Ancient pharaohs of Egypt. The first pharaoh of Egypt. History, pharaohs. pharaohs

The legacy of the most developed ancient civilization, which originated in the Nile Valley, is priceless for posterity. World-famous historical monuments keep many secrets, and scientists from all over the world are trying unsuccessfully to solve the mysteries of the construction of giant pyramids. Ancient Egypt is in no hurry to share secrets, but we can tell about the exact facts of the reign of kings.

Some facts about pharaohs

For several millennia, the state was ruled by pharaohs - the deputies of God on earth, who, according to legend, have magical powers. They regulated all spheres of life of the Egyptians, and the high priests considered themselves their servants, although some kings became puppets in their hands.

The inhabitants believed that the sunrise and the ripening of the crop depended on the ruler. And if there were terrible epidemics among animals and people, wars began, then this meant the dissatisfaction of the gods with their governor.

The kings of Egypt did not have the right to mix their blood with human, so they first married their sisters, and only then married ordinary women. But the throne was inherited only by a child born from a relative.

Women with divine blood wielded great power and even ruled Egypt until their sons reached maturity.

Who was the founder of the first dynasty of pharaohs?

Scientists do not know exactly when the Egyptian state was born, but after research it was found that about three thousand years ago it already existed.

The founder of the first dynasty is King Ming. He built a fortress, which later became the capital and royal residence. From Memphis, the pharaoh ruled over a united Egypt, and his identity is much debated among scholars. Many experts believe that Ming is the designation of the first three pharaohs of the predynastic period, and all disputes are related to the lack of written sources.

Early kingdom

The next era, about which not much is known, is the Early Egypt of the first and second dynasties (Khor Akha, Khasekhem), who severely suppressed all the uprisings, united the country in

During this period, the production of papyrus begins, and the widespread use of writing has an impact on the culture of other eras. Egypt becomes a country with a highly developed agriculture.

ancient kingdom

The pharaohs have enormous power, and the state turns into a centralized despotism.

At the behest of King Djoser, the construction of tombs in Giza begins.

Under the rule of the fifth dynasty, the power of the pharaohs begins to weaken, and Egypt is divided into administrative units - nomes.

middle kingdom

The reign of the twelfth dynasty falls on At this time, wars are being waged with neighboring tribes, defensive fortresses are being built.

The kings (pharaohs) of Ancient Egypt - Amenemhet I, Senusret III - were incredibly revered by the population. During this period, tools were improved and bronze tools appeared. A powerful impetus is given to the development of agriculture due to the creation of an irrigation system.

new kingdom

In the New Kingdom, under which the XVIII-XX dynasties ruled (Thutmose I, Hapshetsut, Amenhotep IV, Necho II), Egypt turns into a powerful power. Stormy economic development was due to the influx of captured workers, looted gold and cattle into the country.

In this period wide application they receive iron tools, horse breeding and glass production develop. The art of mummification of the bodies of the dead reaches perfection.

At the beginning of the XI century, two kingdoms were formed: Lower Egypt, which breaks up into separate regions, and Upper, with its capital in Thebes. Nubian rulers are waging bloody wars, dreaming of taking over the country.

The state was liberated from the invaders by the founder of the Sais dynasty, Psammetikh I.

Liberation from the Persians and the end of the reign of the Egyptian kings

Persian rule stands out in a separate period. The foreign king Cambyses is proclaimed pharaoh of the XXVII dynasty.

And in 332 BC, Egypt was conquered by A. Macedonian, who liberated the country from the Persians. The era of Hellenism is coming, and the reign of the pharaohs is forever gone.

Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: table

The exact dating of the reign of the kings is still a matter of debate among scholars. Let us take as a basis a selective table based on the chronology of Professor of Archeology P. Nicholson and Doctor of Science J. Shaw and including the most significant rulers.

Years, BC

Period name

Names of pharaohs

Early kingdom

Menes (Narmer)

ancient kingdom

Djoser, Sekhemkhet, Snefru, Cheops (Khufu), Chephren (Khafra), Nyusera, Unas

Transitional period - the decline of the power of the pharaohs

middle kingdom

Mentuhotep II, Senusret I, Amenemhat I, Amenemhat II, Amenemhat III, Amenemhat IV

Second transitional period

new kingdom

Ahmose I, Thutmose I, Hatshepsut, Tutankhamun, Ramses I, Ramses III, Ramses IV - IX

cult of the dead

Speaking about the Egyptian kings, one cannot fail to mention the special attitude towards death among the Egyptians, which led to the emergence of the cult of the dead. The inhabitants believed in the immortality of the soul going to the afterlife. It was considered that at proper storage she can return the body, so the funeral cult was based on the embalming and mummification of the deceased person.

The high priests, who learned to keep the bodies of the pharaohs incorruptible, had special skills in this area.

It was believed that the kings of Egypt, and after their death, rule in afterlife therefore ritual ceremonies were very important. During their lifetime, the pharaohs thought about eternal dwelling, and pyramids were erected on the Giza plateau, which became the burial place of the gods' governors.

sacred place

The famous Valley of the Kings in Egypt, located opposite the city of Thebes (Luxor), is a unique place where the pharaohs are buried. Until now, it attracts researchers involved in the history of ancient civilization. Thirty-seven years ago it was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The sacred valley was carefully guarded to prevent the looting of graves, however, with the weakening of the power of the pharaohs, robbers and travelers appeared who caused irreparable harm to the sarcophagi.

Napoleon's expedition, which arrived with the aim of conquering Egypt, was the first group to map the tombs. After the publication of works on the Thebes burials, scientific journeys of famous archaeologists began, who made many important discoveries.

The mess with the tombs

Thutmose I was the first to be buried in the Valley of the Kings, and the main problem is that no one knows exactly in which tomb he was buried. Such confusion exists with other tombs, although Egyptologists are sure that all Egyptian kings had personal burial chambers built especially for them.

In 1827, the famous scientist D. G. Wilkinson introduced the obligatory numbering of tombs, beginning with the KV prefix, into scientific circulation. Service mines were assigned only Latin letters. For example, the famous tomb of Tutankhamun was assigned the number KV 62.

Researchers are aware of 64 tombs, and the latter is still little studied.

Fear of grave robbery

Until the 15th century BC, pharaohs were buried according to special rites in pyramids built during their lifetime. The rulers controlled the work and took care not only of the place of burial, but also of household items that would be with them in the dead world, because even in the kingdom of Osiris, the deputies of God should lead a familiar lifestyle. That's what ancient history says.

The kings of Egypt rested in sarcophagi studded with jewels. Pyramid tombs on the Giza plateau were looted and mummies desecrated or reburied by religious fanatics. Fearing outrage, Thutmose I made changes to established traditions. He ordered to be buried in a secluded and secret place, which was a deep well in the valley.

Rogue Disguise

All subsequent tombs were cut down in the rocks, the entrances were masked with stones, and various traps for robbers were arranged along the way. Such a well rested against the burial chamber, where the pharaoh, the king of Egypt, rested.

Scientists have established that the City of the Dead in Thebes did not escape the sad fate, and the tombs in the valley began to be plundered during the reign of the XX-XXI dynasty of the pharaohs. The high officials of Egypt sold gold ornaments from the tombs, which were given to them by the builders of the tombs, who did not receive money for their work.

Today, the Valley of the Kings is a unique place, testifying to the findings in an important archaeological site, shedding light on the events of an advanced civilization that took place, which is very important for posterity.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Names of pharaohs

Pharaoh- the modern name of the kings of ancient Egypt.

The usual name of the Egyptian kings was the expression "belonging to the Reed and the Bee", that is, Upper and Lower Egypt, or simply "ruler of both lands."

Despotic monarchies in Egypt originated in the second half of the 4th millennium BC. e. There were eras of the Old Kingdom, the Middle Kingdom and the New Kingdom. Since the time of the Middle Kingdom established full title of Egyptian kings, consisting of five names:

Horovo name

Nebti-name (was associated with the patron goddesses of Egypt Nekhbet and Wajit)

Golden name (gold in Egyptian culture was associated with eternity)

Throne name (accepted when entering the throne)

Personal name (given at birth, preceded by the title "son of Ra" in the inscriptions).

Names of pharaohs








Amasis II



Amirtaeus II



Apopi I




Arkamani I, II


Artaxerxes I, II, III












Darius I, II, III


Djedkara II Shema

Djedkara Isesi



Doudimos I


Iniotef II



Kakaura Ibi I

Cambyses II




Xerxes I, II






Mentuhotep I, II, III, IV


Merenra I, II





Mernofera Aib






Nebereau I


Nebkara Heti

Nectaneb I, II


Neferite I, II

Neferkare I - VII





Neferhotep I

Necho I, II

Nikara I






Osorkon I, II, III


Pe Hor




Petubastis I



Pinedjem I

Pipi I, II

Psammetichus I


Psusennes I, II


Ptolemy I - XV

Ramesses II - VIII






Sebekhotep I-VII

















Taa II Sekenenra

Takelot I, II, III








Tefnacht I














Hat Hor


Heju Hor




Kheti I, II, III









Sheshenq I-III


Ahmose I



mythical rulers



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Pharaohs. Names of pharaohs


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According to Plato, the ancient Egyptian priests pointed out that the sacred family of the pharaohs comes from Atlantis.

The first Egyptian pharaohs in the Predynastic (end of the 5th millennium - c. 3100 BC) and the Early Dynastic period (3120 to 2649 BC) of the history of Ancient Egypt, up to the 4th dynasty, the pharaohs are known only under the single choir name, since the pharaoh was considered an earthly incarnation sky god Mount Horus, whose symbol was the falcon. Horus is the god of the sky, kingship and the sun. Horus from Vedic: Harshu - hṛṣu - Agni, fire; sun;. According to early Egyptian myths The falcon brought catfish from the sky - the sacred drink of the gods.

At the end of the Old Kingdom, the name of the pharaoh is associated with the myth of the god Osiris. The word pharaoh Pharaoh ; Greek Φαραώ; glory. Perun, from "Paro" - "descendant of the Sun" .)

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt were descended from the gods, incest was seen as an acceptable measure to preserve the sanctity of the royal family. The genealogy of Tutankhamen is rather complicated; there were incestuous marriages in his family.

Tutankhamun was born in 1341 BC and died in 1323 BC. at the age of 19.
His father was Amenhotep IV, who proclaimed monotheism in Egypt, the only god - the Sun, and himself - his son, and took the name Akhenaten - "son of the Sun" (reigned: 1351 and 1334 BC).

As shown by the genetic analysis of the remains of the mummy of Tutankhamun (mummy KV35YL), his mother was the sister of Akhenaten. Tutankhamun is born weak child since his parents were brother and sister.

Tutankhamen's stepmother was white-skinned. In 1348 BC Nefertiti and Akhenaten had a daughter Ankhesenamun- Half sister of Tutankhamen. At the age of ten, Tutankhamun married her, his half-sister.

Name Tutankhamun (Tutenkh-, -amen, -amon), in Egyptian: twt-nḫ-ı͗mn; belonged to the 18th dynasty of Egyptian kings, ruling from 1333 BC. -. 1324 BC This period Egyptian history called the "New Kingdom".
Tutankhamen means " living image of Amun" . Tutankhaton (Tutankhaten), means "the living image of Aten" - the god of the Sun.

The researchers managed to identify a number of mummies from the genealogy of Tutankhamen. Research results are based on computed tomography and two summer studies DNA from 16 mummies, including Tutankhamun.
Pharaoh Amenhotep III (mummy KV35EL) may have been Tutankhamun's grandfather.
Pharaoh Akhenaten (mummy KV55) Tutankhamun's father.

Teye, wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, mother of Akhenaten and grandmother of Tutankhamen.

Mummy KV35YL - mother of Tutankhamun, although her identity is still shrouded in mystery, DNA analysis shows that she was the daughter of Amenhotep III and Theii, and also she was native sister of her husband Akhenaten, who ruled ancient Egypt in 1351-1334 BC.

Teje (Teje) - wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, Mother of Akhenaten, grandmother of Tutankhamun

After the death of Akhenaten's father, Tutankhamun became pharaoh at the age of 10 in 1333 BC. , and ruled for only nine years until his death.
At the age of 12, Tutankhamun married his half-sister Ankhesenamun, the daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, but the couple had no surviving children.

Tutankhamun was one of the last kings of Egypt in the 18th Dynasty and ruled during a critical period in history, after the death of Akhenaten's father. Egyptian priests and the priests regained their powers and, rejecting monotheism (monotheism) returned the cult of polytheism, worship of several deities of ancient Egypt.

Opening of Tutankhamun's tomb in 1922 owned by British archaeologist Howard Carter. More than 5,000 unique exhibits were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen.

In 2009 and 2010 in Zurich at the DNA Genealogy Center (iGENEA) Swiss genetic scientists conducted extensive DNA studies of the mummy of Tutankhamun and other members of his family. In February 2010, the results of Y-DNA studies were only partially published, information about the results of Y-DNA was closed.

It turned out that the Y-DNA of the mummy of Tutankhamen, his father Akhenaten and his grandfather Amenhotep III belong to the Y-chromosomal haplogroup R1b1a2, widespread in Italy, the Iberian Peninsula and western England and Ireland.

Up to 70% of Spanish and British men belong to the same Y-chromosomal haplogroup R1b1a2 as the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. About 60% of French men belong to the haplogroup R1b1a2.
About 50% of the male population in Western Europe belong to the haplogroup R1b1a2. This indicates that they share a common ancestor.

According to the results of a study by the Swiss Center for DNA Genealogy (iGENEA), among living in Egypt, modern Egyptians haplogroup R1b1a2 is less than 1%. Very few modern Egyptians are related to the ancient pharaohs.

Director of the iGENEA Center Roman Scholz said that Pharaoh Tutankhamen and members of the royal family, who ruled Egypt more than 3,000 years ago, belonged to the R1b1a2 genetic haplogroup, common among modern Europeans, and not existing among modern Egyptians.

Pharaoh Tutankhamun belongs to the haplogroup R1b1a2, like more than 50% of all men in Western Europe, which means that Tutankhamun was "white" - "Caucasian", that is, a man of European appearance, and not "Caucasian", as some wise men translate.

The ancient Egyptians used for embalming various synthetic resins, from which the mummies turned black. This created the false impression that the ancient Egyptians were Africans. Indeed, white-skinned pharaohs were considered the highest caste dominating the dark-skinned Egyptian population, made up of different tribes. Probably the white skin of the pharaohs also played a role in their deification 3000 years ago. The lighter the skin color, the higher the status of a person in society.

iGENEA researchers believe that the common ancestor of people carrying the genetic haplogroup R1b1a2 lived in the Caucasus approximately 9500 years ago. Haplogroup R1b1a2 comes from the haplogroup R1b and R1a, whose representatives from the Black Sea and the Caucasus came to Africa (Egypt) through Asia Minor during the Neolithic (Neolitic population). Haplogroup R1a is the Proto-Indo-Europeans and ... and the legendary arias, according to the DNA of their modern descendants.

The earliest migrations of people with the haplogroup R1b1a2, which arose in the Black Sea region about 9500 years ago, settled throughout Europe with the spread Agriculture in 7000 BC

New tomb found in Egypt carved into the desert rocks near the Egyptian city of Thebes, dated approximately 1290 BC — time after the reign of Tutankhamen. Princesses of ruling dynasties, including the daughters of Pharaoh Thutmose IV, are buried in the tomb. Buried in the same tomb police chief and his wife , which testifies to the high status of this public office, which ensures peace and order in Egyptian society. Despite the fact that the "Princess Tomb" was plundered in ancient times, archaeologists managed to unearth the premises where the robbers had not visited, and find unique ivory items, ritual vessels and jewelry that make it possible to see the wealth and splendor of the pharaohs of Egypt.

On a bas-relief found in the Theban "Tomb of the Princesses" the princesses of Egypt are depicted performing sacred rituals of purification before Pharaoh Amenhotep III in honor of his jubilee. The bas-relief dates from about 1390-1352 BC

The time will come and the pharaohs will come to life. As you wanted

Johannes Krause, a paleogeneticist at the University of Tübingen, reported in the journal Nature Communications that out of 151 single mummies the German researchers worked on, genome of three mummies managed to restore completely, because they DNA is well preserved . Survived to this day, as the scientist put it. Preserved despite the hot Egyptian climate, high humidity in the burial places and the chemicals used for embalming.

Complete genome restoration three mummies promises - albeit in the distant future - restoration and their owners by cloning. This will suit the ancient Egyptians, who calculated somehow and someday rise from the dead, for this they were mummified! They seem to have foreseen that the remains of flesh and bone will come in handy.

And so, I propose to collect all the dynasties and their kings in a single list. But first I would like to highlight the most famous and prominent of them.

Let's start with Narmer. This is the pharaoh of the pre-dynastic era. He became the first pharaoh to make Memphis his residence.

Sneferu, pharaoh of the 4th dynasty. In the tomb of his queen, Neteferis, at Giza, rare pieces of furniture were found, which are stored today in the Cairo Museum.

Khufu, pharaoh of the 4th dynasty, builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Khafra (Chephren), pharaoh of the 4th dynasty, builder of the second pyramid at Giza. The Great Sphinx of the pyramid is an image of King Khafre.

pipi II, pharaoh of the 6th dynasty, who reached the age of ninety and reigned longer than all other known pharaohs. Mentuhotep, pharaoh of the 11th dynasty. He united Egypt, which was in decline after a long period of internal strife.

Further, Amenemhat I, pharaoh of the 12th dynasty. He usurped the throne of his predecessor, introduced the worship of the Theban god Amon into the cult, and also appointed his son Senusret I as his co-ruler.
Senusret III, pharaoh of the 12th dynasty, known for his bravery. He abolished the privileged position of all provincial officials (nomarchs), fought against Nubia, and also built numerous fortresses in the region of the second threshold of the Nile to prevent raids from Nubia and protect the Egyptian gold miners working here.
Ahmose , pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. Saved Egypt from the Hyksos invasion and pursued the exiled Hyksos all the way to Southern Canaan.

Amenhotep I son of Ahmose, pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, revered by subsequent generations (together with his mother, Queen Nefertari) as one of the gods.
Thutmose I pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. He fought fiercely with the Kingdom of Mitanni and, together with his troops, reached the Euphrates River in Syria.

Hatshepsut queen of the 18th dynasty. The most significant among several women who owned the Egyptian throne in the entire history of the country.
Thutmose III, pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. He conducted over 20 victorious campaigns against Egyptian enemies, reaching the fourth threshold of the Nile in Sudan.
Ekhpaton (or Amenhotep IV) , pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, the most famous of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt as an organizer of religious, social and cultural revolution. He introduced the cult of the supreme chief god - the sun god Aton and built a new capital in el - Amarna. His wife was the beautiful Nefertiti, whose most beautiful bust is kept in the Berlin Museum.

Tutankhamen , 18th Dynasty pharaoh who died at the age of eighteen and became widely known for the dramatic discovery of his hitherto undamaged tomb in the Valley of the Kings (Western Luxor). The treasures found in it occupy a large section of the second floor of the Egyptian Museum.

Next Networks I , pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. The first king to display monumental images of his military battles on the temple wall at Karnak. The giant pillared hall of this temple was partly built during his reign.
Ramesses II (Ramses the Great), pharaoh of the 19th dynasty, who ruled for 67 years.
Perhaps it was during the years of his reign that the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt falls. He owns the building largest number the most magnificent monuments of Egyptian antiquity. In the battle of the Egyptians with the Hittites at Kadesh, 4000 detachments participated from the Egyptian side. Later, he signed a peace treaty with them and married at least two daughters of the Hittite king. There was a rumor that he was the father of 100 sons. He built a common tomb for many of his children in the Valley of the Kings. The tomb of his wife, Queen Nefertari, is the most beautiful in the Valley of the Queens. During his reign, the rock Temple at Abu Simbel was carved.
ramses III, pharaoh of the 19th dynasty, during which the famous sea battle of the Egyptians with the Peoples of the Sea took place, then depicted on the walls of his well-preserved memorial temple in Medinet Habu (Western Luxor). The Philistines are also depicted here for the first time. He was killed as a result of a palace conspiracy.
Sheshenq I, pharaoh of the 22nd dynasty, biblical king Shishak, Libyan by origin. His accession to the throne falls approximately at the time of the death of the biblical king Solomon. A large list of his conquests in Israel, Judea, and elsewhere is carved on the wall of his Temple at Karnak.

Further, Pi(ankh), pharaoh of the 25th dynasty, of Nubian origin. Having captured Egypt, he ruled it as an Egyptian king. His victory over the Libyan troops in the Nile Delta was commemorated on a triumphal stele, now in the Egyptian Museum. He is also known as a particular lover of horses. He and other kings of this dynasty reintroduced the old custom of royal burial in pyramids.
Psammetich I, pharaoh of the 26th dynasty, who restored the rule of the native Egyptians. Its capital was Sais, a city in the west of the Nile Delta. He ruled during the heyday of classical Greece, employed Greeks and Carians, and encouraged Greek merchants to found several Greek cities in Egypt.
Amasis , pharaoh of the 26th dynasty, fought against the Babylonians who invaded Syria - Palestine, but could not prevent the destruction of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem.

Perhaps we can now return to complete list. Of course, not all the names of the kings have come down to us, but those that we have will be given here. To begin with, it is worth saying that the mythical ten kings of Thinis are included in the 0th dynasty. After the 4th dynasty, the pharaohs, with some exceptions, received an official name upon accession to the throne, consisting of the pharaoh's own name and the name of the sun god Ra.

I dynasty: Narmer (Less), Axa, Jer, Jet, Udi-mu, Merpaba, Semerkhet, Kaa.

Total 8 kings, ruling 253 years.

II dynasty: Hotep-akhaui, Ra-neb, Neteri-mu, Peribsen, Kha-sekhemui, Ka-Ra, Kha-sekhemui.

There were 9 kings in total, ruling for 302 years.

III dynasty: Sa-Nekkht, Djoser-Neterkhet, Snefru.

Only 9 kings, and 214 years and reign.

ancient kingdom

IV dynasty: Sharu, Khufu, Khafra, Men-kau-Ra, Dadef-Ra, Shepses-kaf, Sebek-ka-Ra.

8 kings, and 284 years of their reign.

5th dynasty: Userkaf, Sahu-Ra, Shepses-ka-Ra, Neferf-Ra, Ni-user-Ra, Men-kau-Hor, Dad-ka-Ra-Isesi, Venis.

Total 9 kings, ruling 248 years.

VI dynasty: Teti, User-ka-Ra, Pepi I, Meren-Ra, Pepi II, Mezhti-em-saf, Neter-ka-Ra, Queen Neit-akert.

Only 6 kings, ruling 203 years.

First transitional period

VII dynasty: 70 Memphis kings who ruled for 70 days.

8th dynasty includes 27 Memphis kings, 146 years old.

IX dynasty: 19 kings ruling 409 years.

X dynasty : 10 kings, 185 years.

middle kingdom

XI dynasty: Intef I, Intef II, Mentu-hotep I, Mentu-hotep II, Mentu-hotep III, Mentu-hotep IV.

Only 16 kings, and 43 years of their reign.

XII dynasty: Amonemhet I, Senusret, Amenemhet II, Senusret II, Senusret III, Amonemhet III, Amonemhet IV, Queen Sebek-nefru.

We get 8 kings, 160 years of reign.

XIII dynasty

No data has been saved.

Second transitional period

XIV dynasty: 76 kings, 184 years of reign.

XV dynasty includes 6 foreign Phoenician kings who reigned for 284 years.

XVI dynasty: 32 shepherd Greek kings, 518 years old.

new kingdom

XVII Dynasty: Sekenen-Ra I, Sekenen-Ra II, Sekenen-Ra III, Cameo.

There are 43 shepherd kings and 43 Theban rulers. Together they ruled for 151 years.

XVIII dynasty: Ahmes I, Amenhotep I, Thutmose I, Thutmose II, Queen Hatshepsut, Thothmes III Men-Kheper-Ra, Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV, Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV Akhenatep, Smenkh-ka-Ra, Tut-ankh-Amon, Au, Haremheb.

There are 16 kings in total, ruling for 263 years.

XIX dynasty: Ramses I, Setehi I, Ramesses II, Mer-en-Ptah, Setehi II, Amon-mes, Si-Ptah, Setekh-nekht.

Total 8 kings, 209 years.

XX dynasty: Ramesses III, Ramesses IV, Ramesses V, Ramesses VI, Ramesses VII, Ramesses VIII, Ramesses IX, Ramesses X.

Only 12 kings who ruled for 135 years.

Late period

XXI dynasty: Herihor Smendes, Pianhi Paseb Khanu I, Pinedjem I Amonemipt, Masaharta Si Amon, Pinedjem II, Paseb Khanu II.

Total 7 kings, 130 years.

XXII dynasty: Sheshenk I, Osorkon I, Takelot I, Osorkon II, Sheshenk II, Takelot II, Sheshenk III, Pami, Sheshenk IV

Total 9 kings, ruling 126 years.

XXIII dynasty: Piankhi I, Pedubast Osorkon III, Takelot III.

Only 4 kings, 28 years of reign.

XXIV dynasty: Shabaka, Piankhi II, Shabataka, Taharka, Tanutamon.

5 kings, 40 years of reign.

XXVI dynasty: Necho I, Psamtek I, Necho II, Psamtek II, Psamtek III, Apris (Khophra), Amasis II, Psamtek IV.

only 9 kings, ruling 150 years and 6 months.

Persian period

XXVII dynasty: 8 Persian kings, 124 years and 4 months of their reign.

XXVIII dynasty: Amirtey (6 years old).

XXIX dynasty: 4 kings, 20 years and 4 months of their reign.

XXX dynasty: Nectaneb I, Jeher Nectaneb II.

Only 3 kings, ruling 38 years.

Conquest of Alexander the Great 332 BC e.

Ptolemaic period: Ptolemy I Soter I, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, Ptolemy III Eurgeitis I, Ptolemy IV Philopatre, Ptolemy V Epiphanes, Ptolemy VI Philometr, Ptolemy VII Eurgetis II, Ptolemy VIII Eupater, Ptolemy IX Neos Philopatre, Ptolemy X Soter II, Ptolemy XI Alexander I, Ptolemy XII Alexander II, Ptolemy XIII Philopatra, Ptolemy XIV Philopatra, Ptolemy XV Philopatra, Cleopatra.

Capture by Octavius ​​(Octavian) 30 BC e.

The history of the Egyptian pharaohs and Ancient Egypt in general is fascinating and mysterious. And the deeds of the great Egyptian rulers are truly grandiose. This time is the time of great campaigns and large-scale structures that glorified the ancient Egyptian culture for millennia and became an example and basis for the innovative ideas of our time.

A bit about dynasties

The term "dynasty" itself was used by the Greeks in relation to the rulers of United Egypt. In total, there are 31 dynasties of Egyptian pharaohs for all periods of the existence of the state to the Greco-Roman. They do not have names, but are numbered.

  • In the Early Dynastic period, there are 7 rulers of the 1st dynasty, 5 - of the 2nd.
  • In the Ancient Egyptian kingdom - 5 pharaohs of the 3rd dynasty, 6 - 4th, 8 - 5th, 4 - 6th.
  • In the First Intermediate Period, there were 23 representatives in the 7th-8th dynasties, and 3 in the 9th-10th. In the 11th - 3, in the 12th - 8.
  • In the Second Transitional in the dynastic list of Egyptian pharaohs, 39 are listed, which are part of the 13th, 11 - 14th, 4 - 15th, 20 - 16th, 14 - 17th.
  • The period of the New Kingdom was opened by one of the most famous dynasties - the 18th, in the list of which there are 14 pharaohs, of which one is a woman. In the 19th - 8. In the 20th - 10.
  • In the Third Intermediate Period, the 21st dynasty included 8 pharaohs, the 22nd - 10, the 23rd - 3, the 24th - 2, the 25th - 5, the 26th - 6, the 27 th - 5, in the 28th - 1, in the 29th - 4, in the 30th - 3.
  • The second Persian period has only 4 pharaohs of the 31st dynasty.

In the Greco-Roman period, proteges of Alexander the Great, and then the Roman emperor, settled at the head of the state. In the Hellenistic period after Macedon, Philip Archeraus and Alexander IV, these were Ptolemy and his descendants, and among the ruling persons there were also women (for example, Berenice and Cleopatra). In the Roman period, these are all Roman emperors from Augustus to Licinius.

Woman Pharaoh: Queen Hatshepsut

The full name of this female pharaoh is Maatkara Hatshepsut Henmetamon, which means "The Best of the Noble". Her father was the famous pharaoh of the XVIII dynasty Thutmose I, and her mother was Queen Ahmes. She was the high priestess of the sun god Amon-Ra himself. Of all the Egyptian queens, only she managed to become the ruler of United Egypt.

Hatshepsut claimed that she was the daughter of the god Ra himself, which is a bit like the story of the birth of Jesus: Amon told the assembly of the gods, though not through his messenger, but personally, that he would soon have a daughter who would become the new ruler of the entire land of Ta Kemet. And in her reign, the state will flourish and rise even more. As a sign of recognition of this, during the reign of Hatshepsut, she was often depicted in the guise of a descendant of Amon-Ra Osiris - the god of fertility and the ruler of the Underworld Duat - with a false beard and the key to the Nile - the key of life ankh, with royal regalia.

The reign of Queen Hatshepsut was glorified by her beloved architect Senmut, who built the famous temple in Deir el-Bahri, which is known in world history as Jeser-Jeseru ("Holy of Holies"). The temple is different from the famous temples in Luxor and Karnak during the reigns of Amenhotep III and Ramses II. It belongs to the type of semi-rock temples. It is in its reliefs that such important cultural undertakings of the queen are immortalized, as a sea expedition to the distant country of Punt, under which, many believe, India is hiding.

Also Queen Hatshepsut Special attention she turned to the construction of grandiose architectural monuments in the state: she restored many buildings and monuments destroyed by the conquerors - the Hyksos tribes, erected the Red Sanctuary in the temple of Karnak and two pink marble obelisks in its complex.

The fate of the stepson of Queen Hatshepsut, the son of Pharaoh Thutmose II, and the concubine of Isis Thutmose III is interesting. Being in the shadow of his stepmother for almost twenty years, who created humiliating conditions for him to exist, after her death, Thutmose dramatically changed the policy of the state, and tried to completely destroy everything that was connected with Hatshepsut. In this case, a parallel arises with the accession to the Russian throne of Emperor Paul I and the memory of his mother, Empress Catherine II.

Thutmose's hatred extended to the buildings that now form the world's cultural fund. First of all, we are talking about the temple in Deir el-Bahri, in which, by the decree of Thutmose III, all sculptural images bearing a portrait resemblance to Hatshepsut were barbarously destroyed, and hieroglyphs that perpetuated her name were chipped off. It is important! Indeed, according to the ideas of the ancient Egyptians, the name of a person (“ren”) is a pass for him to the fields of Eternity Ialu.

In relation to the life of the state, first of all, the interests of Thutmose were directed not to peace and tranquility in their native Egypt, but, on the contrary, to war for increase and multiplication. During his reign, as a result of a large number of wars of conquest, the young pharaoh achieved an unprecedented: he not only expanded the borders of Ancient Egypt at the expense of the states of Mesopotamia and his neighbors, but also forced them to pay huge tribute, making his state the most powerful and richest among others in the East.

One of the amazing corners of St. Petersburg is associated with the name of the Egyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III - the pier at the Academy of Arts on University Embankment Vasilyevsky Island. In 1834, sculptures of sphinxes brought from Ancient Egypt were installed on it, whose faces, according to legend, have a portrait resemblance to this pharaoh. They were found by the Greek archaeologist Attanazi with funds provided to him by the English consul in Egypt, Salt. After the excavations, Salt became the owner of the giants, who put them up for auction in Alexandria. Writer Andrey Nikolaevich Muravyov wrote a letter about valuable sculptures, but while the issue of acquiring sphinxes in Russia was being decided, they were bought by France, and only by chance did they end up in St. Petersburg. This happened because of the revolution that began in France. The French government began to sell sculptures that had not been exported at a large markdown, and it was then that Russia was able to purchase them on much more favorable terms than before.

Who is Pharaoh Amenhotep III, whom these sculptures serve as a reminder to this day? It is known that he was a special zealot of art and culture, and raised the status of the state in the international arena to an unprecedented height, incomparable even with the era of the reign of Thutmose III. Pharaoh Amenhotep III had a special influence on the activities of his energetic and intelligent wife, Tiya. She was from Nubia. Perhaps thanks to her, the reign of Amenhotep III brought peace and tranquility to Egypt. But one cannot keep silent about several military campaigns that nevertheless took place during the years of his rule: against the country of Kush, against the state of Uneshei, as well as the suppression of rebels in the region of the second Nile threshold. All descriptions of his military prowess point to high level possession of military science.

Ramses II: political decisions

The reign of this couple is highly controversial. On the one hand, wars with the Hittites for power over Palestine, Phenicia and Syria, skirmishes with sea pirates - Sherdens, military campaigns in Nubia and Libya, on the other hand - large-scale stone construction of temples and tombs. But one thing is common - ruin due to exorbitant taxes in favor of the royal treasury of the working population of the state. At the same time, the priests, on the contrary, had the opportunity to increase their material wealth. Increased spending from the treasury and the fact that the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II attracted mercenaries to his army.

From the point of view of the internal policy of Ramses II, it should be noted that the time of his reign was the time of the next rise of Ancient Egypt. Realizing the need to be constantly in the north of the state, the pharaoh moves the capital from Memphis to new town- Per Ramesses in the Nile Delta. As a result, the power of the aristocracy was weakened, which, however, did not affect the strengthening of the power of the priests.

Ramses II and his "stone" activities

The unusually fruitful temple architecture of the reign of Ramses II is associated primarily with the construction of such famous temples as the Big and Small Abu Simbel in Abydos and Thebes, extensions to the temples in Luxor and Karnak, the temple in Edfu.

The temple in Abu Simbel, consisting of two rock-type temples, was built in the place of the Nile, where the famous Aswan Dam will be built in the 20th century together with the USSR. Nearby, the quarries of Aswan made it possible to decorate the portals of the temples with giant statues of the pharaoh and his wife, as well as images of the gods. The large temple was dedicated to Ramses himself and to three other gods - Amun, Ra-Horakhta and Ptah. It was these three gods that were carved in sculptures and placed in the sanctuary of the rock temple. The entrance to the temple was decorated with seated stone giants - statues of Ramses II - three on each side.

The small temple was dedicated to Nefertari-Merenmut and the goddess Hathor. Decorated at the entrance with full-length figures of Ramses II and his wife, alternating four on each side of the entrance. In addition, the Small Temple at Abu Simbel was also considered as the tomb of Nefertari.

Amenemhat III and the Hermitage Collection

There is a black basalt sculpture in the Hermitage exhibition in St. Petersburg, depicting this pharaoh sitting in a canonical pose. Thanks to well-preserved writings, we learn that Amenemhat III is the ruler of the Middle Kingdom, who devoted a lot of time and effort to the construction of the most beautiful temples. First of all, they should include the labyrinth temple in the area of ​​the Fayum oasis.

Thanks to the wise domestic politics Amenemhat III managed to greatly reduce the influence of the rulers of individual nomes - the nomarchs and unite them, establishing the Middle Kingdom. This pharaoh almost did not undertake military campaigns in order to expand the borders. An exception may be the war in Nubia and military campaigns in Asian countries, as a result of which they were discovered. Among them was Syria.

The main activity of Amenemhat III is the construction and improvement of the life of the colonies. Thanks to this, colonies were created on the Sinai Peninsula, rich in copper mines, which were developed for the Middle Kingdom of Amenemhat III. Turquoise deposits were also developed here. Large-scale work was also carried out on the irrigation of lands in the area of ​​the Fayum oasis. An embankment was erected, thanks to which the drained soils in a large area of ​​the oasis became available for agriculture. In the same territories, Amenemhet III founded the city of the god Sebek - Krokodilopol.

Akhenaten the Reformer and Queen Nefertiti

Among the names of the great Egyptian pharaohs, the name of Amenhotep IV, or Akhenaten, stands out. The son of Amenhotep III was considered a heretic - having betrayed his father's faith, he believed in the god Aten, embodied in the solar disk and depicted on reliefs in the form of a multi-armed solar disk. The name given by the father and meaning "Devoted to Amon", he changed to one that meant "Pleasant to the Aton."

And he transferred the capital to a new city, called Aton-per-Ahetaton, in the region of Egypt, El-Amarna. This decision was made in connection with the strongly strengthened power of the priests, who actually replaced the power of the pharaoh. The reformist ideas of Akhenaten also touched art: for the first time, in reliefs and frescoes of tombs and temples, they began to depict the romantic relationship of the pharaoh and his wife, Queen Nefertiti. Moreover, according to the features of the image, they no longer resembled the canonical ones, rather, they could be called the forerunners of naturalistic painting.

Cleopatra - Queen of Egypt

Among all the Egyptian pharaohs and queens, Cleopatra is perhaps the most famous. In world history, she is often called both the fatal and the Egyptian Aphrodite. She was the heiress great dynasty Egyptian pharaohs from the Macedonian family of Ptolemies, appointed to this position by Alexander the Great. Cleopatra - the wife of Mark Antony and mistress of Julius Caesar - was the last queen of Egypt during the Hellenistic period. She was highly educated, musically gifted, knew eight foreign languages ​​and visited the Library of Alexandria with pleasure, participating in the philosophical conversations of pundits. The personality of Cleopatra causes many fantasies and legends, but there is very little actual information about her contribution to the development of Egypt. Until now, she remains the most mysterious and enigmatic of all the rulers. Egyptian land.

The list of Egyptian pharaohs could be continued, because among them there were still persons worthy of a separate discussion. The history of Egypt attracts the constant attention of people of different generations, and interest in it does not dry out.