How to prepare plastic windows for winter? From theory to practice: self-adjusting windows for winter Adjusted my windows for winter

And the transfer of plastic windows to winter mode will reduce heat loss from the house. You can perform this operation yourself. Switching windows to winter mode does not require a large number of tools and special skills. Our article describes in detail the sequence of actions that is understandable even for people who do not have technical skills.

What is winter mode in windows?

Modern plastic windows have several functions that allow you to control and regulate the microclimate in the living room. Manufacturers and sellers do not always inform buyers about the availability of these opportunities for plastic windows. An independent study of their characteristics and a careful examination of the frames will reveal the presence of an eccentric, which is a regulator of the fit of the window sashes to the frame.

Most apartments are equipped with plastic windows. Indeed, they are easy to use, durable, have different sizes and can be of varying degrees of insulation. However, for the correct choice of such a window, you will need to correctly measure. will help you make the right measurements yourself.

Plastic window modes

There are three modes that differ in the position of the valves and are characterized by maintaining different temperatures:

  • summer - this mode is recommended to be installed on the frames in the spring and before the onset of autumn. The loose fit of the sashes to the frame allows for sufficient air flow into the rooms;
  • winter, which is set with the onset of cold weather. A snug fit to the frame makes it possible to minimize heat loss from the room;
  • the standard position is characterized by the middle position of the eccentric, which regulates the degree of fit of the sashes to the frame. It can be left for the whole year due to the most optimal intake of air into the room.

Due to the deformation of parts of the product under the influence of temperature and humidity, the fit correction will reduce the degree of wear of window parts.

When to set winter mode

The onset of cold weather can be considered the reason for changing the regime in a plastic window.

However, the following situations should also be attributed to the reasons why it is recommended to switch windows to winter mode:

  • blows from the window. In summer, such blowing entails excessive dust entering the apartment, and in winter - a decrease in the overall temperature in the apartment;
  • sagging sash. This defect can be eliminated by replacing the fittings or tightening the hinges. A tighter fit of the sash to the window frame will also help, that is, the winter mode;
  • poor closing or opening of the window. This may be the result of an incorrectly set window mode.

The listed reasons should be considered a sufficient reason to switch the window to winter mode. The process for setting this mode is described in the next chapter. Correctly performing the above actions will allow you to maintain the normal functioning of the windows for a long time, provide warmth and comfort in the house.

Switching windows to winter mode

Often, the owners of plastic windows call an employee of the company in which these windows were bought to transfer them to a certain mode. However, if you correctly carry out the necessary actions, you can independently set the required window mode.


Before translation, the location of the trunnions should be determined. The number of eccentrics depends on the size of the sashes and windows. You should find everything, because when you switch to a certain mode, you need to adjust each of them.

Usually there are three of them on the side where the handle is located, and one on the opposite side, where there are hinges and canopies.

  • Before exposure, thoroughly clean all fittings. This will protect it from mechanical damage, ensure flawless functioning in the future;
  • apply lubricant, wipe again. This action will allow you to translate more accurately. Prevention of a probable breakdown of the window mechanism guarantees the expected result: blowing, dust entering the room;
  • after switching to the desired mode, you can re-lubricate the mechanism;
  • take a closer look at the eccentrics. You should find all the marks that mark the modes. This is usually a strip and the position of the trunnion relative to the horizon;
  • now you should directly transfer to the desired mode. For this, a hexagon or pliers can be used. The oval-shaped eccentric is more convenient to move with pliers.

After completing the manipulations, you can check the degree of air penetration into the room as follows. Place a thin piece of paper between the sashes of a closed window. If it vibrates or flies out of it, then the window is in summer mode.

It must be remembered that some manufacturers of plastic windows have eccentrics recessed into the sash. Before carrying out manipulations to transfer the mode, it must first be pulled out.

After the end of the transfer to the desired mode, set it to the original mode. It is most convenient to perform this action with pliers.

Winter mode is usually marked with a flat dash, which is turned inside the room. If the trunnion is oval, then the dash or dot should be horizontal. This is a general requirement for all types of plastic windows that have the function of switching to different modes.

Now almost every apartment or private house is worth. This greatly simplifies people's lives, because metal-plastic structures are very durable, they are more convenient to use, they are more reliable, and their service life is much longer than that of wooden ones. But these advantages do not negate the need for special care, which prolong operating time. Structures, insulate, repair, etc. Preparing plastic windows for winter is an important point in operation.

When it gets cold outside, it is important to think about how to adjust plastic windows for the winter. Proper preparation is not difficult, but very important. If you do not perform a few simple manipulations, then the euro windows will not perform the functions declared by the manufacturer.

How to prepare double-glazed windows for winter

To prolong the life of the mechanism, needs proper care pollution prevention. It's important to know how . Before each change of season, the structure must be thoroughly washed with a regular sponge and a gentle detergent.

The glass itself is cleaned, as well as slopes, profiles, sashes, window sills - that is, all structural elements on both sides. Be sure to clean the drainage channels, otherwise they will accumulate water.

Leak test

To check the tightness between the frame and the sash paper is inserted. You need to pull on it, checking the tension. When the sheet comes out easily, the regulation of the sash clamping mechanism is required.

Important! Please note that the tension of the sheet depends on the material of the seal.

Rubber will hold it tighter than silicone as they have different coefficients of friction.

To conduct an additional check, you can smear around the perimeter of the double-glazed window soapy water.

Bubbles will appear on the problem area due to the passing air flow.

If the seal allows noise and cold to pass through, it is most likely that it has deteriorated and needs to be replaced or treated with silicone grease.

Dirt cleaning and lubrication

Do-it-yourself insulation of plastic windows for the winter involves inspecting the condition of the fittings. It should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust, mixed with old grease.

When all the mechanisms are clean, you need to re-apply the lubricant composition - purchase a special one for metal-plastic structures or use grease.

It is forbidden to use for fittings, edible oils - they dry quickly and become a sticky composition, rendering the mechanism unusable.

Adjustment of plastic windows for the winter

Before the onset of the cold season, plastic structures are inspected and the winter regime is adjusted.

After installation of the double-glazed window, they are exposed standard criteria for sash locking, the positions are adjusted according to the season to enhance functionality. Installers must explain to owners how to prepare plastic windows for winter and summer.

But it is precisely seasonal adjustment that is most often forgotten, the sash remains in neutral mode. The owners simply do not know how to tighten plastic windows. This over time provokes the following consequences:

  • drafts around the perimeter of the sash;
  • summer mode in winter does not provide clamping of the locking mechanism, provoking heat loss in room;
  • the constant setting of the winter mode provokes rapid wear sashes;
  • the lack of seasonal adjustment makes the air dry, condensation and even mold can form.

Adjustment methods

Window models may vary in fittings, thickness and strength of double-glazed windows. But there are some general principles on how to tighten plastic windows.

Setting up the entire rule is not that difficult. Before changing the mode, it is required to check the double-glazed window so that it has a special adjusting device.

As a rule, these are eccentric pins, they are installed in accordance with the location sash pressing force.

Pins differ in appearance for different window construction companies. But everyone must have an adjustment function. Translation is carried out using a 4 mm hexagon or an asterisk.

There is a risk on the edge of the eccentric - it points to set mode. By default, it is placed up - the neutral position. It should be changed according to the time of year.

Vertical and horizontal adjustment

  1. To remove a slight bevel and frame shift, it is required horizontal adjustment. It is made with the help of the upper and lower loops. It has holes for a hexagon. Lower - allows you to adjust the window from the outside and from the inside (that is, closed and open). As the key is rotated to the right, the sash rises. If you turn it to the left, the lower part on the opposite side of the sash drops. The same actions are carried out with the hinge at the top, but only with the sash open. The shift should be no more than 2 mm.
  2. Plastic structures can be adjusted and vertically- using the lower hinged loop. First, remove the plug - so that the hexagon has free access to the loop. The sash rises when rotated to the right, lowers when rotated to the left. The range is no more than 2 mm.

Setting the bottom corner position

If the PVC does not close tightly from below, then the sash should be moved with the lower hinge

There is also a second adjustment screw on the hinge - for this, the sash is placed on ventilation, a decorative trim is removed from it, under which there will be a recess for a 4 mm hexagon. When turning clockwise, the sash rises, and against it, it falls.

Adjustment of the degree of pressing of the shutters

How to check the degree of pressing has already been described above. Now you need to properly adjust it. This is done with the help of eccentrics located around the perimeter of the fittings.

This is how PVC is adjusted in the winter. You can set it up yourself, it will not cause difficulties.

If the eccentric is moved clockwise, then the sash will press closer to the frame. If it's the other way around, then less.

On the eccentric there is a small strip, it will allow you to determine the pressing force. In summer, it is better to loosen the pressure, but setting up plastic windows for the winter involves tightening to limit the supply of cold air.

How to seal plastic windows

Rubber seals help to get a tighter fit of the parts of the window structure. It is necessary to constantly maintain the cleanliness of the seal, make sure that it does not appear to me cracks or holes. It is easy to clean it with an ordinary dry sponge or cloth, then grease it to prevent the formation of cracks.

In the case when the sealant has completely lost elasticity, a large number of cracks have formed on it - in order to prepare plastic windows for winter, need to replace it. If this is not done, the design will begin to let air in from the street, and will not protect against cold, noise and dust.

Replace seal you can follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the sash, remove the old seal.
  2. Treat grooves, clean out dirt, small debris.
  3. Insert a new seal, starting from the top corner. It should be well fixed around the perimeter.
  4. No need to pull the rubber, otherwise the corners will not match.

In order to properly insulate plastic windows for the winter with your own hands, you do not need to turn the eccentrics to the maximum when replacing the seal. This will provoke a rapid loss of elasticity of the new rubber.

How to close plastic windows for the winter

If PVC is classified as adjustable, that is, the trunnion has hex socket- so you can switch to winter mode. It's easy to close for the winter:

  1. Raise the hardware roller.
  2. Hexagon adjust the clamp.
  3. Lower the roller into place.
  4. Turn the roller with the risk in the direction of offset.
  5. This should be done with every video.

Sometimes, after manipulation, the fastening of the handle of the structure weakens. To fix this problem, turn the plastic plate next to the handle 90 degrees, then tighten the screws.

If the handle is difficult to turn, lubricate the mechanism special oil.

Do-it-yourself window insulation

Setting up plastic windows in the winter involves replacing elements that have stopped working correctly.

Bead replacement

When the air leak is localized next to the glazing bead, it should be changed. Do it like this:

  • With a narrow spatula or a thin knife, the glazing bead is hooked and pulled out.
  • The new one is sized.
  • The new glazing bead is put in place, with a rubber mallet, lightly tapped into the groove.

A new glazing bead is inexpensive: only 100 - 200 rubles. but this detail is very important, it is she who is responsible for getting street air into the room.

Replacing the fixing pad

During operation, the pad loses elasticity due to frequent and sudden changes in temperature. You can replace it like this:

  1. Remove staples.
  2. Pull out the linings.
  3. Carry out the dismantling of the double-glazed window.
  4. Remove the old tape and insert a new one.
  5. Reassemble all the elements of the structure.

Sealing seams with thermal insulation materials

Another effective method of insulating window structures is sealing seams and joints with a special one.

If installed incorrectly, this is the only way to keep the heat in the room in winter.

The main thing is to choose the right way to insulate plastic structures.

In the future, this can play a decisive role in the question of whether it will blow from the windows in winter.

It is possible to insulate the structure for preparing plastic windows for winter such materials:

  • - affordable, fast application, but begins to break down due to temperature changes and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • mineral wool is a refractory material, it is environmentally friendly, it is good to insulate a window sill or big gaps.
  • silicone sealant is a reliable material and affordable, but it does not have very good thermal insulation;
  • a special film - transparent, a double-glazed window is glued on us and helps to effectively retain heat;
  • polystyrene - the most affordable material, they close up seams on the slopes;
  • construction tape - glued on top of the sealant, foam, to improve the properties of thermal insulation;
  • warm mixes - used to seal joints and seams on the outside.

Note! If there are even small gaps, it is better to insulate plastic windows for the winter in any of the indicated ways.

Video: preparing windows for winter


The problems described in the article appear if installed incorrectly metal-plastic construction or with too long operation - more than 10 years. Installers during installation must explain the properties of PVC construction and teach owners how to use it in different modes.

Today, almost every housing is equipped with plastic windows. Of course, this greatly simplified the lives of many residents. Metal-plastic structures are strong, easy to use, reliable, durable. However, all these advantages do not negate the fact that plastic windows, like ordinary ones, require constant care. In order for them to serve you faithfully, save heat, protect them from blowing, they need to be repaired in time, as well as carry out the necessary maintenance.

With the arrival of the cold season, you need to make sure that the plastic windows are ready for winter. Proper preparation of windows for winter is, albeit not a very difficult, but still important event. If it is not carried out in advance, then metal-plastic structures simply physically cannot give what the owners expect from them.

So, the preparation of plastic windows for winter is conditionally divided into three stages. We will talk about them now.

Checking, cleaning and lubricating

In order for any mechanism to serve for a long time, it must be looked after and not allowed to become dirty. So plastic windows should be thoroughly washed before each change of season. This should be done with a regular sponge and gentle detergents. It is necessary to wash the glass itself, slopes, profiles, window sills, sashes - everything related to the metal-plastic construction. Moreover, this must be done from two sides. Proper preparation of PVC windows for winter also includes cleaning drainage channels. If this is not done, then in the autumn-winter time, water will begin to accumulate here.

Now you should pay attention to the accessories. What is there to look for? Dirt and old grease mixed with dust. All fittings must be well cleaned of grease, dust and dirt. After that, it must be washed. After all the moving parts of the mechanism are clean, you can safely proceed to lubrication. You can use both imported and domestic lubricant for window fittings. Also for these purposes, an ordinary grease is suitable.

Important! Never use edible oils to lubricate the fittings. The fact is that they dry out rather quickly, after which they turn into a sticky like sandpaper. Under such conditions, the window mechanism will not work for more than a year.

Do-it-yourself preparation of plastic windows for winter includes one more stage - rubber seal check. If the window began to let in noise from the street, if it began to seep from under the sash, if dust and dirt from the street began to accumulate on the window sill, then the sealant has probably become unusable. In principle, you can try to revive it. To do this, a thorough cleaning followed by lubrication should be carried out. The sealing gum is treated with silicone grease or with technical vaseline. If you are wondering how to prepare plastic windows for winter, then try starting with a sealant. In fact, really important functions are assigned to such a small rubber band. If the seal cannot be restored, then simply.

Do not know how to do it, and there is no desire to delve into? In this case, you can contact Teplo Doma for help. The specialists of our company will not only replace the seal, but also fully prepare plastic windows for winter in Moscow and the region. You can contact an online consultant right now.

Prepare windows for winter: correct adjustment

Did you know that plastic windows need to be adjusted both with the onset of cold weather and with the arrival of warm days? This is the so-called. Now we are interested in the first case: how to prepare plastic windows for the winter ourselves with the help of adjustment. The main goal is to press the sash against the frame more strongly in order to completely eliminate the occurrence of drafts.

If your plastic windows are classified as adjustable, and you can determine this by the presence of a hexagon hole in the trunnion, then, in principle, you can start transferring your metal-plastic structures to winter mode. And it's quite easy to do:

  • The first step is to raise the hardware roller.
  • Use the hex wrench to adjust the clamping distance.
  • After that, you should install the raised roller in place.
  • Further, this same roller should be turned with a risk towards the room.
  • These manipulations must be done with all the videos.
  • It happens that after the event for the transition to winter mode, the fastening of the handle weakens. To fix this, rotate the plastic plate next to the handle 90 degrees and simply tighten the screws.
  • It also happens that the handle after tightening begins to turn with difficulty. To fix this, you need to lubricate the entire hardware mechanism, for example, with machine oil.

Note. You can get to the lower and upper roller, as well as the roller on one side, only by opening the sash. As for the roller on the second side of the sash, you can get close to it only through the “ventilation” position.

We warm ourselves correctly

As you understand, preparing windows for winter does not end with just washing and adjusting, heavy artillery can also be used. If the window began to poorly retain heat and see through, then the first thing the owners will think about is warming. However, this is not quite the right decision, because first you need to figure out why the plastic structure needed insulation at all. Here are the most common:

  • The rubber seal has failed.
  • The junction of the slope and the frame was depressurized.
  • The glass pane was depressurized.
  • Hardware needs adjustment.

Having eliminated all the malfunctions, it may be possible to avoid measures related to the insulation of the window structure. High-quality repair and adjustment is the best preparation of plastic windows for winter.

If you are still serious about insulating the window, then a very good way would be film use. Yes, the window immediately loses its aesthetic appearance, but in winter it will be much warmer indoors than it was before. This is due to the decrease in heat loss. The film can be attached around the entire perimeter of the window, both from the inside and from the outside. After fixing, you should check that the film is stretched evenly.

Assistance in preparing plastic windows for winter

If for some reason you cannot or do not want to prepare plastic windows for the cold season on your own, you can turn to the specialists of Teplo Doma for help. Our masters will come to inspect everything and make a verdict. And you may not have to insulate windows, because everything can be limited, for example, to adjusting or replacing the seal.

In the modern world, people have forgotten that any problems with windows are possible. Most of the population has replaced their old windows with plastic ones. There are many principles for choosing the right windows and no less important aspects of their use. Let's take a look at the most common ones.

Winter mode of plastic windows

When buying window fittings, we do not think at all about the intricacies of the operation of these structures and the features of functioning at different times of the year. Often, when installing windows in the summer, buyers are faced with the problem of blowing plastic windows in the cold, completely unaware that these structures have a summer and winter mode of use.

The winter mode of plastic windows is designed to ensure that the sashes fit snugly against the window frame. The mode of plastic windows affects the preservation of heat in the room in the cold.

Quite often, the ventilation of a plastic window from the winter mode can be confused with the regulation of fittings for the winter period, however, these are two completely different window abilities.

When it comes to the tightness of the sash adjoining, this is the mode that protects your apartment from excessive blowing of plastic windows. When it is necessary to ventilate the room, flow valves are used. Windows can be switched to winter mode by a special master. With some skill, you can do it yourself.

The summer mode of plastic windows is different in that the sash does not adjoin so tightly. Thus, it becomes possible to constantly supply free air to the apartment due to micro-ventilation.

There is a classic position - the mode of the middle adjoining of the sash to the frame, when the eccentrics or trunnions are located in the middle position. A double-glazed window in this mode performs its functions equally well in all seasons and ensures adequate sealing.

By changing the window modes, you can not only avoid drafts in the apartment, but also extend the life of the structure. In winter, the material becomes more compressed, and in hot weather it returns to its original position or expands. Setting the window fittings in the right way reduces the wear threshold of the seal and fasteners.

One of the leaders in the production of plastic windows, which provide for winter and summer operation, is Rehau. The company was founded over 70 years ago.

During its existence, the company has grown to a well-known brand with 170 branches around the world. Rehau is the main partner of Porsche, Volkswagen, BMW and Audi. The company manufactures parts and systems from polymers for these concerns.

Rehau's scope of work is focused on the development and implementation of not only plastic windows, but also car body systems, ventilation equipment, seals for cars, modular battery systems for electric car batteries.

The installation of Rehau plastic windows will provide the room with everything necessary for the unhindered penetration of daylight, as well as protect it from city noise and cold.

But how to transfer plastic windows to winter mode on your own? Let's consider this question in more detail.

We translate windows into winter mode correctly

Switching windows to winter mode in autumn is an opportunity to save on heating. It is possible not to switch windows to another mode while maintaining the good qualities of the seal. When spring arrives, switch your windows to summer mode. Due to the correct adjustment and reduction of the load traction on the window seal, the windows will last longer.

You can switch the window fittings using the eccentrics (pins) intended for this, which are located on the side of the sash. If the eccentrics have sockets for a hex wrench, sprockets, screwdrivers, or oval-shaped eccentrics, then this design is capable of transitioning to some kind of window mode.

Eccentrics in their structure can be round or oval with openings for hexagons. To switch the window to cold mode, all eccentrics must be adjusted.

It is not difficult to switch plastic windows to winter mode. It is important to remember that incorrect adjustment can adversely affect the windows. Schematically, the process is as follows.

1.​ First, to switch the plastic window mode, you need to take a hexagon to tighten the window sash.

2. When you open the window, a round pin will be visible from the end of the door. The pattern located on the trunnion in most cases is directed upwards. This indicates that an intermediate window mode has been set between winter and summer.

3.​ The hexagon must be inserted into the central hole of the pin and turned at a right angle in the direction of the seal. Now the adjustment of the notch on the trunnion should look at the seal.

4.​ It should be noted that the majority of windows have more than one trunnion located along the area of ​​​​the window sash. To avoid blowing through, all pins must be switched to winter mode.

5. To evaluate the work, insert a piece of paper between the frame and the sash. Next, see how easy or difficult you can get the paper out of the window. In this way, you can understand the quality of the pressure and accurately switch the window to winter mode.

Important! When operating the fittings, having noticed blowing with the sash closed, you should perform an adjustment - transferring the structure to winter mode. But this mode can significantly wear out the rubber seal of plastic windows. Therefore, you should not tighten the eccentrics too much, because due to such an adjustment, the trunnions and the window frame will fail much faster.

When summer comes, switch the windows to summer mode. Using the wrong mode will soon ruin and age the seal.

Plastic windows can be switched from winter mode by inserting the hexagon into the eccentric and turning it clockwise. Remember, the life of the window depends only on your correct adjustment and prudent use.

The introduction of plastic window systems has made life much more comfortable - they are much warmer and more beautiful than old wooden products, and they require much less maintenance time. In order to maximize the life of a plastic window, some care is still required for it. The best moment for this is the change of season.

In the course of operation, the factory lubrication of the system falls into street dust and dirt, which gradually leads to a deterioration in the opening and closing of the window. This usually manifests itself in the appearance of a crunch and rattle: if these signals are ignored, everything can end in serious damage. In addition, the factory lubricant has a certain period of validity, after which the metal parts of the window mechanism begin to wear down. As a result, along with street dust, metal deposits accumulate inside the frame. All this leads to a heavier stroke of the handle, loose closing of the window and noticeable heat loss.

Lubrication of plastic window fittings is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Cleaning. The window must be opened and all internal end surfaces should be wiped clean using a soft cloth. Particular attention is required to areas where the movable sashes are fixed to the frame. Most often, outdated grease and dirt accumulate here. A stiff brush is suitable for cleaning moving parts of the fittings. A vacuum cleaner is very convenient in this regard, which allows you to avoid dirt getting into the depth of the mechanism.
  • Grease. After cleaning the window fittings, it is necessary to lubricate the roller mechanism with silicone oil. For each element of the system, it is recommended to drip 1-2 drops of the substance. During this procedure, it is recommended to turn the control knob, which will allow the lubricant to be evenly distributed inside the mechanism.

  • Seals. Due to the shrinkage of the seals, approximately 80% of all breakdowns of plastic windows occur. Sometimes they become so obsolete that they need to be replaced: changing them is quite easy: the main thing is not to forget to lubricate the new rubber band and seat with silicone oil

The whole process: cleaning, lubricating the plastic window and replacing the seal

Lubrication of fittings and seals can be carried out with any machine oil: both synthetic and mineral substances are suitable for this purpose (the second variety becomes very thick when the temperature drops, so it is better not to use it in winter). As for silicone oil, it is better to give preference to Western brands that are distinguished by optimal density and service life. A good domestic alternative to such material is high-quality grease.

After the internal mechanisms and window seals have been cleaned and lubricated, a general window washing can be performed. Despite the apparent simplicity, mistakes are sometimes made at this stage, leading to serious consequences.

What follows avoid when washing a plastic window:

  1. Do not use aggressive agents. They should not contain abrasives that scratch glass surfaces and plastic profiles (the ban also applies to hard sponges). You should also avoid the use of gasoline, alcohol and acidic solvents, as this provokes the appearance of yellowness.
  1. Do not scrape window dirt with sharp tools and - knives, chisels or screwdrivers. This is fraught with scratches on the surface of the frame and glass.
  1. Observe security measures when washing the window, without sticking out far and without stepping on the outer edge of the window sill. If work is carried out on the upper floors, it is desirable to have a second person for safety net.

To wash a plastic window, one of two options is usually used:

  1. Spray, soft cloth, paper. This method is suitable for cleaning small, lightly soiled double-glazed windows. Clean warm water is collected in any vessel. Then, putting on gloves, clean the window frame from dust and dirt. A soft rag or sponge that does not leave scratches is suitable as a tool. It is recommended to squeeze it well after each rinse. Next, using chaotic movements, glass cleaner is applied to the window. The glass washing itself is carried out with a cotton cloth or a soft sponge. Wash the outside first, then the inside. After wiping dry washed glasses, they are polished with paper or newspaper.

  1. Special solution, screed on a long handle. Thus, it is convenient to wash volumetric windows located at a considerable height from the floor. The cleaning solution is prepared independently by adding a small amount of starch, ammonia, ammonia, bleach (optional) to the water. You can also use special products (such as "Mr. Muscle", etc.), adding a few drops to clean warm water. At the first stage, the outer and inner surfaces of the frame are cleaned, paying special attention to the corners and edges of the window.

Further, the rubber edge of the tie goes through the entire area of ​​the glass, moving from top to bottom, leaving an untouched area of ​​​​20-50 mm below. From time to time the tool needs to be dipped in water. When the window is completely washed, the screed removes moisture from the lower area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window. To clean hard-to-reach areas (edges, corners) and the window sill, use a clean rag or paper towel. The best fabric for a rag is faux suede and microfiber, because. after them there is no pile.

In the course of operation of plastic windows, along with lubrication and cleaning, sometimes it becomes necessary to adjust them. The reasons why this is done may be loosening of individual parts of the structure, violation of the technique of use, deformation of fasteners or shrinkage of the room. In such cases, you can try to correct the situation yourself, armed with the necessary recommendations.

Windows can be adjusted at five points:

  • Lower canopy. The vertical position of the sash is adjusted.
  • Near the lower canopy. To adjust the lower horizontal angle.
  • In the area of ​​the upper canopy. Horizontal adjustment of the sash top.
  • Eccentric locking pin. Changing the density of pressing the window.
  • Lower locking pin. A function similar to the previous one.

Horizontal adjustment

Horizontal calibration is required to move the frame or correct a slight bevel. For these purposes, the lower and upper hinges are equipped with hexagonal holes. At the bottom, adjustment can be made with the window open and closed: if you turn the key clockwise, the sash and hinge will tighten. As a result, this will cause the opposite bottom of the sash to rise. If you turn it in the opposite direction, the reverse process will occur. A similar setting can be carried out on the upper hinge, with the window closed. The limit of sliding the sash in this way is no more than 2 mm.

Horizontal window adjustment

Vertical adjustment

The vertical calibration of the system is carried out by the lower canopy. Before that, he is freed from the plug, under which there is a hexagon. To raise the sash, the hexagon should be turned clockwise; to lower it, apply reverse rotation (the shift limit here is also limited to 2 mm).

Vertical window adjustment

Adjusting the pressure level of the sashes

To determine whether the window closes securely, you need to bring a lit match to the area where the sash and frame fit: the fluctuation of the flame will indicate the presence of a small gap. To calibrate here, you will need pliers or a hex wrench. With their help, the eccentrics are rotated, which are responsible for the tightness of the flaps: they can have a different appearance, located around the perimeter. As a rule, the pressure is increased for the winter, and weakened for the summer.

Adjustment of the degree of pressing the sashes

Tilt-and-turn sashes use a top hinge to further customize the fit. The adjusting bolt specially designed for this purpose is located on the fittings of the top hinge: it is best viewed in the top ventilation mode. To increase the pressure of the sash, the regulator is rotated clockwise, to loosen - counterclockwise. This setting can be made in the range of 1-2 mm: as a rule, the weakening or strengthening of the pressure is seasonal.

Calibration of window canopies

You can increase the level of functionality of a folding plastic window with a pair of hinges. There is a horizontal screw on the bottom element for adjustment. Calibration of the upper canopy is carried out in the ventilation mode, with only the upper sash open. In the course of this procedure, the sash needs additional support by hand, since only the lower hinge will hold it. By calibrating the canopies, you can adjust the level of air supply to the room: with increased pressure on the window and hinge, a decrease in the air flow penetrating inside will be observed.

Adjustment of clamping canopies

Although plastic windows are considered much more reliable than wooden ones, under certain circumstances they also need to be insulated:

  1. The walls of the new house are shrinking, which leads to the appearance of cracks in the place where the sash and frame fit.
  2. Sealant wear. Rubber eventually loses its elasticity and becomes covered with cracks, due to which cold air begins to enter the room. This happens most quickly in situations where the window is constantly closed or open.
  3. It blows from the area between the frame and the window opening. The reason here can be both shrinkage of the house and poor-quality slopes.

To resolve the above problems, the following methods are used:

  1. Sash calibration with a hex wrench. When the walls of the room shrink, the window sashes warp because of this: as a result, they can no longer ensure the tightness of the system in the closed position. It is quite possible to eliminate such a problem on your own, using one of the previously mentioned methods for adjusting window fittings for this (the choice of method directly depends on the nature of the gap formed). It should be said that the mechanism can become loose on its own, without any external factors: therefore, from time to time it needs to be checked, and, if necessary, tightened.

Leaf calibration

  1. Installing a new rubber seal. If the cause of cold air entering the room in winter is the wear of window seals, they must be replaced with new ones. Since there are several varieties of such gaskets, it is recommended to take the old rubber band with you before going to the hardware store (it is removed very simply with a straight screwdriver). Experts recommend using black seals, which are of better quality due to the absence of dyes. You can also install a new gasket yourself by carefully tucking it into the seat.

Installing a new seal

  1. Slope repair. If the place of blowing in winter is felt in the area between the window frame and the opening, the slope will have to be redone. The easiest way to do this is if it was made of plastic. To do this, you need to carefully dismantle the panels and the old foam, and then blow out the new one. After drying, the foam is cut on both sides of the window, making a small niche for laying the protective solution: this creates a barrier for the seal against direct contact with air, which significantly extends its service life. Before putting the panels back, it is advisable to lay a layer of insulation (outside, the slope can simply be plastered).

Repair of slopes for window insulation

There are also additional methods for warming plastic windows for the winter:

  • Electric heating. It involves the installation of special circuits like car glass heating.

Double glazing with heating

  • Heat-saving film. It is used to reduce the heat loss of plastic window systems with one or two chambers. The procedure for gluing the film to the glass will require considerable care: no wrinkles or swelling are allowed. The surface of the window before applying the protection is thoroughly washed and degreased. It should be noted that the film material is heat shrinkable, therefore, after its application, the surface is blown with a hairdryer.

Thermal film for windows

The standard kit for the care of a plastic window during the change of season includes washing the glass, profile, cleaning and lubricating fittings and rubber seals. The specifics of winter maintenance of the system is its transition to winter mode. This is done with the help of pressure rollers located on the end of the sashes. There is a special label on the regulators: the winter mode provides for its orientation inside the home. To change the position of the roller, you must first pull it out of the seat, turn it in the right direction, and put it back. Similarly, all other regulators should be reconfigured.

Adjusting the modes of plastic windows

The decision to install plastic windows is justified both from an aesthetic and economic point of view. Caring for these systems is much easier than for wooden counterparts: as a rule, this consists in washing windows, cleaning and lubricating the moving mechanism and sealing rubber bands. It is recommended to carry out such a procedure twice a year, when the season changes. The specificity of the winter maintenance of a plastic window is its transfer to a heat-saving mode of operation, by increasing the density of pressing the sashes.

How to prepare plastic windows for winter: washing, adjusting, warming