Pisces wives compatibility. Pisces man is a marriage horoscope of compatibility. Pisces woman married: problems, quarrels, parting, divorce

For Pisces, love is not an empty phrase, but one of the main events in life. Due to the combination of emotionality and sensitivity, they are not particularly passionate, but insanely devoted. In marriage, they are looking for protection and the opportunity to rely on the chosen one, which is why they take relationships quite seriously.

Pisces do not like to delve into the practical spheres of being, leaving it to a partner whom they sincerely admire. The latter continuously hears declarations of love and praise. The moment with fidelity is ambiguous: Pisces will not change, but always leaves for herself the opportunity to end the relationship if she suddenly wants to.

Pisces always take into account the desires of their chosen ones, managing to sensitively anticipate their needs. They always give lovely gifts on holidays, exactly reproduce the moment of acquaintance or other details of the couple's biography.

Pisces do not like to be too dependent on a partner: this often causes suffering. AT love relationships they appear reluctant. Fish can be easily deceived. In the event that the lie is revealed, Pisces instantly end the relationship.

Pisces compatibility with other signs in love

Pisces are prone to daydreaming, very sensitive, which is why they converge well with Cancers and Capricorns, who will compensate for these qualities.

An alliance with Sagittarius can be dangerous: his activities can only push Pisces away from him. Relationships with Aries will also unsettle Pisces for a while.

A good couple will be Pisces with Taurus, where both romance and sobriety are harmoniously intertwined.

Pisces compatibility with other signs in sex

All people like Pisces, because they know how to focus on their strengths, hiding their flaws. In their own way, such people are very charming, and they understand this, sometimes even use it.

If we talk about sexual relationships, then one cannot fail to note the ingenuity of Pisces. However, representatives of this sign never insist on the fulfillment of their desires, and often do not talk about desires in principle. Pisces love sex in an environment that is ideally suited to this action: then they feel at ease.

Pisces are prone to travel, in which romance often occurs: being far from home, they relax and behave more frivolously, if not irresponsibly.

Compatibility horoscope: with whom the Pisces zodiac sign is compatible - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Who are Pisces compatible with according to the horoscope. Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs and who are Pisces?

It is very difficult to write about Pisces. What they do is almost impossible to voice. Modern civilization is not able to relate to the work of Pisces and to themselves adequately. Suffering is considered indecent in our times. To be honest, it has always been considered so, but now it has taken on the shape of an obsession. Not to suffer is your sacred duty. Don't you dare suffer! Shame on you! You are an unscrupulous person.

Pisces are underground workers of modern civilization. They have never been open because normality cannot bear what they know. The fish have to hide. Their survival depends on it. Pisces are in charge of what people tell priests in confession. They bear the burden of what people whisper in confessionals.

Pisces are not terrorists. They are their victims. Every person is a terrorist - even if he has not blown up a single gram of TNT in his life. Because everyone has something behind his soul that he is ashamed to remember, even if from the point of view of other people this is a completely innocent thing. And Pisces knows about all these things because people tell them about it. Because Pisces are compassionate. They understand everything. This is their strength and weakness. The reason for their greatness - and baseness. The reason is that it is impossible to talk about them without bringing them a thousand apologies for it. So, we ask for forgiveness.

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs - sensations

Pisces is a sign that is immersed in its sensations. Pisces constantly listen to their feelings: warm or cold, dry or wet, soft or prickly, smells of roses or a dead rat, light or dark, loud or quiet, comfortable or uncomfortable, pleasant or painful. For Pisces, the flow of sensations is continuous. Because if they no longer hear the sound of a car passing under the window, this does not mean that the sounds have stopped altogether. They hear the clock ticking, children screaming, chasing each other in the street, water flowing somewhere, music playing somewhere. And your own heart, after all, is constantly beating. The fish are immersed in the stream. The whole world comes into contact with them with the wind, in which there are many grains of sand and dust or snow crumbs, the smell of water, freshness and something else that does not even have a name. Pisces are glued to the world with their skin, and if something is wrong with the world, it hurts them. These are not emotions. This is a physical sensation. As if you were rubbed with sandpaper. It's not just uncomfortable, it hurts.

Pisces strive for peace and quiet, because in this way they reduce the level of influence on their body from the world. Pisces must have long periods of rest if they are to remain sane and sane.

It is useless for Pisces to talk about the fact that there are clear rules. They don't understand what clear is. Pisces can be very precise, but only in relation to impressions, sensations. Don't ask Pisces to clean up - they don't know; what are you talking about. More precisely, they do not know that putting things in order is creating a clear structure. For them, putting things in order is the need to create an environment in which the body would not suffer, but be calm and relaxed. Pisces never orient themselves by rules - only by the sensations of the body. If their body is good, then order. If not, it's not okay. There are no clearer boundaries for them. Therefore, other people are often horrified by the mess that makes Pisces calm and happy with life. The fish do not notice that the carpet is full of cat hair, that there are stains of dried coffee on the stove, that there are holes in the curtains, and so on. Pisces notice that the color of the curtains is in harmony with the walls, that the coffee smells wonderful, that the carpet is pleasant to walk on. And the Pisces are blissful, like a man who soars in the clouds among the clear warm light. When someone in horror begins to frantically peel off the stove and darn holes, Pisces look at him as if he were crazy. And what is he fussing about, you ask? Everything is so wonderful!

The danger of this sign is that it does not believe that you are in. really know what is good and what is bad. Pisces Baby knows that sensations have the ability to lengthen or shorten the life of his body. In addition, all Pisces know from birth that any sensation is better than none. This means that even the sensation of pain, he would prefer a complete inability to feel anything. And often, if the environment in which he was born was disgusting, he cannot understand why the social worker wants to take him away from his parents and put him in another place. After all, for him, the sensations were quite normal. He did not know the others, and it may be too late now to retrain him. He won't appreciate orphanage, even if no one is beaten or humiliated there, but on the contrary, they are treated very well and fed deliciously. He wants back. Therefore, where everyone saw only disgust and suffering, he saw something else that is not here, where everyone sees only comfort. This does not mean that children should not be removed from poor conditions. This means that you need to understand the situation correctly and not expect that you will be grateful. Because you don't deserve any credit for it. After all, you are doing this more for yourself than for them - so as not to suffer because they feel bad.

With whom are Pisces compatible according to the horoscope and how do they behave in love?

Pisces are so attached to their feelings for a reason. They create understanding on their basis. Because understanding arises only if you experience the same body sensations as the one you want to understand. Imagine that you feel the pain of your wife during childbirth in your body as much as she does. Then you would understand her. And so, without experiencing similar pain, you are just a talker, a windbag who only thinks he understands. Pisces know deep down that this is how God understands people. Pisces will never judge you until they experience the same. They always say to the judges: Now, if you lost your hand while working on the cutter, then you could referee. And so - no. Can not. Because you don't understand what it is. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Pisces understand you because they feel everything the same way you do. Their understanding is very deep, very real. They cannot judge you. How can you be judged when you are suffering like this? Or when you are so enjoying?

Pisces are sure that the Lord also feels everything - both pain and pleasure. And this is precisely the reason for Him to understand and forgive you. Because it is no longer possible to understand and forgive. The whole understanding of Pisces is built on the sensations of the body. Therefore, sex for Pisces is always a divine sensation, always an approximation to the understanding of the Lord. Because He comprehends a person at this moment - and a person comprehends God. And there is no dirt in it. On the contrary, great purity.

Who is Pisces compatible with according to the horoscope - character

Pisces cannot stand disfavor, rejection. They hate narrow-mindedness, which leads to the rejection of people by people - because of their idiotic habits, their idiotic desire for order. Pisces do not like it when body sensations are reduced to physiology. Because sensations of the body give rise not only to illness or health, but also to understanding between people. Pisces know that order is not really a sorted-out idea of ​​what is good for health and what is bad. This is the ability to apply each person to a cause that is up to him.

Pisces do not like it when people torment others on the grounds that they have unhealthy instincts. It's like they know which instincts are healthy and which aren't. Pisces do not like it when some people do not forgive others for their oddities in terms of their health, including mental health. When a person with a non-standard attitude to the body and sensations is declared crazy. When people with physical disabilities are treated like garbage. When they are humiliated. when they are neglected. Pisces hate it when healthy people reject those who do not meet health standards. The world is arranged in such a way that every person who today did not shake hands with a blind man getting off the bus will become blind himself tomorrow.

And then he will understand what it means to be inferior. Then he will see the Truth: in fact, normal, healthy people are defective. The blind man is not the one who has no eyes, but the one who has eyes and does not see. In a word, Pisces do not like it when people treat the disabled, homosexuals, the poor, the sick, the holy fools, the masochists, the mentally ill and handicapped in any sense of the word.

Pisces are compassionate. Because they know that anyone can end up in the same position as a beggar on the porch. Do not renounce the bag and the prison. Pisces always remember this and should remind others of this. Looking at the sufferer, Pisces themselves suffer. As soon as they imagine themselves in his place, they feel bad. Pisces has a well-developed ability to imagine. They agree that there are things that cannot be shown to everyone, because everyone cannot understand. But this does not mean that it is necessary to destroy what everyone does not understand. Pisces believe that everything should be allowed to live. Watch it - but don't destroy it. Don't touch the Buddha, gentlemen of the Taliban. Deny access to it - but do not blow it up. Let him live. Don't burn Joan of Arc. Don't destroy books. Don't burn witches. Don't kill people.

Pisces know that nothing harmful can become dangerous for everyone, because it is not viable. It will fade on its own. You don't have to put your hands on it. On the contrary, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to live out his life in peace. No pain, no suffering. Pisces know that there is no reason to kill the sick, even if he is dangerous. He must be limited - so that he himself does not suffer and does not cause suffering to others, and let him live and die his own death. Only this is correct. And we should be grateful to him, because he suffers for us. It's weird, but that's how it is. Pisces know that we are healthy only because he is sick. Equilibrium. And the more he gets sick, the more more people can be healthy. And the more people should be grateful to him. Pisces know that every strange person carries a thousand non-strange people on their shoulders. Whatever his strangeness may be.

Pisces apply simple rules to themselves and to those they know. First, when faced with something unusual, they try to understand it. For this they are capable of much. They will do the same thing that a person who needs to be understood does. Do you want to know what women want? Experience it for yourself and try on everything they wear, just like the famous movie character did. You will definitely understand something. If there is something you do not understand, you will have to forgive it. Because you are guilty of not understanding such things: you are too stupid for that. And because you have to limit the person you don't understand. The limitation of Pisces is manifested in the fact that they stay away from an incomprehensible person. They interrupt communication with him, at least conversations on a topic that seems to them dangerous, harmful or ugly. This topic is becoming taboo. With this, Pisces dooms a person to suffering, but he can continue to live the way he likes. Both should be grateful to each other. Man - for the fact that Pisces did not kill him. Pisces - for the fact that a person will not force them to be the same as him. Understanding. Forgiveness. Limitation. Gratitude. Simple Rules Pisces life. The only standard worthy of eternal life.

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs

Pisces are very difficult natures. They are well combined with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of the same element will not give confidence in an ideal union. Pisces suits Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Pisces Compatibility

Pisces are very different from other representatives of the zodiac circle in their originality of thinking, lifestyle. They are very original in their ideas, although they can harbor them in themselves without trying to share with anyone. In one person, two Pisces can be combined at once - a living and a dead one. The behavior of Pisces in a particular period of time depends on which of them begins to dominate. Pisces love to take care of others, devote themselves to caring for loved ones, but they are deeply worried when they begin to openly use them.

Pisces try to avoid direct influence on themselves, although they really need support and understanding. There must be someone in their life who can turn their emotions in the right direction, preventing them from panicking or being nervous for no reason. Pisces prefer to live in a very illusory, fictional world because they are too disturbed by the harsh reality. Sometimes with their fantasies they try to replace real life, and then they are very close to mistakes and self-deception. They are very easy to deceive, because Pisces tend to idealize both people and relationships with them. Pisces can become suspicious and withdrawn if they have repeatedly encountered deception in life. They really need feelings in order not to break away from reality, to feel the joy of life and have goals, to feed on energy and give their feelings to a loved one.

Most compatible marks Pisces are Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn. The least compatible with Pisces are Gemini and Sagittarius.

Pisces Compatibility Chart

This table shows the average results of Pisces relationships with each of the signs of the zodiac. The links in the table lead to additional Piscean compatibility articles that describe in more detail this species relations.

Pisces compatibility with other zodiac signs

The zodiac sign of Pisces is watery and changeable. As a rule, Pisces are compassionate and flexible, but can be a real brave savior of mankind. As an example: N.M. Burmistrova, a Soviet actress who worked in a hospital during the war years (March 14, 1918).

This sign is very difficult in describing nature, and therefore it is difficult to speak accurately about the relationship of Pisces with other people. Those born in late February - early March are looking for understanding and sincerity in their chosen one, and this is the rarest endangered type of relationship. Perhaps that is why it is difficult for Pisces to find a heart partner.

Pisces of the first decade- from February 19 to 28 - very thoughtful and do not hover in the clouds. They value love, reliability, order in a partner. Compatibility here will be perfect with earth signs zodiac. Second Decade of Pisces- March 1-10 - makes this zodiac sign flexible, gives great variability and emotionality, outbursts of feelings and impressionability. They are best suited for both earth and water signs. who will surround them with love and care.

BUT representatives of the third decade- from March 11 to March 20 - very stable, the toughest of all. Wonderful compatible with any zodiac sign can understand anyone. But not everyone is able to understand them, and therefore they have been looking for their true love for a long time.


A hot and short-tempered Aries can genuinely fall in love with Pisces, but their union requires depth that Aries does not have. And it's not that Aries is superficial, it's just that he will not be able to see in a person as much as he sees Pisces. The latter will lack understanding and care.

Compatibility is very good: this sign will become a support and a hero for Pisces, who really need it. It is also interesting that the values ​​of these zodiac signs are the same: reliability, understanding, care. They value love no less than intimate relationships. The family of such a couple will turn out to be very strong, but there may be conflicts. After all, Pisces do not tolerate habits, they want feelings and will demand attention, doubt the love of a partner in such a stable, even relationship. An example of a revolutionary couple: V.I. Lenin (April 22) and N. Krupskaya (February 26).

with Gemini

At first glance, it seems that these two have little in common, but in reality they can understand each other. Both are emotional and changeable, they are used to mood swings. Pisces will be able to give Gemini understanding and sensitivity, and Gemini, in turn, will help Pisces logically balance the inner “I”. When logic and intuition meet, you get a harmonious pair of two completely different people.

Crayfish - water sign zodiac, which at the head of life puts, as a rule, family values ​​and real feelings. Pisces are very dreamy and always a little mysterious, and therefore cause doubts in Cancer about the authenticity of feelings. Cancers are big owners, and Pisces, with all their desire, will not be able to give their soul into captivity, it's just how they are arranged. Too deep and mysterious. The compatibility of this pair will be whatever they want. Aquatic are full of feelings and emotions, and therefore need support and logic.

Leo is a sign of the fire trine, which literally requires worship. Most often, for Pisces, this position is unacceptable: they want to be a couple, not serve, they need support and support, not authority.

Although in the world of feminine women, the zodiac sign of Pisces can find in Leo the primordially masculine traits that she needs (if the couple is a Leo man - a Pisces woman).

Leo in such a pair will have to slow down, but if he doesn’t want to, then .... but this will not happen, because Leo will simply be fascinated by the tenderness and slyness of Pisces. If such a couple is lucky enough to create a family, then the rule will be respected in it: "the husband is the head, the wife is the neck." It's worth seeing!

In astrology they are considered opposite signs. Virgo values ​​logic and analysis, while Pisces values ​​understanding and intuition. If these two converge on life path, it means nothing more than time to learn. Their compatibility is undeniable because, for all the opposites, Pisces and Virgo understand each other almost perfectly. They are not annoyed by differences, and they turn their similarities into a strong foundation for relationships. The Pisces man will find in Virgo a reliable assistant and faithful girlfriend, and the Pisces woman will find a protector and family man in Virgo.

Compatibility with Libra is at least good. As hesitant and changeable as Pisces, Libra gives a sense of kinship and similarity. In such a union, Pisces will be the focus of the partner: romance, beautiful courtship, surprises. All this makes the atmosphere of this couple very romantic. However, conflicts can also begin here: both of these signs are very soft and often poorly adapted to deal with life's adversities. In such a pair, conflicts of a domestic nature and on financial grounds are frequent. If a couple is formed by adults and accomplished people, then they will receive a second youth. In very young people it is easy to predict a gap.

with Scorpio

A passionate and beautiful couple, they often attract attention even on the street. Love, similar to the series, causes both envy and amazement. Even these two quarrel with gusto and knowledge of the matter. Most often, Scorpios and Pisces find each other when they want real strong feelings, but only in adulthood such couples provide stability for themselves. Jealous Scorpios see their ideal in Pisces: tenderness, loyalty and vulnerability. Scorpios want to protect and do not want to offend Pisces at all. These are two devoted friends in the fight against adversity. An example of a couple is: Steve Jobs(February 24) and Lauryn Powell Jobs (November 6) - love carried through a lifetime, withstood ups and downs.

with Sagittarius

The freedom-loving Sagittarius may seem wise and fair to Pisces, and they will not be mistaken in this. However, in addition to these basic qualities, Sagittarius also has secondary, less noticeable ones - his independence, interest rather in society than in the individual, striving for success, but not degree. All this does not give Pisces the depth of relationship that she needs. Often the union is very philosophical - Pisces understands what Sagittarius is talking about, but vice versa - it rarely happens. However, such a union can provide inspiration. A couple like Alexander Bell (March 3) and Mabel Hubbard (November 25) carried love through life, and gave Bell the inspiration to invent the first telephone (Mabel lost her hearing, and Bell decided to let at least other people hear each other).

with Capricorn

Capricorn is the sign of the zodiac ruled by Saturn. Such people seem unnecessarily dry and restrained, but they are not. Pisces can make almost everyone more receptive, and Capricorn even more so. Revealed in Capricorn best qualities of a person, Pisces themselves become more confident. Both stone wall. And it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman - the feeling of confidence comes from the fact that Capricorns are reliable people. You won't get lost with them. This is a very common union. As one Pisces man in union with a Capricorn woman said: “I seemed to wake up and understand what I live for.” As an example, the famous couple Raisa (January) and Mikhail (March 3) Gorbachevs.

with Aquarius

Aquarius and Pisces is often a strange union, but when an understanding arises, these two will be inseparable from each other all their lives. Aquarians are sociable and tuned in to helping people, just like Pisces. This unites them and gives them one core. This couple serves people, only expresses it differently. They are very similar, despite the difference in the elements.

Pisces with Pisces is the union of two people who see themselves in each other. They understand each other's impulses and desires. The union is promising in itself, but young people are often bored in this sense, and they choose more complex options relations. Mature people will find in such an alliance a safe haven where you will always be understood and supported. Such a harbor was found by Andrey Mironov (March 7) with Larisa Golubkina (March 9).

Pisces love compatibility

Pisces woman compatibility with other zodiac signs

Sensual Pisces is attracted by the passion of Aries; Pisces' readiness to endow a lover with tenderness will flatter Aries. The imagination and mysterious charm of Pisces will reveal the sensitivity and romanticism of this aggressive lover. Aries will make decisions and protect Pisces in need. Stubborn Aries loves to rule, but this will not anger Pisces, who are looking for a strong support. However, Pisces may be bothered by Aries' willingness to criticize. It takes tact to strengthen this sexual union.

A strong, domineering Taurus is able to provide security and peace to the indecisive Pisces. The artistic interests of Taurus stimulate the creative imagination of Pisces. They will encourage Taurus' love of comfort; Together, these partners will equip a luxurious love nest. Both are exceptionally passionate and sensual, although Pisces is changeable and more emotional than Taurus. Taurus' possessive tendencies give Pisces a sense of security, but he's too practical and down to earth to satisfy Pisces' romantic nature. If they solve this problem, everything will be fine.

Pisces is attracted to the wit and sociability of Gemini, who in turn are fascinated by the mystique of Pisces. But this compound is unstable, like nitroglycerin - it is ready to explode at any moment. Pisces does not like the fickleness and frivolity of Gemini. Gemini is irritated by the emotionality and dreaminess of Pisces. Insecure Pisces exhibits a sense of ownership and holds tightly to a partner who wants fun and novelty. Both are mobile and impermanent, although in different ways. Pisces cannot choose a direction, and Geminis are torn in all directions at the same time. Both need more powerful partners.

Pisces take pleasure in satisfying the sexual desires of the equally sensual Cancer. These romantic partners will find passion, sensitivity and tenderness in each other. Pisces will allow Cancer to make most of the decisions; Cancer's concern for security and his financial sense will provide material stability. They are both sentimental and love the hearth. A devoted Cancer gives himself entirely to the insecure Pisces, and they in turn admire Cancer. A very compatible couple.

Pisces prefer to think rather than act, and this annoys Leo, who considers Pisces an idle dreamer. These partners are very dissimilar: Pisces are shy, self-absorbed, vulnerable, while Leo is self-confident, impudent, domineering. Both are emotional, but Leo is quick-tempered, and Pisces hides in their fantasies. It is difficult for Leo to endure the resentment and dreaminess of Pisces. Sociable Leo needs a wide range of fans, and Pisces requires exclusive rights to a partner. Leo loves to wander, but Pisces does not. They are incompatible, like water and fire.

The loving nature of Pisces intrigues Virgo at first, but the opposite of these personalities precludes mutual understanding. Virgo, the representative of the mental sign, does not trust the feelings, while the life of Pisces is governed by emotions rather than reason. Restrained, critical Virgo will not bring sexual satisfaction to a partner, her sexual claims will awaken the insecurity of Pisces. Virgo cannot give Pisces the love and support they need. Pisces will be too fickle for the picky Virgo. She will be annoyed by the dependence of Pisces. These sleighs are flying into the abyss.

These loving, creative, artistic personalities will immediately be imbued with mutual sympathy. But Pisces is looking for emotional support that Libra cannot give them. Libra wants love and harmony, but they run from responsibility, obligations and bonds. Both love luxury and beautiful housing, but Pisces is too lazy to make money, and Libra is extravagant and wasteful. Having a lot of third-party interests, it seems to Libra that Pisces is strangling them. Physical harmony is not enough for a long-term relationship. But as long as it persists, partners are likely to enjoy it.

Pisces finds a great partner in Scorpio - and something else. Scorpio will give Pisces a delightful sexual union, valuable emotional support, guiding force. The jealousy of Scorpio, this incorrigible owner, does not bother Pisces - in fact, thanks to her, they feel loved. Pisces addiction is what Scorpio is looking for. They will acquire a special commonality on a sensual level. Both are violent in emotions, faithful, have a developed intuition, are interested in everything mystical and unusual. The perfect combination.

The two set each other on fire in the bedroom, but that's where the compatibility ends. Pisces are dreamy and imaginative, but lack the ability to act, while Sagittarius enjoys constant activity. Independent Sagittarius loves wandering too much to satisfy Pisces' need for attention and devotion. The causticity of Sagittarius hurts the romantic and sensitive Pisces. They seek intimacy, but are constantly rebuffed by Sagittarius, seeking to free themselves from burdensome emotional demands. Pisces are dependent, they love the house, but the restless, adventurous Sagittarius will not linger at the hearth.

These two dissimilar personalities sympathize with each other. Strong, domineering Capricorn is exactly what Pisces needs. They feel secure with a practical Capricorn who takes responsibility and makes decisions. In turn, Pisces will infuse romance and idealism into Capricorn's sober approach to life; he will be pleased with the generosity with which Pisces exudes praise and love. Capricorn has difficulty putting into words his deep feelings, but Pisces intuitively feel his devotion and love. Everything is great in the bedroom. Dramatically different in character partners complement each other.

The romantic eroticism of Pisces inspires Aquarius to experiment. Sex is likely to give them great pleasure, because both are adventurous, although in completely different ways. However, Aquarius is unemotional, he is only interested in ideas and the world in general, while Pisces strives for emotional intimacy. Eventually, outgoing, social Aquarius will start to look around, and Pisces will not tolerate this. Independent Aquarius needs freedom, he will be outraged by the desire of Pisces to keep a partner under house arrest.

If all life's problems could be solved in the bedroom, these partners would be happy, but each of them needs what the other lacks. They are weak-willed, dependent, recharged by the partner's emotions. Both tend to sink into self-pity and rejection. real life. Each enhances confusion in the partner, the desire to indulge their weaknesses and fuzzy thinking. They find it difficult to solve practical problems in the absence of a strong hand that can push in the right direction. This union has no prospects.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, the last in the astrological zodiac circle. Its element is water, representatives of this sign rarely subject their lives to changes, preferring to move along the usual course.

The constellation Pisces is under the influence of two planets at once - Jupiter and Neptune, therefore the nature of such people can be dual, holding two personalities at the same time. Pisces is a spiritual, emotional and inspirational sign that can capture harmony in the surrounding chaos.

Advantages and disadvantages

The sign of Pisces is the sign of people "not of this world" who are able to live in their own illusory world. They are used to relying on their feelings and intuition, they are altruistic and peaceful.

Pisces find it difficult to tolerate absence and support, without them they often withdraw into themselves and experience severe depression. Most Pisces are representatives of creative professions: musicians, actors, designers, artists. It is difficult for Pisces to occupy leadership positions, they are not able to cope with great responsibility.

Since the sign of Pisces is the last one, it has absorbed the advantages and disadvantages of the previous signs. Pisces can share two types of personality in themselves: unshakable idealists, overly sentimental and good people, able to come to the aid of another person and dirty, dishonest, vile, capable of anything for the sake of profit.

Pisces don't take criticism well.- in order to avoid unpleasant words addressed to them, they are ready to go for a scam, skillfully changing the information to the opposite.

People born under this sign often hide many facts about themselves in order to maintain harmony in their lives. The life harmony of Pisces is reflected in their aesthetic feelings, it is important for them to be surrounded by elegant things, they know a lot about fashion, they can look at art objects for hours and prefer to spend a lot of time in nature.

Excessive closeness and mental vulnerability of Pisces causes frequent prolonged depression, neurasthenia, and drug addiction.

Excessive emotionality and susceptibility, although it looks quite elegant, but such behavior has disastrous consequences. People of this sign are prone to weaknesses that can save them from spiritual hardships, so weakness of mind and instability to life's adversities is their main problem.

A happy union comes out of Pisces with restrained and enterprising Taurus, but only in the case of a male Taurus. Romantic Cancers are able to create harmony in a pair with Pisces, and calm ones will ensure reliability and well-being.

The most frequent marriage happens between Pisces and Scorpios, the energies of these two signs complement each other perfectly, creating the basis for emotional nourishment.

Pisces will have difficult relationships with Gemini, Aries and Leo. Complete incompatibility with Libra and Sagittarius.

Pisces and Pisces: compatibility of signs in a love relationship

Love between representatives of this can flare up spontaneously. Their relationship will be filled with warmth, romance and will resemble the interweaving of their joint fantasies and dreams. The romance of these two people in the future may develop in an unpredictable way. In relations with a representative partner of the same sign, the totality of their positive and negative qualities is multiplied several times. Pisces are strongly subject to life illusions and are not able to protect their partner from a similar situation.

Marriage between Pisces

The success in marriage of a Pisces woman and a Pisces man largely depends on the age at which the partners decide to create a new unit of society, as well as on the wealth of life experience. The younger the guy and the girl, the more often they will try to dodge responsibility, shifting it onto the shoulders of their half.

Such behavior can lead to discord in the family and destroy it even at the very beginning of the marriage. In order to avoid such situations, it is better for Pisces to opt for representatives of other signs, in the character of which there is confidence, energy and great willpower.

Pisces tend to get married early. This happens before they become able to provide for themselves. Parents have to answer for such children's behavior. A young Pisces family needs a lot of time to become independent.

Partners will need a lot of patience, positive thinking, which this sign especially lacks. Often, Pisces women create a family with a man of the same sign because of an unsuccessful previous experience with an overly thick-skinned and authoritative man.

Compatibility in bed

Intimately, Pisces partners have unconditional compatibility. If the relationship was built only on harmony in bed, then their couple would probably be the happiest. Full compatibility of Pisces in bed comes out thanks to the developed imagination of both partners. They try to bring tenderness, romance and light eroticism into their intimacy, which are characteristic of this zodiac sign.

Many Pisces have a positive attitude towards various kinds of fetishism, and also gravitate toward specific "adult" games. The Union of Pisces allows you to translate secret desires into reality without any hesitation and misunderstanding on the other hand. Only communication difficulties that arise outside the bed can destroy the union of this couple.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Pisces woman captivates at first sight. She has an uncanny knack for capturing men. reveal in them the need to be strong and caring.

The chosen ones of this woman usually belong to one of two opposing categories. She is attracted to weak men, whom she can bestow with maternal care and participation. She also falls in love with representatives of the opposite type - strong, determined, able to protect, cherish, guide and support her.

By Pisces Woman Compatibility- love for her is the basis, the meaning of life. If she is happy in love, everything else seems wonderful. If she suffers because of unrequited love, nothing else matters. Therefore, if you want to win her, prove that your feelings for her are strong and unchanging.

Any man secretly dreams of such a Pisces woman. She is so fragile, tender, pure and defenseless that it seems that it would be much better for her to be born in the century before last! Pisces Woman seems to have descended from the pages of one of the novels of that time. Looking at it, the word “emancipation” will immediately fly out of your head, but you will immediately understand what Tolstoy had in mind when he wrote about “trembling eyelashes”, “languid look” and similar things that are incredible today.

Pisces Woman-Taurus Man Compatibility

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Taurus men, this family union is one of the most ideal. The couple live together happily ever after. Having found each other, they no longer imagine their life with someone else. Pisces Woman reveals all her best qualities and becomes a real keeper hearth. And the Taurus man tries to do everything to make his beloved "fish" happy. There is nothing in the world that can destroy this couple, since their union is built on a very solid foundation. They also have a strong physical attraction, loyalty and devotion, they are attached to each other until old age.

The pair of Pisces and Taurus have a lot in common. For both, peace of mind is more important, both love convenience, comfort, beauty, expensive and high-quality things. The only difference is that people born under the sign of Pisces are lazy by nature, living only for today, and Taurus are great workers who provide their own future. ..

Pisces Woman Compatibility - Gemini man

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Gemini Man- they are so different that it seems that they live in parallel worlds. According to statistics, this family union is very rare. However, despite the complete opposite in their views on life, if these partners meet, they can make up a fairly happy and long union.

In the Pisces woman, the Gemini man is primarily attracted to her fragility and defenselessness. And she turns a blind eye to all his shortcomings. The Gemini man energizes everyone around him, and the Pisces woman is no exception, with her energy and enthusiasm. If a Pisces woman is talented in any field, then a Gemini man can help her commercialize her creative talents by becoming her agent or impresario. . ..

Pisces Woman-Cancer Man Compatibility

Family union in the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Cancer mancan rightfully be considered ideal. According to statistics from many countries of the world, divorces in this couple are extremely rare. These two are literally made for each other. They have similar temperaments, lifestyle. They are able to understand each other perfectly, together they create their own little cozy world in which they can live happily ever after. Real, sincere, deep love in this pair flashes at first sight.

Both the Pisces woman and the Cancer man always have a lot of plans and ideas that they always consider and discuss together. True, the Cancer man prefers to live in a world of illusions, fantasies and imagination, while the Pisces woman prefers real world with all his earthly joys and material goods . ..

Pisces Woman - Leo Man Compatibility

By compatibility, the Pisces woman and the Leo man are simply delighted with each other at the stage of establishing a relationship. This love story will never be forgotten by anyone, as it will give them so many vivid impressions. But, the more they are together, the more they will begin to recognize each other and the more dissimilarity in temperament, character, mores, in views and opinions, in literally everything, will tell. And the Pisces woman will have to make incredible efforts to maintain this union.

But it also happens that when partners are very different, their dissimilarity can be not only a cause of disagreement, but also the reverse side, enabling lovers to find in each other what they lack in themselves and live happily...

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Virgo Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Virgo mentheir family union can be very strong, only on condition that both partners strive for spiritual growth and work on themselves every day. Pisces Woman can be considered complete opposite Virgo man. Forming a couple, they can give each other a lot, of course, if both want to take what the partner offers them. If both love each other and want to maintain a relationship, then they will be able to rise above everyday difficulties and form a harmonious whole couple. Otherwise, both may look for a more suitable mate in order to avoid working on improving their personality.

The Pisces woman finds in the hardworking and responsible Virgo man what she was looking for - care and tenderness. Very often, the Virgo man works for two, and even takes on some of the household chores, allowing the Pisces woman to do what she likes, namely: going to exhibitions, theaters, and various creative evenings. ..

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Libra Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Libra men- their relationship can hardly be called an ideal family union, but they can get along well if the Pisces woman can maintain the distance that the Libra man needs for his comfort.

The expression that someone else's soul is dark is very suitable if applied to this union. The Libra man with his unstable and changeable mood and the dreamy Pisces woman are rarely sincere towards each other. Each of them has their own secrets and "their skeletons in the closet." Instead, their sense of independence and inner freedom fully preserved, even after many years of marriage. And this, by the way, does not prevent the compatibility pair Pisces and Libra from feeling comfortable and good together. . ..

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Scorpio Man

The family union of the compatibility of a Pisces woman and a Scorpio man can rightfully be called ideal. This is the most durable and happiest union, it can even be called mystical: in it, the energy of the partners flows into each other, making them feel an inseparable, deep connection between them.

The compatibility pair of Pisces and Scorpio has everything: fidelity and devotion, constancy and strength, reliability and security, a friendly and warm family atmosphere and, of course, love. The Pisces woman and the Scorpio man are so attached to each other from the moment they first met, and intertwine their destinies so closely that they never even have the thought of parting...

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Sagittarius Man

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Sagittarius Man, this family union can have the most various options development of events. Their relationship is not easy, but they can find the missing qualities in each other, and will complement each other, thereby strengthening the relationship. Or maybe vice versa, such a strong dissimilarity of characters will prevent them from being together. In any case, these relationships, no matter how long or short-lived they are, will leave vivid and happy memories in the soul of the Pisces woman.

The Sagittarius man is sincere and cheerful, while the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive. The ideal for a Pisces woman is a strong and responsible man who can and will take care of her. Ideal woman in the eyes of a Sagittarius man, it should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. Therefore, it is obvious that none of the partners can fully meet the ideal ...

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Capricorn Man

According to the compatibility of Pisces women and Capricorn men- these two often do not notice each other, the force of attraction between them is small and this family union is a very rare occurrence. But, this couple can become very happy by building their relationship on the basis of mutual respect. They can perfectly complement each other, smooth out the flaws and roughness of the characters, and enhance the positive qualities. Despite all the differences between the Pisces woman and the Capricorn man, they have a deep common similarity, which helps them understand each other. And most importantly, they are always comfortable and good together. And they perceive love not only as a passion, but also as tenderness, care, affection and friendship.

The Capricorn man is a hardworking and reliable partner. Therefore, the Pisces woman, who connected her life with him, dreams of a rich and reliable partner come true ..

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Aquarius Man

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Aquarius Manthis family union brings many difficulties. It is difficult for spouses to understand each other and their marriage can be built only if you have patience, mutual respect and a condescending attitude towards the shortcomings of the other. Both the Pisces woman and the Aquarius man seem to be out of this world. But, they themselves different worlds. The Aquarius man is extroverted and dreams of giving all of humanity something new and grandiose. He constantly lives in the future, and the Pisces woman is immersed in her inner reality and focuses on feelings.

Despite all the contradictions, the compatibility union of Pisces and Aquarius is very bright and emotional. This is not surprising, because both are extraordinary, creative personalities with a rich inner world. There is everything in their relationship: love and tenderness, jealousy and painful experiences. . ..

Pisces Woman - Pisces Man Compatibility

Compatibility Union of Pisces Woman and Pisces Mancan rightly be called happy and strong. They get along well with each other, together they are never bored. In this union, both find their "half". They have an amazing similarity of characters that will delight, not disturb, as they perfectly understand what their partner is doing and thinking. And for Pisces women and for the Pisces man, emotions are very important in relationships. And something, something, so this each partner can give in abundance. Both spouses have calmness, compliance, sensitivity, as well as independence, dreaminess, and impracticality.

What will be the relationship between the Pisces man and the Pisces woman is difficult to describe, since in each case they will be individual and unique, like themselves. The only thing that unites all couples Pisces is that they just go with the flow serenely...

Partners who were born under the zodiac sign of Pisces have a lot in common. Companions are compliant in their natural characters, so they can quickly agree on any issues. In the created tandems, they complement each other and enhance the natural character traits. Unfortunately, this applies not only positive qualities but also negative. Unions of representatives of the zodiac signs Pisces are stable, they have an atmosphere of calm. None of the partners strive to take a leadership position. The partners are also united by the fact that they strive to go with the flow of life and never resist difficulties.

Pisces Man and Pisces Woman Compatibility

Pisces men and women quickly and easily find common ground. Their behavior often repeats each other. This enhances the comfort of life, because partners find everything they need in a love tandem.

In a love relationship (compatibility in love 97%)

Pisces man and Pisces woman compatibility in love relationships is high. This indicates that lovers quickly become attached to each other. They exchange emotions and enrich inner world one one.

There are simply no external factors that can destroy the union. The satellites completely trust each other. It is this fact that emphasizes the high compatibility of Pisces and Pisces in love.

But this does not mean at all that there are no disagreements in the pair. For representatives of this zodiac sign characteristic feature is hypersensitivity and vulnerability. Therefore, lovers need to learn to take care of each other. Any clarification of the relationship can drag on for a long time, although serious negative consequences do not provoke.

Thanks to the ability to forgive, representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign maintain their relationship for a long time. It is noteworthy that partners under any circumstances support each other. They do not tolerate betrayal, they prefer to know the hardest truth than to lie to each other.

In an ideal love union, Pisces and Pisces do not strive for a wild pastime. They prefer to communicate as much as possible in solitude. Alone, they do not attend social events and do not go to visit. But if you have to visit friendly companies, then people are friendly and welcoming.

In bed (compatibility in sex 98%)

The compatibility of Pisces man and Pisces woman in bed is almost perfect. This is due to the fact that lovers perfectly feel each other on a subconscious level. They absolutely do not need to guess about something or adjust.

A woman born under the sign of Pisces is completely liberated and can calmly discuss any topic with her partner and express her own wishes. Her partner is ready to support any fantasies in bed. Both lovers are sensual and passionate by nature, which allows them to get an unforgettable experience of sex.

The high compatibility of Pisces and Pisces in bed allows you to compare partners with drops of water, which, merging together, become one. For representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign, the intimate sphere plays a huge role in life. Partners manage to understand each other more deeply during sex.

The looseness of the chosen ones contributes to the fact that they get unforgettable pleasure from various sexual games. Therefore, in bed, both a man and a woman strive to show all their imagination. Partners love romantic atmosphere, so great attention is paid to beautiful surroundings.

A man born under the sign of Pisces is always passionate. You can expect any improvisation from him in bed, but this cannot scare a temperamental partner. From the unexpected actions of her beloved in bed, she is even more liberated and reciprocates.

Married (compatibility in family life 86%)

The compatibility of Pisces man and Pisces woman in marriage is high. The love that has arisen between representatives of these zodiac signs is almost always a harbinger of the creation of a family union.

But at the same time, many difficulties arise in marriage, and they are mainly related to everyday life. The thing is that in their loving harmonious tandem of representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces fantasized a cloudless life. But at the same time, they did not take into account all the everyday problems that accompany family life.

The high compatibility of Pisces and Pisces in marriage allows spouses to overcome all obstacles, but this will require patience. It is very good if the man in such a pair is older. His life experience will help mitigate difficult life circumstances. Over time, Pisces and Pisces will learn how to properly manage money and become economic people. In order to build a harmonious family union, spouses need to learn practicality. They will have to develop diligence in themselves.

Another danger for the family is the touchiness of the representatives of this sign. Spouses of Pisces and Pisces can be offended over trifles. So the main thing at the same time is not to accumulate resentment, but to immediately voice them. This will relieve unnecessary tension in the relationship.

Spouses do not seek to distribute responsibilities, but this must be done. This approach minimizes disagreements on domestic issues. In addition, assigned duties discipline.

The peculiarity of the family is that it has a high level of sacrifice. Spouses are devoted to each other and are not capable of betrayal. This explains the fact that divorces rarely occur in such couples.

To strengthen the family, representatives of the Pisces zodiac signs should not focus exclusively on each other. Spouses need to strive to travel a lot, invite guests to their place. Such behavior will bring dreamy people closer to the real world.

In friendship (compatibility in friendship 50%)

Long-term friendships do not develop often. This is due to the fact that love almost always arises between companions against the background of friendship. A love feeling cannot develop without sincere friendship.

Such a relationship can last until one of the friends meets his fate. The thing is that representatives of this zodiac sign do not consider it possible to be friends with a person of the opposite sex if they are not free.

Friendship can develop beautifully only if the friends belong to different generations. Moreover, a more prosperous friendly tandem develops when a woman is older. She takes care of her friend, treats him like a mother and gives very valuable advice for a prosperous life.

Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces do not have a naturally strong character that would allow them to solve serious business issues. This means that cooperation between friends is always neutral. Collaboration will develop safely if there are no hands on the job. Representatives of the Pisces sign do not like crises and fuss.

If people's activities are related to the creative sphere, then friends can help each other and contribute to the development of one another. In this case, the strong emotional connection that is always present between friends is important.

It is absolutely easy for a Pisces woman to conquer a man of her sign. Already at the first meeting, the beauty attracts an extraordinary man and all that remains is to present yourself correctly in order to keep the chosen one.

It is important to remember that he likes soft, accommodating, non-conflicting women. This is exactly what the Pisces woman is, so she does not need to play any role, but simply should focus the attention of the chosen one on her own natural character traits.

It is important to make it clear that you do not like noisy events, but prefer to spend free time in a quiet environment. The Pisces man wants to see a companion next to him who will always be ready to listen to him and reassure him. It is important to demonstrate the ability to hold conversations on any topic.

You should not be assertive when communicating with the chosen one. You need to be as tactful as possible and show respect. He does not like direct questions and always answers them evasively. And, of course, even if it seems that a man is mistaken in something, you cannot criticize him. The representative of the zodiac sign Pisces is very touchy. If he harbors a grudge, then it is hardly worth counting on the development of a prosperous relationship in the future. Any persistence will cause a negative reaction.

How can a Pisces man conquer a Pisces woman?

The Pisces girl always attracts the chosen one of Pisces on a subconscious level. But in order to win her heart, you will need to make some efforts. First of all, you should surround your chosen one with attention and care. The more tenderness you show during the candy-bouquet period, the better. You shouldn't play with a girl. It should be remembered that she has developed intuition, so she will easily feel any hypocrisy.

You should not expect that the beauty will rush into the pool of love right away. But at the same time, she will like the commonality of interests and the similarity of hobbies with the man who is caring for her. It is important to try to spend as much time with her as possible so that she is convinced of the sincerity of feelings. Against this background, she will begin to treat a man as a potential future life partner.

It should be remembered that relationships with a woman born under the sign of Pisces can be built solely on absolute trust. In no case should you make the chosen one jealous. If she suspects infidelity, she will immediately break off the relationship. It is very important to show the Pisces woman your desire to become successful person. She must understand that, if necessary, her companion will provide her with the necessary support.