the appropriate quality certificates. Such mechanisms quickly fail and reduce the service life of the door.

Terms of use

Famous devices brands withstand from 0.5 to 1 million operating cycles. This will require adjustment of the door closer. The manufacturer's instructions accurately describe this process.

Today, market leaders are ready to offer consumers various models increased strength. They are most often filled with gas rather than oil. Such mechanisms can withstand not only unfavorable conditions environment, but also improper operation.

If the closer is in free access, it must be equipped with a special valve. It will prevent the device from intentional hacking attempts.

But cheap overhead oil closers are in dire need of following operating rules. This mechanism does not allow you to hold or pull the door while closing it. It is also prohibited to fix it (except for pneumatic models). No foreign objects should be placed under the canvas. It is also strictly forbidden to hang or ride on the doors. Therefore, if there are small children in the house, this needs to be explained to them immediately.

To avoid having to change the device in the near future, you should choose the right door closer and use it responsibly. In this case, it will last a long time. From time to time, simple adjustments to the door closer will be required. The manufacturer's instructions will allow almost every owner to follow it. This will provide comfort when closing the door, and will also significantly increase its service life.

The closer allows the door to close smoothly and without impact. This increases the service life of both the door leaf and the locks. Due to the fact that the closer constantly succumbs heavy loads, to ensure normal and reliable operation of the mechanism, it must be carefully and regularly maintained. Enough to carry out necessary adjustments and the device will work flawlessly for many years. There are several adjustment options, you can do all the settings yourself, you just need to know how to do it correctly.

When do you need to adjust the door closer?

Modern door closer appeared relatively recently. Its task is to ensure smooth closing of the door leaf. Such devices can be installed both at the entrance and interior doors in houses and apartments, as well as in offices, shops, entrances, etc. Previously, a spring was used to close the door, but in this case the door leaf slammed shut and a blow occurred, which led to the rapid failure of both the locks and the door leaf .

If earlier springs were used to close the door, now - modern devices called door closers

The presence of a closer on the doors implies that when opening them, it will be necessary to apply a certain force, which is accumulated in the mechanism located inside such a device. When closing the door, the door closer smoothly returns the door to its original position.

Before we begin to describe the process of adjusting closers, you need to briefly familiarize yourself with their types. The following types of mechanisms can be found on sale:

  • spring. This is the simplest model, which works by compressing the spring when the door is opened, after which it unclenches and the leaf closes;

    The spring closer has a simple design, as it works by compressing the spring

  • cam with sliding (slide) rod. Its operation is based on the smooth sliding of a slide rod. This mechanism is usually used for door leaves of light weight, as well as where such indicators as compactness, smooth running and small sizes closer;

    The cam closer has a sliding (slide) rod

  • closer with gear drive. This is the most common option. Its operation is based on the movement of the door under the action of gears. The gear closer is more durable and can therefore be installed on heavy doors.

    The operation of the gear closer is ensured by the gears it contains.

In addition, you need to decide on the types of closers according to the installation method:

  • invoices. These are the most simple models, which are attached to the top of the door. They are usually mounted on the entrance doors to a house or apartment. It is easy to adjust overhead closers; for this purpose there are special screws on the mechanism body;

    The overhead door closer is attached to the top of the door

  • floor These models also have simple design, but they are installed on the floor. In houses and apartments floor models are practically not used. They are mainly installed in offices, shops and other establishments with high traffic;

    The floor closer is fixed to the floor

  • hidden. Such structures are difficult to install and regulate. This is due to the fact that they are either inside the door or in the floor, making them difficult to reach.

    The hidden closer is hidden in the door leaf, frame or floor

In what cases should the door closer be adjusted?

The door closer is operated in intensive mode, therefore, to ensure it normal operation It is recommended to carry out adjustment work at least twice a year. If the room is heavily occupied, adjustments may need to be made more often.

Since most door closers contain oil inside, adjustments must be made in warm and cold seasons. This is due to the fact that when the temperature changes, the thickness of the oil also changes and the smooth operation of the device will depend on this.

Most door closers contain oil inside; its thickness depends on temperature, so adjustments must be made in warm and cold seasons

It is necessary to constantly monitor the operation of the mechanism. If you are not satisfied with the speed at which the door closes, or if it occurs jerkily, or if the door leaf does not attract well, to eliminate such shortcomings, it is necessary to adjust the closer.

Is adjustment necessary after installing the device?

Depending on the design of the closer, the location of the adjusting screws will differ. Despite this, the adjustment is carried out according to the same pattern - when the screws are rotated clockwise, the speed and force of the mechanism increase and vice versa.

Since the weight of the door leaf on which the closer is mounted may vary, adjustments must be made immediately after installation. The screws must be turned very smoothly. It is recommended to make no more than ¼ turn, after which you need to check the operation of the closer. If you unscrew the screw more than 2 turns, it may fall out of the socket, and this will lead to oil leakage.

Since the weight of the door may vary, the closer must be adjusted immediately after installation.

Immediately after installing the closer, its performance is checked and if something is not satisfactory, adjustments are made. The speed at which it will close door leaf, is changed by rotating the corresponding screw. If you need to adjust the exhaust, use another screw.

Video: how to choose a door closer

Adjusting the door closer

Now that you know the types of closers and have decided which one is installed on a particular door, you can begin adjusting it.

Although there are several types of closers, the principle of adjustment will be almost the same. Regardless of whether overhead, floor or hidden mechanism, first you need to study the instructions and determine how many adjustments this model has. The simplest mechanisms have only two adjusting screws located on the body of the device: one is responsible for the speed of closing the door, and the second for its closing. After this, adjustment is carried out required function such a device. The process of adjusting hidden structures will be more difficult, but here you can do it yourself. It is enough to figure out where the adjusting screws are and use them to adjust the necessary parameters of the closer.

To complete the work you will need the following tools:

Before proceeding directly with the adjustment, you need to decide what the following terms mean:

Adjusting the door speed

The first stage of adjusting the door closer is setting the closing speed. On entrance doors, it is recommended to set a high door closing speed so as not to lose heat; for interior doors, this indicator depends on the preferences of the owners.

A door closer, depending on its model, can have from 2 to 5 adjusting screws; their purpose should be found in the instructions for the purchased device..

To adjust the door speed:

Adjustment of aftershock

Adjustment of the closing noise can only be carried out after the door closing speed has been adjusted. To adjust this parameter, you need to use the second screw, which is found on all door closer models:

Open position adjustment

If you often need to fix the door in the open position, you need to buy models with an adjustment called hold open. This function is used when it is necessary to bring in or remove large objects from the room:

How to loosen a door closer

If the doors are difficult to open, you need to loosen the door closer. To do this, you need to loosen the adjusting screws a little and ensure that a small force is required to open the door leaf.

To loosen the closer, you need to slightly unscrew the adjusting screws.

Closing delay setting

Sometimes situations arise when it is necessary for the doors to close not immediately, but with some delay. This function is also not available on all models. To understand whether your closer has it, you need to look at the number of adjusting screws. There should be more than two, and the purpose of each of them can be found out by studying the instructions. This function allows you to configure the door closer so that several people can pass through at the same time while the door is open. It is especially relevant in hospitals, shops, and educational institutions.

Setting the door closing delay:

Video: adjusting the closer

During self-adjustment The door closer must adhere to the basic rule: the adjusting screws cannot be unscrewed more than 2 turns. Almost all mechanisms run on oil, and if you unscrew the screws more, it will begin to leak out. Oil is poured into the device under pressure, so you won’t be able to fill the closer yourself and will have to buy a new mechanism.

To provide maximum term door closer service, certain requirements must be met:

If you really need to fix the door, but the closer does not know how to do this, some craftsmen disconnect the lever rods and thus turn off the closer completely. Implementing this method of fixation requires some time and effort. To do this, use a screwdriver or wrench to unscrew and pull out the screw connecting the two lever rods. If the need to fix the door leaf arises frequently, it is better to purchase a door closer with the appropriate function.

The door closer is pretty simple mechanism, and if you operate it correctly and make timely adjustments, it will work for a long time and reliably.

Video: features of operating and adjusting the closer in winter

Sections of the article:

Doors greet us in any institution, be it the entrance to the entrance, apartment, room, administrative buildings or technical rooms. Sometimes they give in to us easily and silently, quickly open and close, then we don’t seem to notice them, without being distracted by the need for additional effort. But in the event of any malfunction, the discomfort of opening the door becomes very noticeable and only adjusting the door closer can help. With your own hands you can not only adjust, but also install the fastening mechanism, so feel free to undertake this procedure.

The door closer is adjusted manually, without the use of additional equipment. All you may need is a screwdriver. Most often, the screws that secure the device to the plane and frame require a slotted screwdriver.

Design features of the device and adjustment progress

Adjusting the door closer is impossible without a clear understanding of the principle of operation of the mechanism. The closer is a spring combined with rollers and pistons or with a gear mounted on a rack. When the door opens or closes, the mechanism comes into action, collecting or, conversely, opening the spring. At the same time, the vacated cavity is filled with oil. The combination of hydraulics and mechanics results in a reliable and simple device that does not require additional maintenance other than careful handling.

Preparatory stage

If your door slams with a deafening thud from a draft, pinches children’s fingers, and as soon as they weaken their strength while holding the door, it is difficult to open, as if stuck at one of the stages, it’s time to adjust the door closer.

Like any work, adjusting the door closer begins with preparation necessary materials. You will need: a screwdriver, original instructions, photo examples of repairing and adjusting the device, a chair that you can stand on if your height does not allow you to comfortably reach the upper fastening.

First you need to open the box. This is a box rectangular shape. Take off top cover usually not difficult, it is secured using the snap-on principle. The principle of the housing is the same in any type of door closer, so even if your system looks like an impregnable metal plate, most likely there are invisible seams somewhere, and it’s all a matter of skillful design.

The principle of its operation will tell you how to adjust the door closer.

Your device may only have two valves. In this case, their adjustments will be sufficient. It's up to you to tighten it tighter or looser. If the door is difficult to give in, you need to loosen the fixation, because this is inconvenient, the door may be difficult for children to press pet, create additional load when bringing in and taking out loads. If the door is loose and opens and closes easily and quickly, there is a risk of being hit by the door.

Door closer device.

Adjusting the door closers should alternate with testing the result. To do this, the door will need to be opened wide and closed, at first with some force, and then by releasing it. The ideal speed would be a slow, uniform closing, at last stage which the latch quickly slams shut. If we are talking about an entrance door, for security reasons, you can increase the closing speed so that no one can enter the house by following the tenant.

Working with screws

Having a rough idea of ​​what result you want to achieve, you are ready to learn how to adjust the door closer. The instructions supplied by the manufacturer usually indicate two screws, which are responsible for the speed at which the door closes.

They are numbered 1 and 2, so you can easily identify them on the closer. They can be rotated clockwise or counterclockwise. It is important to remember that turning any of the screws more than two turns may result in breakage. The first such screw (or valve) is responsible for swinging the door open from 15 to 180 degrees, the second acts as a closer, that is, it regulates the speed of door movement in the range from 0 to 15 degrees and ensures reliable closure with a latch or combination lock. The rotation of each of these screw nuts affects the properties of the door.

In some models, door closer adjustments may be even more filigree. This occurs if the door closer adjustment allows the door to delimit the opening angles more carefully.

Additional features

The wind brake, designated BC (Back check), prevents the door from striking when turned 180 degrees. It is responsible for adjusting the door closer at a stage from 70 to 180 degrees, slowing down the closing speed.

The slow closing function DA (Delay action) allows you to prevent strong door pressure in the area from 180 to 70 degrees, allowing a person to calmly walk through the door after opening it without making any additional effort.

Additional features.

The Hold Open function allows you to lock the door in the open position. To do this, you just need to open it wide. To close the door, you only need to forcefully pull it towards you.

For the first two functions there are separate screws that look like the main ones. You can adjust the advanced door closer using the same screwdriver that is used for a conventional device.

Most often, the closing retarder is located next to the two main valves, and the aircraft separately, on the same plane.

You can watch a video before adjusting the door closer, but even a child can do this job. Turning clockwise increases the slamming speed, counterclockwise - decreases it. This rule applies to all screws available on the closer, both in the “sliding” and in the “lever” system.

The correct position of all valves will lead to flawless door operation. The reliability that the door closer will have can be guaranteed by adjustments for several months in advance. The subtlety is that winter and summer are different temperature conditions operation, and the oil inside the mechanism can have different effects on the compression rate of the spring. In view of this, it is better to tighten the screws at least twice a year, after winter and after summer. If the door closing characteristics change after winter, do not be upset, this is normal, the main thing is to return the actual properties of the door to the proper level in time.

How to adjust the door closer is described in detail in the video presented in our article. It describes the work process step by step, thanks to which even a person far from construction and crafts will be able to correct such details in his home.

Ease of operation

There are a number useful tips, how to preserve the mechanism and not adjust the door closer in the future. First of all, there is no need to load the mechanism - do not let children ride on the door, do not hang heavy objects on it. Secondly, do not forcefully press it when opening it. Thirdly, choose a door closer that suits the parameters of your door.

Our article, as well as photo and video materials, can tell you how to adjust the door closer with your own hands. There is no need for strength, just dexterity, so both a woman and a teenager can cope with such work. If you don't know how to adjust the closer of your or public entrance door, don't despair, just imagine if you would like to close faster from the widest position, or just slam at a palm's distance. In a couple of seconds you can understand how to increase the resistance of the door and how to weaken it. Any door closer is easy to adjust and can only be broken if the tension force exceeds it technical capabilities. In this case, you will see oil leakage, and this will mean that the device will have to be replaced. After finishing the work, do not forget to return the cover and check the operation of the door again.

What to do if nothing works out?

It happens that the door closer is adjusted with good information preparation, the instructions are at hand, but still the result cannot be achieved.

The range of modern door closers is very diverse.

In this case, the point is the wrong choice of this part, especially for heavy metal doors entrances. Most likely, the European standard index does not match the weight or width of the door, the fastening angle is incorrectly attached, or the holes for the screws on which the door closer is held are shifted.

In this case, the question of how to adjust the closer is not correct, since you need to change the intercom doors, or, what is more likely, remove the closer and install a new, more powerful one. You should also pay attention to the lever; it must be perpendicular to the plane of the door. If it is misaligned, one of the closer links may need to be moved. When purchasing door closers, know that adjustment is easy, especially if you have not lost the instructions.

A door closer is one of those devices that requires careful and regular care, because permanent loads, daily cycles of opening and closing doors lead to imbalance of the mechanisms of this device. Such troubles are corrected by a rather simple adjustment process. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article, in which, together with the website, we will talk about how to adjust the door closer with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself door closer adjustment photo

Adjusting the door closer with your own hands: what is adjustable and what is not

Almost all modern ones have two or three points that can be adjusted at your discretion - with their help you can not only adjust the operation of this mechanism, but do it in such a way that it is convenient for you to use the doors. That is why the question of how to adjust the door closer is solved not only during operation, but also immediately after installing the device on the door. So what can be adjusted in this device? As a rule, this is the speed of closing the doors, the so-called closing (pressing the door leaf against the frame) and in some expensive models the door speed ranges from 80°-90° to closing. Let's talk about the purpose of such a division in a little more detail.

In principle, this is all that can be adjusted in a device such as a door closer. Agree, you don’t need more, because the most important thing is comfortable closing of doors without human intervention.

How to adjust a door closer: features of setting up the device

Let's start right away by deciding what absolutely cannot be done. There are few such contraindications, or rather prohibitions - only one, but violating it will lead to complete breakdown of the closer.

Do not completely unscrew the adjusting screws!
Hydraulics usually manage the entire adjustment process - after unscrewing the adjusting screw more than two turns, oil pumped there under pressure flows out of the hole. You won't be able to refill everything at home.

To better understand the essence of the issue, you can watch a video about adjusting door closers.

We've sorted out the prohibitions, watched the video, now let's get down to theoretical adjustments, but let's additionally clarify one more point related to some extent to the above prohibitions. During the process of adjusting the mechanism, the adjusting screws need to be turned little by little - half a turn of the screw leads to a serious change in the speed of the door movement. And one more thing - by turning the screw counterclockwise, we achieve an increase in the speed of closing the doors, and by turning the screw counterclockwise, we slow it down accordingly. Now that the basic rules are clear, let's begin to directly address the question of how to adjust the closer? We will solve it point by point, although, by and large, all the most important things have already been described above.

And in conclusion, a small reminder about correct use door closer - these are four golden rules that allow you to adjust the door closer with your own hands as rarely as possible. First, don't turn the screw more than two turns; secondly, do not force the door by trying to close it with your hands; thirdly, do not prop the doors to keep them open and, fourthly, do not ignore the instructions for use. Only if these rules are followed can a door closer serve for a long time.

To extend the service life of the door leaf, you need to close it carefully. If it is possible to warn at home, then public places this is unrealistic. To ensure smooth closing of the door, a mechanism is installed. After installation, you need to configure the work. Adjusting the door closer with your own hands is simple. Information on the sequence of work can be found below.

The closer allows you to automate the closing process. The need for it is especially noticeable if there is a magnetic lock.

There are several types with different designs:

  • spring mechanisms are the simplest;
  • cam slide - for lightweight structures;
  • with gear drive - for light, heavy structures.

Previously, simple springs attached with nails served as door closers. The door was closed forcefully, with a characteristic sound, which often caused the door leaf to break, cracks to appear, and the finish to fall off.

When the spring structures were equipped with a piston, the movement of the canvas became smooth, but the essence remained. The closer is a spring hidden in a solid body that is moved by a piston. In the middle of the piston structure is a gear wheel, the rotation of which is controlled by a lever, screw, or valve.

According to the installation method they are distinguished:

  1. Overhead closers. They are easy to use and easy to install. Adjustment is carried out using valves, knobs, and screws located on the device box. The number of permissible turns is specified by the manufacturer.
  2. Floor mechanisms are mounted at the bottom of the door leaf. They are not used in private households. Adjusting the device is simple, but difficulties may arise due to the low location of the structure.
  3. It is difficult to customize hidden structures yourself, since their structure is built into the canvas or wall.

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions the position of the adjusting mechanisms, so if you have any doubts about the screws being missing, you should try reading the piece of paper that comes with the closer.

How do you know if adjustment is needed?

In order not to wait for signals from the closer about the need for adjustment, you should check the functionality every 3 months - this is a fairly long period. Prevention will provide an opportunity to detect a malfunction at the initial stage, adjust the work, and replace it.

It is imperative to adjust the closer for the changing seasons. The mechanism is hydraulic and has oil inside, which changes its consistency as the temperature increases or decreases. When the temperature is closer to winter, the oil thickens, and in the summer it becomes liquid.

The operation of the structure should be corrected when problems are detected. Among them:

  • braking of the door leaf when closing;
  • slamming at high speed;
  • jerky movement.

If the closer is broken, then the effectiveness of the adjustment is reduced to a minimum - it needs to be repaired.

Required Tools

To set up you will need pliers, wrenches, screwdriver. This set of tools will be enough for simple adjustments, but if there are problems in the mechanism, you will have to stock up additional materials: replacement parts, oil.

The adjustment process

Device manufacturers allow you to configure three parameters: closing speed, delay, and clap. In new models, you can adjust the door speed to around 80-90 degrees - this is an additional feature.

Using screws you can set the delay, increase smoothness, and speed up the clap. For each individual setting, you need to turn the adjusting mechanisms in a certain direction. Be sure to read the instructions before starting work. Manufacturers describe detailed sequence actions to achieve results.

How to adjust a door closer with your own hands - brief instructions:

  • adjust the aftershock;
  • weaken, tighten work;
  • set the appropriate speed;
  • adjust the intermediate stroke.

Working with screws

In the instructions, the control valves are designated as 1, 2, so they are easy to locate on the body. You can turn in both directions, but no more than two full turns. The first screw is responsible for the movement of the blade in the region of 15-180 degrees, the second - 0-15. In new models there is a third valve, the purpose of which is regulated by design features.

Adjustment of aftershock

Setting the parameter is similar to adjusting the travel speed. To configure, just turn the responsible screw. Klap - the speed of closing the door at the last interval of 20-25 cm. Accelerating the speed leads to an increase in the force of impact of the door leaf on the frame, which negatively affects the condition of the door and finish. The aftershock should be adjusted moderately.

Weakening the closer

By adjusting the degree of spring tension, you can weaken the stroke or tighten it. It is better to do this carefully, turning the screwdriver, adjusting the work with screws. After turning the screw mechanism, you need to check the operation. If you are satisfied with the changes made, you can seal the case with a protective shell.

Speed ​​regulation

The operation of the structure must be adjusted upon completion installation work. It is better if the installation technician does the setup. If the door closing speed is not satisfactory, you can tighten the adjusting screw. Delays at each stage should be set moderately.

To brake, just turn the valve half a turn. Carry out the movement clockwise. To speed up the closure, the actions are carried out in reverse. By turning the screw to the right and left, adjustments are made until the result is obtained.

Setting the intermediate stroke

The parameter is adjusted to the speed of closing the doors, but you can slow down the door halfway using the third screw. It is responsible for holding the object in a specified position. By turning it left or right, you can speed up or slow down the movement of the canvas in the middle interval. The third screw can be used to make the door certain time remained open.

What should you avoid when setting up a door closer yourself?

Some useful tips to help avoid mechanism failure:

  1. When adjusting the operation, you cannot turn the screw more than two turns from the zero point, because the mechanism contains oil that can leak.
  2. Distortions damage any mechanisms, so during installation you need to carefully check the angles.
  3. Do not press on the canvas and mechanism with heavy objects.
  4. Do not hang heavy things on the door leaf, so as not to skew the diagonal.
  5. Don't prop it up.

By observing these points, you prolong the operation of the mechanism.

What to do if nothing works out?

There are several reasons why the setup may not produce results:

  1. An inappropriate mechanism has been selected, the door is too heavy, and heavy objects are frequently hung on the door leaf.
  2. Incorrect fastening of the iron angle, misalignment of parts.
  3. Displacement of the holes for the screws on which the device is attached, unscrewing.

If one of the above points applies, then there are only two options - change the door, install a different closer. There is a third option - try to fix it yourself, but lack of experience can lead to worsening.

The lever must be positioned strictly perpendicular to the canvas, otherwise one of the parts must be moved.

In order for the mechanism to work correctly, certain measures must be observed:

  1. You should not prop the door with objects, because to fix the position it is enough to twist the screws.
  2. Before making adjustments, please read its instructions to become familiar with acceptable standards regulated by the manufacturer.
  3. When buying a mechanism, you should know the temperature conditions under which it will operate, because many models are designed for warm rooms.
  4. If a malfunction is detected, you should call a technician so that your actions do not aggravate the problem.
  5. The floor closer is installed at the door installation stage, which must be taken into account when purchasing the device.

The adjustment is carried out by carefully rotating the screws, because it is easy to disrupt the hydraulics, which will lead to a malfunction of the mechanism, which will be difficult or almost impossible to restore. Before setting up, you need to make sure that the reason bad work devices in the closer.