Children's astrology. Children in the natal chart: astrological indicators

A children's horoscope by date of birth is an individual horoscope for your child, compiled taking into account the influence of the planets that are responsible for the qualities of character, temperament, innate intelligence, emotions, feelings and personality traits little man.

Located on the celestial sphere in a unique order, the celestial bodies at the time of birth make up the child - his star passport, which contains the basic information about the features of the development and formation of the baby's personality.

By calculating free individual birth horoscope, you will receive information and advice on his upbringing and training, which will help in the process of harmonious formation of his personality. However, when using astrological information in relation to children, do not forget about the huge responsibility. It is necessary to apply the acquired knowledge very carefully so as not to harm the mobile and vulnerable psyche of the child.

Do not make hasty conclusions, continue to monitor the development of the baby, because the main thing is to maintain harmony between the child and parents, choosing the most effective methods education and development.

Instructions for filling out the form

To get a children's horoscope by date of birth:

1. Type the name of the child (it will be indicated in the text of the interpretation children's horoscope by date of birth).

2. Enter the date and time of the child's birth. If the time is unknown, select 12:00.

3. Specify the place of birth of the child (for example, Moscow), select a country from the list (for example, Russia).

4. Press the City button.

5. If the city is found, the message "Found similar cities." Click on the name of the city in the list, after that the fields "Region", "Latitude, longitude:" and "Time zone:" will be filled in automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

6. If the settlement is not found, enter only the first few letters with which the name begins, and click the "City" button.

7. The message "Similar cities found." and a list of found settlements. Click on the name of the desired city, the fields "Region", "Latitude, longitude:" and "Time zone:" will be filled in automatically. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

8. If the settlement could not be found, select the city that is closest to the desired one locality. Click the "Get Horoscope" button.

You can independently enter the coordinates and time zone of the desired settlement.

I always say thatastrology in educationabsolutely irreplaceable. As a kid it is better to learn, how to motivate and captivate your child. Not to mention the issues of choosing a specialty or future profession.

In this article, we will look at the most important points children's horoscope. And also you will find out what actions can turn off your child's card.

How do baby planets work?

The planets in the children's horoscope do not start immediately, but depending on the age and development of the baby. When the planet turns on, it needs the right momentum, insofar as what will be laid down during the inclusion of the planet will manifest itself in adult life. And for this it is very important.astrology in education your child.

The most important point of the children's horoscope

The main planet of the first seven years of human life - . The night luminary is responsible for the formation of the psyche, soul, all basic attitudes, character traits. To be frank, it is in the first 7 years of a person's life that the formation of his destiny takes place. During this period, all the main programs, both destructive and creative, are laid in the psyche of the baby.

Applying astrology in educationYou will understand that the Moon is closely related to mom. At this time, the maternal function is more relevant than ever. If a child does not receive enough motherly love, a sense of comfort and security, then in adulthood such a person will perceive the world as a cold place where it is impossible to relax and be protected.

The function of the Moon is similar to the effect of a sponge - your child absorbs everything that is possible for the first 7 years. At this time, there is still no awareness, no mind that would allow filtering incoming information.

Who is responsible for teaching the child?

After seven years, Mercury begins to turn on. This planet is responsible for:

Using astrology in education, you can see whether the baby is inclined to the exact sciences (signs of the earth, aspects of Saturn and Uranus) or more inclined to creativity and humanitarian areas (Mercury in Cancer, Pisces, fire signs, aspects from creative planets).

Why is age so important?

The age of why can be safely called the age of Mercury. This is the time when the child is no longer just unconsciously absorbing information on the Moon, but shows curiosity, tries to find out and understand everything that is around him.

If parents during this period (from 7 to 12 years old) ignore the child's questions from the series: do not pester with your nonsense; why because; then the function of Mercury - to know the world and show curiosity is turned off or starts to work incorrectly. In adulthood, this is fraught with apathy, everything around will not be interesting to a person.

How to effectively turn on children's Mars?

The last planet for today is Mars, which is responsible for the activity, initiative and activity of the growing man.

The red planet is included in different periods differently.

  • 0-14 years - works quietly, mainly manifests itself in the form of energy, enthusiasm and fuel for Mercury, the Moon and the Sun.
  • 14-21 years - the period of sex hormones, here it turns on in full: unwillingness to recognize the rules, do what I want, leaving home, quarrels with parents are excellent signs of a well-turned-on Mars.
  • From the 21st year, Mars calms down a bit and begins to work more to achieve social heights and win its place under the sun in the stone jungle.

How to captivate your child?

In the children's horoscope, the sign of Mars will show how to ignite and captivate the child. And also the red planet is extremely important in all matters related to sports. For example, in Taurus he has a penchant for weightlifting, while in Libra he will show up well in dancing, in a team sport.

Mars is “muted” when parents constantly suppress the initiative of the baby, suppress his anger and aggression. They do not teach how to properly defend themselves, do not take into account astrology in education.

And another important point in the use of astrology in education

In this article, you learned about the most main three planets of the children's horoscope. But there is still a very serious point of the child's map - this is the Sun.

And if you are interested in learning more about it and want to plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

All parents dream that their child grows up successful, active and rich. It is impossible to even imagine how much effort and time is spent to ensure a worthy future for the baby. Astrology is an incredible tool that allows you to determine the strengths and weak sides personality, tell about the future of each person. The stars can help organize a whole route, moving along which all character traits will be revealed.

Proper upbringing of a child is the key to his success in the future. And education itself begins from an early age - with the selection of the right toys, the choice of the necessary circles, etc.

Carl Gustav Jung said that choice is an accident that happened at the right time. Modern astrology supplements this definition: in order for an accident to occur, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for it.

Help determine the future of the child from the very early years maybe children's astrology. It is enough to understand how the planets and signs of the zodiac influence the formation of a personality, what processes determine talents and abilities, how to predict the direction of a child's development. And the inhabitants of the starry sky are called to help in this.

Why do we need children's astrology?

In the life of each of us there are people who, from childhood, were forced to do something other than what they would like to do. A child has just been born - and dad and mom are already arguing where to send him: to the chess section or the boxing school. And in parallel with this, they buy toys for him, which, in their opinion, should develop a healthy and strong personality. As soon as the child gets on his feet - the parents immediately rush to enroll him in the sections, send him to circles, spend money on education - and in the end it turns out that the child is completely uninteresting. All these years, he wanted to, for example, draw, and not go to football. So the wasted years spent on artificially created hobbies remain forgotten.

For some reason, in our society, the opinion has become entrenched that a newborn child is a blank slate. They say that it depends only on the efforts and will of the parents who he will become in the future. But few people know that from birth, a child has a number of individual qualities that belong only to him. He has already formed his own unique, special character. Inclinations and talents, habits and weaknesses - everything is determined from the moment of birth. The child himself is not a blank slate, but an independent personality that requires proper upbringing. And to suggest what kind of upbringing will be right, children's astrology helps. The stars help determine which sides of the personality are the strongest, what kind of inner forces can be revealed and how to direct them in the right direction.

How to make a child successful with the help of astrology?

With the help of children's astrology, it is possible at the earliest stages of a child's life to find out what character traits, what inclinations and abilities he will have. In order to determine this, astrologers use special techniques. But in order to master such an art, it is not at all necessary to devote years of study to this. At the webinar "Your Talented Children" each listener:

  1. He will understand how the child perceives reality, and what is necessary for the personality to begin to fully develop from birth.
  2. Learns how to discover hidden potential in a child and determine his tendencies.
  3. He will receive advice on how to choose the right toys and themed circles in order to maximize the talents of the child.

What to do if the child has already matured?

Choosing the right path for your child is not the last step. Education is a continuous process that lasts for decades. That is why you need to be ready for anything. If the child has already entered the stage of growing up, and you are faced with a whole bunch of problems - laziness, lies, etc., then you should pay attention to the webinar "Personality Development in a Child".

Step by step, astrologer Pavel Andreev will lead you to an understanding of who your child really is. The webinar will answer the questions:

  • Why is the child lying?
  • What is video game addiction?
  • How does the child perceive information?
  • How can parents build a dialogue with their child?
  • What skills will allow the child to be successful and noticeable in any horoscope?

The importance of the growing up stage cannot be overestimated. And if you do not pay attention to the prompts of the horoscope, do not direct energy into right direction- the personality can be formed incorrectly. And then it will be very difficult to remake an adult.

If you don't want to study astrology on your own. Order a consultation "Children's horoscope", where experienced astrologers of our school will give you all the necessary recommendations for the development of a happy and harmonious personality in your child.

When famous people look back and remember their lives, it seems to them that everything was predetermined for them. That there was no other way that led them to success and wealth. But only a few understand that thousands of wrong directions were hiding behind the right direction - and only right choice was at the core of everything. The parents of any child have a chance to give their child the future he deserves. You just need to pay attention to the star horoscope, identify talents and inclinations, pave the right path - and success will not keep you waiting.

A children's horoscope for a girl and a boy can be drawn up from birth. There is an opinion that astrology can somehow harm a small person. Is it really?

Once a client approached me and said that ancient sources say that the horoscope will affect important planetary cycles and it is strictly forbidden to do it. Let me dispel this myth right now. child card will not harm the child in any way. On the contrary, it will help to better understand the talents and abilities of the little person who came to your family, and in the future to guide him on his own path. Medical research and x-rays really pose a real danger to the health of the baby, but not astrology.

Task children's horoscope - to help the parent choose the best path for the development of his child, which will converge with his inner desires(What the child wants) and the opportunities provided by the outside world, which we will call an event resource (Where he will be noticed, where his talents will be in demand). After analyzing, for example, the financial potential, one can say in advance which trajectory a person’s monetary growth is taking: in business, when a person hires people, organizes the work of a team, modern mode freelance or vertically, through public service and large organizations.

A children's natal chart with decoding is a kind of guide to life. Agree how much safer it is to drive a car when you know where you are going and see road signs, you know where you need to slow down, because there is a dangerous turn ahead, and where to pick it up.

Children's horoscope by zodiac signs

There are a lot of programs on the Internet that decipher the natal chart for free. But what do you get from such services? If any docking with reality?

My clients sent me interpretations of horoscopes bought on the Internet for ten or more sheets. But they received only contradictory formulations - one water about character, planets in houses and signs ... " How to deal with all this? Need to know astrology?

I have there's an answer: not necessary! You need to choose a competent specialist who will convey information to you in an accessible human language.
Professional terms, theory - this is just a conversation between astrologers.

Children's horoscope will help to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your child, to implement the program of his spirit - for which new person came into this world.
A well-chosen set of measures will help harmonize family relationships.

During the consultation, you will learn:

  • child's talents: from development to application - the very talents that will help achieve results in society;
  • motivation and needs of the individual: how to solve the very problem of laziness.
  • I often hear from parents: “My child does not want to do anything, sits at the computer for hours”;
  • features of the character of the child: we make pluses out of the minuses;
  • child's self-esteem: work to build self-confidence and self-respect;
  • event risks and health: what sport sections and mugs should be chosen for your child so that he can prove himself, achieve results, and which ones to beware of;
  • communication and learning: which teacher / tutor to choose for a child, through whom it will be easier for him to absorb information;
  • image of a partner: by determining in advance what qualities a partner should have, you can reduce the number of future failures;
  • parents in the eyes of the child: a model of his future family;
  • future: career, education, personal life;
  • the tasks of the incarnation: with what mission the child came into this world, and what lessons he needs to learn.

Additionally: selection of a nanny: with whom the child will feel comfortable and safe.

During the consultation, I will answer these and many other questions:

“Why does my child not understand what he wants, but only spends all the time at the computer / flies in his parallel realities?”
“My child lies to me all the time.”

Children's card- the key to understanding the personality of your child. Every person has a specific mission the goal of parents is to help the child find himself.

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