How to make a figure beautiful and slim. How to make a perfect figure in a month? How to achieve the perfect figure in a month

Learn these exercises and you will never pay for a fitness club membership again.

You can exercise anywhere using only your own weight.

We offer exercises that use only your body weight as resistance, such as push-ups and lunges. They do not require the necessary equipment.

These movements are main element in many high intensity workouts. These workouts are intense and fast.

You quickly do the exercises in less than 30 minutes. This means you can be in great shape without going to the gym, spending hours exercising, or using special training equipment. (Seriously, it's science.) Enough to know correct movement.

Here is a list of exercises designed by personal trainer and physiologist Albert Matheny.

These 12 exercises are essential for those who want to train anytime, anywhere.

The trainer also gives 9 workout options that are combinations of these movements. You can use these 12 exercises as building blocks for a variety of fast, high-impact workouts that can be done anywhere.

Some of these movements have instructions on how to make them more comfortable. Just try to perform movements that do not have " facilitating» instructions as best you can. Know that it is better to do just a few repetitions of each movement perfectly, and not to do many movements incorrectly.

Once you've mastered these exercises, learn how to combine them into a complete 20- or 30-minute workout.

1. Push-ups

What to do:

  • Place your hands directly under your shoulders.
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Maintain plank position. Your body should be straight from the back of your head to your hips.
  • The neck should be in line with the shoulders.
  • As you lower, keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Sagging or protruding buttocks.
  • Head tilt up or down.
  • Let your shoulders rise towards your ears.

How to make it easier:

  • Set your feet wider for better stability.
  • Perform push-ups as described above, but instead of a plank position, do push-ups with your knees on the ground. Just make sure your back and hips are in a straight line.

2. Plank

How to do:

  • Place your hands under your shoulders, or slightly wider.
  • Tighten your gluteal muscles.
  • Your body should be in one line from head to toe.
  • Tighten your chest.
  • Press your chin.
  • Direct your gaze to the floor.
  • Lifting or sagging of the buttocks.
  • Raise your head.
  • Stay in position if the body is not in a straight line - good exercise only what you do right.

How to make it easier:

  • Hold the position for a shorter period of time.

3. Bridge buttocks

How to do:

  • Lie on your back.
  • Place your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forward, knees bent.
  • Pull up your belly.
  • Push off with your heels and lift your hips off the floor.
  • Stop controlling your abdominal muscles.
  • Raise your hips too high. The hips and back should be in a neutral position.

4. Spider Lunge

How to do:

  • Starting position: as for push-ups.
  • Submit your right leg near the outer side of the right hand.
  • Land on your entire foot.
  • Return to starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
  • Hold a firm plank position.
  • Allow your shoulders to move out of line directly above your arms.
  • Sagging hips.

5. Plank - knock

How to do:

  • Start in a plank position.
  • Tap your left shoulder lightly with your right hand.
  • Return your hands to plank position.
  • Repeat the exercise with the other hand.
  • Maintain a plank position with a tight torso and glutes.

Shift weight as you tap your shoulders.

6. Squats

How to do:

  • Position your feet somewhere between your hip joint and shoulder width.
  • Place your toes apart as needed to be flexible as you move.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Look forward and slightly up.
  • Make sure your knees are in line with your toes.
  • Squat down as deep as you can.
  • Bend your knees inward.
  • Raise your heels off the ground.
  • Shift your weight onto your toes.

How to make it easier:

Squat shallow if you find it difficult to squat or get up uncomfortable.

7. Lunge to the side

How to do:

  • Keep your back straight, chest up.
  • Shift your weight to the midfoot and heel.
  • Lunge as low as you can.

Keep your knees in front of your legs.

8. Jump Squats

How to do:

  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your chest up.
  • Keep your arms straight out in front of you as you squat, and push them out behind your back as you jump.
  • Jump as high as possible.
  • Exhale as you jump.
  • Land softly.
  • Allow your knees to move out of line with your toes.
  • Shift your weight onto your toes while squatting.

9. Lunge with a jump

How to do:

  • Lunge as low as you can without your back knee touching the floor.
  • Keep your torso upright.
  • Distribute weight evenly between front and back foot.
  • Jump to change the position of the legs - the front leg goes back, and hind leg goes ahead.
  • Coordinate arm movements so that the front arm moves forward as the opposite leg lunges back.
  • Land softly.
  • So that the knee touches the floor.

How to make it easier:

Don't rush - just do regular lunges.

10. One leg raise

How to do:

  • Keep your back straight.
  • Distribute your weight evenly on the leg you are standing on.
  • Raise one leg straight behind you. Lean forward and stop at hip level. Bend as low as your flexibility allows.
  • Pull yourself back into a standing position using the hamstring (back) of the leg you are standing on.
  • Keep your head in a neutral position.
  • Reach towards the floor with your fingertips: this flexes your back. Instead, focus on keeping your back straight and locking into your hips.
  • Try to touch the floor if flexibility does not allow.
  • Change legs on each rep. Do the exercise with one leg for one set, and then switch to the other leg for the next set.

11. Reverse Lunge

How to do:

  • Starting position: stand straight.
  • Take a step back with one foot.
  • Keep your front knee at a 90 degree angle.
  • Keep your chest up.
  • Distribute your weight evenly between your front and back foot.
  • The knee of the back leg can lightly touch the floor.
  • Push off with the heel of your front foot to stand up.
  • Coordinate your arm movements so that the arm is in front as the opposite leg lunges backwards.
  • Shift the weight of your front foot onto your toes.
  • To move the knee to the side.
  • Allow the knee of the front leg to bend inward.

12. Walking on your hands

How to do:

  • Legs should be as straight as your flexibility allows.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Bend at the waist and place your hands on the floor in front of you.
  • Keep your chest straight as you move your arms forward until you are in a plank position. Then walk backwards on your hands and stand up.
  • Brace your hips and plant your heels on the ground as you walk back on your hands.
  • Walk your hands past the plank position.
  • Sagging hips.
  • Wag from side to side from the hips.
  • Raise your shoulders up towards your ears.

How to make it easier.

  • Bend your knees slightly if you are unable to reach the ground. Improve your flexibility and work on keeping your legs straight.
  • To turn these exercises into a complete workout, follow one of these guides.
  • You can mix and match exercises to make your own workout.

What to do with all this now?

Choose exercises that don't use the same muscle groups. Use one of these three formats created by Matheny (examples for each below). Remember that each movement must be performed properly and with a full range of motion.


30 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. You will complete 3 exercises in total.

  1. Movement 1: 30 seconds
  2. REST: 10 seconds
  3. Movement 2: 30 seconds
  4. REST:: 10 seconds
  5. Movement 3: 30 seconds
  6. Repeat the sequence 10 times.

You can combine the exercises from this complex as you like. The main thing is to do at least three exercises at a time. And do such exercises in the mornings or in the evenings after work.

is the dream of many. Each has its own parameters of perfection. To possess them requires the desire and everyday work. Need A complex approach including sports, proper care behind the body and healthy food. It is still worth attaching a great desire for the ideal to them. Then all actions will come together and lead to the expected result.

You can achieve tangible changes at home without visiting gym. You need to adjust your daily schedule so that there is time for simple physical exercises. Switch only to wholesome and natural food, and pamper your body more cosmetic procedures, which can be done at home without going to a beauty salon. And now about everything in order.

Proper nutrition is the key to health

Check out your refrigerator first. First of all, get rid of all sorts of "sweets". These are not only flour and sweet foods, but also drinks with gas, food from fast food cafes, and coffee.

It is necessary to reduce the consumption of dairy products - this forced measure will make the waist thinner. When buying bread, you should choose its less high-calorie types (rye, black or with bran). Instead of harmful drinks, drink green tea, compotes and mineral water without gas. After the main meal, make it a habit to eat fresh fruit instead of dessert. Sugar can be replaced with natural honey. By sticking to this diet, you will soon see noticeable results.

Love your body!

There are several recipes that you can use to get perfect skin.

Once a week, cleanse your body with scrubs or exfoliation. Both products can be prepared at home from ordinary products. A coffee scrub will help in the fight against skin irregularities and cellulite. It is made from one teaspoon ground coffee and Art. spoons of any shower gel. This mixture is rubbed all over the body in a circular motion. Honey can be used for gentle exfoliation. It perfectly cleanses the pores of impurities, and also removes excess fat.

Treat yourself to pleasant baths. For example, saline. This procedure will rid the body of excess water, make the skin smooth and remove extra centimeters on the sides. A honey bath with milk will deeply cleanse the pores and also moisturize the skin.

Arriving home after a hard day, remove its effects with a contrast shower. Must start and finish warm water. It perfectly relieves the effects of stress and eliminates cellulite.

Heavy artillery in the form of exercises

Everything in this life is real. The ideal figure will not become overnight, to create it you need specific actions. Even if you have noticeably lost weight, the skin and muscles need exercise to achieve elasticity and tone. Do not immediately rush and buy a simulator for the last money. Start small - buy dumbbells, a hoop or a jump rope. They will help make the exercises most effective.

Is it possible to get a perfect figure in a week?

Naturally, in such a short period, no physical exercises will cope with the task. They should not be ruled out, but they should not be completely relied upon. In this case, a diet will help out, as well as the purchase of shapewear and new outfits that can hide the nuances of your figure.

The diet consists in the correct combination of products.

Diet for four days:

  1. only protein food;
  2. food containing starch;
  3. carbohydrate food;
  4. only vegetables and fruits.

Then repeat the course. As a result, 3 kg will go in a week. In this case, it is necessary to perform regular physical exercises for problem areas of the body.

2 weeks - a short time to give a figure of ideality?

Before the summer season, many women begin to frantically put their figure in order. Sometimes there are only two weeks left before a trip to the long-awaited sea. How can you help yourself during this period?

First, diet. It will be short, so it will not cause any harm to the body. The most effective technique will be the rejection of carbohydrates. It is necessary for a while to exclude the intake of potatoes, flour and sweet foods, and eat meat, mushrooms, eggs and fresh fruits. For the indicated period, you can lose 5 kg.

Second, exercise. Due to rapid weight loss, the skin of the thighs and abdomen can sag. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to perform exercises in parallel with the diet that will strengthen the muscles of these particular zones.

Thirdly, cosmetic procedures. Do yourself a daily anti-cellulite massage using targeted products. If there are no problems with the vessels, perform a wrap every other day. It will improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

How to make a perfect figure in 3 months?

During this period, you can achieve amazing results with a properly planned set of exercises. It is necessary to include in this course: squats, swinging the press, working with a hoop and dumbbells. Additionally, everyone chooses for himself what needs to be corrected and tightened. Without diets, adhering to proper nutrition and skin care, you can make your dream come true - to create a perfect body in 90 days.

Exercises for the perfect figure

Many exercises have now been developed to create a perfect figure.

Here are the most popular ones:

The most beautiful figure... Not yours? - Well, then get it! Then all the guys will start after you. Do not sit and do not load yourself in vain. Need to act! Time runs. And every second of it is not coming back.

Learn to have a huge hatred for junk food. Let amnesia spread to all McDonald's in your city!

Don't pour salt into your stomach. You can not eat sweets so that the figure is safe.

Wipe off the dust accumulated on your pretty little exercise bike. Try to test it for strength and effectiveness from the very beginning.

Scuba gear and fins are not what you need. Just sign up for the pool and learn how to swim. The figure will be happy about it.

If you like risk, take risks! Try, for example, one of the drugs for weight loss. There is a drug that is well-reviewed. It's called Ideal.

Buy mint paste. It turns out that just such a paste hides a secret in itself: it helps to say goodbye to all your excess weight.

Beware the kitchen! Try to look there less often, so as not to tempt your eyes with the beauty of food.

Deceive your own appetite: drink green tea or ordinary water. Cheating is not good, but sometimes it is even useful.

Let massage into the life of your body. He knows how to break fat. Great, right? It does this by acting on soft tissues.

Going through the list - see what else is left to go through so that your figure becomes perfect (beautiful):

  1. Breathing exercises! Not only eat right, but breathe right. The combination has a double benefit.
  2. Morning work-out! Charge yourself in the morning. And don't forget about mobile. Not good, beauty!
  3. Killing the sweet tooth in you! They will offer cakes and other goodies - send them to the "treat section" to another little man.

Representations and parameters of a beautiful female figure

  • Woman height

Unfortunately, only heels or hairpins can change it. In general, growth is not the most important thing in appearance women. You don't have to worry about it

  • Woman breast

Breasts are the most popular in men's discussions. There is no perfect chest! Each size is good in its own way. And you don’t need to strain your thoughts with the fact that you have to do plastic surgery to increase it.

  • Woman's legs

Beautiful if they are pumped up (but in moderation!). No wonder women love to disappear in gyms. They achieve this kind of "sportiness".

  • Woman's waist

The fewer wrinkles on the skin, the more valuable the body. Now they like thin ones more than plump ones. But the bodily constitution is not chosen ....

Conversations, words, opinions about the figure (from women)

The most beautiful figures are the figures of famous people

They simply have to look after them, so they look. They are photographed! They are always in sight... But they also have a hard life. So I don't envy them at all. Karina.

I am satisfied with my figure

I'm not saying that my figure is the most perfect of all. And there are enough clothes ... In short, in this regard, I am happy. So much so that I could not describe it verbally. Magnolia.

I am a fitness trainer

I invite you all to my group! I promise that your figure will find perfection and beauty. My rule: don't be lazy! I have never accepted lazy people into the group and will not accept them. Fill your soul with the balance of enthusiasm! Waiting for you. Pauline.

The most ideal figure is the figure of my idol - Sergey Glushko!

Have you heard of this? I love his beautiful body. If you only knew how I would like to be in the place of Natasha Koroleva .... She was lucky with her husband. Ekaterina.

Fitball, basketball, running, pool

All this is mine. It helps to maintain its shape in beauty. And all this will probably help you if you manage not to be lazy and combine all this. Alone - not the same effect. I checked! You can add hatred to salty and sweet. Elizabeth.

Perfect figures do not exist!

Beautiful people have billions. Men have different preferences. Yes, it's more fun. Parameters that are considered ideal .... Numbers! like calendars. They have not yet learned to treat them calmly. We need to love ourselves for who we are. Tatyana.

Away with all the sweets!

The figure will thank for such a lack of temptations. And you will thank her in return. Sweet is not the center of the entire universe. Those who die without sweet - learn to live without it. It's not that hard to take that step. There would be willpower! Irina.

Continuation. . .

From magazine covers, from TV screens, and even from banner ads on the internet, the ideal figure is all conducive to asking ourselves. Is it possible to become the owner perfect figure at home, without beauty salons, fitness clubs and other common promotions.

I wonder if there are women who do not dream of having a beautiful and slim figure? Probably not. After all, this right desire a woman who wants to please herself and the people around her. But how to achieve a beautiful figure without harming your body? After all, almost all of the favorite methods of those who want to lose weight: diets, fasting, the use of incomprehensible pills that supposedly should help to lose weight - do nothing but harm the body of a woman. Yes, perhaps after fasting you will achieve the desired result, but at what cost ...

Each of the women wants her figure to amaze everyone with its ideality. Most likely, you are no exception. In this article, we will show you how to do beautiful figure girl at home, consider a set of exercises.

In order to make the figure beautiful at home, you need to improve such components of your life as:


External influences.

Now we will analyze all the points in order.

Learning to eat right


Many women on the way to a beautiful figure want to stop eating bread. Rejection white bread and pasta, of course, will have a positive effect on the process of losing weight, but still, you should not completely remove bread from your diet. It is better to just use other less high-calorie types of it: black and rye.

Forget about food from fast food restaurants!

If you want to get a beautiful figure, you must definitely stop drinking any drinks with gas. Replace them green tea. Drinking it is very useful, because it remarkably removes toxins and toxins from the body, and also normalizes metabolic processes.

Fresh fruits are something that must be present in your diet, but you need to eat them after the main meal, otherwise the process of fermentation will begin in the stomach, and this leads to excessive gas formation. Try to completely eliminate sugar from your diet, replace it with no less tasty, and much more healthy honey.

It is also better to reduce the amount of dairy products consumed. As soon as you eliminate them from your diet, the results will immediately appear - the waist will become thinner.

How about oatmeal? Do you eat it? No, and very in vain. After all, she is remarkably able to "slow down" the appetite. The same is true of wheat bran. So for the sake of variety, you can buy both.

Adding sports to your life


The dream of a huge number of women different ages I had and still has a flat tucked up tummy. If you have well-developed abdominal muscles, the waist begins to appear thinner, and the hips are slimmer. But an underdeveloped press leads to the appearance of such an unloved protruding or even worse sagging belly. And few people like it!

What should be done to prevent this from happening? Only do exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles. Or engage in those sports that tone not only the tummy, but the whole body. For example, swimming, cycling - all this perfectly burns extra calories.

Not sure what might happen? It turns out, you just need to buy sports equipment and choose the exercises that are right for you.

Stores offer huge selection all kinds of simulators for the home, at least the same dumbbells - are quite inexpensive, and the effect is simply colossal. Pick what you need and go for your perfect body!

When choosing exercises, start from which part of your body you most wanted to correct. Or maybe you just want to tone your whole body? Then all kinds of fitness lessons are perfect for you. Finding them now is not difficult.

Here are three simple exercises that will help you fight for a beautiful figure:

Exercise 1: take the starting position - lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Start raising your arms and torso up, slowly bend. Also try to raise your legs as high as you can. In total, you need to do 10 times, and so 5 approaches.

Exercise 2: you need to lie on the floor, bending your knees and lowering your arms along the body. Raise your pelvis, and then straighten both legs in turn. Try to do 10 reps in 3 sets.

Exercise 3: also lying on your stomach, you need to bend your legs and grab your toes with your hands. Then, bending over, pull them towards you. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Then bend your legs at the knees, while straining your stomach and buttocks. Slowly raise your knees off the floor by about a couple of centimeters. Do 5 times for 3 sets.

External funds


Candied honey peeling will be very useful for skin beauty. It perfectly cleanses the pores and completely removes the dead layer of the skin. After such peeling, your skin will become radiant and healthy, and the improved figure will be visible much more. You can go even further and prepare a milk-copper bath. You need to do it this way: add 3 tablespoons of honey to a liter of milk, pour it all into the bathroom. Believe me, this "cocktail" can work wonders, especially with dry skin.

Another wonderful tool for beautiful and tightened skin- coffee scrub And when you do it, you will not experience absolutely any difficulties, because all you need to do is just take coffee grounds or sleeping coffee and a good massage on your body.

If there is pronounced cellulite on the body, be sure to buy yourself good remedy From him. Only, of course, you should not hope that by doing nothing, but only by spreading it on problem areas you will get rid of " orange peel". This is not so, do not expect a miracle from the remedy. Cellulite creams and ointments by themselves do not give any pronounced effect, but when you combine them with sports and proper nutrition the results will come very soon.

Take a contrast shower. It is not only an excellent weapon against stress, but also a wonderful means of prevention against the same cellulite.

Your healthy and athletic appearance should attract a lot of attention from the male. And besides, a taut figure and a wonderful mood will give you a truly fighting mood and self-confidence. You will not end up with fans!

Mankind has always been interested in how you can make your figure perfect, especially in recent times when a healthy lifestyle became especially popular.

To have beautiful and important healthy body you should follow the rules:

  • Eat only healthy foods.
  • Be physically active.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Drink water.
  • Sleep well.

By adhering to them, a person every day will approach the ideal body.

Is it possible to get a perfect figure in a week?

Before you start striving for the ideal, you need to understand what is meant by this concept. AT different times people looked differently at how a beautiful human body should look, but the standard is the notorious 90-60-90.

Many, if not all, girls are thinking about how to make the perfect figure in the most as soon as possible. In such a pursuit of beauty, ladies run the risk of earning huge troubles with the body. Is a ghostly ideal figure really worth it to earn diseases of the internal organs, spoil the metabolism, pay with your hair, nails, teeth and skin?

You can achieve an ideal figure, you just need to understand that for this you need to be patient and make an effort. Therefore, to the question of how to make a perfect figure in one week, smart people they themselves know the answer - no way.

Much will primarily depend on the current state of the person, on his physical fitness, the presence of subcutaneous fat, and age.

A minimum of exercises for an ideal figure: sports for every day

The first step on the way to a slim, beautiful body is sports. It helps to keep muscles in good shape, develops flexibility, improves blood flow in the body, which has a positive effect on the condition of a person’s skin and his general well-being.

To date, hundreds of methods of physical exercises have been developed. With their help, you can remove or add volume in a certain part of the body, pump up muscles, create a stretch, increase endurance, get rid of a minor physical ailment.

For an ideal figure, it is worth doing exercises every day, focusing on all muscle groups. It's worth starting small. That is why it is worth accustoming yourself to at least daily morning exercises, which will include squats, torso forward and in different sides, push-ups, press, stretching. You can also start doing what your soul lies in: jogging in the morning, swimming, tennis, aerobics, brisk walking over rough terrain.

If a person enrolls in a gym or a section, this stimulates him to work on himself. This will make it harder to skip classes.

This will be influenced by one of the factors, and possibly all at once:

  • Thoughts about wasted money on the purchase of a subscription.
  • Fear of ridicule from relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues.
  • A good trainer will be able to stimulate and give that minimum of exercises to create the perfect figure, which will affect all the necessary muscle groups.
  • It is always more pleasant to work in a company than alone.

10 most effective exercises for a perfect figure: a complex for girls (with video)

To date, there are many different methods that can bring the human body into perfect look. All that is required of a person is diligence and regularity. All that is required to achieve a result - daily work above oneself.

It is quite difficult for a beginner to understand all the techniques. There are 10 most effective exercises for a perfect figure.

By doing them regularly, you can get a beautiful body:

  • The plank is a static exercise for all the muscles of the body.
  • Push-ups - the press is pulled up, pectoral muscles, arms.
  • Squats - the relief of the hips and buttocks is formed.
  • Press - can be used different options for different groom abdominal muscles.
  • Lunges - the muscles of the legs and buttocks are pumped.
  • A variety of twists - the waist looms.
  • Running is a cardio load, excess volume on the legs is removed.
  • Exercise "Burpee" - perfectly develops the endurance of the body and makes all the muscles of the body work.
  • Jumping - you should squat, and then jump out with maximum force.
  • Scissors - a well-known exercise for slender legs and steel press.

The main thing is to perform this set of exercises correctly, 15-20 minutes is enough for an ideal figure. in a day.

If this set of exercises for an ideal bust and figure is not clear to you, you should watch a video in which everything is shown in detail:

Healthy food for a perfect figure

Not a single set of exercises can give a person an ideal figure if the rules of a healthy diet are not followed. Eating fatty and junk food By abusing alcohol and nicotine, it is almost impossible to achieve good results.

Everyone knows the truth that a person is what he eats. Filling your body with the right, healthy foods, you can help him on the path to perfection.

If the question arises of how to make your figure perfect at home, then the first thing you need to do is adjust your diet. It is necessary to eat in small portions, 4-5 times a day, preferably at the same time.

You also need to focus on foods that help burn fat. These are low-fat dairy foods, ginger, cabbage, cucumbers, grapefruit, green tea, raspberries, beans, pineapple, oatmeal, and cinnamon. Of course, these products proper diet should be used in combination with physical exercises and a sufficient amount of clean, drinking water.

How can you get the perfect figure in just a month? Nutritionists and fitness trainers say that this is quite possible. Of course, if a person has launched himself strongly, then a miracle will not happen, but it will be possible to get much closer to the goal.

For this you need:

  • Build a daily diet on cereals, vegetables and fruits.
  • Refuse products made from white flour, sweets, potatoes, bananas.
  • Do sports daily.
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  • Consume required amount water per day (about 1.5 - 2.5 liters).
  • Engage in water treatments: sauna, contrast shower, swimming pool.

Leg exercises

Exercises to achieve an ideal figure in a month should work out all muscle groups. A losing weight person works in a complex manner, focusing on those areas that most need to be corrected. So you can do a daily run on fresh air or treadmill. Do a cardio workout once every two days, which helps to burn perfectly subcutaneous fat. Plus 2 times a week to visit the pool.

When a girl says that she needs exercises for a perfect figure, it sounds at least a little blurry. It is worth stating your desires more clearly. So it is necessary to decide what needs to be corrected first of all - legs, buttocks, abdomen, chest or arms. It will depend on the physique of a woman what exactly she needs in the first place, to lose weight or build muscle.

There is an erroneous opinion that a thin person has a beautiful body - this is fundamentally wrong. Excessive thinness is also unpleasant to the eye, as well as extra pounds.

Emphasis on legs and buttocks

It often happens that a woman in her figure is not satisfied with her legs. They are either too fat or too thin. What should a set of exercises include? perfect legs in the form of a woman?

Below are the 5 most effective exercises for pumping leg muscles:

  1. Buttocks and outer side legs - spread your legs wide, sit down and freeze at the bottom point for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Calves - feet together, socks stand on a raised platform, raise and lower the heels until then. Until there is a burning sensation in the calf muscles.
  3. Buttocks, rear end hips - feet shoulder-width apart, hand on the belt, lift one leg back, count to 3 and lower, then do the same with the other leg.
  4. Inner thigh muscles - stand in the position of sumo wrestlers, without changing the position of the body, tear off the legs one by one, raising them as high as possible.
  5. All the muscles of the legs plus the stomach - legs shoulder-width apart, raise one and bend at the knee, raise it to the body as high as possible, do not change the position of the body.

These exercises are for beautiful legs and the ideal figure can be made at home, without having absolutely no inventory. Do as many approaches as physical fitness allows. If the task is to visually lose weight in the legs, then it is worth adding cardio loads to these exercises.

Ideal figure: a few exercises for the press

The abdominal muscles are quite insidious. Often a training person has a completely logical question, why does training give absolutely nothing? A person shakes the press day and night, and the stomach does not decrease, but rather grows.

The fact is that with the help of exercises muscles often swing, but subcutaneous fat does not disappear anywhere. So how to make your figure perfect, what exercises to choose?

Pilates is suitable for tightening the abdominal muscles. There are 6 exercises that will help give the belly a perfect shape.

All of them are performed lying on your back:

  • Bend your knees, arms along the body - slowly twist, tearing the shoulder blades away from the body and lingering at the top for 1 breath, then lower.
  • Arms and legs are straight - raise straight legs at an angle of 45 °, tear off the shoulder blades from the floor and make forward movements with your hands, as if pulsing for 5 seconds.
  • Stretch your arms to the ceiling - as you exhale, begin to “twist” pressing your chin to your chest until your fingers touch your toes, while inhaling slowly return back.
  • Tear off the head, shoulders, shoulder blades, legs from the floor at an angle of 45 ° - while exhaling, bend the legs at the knees, clasping them with your hands, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

It is necessary to perform 5-10 approaches.

To understand exactly how to do these exercises for an ideal figure and abs, you can watch the video:

chest exercises

The female breast conditionally consists of two parts: the mammary gland and the muscular corset. The latter can be pumped up to make the chest look more beautiful and toned.

The fact that the chest begins to sag have special meaning the following factors:

  • Overweight.
  • Smoking.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Lack of exercise.

To create an ideal figure, there are only a few basic exercises, by doing which a woman will be able to restore the elasticity of her breasts and take one step closer to the ideal figure:

  • Push-ups - you can do classic or from the knees, if physical fitness does not allow.
  • Squeezing the palms - feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands folded with palms as in prayer and forcefully press palm on palm.
  • Emphasis on the wall - stand in doorway and rest your palms on different walls put pressure on them.
  • Exercises with dumbbells - lying on your back, you need to raise your hands with dumbbells up or take them to the side.

The perfect set of physical exercises for a beautiful figure

Any person who dreams of having a beautiful and toned body always looking for the perfect set of physical exercises that could tighten the muscles of the whole body in the shortest possible time, did not require special equipment or physical training.

An important criterion is time, a modern person simply does not have the opportunity to devote an hour or two every day physical activity. Therefore, it is desirable that the most effective exercises to create an ideal figure were low-cost in time.

Oddly enough, but such a complex not only exists, but is also familiar to everyone from childhood. So for perfect body It is enough to spend 20 minutes a day. You need to do the following exercises: 50 sit-ups, 20 push-ups, 50 press exercises, 3 minutes on the "wall" (you should sit down and press against the wall with force), 100 jump rope.

Thus, the most effective complex exercises to create the perfect figure is also the simplest. A person will not spend much time, and for classes you need to have only 3 things: a rope, a wall and a good mood.

To date, there are many different exercises, each person can choose for himself those that he will be able to perform and that he will like. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, combine exercises from different methods, creating your own.

Many coaches advise starting with the plank. If a person’s body is far from ideal and it is difficult for him to do various exercises, then the plank will be effective for an ideal figure. This exercise has several subspecies: straight, lateral, on the elbows, lateral based on two points, reverse and others. Total this exercise has over a hundred species.