Our Father is the Lord's Prayer. God is our Heavenly Father

Detailed description from several sources: "prayer of our heavenly father who is in heaven" - in our non-commercial weekly religious magazine.

Our Father, Thou art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy Kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Father - Father (address - a form of the vocative case). Thou art in heaven - existing (living) in Heaven, that is, Heavenly ( ilk- which the). Yesi- the form of the verb being in the 2nd person of unity. Present tense numbers: on modern language We are speaking you are, and in Church Slavonic - you are. The literal translation of the beginning of the prayer: O our Father, He Who is in Heaven! Any literal translation is not entirely accurate; the words: Father, Dry in Heaven, Heavenly Father - more closely convey the meaning of the first words of the Lord's Prayer. Let it shine - let it be holy and glorified. Like in heaven and on earth - both in heaven and on earth (like - how). urgent necessary for existence, for life. Give - give. Today- today. Like- how. From the evil one- from evil (words crafty, deceit- derived from the words "bow": something indirect, curved, crooked, like a bow. Is there some more Russian word"falsehood").

This prayer is called the Lord's Prayer, because our Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples and all people:

It happened that when He was praying in one place, and stopped, one of His disciples said to Him: Lord! Teach us to pray!

When you pray, say: Our Father who art in heaven! May your name be hallowed; let your kingdom come; give us our daily bread for every day; and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor of ours; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Luke 11:1-4).

Our Father who art in heaven! May your name be hallowed; let your kingdom come; May Thy will be done both on earth and in heaven; give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen (Matthew 6:9-13).

By reading the Lord's Prayer daily, let us learn what the Lord requires of us: it indicates both our needs and our main duties.

Our Father… In these words, we still do not ask for anything, we only cry out, turn to God and call him father.

“Saying this, we confess God, the Lord of the universe, as our Father - and by him we confess that they are removed from the state of slavery and appropriated to God as His adopted children”

(Philokalia, vol. 2)

...Who art thou in Heaven... With these words, we express our readiness to turn away in every possible way from attachment to earthly life as a wanderer and far separating us from our Father and, on the contrary, with the greatest desire to strive for that area in which our Father dwells ...

“Having reached such a high degree of the sons of God, we must burn with such filial love for God, so that we no longer seek our own benefits, but with all our desire to desire the glory of Him, our Father, saying to Him: hallowed be thy name,- by which we testify that all our desire and all joy is the glory of our Father, - may the glorious name of our Father be glorified, reverently honored and bowed down.

Rev. John Cassian the Roman

Let Your Kingdom Come- that Kingdom, "by which Christ reigns in the saints, when, after taking power over us from the Devil and banishing our passions from the hearts, God begins to reign in us through the fragrance of virtues - or that which at a predetermined time is promised to all perfect, all children of God, when Christ says to them: Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world (Matthew 25:34)."

Rev. John Cassian the Roman

The words "Thy will be done" turn us to the prayer of the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane: Father! Oh, that You would deign to carry this cup past Me! however, not my will, but yours be done (Luke 22:42).

Give us our daily bread today. We ask for the granting of bread, necessary for subsistence, and, moreover, not in in large numbers, but only for this day ... So, let's learn to ask for the most necessary for our life, but we will not ask for everything leading to abundance and luxury, because we do not know if it is logged for us. Let us learn to ask for bread and everything necessary only for this day, so that we do not become lazy in prayer and obedience to God. We will be alive the next day - again we will ask for the same, and so on all the days of our earthly life.

However, we must not forget the words of Christ that Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). It is even more important to remember other words of the Savior : I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; but the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world (John 6:51). Thus, Christ has in mind not only something material, necessary for a person for earthly life, but also something eternal, necessary for life in the Kingdom of God: Himself, offered in Communion.

Some holy fathers interpreted the Greek expression as "supernatural bread" and referred it only (or mainly) to the spiritual side of life; however, the Lord's Prayer encompasses both earthly and heavenly meanings.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. The Lord Himself concluded this prayer with an explanation: For if you forgive people their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their trespasses, then your Father will not forgive you your trespasses. (Matthew 6:14-15).

“The merciful Lord promises us the forgiveness of our sins, if we ourselves show an example of forgiveness to our brethren: leave to us, as we leave. It is obvious that in this prayer with boldness only he who has forgiven his debtors can boldly ask for forgiveness. Whoever, with all his heart, does not let go of his brother who sins against him, he will ask this prayer for himself, not pardon, but condemnation: for if this prayer is heard, then, in accordance with his example, something else should follow, but inexorable anger and indispensable punishment. ? Judgment without mercy to the unmerciful (James 2:13)."

Rev. John Cassian the Roman

Here sins are called debts, because, by faith and obedience to God, we must fulfill His commandments, do good, move away from evil; is that how we do it? By not doing the good that we should do, we become debtors to God.

This expression of the Lord's Prayer is best explained by Christ's parable of the man who owed the king ten thousand talents (Matthew 18:23-35).

And lead us not into temptation. Remembering the words of the apostle: Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he is tested he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him. (James 1, 12), we must understand these words of prayer not as follows: “do not allow us to ever be tempted,” but as follows: “do not allow us to be overcome in temptation.”

In temptation no one say: God is tempting me; because God is not tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone, but everyone is tempted, carried away and deceived by his own lust; lust, having conceived, gives birth to sin, and the sin committed gives birth to death (James 1:13-15).

But deliver us from the evil one - that is, do not let us be tempted by the devil beyond our strength, but with give temptation and relief so that we can endure (1 Cor. 10:13).

Rev. John Cassian the Roman

The Greek text of the prayer, like Church Slavonic and Russian, allows us to understand the expression from the evil one and personally ( sly- the father of lies - the devil), and impersonally ( crafty- all unrighteous, evil; evil). Patristic interpretations offer both understandings. Since evil comes from the devil, then, of course, in the petition for deliverance from evil lies the petition for deliverance from its culprit.

Our Father who is in heaven. what does it mean?

God wants to draw us to Himself by this, so that we believe that He is our true Father, and we are His true children, and that we boldly and with full hope turn to Him with prayer, as beloved children turn to their beloved father.

Although the name of God is holy in itself, we ask in this prayer that it be holy with us too. When the word of God is taught in integrity and purity and we live holy life in accordance with this word, as children of God, in what way may our beloved help us Heavenly Father! Whoever teaches and lives in disagreement with the word of God dishonors the name of God with us, from which may the Heavenly Father save us!

Although the kingdom of God comes by itself and without our prayer, but we ask in this prayer that it come to us too. When the Heavenly Father gives us His Holy Spirit, so that we, by His grace, believe His holy word and live pleasingly here temporarily and there forever.

Although the good and merciful will of God is fulfilled even without our prayer, we ask in this prayer that it be fulfilled with us too.

When God resists and hinders every evil counsel and intention that does not allow us to hallow the name of God or come to His kingdom, such as: the will of the devil, the world and our flesh: but strengthens us and confirms to the end in His word and faith. This is His merciful and good will.

God gives daily bread even without our prayer to all evil people, but we ask in this prayer that He will lead us to the consciousness that this is His gift, and we would accept our daily bread with thanksgiving.

What is called daily bread?

Everything that is necessary for the body and life, like spouses, pious children, pious servants, God-fearing and conscientious authorities, good government, favorable weather, peace, health, good manners, honor, good friends, faithful neighbors, and the like.

We ask in this prayer that the Heavenly Father would not look at our sins and reject our prayers because of them, since we are unworthy and do not deserve what we ask, but would deign to grant us everything by His mercy, since we every day we sin a lot and deserve only punishment. And we also want to forgive from the bottom of our hearts and willingly do good to those who are guilty of us.

True, God does not tempt anyone: but we ask Him in this prayer to deign to preserve and protect us, so that the devil, the world and our flesh do not deceive and draw us into unbelief, despair and other shameful deeds and vices, and let us finally triumph and hold the victory if we are subjected to these temptations.

In this prayer, we ask the Heavenly Father to deliver us from all evil, bodily and spiritual, and from any damage to property and honor, and, finally, when our last hour comes, to grant us a blessed end and from this vale of weeping to take us by His goodness to Yourself to heaven.

You need to be sure that such petitions are pleasing to the Heavenly Father and will be heard by Him, because He Himself commanded us to pray like this and promised to hear us.


For a spiritual person, a Christian, does not learn like that.

The Lord does not condemn or punish anyone, we do it ourselves.

If you want to get rid of all anger at the world, or your husband, or your neighbor, etc.



What did you give the world man

On the ground pours with renewed vigor.

After all, God will ask each of us

At the appointed hour: "WHAT HAVE YOU GIVED TO THE WORLD".

You directed to creation,

Or did you do evil around,

Multiplying the Land of Suffering?

Is the path righteous or roundabout?

Who ruled here with your soul,

You yourself, or were you caught by the crafty?

Always, everywhere is behind you,

The judge only looks at the good,

What path are we following.

We accidentally go astray,

Not fully realizing

Your mistakes and sorrows.

The path of darkness and destruction

Will not find peace in the soul,

Only fear knows he is mortal.

He will exclaim, he will raise his moan to God,

He will also be heard by the father.

Addressed only to man

Let's realize everything

We are the heart of God's guardianship.

What's inside, so is outside.

If you consider yourself a worthless person, then those around you will treat you accordingly, they will wipe their feet on you.

We must learn to love the Lord in ourselves.

If you are a hard and callous person at heart, then do not be surprised that life is unfair to you.









If you tell yourself that you are not lucky and all sorts of other negative emotions, then become like that. CHANGE YOURSELF AND TELL YOURSELF THAT YOU ARE HAPPY, SMART, FREE AND STRONG, and direct this power to yourself, to your inner enemies. And you know who these internal enemies are, I can list some of them - this is anger, envy,

hatred, resentment, criticism, etc. Feel the Divine inspiration and illumination in yourself, as well as the infinite joy that God was, God is, and God will be forever and ever.

That you are strong and that you are not alone, that you are truly the children of the Living God, that you inherit the riches of the Lord.

And you came into this world to achieve success and win. And you must know that the Almighty will never leave you. You are talented and endowed. You are the only and not repeatable.


He sends illumination and blessings.

The wisdom of the Almighty has blessed my mind.

Thoughts of goodness and happiness pass from the consciousness to the subconscious, and then become reality.

Therefore, you need to ask the Lord to give wisdom and understanding, so that the Lord teaches you to understand the BIBLE with your HEART.

And those who try to understand the BIBLE WITH THE MIND, NOTHING GOOD FROM THIS DOES NOT GO.

Our Father - The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, Thou art in heaven x!

May thy name be holy,

may the kingdom receive thy kingdom,

let your will be done

I am in heaven and on earth.

Give us our daily bread today;

and leave us until our lies,

I am the skin and we leave our debtors;

and lead us not into temptation,

but save us from onions

Our Father who art in heaven!

May your name be hallowed;

Let your kingdom come;

may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

Give us our daily bread for this day;

And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. ( Matthew 6:9-13)

Our Father who art in heaven!

May your name be hallowed;

let your kingdom come;

may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;

give us our daily bread for every day;

and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor of ours;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from the evil one.

quies in caelis,

sanctificetur nomen tuum.

Adveniat regnum tuum.

Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.

Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie.

Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,

sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,

sed libera nos a little.

In English (Catholic liturgical version)

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be your name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

Why did God Himself give a special prayer?

“Only God Himself can allow people to call God the Father. He gave this right to people, making them sons of God. And despite the fact that they departed from Him and were in extreme malice against Him, He granted the forgetting of insults and the communion of grace.

The Lord's Prayer is given in the Gospels in two versions, a longer one in the Gospel of Matthew and a shorter one in the Gospel of Luke. The circumstances under which Christ pronounces the text of the prayer are also different. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Our Father is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Evangelist Luke writes that the apostles turned to the Savior: “Lord! Teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1).

Holy Fathers on the prayer "Our Father"

What do the words of the prayer "Our Father" mean?

Why can you pray differently?

The Lord's Prayer does not exclude the use of other prayers. The Lord did not want that, besides the prayer given by Him, no one should dare to introduce others, or express their desires otherwise, as He expressed, but only wanted it to serve as a model that would be similar to it in spirit and content. “Since the Lord,” Tertullian notes about this, “after teaching the rule of prayer, he specifically commanded: “Seek and you will find” (Luke 11, 9), and there is a lot about which each according to his circumstances, having prefaced this law with a certain prayer, as a foundation, has a need to pray, then it is permissible to apply others to the petitions of this prayer, respectively current needs life. ".

How to sing "Our Father" Audio

Choir of the Kyiv Theological Academy

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Choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery

Icons "Our Father"

Address of the editorial office of the journal "Neskuchny Sad": 109004, st. Stanislavsky, 29, building 1

Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

One of the main prayers of an Orthodox person is the Lord's Prayer. It is contained in all prayer books and canons. Its text is unique: it contains thanksgiving to Christ, intercession before Him, petition and repentance.

It is with this prayer that we turn to the Almighty directly without the participation of saints and heavenly angels.

Reading rules

  1. The Lord's Prayer is included in the number of obligatory prayers of the morning and evening rule, its reading is also recommended before meals, before starting any business.
  2. It protects from demonic attacks, strengthens the spirit, and delivers from sinful thoughts.
  3. If during the prayer there was a reservation, you need to impose the Sign of the Cross on yourself, say "Lord, have mercy" and start reading again.
  4. You should not treat the reading of a prayer as a routine work, say it mechanically. The request and praise by the Creator must be expressed sincerely.

Important! The text in Russian is in no way inferior to the Church Slavonic version of the prayer. The Lord appreciates the spiritual impulse and mood of the prayer book.

Orthodox prayer "Our Father"

The main idea of ​​the Lord's Prayer - from Metropolitan Benjamin (Fedchenkov)

The Lord's Prayer Our Father is an integral prayer and unity, because life in the Church requires a person to fully concentrate his thoughts and feelings, spiritual aspiration. God is Freedom, Simplicity and Unity.

God is everything for a person and he absolutely must give everything to Him. Rejection from the Creator is detrimental to faith. Christ could not teach people to pray otherwise. God is the only good, he is “existing”, everything is to Him and from Him.

God is the One Giver: Thy Kingdom, Thy Will, leave, give, deliver... Here everything distracts a person from earthly life, from attachment to earthly things, from worries and attracts to the One from whom everything is. And petitions point only to the assertion that little space is given to earthly things. And this is right, because renunciation of worldly things is a measure of love for God, the reverse side of Orthodox Christianity. God Himself descended from heaven to call us from earth to heaven.

Important! When reading a prayer, a person should be seized by a mood of hope. The entire text is imbued with hope in the Creator. Only there is only one condition - "just as we forgive our debtors."

Our Father is a prayer for peace, comfort and joy. We, sinful people with our problems, are not forgotten by the Heavenly Father. Therefore, you need to offer prayers to Heaven constantly, on the road or in bed, at home or at work, in sorrow or in joy. The Lord will surely hear us!

Text of the Lord's Prayer

In Church Slavonic:

Our Father, Who art thou in heaven x!
May thy name be holy,
yes prii det tsa your rage,
let your will be done
ko in heaven and on earth .
Our bread is nasu
́ give us today;
and ost
vie us until our lie,
I skin and we leave I eat the debtor m ours;
and don't enter
́ us into temptation
but the hut
keep us from the bow vago

In Russian:

Our Father who art in heaven!
May your name be hallowed;
Let your kingdom come;
Give us our daily bread for this day;
And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Matthew 6:9-13)

Our Father who art in heaven!
May your name be hallowed;
let your kingdom come;
may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
give us our daily bread for every day;
and forgive us our sins, for we also forgive every debtor of ours;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one.
(Luke 11:2-4)


Πάτερ ἡ μ ῶ ν, ὁ ἐ ν το ῖ ς ο ὐ ρανο ῖ ς.
ἁ γιασθήτω τ ὸ ὄ νομά σου,
ἐ λθέτω ἡ βασιλεία σου,
γενηθήτω τ
ὸ θέλημά σου, ὡ ς ἐ ν ο ὐ ραν ῷ κα ὶ ἐ π ὶ γής.
Τ ὸ ν ἄ ρτον ἡ μ ῶ ν τ ὸ ν ἐ πιούσιον δ ὸ ς ἡ μ ῖ ν σήμερον.
Κα ὶ ἄ φες ἡ μ ῖ ν τ ὰ ὀ φειλήματα ἡ μ ῶ ν,
ὡ ς κα ὶ ἡ με ῖ ς ἀ φίεμεν το ῖ ς ὀ φειλέταις ἡ μ ῶ ν.
Κα ὶ μ ὴ ε ἰ σενέγκ ῃ ς ἡ μ ᾶ ς ε ἰ ς πειρασμόν,
ἀ λλ ὰ ρυσαι ἡ μ ᾶ ς ἀ π ὸ του πονηρου.

By- Latin:

pater noster,
quies in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a little.

In English (Catholic liturgical version)

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Why did God Himself give a special prayer?

“Only God Himself can allow people to call God the Father. He gave this right to people, making them sons of God. And despite the fact that they departed from Him and were in extreme malice against Him, He granted the forgetting of insults and the communion of grace.

(St. Cyril of Jerusalem)

How Christ taught the apostles to pray

The Lord's Prayer is given in the Gospels in two versions, a longer one in the Gospel of Matthew and a shorter one in the Gospel of Luke. The circumstances under which Christ pronounces the text of the prayer are also different. In the Gospel of Matthew, "Our Father" is part of the Sermon on the Mount. Evangelist Luke writes that the apostles turned to the Savior: “Lord! Teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples” (Luke 11:1).

"Our Father" in the home prayer rule

The Lord's Prayer is part of the daily prayer rule and is read both during the Morning Prayers and the Prayers for the Future. The full text of the prayers is given in the Prayer Books, Canons and other collections of prayers.

For those who are especially busy and cannot devote much time to prayer, St. Seraphim of Sarov gave special rule. "Our Father" is also included. In the morning, afternoon and evening, you need to read “Our Father” three times, “Virgin Mary” three times and “I believe” once. For those who, for various reasons, cannot fulfill even this small rule, St. Seraphim advised to read it in every position: both during classes, and walking, and even in bed, presenting the basis for that the words of Scripture: "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

There is a custom to read the “Our Father” before meals along with other prayers (for example, “The eyes of all trust in You, Lord, and You give them food in good time, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal goodwill”).

From the bins of village magic. Prayers. Conspiracies.

Prayer for well-being in the family

“Heavenly Father, Master, Lord God, our Savior, save the servant of God (say the name), save us sinners, save my family, drive away evil spirits from us, deliver us from the evil one, do not lead us into temptation, free or involuntary, forgive us grave sins, heal us from illness, from all misfortunes by Your mercy, from a car, from cattle, from a running beast, from a creeping reptile, from a wicked man by Your mercy. Amen".

O family well-being(Blessed Xenia of Petersburg)

O holy all-blessed mother Xenia! Under the roof of the Almighty, who lived, guided and strengthened by the Mother of God, suffered from cold and thirst, cold and heat, reproach and persecution, you received the gift of clairvoyance and wonderworking from God and rest under the shade of the Almighty: Holy Church, like a fragrant flower, glorify you: coming in place your burial, before the image of your saints, as a living ty that is with us, we pray to you: accept our petitions and bring me to the throne of the merciful Heavenly Father, as if having boldness to Him, ask those who flow to you eternal salvation, for our good deeds and undertakings generous blessing, deliverance from all troubles and sorrows, appear with your holy prayers before our all-merciful Savior for us, unworthy and sinful, help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate babies with the light of Holy Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, youths and maidens in faith, to bring up honesty, God-fearing and grant them success in teaching; Heal those who are sick and ill, send down family love and consent, monastics with a good feat to strive and protect from reproach, affirm the shepherds in the fortress of the Holy Spirit, preserve our people and country in peace and serenity, for those deprived of communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ at the dying hour, pray: you our hope and hope, speedy hearing and deliverance, we send thanks to you and with you we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

O great and all-praised apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, confidante of Christ, our warm intercessor and quick helper in sorrow! Begged the Lord God to grant us the remission of all our sins, even if we have sinned from our youth, in all our life, deed, word, thought and all our feelings. At the end of our souls, help us sinners to be delivered from air ordeals and eternal torment, and by your merciful intercession we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the family to the Blessed Virgin Mary

For the well-being of the family

To this end, light a church wax candle at midnight, starting from front door, moving clockwise, go around the dwelling, while reading (thrice) such a plot:

So that the husband and wife do not quarrel, say three times: “Just as the Trinity does not quarrel within itself, so do not you quarrel. Amen!"

“As here everything that is inseparable, so in life (the names of all family members) we will all be inseparable. May it be so!" And cross your food or drink three times.

If relationships with loved ones do not work out in your house: you often quarrel, scandal, or money does not hold in your house, then buy three Bibles (three New Testaments are possible).

“I twist the candles, I connect two destinies (the name of the husband and wife). For good, for love. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

“I light candles, I connect hearts (names of husband and wife). May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Wash yourself with spring water, mentally saying:

"As the last drops of water go, so do the last drops of my tears."

“Like the night with the moon, like a star with a star, so am I with my family. As Christ loves his mother, so we would love each other, would not squabble, and would not beat each other. Frankincense, give me peace, peace and treasure. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

“Where it came from, it went there, it went to the owner!” After that, wipe the dust with a damp cloth and throw it away at the crossroads, saying: “Everything bad has floated away, rotted away, floated away!”

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen! I will rise, the servant of God (my name), blessed! I'm going to cross myself! From door to door, from gate to gate, to the open field, under the east side. I will pray to the Lord our God and the Holy Archangels and angels Gabriel and Michael, six-winged seraphim. Evangelists Luke, Mark, John the Theologian and Matthew. As the demonic force is afraid of you and the heavenly arrows of your army are afraid, so let it be afraid, the servant of God (husband's name) will be afraid of my conspiracy-sentence. My word is strong and stucco! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Food is salted with this salt until it runs out. Then, according to the same scheme, you can prepare a new slander salt.

“Scream and noise, go away from here, to the swamp water, to the house of the snake underground! You live there from now on and forever, there you have freedom and life! And we, the servants of God (the name of the spouse and our full name), wow, good life! May it be so! Amen!" Read this on the water, on the afternoon of Saturday. Wash the floor with this water and, pouring it into the latrine, say:

“As the month wanes, so my family troubles float away with this water! May it be so! Amen!" For the next three days, do not give anything from home and try not to take any treats from anyone.

“Peace, salvation and grace to this house and to all who live in it. Sow, Lord, in this house the spirit of piety, the spirit of meekness and the spirit of humility. Drive out of him all the power of the devil and every enemy visible and invisible enemy.

It is necessary to cook mashed potatoes from a variety of potatoes (pink, yellow, white). When the potatoes are cooked, they need to be crushed, adding butter, and say: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Everything will be crushed, mixed up, greased. lure each other with peace and love. Amen ".

Buy a new hammer and, while no one has worked on it, read the plot over it.

“Like a heavy hammer does not rise, so that the servant of God (name) has a heavy tongue, would not rise and would not swear. Be my words strong and sculpting from now on and forever. Amen".

conflicts, then slander his favorite dish, on the first Sunday of the new moon, slander three times:

do not insist on anything and do not convince him of anything, but mentally read the plot three times:

Prayer father our heavenly savior

compiled by Archpriest Nikolai Shchelochkov

Holy Dormition Church

Heavenly Father // To this visible and invisible co-creator // Adorn all things with Your wisdom // Heavenly armies serve you // Human nature prays to you // Your greatness is incomprehensible in the mind // knowledge is only acceptable by faith // we humbly pray to you // spare the creation Yours // and save our souls from troubles //

To the Creator and Creator of the visible and invisible world, // Let us praise the Heavenly Father and our God, // bring Him glory, honor and worship, // He is the Wisdom of the whole universe: // Truth, Life and the Way of salvation. // The life source of our immortal, // exuding the breath of life to all creation. // Accept, therefore, our prayerful sighs, // Singing to you alone:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was to God, and God was the Word. These divine words are spoken to us by the great Apostle John the Theologian. It is impossible for the human mind to contain the Wisdom of God, below to see our God. The ranks of angels do not dare to look at Him, only by faith and prayer to the Father and our God cry out:

Our Father, Thou art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name;

Our Father, You are the Creator of the world of everything visible and invisible;

Our Father, You are the beginning of all things in heaven and on earth;

Our Father, heavenly angels serve and glorify you;

Our Father, all people bow down and pray to You;

Our Father, You are Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all creation;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

The apostles of Christ, wishing to strengthen faith and prayerful communion with the Heavenly Father, asked the Lord Jesus Christ: "teach us to pray." He said to them: “When you pray, enter into your cell, and shut your doors: pray to your Father, Who is in secret, and your Father, seeing in secret, will repay you in reality and say to Him this: Our Father, Who art in heaven , Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. From the apostles heard, and we will cry out: Alleluia.

No one is worthy, from those bound by carnal lusts and worldly passions, to come or approach or serve Thee, our One God. You alone are Holy - sanctify and wash our unworthy souls from the vice of sin, so that with a pure heart and mouth we will sing to you:

Our Father, may Your kingdom come, the Kingdom of peace and love;

Our Father, Thy will be done in every Thy creature;

Our Father, You are the only father of those who live on this earth;

Our Father, receive us also, as the Father received the prodigal son;

Our Father, do not leave us sinners, asking for Your mercy and help;

Our Father, the thorns of many of our sins have fallen;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Let us become better, let us with fear offer our own prayers to the Heavenly Father with faith, putting aside all worldly cares. He knows our needs and needs, our sorrows and sorrows, and in contrition of our hearts we will cry out to Him unceasingly: Hallelujah.

Videsha the great prophet Isaiah of the Lord, sitting on the Throne, lofty and exalted, and the edges of His robe filled the whole Temple. And the seraphim stand around Him, six wings to one and six wings to another: and for two I cover my face, and I cover my feet with two, and I fly and cry out to each other and say: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, fill the whole earth with glory His. This was for it, so that we all had faith in the Creator and our God, crying out to the mother:

Our Father, Your name is wonderful in heaven and on earth;

Our Father, the heavenly seraphim sing unceasingly to You;

Our Father, cleanse our unclean lips, that we may praise Thee;

Our Father, may Your eternal Light shine upon us sinners;

Our Father, give us your good peace, as if we were relying on Thee;

Our Father, may our path to You be pure and without temptation;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

The storms of life drown our many-sorrowful souls in this world. By passion and lust, everyone is drawn into the abyss of sin and there is no help for us, only You, the One Creator and God, our Father, stretch out Your hand and escape from eternal perdition. With the Spirit of Your mouth, revive, cleanse and guide on the paths of salvation, so that we may come to the mind of truth and sing to You: Alleluia.

Hearing the disciples of Christ the words of the Lord: “be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect.” May this perfection be the beginning of our salvation in the good deeds of our souls. Help us, Heavenly Father, love our enemies, and pray for those who do us all sorts of misfortunes, in fulfillment of Your commandments, not in word or tongue, but in deed and truth, crying out to You like this:

Our Father, in the purity and perfection of the Spirit, strengthen us;

Our Father, do not reject our prayers, offered to Thee;

Our Father, have mercy on us cursed;

Our Father, do not deprive us of eternal life;

Our Father, illuminate our gloomy souls with the sun of Thy Truth;

Our Father, forgive sinners and repentant sins;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

May the divine power of the Providence of God guide our souls on the path of salvation, so that they do not stumble in their false wisdom, but, fulfilling the commandments, flow to the Lord who says: “Turn to Me, and turn away from your evil deeds and from all your ungodliness, and turn your faces to the verbs Mine, and I will receive you.” This leading, in tenderness of hearts let us sing to our God: Alleluia.

Seeing wickedness in the adulterous and sinful human race, the Lord said: “I do not want the death of a sinner, but if the wicked turn from his way and live to be him. All sin him, even if you sin, they will not be remembered: since the court and the truth will create, he will live in them. Help us, Lord, to get rid of our sins that defile our souls, in contrition of hearts, incessantly crying out like this:

Our Father, create in us a pure heart and renew a right spirit in our wombs;

Our Father, do not reject Your Face and Your Holy Spirit, do not take away from us;

Our Father, grant us purity of mind and a contrite and humble heart;

Our Father, not with daily bread, but with every word from your mouth, feed us who are hungry;

Our Father, lead us not into temptation, or the proud thinking of our spirit;

Our Father, deliver us from the evil one who turns away from salvation;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Let every breath praise the Lord, the visible and invisible world. May the angels and all the powers of heaven glorify Him, may they sing to Him in the voice of the trumpet, in the psalter and the harp, for His mercy is forever to His creation. Let us also sing prayers to Him, may He hear us and incline His ear to all who cry out: Alleluia.

In the world, be sorrowful, but be of good cheer - these words are spoken to us by Holy Scripture. Like for enduring sorrows, a great reward from the Lord to those who love Him. With these verbs, let us be strengthened and sing tacos:

Our Father, strengthen us to meekly endure all our sorrows;

Our Father, remember us unworthy in Your Kingdom;

Our Father, warm our hearts with Thy love;

Our Father, send Thy grace to help all those who grieve and are burdened;

Our Father, forgive the sins of our enemies, for they do not know what they are doing;

Our Father, keep us all in peace and love;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Let us love each other, and with unanimity confess our Orthodox faith in the One God the Father Almighty, heaven and earth tell us the greatness of His Glory. Contemplating this broadcast with one mouth and one heart, we unworthy will sing joyful praise to our God: Hallelujah.

God is wondrous in His saints, strengthening with the Holy Spirit those who love Him and glorify His Holy Name. Wonderful are His works in all His creation. And we, Thy creature, O Lord, hear our prayers and sanctify us, reward us not according to our deeds, but according to Thy mercy, pour out grace on those who thirst for salvation. May we come to You with faith and love, O Lord, and let us be partakers of eternal life, singing to You:

Our Father, Thou art our God unspeakable in Thy majesty;

Our Father, Thou art our God, invisible and incomprehensible to the human mind;

Our Father, Thou hast deigned to accept the ghost of a servant, and save the human race;

Our Father, Thou art our God in the revealed and unmanifested blessings that have been upon us;

Our Father, thousands of archangels and angels are coming to You, doing Your will;

Our Father, Thou art our God, clothed with light like a robe;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Strange and incomprehensible to His people, the Lord says: “Heaven is my throne, the earth is my footstool, which house you will build and which place is my resting place. All this is made by my hand, and this is all mine. And on whom I will look, only on the meek and silent and trembling of My words. “So look at us sinners and unworthy, but in the humility of our hearts singing to You: Alleluia.

Thou art all, O Lord, unto us sinners with Thy grace. For our sake and for our salvation, You so loved the world, as if You gave Your Only Begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish, but have eternal life. For this glory we give Ty calling:

Our Father, You alone are our true God, long-suffering and many-merciful;

Our Father, Thou art the unspeakable Love of Thy creation;

Our Father, I will not die, but I will live, and we will do Your works, O Lord;

Our Father, accept according to the power and our praise, which are offered to Thee;

Our Father, enlighten our hearts with Thy Truth;

Our Father, with every breath we will praise Thee;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Every being of heaven, earth, and the underworld unceasingly glorifies Thee, O Lord. Singing, crying, crying and speaking, they bring the praise of creation to their Creator. Heaven and earth are filled with Your great glory. Holy and holy art Thou, Heavenly Father, and glorious is Thy glory. Thou hast created all wisdom, and we also praise Him, singing unceasingly: Alleluia.

Vityas of many verbs will not be able to comprehend the mysteries of God in Thy creation, Lord, below, utter with the mind the beauty of Thy creation. By Thy wisdom, He hung the earth on nothing by Thy command, and all the heavenly luminaries speak of their Creator. Pointing out the ways of salvation to His creation, let no one perish, having faith in the One God, and crying out to the mother:

Our Father, create us and save Your creation by Your mercy;

Our Father, accept with faith and love those who pray to You;

Our Father, cleanse our souls and hearts from the evil conscience;

Our Father, do not turn Your face away from us sinners and mourners;

Our Father, guide us unworthy to the path of salvation;

Our Father, give us in the reverence of truth to serve Thee alone;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Save at least Thy creation, Thou hast shown Thy great miracles to the human race. By Thy incalculable power, Thou hast all worked with us, O Lord, and with Thy multitude of Thy mercy from non-existence into existence, Thou hast brought everything, instructing and admonishing those who seek salvation, mercy and intercession, singing to Thee with faith: Alleluia.

Our Father, living in heaven, show Your mercy to Your creation, bless Your people who pray to You, Lord, do with us Your rich mercy and Your bounty. Remember us, Thy unworthy servants, praying to You and crying out:

Our Father, listen to the voice of our supplication;

Our Father, guide us to walk in Thy truth;

Our Father, work with us a sign for the benefit of our salvation;

Our Father, rejoice in our hearts in order to fear for us Your Holy Name;

Our Father, do not leave us to help and save all who trust in You;

Our Father, Thou art our God, have mercy on us;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

We bring unworthy singing to You in our prayers. Lord, vouchsafe to us without sin, and do Thy Holy will, fear Thee, and serve Thee all the days of our life. Do not disgrace us from the expectation of Thy mercy, and grant us everything for the salvation of our petitions, but with faith and love we sing to You: Alleluia.

Quiet Light of the saints of Thy glory in the creation of the heavenly luminaries, Thou, O Lord, manifest to the whole world. Enlighten our souls, darkened by passions, with the light of Your intercession, warm our cold hearts and do not reject us who seek Your salvation, Lord. Show Your mercy to all who honor You and call on Your name:

Our Father, fill our lips with Your praise;

Our Father, grant us to be preserved without sin;

Our Father, visit us with Thy mercy and bounties;

Our Father, help us to avoid the various wiles of the evil one;

Our Father, save us by the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit;

Our Father, number us unworthy of Your inheritance;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Bowing heaven to the salvation of us sinners, Lord, do not despise our prayer. Hear the prayers of those who bring you, put in us the fear of Your blessed commandments and deliver us from every thought of the evil one, but by Your teachings we admonish, in spiritual joy we sing to You: Alleluia.

Singing Your greatness to the human race, we pray to You, Lord, instruct us in Your righteousness, correct our path before You, delivering us from the work of the enemy. And may you not destroy our souls with the wicked, lower us from salvation, crying unceasingly to you:

Our Father, receive diligent prayer from us, Thy servants;

Our Father, have mercy on us according to the multitude of Thy mercies;

Our Father, send Thy mercy on us, and on all Thy people;

Our Father, do not reject us from the future life eternal;

Our Father, Righteous Judge, do not condemn us to eternal torment;

Our Father, long-suffering and many-merciful, have mercy on us;

Our Father, Heavenly King, save and have mercy on us sinners.

Oh, great God and Lord of forces, of the visible and invisible world! You alone are holy, Lord our God, the beginning and end of all existence, which is not encompassed by any human mind. The ranks of angels cannot look at You, look lower than human eyes. Every knee in heaven, on earth and under the earth bows to you. All creation prays to you, asking for mercy and intercession. In them also receive our prayers and sighs. Singing to you alone: ​​Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1

Prayer to God our Father in Heaven

Oh, great Lord, Creator and Creator of this world, visible and invisible. Our Father! Living in heaven and by the Holy Spirit embrace the whole universe, holy and majestic is Your name! All Your creatures, heavenly, earthly and underworld, bow down to You, singing, crying out, calling out and saying: Your creation calls to You, and in every place of Your dominion, let every breath and creature praise the Lord.

Oh, all-merciful God and our Heavenly Father! Accept our unworthy thanksgiving, praise and prayerful sigh to You, from the depths of our souls we cry to You, hear our voice. Do not leave us by Thy mercy, let us not perish completely. Be Thy mercy on us, as if we were relying on Thee, our Savior and Defender. By Thy Providence, govern our lives for good and salvation. Accept all of us in repentance, convert those who have gone astray to Thy Truth, heal those who are sick, comfort those who grieve, deliver us from any action of unclean spirits. An angel of peace, a faithful mentor, guardian of our souls and bodies, sent down to us, so that we can live according to Your will. Number us all among Your chosen flock. Yes, according to the multitude of Your bounties, we will achieve our salvation, unceasingly glorifying Your all-honorable and magnificent name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

I pray to God,

in the evening, before going to bed

and every time I repent to him for those

sins that he did during the day.

About the one I hated

who I have condemned

to whom I remembered for insults,

those who are not friends with me.

For everything I feel guilty about tonight

an hour before bedtime, that I was too free

in your words before the Creator.

For being in the family I'm cocky

And often grumbled on his own,

considered himself without measure honest

I got into the devil's net.

So break the web of vice

Lord, Savior, my Creator!

Deliver the evil thoughts of the stream,

Cleanse your soul, my Father!

I will only do good

Strive for truth and love

To love both the meek and the evil,

To enter my eternal life.

My Lord and Master of the World

My soul is calling to You, where in

eternity of the ether immortal life, my destiny.

I often turn my gaze to You,

Creator, my Creator.

From the depths of my soul I have tea

Prayers, first syllable, Father!

Heavenly Father, my Savior!

Hear my first cry.

Take me to Your abode

Where would I find peace.

I believe that Your bounties

Will be good for me.

All worries will be gone

And I will only remember you.

With you I will be happy

Fear and all sadness will disappear

My soul will forget all evil.

With You I will avoid sin.

And I will see the eternal kingdom,

Already living, here on earth

I know your holy life

which you promise me.

When you face difficulties in life,

When you do something in evil

Then right away you repent

And you try to do good.

And you find in it an excuse

When did you get on the right track

Bringing repentance for sins

To turn to God

Seek consolation only in God

Your Creator, help you

For your sins you will be forgiven

And it will be easy for you everywhere.

Live just like this

So that you are not poor.

It's bad to be rich too

For the poor you try to forget

Live in the royal middle, and let your life become sweet

Beloved, dear, saint, with whom you will find peace.

Do not often think for yourself

About how good I am.

With such a thought

You are going to sin.

Our life is that sea in which you will meet everything

New article: our heavenly father in heaven is a prayer on the site site - in all details and details from the many sources that we managed to find.

Our Father, Who art in heaven!

1. Hallowed be thy name.

2. Thy kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.

4. Give us our daily bread today.

5. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

6. And lead us not into temptation.

7. But deliver us from the evil one.

For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Heavenly Father!

1. Hallowed be thy name.

2. Thy kingdom come.

3. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

4. Give us our daily bread for this day.

5. And forgive us our sins, as we also forgive those who have sinned against us.

6. And do not allow us to temptation.

7. But deliver us from the evil one.

Because to You belongs the kingdom, the power and the glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Father - Father; Izhe- Which the; Thou art in heaven- Which is in heaven, or heavenly; Yes- let; sanctified- glorified: like- how; in heaven- in the sky; urgent- necessary for existence; give me- give; today- today, today; leave- sorry; debts- sins; our debtor– those people who have sinned against us; temptation- temptation, danger of falling into sin; crafty- all cunning and evil, that is, the devil. The devil is an evil spirit.

This prayer is called Lord's because the Lord Jesus Christ Himself gave it to His disciples when they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Therefore, this prayer is the most important prayer of all.

In this prayer we turn to God the Father, the first Person of the Holy Trinity.

It is divided into: invocation, seven petitions, or 7 requests, and doxology.

Summoning: Our Father, Who art in heaven! With these words, we turn to God and, calling Him the Heavenly Father, we call to listen to our requests, or petitions.

When we say that He is in heaven, we must understand spiritual, invisible sky, and not that visible blue vault that is spread over us, and which we call "sky".

Request 1st: May your name be hallowed, that is, help us to live righteously, holyly and glorify Your name with our holy deeds.

2nd: Let Your Kingdom Come that is, make us worthy even here on earth of your kingdom of heaven, which is truth, love and peace; reign in us and rule over us.

3rd: May Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth, that is, let everything not be as we want, but as You please, and help us obey this Your will and fulfill it on earth as unquestioningly, without grumbling, as it is fulfilled, with love and joy, by the holy angels in heaven . Because only You know what is useful and necessary for us, and You wish us well more than we ourselves.

4th: Give us our daily bread today, that is, give us for this day, for today, our daily bread. Bread here means everything necessary for our life on earth: food, clothing, shelter, but most importantly, the most pure Body and precious Blood in the sacrament of Holy Communion, without which there is no salvation, no eternal life.

The Lord commanded us to ask ourselves not for wealth, not for luxury, but only for the bare necessities, and to rely on God in everything, remembering that He, as a Father, always takes care of us.

5th: And leave us our debts, as we also leave our debtors that is, forgive us our sins just as we ourselves forgive those who offended or offended us.

In this petition, our sins are called “our debts”, because the Lord gave us strength, abilities and everything else in order to do good deeds, and we often turn all this into sin and evil and become “debtors” before God. And so, if we ourselves do not sincerely forgive our “debtors,” that is, people who have sins against us, then God will not forgive us. Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself told us about this.

6th: And lead us not into temptation. Temptation is such a state when something or someone draws us to sin, tempts us to do something lawless and bad. So, we ask - do not allow us to temptation, which we cannot endure; help us overcome temptations when they come.

7th: But deliver us from the evil one, that is, deliver us from all evil in this world and from the culprit (chief) of evil - from the devil (evil spirit), who is always ready to destroy us. Deliver us from this cunning, crafty power and its deceptions, which is nothing before You.

Doxology: For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For to you, our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, belongs the kingdom, and the power, and eternal glory. All this is true, truly so.

QUESTIONS: Why is this prayer called the Lord's Prayer? To whom are we addressing this prayer? How does she share? How to translate in Russian: Who art thou in heaven? How to convey in your own words the 1st petition: Hallowed be Thy Name? 2nd: May your kingdom come? 3rd: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth? 4th: Give us our daily bread today? 5th: And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors? 6th: And lead us not into temptation? 7th: But deliver us from the evil one? What does the word amen mean?



Among the many prayers to God, She is the MOST important prayer, which can result in serious qualitative changes in life. This is a prayer that must be read from the heart:

Our Father, Heavenly Father, I ask You to forgive all my sins, voluntary or involuntary.

When you sincerely read the words of this prayer, you have become a child of God. You will see that your life will improve if you continue to believe God and pray to Him.

Our heavenly father in heaven is a prayer

“Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name!”

Continuing the conversation on prayer in the Conversation on the Mount, Jesus Christ teaches His followers and disciples how to pray, giving the text of the Lord's Prayer as an example. This prayer, in comparison with other prayers, is the main prayer of Christianity. It is called the Lord's because the Lord Himself, Jesus Christ, gave it to His disciples. The Lord's Prayer is a model of prayer, the text of which is fully consistent with the teachings of Christ. However, along with this prayer, there are other prayers, which is proved by the fact that Jesus Christ Himself uttered other prayers (John 17:1-26).

“Pray like this: Our Father who art in heaven! hallowed be thy name; let your kingdom come; may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Mat. 6:9-13).

According to the traditional explanation, the text of this prayer consists of an invocation, that is, an appeal, seven petitions and a doxology, that is, glorification. The prayer begins with an invocation addressed to God the Father, the First Person of the Trinity: "Our Father". In this invocation, God the Father is called “Our Father,” that is, our Father. Since God the Father is the Creator of the world and all creations, we call God our Father. However, according to religious ideas, not all people can call the Lord God their Father, since they do not have a moral right to do so. In order to call the Lord God your Father, one must live observing the Law of God and fulfill the commandments of Christ. The Savior speaks directly about this, pointing to the Christian way of life of a person. “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven” (Mat. 5:44-45).

From these words it becomes clear that only those people who live according to the commandments of God can call themselves the sons of the Heavenly Father, and God their Heavenly Father. All other people who do not observe the Law of God in their lives and do not repent of their sins and do not correct their mistakes, remaining God's creations, or, in the language of the Old Testament, God's servants, are unworthy to call themselves sons of their Heavenly Father. The Savior Himself, Jesus Christ, spoke convincingly about this to the Jews after the Sermon on the Mount. “You are doing the works of your father. To this they said to Him: We are not born of fornication; We have one Father, God. Jesus said to them: If God were your Father, then you would love Me, because I came and came from God; for I did not come of myself, but he sent me. Why do you not understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My words. Your father is the devil; and you want to do the desires of your father” (John 8:41-44).

By allowing us to call God our Heavenly Father, the Savior thereby indicates that all people are equal before God and cannot stand out either by noble origin, or nationality, or wealth. Only a pious way of life, the fulfillment of the laws of God, the search for the Kingdom of God and His righteousness can become a distinctive feature of a person and give him the right to call himself the son of his Heavenly Father.

"Who is in heaven". According to the Christian tradition before and now, the whole world and the whole universe except the planet Earth is called the sky. Since God is the Omnipresent Spirit, the words of the prayer “who are in heaven” indicate that God is the Heavenly Father, who exists in heaven and is different from the earthly father.

So, invocation The Lord's Prayer consists of words "Our Father who art in heaven" . With these words, we turn to God the Father and call to listen to our requests and prayers. When we say that He dwells in heaven, we must mean by this the spiritual invisible sky, and not that blue vault (air expanse) that extends above us. We also call God the Heavenly Father because He is Omnipresent, that is, He is everywhere, just as the sky extends everywhere above the earth. And also because He rules, towering over everything (like the sky above the earth), that is, He is the Most High. In this prayer, we call God the Father, because He, in His great mercy, allowed us Christians to be called His children. He is our Heavenly Father, because He created us, our life, and takes care of us, like the Kindest Father about his children.

Because all Christians share the same Heavenly Father, they are all considered brothers and sisters in Christ and should care for and help each other. Therefore, if a person prays alone, he should still say “Our Father”, and not my Father, because every Christian should pray not only for himself, but also for all other people. Calling God the Heavenly Father, we thereby emphasize the idea that despite the fact that God is everywhere, but most of all He abides in spiritual heaven, where no one angers Him and does not remove Him from himself with his sins, and where the Holy Angels and God's Pleasing constantly praise Him.

First request: “Hallowed be thy name!” That is, may Your Name be holy and glorified. With these words, we express our desire that the Name of our Heavenly Father be hallowed. That is, so that this Name, both by us and by other people, is always pronounced with reverence and always revered and glorified. If we live righteously, holyly, and holyly do the will of the God in whom we believe, then by these actions we will sanctify and glorify His Holy Name. At the same time, other people, seeing our pious life and good deeds, will glorify the name of Our God, the Heavenly Father.

St. Augustine the Blessed writes about these words: “What does this mean? Can God be more holy than He is? in Himself cannot; this name in itself remains one and the same throughout the ages. But His holiness can multiply and grow in ourselves and in other people, and in this petition we pray that the human race will know God more and more and honor Him, the All-Holy.”

About the words we are analyzing, St. John Chrysostom wrote: “Let him be holy” means let him be glorified. Vouchsafe us - as if the Savior teaches us to pray like this - to live so pure that through us all glorify You ”(Discourses on Matthew, chapter 19).

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus Christ told His disciples: “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Mat. 5:16) . The followers of Jesus Christ, in order to fulfill God's will, do good deeds, living according to the laws of God. People who see the unselfish accomplishment of good deeds in the name of Christ will know the holiness of God and His Name, for the sake of the fulfillment of whose will good is done. And through doing good, the name of God is hallowed. That is, through this Name, good is affirmed in the world, and the Name of the Lord is sanctified by this good. And people who see good things done in the Name of God recognize this Name as holy and glorify the Name of God.

The first Christians endured great suffering in the name of God and did not deny Him. And with their love for their neighbor, mercy and self-sacrifice, the first Christians introduced many pagans to Christianity, who saw the patience, selflessness and good deeds of Christians, inspired to do good by the Name of God, shining and living in their souls.

In subsequent centuries, the holy life of the righteous made many unbelievers believe in holiness and greatness. God's name. Therefore the words "Hallowed be thy name" can be explained as follows. May Your holy name be glorified good deeds people doing good for the glory of the Holy Name of God. May the light of God's Name be in the hearts of those people who do good, glorifying the Holy Name of God. May all nations of the world glorify You, O Lord, and may Your Holy Name be glorified and holy everywhere forever and ever!!

Second request: "Thy kingdom come." What kingdom are we talking about in these words and how should they be understood? Since the Lord is the Creator of the world and its King, the whole world, material (earthly and heavenly) and supernatural, represents His Kingdom. According to the teachings of Christ, there is a Kingdom of God on earth and there will be a Kingdom of Heaven. These two kingdoms are different from each other. The Kingdom of Heaven is the Kingdom of Eternal Bliss, which will come after the Last Judgment of the Lord and which is promised to the righteous for their God-pleasing life. Since the Kingdom of Heaven will come anyway, regardless of requests and prayers, therefore, in the words being analyzed, it is not about him.

Most often, the words Kingdom of God refer to the Kingdom of the earth. This kingdom is an association of people who voluntarily and diligently fulfill God's will and live according to the commandments of Christ. For such people, the highest law of life is the Law of God commanded by the Savior, Jesus Christ. These people live to do Good, to the glory of God, they show true love even to enemies. Thus, the Kingdom of God is a spiritual kingdom that has no boundaries, knows no national division and unites people among themselves with truly Christian views and the fulfillment of the Will of God. This Kingdom arises where people live according to the laws of God and do good for the glory of God. So when we say "Thy Kingdom Come" , we pray to God for the speedy onset of this Kingdom of God for all people in the world. We make such a request so that people all over the world will soon know the Will of God, and by fulfilling it, begin to live according to God's laws, doing good in their lives, thereby reducing the presence of evil.

In the words being analyzed, we ask the Lord that the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Goodness, Reason and Love, Light and Peace, reign on earth and absorb all the people in the world, uniting them into a single flock of Christ with a single Shepherd, Jesus Christ. Asking God that in earthly life all people in the world enter the Kingdom of God, we thereby ask that all people subsequently become members of the Kingdom of Heaven. Because one can enter the Kingdom of Heaven only by becoming a worthy member of the Kingdom of God.

Thus, saying in your prayer the words "Thy Kingdom Come" , we pray that the Kingdom of God will extend to all people in the world who, having become members of this Kingdom, could enter the Kingdom of Heaven. That is, we pray to the Lord to grant all people in the world the Kingdom of God, and later the Kingdom of Heaven. Along with these parsed words, we ask the Lord that He reign supreme in our souls, that is, govern our mind, heart and will, and also that God help us with His grace to serve Him and faithfully fulfill His laws. Because if we have the Kingdom of God in our soul, then our soul will be pure and blameless, and we will be protected by the power and love of God from adversity and misfortune in earthly life and we will be rewarded with eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Third request: "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." Semantic interpretation of the text. In these words, we are talking about the fact that the will of the Lord abide undividedly on earth as in heaven. How should these words be understood? The Lord God is the Creator of the world and its Almighty. Everything in the world obeys His will. And despite the intrigues of the forces that oppose God, God's will always finally wins, turning evil into good. But, despite the inviolability of the will of God, the Lord gave man the opportunity to manifest free will himself and express it in the performance of deeds. By abusing free will, many people act contrary to the will of God, which leads to calamity and evil. The clash and opposition of the will of God and the human and led to the fact that the world was divided into two opposite camps of people. One of which is guided in his life solely by the fulfillment of the will of God. The other camp of people lives using free will in the choice of life actions aimed at achieving enrichment, power, pleasure. These two camps of people are allegorically opposed to each other as heaven (where God's will is done) and earth (where chaos and evil reign).

A person is weak in his strength, surrounded by temptations and temptations, and without God's help cannot independently achieve happiness in life. But a person is strong enough to keep the commandments of God and build his life according to the laws of God. And then the Lord helps such a person achieve happiness in life, surrounding such a person with His care, attention and support. Having given man free will, the Lord desires that man independently, of his own free will, come to God and understand that God is man's Friend, Defender and Helper. And so that a person, having understood this, voluntarily fulfills the will of God, that is, lives according to the laws of God, since only this only path of goodness leads to happiness and salvation. Smart people Realizing this principle of life, they do good for the glory of God, and live according to the laws of God, fulfilling the will of God in everything.

In the words being analyzed, we are just asking that the will of God guide the actions of people (for the good of people) just as it guides the whole world (natural and supernatural). And so that the will of people would express not their egoistic, sinful desires, but the will of God. For people to desire and do for their own good only what is pleasing to God. The fact that man submits to the will of God does not mean the destruction of man's free will. On the contrary, the fact that a person chose to voluntarily fulfill the will of God indicates that a person was able to understand life, showed his mind and ingenuity and realized that it is better to live fulfilling God's will, since only this path is the only true one and leads to good happiness and salvation. Therefore, the voluntary fulfillment of the will of God by man does not destroy the freedom of the will of man, but brings the human will into harmony with the will of God.

Jesus Christ also spoke about the need to harmonize one's will with the will of God the Father. “I seek not My will, but the will of the Father who sent Me” (John 5:30). And in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ humbly ended His prayer with the words: “Thy will be done” (Matt. 26:42) . If the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ Himself, coordinated His will in everything with the will of the Heavenly Father, then it is all the more necessary for us, people, to follow this example and fulfill the will of God in everything.

Observance of the will of the Lord for us, people, is necessary and useful. And it is necessary for the Lord to help us and take care of us in earthly life, and later allow us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. “Not everyone who says to me: “Lord! Lord!” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven” (Mat. 7:21) .

With parsed words of prayer, we ask God that His will be done by all people. And also that He would help us in earthly life to fulfill His will in the same way as the Holy Angels fulfill it in heaven, and that everything on earth should happen and be done according to the will of God just as it happens and is done in heaven. With these words, we are saying that let everything happen not as we please (not according to our desire), but as God pleases, because we can make mistakes in our desires and do ungodly acts. And God is Omniscient and Perfect, and He cannot make mistakes, and therefore He knows better what is good for us and what is bad. And He, more than we ourselves, wishes us well and does everything for our benefit. Therefore, may His Will always be, both in heaven and on earth.

Fourth request: "Give us this day our daily bread." Semantic interpretation of the text. With these words, we ask God that today He would give us the bread necessary for existence. The Lord in His commandment pointed out that we should not ask Him for luxury and wealth, but only the most necessary and remember that He, as a Father, always takes care of us. Therefore, in the fourth petition, by daily bread we mean everything necessary for our life on earth. In addition to food for the body, a person also needs food for the soul, which is prayer, reading spiritually useful books, studying the Bible and doing good deeds. This petition also implies a request for Holy Communion in the form of the Most Pure Body and Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, without which there is no salvation and eternal life.

Daily bread means everything useful and necessary for our existence. Since a person consists of a soul and a body, in this petition we ask for the satisfaction of both our spiritual and bodily needs. That is, we ask not only that the Lord provide us with the necessary housing, food, clothing, but also help us develop morally and spiritually, help us purify, elevate and ennoble our soul through our activities (actions) and way of life. This would bring us closer to God.

St. John Chrysostom, explaining the words being analyzed, wrote as follows: “He commanded to ask for daily bread not for eating, but for nutrition, replenishing what was spent and rejecting death from hunger, not luxurious tables, not various dishes, products of cooks, inventions of bakers, delicious wines and other similar things that delight the tongue and burden the stomach, darken the mind, help the body to rise up against the soul. This is not what the commandment asks and teaches us, but daily bread, that is, turning into the essence of the body and able to support it. Moreover, we are commanded to ask him not for a great number of years, but as much as we need today. Indeed, if you do not know if you will see tomorrow, then why bother worrying about it? . The one who gave you a body, breathed in your soul, made you an animal and prepared all the blessings for you, before he created you, will he forget you, his creation” (Conversation “On Life According to God”, “Conversation on Matthew 19”).

Fifth request: "And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors." Semantic explanation of the text. With these words, we ask God to forgive us our sins, since we ourselves forgive those people who offended us or harmed us. In this petition, by the word debts we mean sins, and by the word debtors we mean people who are guilty of something before us.

In Christian Orthodox theology, it is believed that if we ask God to forgive us our debts, that is, our sins, and we ourselves do not forgive our offenders and personal enemies, then we ourselves do not receive forgiveness of our sins from God. Why, then, in this petition are sins called debts, and sinners debtors? This happens because the Lord gave us the strength and everything necessary to do good deeds, and we very often turn all our energy and all our capabilities into sin, and thus become debtors to God as having wasted His gift for other purposes. But since many people commit sin not consciously, but out of error, then the Lord is merciful to people and, with sincere repentance, forgives our sins. And we, people, imitating God, must forgive debtors, that is, our offenders.

Jesus Christ advises to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who offend and persecute us. Those people who fulfill this commandment undoubtedly forgive their enemies and themselves have the right to forgiveness from God. But not all people have risen to such a degree of moral perfection. Therefore, if a person still cannot force himself to do good to his enemy (that is, do good to the enemy), but already knows how to restrain himself from revenge on the enemy, does not get angry with his enemy and forgives him all insults, then such a person (who does not stop his spiritual growth aimed at doing good deeds to the enemy and the offender) still has the right to ask God for forgiveness and his sins. And the person who is angry with his enemies and offenders, curses them and wishes them harm, has no right to turn to God for the forgiveness of his own sins. “For if you forgive people their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their trespasses, then your Father will not forgive you your trespasses” (Mat. 6:14-15).

Therefore, before turning this petition to God, we must forgive all our personal enemies and offenders. And also have to reconcile with those people who have something against you. That is, with those people with whom we are not angry, but who consider themselves offended by us. “Go, first be reconciled to your brother” (Mat. 5:24). And only then can we turn to God with a request for the forgiveness of our own sins.

If a person does not forgive his personal enemies and offenders, but turns to God with this petition, then he asks to do with himself, as he himself does with his offenders. Think about the meaning of the text of the fifth petition: "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." In other words, we ask God, regarding the forgiveness of our sins, to deal with us as we did with our offenders. That is, we ask God that if we ourselves did not forgive the sins of our offenders, then so that He would not forgive us our sins. St. Augustine the Blessed wrote about these words as follows. God “says to you: forgive and I will forgive! You have not forgiven - you are going against yourself, and not I.

About the vital merciful act of forgiving offenders and enemies, Jesus Christ spoke in His parable about the debtor, which says that the king forgave a large debt to his servant, but the evil slave did not forgive a small debt to his comrade. The sovereign, who learned about this act, became angry and punished the evil slave. “And, angry, his sovereign handed him over to the torturers until he paid him all the debt. This is what my Heavenly Father will do to you if each of you does not forgive his brother from his heart for his sins” (Mat. 18:33-35).

Therefore, before asking God for the forgiveness of our sins, it is necessary to forgive our personal offenders, remembering that just as we forgive the sins of our enemies, so the Lord will forgive us our sins.

Sixth request: "And lead us not into temptation." Meaningful explanation of this text. According to Christian religious, moral and philosophical ideas, temptation is a test, expressed in the fact that a person can fall into sin, that is, commit an evil, bad deed. According to Christian concepts, God and man are subjected to temptation. For a person, temptation manifests itself in the form of seduction by temptations and the commission of a sinful act. The temptation of God is manifested in the demand from Him to demonstrate evidence of His omnipotence and mercy. Such demands come either from a person or from an evil spirit.

For a person, temptation is a test of his moral and moral spiritual strengths and qualities, at a time when a person is persuaded to commit an immoral sinful act that violates the Law of God. The temptation for a person can also be manifested in the test of his faith and virtue. The Lord God will never allow man to be tempted by temptations that lead to sin. The temptation that comes from God can only be manifested in the testing of a person's faith. For example, as it was with Abraham or Job.

Only an evil spirit tempts a person with all kinds of sinful temptations, and a person himself and other people around him can also tempt him. To be subject to all sorts of temptations and temptations is the inevitable fate of all people in the world. When meeting with temptations, the following pattern is observed: the stronger the temptation, the more difficult it is to fight it, but the more pleasant the victory over it. Knowing that every person will be subject to temptation, people should not seek to meet with them, but should turn away from them and turn away from the temptations of our neighbors. It is necessary to act in this way in order not to overestimate one's strength, to avoid arrogance and not to fall into sin.

But if a person is faced with a temptation, then he must meet it with the opposition of an iron will, the light of reason and unshakable faith in God, who will certainly help a person achieve victory over any temptation. Repentance, fasting and prayer are the key to victory over temptations and temptations.

According to Christian views, a person is endowed with the power of the spirit, which dominates the body and will help to overcome any lusts, whims and sinful desires. The Lord, instilling in a person the inexhaustible strength of an unbending spirit (spiritual power), enabling a person to overcome any temptations and fight the temptations of people close to him.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that temptation is such a state when something or someone influences a person and pushes him to commit a sin. That is, it seduces to sin, to bad and evil deeds and deeds. And so in this petition we ask God to help us stand against sin and not be offended, that is, not fall into sin. We ask the Lord to help us overcome temptation and prevent us from committing evil.

Seventh request: "But deliver us from the evil one." Semantic explanation of the text. Not only bad people around him can seduce a person. A person can seduce himself under the influence of his sinful lusts and desires. An evil spirit, the devil, can also tempt and seduce a person. By the will of God, the devil has no power over a person, but can seduce him, suggesting evil thoughts and desires to a person, pushing him to commit evil deeds and utter evil words.

In other words, the power of the evil spirit is in deceit, that is, deceit, deceit, cunning, through which it tempts a person to commit evil deeds. The more evil a person commits, the further God moves away from him, and the closer the Tempter comes. Because the spirit of evil uses deceit as a tool to seduce a person, in this prayer it is called an evil spirit. And if the spirit of evil acquires power over people, it is only when people voluntarily submit to it without resistance, becoming servants of evil, without thinking that this only leads them to death. Because the devil is not a friend, but an irreconcilable enemy to man, and he “son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3) . And “when he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44), “deceiver of the whole world” (Rev. 12:9) . He is an enemy, that is, an enemy of people. “Be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary, the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

People can and must overcome the devil!! But since the spirit of evil is a supernatural force that surpasses the strength of people, then people ask the Almighty Good Light supernatural power, God, to help them fight the spirit of evil and protect them from it. We turn to the Lord for help because God, embodying the Good, Light, Reasonable power, incommensurably superior in strength to any evil, is the Defender and Helper of man. “For the Lord God is a sun and a shield” (Ps. 83:12). He “The God of all grace” (1 Peter 5:10). “God is my helper” (Ps. 53:6). “God is my intercessor” (Ps.58:10).

To help us over the devil and his wiles, we, the people, cry out to God, the Merciful, the Righteous and the Almighty. The essence of our petition is that God deliver us from all the evil that is present in this world and protect us with His almighty power from the head of evil - the devil (evil spirit), who is trying to destroy people. That is, we ask God to deliver us from the insidious, evil and crafty power and protect us from its wiles.

Doxology: “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen". These words of Jesus Christ in the common text of the Lord's Prayer are more expanded. “For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen." Semantic explanation of the text. In the doxology of prayer, we express our full faith in the power of the power of God and in His Power, Invincibility and Glory, spreading over the whole world. This faith is based on the fact that to You our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, belongs the Kingdom and power and eternal glory. That is, power over the whole world (in other words, the Kingdom), power (in other words, strength) and reverence and fame (in other words, glory) belongs to the ages of ages (that is, to all ages, forever). The prayer ends with the word "Amen". This is a Hebrew word. It means "all this is true, true so, so be it." This word was usually pronounced by the Jewish people in synagogues after reading the prayers. The custom of ending prayers with this word passed into Christianity.

In what cases of life is the Lord's Prayer read? The Lord's Prayer is read in all cases of life, in danger and in joy, at home and on the road, before the performance of any, but especially important things. This prayer is read as a prayer that protects us from evil, both human and supernatural, as a prayer of supplication and as a prayer giving praise to God. Therefore, after reading this prayer, you can express your personal wishes about our needs, directed to God.

The text of the prayer "Our Father" in Russian:

Our Father who art in heaven!
May your name be hallowed;
Let your kingdom come;
may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven;
Give us our daily bread for this day;
And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

The text of the prayer "Our Father" in Church Slavonic (with accents):

Our Father, who art in heaven!
Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,
May Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth.
Give us our daily bread today;
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Interpretation of the prayer "Our Father":

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! See how He immediately encouraged the listener and at the very beginning remembered all the blessings of God! Indeed, he who calls God father, and by this name alone confesses both the forgiveness of sins, and the release from punishment, and justification, and sanctification, and redemption, and sonification, and inheritance, and brotherhood with the Only Begotten, and the gift of the spirit, since he who has not received all these blessings cannot name God Father. Thus, Christ inspires His listeners in two ways: both by the dignity of those who are called, and by the greatness of the benefits they received.

When he speaks Heaven, then with this word it does not contain God in heaven, but distracts the one who prays from the earth and sets him up in lofty countries and in high dwellings.

Further, with these words He teaches us to pray for all brothers. He does not say: "My Father, who art in Heaven", but - Our Father, and thus commands to offer up prayers for the whole human race and never have in mind your own benefits, but always strive for the benefits of your neighbor. And in this way it destroys enmity, and overthrows pride, and destroys envy, and introduces love - the mother of all good things; destroys the inequality of human affairs and shows complete equality between the king and the poor, since we all have an equal share in the highest and most necessary affairs. Indeed, what is the harm from low kinship, when we are all united by heavenly kinship and no one has anything more than the other: neither the rich is more than the poor, nor the master is more than a slave, nor the head of the subordinate, nor the king is more than a warrior, nor the philosopher is more than a barbarian, nor the wise more ignorant? God, who deigned to call Himself Father equally to all, through this granted to all one nobility.

So, having mentioned this nobility, the highest gift, the unity of honor and love between the brethren, distracting the listeners from the earth and placing them in heaven - let's see what, finally, Jesus commands to pray. Of course, the title of God the Father also contains a sufficient teaching about every virtue: whoever called God the Father, and the Father in common, must necessarily live in such a way that he does not become unworthy of this nobility and shows zeal equal to the gift. However, the Savior was not satisfied with this name, but added other sayings.

May your name be hallowed He says. Do not ask for anything before the glory of the Heavenly Father, but consider everything below His praise, this is a prayer worthy of one who calls God the Father! Yes, shine means to be famous. God has his own glory, full of all majesty and never changing. But the Savior commands the one who prays to ask that God be glorified by our life. He said this before: So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven. (Matthew 5:16). And the Seraphim, praising God, cry out like this: Holy, Holy, Holy! (Isaiah 6:3). So, yes shine means to be famous. Vouchsafe us, - as if the Savior teaches us to pray like this, - to live so pure that through us all glorify You. To show unreproachable life before everyone, so that each of those who see it praises the Lord - this is a sign of perfect wisdom.

Let Your Kingdom Come. And these words are appropriate for a good son, who does not attach himself to visible things and does not regard present blessings as something great, but strives for the Father and desires future blessings. Such prayer comes from a good conscience and a soul free from everything earthly.

This is what the apostle Paul wished every day, which is why he said: and we ourselves, having the firstfruits of the Spirit, and we groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption of the redemption of our body (Rom. 8:23). Whoever has such love can neither become proud amid the blessings of this life, nor despair amid sorrows, but, as one who lives in heaven, is free from both extremes.

May Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Do you see a great connection? He first commanded to wish for the future and strive for his fatherland, but until this happens, those living here should try to lead such a life as is characteristic of the celestials. One must desire, He says, heaven and heavenly things. However, even before reaching heaven, He commanded us to make the earth a sky and, living on it, behave in everything as if we were in heaven, and pray to the Lord about this. Indeed, the fact that we live on earth does not hinder us in the least from achieving the perfection of the higher Forces. But you can, even living here, do everything as if we were living in heaven.

So, the meaning of the words of the Savior is this: as in heaven everything happens without hindrance and it does not happen that the angels obey in one thing, and do not obey in another, but obey and submit in everything (because it is said: mighty in strength, who do His word - Ps. 102, 20) - so do us, people, not do Your will in half, but do everything as You please.

You see? —Christ taught us to humble ourselves when He showed that virtue depends not only on our zeal, but also on the grace of heaven, and at the same time commanded each of us during prayer to take care of the universe. He did not say, “Thy will be done in me” or “in us,” but throughout the whole earth—that is, that all error should be destroyed and truth planted, that all malice be driven out and virtue return, and so that nothing heaven did not differ from earth. If this is the case, He says, then the lower will not differ in any way from the higher, although they are different in nature; then the earth will show us other angels.

Give us our daily bread today. What is daily bread? Everyday. Since Christ said: Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth, but He talked with people clothed with flesh, who are subject to the necessary laws of nature and cannot have angelic dispassion, although He commands us to fulfill the commandments in the same way as the Angels fulfill them, however, he condescends to the weakness of nature and, as it were, says: “I I demand from you an equal angelic severity of life, however, without demanding dispassion, since your nature does not allow this, which has the necessary need for food.

Look, however, as in the bodily there is a lot of spirituality! The Savior commanded us to pray not for wealth, not for pleasures, not for valuable clothes, not for anything else like that - but only for bread, and, moreover, for everyday bread, so that we do not worry about tomorrow, which is why he added: daily bread i.e. everyday. Even with this word he was not satisfied, but he added another after that: give us today so that we do not overwhelm ourselves with concern for the coming day. Indeed, if you don't know if you will see tomorrow, then why bother worrying about it? This the Savior commanded, and then later in his sermon: Don't care , - He speaks, - about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34). He wants us to always be girded and inspired by faith and not yield more to nature than the necessary need requires of us.

Further, since it happens to sin even after the font of rebirth (that is, the Sacrament of Baptism. - Comp.), then the Savior, wishing in this case to show His great philanthropy, commands us to approach the philanthropic God with a prayer for the remission of our sins and say this: And leave us our debts, as we leave our debtors.

Do you see the abyss of God's mercy? After taking away so many evils and after the unspeakably great gift of justification, He again honors those who sin, forgiveness.<…>

With a reminder of sins, He inspires us with humility; by the command to let others go, he destroys rancor in us, and by the promise of forgiveness to us for this, he affirms good hopes in us and teaches us to reflect on the indescribable love of God.

It is especially noteworthy that in each of the above petitions He mentioned all the virtues, and this last petition also embraces rancor. And the fact that the name of God is sanctified through us is an undeniable proof of a perfect life; and that His will be done shows the same thing; and that we call God the Father is the sign of a blameless life. In all this already lies what should leave wrath on those who offend us; However, the Savior was not satisfied with this, but, wanting to show what care He has for the eradication of rancor among us, he specifically speaks about this and after prayer he recalls not some other commandment, but the commandment of forgiveness, saying: For if you forgive people their trespasses, your heavenly Father will forgive you (Matthew 6:14).

Thus, this absolution initially depends on us, and the judgment that is pronounced against us lies in our power. So that none of the foolish, being condemned for a great or small crime, has the right to complain about the court, the Savior makes you, the most guilty, a judge over himself and, as it were, says: what judgment will you pronounce about yourself, the same judgment and I I will speak about you; if you forgive your brother, then you will receive the same benefit from me - although this latter is actually much more important than the first. You forgive another because you yourself have a need for forgiveness, and God forgives, having no need for anything himself; you forgive a colleague, and God forgives a servant; you are guilty of countless sins, and God is sinless

On the other hand, the Lord shows His philanthropy by the fact that even if He could forgive You all your sins without your work, He wants to do good to You in this, in everything to provide you with occasions and incentives for meekness and philanthropy - he drives out atrocities from you, extinguishes the anger in you and in every possible way wants to unite you with your members. What will you say about that? Is it that you unjustly endured some evil from your neighbor? If so, then surely your neighbor has sinned against you; but if you have suffered in justice, this does not constitute sin in him. But you, too, approach God with the intention of receiving forgiveness for similar and even much greater sins. Moreover, even before forgiveness, did you receive little, when you had already been taught to keep the human soul in yourself and instructed in meekness? Moreover, a great reward awaits you in the age to come, because then you will not be required to account for any of your sins. What punishment, then, shall we be worthy of, if, even after receiving such rights, we leave our salvation unnoticed? Will the Lord listen to our petitions when we do not feel sorry for ourselves where everything is in our power?

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Here the Savior clearly shows our insignificance and casts down pride, teaching us not to give up heroic deeds and arbitrarily rush to them; thus for us the victory will be more brilliant, and for the devil the defeat is more sensitive. As soon as we are involved in the struggle, we must stand courageously; and if there is no challenge to her, then they should calmly wait for the time of exploits in order to show themselves both unconceited and courageous. Here, Christ calls the devil the evil one, commanding us to wage irreconcilable warfare against him and showing that he is not such by nature. Evil does not depend on nature, but on freedom. And that the devil is predominantly called evil, this is because of the extraordinary amount of evil that is in him, and because he, not being offended by anything from us, wages an irreconcilable battle against us. Therefore, the Savior did not say: "deliver us from the evil ones," but - from the evil one- and thus teaches us never to be angry with our neighbors for the insults that we sometimes endure from them, but to turn all our enmity against the devil as the originator of all evils. By reminding us of the enemy, having made us more cautious and stopped all our carelessness, He inspires us further, presenting to us that King under whose authority we are fighting, and showing that He is more powerful than all: Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen , says the Savior. So, if it is His Kingdom, then no one should be afraid, since no one resists Him and no one shares power with Him.

When the Savior says: Yours is the Kingdom, then it shows that even that enemy of ours is subordinate to God, although, apparently, he also resists by the permission of God. And he is from among the slaves, although condemned and outcast, and therefore does not dare to attack any of the slaves, without first having received power from above. And what am I saying: not one of the slaves? He did not even dare to attack the pigs until the Savior himself commanded; nor on flocks of sheep and oxen, until he received power from above.

And strength, Christ says. Therefore, although you were very weak, you must still be bold, having such a King, who can easily do all glorious works through you, And glory forever, Amen,

Saint John Chrysostom