What is the dream of a dead brother. Unfamiliar dead souls in a dream. Red wedding dress dead man smoked in a dream

What the dead brother is dreaming of can be understood only by analyzing the vision completely. Some interpretations warn of dangers, difficulties, troubles. Other seers predict profit, good news, a promising acquaintance.

According to Miller

Why dream of seeing a dead brother come to life? According to Miller, the previously solved problem will again become relevant. Try to keep your cool and find the strength to act.

Respond to a request for help

To meet a dead brother in a dream for a guy portends a meeting with a new friend. He will be something subtly similar to the deceased. Over time, an emotional and spiritual intimacy will arise between you.

For the rest, the dream book predicts: they will turn to you for advice or ask for support. Do not refuse to lend a helping hand to a person, and do everything in your power.

There is another interpretation of events in a dream. The whole family will be affected by important events. For better or worse, you can find out from the emotional coloring of the vision.

If you are asked to borrow money, the dream book recommends not refusing to the needy. For a good deed, you will receive a reward later.

Difficult period and approaching danger

Why does the deceased brother constantly dream? The soul of the deceased is trying to warn the dreamer that he is in mortal danger, similar to the one from which a relative died.

If in a dream the bloodline was lethargic and complained of health, this promises the beginning of a difficult period. Get together and be patient, adversity will pass.

Why dream if a brother gets sick in a dream? Testing will affect all family members. Be tolerant of relatives, in a critical situation it is easy to break loose.

If the deceased brother wipes his tears, the dream book prophesies danger. Postpone the beginning of a responsible business or postpone a long trip.

Difficulties arise

What is the dream of a brother lying in a coffin? Expect trouble and failure. In foresees the need for a serious conversation with relatives. Do not ignore the problem, otherwise you will provoke a huge scandal.

Gambling, especially playing cards with the deceased, is interpreted by the dream book as a contest between life and death. If a person wins in a dream, troubles will pass by. Lose - in reality he is in mortal danger.

Does your recently deceased brother often come into your dreams? The dream book recommends not looking for the hidden meaning of the vision. You perceive the loss very acutely and cannot let go of a loved one.

good predictions

Why dream if the deceased brother is cheerful and joyful? The news you expect will be good. In addition, there will be an opportunity to increase income.

Communicating in a dream with a deceased cousin, and waking up in a pleasant mood in the morning, portends success at work. A complex project will be successfully completed, the authorities will appreciate your professional qualities.

But in some cases, the dream book portends a sharp cold snap and bad weather.

If the deceased brother had a dream in the company of deceased parents and is having fun with you, close people will support you in reality, and in the family the dream book portends the onset of happiness and peace.

Problems in mutual understanding

If you kissed a deceased brother, difficulties will arise in the work, unforeseen circumstances will slow things down. The dream interpretation also predicts the aggravation of long-standing conflicts and tension in communicating with others.

If a woman dreamed of her husband's deceased brother, she would be drawn into someone else's family conflict. A conversation with him means: a loved one needs your help.

Annoying deeds

There is an interpretation according to which talking with a deceased brother means transferring vital energy to him.

Did a brother appear in a dream, who died as a baby? You will receive bad news, and you will have to do unpleasant things.

Seeing his corpse restless means that his soul has not found peace. To alleviate her fate, remember a relative.

Brief interpretations

  • kissed - betrayal of a friend or loved one;
  • called on a cell phone - do not refuse those in need;
  • took something away - big expenses are expected;
  • hugged - seriously ill;
  • talked - get the news;
  • argued - to impotence;
  • fought - for financial gain;
  • smiled - to a happy old age;
  • revived - the previously lost will return.

My brother died a year ago, it was very unexpected.
The day after the funeral, we, like everyone else, went to the grave to “feed” him, brought a huge bowl of borscht (I emphasize this, you will understand why in the course of the story). We “fed” him, came home, and all our conversations were about what if the doctors didn’t do everything they could, why he died, because even pathologists could not determine this. In the evening I went to bed with my mother, I have a dream: I am sitting on a bench with my dead brother, in a dream I clearly saw him, and we have the following conversation. My brother says to me: "Do not think that the doctor did not want to save me, he did everything possible, thank you for the funeral, I saw everything, you did everything very well," and then in a dream I see how he puts his hand to on your stomach with the words: "Thanks for the borscht, I ate too much." In a dream, I ask him what he poisoned with, and he tells me everything in detail, but what is most interesting, he tells me: "I have corrected myself, sister, the Lord God gave me one more chance, my heart began to beat."
To be honest, I woke up in a cold sweat. The next dream was on the 9th day. I dream of his funeral, there is a coffin, and then my brother comes up behind and says: "Why are you here?" I say, they say, we bury you, and he answers me: "I was given a second chance and my heart began to beat." In my next dreams, I remembered nothing of what happened, except for the words "my heart was beating."
You have no idea what I experienced in 40 days, despite the fact that I was pregnant with my son.
A year has already passed, but I still can’t forget his visits to me in a dream, and he only dreamed of me, although we didn’t communicate very well during our lifetime.
I want to ask you why he came to me every time and said the same phrase? What does this mean?
I've been scratching my head for a year now. My eldest son is a copy of him, behavior, speech, is it possible that his soul is now in my son, I am very afraid of this.

cool story.+

Perhaps your brother was reincarnated into your son. It was not for nothing that he told you "my heart began to beat.", and there is no need to be afraid of anything. "I have corrected myself, sister, the Lord God gave me one more chance, my heart began to beat."

I heard that we all "cook" in the same tribal circle. And we never part. The child, as soon as he grows up, will be able to speak - ask him about your thoughts, doubts about your brother ... They say that children, if they are asked, tell. Maybe your brother really came back to you. Although .. It's strange, if at the time of the brother's death there was already a pregnancy, then how could it be him ... ???

even if your child looks like your brother, this does not mean at all "that his soul is now in my son", it's just genetics.

If the story is true, bravo

Interesting story, but why are you afraid???+

Or maybe reincarnation, or maybe rejection, unwillingness to come to terms with the loss of a brother. and the son looks like his own uncle. I think during reincarnation, a similar appearance is not required. Why be afraid? +++++

Well! Plus!!!

Your son just looks like his uncle. If at the time of your brother's death, you already had an older child, then we are not talking about any reincarnation. I read somewhere that by the twelfth week of pregnancy, the unborn child already has a soul. But in another baby, the soul of your untimely deceased brother could well be reborn. Once he was given a second chance. Here he was in a dream and told you that his heart was beating again.
I liked the story itself. ++

Um? I'm a little confused... were you pregnant a year ago? Then, it turns out, the boy is less than a year old ... ahhh, then the question is: what behavior and TALK can he be like? And why the eldest son? Did you have another baby in a year? I do not understand! If possible, please explain...

And I didn't get it either.

Great story.
Your brother has been reborn in the form of your son and there is no need to be afraid of this. Moreover, he said that he had improved.

For some reason, the first thought was about clinical death .. As if my heart was beating again, and he was already underground ..
Well, yes, and about the year after death, the dialect of the eldest son is also not very clear.

Well, maybe he says some words already ... children are different ...

So, guys, some people get carried away so much that the author can lose his sense of reality. First, reincarnation has not been proven because we don't have the full story. It has also not been proven that it does not exist. If this is the case, then it is better not to finally talk about it and it is not worth drawing conclusions, because there may be the most unpredictable consequences. After all, we don’t know why the author is afraid ... Therefore, if you write something in the comments, then please keep in mind that words can hurt. But in order to say something definitively, it is necessary to take into account the consequences of your conclusions (this is for commentators-advisers). For the author: calm down, please, your brother cannot be reborn in your son. Your son and only yours. In it, no one received a rebirth. Your son is new and fresh and full of energy. He will do well in school, get a higher education, start his own family. Will work for the benefit of his family. He will honor his parents, that is, you, love his wife and his children. And maybe he will be the president of the country in the future.
Secondly, scouts from other worlds sometimes come into our dreams. And now the most dangerous of them are transformed into our relatives. The purpose of these scouts is to knock energy out of the dreamer. In your dream, a very strong scout, because he comes in the following dreams, and even says the same thing. For you, the meaning of the words: the heart beat a second time - is the revival of the brother. It is so? And it's somehow dangerous for you. It is in the sense of danger that the mechanism for withdrawing your energy from you, but not your children, consists. What do we have to do? Convince yourself that this is not your brother. It's just your dream, which is not real. In principle, it is so in nature. Your brother is dead, he is not in this world. And this is also logical, because you no longer see your brother alive, he is buried. If you sleep, then you dream. So sleep well and ignore the scouts. So you will save your energy and be absolutely happy. Plus for the story and good luck to you, author. +++++++++

In general, if a dead person comes in a dream, then you should prepare yourself for the sad news. It is said that the deceased portends either death or illness. There may be more accidents. But similarity in one thing is not a good sign. However, there is no need to panic ahead of time.

What if a dead brother is dreaming?

A very detailed interpretation of this dream is given by Miller's dream book. It says that if the deceased is dreaming, then in reality one must prepare for difficult trials. It is possible that a loved one gets sick. If the dead man spoke in a dream, then in reality there will be bad gossip and rumors that will continue for many years. It is not desirable for the deceased to hug a living person. This suggests that in real life there will be incurable diseases. There is a high probability that there will be a disability. And if the deceased in a dream is cheerful and joyful, then this is a sign that the person has arranged his own life incorrectly. It is worth taking a closer look at your lifestyle. Maybe not the right family or the wrong job. And while there is time, you need to fix everything. It is very bad when in a dream a living person and a dead person play cards. This is where the game of life takes place. If a person wins, he will live, if he loses, he will die.

It is strictly forbidden to talk in a dream with a dead person. Thus, it will take away vitality and a person in reality may feel a breakdown. Of course, many do not realize in a dream that a person has been dead for a long time. Therefore, in dreams, in general, it is desirable to remain silent.

Many people dream of dead relatives. However, this is also not a favorable sign. Considerable attention should be paid if a dead mother comes in a dream. She wants to say that someone wishes her daughter evil. This is a sign that you need to check all your friends and acquaintances for falsity. It is highly likely that they are plotting insidious deeds. If the late father had a dream, then in reality there will be a fight that will lead to a hospital bed. It is advisable not to enter into conflicts, not to scandal, and also not to walk in the dark. If a dead brother had a dream, then this means that a friend or beloved guy was cruelly deceived. It is also possible that one of the best friends will make a mockery of it. And there, do not escape from shame. But also the dead sister will not console in a dream. Such a dream predicts betrayal by a friend. You should not share secrets with her and say how everything went well in life.

What portends?

Anna Belaya, a participant in the TV show "Battle of Psychics", tried to tell in detail what the dead brother is dreaming of. According to her, this is a very scary sign. And if this dream was a dream, then in the near future it is better to postpone all business and go to rest. A dead person portends some kind of danger. It is not desirable for a pregnant woman to dream about this. It threatens miscarriage. Also, if a sick person had this dream, then in reality he is unlikely to ever recover. The clairvoyant is sure that the deceased comes to a person for a reason. He wants to say something. However, if he starts a dialogue, then he will take all the energy from the living. Therefore, those dead who wish good are silent. Be sure to thank for such a sign, you need to buy a liver with sweets and distribute them to children near the church. Thus, a person will remember the deceased, and, perhaps, misfortunes will bypass.

A bad dream is one where a dead person appears. It is very important not to tell anyone about such a dream, otherwise you can cause trouble. It is necessary to go to church and put a candle to all loved ones for health, and also do not forget to pray.

To believe predictions or not is everyone's business. However, it is still worth paying attention to the interpretation of dreams. After all, this is not just written. Therefore, you should be a little more careful in real life. Nobody knows what will happen today or tomorrow. So, being skeptical about dreams is not an option!

A deceased brother in a dream often warns of difficulties, a difficult period, and dangers. However, the dream book, explaining why this image is dreaming, gives other interpretations: material wealth, good news, a new acquaintance.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Was the dead brother in the coffin? The sleeper will be haunted by failures, troubles. Also, a vision of him in a coffin promises a showdown with someone close and dear. You can not ignore an important conversation: this will provoke a conflict.

Provide help when asked

Why does a dead brother or friend dream of being alive? The dream interpretation claims: someone will turn to the sleeping person for advice, help. It is necessary to support a person, to provide all possible assistance.

Why does he dream of a living young man? If in a dream he is a young man, it means that soon a new friend will appear in reality, somewhat reminiscent of the deceased. There will be an emotional intimacy, and subsequently a strong friendship.

Also, this interpretation will help to understand why he dreams of being alive: important family events are coming. What they will be - can be understood by the impression of a dream.

This interpretation of sleep is also possible: soon someone will ask you to borrow money. You need to meet halfway: a good deed will subsequently return a hundredfold.

Ahead of danger, a difficult period

Constantly seeing him in a dream is a warning. The dreamer may face the same danger from which a loved one died.

A sick dead brother portends the beginning of a difficult period. You need to be patient in order to endure the coming troubles.

If you dreamed that he was sick, emaciated, the dream book warns: there are trials ahead for the family. Patience and understanding should be shown.

Does he cry in his sleep? Warns the sleeper of danger. It is better to postpone a long trip or a meeting.

Get ready to solve problems

Did you dream that he was alive? The dream interpretation reports: a problem will reappear, which has long been resolved. Despite the desperate reluctance to do anything, try to calmly find a way out.

Playing cards with a recently deceased brother is a bad sign, a game of life and death. If the sleeper wins, everything will be fine. Lose - an accident or an accident threatens.

Do you often see in a dream a loved one who died recently? The dream interpretation claims: the vision does not carry a certain meaning: you just yearn for it, you cannot let it go.

good omens

A sibling or cousin who has already died - cheerful, contented? Find out good news. A dream promises financial well-being.

Why is the late cousin dreaming? The dream book calls his appearance a harbinger of bad weather, the onset of a prolonged bad weather.

To see in a dream a cousin who has passed away, to communicate, and in the morning to remain under the pleasant impression of a dream - success at work awaits ahead.

Did you dream about the late parents and brother - cheerful, joyful? The dreamer feels the support of loved ones. His mother came to your house with him - a good sign. There will be peace and happiness in life.

Dream interpretation dead brother

Any dream in which your relative is the main figure causes ambiguous feelings. If a dead person is dreaming, then any dream is alarming and makes you think.

What is the dream of a dead brother

Seeing a dead person in a dream is interpreted by many dream books as a negative sign that prepares you for changes in life, while not the most pleasant.

What will the dream book say, why did the late brother dream

When a dream causes us anxiety, we try to solve it as quickly as possible, to understand what its message is. For this, it is not necessary to go to fortune-tellers and lay out a lot of money. At this time, there are freely available interpreters of dreams that have been tested for decades, who can make a prediction with almost 100% accuracy.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

If a dead brother dreamed

  • A deceased sibling or cousin in a dream may remind you that goals in life are set incorrectly.
  • If a relative dreamed alive, talking - listen to his words, it is possible that they contain important information. In addition, if the deceased in a dream looks alive - to material prosperity and well-being.
  • Also, this dream book does not exclude that you just recently thought a lot about this relative, or still have not recovered after his death.
  • The deceased dreams of joy and positive events. This is how the dream book interprets this vision.
  • A native deceased brother may mean that soon someone will turn to you with a request. Only you can help this person.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

It happens that in a dream we happen to see our living cousin dead. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as positive, and promises longevity.

If you dreamed of a cousin with whom you got into a fight, you will find benefits and great happiness.

But the dream in which you say goodbye to him promises a division of property.

Muslim dream book

  • Not just to see a deceased loved one in a dream, but to hug him - for long years of life.
  • The late brother is sleeping, or naked - his soul has rested, do not worry about him anymore.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The dream in which you touched or hugged your brother - cope with your fears, overcome phobias.

To see in a dream how a dead person is calling you to follow him, you should not follow him. Otherwise, you are threatened with illness or loss of yourself, you can fall into severe depression.

To see a long-dead sibling alive - he has no rest in the next world, this is how the dream book considers this dream.

The root causes of such dreams

Perhaps loved ones need support

Initially, if you had a dream about a deceased relative, you should understand why the dream visited you. This is especially important if such dreams visit you quite often.

It is possible that one of your loved ones needs your help and support. Even if this is not visible at first glance, then try to see the seal of sadness or fear behind their feigned cheerfulness. Believe that it is in your power to help them in time.

The second option, why you are dreaming of this plot, is possible if you have a serious event planned in your life. It can be a business deal, buying a home, moving, getting married. What you happened to see in a dream suggests that it is worth postponing the implementation of these cases to a later date.

The late brother in a dream, what changes does he bring

Often dream books say that a dead cousin can promise an early marriage for you or someone from your close relatives. In addition, if you dreamed of a similar plot, there may be an unscheduled replenishment in the family.

A too cheerful relative may hint to you at the too depraved and wrong lifestyle that you have been leading lately. You should not puzzle over why you had such a dream, just pull yourself together, improve your life, otherwise you will be haunted by losses and troubles.

I dreamed of a cousin, tired and sad - you have a long period of adversity and obstacles ahead of you. Prepare for it while there is still time. But, the black stripe will pass, the white one will definitely come.

Often a dead brother in a state of intoxication promises you quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. Why close people can turn away from you? Often, this is a defensive reaction against your indifference or despotism.

Seeing a deceased relative in a dream as a child - a pleasant and unexpected meeting awaits you.

Negative dream predictions about the deceased brother

I dreamed of a late cousin who plays cards with a living person, or the dreamer himself - often alive, such a dream predicts a serious illness or death. Do not panic in advance, the interpretation is given if you lose.

It is extremely undesirable for living people to communicate with the dead in a dream. Listen to him - get the right information. Conduct a dialogue - give your life energy.

For pregnant women, dreams about dead brothers threaten miscarriage.

After any dreams in which the dead disturbed you, it would not be superfluous to go to church, light a candle, and give alms.

A deceased brother in a dream often warns of difficulties, a difficult period, and dangers. However, the dream book, explaining why this image is dreaming, gives other interpretations: material wealth, good news, a new acquaintance.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Was the dead brother in the coffin? The sleeper will be haunted by failures, troubles. Also, a vision of him in a coffin promises a showdown with someone close and dear. You can not ignore an important conversation: this will provoke a conflict.

Provide help when asked

Why does a dead brother or friend dream of being alive? The dream interpretation claims: someone will turn to the sleeping person for advice, help. It is necessary to support a person, to provide all possible assistance.

Why does he dream of a living young man? If in a dream he is a young man, it means that soon a new friend will appear in reality, somewhat reminiscent of the deceased. There will be an emotional intimacy, and subsequently a strong friendship.

Also, this interpretation will help to understand why he dreams of being alive: important family events are coming. What they will be - can be understood by the impression of a dream.

This interpretation of sleep is also possible: soon someone will ask you to borrow money. You need to meet halfway: a good deed will subsequently return a hundredfold.

Ahead of danger, a difficult period

Constantly seeing him in a dream is a warning. The dreamer may face the same danger from which a loved one died.

A sick dead brother portends the beginning of a difficult period. You need to be patient in order to endure the coming troubles.

If you dreamed that he was sick, emaciated, the dream book warns: there are trials ahead for the family. Patience and understanding should be shown.

Does he cry in his sleep? Warns the sleeper of danger. It is better to postpone a long trip or a meeting.

Get ready to solve problems

Did you dream that he was alive? The dream interpretation reports: a problem will reappear, which has long been resolved. Despite the desperate reluctance to do anything, try to calmly find a way out.

Playing cards with a recently deceased brother is a bad sign, a game of life and death. If the sleeper wins, everything will be fine. Lose - an accident or an accident threatens.

Do you often see in a dream a loved one who died recently? The dream interpretation claims: the vision does not carry a certain meaning: you just yearn for it, you cannot let it go.

good omens

A sibling or cousin who has already died - cheerful, contented? Find out good news. A dream promises financial well-being.

Why is the late cousin dreaming? The dream book calls his appearance a harbinger of bad weather, the onset of a prolonged bad weather.

To see in a dream a cousin who has passed away, to communicate, and in the morning to remain under the pleasant impression of a dream - success at work awaits ahead.

Did you dream about the late parents and brother - cheerful, joyful? The dreamer feels the support of loved ones. His mother came to your house with him - a good sign. There will be peace and happiness in life.

Difficulties in relationships

Kissing - there will be obstacles in business, things will slow down. Also kissing him means: relations with others, relatives will become tense.

What is the dream of the dead brother of her husband? The dreamer will be drawn into other people's family proceedings, chores.

Did you dream of talking to him? The dream interpretation notifies: one of the relatives needs the help of the sleeping person.

Troublesome chores

Talking with a dead brother in a dream means: giving life energy to the dead.

Dreamed of a younger brother who died in childhood? The dream interpretation says: unpleasant chores or annoying news are coming.

Did you dream that he was not buried? It is necessary to remember him, because the soul of a loved one has no rest.

Dream details

What other details did you dream about:

  • kisses - for a girl: betrayal of a lover or friend;
  • calls on the phone - help those who ask for something;
  • took things - a large waste of money;
  • talk to him - find out important news;
  • hugging is a serious illness;
  • swear - loss of strength;
  • fight - oddly enough, promises material wealth;
  • smiling - long years of life, happy old age;
  • resurrected - what was considered lost will return.