45 numerology. Identical and mirror numbers on the clock - what do they mean? Right month for you

Although most dreams catch us with their visual images, sometimes we clearly hear a whole gamut of sounds. The most common sound dream is the one in which we hear someone's voice.

Sometimes dreams of this kind frighten, leave a feeling of anxiety and fear. But do not prematurely draw negative conclusions.

The dream interpretation characterizes the voice as a warning, good sign or a harbinger of change. Listening in a dream to someone's speech, try to understand and remember who is talking to you, what and in what tone the words sounded, whether they addressed you by name.

The voice of the dead

Probably the most controversial and disturbing question is what the voice of a deceased person is dreaming of. Traditionally, the dream book advises to listen to the words that the dead say. It can be advice, a warning, or a simple wise parting word from the other world. The voice of the deceased in a dream is not such a terrible sign as many used to think.

It is especially important to listen to the speech of the deceased if he is your relative. Our loved ones come into our dreams only with good intentions, in order to tell something important. Some dream books claim that the voice of a deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life, and the grandmother's voice is an early success in any professional endeavors.

But if you had a dream where the voice of the deceased calls you by name behind him - be careful. Perhaps everyone knows that it is impossible to respond to such a cry. This dream is a warning: in the near future you need to be more careful, take care of your health and not enter into dubious acquaintances.

Who is speaking?

  • Hearing an unfamiliar female voice in a dream is a sign of success. And if, among other things, admiration and delight can be traced in the intonation, and she calls you by name, achievements will not only lead you to career growth, but will also give recognition to the environment.
  • The dream book often interprets the voice of a young guy as a deception and a cunning trick to confuse you. So listen to what he says and do the opposite.
  • If you dreamed of the voice of an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends the appearance of a rival for a man and a patron for a girl.

Not a sound

A common dream plot is talking or screaming in a dream, but not making a sound, as if your voice was gone. There are various interpretations of such a dream.

  • If you scream or speak in a dream without a voice, events await you in the future that you cannot influence. At the same time, not everything will suit you to the full, and you will have to put up with some unpleasant aspects of what is happening.
  • On the eve of a real performance, a dream where you lost your voice will be a great sign. Success awaits you at the event, and all fear of the public will disappear in an instant.
  • Sometimes a dream in which you cannot speak or scream is simply explained: you are tired. Probably hard work, anxiety, lack of sleep and other things that negatively affect our well-being have done their job. Such a dream is a sign that it is time to take a break.
  • Another meaning of "voiceless" sleep is your distrust of people in reality. You rely solely on yourself, refusing other people's help. But take a closer look at your surroundings: friends are nearby, and they can really help.

We talk with relatives

In a dream, we are able to talk with our relatives, whom we see every day. Moreover, such a dream can only be a reflection of a recent conversation, a desire to raise important topic, but it could mean something else.

Talking with a spouse or spouse is a change in marital relationships. There is a possibility that a series of conflicts will come, after which, fortunately, complete understanding and harmony will come. If your significant other refers to you by name, this is a pleasant sign: he or she often thinks of you.

Pay attention to what the baby’s voice is dreaming of, especially if he calls you. In reality, you probably do not pay enough attention to your children. And although, most likely, it happened because of work, try to visit the children more often. Especially if now your child has come to a difficult teenage period, when a serious conversation with parents will help to avoid trouble.


Hearing the father's voice in a dream means subconsciously analyzing the state of affairs on this moment. Here it is worth listening to the words and intonations. Sad notes in the father's voice mean that everything will not develop as planned. Cheerful cheerful voice - things will turn out well.

Hearing the voice of your mother in a dream - in reality, thinking about creating a family. Such a dream is especially important for a girl. There is a possibility that she is so immersed in her career and work that she completely forgot about herself, about her feminine destiny.

For lovers

The simplest meaning is a reflection of your thoughts. You are so absorbed in the object of your passion that you hear his voice even in dreams. At the same time, your feelings are completely mutual, and even if you have not yet received confirmation of this, very soon he or she will open to you.

  • The frustrated, displeased voice of a lover may portend tension in a relationship. To avoid this, try to be more attentive and affectionate with your loved one.
  • If a lover addresses you by name, soon he plans to make you a pleasant surprise and constantly thinks about it.
  • The voice of a loved one that you heard on the phone portends an early meeting.
  • If you hear your beloved calling you, it means that in reality he misses you and thinks a lot about you.


If you are suddenly awakened by your own scream, it's time to take care of your nerves. Apparently, in reality you have been tense and worried a lot, and the tension is looking for a way out in any way.

Waking up from your own laughter is a good sign. Such a favorable period has come in your life that even in your dreams you laugh and are full of happiness.

Not the most best sign if the voice you woke up to calls your name. The situation will develop in such a way that even a very close person can unwittingly harm you with his advice. In the near future, try not to listen to other people's words, but turn to your intuition.

If the voice that addressed you in a dream by name seemed otherworldly or unpleasant, in real life everything will fit perfectly. The intrigues that your enemies will try to build for you will turn against them.


Dream Interpretation: a voice for what a dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Voice

If you dream that you hear a pleasant calm voice, then you will make peace with your loved one if you were in a quarrel with him before.

If you dream that God is talking to you, dream books say that you will strive for spiritual development to impress a lover (sweetheart).

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about the voice are about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to hear a voice in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


The voice of a beloved man

Dream Interpretation Voice of a Beloved Man dreamed of why the voice of a beloved man is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Voice of a beloved man in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Pleasant - to the news.

Hoarse - at a loss.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voice


The voice of a loved one

Dream of my Beloved

He leads me by the hand to the square, or rather, to some kind of flat area. At the beginning of the path we are met by a pack of large dogs, not aggressive. He notices that I am wearing beautiful, very massive light shoes, huge, almost like stocks, but I walk deftly in them, and I feel comfortable.

We walk along the edge of the pit, which turns out to be the foundation of a house under construction. He is afraid to walk along the edge, but I constantly tell him: do not be afraid! And so we pass this dangerous section and find ourselves on a very flat large area. A very large flock of puppies, about forty, rushes towards us. They don't bite. And we stand on the site and kiss, and it all looks like our wedding.

During sleep, he constantly notes that the shoes are very beautiful, creamy in color and worries if I feel comfortable in them.

I have a dream where a voice asks me

For the third time in a dream, I don’t see who from far away who says, “Do you still hope for something?”, and I wake up all the time.

I hear a voice in my sleep

Often in my dreams, someone is chasing me, kicking the door, knocking .... And whispering "I see you." After these words, I wake up.

Dream about a man on the river bank

One person dreamed. It was as if I offended him incredibly with some bad random remark, and then followed along the small twisted streets not knowing how to catch up, what to say and whether to do it ... He seemed more subtle and fragile than you can think about it .. And some other people followed him as if they were hunting. Whenever we made eye contact at the crossroads, at the stairs, when crossing the suspension bridge... They threw me something like "you - up, I - down ... We'll take him there!" The pursuers fussed, lost him out of sight, and he himself seemed to be confusing his tracks, hiding .. Hiding ... And I continued to follow him as if he were walking in a straight line.

We slipped through rusty rebar. Below there was white sand with patches of yellow grass, the wind, the same wide river... On the other side there are several houses and trees rustling with a single voice... Gently agitated, losing leaves, they stagger, lean to the right, as if conjuring the river running to the left to stop. He stands on the shore in his quivering black robes and looks into the distance. I go down, my sandals are full of sand, the skirt wraps around my legs, my hair tickles my neck, fly away ... On the other side, the sky changes colors from deep purple to soft blue. Exciting.

He gives me his hand - not a shadow of anger or resentment. Why did he let me in my place?

Black man in a dream

I don't see his face or clothes, rather he looks like a shadow

For the first time it was like this: I dream that I am lying at home, and I really was lying at home at the very place where I dreamed. Suddenly, from the side of the balcony, I noticed a dark figure that was moving towards me. First, she opened the balcony from the side of the street, then quietly entered the house. I wanted to scream, because I was sure that it was either a thief or a murderer. I could not recognize either his face or who it was - a woman or a man, it was more like a disembodied

Wow silent shadow. I tried to get up and somehow warn my relatives about it, but dumbness came over me from fear, I opened my mouth, but I could not squeeze out a sound or even rise. The black man didn't seem to notice me. He quietly and slowly walked past me, and only when he caught up with me slowly stopped and looked back. I knew he was looking at me, but I didn't see any eyes or face. Only black mass. Looking at me, he quietly proceeded further into the apartment. I woke up, I was lying in the same place, it was night.

And in another dream, the same black people surrounded me in a semicircle and told me that I would die soon.

I think I can and love to solve dreams. But this I cannot understand. Is it fear?

Frozen bloodied man in a dream

The car had to pass on a very narrow bridge over the water. because First, the car somehow stood crookedly on the bridge, I got out of it. Another person was driving (1). Then it suddenly turned out that it was no longer a car, but some kind of boat, and another person was driving it (2). And to make it more convenient for him to manage, for some reason he put a purse and a purse with documents on the water, which turned out to be waterproof and unsinkable, but it turned out that they began to be demolished along the stream (documents). And then a third person (3) - the brother of the first - suddenly rushed out of nowhere to catch them. He (3) caught them, but he began to be demolished somewhere into a cliff and dragged into some kind of funnel, from where he never got out. We stood there and couldn't do anything. In general, he disappeared, he was swallowed up by the elements.

And then I ended up, as it were, at the exit from this "waterfall", which for some reason resembled a large vending machine in which cans of water and all kinds of chocolates are sold. And this one (3) fell out of there, like a frozen bloody piece of ice, there were bloody lumps around, all in blood, a lot of blood. It feels like he went through a meat grinder, and then froze. There was an ambulance nearby to pick him up.

All three (1, 2, 3) are my relatives

In reality (3) cool businessman

young man in a dream

On the first day, I dreamed that the young man was in love with me, but I did not react to him in any way. And he somehow tries to show signs of attention, but nevertheless I look at him coldly. In the first dream, his mother was sick and I had pity for his mother. On the second day, he dreams that he has a young wife, and even a child, but the same young man appears. Allegedly, we walked in the same company, and then somehow dispersed and that's it. And A few days later I met him in the store, as if he had his own, his wife worked in the same neighborhood. When he saw that I had come, he was stunned, I said hello and went on, past him. But for some reason he ran after me, stopped me, walked around me, stood in front and held me. I did not understand what was happening, at that moment his wife appeared. He moved away from me so slowly. And he said what else would appear in my life. And I woke up. And in a dream, I feel that I am also drawn to this person, but I don’t show it, and I keep cold.

I am looking for and cannot find a specific person in a dream

I dream that I am walking along the road with close friend, and I see that in the distance, my friend is standing with his back to me and smoking with his friend. I tell my friend, I went to look for him. To which she answers me, then give me your backpack and keys, I will go to your house while you look for it. I take off my backpack and give it to her and give her my two keys (they are on the same ring).

And after that I can't find it. Then I sit down on the bench at the stop where I saw him at the beginning of my dream. I dial his number and immediately hang up. After that, he calls me back and says something into the phone not in Russian, but in the background, I hear that the child is saying something. Although in real life he does not have a child.

In my dream, I never found him. I have had similar dreams for several months. In them I look for him and cannot find him. Please help me interpret my dream! Sincerely, Elena.

A deceased mother with the face of a person I love now in a dream

I ask you to explain the meaning of my dream - I rarely dream of anything, but today's dream disturbed me.

I dreamed of my mother, who died in 1996. We are with her in the school corridor, I am sitting on the floor in front of the TV, and she is on the left side of me, and as if she wants not only to say something, but rather so that I see and understand - and her face is not hers, but the face of the person with whom I now fall in love more and more in real life. And she is dressed in his leather jacket. I noticed the clothes at the moment when my mother turns away from me for a while, but then looks at me again. And I look at her, I see very clearly his sweet face, pleasant to my heart, and I start, throwing my head back, laughing happily, and at the same time, inside the dream, I realize that my mother has the face of my beloved, and I am very pleased to see him like that clear.

This is the whole dream. But the question is also that in real life I fell in love in absentia, on the Internet, he never saw me. A person is generally from another country, and if you think sensibly, such relations cannot have any development, well, even if they can, then the chance for this is very small, almost weightless. It is hard to think that this dream portends the loss of this person for me. I ask you to tell me though bitter, but the truth. I so want to hope for love with this person - in my life my heart has never been so close to anyone ...

The return of a loved one in a dream

Hello! Please help me understand what my dream means ... This morning I dreamed that I was in the assembly hall of my school (I graduated 4 years ago) and there was a ballroom dance training. Together with me in the hall were my ex-girlfriend (now we don’t communicate with her in any way) and one acquaintance. I walk around the hall, rest after the dance. And then I turn my head to the right and see my ex young man(we broke up with him 4 months ago, now we don’t communicate at all). Then we are already standing hugging and I say to him: "Lord, what a fool you are with me." In the end, we got along with him. Help me understand what this means. It's the second time I've been dreaming about him. True, I don’t remember in what situation I dreamed last time. Thank you in advance!

Male voice in a dream

A week after her 48th birthday, she fell asleep very quickly and almost immediately woke up from a male voice that broadcast (almost verbatim) "you will die in five years at 52-53 from a stroke." There were no visions, only a voice. 4 years have passed and this dream does not give rest.

Male voice in a dream

Once I had a dream - I had a watch on my hand. The voice tells me look at the time, this is the time of your death. I got scared and didn't look. Time later, I again have a dream and a male voice told me that death will come at 6 in the morning. Today I had a dream again - a man in a calm voice told me - you will not survive next summer.

Gunshot wound of a loved one in a dream

I dreamed that my loved one decided to be a hero and deal with bad people. But for some reason I went with him. As a result, we ended up in some kind of five-story building, went to the door, but the beloved asked to stand below, near the entrance. I heard a shot, ran to him. My loved one lay wounded in the spleen area, there was a lot of blood. And the man who shot was also wounded in the leg by his beloved and threatened with a gun, I ran up and began to beg that he would leave us, he closed the door. I approached, began to clamp the wound, then said that he would do it, and I called the apartments in search of a phone. As a result, when I took out the phone, I waited a very long time for an answer to the ambulance. While listening to the beeps, my beloved stood up abruptly and ran down the stairs, I ran after him and shouted that he should not move, he would lose a lot of blood, but he did not listen. I even broke the glass on the floor along the way, just to attract his attention and he stopped ... But when he heard the glass, he laughed (he had already run out into the street). I went out, he was no longer there, and then I realized that an ambulance operator was already hanging on the tube. I still described the situation, the address and began to sob again. Then I wake up abruptly.

I was very disturbed by this dream! Not only is he connected with his beloved, he could also die! Please help me figure it out... Thank you in advance!

An unfamiliar male voice read a prayer in a dream

I see myself in the room on the bed. I lie under the covers. Dark. I have trouble sleeping and am very sick. During a time of feeling unwell, suddenly a male voice above me began to read our Father in full clearly and calmly, benevolently. He was well heard, but there was no one around. I dream that I listen to him and I feel lighter, calmer in my soul. I don’t even look around for some reason, I don’t ask who says it, I perceive it naturally as if it were necessary. Then he said everything. He added something else, but I can't remember what.

In another dream, the same voice told me - you will marry ... And you called some name ... I forgot what .. And I also dreamed that I was in my room. The voice was also above me, from somewhere above .. I asked him a question - he also calmly answered. His answer later came true. I didn't feel afraid of him. When I woke up in the morning, I thought. What was it.

Bright sun in the night sky divine voice in a dream

In the black night sky, instead of the moon, a bright sun suddenly shone, and a divine voice rang out that just now some important portal had opened for me. At that moment, I was looking for some little unfamiliar girl, and the voice continued to broadcast that this girl is especially important now in my life.


The voice of a loved one in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur The voice of a loved one. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the Voice of a loved one dreams mean, or what it means to see the Voice of a loved one in a dream.

My ex-lover was sleeping in my bed in a dream

Tonight I had a dream. I go into my bathroom and see how an unfamiliar one hangs on a hook, it looks like a more sporty men's sweater and she didn’t have sleeves, maybe they were, but they were tucked inside, i.e. I didn’t see them both sleeves.

After that, I go to the living room and on my sofa in the living room (where I sleep) lies my ex-young man (whom I loved very much and we parted on his initiative), he lay with his back to me, I begin to call his name, and he lies and does not turn, as if hiding, that I have it now.

I woke up ... In a dream, I clearly understood that this was his jacket, but before that I had not seen such a jacket with him.

Thanks for the interpretation.

Former loved one in a dream

I dreamed that my ex-lover came to my university. In a black suit, in a tie sits in the corridor. I am very glad to see him, I go up and sit next to him.

He takes out glasses from a large black briefcase. rectangular shape, in a black frame and on a fairly wide black rope. He puts them on, although in real life he does not wear glasses, and shows off them to me (they seem to be with a sensor or a built-in camera), lets me try them on. When I put them on, they changed their shape to a square one, became larger and seemed to become a little darkened by half.

Then he gives me a summer, short beautiful dress. We are going to walk. We walk around the courtyard of the school where I used to study, but the fence that fences the school in reality is missing, I see my teachers, but they do not notice us. The ex walks me home.

He says that he decided to ride a bike, but he is bored alone. I go home and my mom admires his gift and makes me call him and take him for a ride. I call, we make a deal. He constantly says the number 28300 or 28 and 30, something like that. Then he rents bikes.

Then I remember that at this time I have some kind of graduation, either at school, or already at the university. I call him and cancel everything, and suddenly it began to rain heavily outside.

Meeting with a loved one in a dream

Good afternoon! Today in the morning I dreamed of a man whom I really like. In the past we were friends, now we do not communicate because of his girlfriend. I dreamed that we were in the locker room of our school, where we both studied, I leave the locker room, he follows me very close, I bring my hand back to hurt him and feel how he puts his hand in mine and we we clasp our hands, hold them for a while, and then he pulls his hand out and goes into the unknown. Then I dreamed that I was sitting in the dining room, and he was serving portions of food and constantly walking and looking at me, but not smiling. I have only one thing in my mind - I need to smile at him, but as he passes, I don’t smile, because I don’t have time.

Help interpret my dream please!

Death of a loved one in a dream

Hello, I had a tragedy with my beloved a few years ago. He died. And 3 dreams were associated with him, which were dreamed 3 days in a row. And I am still tormented by questions about those dreams .. Help, please.

1 dream was on the night of his death, which no one told me about. In it, I saw him at the institute, in the depths of his corridor, which was packed with people. I couldn't get through to him. He was all in black (he was blond, by the way), somewhere in front and not seeing me, he leaves. But I can’t go out, there are too many people around me.

It was the first dream. The next morning I was informed that he was no more.

2 dream, the most memorable for me. I am sitting in a small room where 1 light bulb shines dimly. The room is empty, the walls are yellow, I am sitting on an old armchair, and in front of me is a chair on the right and a stool on the left. Suddenly I see my deceased beloved on a chair, he smiles at me, and sat on a stool stranger. It was as if there were no faces or small outlines that I didn’t even really perceive, dressed in a gray sweatshirt, black or dark blue jeans .. He sat calmly, as if he was just listening. And then Beloved began to tell me: "Well, that's it .. Everything is fine! Now go to him .. ". After looking at me for the last time and briefly at that stranger, he smiled and went to the right. I stayed with that guy. In the end, I barely remembered those pale features (there are cheekbones, blond short-cropped hair ..)

And 3 dreams. We were back at the institute, again there were a lot of people, but I didn’t understand why everyone was happy? And it stressed me out. Asking her friend why everyone was happy, she replied: "Don't you know? Pff.. Dima is back!!". After these words, I rushed to the street, where a black car drove up. Beloved comes out and says to all of us: "Hello! Everything is in order! I'm leaving for London!" .. At this, the dream ended.

Now, remembering the 2nd dream, and remembering the features of a stranger, I find similarities with my current Young Man ..

Can you explain please! I can’t guess what and how, I want answers from professionals. Thank you!

Heart attack in a loved one in a dream

Hello! Please help me deal with the dream... I woke up from tears... I dreamed that in the evening I decided to go to my loved one's home. I go up to the house and through the windows I see that he is sitting with his back to me, and another man is sitting opposite, I think - they are solving things .. I stand, I think what to do - to come in or not? It's like you don't want to interfere. In addition, they don’t see me ... I turned around to leave, but I’m not leaving yet .. And it’s already dark on the street .. And then the doors open and so many people poured out of his house .. Everything is in a hurry. I can’t understand what is happening .. I look into the house .. And there - he, my man, half-sliding from him in an armchair, 2 men are spinning around him - they make injections in his heart ... My beloved rolled his eyes, does not move .. I cry and scream - save him. Do something .. I woke up from a cold .. But before I woke up, I managed to see that he seemed to have begun to open his eyes ... And it felt like they helped him ...

Unhealthy eyes of a loved one in a dream

After parting with a loved one, I had a dream: that I come to him, he opens the door, I see that his eyes are without pupils, as if turned out, blood is pouring from the inguinal region. He asks for help, does not see anything, I take his hand and want to take him to the doctor, the dream ends there.

Talking to a deceased loved one in a dream

I dream that by phone we arrange a meeting with a former loved one who died. I come to the meeting several times and he is not there ... I'm angry ... The last time we meet. I am happy .... And he is so serious, maybe even sad, he tells me: "Go home, we will meet soon"

This man died 4 years ago, I am married, we are expecting a second child ... A few days before that, I dreamed that I was burying my husband ..... But I can’t believe it either ... So I constantly think about these dreams, nor how not to get out of my head

Riding a bus holding hands with a loved one in a dream

My loved one and I rode the bus to different sides. His parents sat in front of him, mine in front of me. The bus stopped for 10 minutes and we got out, I took him by the hand, then we got on the bus holding hands, and sat down to bring it in. Then we rode holding hands in front of him, his parents rode in the seat

Favorite in a dream

I had a dream about how I called my beloved with a claim that he rarely calls me (he is away). We start a quarrel, at the end of which he sends me in the ass, and on the other end of the wire, the laughter of his friends is heard. I start screaming in disbelief - how are you talking to me? - and the laughter does not stop, and he does not listen at all, whether I say something or not. This breaks the dream.

Favorite in a dream

I dreamed of my beloved person, with whom we recently broke up. I looked for him and could not find him (I often dream that I am looking for him, even when we were together).

And found. I always find it, even where it cannot be. For some reason, he turned out to be quite small in stature, just a dwarf. But I still loved him and his height did not bother me.

Then I saw him as before, tall and handsome. I wished him a happy birthday and kissed him. First on the cheek, and then found the lips. He did not want to answer me, but then he kissed me anyway.

A voice from above asks in a dream

Mom recently had a dream, after which she became completely different ... In a dream: Mom talks about her plans, and he (a voice from above) says: "Do you know that you only have a year left?"

Please help me interpret the dream, mom can’t find a place for herself ...

Voice in a dream

I had a dream in the morning, after 9 o'clock. We are standing with a friend at a bus stop, for some reason without clothes, she is in her hands, I want to get dressed, towards an unfamiliar man, smiling, he handed us a new T-shirt, we put them on, a woman comes up to the side, holds a mushroom, porcini or boletus in her hand.

Shows where she found it, and I suggest going to collect it. Behind the stop, the new buildings are multi-storey, my girlfriend and I go to the forest, which is located behind them. Let's go along dirt road, green grass on the sides, in front of the river, reeds, everything is green, behind them is a forest, also green.

I don’t see my girlfriend anymore, she turned somewhere, but I hear a calm voice, although I don’t see anyone, who tells me that the “owner of these places” is mentally trying to influence me, to enter my mind, and the voice tells me, “defend yourself” . And he begins to give me information in the form of pictures, diagrams, texts. They flash before my eyes like the 25th frame, and as if this is such a kind of wall from the invasion of my consciousness. At this point, I woke up.

I agree to a public analysis of this dream!

Beloved in a coffin lies not alive in a dream

I go into a room with strangers, I understand that this is the apartment of a loved one (we don’t meet for a long time, I haven’t been at his house, and I don’t know his relatives). I see a coffin, in it lies my beloved, not alive. I want to go up to the coffin and cry next to him, and his relatives are against it, they start screaming who she is, what right she has to be next to him.

I was confused, I don’t know how to behave, I’m trying to see if this is my beloved, I’m trying to break closer, at some point it turns out and I understand that it’s him. I'm so confused and I don't even want to cry anymore. I just don't know how to react to all this.

Because I didn’t do anything bad to my relatives, and to my beloved too, I behave ideally with him, and I don’t understand why such an attitude towards me is negative.

Favorite girl in a dream

I saw my beloved girl in a dream. In a dream, we were driving a car, and she was crying and complaining about how badly she was living. In life, this girl told me that I was just a friend to her. Tell me what it could mean Beloved girl in a dream?

Beloved died in a dream

I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. My beloved me and our friends were resting in the country. Then the beloved went to the store by taxi and returned on foot. Shortly after his arrival, there was an uproar in the street. We all went to see what happened. It turned out that the taxi in which he left had an accident and after that he turned around and came back to the dacha. Some time after that, he became ill and died. I saw his funeral as he lay in a coffin. What does it mean. Why such a terrible dream?


The voice of a loved one in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur The voice of a loved one. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the Voice of a loved one dreams mean, or what it means to see the Voice of a loved one in a dream.

From Thursday to Friday in a dream

Been out of work for a long time. I'm rage. Recently I had a dream that I was a criminal and I was running away from the police.

Suddenly I find myself falling into a dark abyss. Falling, I hear the voice of God: “You squandered your life! To be born again, you will have to wait a very long time ... ”I land and they immure me.

It's dark and cramped, but there's enough air. I understand with horror what a long line to be born again and what happiness it was just to live.

I do not believe in reincarnation, etc., but woke up with a wild desire to live. On the same day, I sent out a bunch of resumes, in 2 weeks I found a part-time job and brought my affairs into more or less order.

Now when I get angry or sad, I remember the dream and everything goes away. Thank you sleep from Thursday to Friday!

Water in a dream

Today in a dream I saw a flock of stray dogs, then I heard the voices of relatives and my son, but I don’t remember if I saw them, and in the end my friend and I launched (muddy) eggshells with yolk in the water, one egg drowned, I was able to lift only the shell to dry

The phenomenon of turn or square white light in a dream

My friends and I went to the forest. Upon arrival, this trip seemed boring to us, and we broke into the city center. After walking there, we decided to go to our sleeping area. Arriving there, I saw a children's football field completely empty. There was an old house nearby. There was no light anywhere. The time was late. We see the night. We were on this site. We talked.

And then I began to notice some strange objects in the sky. Then he started shouting to the others to pay attention to it. And here we stand and see how pretty close range the planet Saturn is approaching. It looked like a white moon with a very large ring. Then the planet moved away. And the movement began apparently around the axis of the earth, that is, the moon and this planet began to circle together in the sky in a circle.

By the way, the moon was in what a strange way - the ball itself and a crescent moon under it. Then they disappeared and some strange objects began to appear. Some red spotted images. We saw some hero, who also moved in a circle. I don't remember all the images. Because they changed pretty quickly. And then we saw a white light that completely illuminated the football field where we were. Each time he got closer and closer. The light was square shape. When he approached very close and began to blind our eyes, we ran to the house standing nearby. Someone had the keys to the intercom. Friends have come. I said that I would return and wait for the end of what was happening. But the light came so close that I was afraid.

I started pounding hard on the door. They opened it for me. Oddly enough, but we were sitting in the entrance. I would say that all these friends who were in a dream are other people in my real life - some of them are former friends, some are classmates in general, and some I didn’t even see their faces. So ... We looked out the window and sat in the entrance for some reason. We looked out the window. One friend was crying (she is an ex-girlfriend in real life).

Opposite were mailboxes. There were two packs of cigarettes. I took them. I smoked one cigarette. Then he went down to the floor below. Before that, I stepped over a friend (in real life, he former friend). He sat on the steps with his legs outstretched. He smiled at me. And I went further. Downstairs was a room similar to mine. There was also a table and a bed in the same place. The truth was, there was nothing else. I started smoking right in the room.

And lie down on the bed. Someone asked me: "Why are you smoking in the room?" I heard a voice, but did not see the one who spoke. The light was still so yellow, gloomy. Like a candle. I got scared and went back. But there was no one else there. And then a gap. And I see that I am already telling my mother in a dream my dream. I say: Mom, I saw Saturn. Then I tell everything in the same way as I write here. And this is where I wake up.

Reason for parting in a dream


This is my first time on this site and I really want to get an interpretation. I very rarely have such vivid and memorable dreams.

I dreamed that my beloved person says that he is very sick and points to the lower part of his body. I understand that he has serious problems with potency.

Then we are on the bed. Everything is great and wonderful. But I notice that a girl is sleeping in the same bed. To make it more comfortable to lie, the young man puts his head on her instead of a pillow.

I'm afraid that he won't wake her up, I try to remove his head from the girl's body. He takes it as jealousy on my part. Comes into a frenzy. And to spite me, he begins to pester the girl. Here I can clearly see his naked body. The girl, in turn, is not lost and reciprocates the young man.

I get up and leave, pretending to be offended.

In fact, at that moment there was more of a sense of relief that there was a reason to part with him.

Thanks in advance.

I would be very grateful for your interpretation.

I rarely have such dreams, so it's very interesting to know if it meant anything.

Grave in a dream

I dreamed that I buried my former beloved alive. That he sits in this grave, but that it is reduced in size and I constantly carry it with me. He is very ill - he is beating in this grave, crying, trying to get out. In the end, I feel sorry for him and I let him out. He is in a terrible state, he is hysterical, and when he calms down, I tell him: “You understand that it’s only me who decides whether to make you feel bad again?”, He replies: “Yes, I understand.”

Kissing in a dream

I dreamed about my former lover, who was also my boss. When we broke up, he, having learned that I was pregnant from another, scoffed at me as best he could, I had no feelings for him for a long time, I didn’t even think about him. And then I dream that he came to me - so quiet and meek and kissed me very gently on the cheek - no eroticism, just very, very gently.

I also kissed him on the cheek, I suddenly felt sorry for him, although I understood that I was giving him hope, and I had a relationship with someone else. Then I dream that we are walking with this very other (I also broke up with him some time ago), holding hands, then I kiss him on the cheek and suddenly notice this my previous one, he sees all this and looks with a sad smile. That's it.

What does it mean to dream about Kisses in a dream? Kissing is bad...

Bouquet of roses in a dream

I dreamed that my beloved gave me a huge bouquet of roses ... I was very happy ... That's all I remember ... I dreamed everything somewhere in the morning.

Help me find out what my dream means huge bouquet roses.

Death in a dream

I began to have dreams about death .. On the night of May 11-12, I had my first dream about death. They first tried to kill my loved one. A woman whom I do not know thus wished to take revenge on me. I tried to save him, and it seemed that I even succeeded, but for a long time I could not find him in a dream, I went and mourned, although I hoped. And then I realized that he was just waiting for me at home. Then I woke up, took a breath and went back to sleep. Further, I dreamed that next to me on my bed (I have enough big bed) lies my sister, who died 10 years ago. I am very frightened, I understand that she is in some kind of state (I don’t remember what I called this state). Sister repeats all the time "My Katya, mine" (Katya is my name). In fright, I run to my mother in another room and say that I don’t want to live like this and that this is torture for me, I mean my sister’s actions towards me. And then we see that she falls silent, and our black cat comes to us with her mother and caresses. We say that the little sister got out of that state and moved into another phase (it seemed to become a cat). It should probably be clarified that we got the cat after the death of our sister and all the time we were surprised at his behavior, because he looks like a sister in this.

On the night of May 12-13, I again dreamed of death. I don’t remember the beginning well, there were some kind of cameras, they played an extreme city game with people, but I didn’t see them. Then I remember that I was on some kind of platform and a man and a girl were walking. I pay attention to the girl, he is in various wounds, starts to turn his head and a crunch is heard, she breaks her neck and dies (this is how my distant young relative died last summer, the guy jumped from the bridge into the river and broke his neck, and in a dream I immediately remembered this ) . I don’t remember the faces of these men and girls, but for some reason in a dream I knew that it was mom and dad. Mom really didn’t look like herself at all, the girl from the dream was more like me. Then I have a dream that I am at home and meet my father and grandmother (my mother's mother) in the hallway, they are in black. Behind them comes my mother's sister with her daughter, also in black, but for some reason they turn into a neighboring apartment. Then I woke up in terrible fear ..

Next night (from the 13th to the 14th) I have a trip to another region, not quite far (700 km) and not for a long time (I'll be back by lunchtime on the 15th). I go there and back in a comfortable bus. Maybe these dreams are hinting at a trip? Maybe a warning? Somehow I feel uncomfortable, I have never had such dreams before.

Death in a dream

Today (from June 30 to July 1) I dreamed that my beloved young man died. I was very worried ... I woke up, I was glad that it was a dream. I fell asleep. Now I dreamed that my father had died. Again I was very worried...

What does sleep mean?

running in my sleep

I dreamed that I met my beloved. But when we went, I could hardly keep up with him. I asked: "Are you in a hurry somewhere?". He replied that he was in a hurry. I turn 180 degrees and walk away from him.

At first I walked and it was hard for me, as if I was carrying stones, then it got easier and easier. Then I ran and jumped, different options jumping and woke up.

Fire in a dream

I had a dream almost immediately after our parting. That it is already a cold time of day, I come to my beloved in warm winter clothes in his educational institution. (in a dream, we also grew up, that is, everything is like in life). That I would come, he certainly did not know. I saw him through a small window, turned my back, as if not noticing him, and I speak very loudly so that he would hear his voice.

He was lying on the desk, sad, heard me, exploded and ran out of the room to me, hugged me from behind and threw something on top of me, something big in the form of a fur coat. Then we stood talking and not much embarrassed. Underfoot there was water from the fact that there was snow on the street and everything was concealing, and for some reason there were iron boxes on the floor, either with shrimp, or with something similar.

After that, we went out into the corridor together, and suddenly, I don’t remember, whether he was the first, or whether I caught fire from my feet, began to glow, and then, in a moment, I caught fire. But the fire was pleasant, it was very, very good, and when it went out, we were like renewed, in clean new clothes, a clean face and generally fresh.

Tell me please, what would this mean and is there a hint of my actions in the future in life, how should I behave.

Dream marriage and adoption

I saw the wedding of my beloved man. But he is the groom, and the bride is someone else's. Her fiance is next to her and he took her with him. My man never got married, although I think he wanted to. I watched from the sidelines.

He has a daughter 8-9 years old. I talked to him about her. She said that I was going to adopt a girl about the same age. And I did it. I saw in my house, in the nursery, a girl of 8-9 years old.

Hide and seek in a dream

I had a dream. I am hiding from a loved one whom I have not seen for six months. I am hiding behind the corner of the wall when he leaves the office and looks in my direction, and in front of him along the long corridor is his girlfriend with a child - a girl, although I have never seen his girlfriend or child in my life, and in fact he has a son from previous wife.

Destroyed building in a dream

I dreamed of some kind of building, it was whole, but suddenly, for no reason at all, it began to collapse, water began to pour from the ceiling, everything collapses from this, I grabbed some newspapers to take them away, then I ran up the stairs with someone ( on the ruined brick building) there was a window, I got up there, the person with whom I ran jumped to the side on the ground from this building, and on the other side I saw a loved one ... He called me so that I would not be afraid and bent down too .. There it was very high and scary, my legs were very weak, he came closer, pulled his hand, I decided and jumped to him, then he took me by the hand and the end of the dream ....

A marriage proposal in a dream

In the evening I am going to meet my beloved - he must come before his departure (he plans to leave the country for half a year). A call - he says that he is waiting for me below - I am happy - I run - I put on a jacket - I run out of the apartment - in anticipation of a good evening. We spent the whole evening with him in our arms. They didn’t want to leave - the time flew by like 5 minutes - it was already dawning - when I got ready to go home - I began to put on a jacket in the car - he suddenly says to me - I don’t want to part with you - will you marry me? I look at him in shock .... And I wake up right there ....

Offer from married man- I looked at him with bewilderment - because I don’t understand how he can propose to me if he hasn’t divorced yet ??? Why such a dream? I do not understand? Please explain to me why he proposed to me?


Lost voice

Dream Interpretation Voice Lost dreamed of why in a dream the voice disappeared? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a voice disappear in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, noisy - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony.

Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. The voice of a mother calling you in a dream says that you are on the wrong path.

A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means a series of failures is approaching, which you must be ready to meet at any moment.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

in a dream means celebrity and greatness, and the louder and clearer the voice, the more glory and greatness. Whoever saw in a dream that he raised his voice, he will gain power over people because of their sinful deeds. If he raises his voice above the voice of the Alim, then he commits a sin. A weak voice indicates timidity and fear, while a lower voice indicates modesty. And hearing any unpleasant voice or sound is anxiety and distress, while a beautiful voice is joy and jubilation.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Pleasant - to the news.

Hoarse - at a loss.

Someone's conversation - some kind of invitation will follow in reality.

A warning is a sign of approaching failures, and if you recognize this voice, you are in serious trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Unintelligible, encouraging, nasal, hoarse, cursing, flattering or screaming for gossip, slander, trouble, deceit. A call by name to major life changes, a warning of danger. Shouts to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched). A voice that meaningfully comments, communicates some reasonable consistent information, is a projection of the demonic consciousness (see Emissary, Lucifagus). Obedience to him or coming into contact with him can eventually lead to tragic consequences. There is another Voice (manifested in the intermediate stages of sleep) “creating a dream” in accordance with its dictation, an easily suggestible body translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This Voice is the inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself. And one more sound transmission refers to the Voice of the reasonable structure of a person's fate for a man, it is manifested, more often, by a female voice; for a woman in a male or paternal voice.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

If you heard a pleasant, calm voice in a dream, reconciliation and consent are ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Hearing a voice in a dream, but recognizing it is a deception from this person. If he says something incomprehensible, then the dream predicts that you will learn about his hypocrisy, which will greatly upset you. The sad voices of angels in a dream mean that soon you will receive news of the death of a close friend. To hear frightened voices expressing horror and plea - to the news of an accident that will happen to someone you know. Pleasant and gentle voices in a dream portend good news, joy and happiness. See interpretation: conversations.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Voice - to hear a voice in a dream - profit; difficult road; news. "speaking loudly is a joy. Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream is good news" - pigeons - as pigeons dream - there will soon be some kind of luck; good news. Pigeons are adults. As a girl dreams of a dove - this is young, a dove for a guy - betrothed. Release a dove or a dove from your hands - separation from your wife. Take out pigeons from nests - call guests. Seeing pigeons is good news; pick up - a nuisance; fly in the sky - good news. Pigeons fly away from you, run away - to death. "against the death of two sons, I dreamed that two pigeons flew into the house. I took them to the house. They sat, sat and did not know where they had gone." “against the death of the mother, it’s like a gray-gray dove in the house is cooing, but I want to catch her, I won’t catch it, but I accelerated after her and fell from the stove and woke up” - naked - a naked man is dreaming - not quite good, a woman - fortunately . To be naked is poverty, to be naked in water is health.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

If you hear the voice of a loved one in a dream, you should listen to his intonation. A calm and friendly tone marks reconciliation and harmony. If the voice is rough, your partner harbors a grudge against you, which in the future will still pour out on you. If there are intonations of crying in the voice, this is a warning about possible misfortune and future troubles.


Voice in a dream how much

Dream Interpretation Voice in a dream how much had a dream, why dream in a dream Voice in a dream how much? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Voice in a dream how much by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, noisy - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony.

Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. The voice of a mother calling you in a dream says that you are on the wrong path.

A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means a series of failures is approaching, which you must be ready to meet at any moment.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

in a dream means celebrity and greatness, and the louder and clearer the voice, the more glory and greatness. Whoever saw in a dream that he raised his voice, he will gain power over people because of their sinful deeds. If he raises his voice above the voice of the Alim, then he commits a sin. A weak voice indicates timidity and fear, while a lower voice indicates modesty. And hearing any unpleasant voice or sound is anxiety and distress, while a beautiful voice is joy and jubilation.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Pleasant - to the news.

Hoarse - at a loss.

Someone's conversation - some kind of invitation will follow in reality.

A warning is a sign of approaching failures, and if you recognize this voice, you are in serious trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Unintelligible, encouraging, nasal, hoarse, cursing, flattering or screaming for gossip, slander, trouble, deceit. A call by name to major life changes, a warning of danger. Shouts to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched). A voice that meaningfully comments, communicates some reasonable consistent information, is a projection of the demonic consciousness (see Emissary, Lucifagus). Obedience to him or coming into contact with him can eventually lead to tragic consequences. There is another Voice (manifested in the intermediate stages of sleep) “creating a dream” in accordance with its dictation, an easily suggestible body translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This Voice is the inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself. And one more sound transmission refers to the Voice of the reasonable structure of a person's fate for a man, it is manifested, more often, by a female voice; for a woman in a male or paternal voice.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

If you heard a pleasant, calm voice in a dream, reconciliation and consent are ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Hearing a voice in a dream, but recognizing it is a deception from this person. If he says something incomprehensible, then the dream predicts that you will learn about his hypocrisy, which will greatly upset you. The sad voices of angels in a dream mean that soon you will receive news of the death of a close friend. To hear frightened voices expressing horror and plea - to the news of an accident that will happen to someone you know. Pleasant and gentle voices in a dream portend good news, joy and happiness. See interpretation: conversations.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Voice - to hear a voice in a dream - profit; difficult road; news. "speaking loudly is a joy. Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream is good news" - pigeons - as pigeons dream - there will soon be some kind of luck; good news. Pigeons are adults. As a girl dreams of a dove - this is young, a dove for a guy - betrothed. Release a dove or a dove from your hands - separation from your wife. Take out pigeons from nests - call guests. Seeing pigeons is good news; pick up - a nuisance; fly in the sky - good news. Pigeons fly away from you, run away - to death. "against the death of two sons, I dreamed that two pigeons flew into the house. I took them to the house. They sat, sat and did not know where they had gone." “against the death of the mother, it’s like a gray-gray dove in the house is cooing, but I want to catch her, I won’t catch it, but I accelerated after her and fell from the stove and woke up” - naked - a naked man is dreaming - not quite good, a woman - fortunately . To be naked is poverty, to be naked in water is health.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

If you hear the voice of a loved one in a dream, you should listen to his intonation. A calm and friendly tone marks reconciliation and harmony. If the voice is rough, your partner harbors a grudge against you, which in the future will still pour out on you. If there are intonations of crying in the voice, this is a warning about possible misfortune and future troubles.


The voice says where to run

Dream Interpretation Voice says where to run dreamed of why in a dream the voice says where to run? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream The voice says where to run by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, noisy - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony.

Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. The voice of a mother calling you in a dream says that you are on the wrong path.

A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means a series of failures is approaching, which you must be ready to meet at any moment.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Run

A dream in which you run all alone means that you will be able to surpass your partners in terms of well-being and take, and firmly, an honorary step on the hierarchical ladder of social status.

If you dream that you are running as part of a group of people, this portends a possible participation in some kind of fun holiday, moreover, you will soon find that things have improved dramatically and are leading you straight to financial success.

To stumble or fall at the same time in a dream means to goof off in reality, or even go broke. To outrun someone in a race is to outlive that person. Running barefoot is a nuisance.

Running after someone until you get tired - to financial loss, for game - an unexpected joy if the game is caught.

Run away from someone dangerous journey, run away from somewhere - your success will be replaced by failure. To see the run of hunters or horsemen for those who participated in it - to receive joy, while falling down - to get offended.

Watching the run of brown horses promises you favorable circumstances that can suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also mean fleeting and superficial hobbies. To see that supposedly your horse is running away, joining a wild herd, means that news of someone's illness awaits you. A running donkey dreamed of by a young girl means that she will not end up with gentlemen, but none of them will make a serious offer.

If you run away with fear from a donkey chasing you in a dream, then this is a sign of rumors and gossip gathering around your name. If you dream that you are running away from a big spider, then luck will leave you under humiliating circumstances.

In general, if you dream that you are running away from some kind of danger, it means that you are threatened with loss, and you will lose hope of settling your affairs in a way acceptable to you.

At the same time, running through the window means that you will get into trouble, from which you will not be able to recover for a long time.

If you dream about how other people run away from danger, this can turn into grief for you, the death of friends.

Seeing a hare running away from you in a dream means that you are gradually, imperceptibly losing something really valuable to you. Running after a mouse is a sign of approaching matchmaking.

To run, participating in a sports competition, someone will encroach on what you have created, but if you come to the finish line as a winner, then you will defeat your rivals in life.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

in a dream means celebrity and greatness, and the louder and clearer the voice, the more glory and greatness. Whoever saw in a dream that he raised his voice, he will gain power over people because of their sinful deeds. If he raises his voice above the voice of the Alim, then he commits a sin. A weak voice indicates timidity and fear, while a lower voice indicates modesty. And hearing any unpleasant voice or sound is anxiety and distress, while a beautiful voice is joy and jubilation.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Pleasant - to the news.

Hoarse - at a loss.

Someone's conversation - some kind of invitation will follow in reality.

A warning is a sign of approaching failures, and if you recognize this voice, you are in serious trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Run

Run - see runners - get money; try to run yourself, but actually stand in one place - you will wait a long time for the best; run to the goal - the deliberate business will be completed successfully; catch up with someone - you will achieve happiness. Overtake someone on the go - you will outlive that person. Running without a goal, no one knows where - a loss of money.

Dream Interpretation - Run (run away)

"on the run" rush.

"running in place" procrastination, delay, futility of action. "Run headlong" fear, confusion, avoidance of the problem. "Jump (jump) for joy." "Running in a circle" is a dead end. "Run away from yourself" internal contradiction, conflict. "Obstacle race" surmountable difficulties.

"competitive running" claims, victory, overcoming, striving for the goal. "Running on the edge" danger, risk. "Escape from difficulties." "Run" (associations) hurry, be late, fuss, get nervous.

Wellness run.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Unintelligible, encouraging, nasal, hoarse, cursing, flattering or screaming for gossip, slander, trouble, deceit. A call by name to major life changes, a warning of danger. Shouts to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched). A voice that meaningfully comments, communicates some reasonable consistent information, is a projection of the demonic consciousness (see Emissary, Lucifagus). Obedience to him or coming into contact with him can eventually lead to tragic consequences. There is another Voice (manifested in the intermediate stages of sleep) “creating a dream” in accordance with its dictation, an easily suggestible body translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This Voice is the inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself. And one more sound transmission refers to the Voice of the reasonable structure of a person's fate for a man, it is manifested, more often, by a female voice; for a woman in a male or paternal voice.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

If you heard a pleasant, calm voice in a dream, reconciliation and consent are ahead.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Voice - to hear a voice in a dream - profit; difficult road; news. "speaking loudly is a joy. Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream is good news" - pigeons - as pigeons dream - there will soon be some kind of luck; good news. Pigeons are adults. As a girl dreams of a dove - this is young, a dove for a guy - betrothed. Release a dove or a dove from your hands - separation from your wife. Take out pigeons from nests - call guests. Seeing pigeons is good news; pick up - a nuisance; fly in the sky - good news. Pigeons fly away from you, run away - to death. "against the death of two sons, I dreamed that two pigeons flew into the house. I took them to the house. They sat, sat and did not know where they had gone." “against the death of the mother, it’s like a gray-gray dove in the house is cooing, but I want to catch her, I won’t catch it, but I accelerated after her and fell from the stove and woke up” - naked - a naked man is dreaming - not quite good, a woman - fortunately . To be naked is poverty, to be naked in water is health.

voice by description - Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, noisy - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony. A crying voice heard in a dream should warn you against offending a loved one. Hearing voices uttering spells is a sign of the insincerity of your friends. Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. The voice of a mother calling you in a dream says that you are on the wrong path. Lovers who have heard the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they are threatened with separation due to a quarrel. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this portends that he may get into trouble or get sick. Hear the voices of the dead - receive a warning about your own illness or also some kind of trouble. A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means a series of failures is approaching, which you must be ready to meet at any moment. If you recognize this voice as well, failures can be replaced by success. Hear the voice of God in a dream - try to spiritually cleanse yourself in reality, strive for self-improvement., Dream Interpretation Melnikova

call by description - Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. Lovers who have heard the voice of their beloved should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they are threatened with separation due to a quarrel. Hearing the voice of the deceased is a warning about your own illness or some kind of trouble. This voice is an echo returning from the future to your mind, which perceives the voice of its ancestor through that part of itself where the memory of it remains. For each person, some part of the mind remains unchanged, being passed down in the family from generation to generation., Miller's Dream Book

call by description - Hearing someone's distant call in a dream portends that in real life something out of the ordinary and at the same time unpleasant will happen to you. If the voice or voices calling you are unfamiliar to you - in reality you will face the fact that the case, which cost a lot of risk and money, did not justify itself. If the voice calling you belongs to someone close to you, then in reality this person is in danger of a serious illness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you have chosen the wrong path in business and your companions will soon leave you alone at your broken trough. If your mother calls you from the other world, it means that soon you will receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. In general, hearing the voices of the dead in a dream is a warning to be more careful with your health, because you may be threatened by illness or injury as a result of an accident, it is especially advisable to heed such a call during ice. If the voice calling you in a dream is loud, noisy - in reality this portends trouble for you. Calm, insinuating, the call is an omen of reconciliation and harmony. For people in love, such a dream promises the joy of mutual communication and happy marriage., Dream Interpretation Melnikova

Right now, interpretations for dreams are being watched on the site:

What is the dream of the voice of the deceased - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Miller's dream book

According to this dream book, you need to carefully listen to what the deceased person is telling you. After all, this is a warning that you should project onto your real life. You should also pay attention to who exactly is talking to you, if this is your father - be careful, intrigues and intrigues are built against you. Hearing the voice of a deceased mother is a health problem. The dialogue with the deceased brother says that there are people who need you, your support and sympathy.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If you see a dead friend in a dream, your life will soon change. Listen to him. All words will be advice and warnings on the way to change.

Muslim dream book (Islamic)

The Islamic dream book only tells us that following the voice of the dead, hearing his call is not a good sign. Such a dream leads to illness and imminent death.

Freud's dream book

With a dream, the voice of the deceased people also dreamed

Sleep from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

dream interpretation

The voice of a dead person

Dream Interpretation Voice of a Dead Person dreamed of why the voice of a dead person is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the Voice of a deceased person in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Voice interpretation of the dream book

Quite a lot about emotions, disposition and habits can be found out by voice, but what does it mean to hear it in a dream? The dream interpretation explains what a familiar or unfamiliar voice is dreaming of, relying on fundamental data.

For a correct interpretation, we should take into account the timbre of the voice, as well as its tone and emotionality. The main role is played by the meaning of the spoken words heard in a dream, and most valuable is who you heard them from: from yourself, from a stranger, from a loved one or friend.

call of the dead

According to the interpretation of the esoteric dream book, to distinguish the voice of the deceased calling you to him is a signal of an approaching threat to life. In reality, you will have to face trials, and your success will be determined by self-control.

What is the dream of the voice of the deceased old woman. The dream interpretation promises that you have abilities that have been inherited from her, and therefore you have a huge obligation. If you manage to parse the instruction from a loved one, then you must definitely adhere to it, and in the end you will successfully continue the common cause.

You made out the voice of a dead parent in a dream, the dream book portends the approach of good in the family. If a negative intonation of the voice was heard, and you felt anxiety, then you should be wary of ill-wishers or clarify whether you are doing the right thing.

Hearing in a dream the voice of a dead man who has recently died is a sign of impending disagreements. Probably, there have been misunderstandings for a long time, but at the moment the peak of aggression has come, which will definitely go over to you, thereby causing injury.

The voice is gone

Losing your voice in a dream is an obscure sign, characterized as an omen of a threat or bad news. In a dream, this association will manifest itself as a “lump in the throat”, in reality you will not find the strength in yourself to adequately perceive the news of the death of a loved one.

Why dream of an inaudible voice around? The dream interpretation gives an interpretation that in the coming life an event will occur, the result of which you will not influence in any way. You can come to terms with fate and remember the saying: "Everything that is not done is for the better." When in existing life You need to come forward large quantity persons and you do not have the opportunity to speak, then the interpreter's prediction is positive. Why dream of a lost voice before a performance? In the end, you will have a great performance, during which the excitement will not interfere.

The dream interpretation also gives physical explanations when your voice disappears in a dream. In reality, your body is exhausted from systematic stress, work and emotional overload. You should interrupt your fast-paced activity for a while, set aside time for sleep, otherwise you will soon get a breakdown of your nerves.

If you speak loudly in a dream and you can’t hear your voice, then soon there won’t be a single person left in your environment who you can rely on. Because of your closeness and secret aggressiveness, you will lose your own friends, and at the moment when you need help, no one will help.

Male or female

When the dreamer heard the voice of a woman, the dream book compares this with the inner consciousness of a person. As a rule, one's own subconscious appears before the dreamer in the face of a woman, and in such a dreamy vision one must find signs to resolve existing troubles.

What is the dream of the voice of an unfamiliar woman? If you heard delight or strong surprise in the speech of a stranger, this means that in the near future you will commit an unusual act for yourself, which will become fateful in the future.

For a dreamer, hearing a male voice in a dream is a positive signal. She contacts her masculinity, which has the ability to answer questions that defy any explanation. If you managed to find a way out of the current situation in life, then you should translate it into activity.

Hearing the voice of a young guy in a dream warning of something is a reliable sign that it is necessary to do the opposite. The main thing is to listen to the timbre, if you distinguish a lie, then this recommendation the dream book will be the most truthful.

Voices of relatives

Why dream of a father's voice? This plot expresses the current state of affairs. If you heard sorrow and hopelessness, then in real life circumstances will not turn out the way you would like. On the contrary, a happy and affirming cry is a foreshadowing of a dream book about successfully developing affairs.

Why is the spouse's voice dreaming? If you are lying close, then there is a possibility that in reality you heard your husband, perhaps he said something in a dream. But, the dream book interprets the dream in a different way: you are on the verge of betrayal, and bypassing this you will never be able to have good family relationships. Hearing mother's voice in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dream interpretation says that you do not perform the functions entrusted to you personally by the people around you and the family. If nothing changes, then probably contact with the environment will be much weaker, and no one will support you.

Why is the son's voice dreaming? For a parent, the dream interpreter promises sad predictions: the child is in danger of trouble, and only you can prevent it. For a father who saw a similar dream, the dream book portends that the child needs his support.

The voice of the beloved

What is the dream of the voice of a lover? Analytically, your subconscious is fully filled with thoughts about your loved one, and in reality love is mutual. Do not be afraid of what has not yet happened, and then you will give yourself to love. If the voice of a lover was heard, and he was disturbing, then you should beware of a possible rival. You should give your loved one kindness and affection in order to protect him from looking at others.

Hearing the voice of a former lover is a sign that he yearns for you. The insensitivity and indifference that robbed you after separation can easily be destroyed if you surrender to feelings. Why dream of a voice on the phone? If you know a person talking on the phone, then there is no doubt - you will have an unexpected meeting. In particular, such a prediction is reliable if you have not met him for a long time.

Timbre and intonation

Why dream of a hoarse voice? Slight hoarseness, like smoking person means that you will be a victim of intrigue, as a result of which you will lose credibility. However, if the wheezing was dying, then the dream book portends the departure of enemies from your life path.

A screaming voice in a dream that guarantees well-being and fame is a positive sign of the interpreter, but only when it is heard from a person who exists in real life. Following him in a dream - in reality, they will give you what they offered.

What is the dream of a child's voice? The dream book explains that you have been given a signal, and by adhering to it, you need to protect your children. Take care of them, at the moment, the most difficult and unsafe stage in the life of children is foreseen. The dream book interprets somewhat differently what the child’s voice is dreaming of, heard in complete silence. If, after what you heard, you felt a cold that ran through your whole body, then you should beware of the threat from above.

otherworldly call

If you had to distinguish the voices of strangers and they are quiet and positive, then you are not afraid for the future state of affairs. One way or another, life will give you much more than you yourself sought. You will master something more valuable than financial well-being. If you had to hear a rough and loud voice in your head in a dream, then the interpreter promises a trial with you in reality. Because of the impartial action you have committed towards another person, you will experience deep regret about what happened.

To feel the voice of a demon in a dream, calling you to commit bad actions, is a signal of receiving a psychological shock that can only be cured thanks to doctors. Listen to the recommendations of the interpreter and visit the doctor, in this situation it is simply necessary.

The voice woke me up in a dream

It happens that we wake up from a dream due to an extraneous sound or a cry made in the dream itself. Why dream of your own voice? If, due to your scream in a dream, you instantly woke up, then your nerves are greatly shaken, you are very worried about something, and until this is resolved, do not expect peace in your dreams. If you distinguish a laughing voice in a dream, according to the dream book, this is interpreted as emotional experiences, but positive ones. At the moment, your emotional state is elevated, and it is possible to carry out the main act.

Hearing a voice through a dream is an omen of a dream book that the dreamer needs to save his own financial condition from lying people. Some ill-wishers are plotting. Hearing a familiar voice in a dream is a positive signal. An angel is protecting you, so not a single difficulty on the way to your plans is terrible.

When in a dream a voice calls you by name, the dream book warns that serious trouble may occur on your way, entailing further unforeseen consequences. And it should be expected from a person with whom you have a long-term relationship. Therefore, initially listen to the advice of a close friend or loved one, and take into account your own intuition - in any case, it will not let you down.

1 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Voice - It is a dream that you hear someone's pleasant and calm voice - if by this time you were in a quarrel with someone, then expect reconciliation in the coming days; discord in the family, misunderstanding between friends, disagreement between lovers - all this will go away. You dream of a rough or noisy voice, piercing, shrill - expect trouble. The voice that you hear in a dream is crying - you will undeservedly offend a person dear to you. The voice seems to be warning - everything was fine and calm with you, as if you were floating along the course of a great river, but now you have to step on thorny path. A woman hears the voice of her child in a dream - a sad event is expected in the family.

2 Lunar dream book

3 Dream interpreter 1829

4 Persian dream book Tiflisi

When you dream of your own loud voice, a fantastic future awaits you.
In general, a loud male voice heard in a dream promises the dreamer glory and prosperity.
Women have a similar dream - indicates that they have forgotten important people.
A weak, quiet voice is an unfavorable dream, as it portends the decline of your career.

5 Dream interpretation for a bitch

Hearing your voice - you need to gather strength and focus, only this way you can overcome the obstacles that have arisen.
Hearing someone's voices is a joyful and cheerful communication with close friends.
Hear your mother calling you - a warning about possible problems.
Crying, complaining voice - beware of directly expressing your opinion, you can offend a loved one.

6 Intimate dream book

  • When you hear the voice of a loved one, you need to listen to his intonation. She can tell a lot not only about the present of your relationship, but also about their future.
  • If you dreamed of a calm and friendly voice, this is a good sign, especially if in this moment you are in a quarrel. A calm voice testifies to his readiness to go for reconciliation and consent.
  • When frank rudeness is heard in the voice of the chosen one, it says that he harbors a grudge against you. And even if now he seems calm, in the future it will certainly pour out on you.
  • A pitiful voice with intonations of crying warns of impending misfortunes, troubles, a possible separation.

7 The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Human voice - to the disease of the larynx. Possible damage, evil eye.
Hear a voice: if you enter into a dialogue with him - to decisive success with the opposite sex; hear a monologue - it is necessary to critically reconsider the attitude of friends and girlfriends towards you, apparently, one of them is acting against you.

8 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Hearing a nasal voice in a dream - to a denunciation of you, to betrayal.
Hearing a voice in a dream is a warning.
Hearing the imperious - to the publication of a new law.
Hear insinuating - to accidental intimacy in bed.
Hearing a quiet voice in a dream - to uncertainty about the correctness of the decision.
To speak in an undertone in a dream means to be humiliated. You won't be able to tell your enemy what you really think.
Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream - you will be misled.
Hear pleasant in a dream - to a cunning, insidious person who will win your favor and will certainly put his cunning plan into practice.
Hearing a command in a dream - to self-doubt.
You can neither say nor shout, because there is no voice - you will be shocked by the bad news.
Vote - to grief.
Hearing the mother's voice in a dream - separation from her forever.

9 Online dream book

Voices that you do not know are heard in a dream - it is your conscience that wants to attract your attention to itself.
If you dream that he is crying, it is more likely that you will not be offended for anything.
If you dreamed of God's voice, you should listen carefully, the Heavenly Father himself gives you the opportunity to do some kind of generous deed and earn sympathy from the sages.
A dream in which voices warn you about something - be careful, you can get into some kind of danger.
If it is heard almost in a whisper - a bad sign, the career of the author of the dream is coming to an end.
If in a dream you hear the voice of a dead man - according to the interpretation of the dream book, the dream warns you of some upcoming serious illness or serious problems at work.
The dream in which your mother is calling you means that you are moving in the wrong direction.
A dream in which the voice disappeared - a breakdown, loss of vitality, chronic overwork.
Male voice - a dream promises prosperity in business, fame and significance in public circles.

Unintelligible, flattering, inflammatory voices - to provocation, slander, failure, gossip, deceit.
Distinct, warning, parting words - to danger; big changes. Special attention- to the voices of our loved ones (father, mother, nanny). Depending on their content, they warn about a critical period in the dreamer's life, or refer to the trouble of the one whose voices were.

11 Wanderer's Dream Interpretation - Terenty Smirnov

Hearing someone's voice is a pleasant reconciliation if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking - expect disappointment and failure. A crying voice portends an undeserved insult. If you heard the voice of God - listen, the Almighty gives you a chance to do noble deeds and win the favor of wise people. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child is a sign that her child is in trouble. If you hear a voice that warns of something, clouds are gathering over you.

12 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

13 Ukrainian dream book

14 Dream Interpretation Hasse

15 Italian psychoanalytic dream book A.Roberti

Often in dreams we can use our voices in more or less appropriate cases. Sometimes in dreams they speak to us so that we better remember the information offered. 2. The voice that speaks or is spoken to has a double meaning. If a person believes in the spiritual realm, then this is communication with a disembodied spirit. FROM psychological point vision, when we suppress something in ourselves, in a dream it can emerge in a disembodied voice. 3. The Voice of God is a term used to describe the energy of spiritual challenges.

16 Psychotherapeutic dream book

17 dream interpretation catchphrases

18 Dream interpretation of catchphrases

19 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

20 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

To be without a voice - this dream occurs very often.
You want to shout something and ask for help when you are scared, but your voice disappears - this is how your body signals the depletion of all forces.
Hearing a commanding voice in a dream is a mockery.
Hearing someone's very pleasant voice in a dream, but not seeing a person and not knowing who this voice belongs to is tenderness on the part of an unfamiliar man.
Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream is an understatement.
To speak in an undertone in a dream is to hide something.
Hear a quiet voice - get a warning in the service.
Hearing an insinuating voice in a dream - to a cunning enemy, confident that he will circle you around his finger.
Hearing a nasal voice in a dream means that you will be disgusted by someone's society.
Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream - to calmness in family relationships.
To hear in a dream how a long-dead mother is talking to you is a warning; expect trouble.

21 Esoteric dream book

Voice - a familiar voice wakes you up; further sleep could lead to serious consequences. A clear-sounding voice if you remember the content, then be sure to take note. If not, then in reality you will receive an important warning.
The voice of the deceased is a warning or a problem; if the voice calls, be careful, mortal danger looms (do not eat with it and do not walk in your sleep).

22 Dream Interpretation 2012

23 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

In a dream, you heard someone's loud voice - you will be invited to visit.
We heard a quiet voice - it means that tomorrow you will have a bad mood.
You heard the voice of a dead man - the next day you have to quickly finish several important things.
You dreamed that you heard the voice of an official holding an important government post - you might lose your job.

24 Modern dream book

Hearing someone's voice in a dream - predicts that a pleasant reconciliation awaits you if the voice is calm and pleasant.
A high and angry voice means disappointment and failure.
Hearing crying voices is a harbinger that unexpected anger will make you hurt your friend.
If in a dream you heard the voice of God - do noble deeds and wise people will appreciate you.
If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this is a sign of impending trouble and painful doubts.
Hearing a warning voice addressed to you in a dream is a harbinger that you or your loved ones are in danger.
If you recognize the voice, this may mean illness or an accident.
Hearing in a dream how strange voices pronounce your name is a sign that the state of your affairs will be threatening, but strangers will help you. In addition, you may not be able to fulfill your obligations.
Hearing the voice of a friend or relative portends a serious illness or death of one of them.
The voice of a loved one heard in a dream - lovers should be taken as a warning. They should carefully monitor their behavior and control their feelings, otherwise, due to mutual misunderstanding, they may move away from each other.
The voice of a deceased person - may be a warning of an impending serious illness or major trouble in business.

25 Women's dream book

Voice - Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with noisy notes promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream makes you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one. The voice of God prompts the dreamer to make a noble effort towards spiritual growth. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she should be prepared for sad events. Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a series of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

26 Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

If you hear the voice of a loved one in a dream, you should listen to his intonation. A calm and friendly tone marks reconciliation and harmony.
If the voice is rough, your partner harbors a grudge against you, which in the future will still pour out on you.
If there are intonations of crying in the voice, this is a warning about possible misfortune and future troubles.

27 Dream Interpretation of Azar

28 Idiomatic dream book

29 Dream Interpretation of Health

30 Dream interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of a Voice - Hear a loud female voice. For a woman - to gossip and empty talk. For a man - to scandals and quarrels. Hear a soft female voice. For a woman - to loneliness and longing. For a man - to a quiet life. Hear a loud male voice:. For a woman - to luck; For a man - to vanity and useless chores. Hear a quiet male voice. For a woman - to uncertainty and anxiety. For a man - to hesitation and doubt. Break the voice. For a woman - A dream that occurred on Monday night portends disappointment in a loved one; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to despair, for which there are no sufficient grounds; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a strange, inexplicable incident. For a man - A dream that occurred on Monday night - to participate in meaningless disputes and discussions; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you need to have a good rest; a dream that occurred on the night of Saturday or Sunday reveals a desire to change life and find another occupation.

31 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If lovers have a dream in which they hear the voice of a loved one, this means that in real life they pay too little attention to their beloved, which is why quarrels and separation are possible.
If you dream that you hear a pleasant calm voice, it means that you will make peace with your loved one if you were in a quarrel with him before. However, rude voices, on the contrary, promise trouble and a break in relations. Crying voice - warns: perhaps with your actions you will offend your loved one.
If you dream that God is talking to you, this means that you will strive for spiritual development in order to impress your lover (lover).

32 Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

33 ABC of dream interpretation

34 Miller's dream book

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble.
Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
The voice of God will awaken you to a noble effort to rise spiritually, to achieve your own respect and the recognition of others.
If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be prepared for sad events.
Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a number of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

35 English dream book

Cheerful voices sounding in a dream portend grief and tears. But to hear sorrowful moaning, crying is a harbinger of joy. A lively conversation of many people in a dream means that some kind of joyful event will break into your life and change a lot for the better.

36 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

To work out a command voice in a dream is to swagger over someone.
Hearing a pleasant voice in a dream - to a flattering person.
Hearing a hoarse voice in a dream - to a cold.
Hearing quiet in a dream is a scandal.
Hearing an insinuating voice in a dream - unkind people will flatter you.
Hearing a very unpleasant nasal voice in a dream - to unpleasant guests.
Hearing the voice of a child in a dream is a warning from above: take care of your children.
To sing in an undertone in a dream is to suck up to someone.
If you dream that you, for example, need to give a lecture, and you are standing in front of the audience and cannot utter a word, because your voice has disappeared, you will perfectly defend your dissertation or speak well at a meeting.
Hearing the mother's voice in a dream is a warning from above: beware of evil people.

37 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

38 Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with noisy notes promise trouble.
Someone's crying voice in a dream makes you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
The voice of God - encourages the dreamer to make a noble effort for spiritual growth.
If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be prepared for sad events.
Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means that a series of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet.
If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

39 French dream book

40 Family dream book

If you heard a pleasant calm voice in a dream, reconciliation and consent are ahead. A rough voice with loud intonations promises trouble.
A crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.
The voice of God will awaken you to spiritual enrichment, help you gain respect and recognition from others.
Someone's warning voice - means the approach of a series of failures.

41 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

Listening to pleasant voices is joy, good news.
Hearing a loud voice is the joy of income.
Husky - damage.
Tired - a difficulty in the household.
Trubny - lead.
Sassy - losses.
Cock - gossip.
Goose - slander.
Cry to hear - to have an enemy.
Screeching to hear is a nuisance. The voice of God is a noble effort to rise spiritually, to achieve one's own respect and the recognition of others;
for a mother - to hear the voice of her child - sad events;
to hear someone's warning voice - the approach of a series of failures, to a meeting;
recognizing the voice is a serious test.
See also God, Dove, Call, Lament.

48 Small dream book

Hearing someone's voice in a dream means that a pleasant reconciliation awaits you if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking, then expect disappointment and failure. Crying voices portend an undeserved insult. If in a dream you heard the voice of God, then you should listen to him, as he gives you a chance to do noble deeds and earn the respect of wise people.

49 Dream interpretation alphabetically

If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, noisy - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony.

Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you.

A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you.

50 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

The information that you receive from such "voices": sometimes it can lead you to some thoughts, but most often it is an ordinary self-deception.

If in a dream you hear snatches of some phrases, but do not understand common sense: such a dream may suggest that in reality you missed important information or misinterpreted some facts. Such a dream encourages you to be more careful.

51 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Unintelligible voices - gossip, deceit in dealing with documents;
a clear voice - unusual news;
for good or bad, depending on the tone;
words - indications of the future;
encouraging voices - to dishonor.

54 ABC of dream interpretation

55 Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Voices - illegible, encouraging, nasal, hoarse, swearing, flattering or screaming - to gossip, slander, trouble, deceit.
Call by name - to major life changes, a warning of danger.
Screams - to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched).
A voice that meaningfully comments, communicates some reasonable consistent information - is a projection of the demonic consciousness.
Submission to him or entering into contact with him - can eventually lead to tragic consequences.
There is another voice (manifested in the intermediate stages of sleep) “creating a dream” - in accordance with its dictation, an easily suggestible body translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This voice is the inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself.
And one more sound transmission - refers to the voice of a reasonable structure of a person's fate - for a man it manifests itself, more often, in a female voice; for a woman - a man's voice or a father's.

We can learn a lot about mood, character, and even bad habits by voice, but what if we heard it in a dream? The dream book talks about what the auditory perception of a dream is about, focusing on several main indicators.

For a reliable interpretation of sleep, you need to take into account the timbre, intonation, emotional coloring of the voice. The semantic load is also important, that is, the meaning of the words that you heard, and even more important - from whom exactly they came: from you, from a stranger, or from a relative or friend.

call of the dead

By interpretation Esoteric dream book, to hear the voice of the deceased, who calls you after him - a sign of danger to life. Fate will subject you to severe trials, and victory over circumstances depends only on self-control and endurance.

Why is the voice dreaming deceased grandmother? The dream book predicts that you inherited a gift from her, and you have a great responsibility. If you have caught the instruction from a relative, then you must definitely follow them, and then you will be able to successfully continue the family business.

If you happened to hear the voice of a deceased mother in a dream, then the dream book predicts the onset of peace and harmony in family relationships. If you didn’t like the intonation, and you noticed anxiety, then you need to beware of enemies, or find out for yourself whether you are doing everything right.

Hearing in a dream the voice of the deceased, who recently died, is a warning from above about an impending conflict. Most likely, the conflict situation has been forming for a long time, but now the peak of aggression has come, which will pour out on you, and can cause both physical and psychological trauma.

The voice is gone

Losing your voice in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol, which is mainly characterized as a harbinger of danger or bad news. By association with a "lump in the throat", in reality you will not be able to adequately perceive the news of the death of someone close to you.

Why dream of screaming without a voice? The dream book predicts that an incident will happen in the near future, on the outcome of which you will not be able to exert any influence. Trust the dictates of fate, and remember the simple truth: "everything that is done is for the better."

If in reality you have to speak to a wide audience, and you cannot say a word, then the harbinger of the dream book will be quite rosy. Why dream of losing your voice on the eve of a performance? In fact, you will perform well, you will not be disturbed in the slightest by excitement.

The dream interpretation also gives physiological explanations if your voice disappears in a dream. The body was exhausted from constant unrest, overload, hard work. You need to take a break from vigorous activity, get enough sleep, otherwise you are not far from a nervous breakdown.

If you scream in a dream, but there is no voice, then soon you will not be able to rely on anyone. Due to your isolation and hidden aggression, you will lose all your friends, and when you really need support, no one will be there.

Male or female

What is the dream of the voice of a woman who is not familiar to you? If you heard emotional admiration or surprise in the words of a stranger, then soon you will commit an act that goes beyond consciousness, which will become fateful for you.

For a woman, hearing a man's voice in a dream is a good sign. Her masculine principle speaks to her, which can provide answers to questions that defy explanation for her. If you have found a solution to a difficult life situation, then bring it to life.

Sometimes men also have to hear a male voice in a dream. Why dream of such a plot? The dream interpretation interprets this as the embodiment of rivalry, the battle for a place under the sun. Perhaps you will enter competition, and you can win it, relying only on truly masculine qualities.

Hearing the voice of a guy in a dream that warns you about something is a clear sign that you need to do the opposite. It is important to listen to the intonations, if you notice false notes, then such advice from the dream book will be the most reliable.

Voices of relatives

The voice of the father in a dream is the personification of the current state of affairs. If you heard sadness and hopelessness, then in reality things will not go the way you intended. On the contrary, a joyful and life-affirming exclamation is a harbinger of a dream book about successfully developing circumstances.

What is the dream of her husband's voice? If you sleep next to him, then it is possible that you really heard your spouse, perhaps he spoke in a dream. However, the dream book gives another interpretation: you are on the verge of actually cheating, and having crossed this line, you will never again achieve normal intra-family relations.

Hearing mom's voice in a dream is a negative symbol. The dream interpretation claims that you are not fulfilling the duties that society and family have placed on you. If you continue in the same spirit, then the connection with the people around you will become much weaker, you will have no one to rely on.

Why is the son's voice dreaming? For a mother, the dream book gives disappointing forecasts: the child is in danger, and only you can save him. The dream book warns the father who saw such a dream that his son needs help.

The voice of the beloved

What is the dream of the voice of a loved one? From a psychoanalytic point of view, your mind is completely occupied with thoughts about your beloved, and most likely, the feelings are completely mutual. Do not be afraid of what has not yet happened, and then you can fully surrender to the dictates of the heart.

Hearing the voice of the former is a symbol that he misses you greatly. The indifference and coldness with which you protected yourself after parting can easily collapse if you give vent to feelings. Why dream of a voice on the phone? If you recognize the person who was talking to you, then you can be sure that a sudden meeting awaits you. Such a prediction of the dream book is especially true if you have not seen him for a long time.

Timbre and intonation

Why dream of a hoarse voice? A slight hoarseness, like that of a smoker, means that you will become a victim of gossip, intrigue, and lose a good reputation. But if the wheezing was dying, then the dream book predicts the removal of enemies and ill-wishers from your path.

A calling voice in a dream, promising you untold wealth and glory, is a favorable symbol of a dream book, but only if it comes from a person who is now alive. Following him in a dream, in reality you will get what he promised.

A little differently, the dream book interprets what the child’s voice is dreaming of, resounding in deathly silence. If, upon hearing it, you felt an afterlife chill that passed through your body, then you are in serious danger from otherworldly forces.

otherworldly call

Hearing the voice of God in a dream is a good sign. You have been blessed for noble accomplishments, for spiritual growth. Soon you will feel a surge of strength that will make you do charitable deeds, follow a higher, spiritual, creative goal.

If you happened to hear the voices of unknown people, and at the same time they were calm and friendly, then do not worry about the future state of affairs. In any case, you will get much more out of life than you wanted, and you will become the owner of something more valuable than material goods.

If you heard a voice in your head in a dream, and at the same time he scolded, shamed or dishonored you, then the dream book predicts abuse in your direction and in reality. You will do a bad deed in relation to another person, and you will greatly regret your deed.

Hearing the voice of the devil in a dream that encourages you to do unseemly things is a sign of a serious psychological trauma that you cannot cope with without the help of a specialist. Listen to the advice of the dream book, and consult a psychologist - in this case it is really necessary.

The voice woke me up in a dream

It often happens that we wake up from some sound, a cry that we ourselves or someone in a dream has made. Why dream of hearing your voice? If, after your own scream in a dream, you suddenly woke up, then your nervous system is in considerable tension, something is bothering you, and until it is resolved, restful sleep you cannot achieve.

If you happened to laugh out loud in a dream, then the dream book also explains this as an experience, but unlike the previous interpretation, they are very pleasant. Now your feelings and emotions are on the rise, and you are quite capable of a fateful act.

Hearing a voice through a dream is a dream book prediction that you need to protect your well-being from dishonest people. Someone is making plans against you. Recognizing a voice in a dream is a good sign. You are under the protection of a guardian angel, and you are not afraid of any obstacles on the way to your goal.

If in a dream a voice calls you by name, then the dream book warns that you are in serious danger. It will come from a person whom you unconditionally trust. Therefore, before listening to the advice of a friend or relative, trust your intuition - it will definitely not let you down.

We can learn a lot about mood, character, and even bad habits by voice, but what if we heard it in a dream? The dream book talks about what the auditory perception of a dream is about, focusing on several main indicators.

For a reliable interpretation of sleep, you need to take into account the timbre, intonation, emotional coloring of the voice. The semantic load is also important, that is, the meaning of the words that you heard, and even more important - from whom exactly they came: from you, from a stranger, or from a relative or friend.

call of the dead

According to the interpretation of the Esoteric dream book, hearing the voice of the deceased, who calls you to follow him, is a sign of danger to life. Fate will subject you to severe trials, and victory over circumstances depends only on self-control and endurance.

What is the dream of the voice of the deceased grandmother? The dream book predicts that you inherited a gift from her, and you have a great responsibility. If you have caught the instruction from a relative, then you must definitely follow them, and then you will be able to successfully continue the family business.

If you happened to hear the voice of a deceased mother in a dream, then the dream book predicts the onset of peace and harmony in family relationships. If you didn’t like the intonation, and you noticed anxiety, then you need to beware of enemies, or find out for yourself whether you are doing everything right.

Hearing in a dream the voice of the deceased, who recently died, is a warning from above about an impending conflict. Most likely, the conflict situation has been forming for a long time, but now the peak of aggression has come, which will pour out on you, and can cause both physical and psychological trauma.

The voice is gone

Losing your voice in a dream is a rather ambiguous symbol, which is mainly characterized as a harbinger of danger or bad news. By association with a "lump in the throat", in reality you will not be able to adequately perceive the news of the death of someone close to you.

Why dream of screaming without a voice? The dream book predicts that an incident will happen in the near future, on the outcome of which you will not be able to exert any influence. Trust the dictates of fate, and remember the simple truth: "everything that is done is for the better."

If in reality you have to speak to a wide audience, and you cannot say a word, then the harbinger of the dream book will be quite rosy. Why dream of losing your voice on the eve of a performance? In fact, you will perform well, you will not be disturbed in the slightest by excitement.

The dream interpretation also gives physiological explanations if your voice disappears in a dream. The body was exhausted from constant unrest, overload, hard work. You need to take a break from vigorous activity, get enough sleep, otherwise you are not far from a nervous breakdown.

If you scream in a dream, but there is no voice, then soon you will not be able to rely on anyone. Due to your isolation and hidden aggression, you will lose all your friends, and when you really need support, no one will be there.

Male or female

What is the dream of the voice of a woman who is not familiar to you? If you heard emotional admiration or surprise in the words of a stranger, then soon you will commit an act that goes beyond consciousness, which will become fateful for you.

For a woman, hearing a man's voice in a dream is a good sign. Her masculine principle speaks to her, which can provide answers to questions that defy explanation for her. If you have found a solution to a difficult life situation, then bring it to life.

Sometimes men also have to hear a male voice in a dream. Why dream of such a plot? The dream interpretation interprets this as the embodiment of rivalry, the battle for a place under the sun. Perhaps you will enter into a competitive struggle, and you will be able to win it, relying only on truly masculine qualities.

Hearing the voice of a guy in a dream that warns you about something is a clear sign that you need to do the opposite. It is important to listen to the intonations, if you notice false notes, then such advice from the dream book will be the most reliable.

Voices of relatives

The voice of the father in a dream is the personification of the current state of affairs. If you heard sadness and hopelessness, then in reality things will not go the way you intended. On the contrary, a joyful and life-affirming exclamation is a harbinger of a dream book about successfully developing circumstances.

What is the dream of her husband's voice? If you sleep next to him, then it is possible that you really heard your spouse, perhaps he spoke in a dream. However, the dream book gives another interpretation: you are on the verge of actually cheating, and having crossed this line, you will never again achieve normal intra-family relations.

Hearing mom's voice in a dream is a negative symbol. The dream interpretation claims that you are not fulfilling the duties that society and family have placed on you. If you continue in the same spirit, then the connection with the people around you will become much weaker, you will have no one to rely on.

Why is the son's voice dreaming? For a mother, the dream book gives disappointing forecasts: the child is in danger, and only you can save him. The dream book warns the father who saw such a dream that his son needs help.

The voice of the beloved

What is the dream of the voice of a loved one? From a psychoanalytic point of view, your mind is completely occupied with thoughts about your beloved, and most likely, the feelings are completely mutual. Do not be afraid of what has not yet happened, and then you can fully surrender to the dictates of the heart.

Hearing the voice of the former is a symbol that he misses you greatly. The indifference and coldness with which you protected yourself after parting can easily collapse if you give vent to feelings. Why dream of a voice on the phone? If you recognize the person who was talking to you, then you can be sure that a sudden meeting awaits you. Such a prediction of the dream book is especially true if you have not seen him for a long time.

Timbre and intonation

Why dream of a hoarse voice? A slight hoarseness, like that of a smoker, means that you will become a victim of gossip, intrigue, and lose a good reputation. But if the wheezing was dying, then the dream book predicts the removal of enemies and ill-wishers from your path.

A calling voice in a dream, promising you untold wealth and glory, is a favorable symbol of a dream book, but only if it comes from a person who is now alive. Following him in a dream, in reality you will get what he promised.

A little differently, the dream book interprets what the child’s voice is dreaming of, resounding in deathly silence. If, upon hearing it, you felt an afterlife chill that passed through your body, then you are in serious danger from otherworldly forces.

otherworldly call

Hearing the voice of God in a dream is a good sign. You have been blessed for noble accomplishments, for spiritual growth. Soon you will feel a surge of strength that will make you do charitable deeds, follow a higher, spiritual, creative goal.

If you happened to hear the voices of unknown people, and at the same time they were calm and friendly, then do not worry about the future state of affairs. In any case, you will get much more out of life than you wanted, and you will become the owner of something more valuable than material goods.

If you heard a voice in your head in a dream, and at the same time he scolded, shamed or dishonored you, then the dream book predicts abuse in your direction and in reality. You will do a bad deed in relation to another person, and you will greatly regret your deed.

Hearing the voice of the devil in a dream that encourages you to do unseemly things is a sign of a serious psychological trauma that you cannot cope with without the help of a specialist. Listen to the advice of the dream book, and consult a psychologist - in this case it is really necessary.

The voice woke me up in a dream

It often happens that we wake up from some sound, a cry that we ourselves or someone in a dream has made. Why dream of hearing your voice? If, after your own cry in a dream, you suddenly woke up, then your nervous system is in considerable tension, something is bothering you, and until this is resolved, you will not be able to achieve a restful sleep.

If you happened to laugh out loud in a dream, then the dream book also explains this as an experience, but unlike the previous interpretation, they are very pleasant. Now your feelings and emotions are on the rise, and you are quite capable of a fateful act.

Hearing a voice through a dream is a dream book prediction that you need to protect your well-being from dishonest people. Someone is making plans against you. Recognizing a voice in a dream is a good sign. You are under the protection of a guardian angel, and you are not afraid of any obstacles on the way to your goal.

If in a dream a voice calls you by name, then the dream book warns that you are in serious danger. It will come from a person whom you unconditionally trust. Therefore, before listening to the advice of a friend or relative, trust your intuition - it will definitely not let you down.

What does the voice heard in a dream mean?

Although most dreams catch us with their visual images, sometimes we clearly hear a whole gamut of sounds. The most common sound dream is the one in which we hear someone's voice.

Sometimes dreams of this kind frighten, leave a feeling of anxiety and fear. But do not prematurely draw negative conclusions.

The dream interpretation characterizes the voice as a warning, a good sign or a harbinger of change. Listening in a dream to someone's speech, try to understand and remember who is talking to you, what and in what tone the words sounded, whether they addressed you by name.

The voice of the dead

Probably the most controversial and disturbing question is what the voice of a deceased person is dreaming of. Traditionally, the dream book advises to listen to the words that the dead say. It can be advice, a warning, or a simple wise parting word from the other world. The voice of the deceased in a dream is not such a terrible sign as many used to think.

It is especially important to listen to the speech of the deceased if he is your relative. Our loved ones come into our dreams only with good intentions, in order to tell something important. Some dream books claim that the voice of a deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life, and the voice of a grandmother is a quick success in any professional endeavors.

But if you had a dream where the voice of the deceased calls you by name behind him - be careful. Perhaps everyone knows that it is impossible to respond to such a cry. This dream is a warning: in the near future you need to be more careful, take care of your health and not enter into dubious acquaintances.

Who is speaking?

  • Hearing an unfamiliar female voice in a dream is a sign of success. And if, among other things, admiration and delight can be traced in the intonation, and she calls you by name, achievements will not only lead you to career growth, but will also give recognition to the environment.
  • The dream book often interprets the voice of a young guy as a deception and a cunning trick to confuse you. So listen to what he says and do the opposite.
  • If you dreamed of the voice of an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends the appearance of a rival for a man and a patron for a girl.

Not a sound

A common dream plot is talking or screaming in a dream, but not making a sound, as if your voice was gone. There are various interpretations of such a dream.

  • If you scream or speak in a dream without a voice, events await you in the future that you cannot influence. At the same time, not everything will suit you to the full, and you will have to put up with some unpleasant aspects of what is happening.
  • On the eve of a real performance, a dream where you lost your voice will be a great sign. Success awaits you at the event, and all fear of the public will disappear in an instant.
  • Sometimes a dream in which you cannot speak or scream is simply explained: you are tired. Probably hard work, anxiety, lack of sleep and other things that negatively affect our well-being have done their job. Such a dream is a sign that it is time to take a break.
  • Another meaning of "voiceless" sleep is your distrust of people in reality. You rely solely on yourself, refusing other people's help. But take a closer look at your surroundings: friends are nearby, and they can really help.

We talk with relatives

In a dream, we are able to talk with our relatives, whom we see every day. Moreover, such a dream can only be a reflection of a recent conversation, a desire to raise an important topic, or it can mean something else.

Talking with a spouse or spouse is a change in marital relationships. There is a possibility that a series of conflicts will come, after which, fortunately, complete understanding and harmony will come. If your significant other refers to you by name, this is a pleasant sign: he or she often thinks of you.

Pay attention to what the baby’s voice is dreaming of, especially if he calls you. In reality, you probably do not pay enough attention to your children. And although, most likely, it happened because of work, try to visit the children more often. Especially if now your child has come to a difficult teenage period, when a serious conversation with parents will help to avoid trouble.


Hearing the father's voice in a dream means subconsciously analyzing the state of affairs at the moment. Here it is worth listening to the words and intonations. Sad notes in the father's voice mean that everything will not develop as planned. Cheerful cheerful voice - things will turn out well.

Hearing the voice of your mother in a dream - in reality, thinking about creating a family. Such a dream is especially important for a girl. There is a possibility that she is so immersed in her career and work that she completely forgot about herself, about her feminine destiny.

For lovers

The simplest meaning is a reflection of your thoughts. You are so absorbed in the object of your passion that you hear his voice even in dreams. At the same time, your feelings are completely mutual, and even if you have not yet received confirmation of this, very soon he or she will open to you.

  • The frustrated, displeased voice of a lover may portend tension in a relationship. To avoid this, try to be more attentive and affectionate with your loved one.
  • If a lover addresses you by name, soon he plans to make you a pleasant surprise and constantly thinks about it.
  • The voice of a loved one that you heard on the phone portends an early meeting.
  • If you hear your beloved calling you, it means that in reality he misses you and thinks a lot about you.


If you are suddenly awakened by your own scream, it's time to take care of your nerves. Apparently, in reality you have been tense and worried a lot, and the tension is looking for a way out in any way.

Waking up from your own laughter is a good sign. Such a favorable period has come in your life that even in your dreams you laugh and are full of happiness.

Not the best sign if the voice you woke up to calls your name. The situation will develop in such a way that even a very close person can unwittingly harm you with his advice. In the near future, try not to listen to other people's words, but turn to your intuition.

If the voice that addressed you in a dream by name seemed otherworldly or unpleasant, in real life everything will turn out perfectly. The intrigues that your enemies will try to build for you will turn against them.

What is the dream of the Voice, the dream book of the Voice to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Voice dream in a dream?

Seeing a Voice in a dream means - Voice: pleasant and calm - to consent and reconciliation, crying - you can offend a loved one; the voice of God - to spiritual enlightenment, self-improvement. For a mother to hear the voice of her child in a dream - to sad events.

Psychological dream book

What is the dream of the Voice in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Voice - Hearing someone's voice is a pleasant reconciliation if the voice is calm and pleasant. If the voice is high and breaking - expect disappointment and failure. A crying voice portends an undeserved insult. If you heard the voice of God - listen, the Almighty gives you a chance to do noble deeds and win the favor of wise people. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child is a sign that her child is in trouble. If you hear a voice that warns of something, clouds are gathering over you

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Voice which means sleep:

Seeing a Voice in a dream - If you heard a pleasant, calm voice in a dream, ahead is reconciliation and consent. A rough voice with loud intonations promises trouble. A crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one. The voice of God will awaken you to spiritual enrichment, help you gain the respect and recognition of others. Someone's warning voice means the approach of a series of failures.

Summer dream book

Why see the Voice in a dream?

I dreamed of singing with bass - Seeing in a dream how someone sings in bass, or listening to records with Chaliapin's voice means that the soul asks for a holiday, you need to get out to the theater.

Autumn dream book

Why see the Voice in a dream?

Baritone - If you, not knowing how to sing at all, suddenly sing a very beautiful baritone in a dream - be your boss.

To sing in bass - To see in a dream how someone or you yourself sing in bass - in the end you will sing with people with whom it will be very difficult for you to fight.

Spring dream book

Why see the Voice in a dream?

Dreamed / dreamed Baritone - If you hear in a dream how someone sings an aria with a beautiful baritone - get ready for the fact that in your business you will only be a sing-along.

Baritone. Hearing a pleasant baritone in a dream - to a sweet interlocutor. Singing yourself in a baritone voice - to sobs and sorrow.

Why dream of singing bass. Surprise, surprise.

Dream Interpretation of Voices - It happens that in a dream you hear voices. What are they telling you? It is the voices that can be the messenger of your subconscious, which is trying to tell you something. If the dreamed speech is illegible, then this dream is most likely just the result of severe fatigue. If you hear someone's specific voice, then think about what kind of relationship you have in life with this person: which of you gets more from this relationship, and who gives more. Perhaps this is an indication of some inequality.

Why dream of Cooing - to hear cooing in a dream - someone loves you, but does not show it.

Why dream of a thunderous voice - to hear a thunderous voice in a dream - to God's warning.

Hear the voice as if it were real

Dream Interpretation Hear a voice as if in reality dreamed of why in a dream Hear a voice as if in reality? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Hear a voice as if in reality by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - A loud voice to hear

Dream Interpretation - Voice

Hearing someone's voice in a dream is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud - to profit, nasal - to slander, pleasant - to news, cock - to gossip, hoarse - to losses, whispering - to a clear enemy, loud - to trouble, calm - to reconciliation and harmony. A crying voice heard in dream, should warn you against hurting a loved one. Hearing voices uttering spells is a sign of the insincerity of your friends. Hearing your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you. Hearing the voice of a friend or relative means the illness of one of them. The voice of a mother calling you in a dream indicates that you are on the wrong path. Lovers who heard the voice of their lover should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they are threatened with separation due to a quarrel. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, this portends that he may get into trouble or get sick. Hearing the voices of the dead means receiving a warning about your own illness or also some kind of trouble. A cry for help, in which you recognize a familiar voice, means the illness of the one who called you. Hearing someone's warning voice means a series of failures are approaching, which you should be ready to meet at any moment. If you recognize this voice, failures can be replaced by success. To hear the voice of God in a dream - to try to spiritually cleanse yourself in reality, to strive for self-improvement.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

Hearing pleasant calm voices in a dream is an omen of reconciliation and harmony; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you think about whether you are going to offend a loved one. The voice of God will awaken you to a noble effort to rise spiritually, to achieve your own respect and recognition of others. If a mother hears the voice of her child in a dream, she must be ready for sad events. Hearing someone's warning voice in a dream means a series of failures are approaching, for which you must muster up the courage to meet. If you recognize this voice, the test can be serious.

Dream Interpretation - Voice

in a dream means celebrity and greatness, and the louder and clearer the voice, the more glory and greatness. Whoever saw in a dream that he raised his voice, he will gain power over people because of their sinful deeds. If he raises his voice above the voice of the Alim, then he commits a sin. A weak voice indicates timidity and fear, while a lower voice indicates modesty. And hearing any unpleasant voice or sound is anxiety and distress, while a beautiful voice is joy and jubilation.

Dream Interpretation - Voices

To have or hear a loud voice in a dream - to joy, profit. Pleasant - to the news. Hoarse - to a loss. Hearing calm voices - to reconciliation: illegible - to gossip and deception in matters related to papers. A very clear voice - to extraordinary news Encouraging voices - to dishonor. Someone's conversation - some kind of invitation will follow in reality. Someone's crying voice warns that you have offended a loved one. A warning is a sign of approaching failures, and if you recognize this voice, serious troubles. For a mother to hear the voice of her child in a dream - to sad incidents. The voice of God in a dream is an incentive for you to achieve respect and recognition of others through spiritual elevation in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Voices