How to calculate your horoscope by date of birth. Personal horoscope free online

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Rising Sign - Sagittarius

Rising Sagittarius is a masculine and fire sign, symbolized by the archer. It indicates the active, direct and noble character of a person striving for a great goal or upholding some kind of good deed. Sagittarians are principled, they make good parents and teachers.

Usually they are healthy, cheerful, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the spiritual uplift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy, have good foresight. They are modest, impulsive, enthusiastic, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: a full figure, a happy smile, brown hair, an elongated face, large nose and ears. The demeanor is restrained, consistent with generally accepted traditions, at the same time they are enterprising. They make good businessmen, officials, as they strive for power, but do not allow dishonesty when using it. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. Sagittarius rising may sacrifice themselves for the good of others, find fortune abroad, or away from where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures, they can become good leaders and guides for people who are pure in heart. Often there are quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love of comfort for the sake of working for the benefit of mankind. They control themselves well, but lose their money. They are brave and virtuous, but suffer from the opposition of envious people. They are highly respected by scholars and noble people, they live long, and their life is pure.

general characteristics

Practical and punctual. In work, he achieves success in all endeavors. Ambitious. He is often accused of coldness, in fact he loves deeply, but has difficulty expressing his feelings. Capricorns are honest, simple, loyal and reliable, like the earth itself.

Born under this sign: Joan of Arc, Kepler, Montesquieu, Madame de Pompadour, Marie du Plessis, Moliere, Kipling, Zhukovsky, Shishkin, Perov, Griboyedov, A. Mitskevich, Wilson.

Characteristics by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Saturn, Mars.
  • Symbol: goat, ladder, tower clock.
  • Colors: dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.
  • A rock: ruby, onyx, garnet, lunar, lapis lazuli.
  • Metal: lead.
  • Flowers: white carnation, black poppies, ivy.
  • Mascot: black cat, devil.
  • Happy day: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Unlucky day: Monday Thursday.
  • Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divisible by 8), 14.
born from December 22 to January 2 under the influence of Jupiter - calm, prudent, systematic natures, acquire fortune and success, but there is a risk of ruin.
born from 3 to 13 January under the influence of Mars - people from whom it breathes domestic boredom, known for a bad influence on others.
born from 14 to 20 January under the influence of the Sun - efficient, have vitality, passionate, contradictory, sometimes prone to despondency.


A sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, the ruthlessness of time, is distantly related to instincts and uses moderation and restraint as internal system self-preservation. In general, Capricorns don't care about looking attractive. They rarely talk about themselves and consider it above their dignity to use charm. They do not demonstrate their merits, which is why they make a weak impression or do not make it at all. They love subdued indoor lighting.
As in other signs, there are low, medium and superior type, but everyone strives to ascend to the spiritual or worldly peak. To achieve them, not everyone has a reserve of vitality - endurance, endurance, despite great stamina - the main feature of Capricorn.
Some of the Capricorns are rock opposing difficult situations, others like Virgo are "worker bees", do not know they are tired in search of instant solutions or solve the problem with the tenacity of Taurus until they find the correct and final answer, until they turn lead into gold. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians who know how to make deals. These are patient, fair, loving, although strict fathers who do not demonstrate their love.
Capricorn's disregard for charm and attractiveness is reflected in clothing. The main motives for men and women - simplicity, moderation, poise, modesty, frugality, little imagination. Usually deviate from fashion, many simply despise the cost of clothing. Ascetic in youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive that makes them pay any attention to clothing is ambition. They prefer to look correct rather than interesting.



Similar to red wine, may improve with age as internal stiffness disappears. At first, they are alien to humans due to a distant connection with instincts. They resist infatuation out of fear of loss and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasure for a minimum of pain, but a mask of icy indifference can hide the most tormenting passions, which are suppressed in order to avoid submission to feelings. The result is breakdowns of various forms.
Some try to fill the inner emptiness with a thirst for power and collecting, others go into silence or into nervous quirks, and sometimes become physically ill in a desert of selfishness and stinginess.
Others, agreeing to such a fate, live unhappily in solitude, as if indifference were a natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled to fate, proclaiming their loneliness as proof of their spiritual virtues, hiding dogmatism and bilious corrosiveness under the cover of false kindness.
Many can live a lonely life, without love, until almost 40-50 years old. Then they open up, submit to everything they fought against and rejected, and give themselves completely to it.
Capricorn women are sometimes very hard-hearted. They hate the role of a housewife, they prefer to make a career and achieve independence than to get carried away with a seductive romance, they often remain cold in the arms of a partner. They marry for financial and social reasons. Some of them have a Cinderella complex, they want to be loved because they think they are attractive enough.
Other Capricorns are calm and attractive wives. If a Capricorn lover is unlucky, he can reconcile. The remoteness of instincts serves as an internal weapon for him. Capricorns suffer less than other signs.
Emotionally, Capricorn should look for Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, especially good fellowship with Scorpio. Gemini and Cancer should be avoided.

How to achieve perfection

Fortune does not often smile at Capricorns. Their achievements are their own triumph over the problems of life, they are more often respected than loved. They are honest, reliable, dignified, serious, hardworking, hate loneliness, but hardly acquire acquaintance. Distrustful, very conservative, value their reputation, secretive, vindictive, developed a sense of duty. Capricorns give more than they take, love to do good. They find wise solutions, they are driven by the desire for success, but they are very prone to bad mood, although they have the ability to discipline themselves.


Gains strength with age. Capricorns are hardy, have a high resistance to disease, they have a developed instinct for self-preservation. Often these are thin people with a developed bone skeleton. Men with a face like a rock, women with big expressive eyes. Capricorns are usually pessimistic, they have frequent periods of depression, they are tormented by problems that mean nothing to others. This is detrimental to their health. Capricorns need careful self-control, a healthy lifestyle. They need to learn to forget about troubles at work, and when they leave the institution, they need to demand less from friends and relatives.

Elements: EARTH

An earthly everyday person, no stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. You perceive only what you can see, hear and touch, what you can confirm with material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. You may be called a prose writer, but they turn to you for a practical answer. You really do things while others just talk about them. Few realize your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to open or show them.

Friends and loved ones must be chosen from earth and water - the earth needs water if you do not want to become a desert. Earth can also exist with fire, if it does not object to its occasional gaiety, and with air, provided it can endure hurricanes from time to time.

Your advantages: practicality, reliability, the ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, you are consistent, persistent, hardworking, able to provide support and protection.

Your cons: boring, lack of imagination, stinginess, pessimistic view of things, stubbornness, cruelty to oneself and others, callousness.

If you are Capricorn - you are the most that neither is the earth, i.e. secretive, like to control the action from behind the scenes without going on stage. If you are a Taurus, you are reliable and unshakable, personifying strength, unshakable as a rock until your volcanic gut kicks in. If you are a Virgo, then you are efficient, move mountains of work, etc. Your motto: Everything has its time. You move mountains with it.

Home conditions: should live on the earth, firmly pressing the soles to their element, love gardens, greenhouses and flower boxes on the windows as a compromise. You need quiet stability, reliable operation, everything in its place.

Your spirit that brings good luck is a gnome, he lives in an inconspicuous mink, can live in a greenhouse, in a window box with plants.


"Workhorse of the Zodiac" - adheres to public opinion, many conventions. Everything is done thoroughly, persistent in achieving the goal. Many entrepreneurs were born under this sign. Neat and diligent Capricorns excel in technical and craft skills, architecture, good engineers, especially in the field of mechanics and electricity. prone to financial activities, it can be difficult for them to get along with colleagues because of their scrupulousness and uncompromisingness. For Capricorns, success is important, he does not like to change his profession.

Impresses a house with a historical past. Dislikes noise and fuss. She loves to shop, but without losing her head.


A hard worker, even on vacation he has things to do. He loves a respectable resort, which he can visit from year to year. Prefers the company of old friends and family, is interested in history and collects. The best holiday- in your own home by the fireplace with friends.

Zodiac horoscope

Earth sign. Under the rule of Saturn. Stubborn character. The mind is developed. CAPRICORN is the most enduring and persistent of all the signs of the Zodiac - both physically and mentally. Secretive, secretly ambitious, he lives in reality, knows how and loves to work. Success beckons him with extraordinary force. Step by step, step by step, he goes to the intended goal, overcoming all obstacles with great patience and incredible perseverance. Nothing can discourage CAPRICORN and make him turn off the path.

CAPRICORN sets a goal in his youth and is ready to follow it all his life. The same is true in work - CAPRICORN automates it in advance, outlining a scheme, developing details, putting things in order, so as not to waste time on trifles later. This is an excellent worker in all areas of industry, a talented statesman.

CAPRICORN Woman, born under this sign, has a characteristic feature: her beauty and charm do not decrease over the years, but increase, and at the age of 35 she is liked more than at 18. But caring for her is not easy, she always erects a barrier between herself and her fans. This type of woman who loves her independence very much. They are good secretaries, directors, teachers, doctors. Like the CAPRICORN man, women of this sign are serious and do not forgive offense and betrayal.

Relationships of signs: unstable marriage with ARIES, LIBRA, CANCER. On the contrary, alliances with VIRGO, TAURUS, SCORPIO and PISCES are much more harmonious. With Sagittarius, the rhythm of life and temperament are so different that despite the great physical attraction, marriages are rarely feasible. Between TAURUS and CAPRICORN there is love and great mutual understanding. Often the stubborn and patient CAPRICORN manages to re-educate the capricious and deceitful TAURUS.

With the sign of GEMINI, relationships are difficult to enter, and a long-term union is problematic, if at all possible. Between the signs of CANCER and CAPRICORN, attraction easily arises, friendships develop based on respect. Nevertheless, the union does not come soon - there are too big differences in outlook on life. However, later such an alliance can become lasting, based on respect. A strong alliance with a LION is very rare, so only friendship and cooperation are recommended. The character of VIRGO is in many ways reminiscent of CAPRICORN himself, so it is possible happy marriage. With LIBRA, not only marriage, but even simple friendships are extremely rare: the difference in lifestyle and characters is very great. SCORPIO and CAPRICORN are united by ambition, love of work. Marriage is possible on the basis of common interests. Union with Sagittarius in individual cases guaranteed by each other. Very often, SAGITTARIUS manages to change the pedantic nature of CAPRICORN. With his own sign, despite the lack of great physical attraction, CAPRICORN can form a friendly alliance. With AQUARIUS, despite some similarities in character, a happy marriage rarely occurs. Collaboration in work and friendly relations are recommended. A marriage between PISCES and CAPRICORN could be extraordinarily happy due to the great spiritual and intellectual similarity, as well as physical attraction. However, sometimes the secrecy of CAPRICORN offends the subtle and impressionable PISCES.

How to choose a life partner

CAPRICORN - blooms late, but retains charm until old age. He is practical in everything, even in love. Having many novels, falls in love with difficulty. Very critical, the choice is often successful. Capricorns can't stand being alone. Capricorn women. They are not easily confused. They strive to have powerful and practical husbands. Capricorn has a great need for stability. As a rule, they are stingy, save money, adhere to all kinds of conventions, do not like extravagance, neither in clothes, nor in thoughts. Converge with Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius. Difficult with Aries, Cancer, Libra.

Sexuality Female

A person born under this sign is often tormented by contradictions between her desires and the possibility of satisfying them. She is erotic and amorous, but at the same time strict in observing appearances. Because of this, her passion often finds no way out, which can be the cause of numerous complexes. Men aspire to her, feeling a desired partner, but remain at a loss, coming across a virtuous image created by her. The attraction that accumulates in her from time to time crushes all barriers, and she rushes headlong into a short adventure, discarding her principles and striking her partner with temperament and sophistication. During her marriage, the horns of Capricorn often go to her husband. Tormented by repentance, she again embarks on the path of virtue, but the temperament is again looking for a way out. In old age, such women turn into closed and grumpy old women.

  • Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces;
  • Aries, Cancer, Libra;
  • Aquarius, Leo.

The origins of astrology arose in ancient times, when people first began to think about the structure of the universe. It was then that the assumption was born that the whole life of a person is closely connected with the cosmic processes that accompanied the moment of his birth. This is how the horoscope and its various variants appeared. Some of them, such as the zodiac circle, are popular to this day.

What is a horoscope

You can answer the question "what is a horoscope" with the help of different concepts. For example, it is often defined as a set of relative positions of celestial bodies in a certain period. In ancient times, this concept denoted the so-called. the "ascendant" or ruling planet at the time of a person's birth. And now it usually means a description of the horoscope - the signs of the zodiac or specific forecasts.

The term itself is of Greek origin and translates as "watching time." The first evidence of making predictions dates back to the 5th century BC. e. It is believed that the beginning of horoscopic astrology was laid in Mesopotamia, and it was further developed in Egypt, Greece and Byzantium.

The most famous version today appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that a famous British astrologer named Alan Leo compiled accelerated method descriptions based on the cyclic motion of the Sun, which passes through the same constellations each time during the year. Since that time, the sign of the zodiac of a person is determined mainly through the position of the luminary at the time of his birth.

How to make a horoscope

All schemes, whether it is a weekly horoscope or a natal chart, are compiled according to a certain methodology based on geometric constructions and mathematical calculations. For a specific point in time (it can be any date), the astrologer calculates the position of celestial bodies, he also uses geographical coordinates events.

To understand what a horoscope is, you need to imagine the ecliptic - a circle on which the projection of the planets is applied. It is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is assigned a specific symbol. An analysis of the position of the celestial those shows that each of them falls into one of the segments of the ecliptic, that is, into a specific sign of the zodiac. The totality of data on the coordinates of the luminaries and planets forms the cosmogram of the horoscope.

The basis of the astrological description is the interpretation of the scheme obtained on the symbolic image of the firmament. As a rule, the process of its construction takes quite a long time and requires thorough preparation horoscope specialist.

Natal chart

The fact that not only the position of the Sun, but also of all the planets of the system plays a decisive role in the fate of a person is best demonstrated by the natal chart. It is something like a personal horoscope relating to the moment of birth. When compiling it, not only the date is taken into account, but also geographical coordinates and the maximum exact time days. It is believed that even because of a difference of a few minutes, people born on the same day can have completely different character traits and fates.

Professional astrologers are able not only to correctly draw diagrams, but also to subject the information received to “decoding”, resulting in a complete and detailed description. This is what allows us to understand what a horoscope is in its true meaning. The natal chart helps to reveal the character of a person, his inclinations, weak spots"And predict important life circumstances and turning points in fate.

Other types of horoscope

The local horoscope is calculated in a similar way. However, it no longer refers to the date of birth, but to the coordinates of the present location of the person. It makes sense to draw up a local map, for example, when changing your place of residence in order to evaluate possible consequences this decision. There are other versions of the horoscope:

  • horary - used to get an answer to a question;
  • mundane - refers to historical events, the fate of entire states and upcoming large-scale events;
  • thematic (one of its most popular varieties is marriage horoscope) - allows you to calculate the possible success or failure in a particular area;
  • karmic - aimed at revealing the circumstances of past lives;
  • compatibility horoscope - calculated on the basis of two natal charts and characterizes the essence of the relationship;
  • by year of birth (one of the versions is the eastern calendar).

Zodiac circle

The most popular type of horoscope is the so-called. "zodiac circle" Each of its 12 sectors corresponds to a certain symbol, which is under the auspices of one of the 10 celestial bodies. The zodiac circle allows you to determine the sign of a person by the constellation through which the Sun passed on the day of his birth.

An early version of the system was invented around the 7th century BC. e. For the designation of 12 signs, the symbols of the constellations through which the Sun passes during the calendar year were taken. Half of them depict animals, the other half are characters. ancient Greek myths(according to one version, all the names arose on the basis of legends about the exploits of Hercules). The astrological cycle begins with the constellation Aries and ends with Pisces.

It is noteworthy that once in the zodiac circle there was one more, the 13th sign. It is known as Ophiuchus and, according to the calendar, its period - from October 30 to November 16 - is between the sectors of Scorpio and Sagittarius. Currently, astrology does not include it in the circle due to a discrepancy modern location signs of the scheme that existed 2.5 thousand years ago.

Zodiac signs

On the characteristics of each of the 12 representatives of the zodiac big influence provided by several factors. In particular, this is the ruling element and the degree of its severity. In addition, it is believed that people born "on the border" of the zodiac periods will also have features of the neighboring constellation. At the same time, representatives of the "middle" are carriers of the pronounced qualities of their sign.

Representatives of the zodiac circle can be divided into groups according to several criteria. So, in astrology, each of them can be classified as “dominant” or “subordinate”, “male” or “female”, “northern” or “southern”, etc.

Each of the 12 "solar" signs is also under the auspices of one of the 4 natural elements. These allow us to divide them into special groups- trigons. Fire is represented by Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Earth by Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Under the influence of Air are Gemini, Libra and Volodya, and the trine of Water symbolizes Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


The natural element determines mainly personal characteristics their "subordinates". "Fire" signs of the horoscope are different strong-willed character and leadership qualities. Representatives of the element Air are sociable and have developed imagination. "Earth" signs are endowed with a calm temperament and a penchant for rational thinking. People born under the influence of Water are emotional and have developed intuition.

It is also believed that "fiery" and "air" signs are predominantly extroverts. As for Water and Earth, they basically correspond to introversion.

The first constellations of the zodiac circle have the most striking features of the ruling elements. This applies to Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. At the same time, in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, the features of their patrons natural forces expressed with the least force. As for the "middle" signs of the zodiac circle (Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio), they have moderately pronounced characteristics of their elements.

Compatibility Horoscope

Clients of professional astrologers most often ask to compile not only a natal chart, but also a relationship forecast. The compatibility horoscope is very popular and is calculated by comparing individual characteristics obtained from dates of birth. After a series of calculations, an astrologer can give a detailed picture of the relationship: the similarity of two people, the nature of their interaction and future prospects.

A similar forecast can be made not only for a romantic union, but also for colleagues and friends. It is important to understand that even a not too favorable compatibility horoscope does not sign a “verdict” on a relationship. Rather, it helps to anticipate and anticipate their weaknesses.

Today, the compatibility horoscope for the signs of the zodiac is widely known. It is based mainly on the nature of the mutual influence of different elements. Of course, such a forecast is useful in some way. But to get a much more accurate and detailed picture of the relationship, the conclusion about the compatibility of two people should be made on the basis of their natal charts.

Astrological predictions for every day

The horoscope for today or any other specific day may contain astrological advice compiled for each sign. Such a forecast is made on the basis of daily lunar phases and the positions of the planets in relation to a particular zodiac sector. In it you can get information about the success of a particular undertaking, possible dangers and general emotional and even physical condition on a particular day.

The horoscope for tomorrow can often be heard on radio programs and found on the Internet. For many people, the idea of ​​​​astrology is formed precisely on the basis of these "quick tips", to which they are very skeptical. Meanwhile, when planning especially significant events, a one-day horoscope can really be very useful. Especially if it is compiled in detail, taking into account not only the sign of the zodiac, but also the natal chart of a person and the exact coordinates of the upcoming event.

Eastern (Chinese) calendar

The Chinese horoscope by year of birth has a very ancient history, much longer than the zodiac circle. It was compiled about 4.5 thousand years ago during the reign of the legendary Huang Di. Eastern horoscope over the years is based on the movements of the Sun, Earth, Moon and two planets: Jupiter and Saturn.

Several legends are associated with the emergence of the Chinese version. She tells of them that once the Buddha called all the animals to celebrate the New Year. To all who came, he promised to present a gift for a whole year of reign. However, only 12 animals responded to the invitation, which then became symbols of the Chinese horoscope, and in the order in which, according to legend, they appeared on the holiday. Thus, the Rat opens the cycle, and the Pig completes it.

According to the calendar, each sign can "rule" under the auspices of the energy "yin" or "yang" and a certain natural element: wood, fire, water, metal or earth. 5 primary elements, multiplied by 12 animals, result in 60 years of the eastern cycle.

Eastern calendar signs

Similar to the zodiac system chinese horoscope over the years serves to characterize personal qualities person. The animal-symbol of the year is able to endow with its own special features, among which there are both positive and negative ones. All signs are divided into 4 groups: competitors, intellectuals, independents and diplomats, which determines their most striking qualities.

Of great importance is the patron element, which gives the personality of a person a special shade. Representatives of the same sign, born under different elements, will have rather dissimilar characters. It is noteworthy that the eastern calendar also has its own version of the compatibility table, containing pairs of "allies" and "antagonists".

In addition, the Chinese horoscope allows you to get the characteristics of a person based on the time of day of his birth. Every 2 of the 24 hours correspond to one of the signs, and this cycle traditionally begins - with the Rat. All animals have and most suitable watch birth. For example, the same Rat, born at night, has greater determination and dexterity than the “daytime” representative of this sign.

There is another very curious variety of the Eastern calendar - age. This yearly horoscope begins with the Rooster, and the last, twelfth period of a person's life, which means the transition to death, passes under the sign of the Tiger.

Other prediction systems

Traditions different cultures had a significant impact on what types of horoscopes are. Almost each of the ancient civilizations had its own way of predicting fate at the time of birth. Some of them have survived to our time and are known as horoscopes, although such a designation is not entirely correct. These include, for example, the Druid calendar, as well as numerological, Zoroastrian, Tibetan and a number of other systems.

An individually compiled horoscope is something like a “map of fate”. He can inform a large number of valuable information about a human. To get the most detailed picture, you need to rely only on professionally interpreted maps of the location of the planets.

As for the popular descriptions of the signs of the zodiac and daily forecasts, they mostly contain too generalized information and cannot claim to be highly reliable. You can get a complete picture of what a horoscope is and how it corresponds to the real state of affairs, only with the help of an experienced specialist.

Astrology is an amazing science that allows you to know the future and deeply understand the past. We decided to talk with an experienced astrologer in order to clarify a lot in this mysterious area.

It is often quite difficult for people to understand how, by the date and time of a person’s birth, one can tell about the most subtle nuances of his character and predict his future. But it's not science fiction or magic. This is astrology! An incredibly complex science that has thousands of years of history. People often have a lot of questions about astrology. How does a specialist in this field work? Is it possible to trust the general horoscopes for all signs of the Zodiac and why they do not always come true? For what period can you make a horoscope? And can everyone learn this skill? Most interesting questions about the secrets of the work of an astrologer, we decided to ask a representative of this profession. Today we will talk with Stella Mira, a practicing astrologer with 13 years of experience, and learn from her a lot of interesting things from the field of astrology. - What does an astrologer need to know about the person for whom he makes a horoscope?- I know from my own experience that very often people are mistaken and believe that an astrologer needs to know only the date of birth of a person for his work. It's not like that at all! It is impossible to make a horoscope by date alone, otherwise the fates of all people born on the same day would be identical. And this is simply unthinkable. Very important data for the work of an astrologer are also the time and place of birth of a person. The fact is that a very important indicator depends on where a person was born - the house of the horoscope (the sector into which the zodiac circle is divided). Each sector is responsible for a specific vital sphere this person. So, for those born at the same time in Moscow and in Vladivostok, this indicator will be different. Why does an astrologer need to know the time of birth recorded on a tag in the maternity hospital? Everything is very simple. Every 4 minutes the degree of the Zodiac changes, and each degree is already a different Destiny. For example, if I had an erroneous time of birth, then I will make incorrect calculations. I will tell you that you will get married in 2014, but then this will not happen. And everything will happen, for example, in 2015. In our business, everything is very subtle and a small error gives an error in predicting an event. In any case, when recording the time of birth, the doctor usually rounds up the time. For example, a child was born at 15:30, but 15:55 is recorded. The task of the astrologer is to clarify the time of birth to the minute. This procedure in astrology is called the rectification of the horoscope - the clarification of time according to the events of your life. We can calculate the time of birth if it is not known even approximately. True, in this case, much more time and information about a person’s life is needed. What factors influence personality traits? What planets shape our character?- There are four most important indicators- this is, in a way, the basis of the character of each of us. Such main factors in astrology are the Ascendant ( astrological sign, rising on the horizon at the time of your birth), the planet that rules the sign of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. Without delving into the meaning of these astrological indicators and their essence, I want to say that they are the core of the personality. And the positions of other planets at the time of birth only complement the character, adding certain nuances to it and creating a unique complex set of qualities.

Thus, the position of Mercury is responsible for the intellect of a person, his ability to formulate thoughts. The position of Venus determines a person's ability to love, to express feelings, emotions. Mars is a way to realize the energy potential. People who have strong Mars in the horoscope are very active, courageous, strong-willed (the gender of a person in this case does not matter). That is why the sign of the Zodiac may not always accurately describe the character of a person, since other planets in the horoscope have made their own meanings. - For what period of life can a horoscope be drawn up? Are there any restrictions?- If we have all the necessary data, we can make a horoscope for any period, up to the end of a person's life. Moreover, I can say that the reliability and accuracy of the horoscope for the next year and for the year that will be in 20 years will be the same. So, you can safely order a horoscope for any period you are interested in. - How long does it take an astrologer to make a personal horoscope?- I must say that drawing up a horoscope is a very time-consuming and painstaking task. Work on a horoscope usually takes at least a day. Here you also need to understand that I bear a serious responsibility for the result. First, this is my professional reputation. Secondly, the person to whom I make a horoscope trusts me. If a businessman loses a deal because of my advice, of course, I will be responsible for it. - Is it possible to trust the general horoscopes (for all signs of the Zodiac), what is the degree of reliability?- As I said above, to draw up a horoscope, you need to know and take into account several indicators at once. In general horoscopes for all signs of the Zodiac, only the position of the Sun can be taken into account. Of course, this gives us certain information, but still it is too general. Of course, you can take into account in your Everyday life these tips, but for more you need to make a horoscope especially for you.

This female practice contributes to the improvement and harmonization of one of the three most important areas in the life of each of us. Improve your relationships, improve your well-being and simply become successful person through this practice.

500 rub- Can everyone comprehend the basics of astrology and learn how to make horoscopes? Or is it for the elite? - Of course, if desired and interested, each person can learn the basics of astrology. But this is a slow process. Before you try to make predictions, you need some experience. I started studying astrology in 1995, it took several years to study theory and practical training in an astrological school. And only five years later, in 2000, I started working as a professional astrologer. Of course, within the framework of one interview, we could not ask the astrologer everything that raises questions and interest in this area. But still, a lot has been learned. Astrology is, without a doubt, a huge and fascinating world. And we will continue to talk about its secrets on the pages of our Astrojournal!

Tired of reading or listening to the same type of horoscopes for your zodiac sign, which, moreover, often do not come true? Judge for yourself, how can the predictions of 12 zodiac signs be correct for all 7 billion people? However, you yourself can make your own personal horoscope, which will be most suitable for you.

Most accurate horoscope can be called a natal chart, which determines the main character traits of a person, his possible interests, talents, attitude to life, etc., that is, this general horoscope. Let's talk about how to make such a horoscope.

Natal chart: we make it ourselves

Drawing up a natal chart is enough painstaking work, which requires high precision and attentiveness. It is believed that one cannot do without special knowledge, but if you take the matter seriously, then you will be quite capable of compiling a true natal chart.

  1. First you need to find out as accurately as possible the time of your birth up to minutes, as well as the place of birth. Relative to time and place, the position of the stars in the sky is calculated, which affect the fate of a person.
  2. After that, you need to find out the position of the stars in the sky at the time of birth, taking into account the place and time. It is necessary to determine the position of all planets in solar system as well as the Moon and the Sun. To do this, you need to calculate the ecliptic longitude of these celestial bodies. The ecliptic for a horoscope is a circle divided into 12 sectors, each of which leaves 30 degrees. By degrees, you can determine in which constellation this or that planet was at the time of birth.
  3. Then you should calculate the relative position of the planets relative to each other. So, if the planets form astrological aspects, we can say that they affect a person's life. The following aspects are highlighted:
    • Connection (the planets are in the same degree and in the same sign) - a positive aspect, denotes the merging of the functions of the planets;
    • Sextile (planets at a distance of 60 degrees from each other) - a harmonious, successful aspect, denotes a softening of the situation, predicts positive opportunities;
    • Trine or trine (the planets are 120 degrees relative to each other) - a harmonious aspect, denotes constancy and stability;
    • Opposition (planets opposite each other at a distance of 180 degrees) - a negative aspect, denotes opposites, difficulties;
    • Square (the mutual arrangement of the planets at a distance of 90 degrees) is a negative aspect, indicating tension, contradictions and obstacles.
  4. You also need to calculate the magnitude of the intersection with the horizon: the ascendant, the descendant, the intersection with the midpoints and the base of the heavens.
  5. Each of the 12 sectors represents a specific house. Houses in a horoscope describe a person's life in different areas. The characteristic will depend on the position of a particular planet in a particular house at the time of birth. Here's what the houses mean:
    • 1 House - personality, appearance, early childhood, consciousness;
    • 2 House - possessions of a person, his material security, finances, moral values ​​\u200b\u200brelated to this;
    • 3 Home - relationships with people, social life, communication, communication, perception of information, mind;
    • 4 House - connection with the past, ancestors, roots, parental home, traditions, family karma;
    • 5 House - creativity, love, self-expression, children;
    • 6 House - health, work, daily work, working relationships with people;
    • 7 House - partnership, marriage, friendship, enmity, business relations, social work;
    • 8 House - the house of metamorphoses and rebirth, is responsible for inheritance, rebirth, death, etc.;
    • 9 House - religion, philosophy, worldview, education, world consciousness;
    • 10 House - profession, career, purpose of life, power, connection with the outside world;
    • 11 Home - groups and organizations, acquaintances, friends, creativity in a team, hopes, achievement of goals;
    • 12 House - mystical abilities, occultism, freedom, state of mind.

Given all these points, you can make a detailed horoscope yourself. The main thing in this business is the maximum accuracy of the data.

Horoscope using ephemeris tables

You can make a horoscope using ephemeris tables. You will need a table of Houses, an atlas of the world, an ephemeris table, a calculator.

  • Ephemeris - tables that indicate mutual arrangements planets for every day. This means that you do not need to calculate anything yourself, you can just look into the table and get necessary information. So, the "Tables of the Rosicrucians" are considered good (the entire XX century is considered);
  • The table of houses will help determine the cusps of the Houses and the axes of the horoscope (for example, you can use the Placidus table);
  • The atlas will help calculate the exact geographic location at the time of birth;
  • A calculator is needed for calculations in ephemeris tables.

But if you find it difficult to make your own horoscope, then you can use ready-made astrological natal charts, for example, this one. You just need to enter all the necessary data correctly, click on the "Calculate" button, and you will receive a personal detailed natal chart.