Slender legs - what are they? Perfect legs: how to get them


According to the canons of beauty of female beauty, preserved from antiquity, ideally, the circumference of the lower leg should be equal to the circumference of the neck, and the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half of the circumference of the lower leg.

But real connoisseurs of the beauty of women's legs believe that the ideal proportions of the figure and legs are not enough: the legs themselves must have the correct shape (the presence of four "windows") and correspond to 13 parameters. I wonder if there are many women who have ideal legs from this point of view? Hardly. But if you want to test your legs for "perfect perfection", please!

First of all - "windows". Put your feet together, in several places they will touch, leaving gaps (“windows”). Correct gaps are between the foot and ankle, above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee at the bottom of the thigh (the last one is the narrowest).

Now sit in front of a mirror with a centimeter tape, measure and compare whether your legs match the 13 standard parameters.

Examine the front of the knee in a slightly bent state in the mirror. If it is similar in shape to a baby face with bangs, cheeks, dimples for the eyes and chin, consider that the first test is passed.
Measure the area where the knee meets the shin, it should be equal to the ankle or slightly thicker.
A thin, but not skinny (when all the tendons are visible) ankle is considered ideal. To appreciate it, look at the ankle in the mirror from all sides.
Look at the knee from the side for any protruding parts. They shouldn't be.
Do you have an indentation on the back of your knee? It should be. By the way, many men find this place on the female body especially touching.
Assess the condition of the muscles on the calves, whether they violate the general outline of the leg. Neither flabby nor overdeveloped muscles can be considered ideal.
The view of the leg from behind is also very important (after all, men like to look after). The main thing here is the condition of the Achilles tendon (located where the lower leg passes into the heel). It should be thin and have the same grooves on both sides.
The ideal heel is rounded, not flattened, and slightly protruding. We hope yours is.
Closer to the groin, the thigh should thin out quite a bit. You can see this only by standing in front of a mirror and putting your feet together.
Visually divide the thigh from the knee to the groin into three equal parts. The widest part of the thigh is located at the beginning of the upper third.
Consider the hip in profile, if it is ideal, it protrudes slightly forward, gradually deepening towards the knee. In general, the shape of the thigh should resemble a spindle: narrower at the groin and knee, and wider in the middle.
measure the distance from the top of the leg to the foot. The knee should be exactly in the middle, at the same distance from the upper thigh and from the foot.
The ideal leg is distinguished by a concave, elongated, thin foot, in which the toes lie side by side freely, they are not twisted or deformed by shoes.
Ideal legs should be in harmony with the figure.

For young women of normal physique, the criteria for an ideal combination are as follows:

Height Weight Leg length Thigh circumference Calf circumference
161-165 cm 54-55 kg 84-86 cm 56-57 cm 34-35 cm
166-170 cm 55-56 kg 90-92 cm 57-58 cm 35-36 cm
171-175 cm 60-61 kg 91-94 cm 58-59 cm 37-38 cm

Few women can boast the perfect combination all the given parameters. For most, there is a “lightweight” version of the correct ratio of height and leg length, thanks to which the body looks harmonious and beautiful. In this case, the difference between the length of the legs and half the height for large-boned women should be 2 cm or more, for women of normal build - 4 cm or more, and for thin-boned women - 6 cm or more.

But what if your legs do not meet all these requirements? Love them the way they are. The main thing is that you and the men around you like them. In the end, both the legs and the figure of each woman are as unique as fingerprints or the retina of the eyes: there are no identical ones, and this uniqueness has its own zest, which must be used.

An example is Tina Turner, who, with a height of 160 cm, physically cannot have long legs, but she has them slender, fit, she is not afraid, despite her age, to perform in short dresses, and she insured her legs for eight million dollars!

Pushkin also remarked: "You will hardly find in Russia a whole three pairs of slender female legs." Yes, perfect female legs are an extremely rare gift of nature. But are we really powerless and there are no recipes for how to make legs perfect?

First of all, you need to determine what are the proportions and parameters of ideal legs. It's not that hard to check.

So, the proportions and parameters of ideal legs. What should be the ideal leg length?

You need to stand in front of the mirror, straighten up and close your legs. Ideally, there should be four gaps between them: at the top of the thighs, then the narrowest gap - above the knees, the next - under the knees, and finally above the ankles. In practice, it is quite difficult to achieve such an ideal, besides, the presence of a large gap between the thighs does not always look aesthetically pleasing and makes the legs less attractive.

Next, you need to measure the circumference of the hips, lower legs and ankles (ankles). If your height is 170 cm, then for the circumference of the thigh, the figure will be 51.5 cm, for the lower leg - 34 cm, and for the ankle - 19.5 cm. If the height is 160 cm, then the dimensions are slightly reduced and amount to 50 cm for the hips, for lower leg 33 cm and for ankle 19 cm.

How long are your legs

Leg length is another sore point. How can you tell if your legs are long? Not everyone can have legs like the 90s supermodel Nadia Auermann, but, nevertheless, there are certain criteria by which legs are considered:

  1. Long if they are more than half your height.
  2. Medium - if approximately equal to half.
  3. Short if they are less than half the height.

It must be said right away that no ultra-modern techniques will make short legs long from molars and slender, like a gazelle. Even radical surgical techniques will not be able to add more than a couple of centimeters in length. At the same time, any operation will adversely affect the beauty of the legs, not to mention the fact that it is very painful, expensive, and will make the girl disabled for a long time. However, there are several simple methods for visually changing the length of the legs by adjusting the proportions of the body.

How to get perfect legs

It may not be possible to reach the ideal, but you can get closer to it if you follow these recommendations.

  • Try to sleep with your legs elevated. This simple action will save you from the accumulation of fluid on your ankles, which will prevent them from appearing much wider than they really are. At the same time, the legs will look thinner, slender, which means longer.
  • Do this exercise daily: walk a few steps, first on your heels, then on your toes, and then on the outer and inner sides stop, and you need to start the step from the heel.
  • Do not forget that if you have a sedentary job, then there will be more fat deposits on the hips. It is preferable to sit only on the edge of a chair.
  • Do not wear synthetic socks and tights at home and do not share your slippers with anyone.
  • Try to walk at least a few stops every day (ideally 10,000 steps).

Regularly perform special exercises for the legs.

  1. Most best exercise immediately for all groups of leg muscles - squatting without spreading your knees. At the same time, the muscles rear surface the thighs flex the leg, and the muscles of the anterior surface - unbend, the muscles of the lower leg help straighten the foot, the abductor muscles of the thigh, which are located on its outer surface, are actively involved, and the adduction of the knees is prevented by the adductor muscles on the inner surface of the thigh.
  2. Prepare an 8 cm wide elastic bandage. Lie on your side and lean on your elbow. On the foot of the leg located on top, fasten the bandage with the shin extended. Performing the exercise, try to raise your leg as high as possible, while overcoming the resistance of the bandage. Repeat the exercise 15 times for each leg. For a month and a half of doing this simple exercise, you can achieve a decrease in the volume of the hips by about 3 cm.

But along with special exercises for legs, you need to deal with the rest of the figure, so it's best to go straight to the gym or fitness club.

Long legs - slender legs

It is clear that full legs with puffy knees in infantile dimples will always look shorter than they really are. So if you want to have beautiful slender legs, not without effort. You have to lose weight and exercise hard.

Why can't you just lose weight? They can only afford it young girls with a slight "overweight" - they have dense young tissues and skin, which are quickly restored and take the correct shape. The older a woman is, the worse her tissues regenerate, therefore, without sports, it will not be possible to restore the normal shape of the legs, and the whole body will not succeed.

In the passion for sports exercises, especially with weights, there are "pitfalls". If you overdo it with losing weight and pumping up muscles, you can irreparably spoil the shape of your legs, getting heavy and too prominent muscles, like a weightlifter. To avoid this, you need to engage in such types of fitness that are not associated with the "swing" of the muscles. These are swimming, Pilates, stretching, yoga and other types of gymnastics, where muscle stretching and deep strengthening are practiced.

Fight against cellulite

The scourge of our time for all women is this. With it, the so-called Orange peel, which does not disappear with weight loss and greatly spoils appearance even the most beautiful legs. They seem thicker and looser, so the presence of cellulite visually "eats" the length of the legs.

It is difficult to deal with this cosmetic defect, but it is possible. In the course is a diet, sports, massages, modern methods effects on fat cells. If you try hard, then it is quite possible to return the former harmony and beauty of the legs.

In the struggle for long and Beautiful legs do not forget to take care of them carefully, choose thin transparent stockings with a slight sheen (they visually lengthen the legs and make them thinner), choose the right length of clothing and do not wear flat shoes, but also do not abuse the height of the heels. With this approach, the legs will always delight in beauty and health.


Many, echoing the genius of Russian literature, exclaim with slight mischief: "In Russia, you are unlikely to find two pairs of slender female legs ...". Pushkin was cunning - there are a lot of slender female legs and there are also enough beautiful ones, but their owners are not always satisfied with what they see in the mirror. After all, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. Modern girls ready for a lot so that their legs are close to ideal. And what are the ideal legs? The concept of "ideal" is ambiguous and depends on the era, social environment, religion, culture, way of life, heredity, and even the territory in which we live. The desire for the beauty of mankind is eternal and unfading. The search for "ideal proportions of the body" people began to engage in ancient times.



Today, for men, the “golden ratio” is 1.68, and for women 1.62.

The closest to this value in the studies of the traumatologist - orthopedist Marker N.A. (2009) were representatives of the Negroid race - 1.63 ± 0.023 and the Caucasian race 1.59 ± 0.006. Representatives of the Asian race, in order to visually more closely match these "ideal" proportions, need to either wear high-heeled shoes or "increase height" in other ways.

Returning to the ideal proportions of the legs, you can pay attention to the studies of Howard, who in his work described the "ideal" ratio of the length of the legs and lower legs based on the studies of Leonardo da Vinci and the "golden section". The author confirmed that a value of 1.618 was ideal for the length of the gastrocnemius muscle and a value of 1 corresponded to the distance between the ankle and the lower border of the muscle and, respectively, between the knee and the middle of the gastrocnemius muscle.

Further, L.Slazay, in his search, came to the conclusion that the circumference of the legs from 33 to 36 cm looks more attractive in women with a normosthenic physique, and an increase or decrease in these parameters will look less aesthetic. In this case, the circumference of the thigh should be one and a half times the circumference of the lower leg.

However, modeling ordinary person, we most likely do not take a ruler and a calculator in order to calculate the golden proportions. We just intuitively feel these forms, because the forms of a human being catch our eye more often than anything else ...

Spanish plastic surgeon Martin M.D. in his article on complex liposuction of the lower extremities (2001), he writes that beauty is based on the difference in the ratio of one area to another. An isolated assessment of a separate part of the body is not sufficient to represent the harmony of the body as a whole, and an isolated correction of one area can introduce disharmony into the appearance as a whole.

He describes the structural features and aesthetic criteria of ideal female legs.

“The lower limb in women is the widest in the region of the trochanters, then it gradually tapers in the thigh to the knee, widens somewhat in the upper third of the calf and is quite thin in the ankle region. The femur tends to be tilted more inward in women than in men. The hip profile should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. In shape, it should resemble a spindle. The place under the knee should be as thin as the ankle, there should not be any protruding parts on the side of the knee, on the back of the knee there should be a recess (fossa).

In his article, Martin also describes the most typical fat traps in women: the sacrum, flanks, breeches, front, inner surface of the upper third of the thigh and knees. All these areas the author calls "the curse of the female figure." And he mentions that one should not forget about fat deposits, which distort the shape of the lower leg itself, being distributed over the outer surface in the upper third of the lower legs and the ankle area along the inner and outer surfaces.

Based on such criteria, Martin performs shape contouring lower limb in general with the help of complex liposuction.

The photo shows an example demonstrating the formation of ideal leg contours after complex liposuction.

In popular literature, you can find the following definition of “ideal legs”: “ideal legs” put together will touch each other in certain places and thereby form four “French windows” - above the ankle, below the knee, above the knee, in the middle part of the thigh , and in the proximal thigh. The last "window" should be the narrowest.

And also the following


Let's not forget that fashion has a very big influence on the ideas of beauty and the ideal figure, which dictates its own standards, which are radically different in different eras. The standards of female beauty have changed and continue to change over time - this can be seen in the paintings of artists from different eras. Thanks to the fact that they have always admired the harmony of the female body, we now have the opportunity to compare their ideals with the ideas of the beauty of our time. In the works of Rubens, Botticelli, Titian, Monet, Renoir, Kustodiev, etc.

Sandro Botticelli - "The Birth of Venus", Titian - "Venus of Urbino"

The century is changing, so are the standards - a galaxy of Hollywood beauties: Sophia Loren, Catherine Deneuve, Marilyn Monroe, etc. - that's who were the "ideals" for millions of people in the middle of the 20th century.

If in the sixties the beauty industry erected an image of femininity and natural beauty on a pedestal, no one paid attention to minor figure flaws (protruding tummy, large hips, etc.).

Today, the fashion industry has dramatically "stepped" far ahead. The models are slender, anorexic, the hair is long, the shapes are of the established "sample" - 90x60x90.

Bone- plastic surgery), which will help to make your legs the most beautiful - long, straight, correct shape - perfect. And, most importantly, they will certainly meet modern world standards of beauty.

Beautiful legs are the basis of female beauty. They attract the attention of men and arouse the envy of women. What should be the ideal female legs?

There are a number of parameters by which you can determine whether your legs are perfect.

Correct leg length

The ideal leg length depends on:

  • wide bone - legs 2-4 centimeters longer than half the height (51-53% of the height);
  • normal bone - the length of the legs is equal to half the height and another 4-6 centimeters from above (52-54% of the height);
  • thin bone - the legs should be equal to half the height and another 6-9 centimeters (53-55% of the height).

Remember that leg length is measured from the top of the thighbone to the floor.

The four lumen rule

Ideal straight legs should have a certain beautiful bend. To understand how your legs correspond to ideal parameters, stand straight in front of the mirror and connect your legs together.

The legs of the correct form form 4 "windows" - between the feet and ankles, under the knees, between the knees and thighs, between the groin and thighs. The last window (above the knee at the bottom of the thigh) should be the narrowest.

Leg shapes (left to right):
1 - "ideal" shape of the legs;
2 - true O-shaped curvature (knee non-closure);
3 - true X-shaped curvature (non-closure of the ankles);
4 - false curvature (non-closure of the soft tissues of the upper third of the legs);
5 - a combination of true O-shaped curvature with a lack of soft tissues of the upper third of the legs.

Correct hip width

Hip circumference is also an important parameter of ideal legs. So,

  • with a height of 161–165 centimeters, the correct thigh circumference is 53–54 centimeters;
  • with a height of 166–170, the thigh circumference is 55–57 centimeters;
  • with a height of 171–175, the thigh circumference should be 57–58 centimeters.

I would like to clarify that the width of one hip in girth is indicated, and 55 cm is not so small, so thin legs are not equal to beautiful perfect legs.

beautiful caviar

The calves should be rounded and elastic and fit harmoniously into the silhouette of the leg. No frizziness or flabbiness. Be careful with heels. Due to the constant wearing of shoes on high heels over time, the calf muscles shorten and look masculine.

Attractive knees

The knees can be both a decoration of the legs and their main problem. Good knees are small, rounded, neat, without strange protrusions on the sides and fat rolls above them. In addition, the knee should be at the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, in the middle between top hips and feet.

Pay attention to the circumference of the leg under the knee: it should be equal to the circumference of the ankle or be slightly larger.

Unfortunately, knees are what gives away a woman's age. not without reason Hollywood stars they begin to do plastic surgery on their knees in order to return them to an elegant and regular shape.

Thin ankles

A beautiful ankle should be thin (but not skinny), graceful and embossed. By the way, the shape of the Achilles tendon is also important (it is located where the heel passes into the lower leg): ideally, it has a small thickness and the right grooves on both sides.

beautiful thigh

It is believed that the ideal thigh is like a spindle: it is slightly narrowed at the top and bottom, and slightly expanded in the middle part. In addition, if you mentally divide the thigh into three equal parts, then the widest part should be in the upper third.

Straight feet, neat heels and toes

The ideal leg has a concave, elongated and thin foot. The toes are not twisted by poor quality shoes and lie freely, one next to the other. The heel is rounded and slightly protruding from under the Achilles tendon.

healthy feet

Beautiful legs are, first of all, healthy legs. Vascular stars, blue-violet mesh will spoil the appearance of even the most slender and harmonious legs. Therefore, ideal legs should have smooth and healthy skin without aesthetic and medical defects.

Do you have perfect legs?

Beauty is a relative concept. What seemed attractive even in the last century, today can often become inappropriate or even cause a smile.

How beauty standards have changed in different eras

The standards of the female physique change with the passage of time. And today it happens much faster than in old times. In different eras in different countries had their own ideal parameters of female beauty. Since ancient times, women have sought to please men and made various sacrifices in pursuit of this ideal. Let's see how ideas about female beauty over time.

It is surprising that already in the Stone Age one can find evidence of the ideals of that time. Judging by the figures of ancient women found, called "Venuses", in those days a large female body was considered beautiful, capable of bearing, giving birth and feeding many children: large sagging breasts and belly, big hands and shoulders, huge hips. Venus of the Paleolithic era is big woman, mother of many children.

AT Ancient Egypt women achieved equality and, on a par with men, could inherit the title of pharaoh. The characteristics of a beautiful woman in those days describe a long-haired, slender, tall woman with tiny breasts, long legs, and broad shoulders. Despite this, thinness was not as revered as developed physical strength.

AT Ancient Greece appetizing rounded shapes were valued, but the body is not flabby, but young and fit, not high growth. Venus de Milo (Aphrodite) had the following parameters: height 1.64 m, chest 86 cm, hips 93 cm.

In the Middle Ages, religion dictated its own standards: pale thinness, short stature, small breasts. And already in the Renaissance, lush beauties, sung by Rubens, came into fashion.

The Victorian era was marked for women by tight corsets emphasizing the waist, a penchant for fullness and rounded shapes. The figure looked like an hourglass.

With the onset of the 20th century came a period of emancipation. In the 1920s, androgyny in appearance came into fashion, women hid their waists and hid their breasts, and a boyish figure was valued. Women have begun to play sports, there is a trend towards slimness, women wear short skirts and show off their slender legs.

From the 30s to the 50s of the twentieth century, there was a period of Hollywood fashion, in which beautiful woman must have appetizing forms, thin waist, lush breasts. Marilyn Monroe was considered a symbol of beauty for women of that time.

The ideal of the 60s of the last century was the Twiggy model, which brought mini-skirts and short dresses into fashion. Thinness, long legs, a slender body and small breasts were valued. "Teen Girl" - Basic Style fashion girls this time.

Through the efforts of Jane Fonda, Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer and other famous girls of the 80s, women began to take care of themselves much more, go to the gym, achieving the appearance of supermodels. The standard of beauty was considered a tall, fit girl with magnificent forms.

A decade later, in the 90s, girls entered the fashion arena in the style of Kate Moss, symbolizing fragility, unhealthy thinness with protruding cheekbones. At this time, cases of anorexia and drug addiction became noticeably more frequent.

And, finally, the era of our time, starting from the 2000s, presents perfect woman many requirements:

  • she should be thin, without a hint of fullness;
  • her thinness should be healthy and athletic;
  • slender legs;
  • lush chest;
  • flat tummy;
  • round butt.

With the development of plastic surgery, everything large quantity women resort to her help to achieve the ideal.

Body Types

Body type is a set of characteristics that describe a person's constitution. These main characteristics are:

  • the structure of muscle tissue;
  • the structure of bone tissue;
  • a number of biological features.

Physiologists divide people into three main types of constitution:

By determining the size and body type, you can find out your ideal weight and determine the most appropriate exercise and nutrition program.

Let's consider each of the types separately.


Women of this type are usually thin, with thin bones, long necks and limbs, flat chests, and narrow shoulders. It is very difficult for them to gain mass and build muscle. Ectomorphs often have a fairly tall stature, a thin long face, for which they are called lanky. Such women are energetic and graceful, they almost never have problems with being overweight.


A woman with a classic proportional figure. She has well-developed muscles, and her body fat is minimal. Such women are often the owners of a harmonious figure.


These women have heavy and large bones, large shoulders, rounded shapes and a wide chest, arms and legs are slightly shorter than other types, and growth is lower. These ladies are very hardy and strong, but not flexible, they have a large number of subcutaneous fat, weak limbs with large fat deposits. No matter how hungry people of this type are, they are more likely to become just hungry endomorphs, but they will not become like the other two types.

Determination of the parameters of the ideal figure for each body type (table)

There are few women who accurately belong to any pure body type. Basically, they contain signs of each type, but the number of some prevails, so you can describe the ideal proportions for women who have one or another body type prevailing by making measurements.

Table of the ideal figure for a woman of each type

Thus, before adjusting your figure to the “ideal” parameters, you must first determine the type of your constitution. Each type has its own physiological characteristics, without taking into account which can greatly harm health, and the desired parameters cannot be achieved.

The ratio of height and leg length

We have already figured out how to determine your type of constitution based on the visual features of your appearance. But it is often difficult to do this, because in the appearance of women there are sometimes characteristic signs of several types, or a woman simply cannot objectively evaluate her external data. How to find out your type of constitution objectively?

This can be done by making simple measurements of your height and leg length. There are some objective correlations between these parameters in women. Legs can be called short if they are less than ½ of her height in length. To measure the length of the legs, the count must be carried out from the tubercle of the hip bone to the floor.

For women of the mesomorphic and endomorphic type of constitution, the range from 166 to 170 cm is considered normal growth.

It is believed that the ideal leg length for each type of constitution is as follows:

  • Ectomorphic type: legs 2-4 cm more than ½ of the woman's height;
  • Mesomorphic type: legs 4-6 cm more than ½ height;
  • Endomorphic type: legs 6-9 cm longer than ½ height

If your performance does not match the ideal, do not be upset. Exists by everyone known way to make the legs visually longer - these are heels.

The ideal proportion of weight and height

Many women strive to lose weight, but not all of them can objectively evaluate their body and, in pursuit of ideal parameters, harm their health and look disproportionate.

On the other hand, completeness and excess weight also greatly harm the health of women, lead to premature aging and interfere with a full life. It is more difficult for obese people to adapt in social life, they very often experience psychological problems.

Therefore, it is extremely important to have knowledge of the range of your own normal weight. These limits depend on many factors, not only on the number of years and height, as many believe.

Previously, we identified the main features for women of three body types. For exact definition the normal weight range of a woman, it is necessary to use this knowledge, because overweight is not in all cases determined by the amount of excess adipose tissue in the body. And considering that without the right amount body fat is deprived of the functions it needs, then attempts to lose weight without knowing your constitution can end in failure.

The normal amount of fat in the male body is 1/20, and in the female 1/16 of body weight. Approximately 75% of fat is subcutaneous. It protects against bruises and protects from the cold. Fat inside the body helps to keep the organs in the right place, does not allow them to move too much and shake. Oddly enough, but fat is a source of energy that our body needs as a reserve supply.

Consider a very good way to determine your proper weight, using knowledge of the type of your constitution, by studying the table below.

To begin with, we calculate our actual weight per 1 centimeter of growth using the formula:

weight per 1 centimeter height = total weight body (in grams) / height (in centimeters). Having received a certain number, we compare it with the recommended one according to the table:

Age Exomorph Mesomorph Endomorph
15-19 315 325 355
20-26 325 345 370
27-40 335 360 380
41-50 345 370 390
51-61 355 380 400

It is normal that weight tends to increase over time with the same height, a woman in years should weigh more than in her youth.

Such tables are used even by professionals. But keep in mind that the data can have slightly different meanings for people with different biological characteristics.

Ideal parameters of a female figure: is it worth striving for them

For a very long time, since antiquity, women have always had a certain standard of beauty that everyone aspired to and it was a blessing to be born in accordance with them.

As we were able to show, there are a large number of ways to find out the ideal ratio between the parameters of the female body than in this moment many girls are engaged in the pursuit of the perfect body.

And now we'll tell you the truth...

Of course, for many it is not a secret what we want to tell you about, but nevertheless, if everyone followed this simple fact, then there would be much more girls who are satisfied with their appearance and receive many compliments.

The point is that the essence perfect body is a combination of factors that can be combined under one broad concept of "lifestyle". This includes not only nutrition and physical training, but also many other things that affect your well-being and, as a result, your figure.

  • regular exercise ( gym, running on outdoors, swimming, cycling, winter views sports and many others);
  • proper nutrition ( balanced diet, which includes all the trace elements necessary for the body);
  • absence bad habits(quit smoking, exclude alcohol - all this can have a very negative effect on the figure too);
  • healthy sleep (sleep directly affects many aspects of metabolism);
  • mode of work and rest (do not overwork, a long stay in one position is detrimental to the body, rest more often, give preference to outdoor activities).

In the next video you can see special tests, which will help determine whether you have an ideal figure:

Each woman is good in her own way, moreover, for some women it is simply impossible to achieve full compliance with these parameters, since each of them is individual. But with the desire and due diligence and perseverance, absolutely everyone, no matter what constitution she has, can emphasize all her merits in the best possible way.

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