And on the same subject. Honeysuckle honeysuckle - important features of growing honeysuckle planting and care in the open

Among ornamental horticultural crops, honeysuckle honeysuckle stands out for its many excellent qualities. This fragrant climbing vine is completely undemanding and is able to quickly fill the space. With proper formative pruning and good care, this plant perfectly decorates the site.

Honeysuckle grows wild in the southern regions of Europe. The cultivation of honeysuckle of this species in Russia began with the advent of fashion for the German landscape style in the 19th century, in which arbors decorated with climbing vines are often found. In zone 5a and to the south, honeysuckle is grown without freezing, in the northern regions it is advisable to remove it from the trellis in autumn and wrap it with heat-insulating material. In areas with severe winters, gardeners practice short pruning for this honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle Advantages:

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - description

When planning to acquire a new crop for use in landscape design, it is advisable to study its characteristics well. We will try to briefly describe what honeysuckle honeysuckle is famous for, what it looks like during flowering and fruiting:

  1. The leaves of honeysuckle are green.
  2. The upper leaves grow together, forming an original saucer.
  3. The height of the vine reaches 4-6 m.
  4. Without arranging a support, honeysuckle has a low decorative effect.
  5. Buds form at the top of the shoot in the axils of paired leaves.
  6. Flowering - from the end of May, lasts about three weeks.
  7. The shape of the flower is a curved tube.
  8. The smell of flowers is subtle, spicy, pleasant.
  9. On one bush, flowers of cream, pink, yellowish color can coexist.
  10. Shoots at a young age are light green.
  11. Mature branches often acquire a purple hue, turning brown with aging.
  12. Honeysuckle honeysuckle forms red-orange berries.
  13. Berry diameter - up to 8 mm.
  14. The fruits of the vine are inedible.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - varieties

Often, other types of curly honeysuckle are given out for honeysuckle in the markets - Brown, Hecrott, Ledebour, Telman. They differ in strength of growth, color of berries and flowers, winter hardiness. It is easy to get confused in the variety of vine-like shrubs. Honeysuckle has only a few common forms:

The best solution is to use honeysuckle honeysuckle in garden design for a spectacular one. If you need to camouflage an unpresentable country house, then this liana is perfect. A popular design solution is the design of arches with a climbing plant, the creation of hedges, the decoration of lush vegetation with long shoots of various arbors. A combination of honeysuckle with coniferous plantations, climbing roses, action, mock orange is practiced in garden design.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - planting and care

This climbing shrub does not require any complex care, it is quite suitable for beginner gardeners taking their first steps in a new landscape design. We advise you to study pruning techniques ahead of time, how honeysuckle is planted and grows, the basic rules for caring for a decorative liana. If the summer resident correctly selects the landing site, prepares the soil well and builds a suitable support in time, then his bush will better start to grow and quickly take a place in the garden composition.

It is advisable to immediately determine your curly honeysuckle to a permanent place, having studied the rules of planting, re-transplanting its roots is tolerated negatively. The preparation of the honeysuckle pit is as follows:

Where to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle?

For this honeysuckle, we are looking for a lighted landing site; in shading, honeysuckle throws out a smaller number of peduncles. We take into account that liana-like shrubs require support, their growth under normal conditions is about a meter. We make a landing hole where in the future we plan to create green arches, live fences. If it is problematic to build special supports on the site, then the walls of outbuildings or gazebos can be braided with honeysuckle.

In the hot season, honeysuckle care consists in timely watering; honeysuckle does not like the soil to dry out near the root system. For one climbing bush, up to 2 buckets of water are enough. , properly produced with peat, straw or other material, will reduce weeding and moisture evaporation. If in the spring signs of frostbite are found on the branches, then the damaged shoots on the vine are cut off. In areas with severe cold weather, it is best to remove honeysuckle honeysuckle from supports and equip a shelter.

How to prune honeysuckle honeysuckle?

In garden plots, sanitary and formative pruning of capricole honeysuckle is carried out. These works are simple and can be carried out according to the prescribed plan even by an inexperienced summer resident:

  1. After planting, the vine is shortened by 1/3.
  2. By the end of the season on honeysuckle honeysuckle, we select up to 3-4 strong shoots that will make up the skeletal part of the bush.
  3. Weak and excess growth is cut out.
  4. If during the summer the branches reach the upper crossbar of the support, then they are pinched or turned in the right direction.
  5. Further pruning is carried out in order to thin out the crown and make it neater.
  6. Sick and weak growth is cut out.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - how to feed

Organics or complex preparations can be used as a good and useful fertilizer for honeysuckle. Compositions intended for climbing ornamental plants with a complex balanced composition in which trace elements are present are suitable. At the beginning of the growing season, do not forget about nitrogen, it can be obtained from mullein infusion or poultry droppings. We pour potassium-phosphorus mixtures under the shrub in the second half of the growing season.

Gardeners have a lot of breeding options for their favorite fragrant honeysuckle. Naturally, in the presence of a mother bush, it is better to use vegetative methods, the seed method is always more laborious and requires a long wait until the bush gains strength and is decorated with fragrant inflorescences. We list the popular tricks on how to get a honeysuckle seedling honeysuckle.

seed way:

  1. We collect seeds in July.
  2. After drying and separation from the pulp, we then store them at room temperature.
  3. We make stratification for a couple of months in the refrigerator, keeping them in wet sand (1: 3).
  4. We make grooves up to 2 cm deep.
  5. It is better to sprinkle the seeds in the grooves with wet sand in a layer of 1 cm.
  6. Before the appearance of sprouts, it is desirable to cover the furrow with polyethylene.
  7. Sprouting of sprouts occurs in a month.
  8. We transplant in the spring.

Reproduction by layering:

  1. Near honeysuckle bushes honeysuckle we dig a furrow 20 cm deep.
  2. It is better to fertilize poor soil in furrows with humus mixed with soil.
  3. We lay the lower part of the vine in the ground, and bring the top out.
  4. To fix the layering, we use metal brackets.
  5. We fall asleep furrow.
  6. Rooted cuttings of honeysuckle are transplanted in the spring.

Division of honeysuckle bushes:

  1. Dig up the base of the bush.
  2. We separate the desired shoot with developed roots with a secateurs, or we divide the entire bush into parts using a sharpened shovel.
  3. Sections are best disinfected with fungicides.
  4. We plant the processed slice in a permanent place.
  5. Crown shaping is done for the next season.

Cuttings of honeysuckle honeysuckle:

Mushrooms and viruses haunt even the most resistant plants, honeysuckle honeysuckle rarely gets sick with diseases, but in unfavorable seasons, its plantings can be affected by infections or pests. Here is a list of the main troubles that lovers of this climbing shrub may encounter:

Honeysuckle honeysuckle (lat. Lonicera caprifolium), or goat honeysuckle, or sweet honeysuckle- a type species of the genus Honeysuckle of the Honeysuckle family, which is found in the wild in the Caucasus and southern Europe in well-lit places with moist soil, in forests and along the edges. In culture, this type of honeysuckle is grown as an ornamental plant. "Caprifole" is translated from Latin as "goat leaf".

  • Bloom: for three weeks in June, starting at the age of four.
  • Landing: in April-May or during the period of leaf fall.
  • Lighting: bright light or partial shade.
  • The soil: moist, fertile, well fertilized.
  • Watering: infrequent, but plentiful: the soil under the bush should not dry out. Water consumption per plant - 1-2 buckets.
  • Top dressing: in spring - organic matter containing nitrogen, and complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants, in summer the plant is sprayed over the leaves with solutions of trace elements.
  • Pruning: sanitary, rejuvenating and shaping - in the spring, before the start of sap flow.
  • Reproduction: seeds, cuttings and layering.
  • Pests: aphids and cabbage caterpillars.
  • Diseases: rust and powdery mildew.

Read more about growing honeysuckle honeysuckle below.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle - description

Decorative honeysuckle capricole is a climbing deciduous shrub up to 6 m high, the young shoots of which are light green in color, sometimes with a purple tint, turning brown with age. The leaves of honeysuckle honeysuckle are broadly elliptical, opposite, 4 to 10 cm long, dark green on the upper side, glaucous below. Several pairs of upper leaves can grow together at the base and form an elliptical plate. The yellowish-white fragrant flowers, often reddish on the outside, are collected in whorls in the axils of the upper leaves. Orange or red inedible fruits of honeysuckle honeysuckle with a diameter of 6-8 cm ripen in late July or early August. They are located on such short stalks that it seems as if they were glued to the leaves.

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle in open ground

When to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle

Planting honeysuckle honeysuckle and caring for it is no more difficult than growing any other ornamental shrub. The best time to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle in the garden is April or May, although some gardeners advise planting the plant at the time of leaf fall. When choosing a place for a plant, remember that abundant flowering can only be in bright sunlight, although honeysuckle can tolerate partial shading. Liana honeysuckle honeysuckle loves moist fertile soil, into which, before planting, mineral and organic fertilizers must be applied for digging: potassium, nitrogen and rotted cow dung. Moreover, you need to dig the soil with fertilizers at least two weeks before planting.

How to plant honeysuckle honeysuckle

Dig a hole or a trench, depending on the intention of planting the plant. The size of the pit should be approximately 50x50x50 cm, and the trenches should be 50 cm deep and 50 cm wide. If planting is carried out in an area where stagnant water can occur, lay a drainage layer of broken brick, ceramic tile or gravel on the bottom of the pit, and then fill the pit almost to the top with fertile soil. Then a seedling is placed in the hole, its roots are straightened and the remaining space is filled with soil. Landing is carried out taking into account subsidence of the soil, so the root neck is left 5 cm above ground level. After abundant watering, the earth will settle, and the neck will be flush with the surface. When the water is absorbed, mulch the trunk circle with organic material.

In the trench, honeysuckle honeysuckle seedlings are placed at a distance of at least 1 m from each other, and in group plantings they are located no closer than 1.5 m. . A support for honeysuckle honeysuckle can look like a metal or wooden structure, slats with stretched cords or nets.

Care for honeysuckle honeysuckle

Watering, fertilizing, loosening and weeding

In the hot season, you need to ensure that the soil under the honeysuckle bush never dries out. Capricole is watered infrequently, but plentifully: 1-2 buckets of water are required per plant. After watering or rain, the soil around the honeysuckle is loosened and weeded. To prevent the rapid evaporation of moisture and reduce the need for loosening and weeding, the soil around the bush is mulched.

In order to stimulate the abundant flowering of honeysuckle honeysuckle, organic matter or complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants are introduced into the soil in early spring. During the summer, honeysuckle can be treated with fertilizers or solutions of trace elements on the leaves.

Diseases and pests of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Despite the fact that honeysuckle honeysuckle is almost not affected by diseases and pests, it still has enemies: aphids and cabbage caterpillars can cause trouble from insects, and rust and powdery mildew from fungal infections. Since honeysuckle honeysuckle berries are unsuitable for food, feel free to use chemical remedies in the fight against pests and diseases. For example, acaricidal preparations Actellik, Aktara, Biotlin, Akarin or Antitlin will help you get rid of aphids, and insecticides are used for caterpillars. As for fungal diseases, they happen not only because of poor care, but also for reasons beyond your control. The task of the gardener is to take measures to destroy the infection as soon as possible, and fungicidal preparations that are easy to purchase at any garden pavilion or flower shop will help you with this.

Preparation of honeysuckle capricole for wintering

Species adult plant does not need shelter for the winter. But varietal, hybrid honeysuckle, as well as just planted cuttings and seedlings, it is better to insulate: close the trunk circle with a thick layer of dry foliage, remove the plant from the support and lay it on a bed of leaves, as you do, for example, with clematis, and cover from above honeysuckle with spunbond, lutrasil or spruce branches.

Pruning Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Curly honeysuckle honeysuckle needs both formative and sanitary pruning. Immediately after planting, the shoots of the plant are cut to one third of the length, and in the second year, 3-4 of the strongest shoots are selected from the regrown shoots - these shoots will become the skeleton of the bush. The rest of the shoots are cut at the root. During the season, the shoots growing up to the height of the support are pruned or directed along the support in the right direction. Subsequently, diseased, broken, frozen or thickening bush branches are regularly cut out, otherwise the plant will look untidy. However, fanaticism in pruning is inappropriate: if you trim the honeysuckle, it will lose its attractiveness.

Do not rush to cut capricole in the spring: it may seem to you that some shoots look lifeless, but the peculiarity of this plant is that with the onset of warm days, dormant buds wake up in it, and it suddenly turns green and starts to grow, and those shoots that will remain black and naked, never too late to remove.

If you notice that on an adult honeysuckle honeysuckle bush every year there are fewer and fewer flowers, carry out a rejuvenating pruning of the plant: cut off all the shoots at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground so that young shoots grow from the buds located at the base of the bush, from which you will subsequently form a new crown. Rejuvenation is carried out every 5-6 years, but it is better to do it in two steps: only half of the shoots are cut in one year, and the rejuvenating procedure is completed the next year.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Capricole is propagated by seeds, cuttings or layering.

Propagation of honeysuckle honeysuckle by seeds

The generative reproduction of honeysuckle is a laborious process, therefore gardeners usually resort to more reliable and faster vegetative methods. However, in certain cases, seed propagation is preferable to vegetative. How to propagate honeysuckle capricole seeds? Stratified for two months at a temperature of 0 to 5 ºC, the seeds are sown in March in a wet mixture of equal parts of sand, peat and humus, sprinkled with a thin layer of sand on top and covered with plastic wrap or glass. Contain crops in a bright, warm place, removing the film daily for ventilation and, if necessary, to moisten the substrate. The grown seedlings are planted in time in separate pots. They are planted in open ground only next spring, and they will bloom in the third or fourth year. Until then, seedlings need shelter for the winter with peat, spruce branches or lutrasil.

Honeysuckle capricole can be sown directly into the ground, and it is better to do this in the fall so that the seeds undergo natural stratification in the soil during the winter months. In the spring, the seedlings will sprout together. It is easy to take care of them: water them, loosen the ground around them, remove weeds, feed them, and most importantly, plant them in time so that they do not interfere with each other's development.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle by layering

This is the easiest and most reliable way to propagate honeysuckle. A flexible branch of a liana is laid in a shallow trench in the spring, leaving the top above the surface, the shoot is fixed in the recess and covered with fertile soil. All summer the layers are watered and fed, and in the fall they are separated from the bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

Cuttings of honeysuckle honeysuckle

Propagation of honeysuckle honeysuckle by cuttings also gives good results. Cuttings with at least two internodes are cut after flowering from the middle part of the shoots. When planting, one internode is completely buried in the substrate, after removing the leaf from it, and on the upper part of the cutting, the leaves are only shortened. Rooting occurs in a bright place, protected from direct sunlight, and in a humid environment. It is best to root the cuttings in a greenhouse or greenhouse under the film. The substrate should be light and fertile, such as a mixture of sand and peat in equal parts.

Honeysuckle Kaprifol is ideal for landscaping a personal plot. Such a "hedge" is involved in the creation of landscape designs, ennobles the territory, provides shade, and helps create a cozy place to relax. More than 10 types of honeysuckle are known, including curly capricole.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Capricole blooms for about 3 weeks

Honeysuckle flowers Honeysuckle have a pleasant aroma

Description of honeysuckle Honeysuckle

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle has a pleasant aroma and unique flowers, creates comfort and shade in the backyard or in the gazebo. In the wild, the plant is found in the south of Europe, in the mountains of the Caucasus, lives up to 50 years.

The original name of honeysuckle Capricole is Lonicera caprifolium, which means "folium" - leaf, "carpa" - goat. These curly bushes up to 6 m long have different shades of flowers and always attract the attention of passers-by.


The shrub has bright green ellipsoid-shaped leaves, vertically growing branches 4-5 m long (depending on the age of the honeysuckle). Gray-green shoots turn red in the sun, tightly wrap around any support. The leaves gradually grow together into a disk, in the middle of which a flower is formed first, then a bunch of ripe berries.

Honeysuckle flowers Capricole have a delicate pleasant aroma and a decorative appearance. They become a source of inspiration and a symbol of beauty, but they are not edible, do not contain medicinal properties. This is a characteristic difference between Honeysuckle and other varieties of honeysuckle. The plant smells intensely in summer, while the aroma intensifies in the evening.

Honeysuckle has red, blue, purple, white and yellow flowers. When ripe in late July-early August, they become rich orange or bright red. Each flower individually lives no more than 3 days, after which it fades. The flowering period of the entire shrub lasts no longer than 3 weeks.


If there is support, honeysuckle grows up to 6 m in length. Thanks to this property, the shrub becomes a vertical gardening for summer cottages and household plots. For proper growth, form a bush even during the disembarkation period, find a reliable support for it. Otherwise, honeysuckle loses its decorative appearance.

In the wild, honeysuckle is found on sunny edges and in forests, it grows up to 1 meter in length in a year. Due to its beauty and vertical crimp, it has been planted in Russian gardens since the 19th century.

Honeysuckle varieties

Honeysuckle is considered the most beautiful representative of honeysuckle among 10 varieties. Gardeners are attracted by the variety of colors and shades, the preservation of the decorative appearance even after the flowering of the bush. The most popular varieties of honeysuckle Honeysuckle with a brief description:

  • few-flowered. Pale red shrub with few flowers.
  • Alba. Early flowering shrub, blue or white flowers.

Other decorative varieties of honeysuckle are also used to create landscape design:

  • Inga. The flowers are white, pink, red and yellow with an intense smell, collected in capitate inflorescences.
  • Telman. The flowers are yellow-hot in color with a moderate aroma, look like lights on the bushes.
  • Belgica Select. The flowers are purple or pink, the fruits are red. The plant blooms 2 times a year - in May, then - in August-September.
  • Harlequin. Pale pink flowers with a moderate aroma, decoration of many arbors in the backyard.
  • Graham Thomas. The flowers are long, white-yellow in color with a pleasant aroma. Blooms from the second half of July to September.

Advantages and disadvantages

Having appreciated the significant benefits of Capricole honeysuckle, many designers have included this ornamental plant in their landscape projects and ideas. Positive moments of honeysuckle Honeysuckle:

  • ease of care;
  • decorative look;
  • variety of colors;
  • fast adaptation to weather conditions;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • fast growth;
  • hedge;
  • creating shade and comfort in the fresh air;
  • strong immunity.

When choosing a variety, keep in mind that honeysuckle Honeysuckle has certain disadvantages, causes trouble when caring for:

  • inedible fruits;
  • fast flowering;
  • pruning branches;
  • support formation;
  • deterioration of external data during transplantation;
  • the need to form a bush, regular watering.

Planting Honeysuckle Honeysuckle

The plant feels comfortable in all regions of Russia, but is less common in the northern part. This is explained by the peculiarities of the harsh climate. At low temperatures, honeysuckle needs special care, it can freeze.

To plant a plant, choose a good time, do not violate the sequence of actions, provide reliable care for seedlings and young shoots.

Landing time

Plant honeysuckle outdoors only in early spring, until then keep it in a greenhouse (greenhouse). The plant blooms in May, which is a favorable period for the root system and fruits.

When planting Honeysuckle in early summer, the bush grows in early autumn, and its fruits are pleasantly pleasing to the eye with a rich red color. During this period, the plant quickly fades.

Location selection

Before planting seedlings, decide on a permanent place. Honeysuckle does not like transplanting from place to place. In this case, the shoots slow down their growth, and the flowers appear less frequently and in smaller numbers.

Honeysuckle needs vertical support to grow, so honeysuckle takes root better near the walls of the house, poles and fences. It is important to take into account all these nuances, including illumination, composition and soil moisture.

Soil preparation

When choosing soil, remember that honeysuckle lives for more than 10 years, so you need fertile soil. Make sure that the site does not have deep underwater water, and if there is, use drainage. Otherwise, the root system rots, the plant dies.

Loosen the earth so that it receives enough light and oxygen. To increase soil fertility, use the following ingredients:

  • Peat, sand, humus and soddy soil as a base. The ratio of components is 1:1:1:3.
  • Two buckets of compost, 500 ml of slaked lime, 100 g of double superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate.


Honeysuckle needs support. It can be any vertical surface on a personal plot: a fence, a canopy, a fence, a wall of a house or a gazebo. If desired, make a support yourself from improvised materials (wood, metal, nylon mesh).

More often, a mesh with large cells, cords, and lattice trellises are used for support. First, the plant makes its way up, and after trimming the tops, it gives lateral shoots and is distributed to the sides. With a high support, 5 years after planting, honeysuckle grows up to 4-5 m in length.

Selection of planting material

The growth of the plant depends on the health and strength of the seedlings. Choose two-year-old seedlings with 2-3 branches and a length of 30 cm. Other recommendations when buying planting material:

  • Take a look at the branches. Dry branches with damaged bark are not suitable. The main selection criteria are elasticity, surface integrity.
  • Examine the bark. Spots indicate a plant health problem. The negative point is the peeling of the shoots.
  • Consider the roots. The presence of growths, weak branching, brittleness and an unpleasant odor are signs of diseases of the root system. Such a plant will not grow quickly.

Landing step by step

When planting honeysuckle, keep the distance between adjacent seedlings - 1.5 m, otherwise the growth of honeysuckle slows down.


  1. Dig a hole 40 cm deep and wide.
  2. Pour drainage at the bottom (expanded clay, gravel, gravel, sand, etc.).
  3. Use organic fertilizer (manure, humus, compost).
  4. Make a hill in the hole, plant seedlings, straighten the roots.
  5. Bury the hole so that the root goes deep by 5-7 cm.
  6. Water each seedling generously (up to 1 bucket per plant).
  7. Lay out a 10 cm layer of mulch.

Young leaves of honeysuckle will appear in a week. To make the plant stronger faster, water it, loosen the ground and remove weeds in a timely manner, especially if they are perennial.

Honeysuckle Care

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle is unpretentious in care, grows quickly and curls along a support. Regular monitoring of growth will help to avoid diseases, improper formation of the bush and depletion of shoots. The earth should not dry out, and when weeds appear, get rid of them immediately.


The plant is unpretentious in care, the main thing is to water it periodically. If the summer turned out to be rainy, then there is no need for additional watering. Otherwise, the root system will rot.

Honeysuckle Honeysuckle does not tolerate severe drought, so in the heat, double the number and abundance of watering - 2 times a week. Check that the earth at the base of the bush does not crack, moisten it.

top dressing

Honeysuckle grows well. To speed up this process and get a hedge faster, additionally use top dressing. The choice of fertilizers and nutrient compounds depends on the time of year:

  • In spring, the plant needs nitrogenous fertilizers. Good nutrition is considered a solution of manure or bird droppings. Concentrated fertilizers can burn the root system. To prevent this, dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • In autumn, focus on phosphate and potash fertilizers; use rotted manure or humus for top dressing. Special superphosphates are especially in demand during this period.
  • In summer, use nitrophoska, dilute 20 g of the composition in 1 bucket of water.

Loosening and weeding

Honeysuckle does not tolerate neighborhood. Before planting Honeysuckle, remove all weeds and perennials, weed the ground as the bush grows. The fluffy soil receives heat and oxygen. If there is no mulch, weed the soil 2 times a week.

Pruning and shaping the bush

With the growth of seedlings, choose the 3 strongest shoots, carefully pluck the rest. When the honeysuckle grows tall, cut off the tops. This is necessary for the growth of honeysuckle in breadth and the formation of a hedge.

When the hedge expands, the lower leaves fall off, gaps appear. To disguise them, plant another shrub that will cover the white spots on a vertical support with young leaves.

If pruned regularly, the plant grows faster, produces beautiful flowers of rich color and attractive fruits. Without pruning, you cannot create an impeccable landscape design. After winter storage in the spring, cut off dead and weak shoots (carry out a sanitary sample of the bush).

About pruning honeysuckle honeysuckle, see the following video:


Transplant honeysuckle in the spring, and immediately decide on a suitable place, otherwise you can ruin the bush. The plant propagates in several ways - cuttings, layering, seeds and by dividing the bush. Choice for gardeners.


This is a complex process that is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Prepare the seeds: remove the grain from the pulp, rinse and dry on the battery.
  2. To make the seeds germinate faster, place them in damp sand.
  3. Store in the refrigerator for 2-4 weeks, moisten periodically.
  4. Prepare a box with nutrient soil, fluff it.
  5. Cover with seeds, place a layer of soil on top.
  6. Cover the container with glass or cling film.
  7. Do not open until young shoots appear.
  8. Then remove the film / glass, ensure regular watering.

When the plant gets stronger and takes height, transplant it to a permanent place. Planting seeds is a troublesome process, the effectiveness of which also depends on the quality of the grains. Therefore, most gardeners prefer to deal with seedlings.

For information on how to collect honeysuckle seeds Honeysuckle for planting, see the following video:


Cuttings are harvested when the bush has already faded - in mid-July. When germinating young shoots, avoid direct sunlight. Preparation rules:

  1. Choose older shoots that break well.
  2. The length of the cuttings is up to 10 cm, the number of nodes is 2-3 pcs.
  3. Cut off the top at a 90 degree angle and the bottom of the cutting at a 45 degree angle.
  4. Plant in a greenhouse, add peat and sand in equal proportions to garden soil.
  5. Choose the distance between the cuttings - 15-25 cm, the depth of the holes - 2-3 cm.
  6. In the spring, transplant a young plant with leaves into open ground.


This honeysuckle breeding method is the simplest and most affordable, does not require special preparation, subtleties. The sequence of actions of the gardener is as follows:

  1. Tilt the honeysuckle branch and dig in the ground.
  2. To prevent it from returning to its original position, secure it with a rope or staple.
  3. Loosen the soil well and water after planting.
  4. After rooting, separate the young and adult plant.
  5. Dig up, transplant to a permanent place.

By dividing the bush

In this case, you will have to disturb the root system of adult honeysuckle. For example, detach the shoot from the root, shorten it and plant it in a separate container. For rapid growth, water honeysuckle regularly, control the appearance of the first leaves.

The second option: dig up a bush and divide it into 2 parts with a shovel. Treat the sections with ash, shorten the shoots. Plant both bushes in different containers, also follow their intensive growth. Later, transplant the strengthened honeysuckle into open ground.

Preparing for winter

Mature plants do not need warming for the winter, but for young shoots, frost is a serious test. To save a hedge, insulate the bush with a layer of humus, peat (apply around the trunk).

When it gets cold, remove the honeysuckle shoots from the support, carefully lay them on the ground, cover them with foil, roofing material or slate from above. Do not disturb the plant until spring, when you have to re-place it on a vertical support. Pre-cut the dead shoots.

Diseases and pests

If the plant wilts, some of the leaves turn yellow and fall off, these are signs of appearance that deplete the once strong shoots and affect the root system. Possible pests are described in the table:

To get rid of harmful insects or prevent their appearance, use the preparations Condifor, Eleksar, Inta-VIR. Spray the leaves with a solution prepared strictly according to the instructions.

Another enemy of honeysuckle is a fungus. Brown seals (tubercles) appear on the leaves. The crown withers, crumbles. Remove fungus-affected shoots. To save the hedge, treat the plant with a solution of copper sulfate. Use fungicides, 1% Bordeaux liquid or Aga-Peak.

With the activity of viruses, stains appear on the leaves. You can try to save honeysuckle Caprifol by treating with a solution of copper sulphate or Fundazol. If there is no result, dig up and burn the diseased plant. Proceed similarly with ramulariasis, cercosporosis, when brown spots on the leaves lead to the death of green shrubs.

For advanced honeysuckle diseases, use chemicals. Antitlin, Actellik, Biotlin and Akarin are especially effective, if the proportions prescribed in the instructions are not violated. For the prevention of harmful insects, spray Honeysuckle with a 5% urea solution in the fall.

Good afternoon!

Today we’ll talk in detail about honeysuckle honeysuckle: proper planting and care with photos, how to propagate honeysuckle. Honeysuckle is a wonderful, fragrant liana that blooms with beautiful pale pink or raspberry flowers. Inflorescences of an unusual shape up to 5 cm in length. Often used for vertical wall decoration, you can hide unattractive buildings in the garden. Or vice versa, decorate a gazebo or pergola.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is very winter-hardy, it winters well in the Middle lane, in the Urals, in Siberia.

Cultivation of honeysuckle honeysuckle

In nature, this liana is found in Central and Southern Europe, in the Caucasus.

It has a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening. It is distinguished by an unusual sessile form of flowers with prominent stamens, often differing in color from the petals. Flowers are collected in 5-6 pieces together and grow from the axils of the leaves.

The leaves are leathery, dense, bluish-gray below and dark green above, fused. Until late autumn, the vine retains this color.

It blooms for a short time, but abundantly for three to four weeks. Each flower lives for three days. Fragrant flowers attract many bees. After flowering, bright red berries are formed.

Attention! The berries are poisonous and should never be eaten.

During the summer, honeysuckle shoots can grow up to two meters. Usually, the vine grows by 1 meter per year. They winter well. Even if the shoots freeze slightly in severe winters, they usually recover well.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can grow for more than 50 years and delight you with flowering and decorativeness, until winter the leaves remain two-colored - gray and green. It also reproduces very easily.


Honeysuckle does not like transplants very much, so you need to immediately pick up a permanent place. She loves sunny places - in the sun it blooms better and more abundantly.

It is better to plant immediately near the support - the walls of the building, the fence. Or then build a pergola so that the vine can grow up. It can stretch up to 5 meters in five years.

At the same time, it grows not only upwards, but also in breadth. There are many small roots on the shoots that cling to surfaces. Therefore, the shoots take root easily.

The earth is well dug up before planting, moistened. To close large areas, you need to plant shoots with a large number of buds in a trench. So many young shoots will grow.


As already mentioned, honeysuckle honeysuckle needs support, so you need to plant it near walls, fences, or build a support yourself. The higher the support, the taller the plant. In the garden, they usually grow up to 4-5 meters.

You need to water regularly, honeysuckle loves water, and increase watering in drought.

After planting and rooting, after 2-3 weeks, the seedlings are watered with fertilizer. It can be an infusion of mullein with ashes. Or a mixture of manure and mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizers are used when planting in the spring. So that the plant has nutrients for strong growth in summer. In the second half of summer, they are fed only with ash or complex fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizers are no longer added.

You can fill the hole with humus or well-rotted compost immediately upon planting. Adult plants are also periodically fed with humus, compost, ash, or a mixture of them. Then the plants will delight you with rapid growth and abundant flowering.

Honeysuckle can be affected by fungal diseases that become visible on the leaves. They turn brown, become covered with dark spots and dry up. For treatment and prevention, you need to spray the bushes with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. It is better to carry out such spraying in early spring to prevent diseases.

Reproduction of honeysuckle honeysuckle

This plant is propagated in different ways:

  • seeds
  • cuttings
  • layering
  • By dividing the bush


This is a very long and difficult process. If you decide to propagate your vine with seeds, then you need to have a lot of patience. Seeds are very tight, they must be stratified.

Seeds are harvested after flowering and seed ripening, in July. You can immediately sow them in the ground or put them in the refrigerator for storage. Store them in wet sand. This is how seeds are stratified. It is necessary to ensure that the seeds are constantly moist.

With direct sowing directly into the ground, the stratification of seeds will take place in the ground in the spring.

Seeds from refrigerators are sown in the spring along with sand in prepared beds. Waiting for shoots. Young shoots need to be carefully weeded, watered, loosened. A place for young seedlings is chosen shaded so that the sun does not burn young shoots.

In autumn, young plants can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence. The first years, young bushes need to be covered for the winter with a layer of mulch - humus, peat, leaves. After 2 years, the plant will already grow to 1.5-2 meters and will be able to winter on its own, without additional shelters.

Until the age of three, the vine can still freeze in very severe frosts, so if a harsh winter is expected, it is better to cover the root part of the plant with spruce branches or peat.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cuttings are cut at the end of flowering, in June-July. There should be 2-3 buds in the cutting, the lower leaves are removed, and the upper ones are shortened by half.

The soil for rooting is specially prepared. It should be loose and water and breathable. To do this, mix sand, humus, compost and garden soil in equal quantities.

For the best result, the cuttings are dipped in Kornevin powder and then planted in rows in prepared ridges with a distance of 20 cm. They are watered and covered with a film or halves from plastic bottles - they make greenhouses.

Constantly need to ventilate and spray the cuttings (up to three times a day), then the percentage of rooted will be much higher. You need to do this for about a month, then new leaves will appear on the cuttings and you can remove all the shelters.

For the winter, the cuttings are covered with peat or leaves so that they do not freeze out. In the spring they are planted in a permanent place. To form more additional roots, you need to slightly deepen the root collar when planting.

If the cuttings are not treated with anything else before planting, then 50% of the total amount will take root.

Rooting layering

This is the easiest way to propagate honeysuckle, but you need to remember that only adult strong plants with many new shoots can be rooted this way.

You need to choose an escape near the ground, bend down and pin to the ground. Cover part of the shoot with earth and water. If you do this in the spring, then by the fall we will have a new shoot with roots. You can separate it and plant it in a permanent place. And you can leave the transplant until spring.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method is the same for all shrubs. It is necessary to dig up the base of the bush and chop off a part of the rhizome with branches with a sharp shovel. Then sprinkle the cut with charcoal, dry it and plant it in the prepared area.

You can dig out the entire bush completely and divide it into parts with a sharp shovel. All sections are sprinkled with crushed coal.

Spring pruning of honeysuckle, how to properly

Buds wake up late, so do not rush to prune honeysuckle in the spring. Because you need to cut only damaged, frost-bitten branches, which will no longer give new buds and shoots.

Therefore, we are waiting for the appearance of buds and carefully cut off the extra shoots.

To stimulate the formation of lateral shoots, after the liana reaches the desired height, the top of the head is cut off at the main trunk.

Video about growing honeysuckle honeysuckle

Honeysuckle honeysuckle can please you with a huge liana with fragrant flowers, if you take care of it correctly. It is quite unpretentious, grows well and is frost-resistant. Perfectly decorates and decorates any buildings.

Sincerely, Sofia Guseva.

The owners of household plots and cottages have an undeniable advantage over the owners of city apartments, which lies in the possibility of arranging and decorating their plot to their own taste. For these purposes, there are many ornamental and fruit crops, but climbing honeysuckle capricole occupies a special place in this list.


This species is held in high esteem among ornamental shrubs, since the liana develops rather quickly, due to which, for only one season, it is able to wrap around and decorate a fence, create a hedge, or act as another decorative element in the garden. For the cultivation of culture, the main importance is given to the creation of guides and supports for the growth of fragrant vines. And those and other works can be easily done with your own hands.

When the right conditions are created for the development of a plant, it can grow in length by more than five meters, while its wattle fences will literally be strewn with fragrant, beautiful flowers. Honeysuckle is not the fruit of the work of breeding scientists, since it is a botanical plant species that grows in the wild in certain regions. However, breeders took part in the widespread distribution of this variety of honeysuckle, who, by crossing various plant species, obtained a huge number of zoned crops. Thanks to this, hybrids can now be planted not only in the mild climate of the southern regions, but also cultivated in the northern regions of Russia, in the Moscow region, the Scandinavian countries or North America, subject to the right agricultural technology.

Even the name of the culture is quite unusual, since it means “goat leaf” in translation. Honeysuckle performs an exclusively decorative task, its fruits cannot be eaten, therefore, the liana is grown only to decorate the territory, which, however, does not reduce its demand in any way. On average, the length of the vine varies in the range of 4-6 meters. But this applies to already adult shrubs, since in one season it stretches by about 1–1.5 meters.

Only the formed shoots of honeysuckle have a rather light color, but under the influence of ultraviolet and warm air they change it. In the course of growth, they become stiff, a bark is formed. Over time, the bark can peel off, which is a natural process for a vine, and does not indicate the presence of any ailments. The life expectancy of one plant is about 50 years. As practice shows, honeysuckle blooms and bears fruit already in the fourth year of the life cycle. The active growth phase of the vine falls at the beginning of April and ends closer to autumn.

The flowering phase occurs in late spring or early summer. During this period, flowers are formed in large numbers on shrubs. They can be yellow, pink, white or a combination of colors. Some gardeners find the outward resemblance of honeysuckle flowers to orchid flowers. Usually the length of one flower is about 5 centimeters. The flowers are planted very close to the green mass of the bush, and the stamens stand out significantly from them.

No less attractive are the honeysuckle fruits, which are formed after the flowering phase. Usually they are orange berries, collected together in several pieces. Honeysuckle flowers have the properties of a honey plant, making the liana a very useful neighbor for the apiary when it blooms. It is worth highlighting the following varieties of honeysuckle:

  • few-flowered liana is not distinguished by a large number of flowers, which they usually have a pink or red color;
  • white honeysuckle has flowers of the same color.

In addition to the main species, gardeners are actively engaged in the cultivation of honeysuckle honeysuckle hybrids. Some of them are less resistant to weather conditions, so they need special care when landing in the central and northern regions. Among the available assortment, the Inga variety can be distinguished, which blooms with fragrant pink or beige flowers. As a result of crossing honeysuckle and Etruscan honeysuckle, Lonicera americanum was obtained, which develops well in a southern climate and blooms with rich red buds. Honeysuckle "Gekrotta" also owes its origin to honeysuckle.

growing conditions

In its natural environment, honeysuckle is common in the Caucasus and southern Europe. As for cultivation in gardens and other areas, it is worth noting that this variety can grow in a cool climate, but it is completely unsuitable for growing in Siberia, given the sharply continental climate of these latitudes. Unfortunately, in a harsh winter, the vine will not be able to maintain its viability.


Before you buy honeysuckle seedlings, you need to choose the right place for planting an ornamental shrub. To accurately determine the place, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • in the selected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden there must be supports, for example, a fence, a pillar or a wall of a building;
  • as practice shows, honeysuckle reacts quite sharply to transplantation, so the place for the shrub should be permanent;
  • before landing, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory preparatory measures regarding the quality of the soil, the illumination of the selected area, and others.

The optimal soil for the plant will be slightly alkaline soil with a good level of humus content. The development of creepers in dry and heavy soil worsens. As for the level of light, the plant is one of the species that blooms best in sunny areas, so when planning and placing a crop, it is worth giving preference to the south side of the territory. Honeysuckle does not bloom in shaded areas. In addition, the plant must be protected from cold winds and drafts.

An important point is the level of groundwater occurrence on the ground. It is worth refusing to plant honeysuckle in the ground with surface water, since their close location will provoke rotting of the root system of the shrub. The recommended planting period is spring. Shrubs, as a rule, do not root before winter, since a young and fragile liana will most likely die from frost, and having planted it in the spring, new shoots can be expected already in the first summer months. Despite the exotic nature of the fragrant liana, caring for it does not differ from similar activities related to other ornamental shrubs.

To root honeysuckle, you will need to make a hole, the dimensions of which should be 0.5x0.5x0.5 meters. The released soil is mixed with organic fertilizers, such as manure or peat. Drainage should be located at the bottom of the pit. For these purposes, brick chips or gravel are suitable.

If you plan to create a whole honeysuckle hedge, to plant plants on the site, you need to dig a special trench for rooting several seedlings.

Landing technology involves the following sequential steps:

  • if a honeysuckle seedling is planted, its roots are cut, the plant itself is located in a recess in a vertical position;
  • the root system is leveled so that it does not have root creases;
  • the plant is moistened, after which it is covered with earth;
  • after using all the soil, you need to carry out another watering so that the earth sags;
  • the final stage is the mulching of the culture with any organic matter.

Care and reproduction

The easiest way to propagate a crop is to use planting material in the form of seeds. They are calibrated and then germinated. The formed sprouts are rooted in the ground. There is another option for seed preparation - in February, the material is mixed with sand and sent to the refrigerator for two months. After their germination, seeds are planted in the ground.

An equally popular method of cultivating honeysuckle is cuttings or propagation by offshoots. As a rule, the site is ennobled with cuttings in spring or summer. They are planted in loose soil, leaving only one kidney above the ground. In the summer months, the cuttings are planted in a greenhouse around July. For this, material is selected on which several internodes have already formed. The culture is covered with glass, and after the appearance of the leaves, they are removed. Honeysuckle needs daily moisture, the soil around is mulched for wintering, and with the advent of spring, honeysuckle is planted in open ground.

A very easy way, which is recommended for gardeners with minimal experience, is the tap method. They are chosen in spring or autumn. The shoot is cut and dug into the ground. After the roots appear, the shrub is separated from the parent. After that, he sits down in his place.

Honeysuckle can not only be cuttings, but also propagated by dividing the bush. This option is effective in the case when the plant has become old and very strongly heard. The positive aspect of this method is the possibility of planting the crop immediately into the ground. A shrub propagates by cutting off a shoot that has a root system. After it is separated from the mother culture, it will be necessary to trim the new vine by about one third.

Liana care includes a number of mandatory works.

Selecting and creating a support

A specific feature of the plant is the ability to grow and develop only in the presence of objects that can be hooked on. Such supports can be specially created lattices, poles, trellises, or walls of various structures, including residential buildings or terraces, gazebos, verandas. There are several nuances regarding the type of supports. First of all, the texture should be rough, which will contribute to better adhesion to the plant.

Introduction of fertilizers

The primary top dressing of honeysuckle after landing on the ground must be done after 21 days. For these purposes, a balanced mineral complex, including potassium and nitrogen, will be optimal. Adult crops should be fertilized no more than once a season. It is more correct to fertilize before the flowering of the vine, since nitrogen will have a positive effect on the growth of the green mass of the plant.

Before the onset of cold weather, honeysuckle is fertilized in a basal way, for this wood ash is used, which will be an excellent vitamin support for the crop throughout the winter.

Forming and pruning vines

Without regular and proper care, honeysuckle is unlikely to become a full-fledged decoration of the backyard territory. That is why the plant needs high-quality and timely pruning, due to the fact that the shrub grows quite quickly. The first pruning is necessary for the plant after planting in order to set the direction of the shoots based on the planting site of the shrub. Further, the culture is ennobled every spring, in the course of work, the weaker parts of the shrub are removed at the root, and the green and powerful shoots are cut by about 1/3.

As experienced gardeners and designers advise, work related to the formation of shrubs, which began shortly after planting and is regular, will achieve a spectacular appearance of the plant, and also exclude the development of honeysuckle diseases. Shrub pruning also includes sanitary measures. They consist in inspecting the shoots of a climbing vine, if necessary, removing very old shoots. In addition, optimal height control is achieved by trimming the top of the honeysuckle. In this case, the plant will begin to develop more actively in different directions, focusing on lateral shoots.

Watering culture

Honeysuckle loves moisture, so the soil near the vine should always be wet, especially in hot weather. At normal air temperatures, the plant can be watered once every seven days; in the hot months, moisture should be introduced twice as often. A good level of moisture will not only allow the shrub to develop properly, but also extend its flowering period, which will increase the decorative properties of honeysuckle.

It should be noted that after each introduction of water under the root, the soil should be loosened to maintain aeration, in addition, a layer of mulch laid out in the root zone of the shrub will help retain moisture.

Preparing for winter

As for the winter period in the southern and central regions, in this area the plant demonstrates high winter hardiness, in the northern regions the plants die from severe frosts. But even in more favorable climates, the liana requires shelter for the winter to be sure that it will survive the frost period. As a covering material, you can use various materials, even cardboard, shelter with fallen leaves or peat gives good results. The main thing is to focus on the root circle. In some cases, adult zoned honeysuckle varieties do without shelter for the winter.

Diseases and pests

Liana does not belong to tender cultures, but some pathogens still affect her.

  • The main disease faced by honeysuckle is fungus. It is expressed in the formation of spots on the green mass of the shrub. Most often, honeysuckle suffers from ramulariasis. The spots on the sheets in this case have a gray color. Without timely treatment, the disease spreads throughout the plant and reaches the stems and petioles, which die due to the fungus. To combat the fungus, copper sulfate and Fundazol are used.
  • No less dangerous for honeysuckle cercosporosis. Its signs are dots of red-brown color. The plant is treated for this disease by spraying with copper sulfate.
  • Sometimes creeper shoots are striking tuberculosis, which twists the sheets, soon bumps form on them, after which the fungus infects the bark of the culture. Shoots with such symptoms should be cut off, the whole culture should be sprayed with copper sulphate, and scissors or pruners should be treated with disinfectants.

Some insects, such as spider mites, ants, aphids, wireworms, codling moths and others, can also cause harm to the plant. Shrews are no less dangerous for honeysuckle. Aphids bring the greatest damage to the culture, because it gradually destroys the leaves of the shrub. To destroy it, chemical preparations are used, for example, "Eleksar" or "Aktellik". The spider mite settles on groomed shrubs. To combat this insect, Omaita treatment is effective. As a preventive spraying in the spring, honeysuckle is treated with copper sulphate.

The solution is prepared according to the following recipe: in one bucket of water, it is necessary to dissolve two tablespoons of copper sulfate, and then process the plant, not disregarding even the most inaccessible areas.

Application in landscape design

Most designers, when decorating household plots and other public and private areas, plant honeysuckle with hedges. The ideal option for creating it would be to use this particular ornamental shrub, since it grows quite quickly and has an exotic appearance. A climbing liana can become an attractive backdrop for landscape accents, in addition, the culture goes well with other ornamental shrubs.

Honeysuckle will be able to beautifully shade gazebos or decorate any buildings on the site.

With the help of climbing vines, you can zone the space of the garden and create a unique landscape design or a piece of paradise on the territory.