Horoscope from the Komsomol member for March. Year of Khavronya: what is he preparing for us? Astrological forecast for all zodiac signs

Mercury will categorically refuse to support the ideas of people who are actively striving for a comfortable life. Moreover! Mercury decides to play a trick on them and doom their bold undertakings to oblivion. Hence the conclusion appears - if your capital is dear to you, and you do not want to lose your emotional balance, refrain from risky business projects at the beginning of this spring!

Earthlings should not wait for support from the "red planet" at the beginning of this spring. No, Mars will not plague us with unreasonable outbursts of aggression and out of the blue scandals. However, under the influence of this planet, a tendency to haste will appear in the character of many people. It would seem like a real trifle, but no! We already know that in March you should not rush anywhere, because this rush will not end in anything good anyway.

Celestial Elemental Leaders

March's conservatism will be evident in literally everything, including in relation to the planets to the elements subject to them. In this matter, each heavenly leader will strictly adhere to his usual strategy, no more, no less.

Judge for yourself. Fire signs (Lions, Aries, Sagittarius) will be called to help their main mentor, the Sun. Moreover, solar support will only benefit the representatives of this element (most likely, in March, Lviv, Aries and Sagittarius can be safely called real lucky ones).

Water signs (Scorpios, Pisces and Cancers) will, as always, be under the auspices of Neptune. The life of representatives of these signs will follow a strictly trodden track, but not every one of the people belonging to water element, this uniformity will seem positive ...

Signs related to the elements of the Earth (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo) will continue to stand firmly and thoroughly on both legs, and the powerful patronage of Saturn will largely contribute to this. Venus, the second most important planet, the patroness of the elements of the Earth, will also not remain indifferent to the fate of her wards (she will give Capricorns, Virgos and Taurus even greater life wisdom and resistance to any kind of adversity).

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) in March, alas, will not receive due interest from their governing planets. However, due to the fault of this "interplanetary indifference", nothing terrible will happen, since at the beginning of spring the representatives of this element will not have any special problems and trials.

Year of the Fire Rooster for Libra promises to be interesting and eventful. Horoscope for 2017 will require a lot of strength from Libra to implement everything planned on time and with great results. There will be many interesting and useful acquaintances. The opportunity to relax will appear only by the end of the year, but the efforts made will bear fruit.

Libra Woman. Women should trust their intuition, especially in the first half of the New Year. It is very important to find golden mean and don't waste your energy. the main task Libra - evenly distribute responsibilities between family members and not go too far. A Libra woman should pay attention to raising the level of professional skills in her favorite business, as well as carefully monitor herself and her health. There may be offers from the employer to undergo a paid internship abroad. You can try to invest in profitable business, however, it will pay off not earlier than autumn. Thanks to a sharp instinct, free girls can find their betrothed in the second half of autumn. The period from August to September is the most favorable for marriages.

Libra Man. In 2017, men activate their desire and craving for change, and if they correctly allocate finances and resources, then a positive outcome will not be long in coming. And useful acquaintances will help to achieve financial success by the beginning of the spring period. If you want to set aside some finances for the future, you can invest a small amount in stocks. In family life, Libra men should listen to common sense, the heart runs the risk of deceiving. Large purchases or moving are best planned at the beginning of the year. Business in 2017 will bring more profit than in any other period due to the favorable influence of the stars. At the end of the year, it will be possible to enjoy success and rejuvenate. Financial horoscope. There is a chance of losing financial stability, especially if you throw money around and lend to anyone who asks for help. Avoid the temptation to take out a bank loan. The decision will be made on an emotional impulse, and it will take years to pay off. In the year of the Rooster, it is important to learn how to control financial flows, then stability and material well-being will be in a more stable position.

love horoscope . In the love sphere, it is important for Libra to find a middle ground. Otherwise, some have a chance to throw themselves headlong into a love pool, while others will only increase their desire to remain forever alone. Strong intuition in the spring will tell Libra the right path, which will provide a more relaxed family life. Novelty in family relationships will help partners to liberate themselves and rekindle the fire of feelings. Better Libra refrain from flirting on the side as it can shake family bonds and loners have emotional balance.

Libra career. For those who work under a contract or work book, the work develops steadily without any surprises. The efforts made will be noticed by management, likely to increase in the second half of the year. Creative people the signing of a lucrative deal in late autumn also shines. In the presence of own business it is worth taking care of the qualifications of employees and relations with partners - this will strengthen financial independence. The general picture of the description of the horoscope may differ significantly from the individual, if you want to know all the details of a personal horoscope, we recommend using our services of an astrologer.

With Venus in Aquarius from March 2 to March 27, Sagittarians' personal lives will be rejuvenated. The air of freedom and freshness will burst into your emotional life, and you can enjoy freedom and personal space. In March, personal relationships will become more kind, understanding and fair. This applies not only to love, but also to friendship and communication with colleagues.

In March, the charm of Sagittarius will be especially strong, so right now you have a great chance to meet your soul mate if you are single.

The main event of March is Uranus, which will enter Taurus after the 11th and stay there for the next seven years. This influence will lead to some changes in both personality and material condition. His influence will awaken in you a sense of purpose, you can find the strength in yourself to take on the most difficult questions In my life.

In addition, Mercury goes retrograde from March 5 to March 28, 2019, and Sagittarius may have to test the patience of Sagittarius throughout this period. During Mercury retrograde there is a possibility of unexpected breakdowns, problems with gadgets or pipeline leaks, in general, be prepared for incidents.

In March, the water element is very strong, which means that people will be hypersensitive during this period. As a fire sign, you might not be particularly comfortable with all that Water energy—the emotionality, the nostalgia, the elevation of every little nuance in feelings. But if you know about it, you can handle it better.

You tend to be open and honest. You speak the truth regardless of the consequences. But now that attitude can have explosive consequences that you don't want. Tell the truth, but moderate it so as not to offend especially sensitive persons.

March 2019 love horoscope for Sagittarius

March 2019 — perfect month love. If you follow the call of your heart, and not your mind, then you can achieve a lot during this period. You will find great satisfaction in communicating with your loved one or friends, even if you have previously had failures in this direction.

If you have a loved one, do not speak - act and show your love through actions, do not try to express it in words.

If you are single, be prepared that unexpected incidents can spoil your meeting, for example, in the form of a broken car or a broken alarm clock. Small technical problems can prevent you from finally finding your happiness.

As long as you act modestly, speak earnestly, and keep a low profile, your personal relationships will grow and prosper. March 2019 not the best the best time to sign official invitations.

Retrograde activity in March 2019

Mercury retrograde creates some problems in communication and understanding. It controls our subconscious, how we perceive and interpret the information we receive.

Mercury governs such things as conversation, negotiation, buying and selling, job interviews, official contacts, travel, mail, etc. All of these areas will be affected when Mercury is in a stagnant state.

Needless to say, during such periods it is better to refuse to sign contracts, make important decisions and launch new projects. Delays and problems are more likely during this period. This is the time when we can be careless about our money, personal information and documents (we can accidentally give out our secrets and secrets).

At this time, it is best to process and refine old plans and projects. This is a good time to re-learn and update your knowledge.

When Mercury is in retrograde, there is the possibility of unexpected power outages and other man-made problems that force us to leave the computer or TV and find other entertainment.

It is important to note that there is absolutely no need to cancel your projects and stop everything during the retrograde cycle. But this is not the best time for new beginnings. After this period, many of your views on things will change and you may regret the decisions you made.

Auspicious days in March 2019

Favorable days for athletes: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15;
Lucky days in business: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 21;
Favorable days at work: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21;
Luck and optimism: 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 21;
Clarity of thought (days of insights): 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21;
Rich imagination: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31;
Favorable days for creativity: 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31;
Emotionality, sensitivity: 1, 27;
Luck in love: 1, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 27;
Desire to be alone: ​​13, 14, 21;
Probability of accidents: 5, 6, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31.

February 27, 2017

Horoscope for March 2017

In March 2017, Venus will be "retrograde" - i.e. it will still remain in the sign of Aries, as in the previous month. However, Venus retrograde in Aries is a completely different story.

If in February Venus in Aries gave us charm, attractiveness, perseverance and courtship, flirting, craving for everything beautiful, inclined to sociability, then in March Venus retrograde gives us a feeling of constant worry about what others will think. When Venus retrograde in Aries, self-confidence is replaced by shyness and a tendency to solitude. This position of Venus makes this period problematic for relationships of any kind; in love and family relationships, partners tend to take a defensive position, to be silent for a long time, testing each other's patience. Often, Venus retrograde in Aries creates a feeling of boredom, dissatisfaction with existing relationships or circumstances.

Since March 2017 is not the best time for dating, romantic meetings, close communication, it is best to devote this time to yourself. Use this opportunity; do not demand attention to yourself and your problems from loved ones and loved ones. Make time for your inner world you may be able to find answers to exciting questions about your relationship with others. Venus retrograde in Aries is the time to indulge yourself. Take care of yourself, your appearance update your wardrobe new hairstyle but do it all for yourself! Once you learn to love yourself, you will learn to understand others and it will be easier for you to communicate.

Venus retrograde in Aries is not the time to take any action in business and finance. It is better to take a wait-and-see position, and the conclusion of all kinds of transactions, the signing of contracts, agreements, if possible, postpone until a more favorable period.

Mars in Taurus is, above all, practicality. Under the influence of Mars in Taurus, energy is directed to achieve material, tangible results. Taurus is a slow sign, does everything slowly, thereby restraining the speed and excessive willingness to take risks that Mars gives.

Thus, Mars in Taurus makes it possible to achieve your goals without excessive ambition, in emotional peace. In astrology, Mars in Taurus is not considered a particularly favorable position, since Taurus is opposite in its characteristics to Mars. At the same time, this planetary energy can be very beneficially used if you find the "golden mean" in any business that you do. The same applies to relationships - love, family or business. Mars in Taurus is an opportunity to bring some balance into your life.

Mercury in Aries is decisiveness, quick thinking, quick wit, but also the desire to defend one's point of view, argue, prove something. This period is also characterized by acute observation; if used for constructive purposes, it will be of great benefit. However, most often the observation of Mercury in Aries leads to the fact that we begin to “cling” to trifles, to find fault with our relatives and friends for no reason. And then the observation of Mercury in Aries leads only to a showdown; one said the wrong thing, the other misunderstood, etc. Therefore, the planetary energy of Mercury in Aries must be learned to use correctly; This means not focusing on your negative emotions, problems, do not think too much. Usually we “inflate” the situation to unimaginable proportions, but we forget that we have thought of all this for ourselves.

Monthly horoscopes for all zodiac signs


In March 2017, representatives of the Aries sign will experience an unusual increase in activity, especially in those matters that are related to mental activity. This month is especially favorable for Aries, whose activities are related to research or calculations. Many representatives of the Aries sign in March 2017 will have the opportunity to express themselves and achieve good results in their professional activities.


March 2017 will give Taurus the opportunity to constructively change their lifestyle; you may have to sacrifice something for this, whether it be free time or ingrained habits. And yet, the horoscope for March advises Taurus not to be afraid to change something radically. Many Taurus people are realizing this month that they have simply “outgrown” the situations that bothered them earlier and the way of life and thoughts that for a long time did not allow them to move forward.


March 2017 is a difficult period for representatives of the Gemini sign. This month, Gemini will have to deal with manifestations of irritability and anger, which can create additional problems in various life situations. This period can bring Gemini disappointment in the chosen field of activity and uncertainty about the correct choice of partners, both business and love. However, the representatives of this sign should still remember that only they are able to change the state of affairs. A positive attitude and a conscious attitude towards life in general can help with this.


March 2017 is a favorable period for representatives of the Cancer sign, which should not be missed and should be used to the maximum. Issues related to documents, execution or signing of important papers come to the fore this month. Most of the issues that for a long time were unresolvable for any reason, this month can be successfully resolved, and help may come unexpectedly. News from afar, from foreign partners or relatives will affect the course of your affairs.

a lion

March 2017 - a period of continuous progress in many areas of life representatives of the sign Leo. This month, Leos will have to take on additional responsibilities or responsibilities. And despite the fact that this circumstance may be negatively perceived by the Lions, it is still not worth making hasty decisions, succumbing to the will of emotions. Moreover, success in March can only come to Leo through personal efforts.


March 2017 is a period of increasing willpower and energy for spiritual and physical improvement. This month, Virgos can successfully cope with their tasks if they show ingenuity. This period is generally favorable for various kinds of experiments. For representatives of the Virgo sign, this month new opportunities and new horizons will open up, allowing you to rethink a lot in your life and change something for the better.


March 2017 is a favorable month in many respects for representatives of the Libra sign. This month, Libra is guaranteed success in social activities, as well as in business and love relationships. Libra can achieve success in creative activity, the field of art. However, the chances of success may be missed if you are alone or lead a hermitic lifestyle at this favorable time. This month, Libra needs to be in society as much as possible, attend social events, make new acquaintances and strive for harmony in relationships with others.


March 2017 is one of the unfavorable months of the year for representatives of the Scorpio sign. This month, Scorpios must be careful and foresight, as one wrong step taken during this period can turn into protracted difficulties later. It is especially not recommended for representatives of this sign to participate in dubious public events, conclude major transactions or sign important contracts.


In March 2017, representatives of the Sagittarius sign are optimistic and cheerful in their approach to solving many vital issues, thanks to which they can achieve success in business. During this period, Sagittarians receive a worthy reward for their work in previous months. Unexpected favorable events, changes in material and social status, increasing popularity. The main rule of success for Sagittarius this month is not to miss the opportunity to direct your destiny in the right direction.


March 2017 is a month of favorable changes, joyful events and achievements for representatives of the Capricorn sign. This month, success can come to Capricorns from the most different sources Therefore, it is very important to discern favorable opportunities and not miss them. At this time, Capricorns make prudent decisions, and can successfully resolve many important issues. This month, Capricorns need to do more social activities, expand their horizons, communicate with different people. Cases connected with foreign countries, foreign business partners, foreign organizations are especially successful. Good time to travel abroad.


In March 2017, representatives of the Aquarius sign increase their intuitive perception, increase their interest in the study of esoteric sciences, subconscious processes. This is a favorable period for spiritual practices, meditations. This month is especially favorable for Aquarius, whose activities are related to creativity and art, science and research, and medicine. Perhaps this month, unusual events will occur in the life of Aquarius, strange coincidences of circumstances, which, however, will have favorable consequences.


March 2017 - auspicious month for representatives of the Pisces sign. This month, Pisces are optimistic, outgoing, and creative in getting things done. A particularly favorable period for Pisces, whose activities are associated with creativity and art. This month, Pisces can count on the help and support of friends, like-minded people, business partners and their loved ones. Many things are going well this month.

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The arrival of spring 2017 will be marked by increased activity and good mood. This is an excellent period for the realization of your most cherished desires and achieving goals. The energy will be in full swing, but the results and achievements of the previous months will be the most inspiring. In March, it is important to collect your thoughts and clearly prioritize so as not to waste your energy on all sorts of distracting little things, but to direct them to business. Only a sequence of actions and determination can lead to the desired result.

Throughout the first decade of March 2017, most of us will be in a creative and high spirits, which will help us move forward easily and confidently, overcome any obstacles in our path. But even the laziest and slowest shine in many things. The beginning of spring will delight with its first warm rays, instilling hope in each of us for a happy future. Positive emotions will directly influence decision-making and choice of actions. Intuition will be very well developed, so when making decisions, you should be guided by it and listen to your inner voice. Many will gain self-confidence and self-sufficiency, which will affect the favorable development later life. The first decade of the first month of spring is also favorable for the development creativity and finding your calling. For the most persistent of us, the stars promise a lot of opportunities that will help us reach our full potential. In the professional field, March will bring many excellent prospects and financial well-being, but do not wait for money to start falling from the sky.

In the second decade of March 2017, the location of Jupiter and Saturn will have a favorable effect on job searches, providing those who have been looking for it for a long time with several profitable offers. For businessmen, this period will be very productive. The flow of new ideas will simply never end. Those who dreamed of changing jobs or completely changing their specialization will have such an opportunity. The main thing is to be able to use it in time. Mid-March will be a favorable period for significant purchases such as a car or real estate, as well as for opening a deposit and making successful investments. The more creative the ideas, the greater the chance of success. The second decade of March is a great time to make serious decisions and sign large-scale contracts and agreements. In the near future, they will bring considerable profit. The middle of the month will be marked by trips and business trips to other cities, and in some cases to other countries in search of new potential partners and customers. Careful preliminary preparation will bring the necessary success, so it is worth approaching this issue very thoroughly and with full responsibility. You will be adequately rewarded for your efforts, and out-of-the-box thinking will help you cope with tasks of any complexity.

Spring is the time of love, and the third decade of March 2017 is no exception. Under the influence of favorable aspects of Venus, the atmosphere will be filled with romance and passion, which will bring many changes in people's lives. The blood will especially boil in the young and hot, looking for their soul mate. A positive attitude will help win over almost any member of the opposite sex. Those who have been in a relationship for a long time will finally accept important decision bind yourself with the bonds of Hymen. And for family people, the end of March will bring freshness and lightness to the relationship, which has long been lacking. The emotional background will be satiated with the deepest feelings that will lift lovers to the clouds. Those who have suffered from misunderstandings and conflicts will have the opportunity to resolve all issues amicably and build relationships. Do not forget about the children who need care and attention, and about the parents who will be crazy with happiness if you visit them. Give your love to all your family and friends and get ten times more in return.

March 2017 monthly horoscope

Read zodiac horoscope for the month of March 2017 for each sign of the zodiac published on the website "Kaleidoscope of Horoscopes".