Compatibility of Capricorn men and women with other signs. Who is Capricorn compatible with? Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility

Capricorns tend to hide weaknesses from outsiders, and they do not seek to reveal their talents to others. These are very vulnerable creatures, and secrecy is a way to protect yourself from evil and caustic people. The patron of Capricorns is Saturn, Chronos, this is the god of order and time. Saturn generously endowed his wards, they are punctual and practical, they are characterized by justice and you can always rely on them. They masterfully manipulate people, while others will be sure that they make their own decisions. Earth is the element of calm Capricorns.

Their behavior gives reason to think of them as calm, patient, cold-blooded and mysterious personalities, this is the impression they make on others.

Characteristics of the sign

Capricorn will prefer loneliness to any company, he is extremely comfortable with himself, while others are drawn to him and are looking for his attention. It is best for Capricorn to tie the knot with earth or water signs, two Capricorns will also get along well if they learn to communicate. Mystical water signs will put a lot of effort into unraveling the mysterious soul of Capricorn. Air signs will seem windy and frivolous to Capricorn, although under certain conditions a good alliance can develop with one of them. But Fire signs are best avoided. Lions, Aries and Sagittarius simply cannot stand the stubbornness of Capricorn, and he can butt them great for trying to put pressure on him or subdue him to his will.

In fact, Capricorns are not cold, they are not devoid of emotions, but they know how to skillfully control their manifestations. Their pride does not allow them to demonstratively suffer and seek support from others. They can open up only to the closest people who can inspire their confidence.

Capricorn compatibility with other zodiac signs

Capricorn and Aries

This is an example of absolute incompatibility. Earth and fire are not the best partners, plus both stubborn people have horns. They can fight and butt all their lives, and there will be no winner in this fight. But Capricorns have a couple of advantages over Aries, they are more patient, this will allow you not to make mistakes. And if Capricorn resorts to his manipulator talent, then Aries will agree with all the conditions and requirements of Capricorn. In this case, the wards of Mars and Saturn have a small chance. Of course, the relationship promises to be stormy, but if you really want to, you can try.

Capricorn and Taurus

Capricorns are practical, just like Taurus, both of them are realists, you can still talk about the similar qualities of these signs, but this will not add mutual understanding to them. Perhaps their patrons, Venus and Saturn, are to blame for this, although they are unlikely to want to interfere with lovers. It's all about perseverance and stubbornness, these qualities are equally inherent in both signs. If a couple decides that love is more important than pride and the ability to defend their case, then they have a future.

Capricorn and Gemini

Patient Capricorns can condescendingly watch the windy Gemini for a long time. Minor pranks will go unnoticed, but only Gemini will think so, but if they manage to go too far, a scandal cannot be avoided. In these relations, all issues should be discussed before going to the registry office, so both partners will be calmer, and they will insure their future from unpleasant surprises. If partners learn to trust, the union will be strong and reliable, of course, no one here talks about passion, but love can manifest itself in different ways.

Capricorn and Cancer

This relationship won't be perfect, but this couple has a lot to give each other. Capricorns, calm by nature, will really like the quiet Cancers, who appreciate peace and quiet. These two representatives of water and earth will clearly feel the notorious kinship of souls. Although at first they will be cautious and look closely. You can exhale, there will be no catch. The stars promise an even and smooth relationship without storms and shakes. Everything will do without breaking dishes and other passions that irritate Capricorns and Cancers so much. May you live happily ever after.

Capricorn and Leo

Capricorns will attract Lviv with their mysteriousness, and Lions will charm Capricorns with their temperament and impulsiveness. Relationships promise to be bright and passionate. The stubbornness of Capricorn will very soon unbalance Leo, and the king of the jungle will begin to tear and throw, and the seeming coldness of Capricorn will add fuel to the fire even more. There is a way out, to run away after a stormy, but short romance, or to maintain friendship for life. In this case, Saturn and the Sun will allow them to get along, and everyone will be satisfied.

Capricorn and Virgo

These two signs can make the perfect union. They will not meet for a long time, it is better to immediately formalize the relationship and do something useful. If everything is clear anyway, why waste time and money on a protracted bouquet and candy period, practical Capricorns and Virgos simply do not understand this. This couple will make repairs at home instead of a honeymoon, they will pay the mortgage on the same day and they will never have to wait for each other, they are so punctual. Perhaps others will consider them a little strange and too correct, but believe me, they will be completely happy.

Capricorn and Libra

Probably, only Libra will help Capricorns to open up on the other side and stop controlling the manifestation of any emotions. This couple has something to talk about, they will pleasantly surprise each other, but this will not be enough for family happiness. The wards of Saturn and Venus will benefit more from this relationship if they decide to become just friends. Libra, like a light breeze, will invigorate and inspire Capricorn. In turn, you can always rely on reliable Capricorn.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Scorpio combines strength and cruelty - a dangerous cocktail. But oddly enough, for Capricorn, Scorpio can become a true friend and ally. Saturn and Pluto will bring these two signs together and allow them to get along very well. These guys are not sentimental at all, no melodramas and balloons. Instead of vanilla postcards, it is better to change your favorite tires on the car. This will be a reliable union, where the spouses are confident in each other.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

This couple is not made for marriage. Capricorn will not be able to remake Sagittarius, no matter how hard he tries, but he himself will not change either. Sagittarians have a cheerful disposition, and they are sure that life is given for pleasure and adventure, and they are not going to change anything. Capricorns consider this approach extremely impractical and will definitely try to call Sagittarius to order. It is better to leave this relationship for friendship. So everyone will get what he lacks. Capricorns will feel the spirit of adventurism, and Sagittarius will understand that planning can be beneficial.

Capricorn and Capricorn

It would seem that two stubborn creatures are in the same boat, but it must sink before it can leave the shore. But Saturn decided otherwise, and his wards will understand each other from a half-word and even a half-look. Two Capricorns can become excellent business partners, true friends or a married couple. You just need to decide what they want more. Any development of relations will bear fruit, and the union will be reliable and long.

Capricorn and Aquarius

It is better for this union to remain in the friend zone. Aquarians are active and independent, calm and stubborn Capricorns will not tolerate these qualities in their partner and will try to remake him in every possible way. Aquarius will not only not want to change, but will also begin to challenge the primacy in the family. And if Capricorn decides that he has subdued Aquarius, then this is nothing more than an illusion, just his couple took a breather. There will never be mutual understanding in this union. So do not condemn yourself to constant hostilities.

Capricorn and Pisces

Capricorns and Pisces are very different, but in this case, the adepts of water and earth attract each other with incredible force. But at the same time, you cannot pull out a declaration of love from Capricorn with ticks, and it is vital for Pisces to hear how they are loved, without this they wither. If Capricorns accomplish a feat and show a little romance for the sake of a loved one, Pisces will forgive them everything. In general, this union has every chance, the main thing is to learn how to give your soul mate what she needs so much.

Aries is a zodiac sign that can burn with its blazing fire, Capricorn is a stubborn and cold sign of the earth. Aries and Capricorn: compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem impossible, but let's see...

Capricorns are interesting and practical personalities, distinguished by their desire for order and independence, their impeccable discipline and accuracy are explained by the patrons of the harsh Saturn and the elements of the Earth. Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility in Love and Intimacy...

Capricorns represent the earth element, secretive and imperceptible, the element of Aquarius is air, unshakable and motionless. Aquarius and Capricorn: compatibility in love and intimate relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem impossible, but ...

The children of Saturn from the outside seem cold and unsociable, but in the company of well-known people, their excellent sense of humor and sharp mind are manifested. Capricorn and Capricorn: compatibility in love and intimacy of men and women of this zodiac sign seemed ...

The motto of Capricorns is discipline and order, which is not surprising, because this sign of the Zodiac is patronized by Saturn, the pets of Jupiter - Sagittarius, on the contrary - are impulsive and impatient. Capricorn and Sagittarius: compatibility in love and intimacy of men and women ...

Silent and restrained Capricorns, who were born under the auspices of Saturn, Secretive and mysterious Scorpios are pets of gloomy Pluto. Capricorn and Libra: compatibility in love and intimate relationships of men and women of these two zodiac signs ...

It is not difficult to recognize her - the Capricorn woman is attractive, modest, self-confident.

She does not set herself the goal of standing out from the crowd, she dresses modestly and tastefully. But her strength of character and self-confidence distinguish this zodiac sign from other ladies.

Conservative - main feature this zodiac sign. A Capricorn woman knows what she wants, is confident in her abilities and does not waste energy on nonsense.

Next to her

A conservative and down-to-earth Capricorn woman in love is a godsend for a man who does not like being flirted with, played with, manipulated and fooled.

She is sincere, simple, honest, easily converges with other people, and if she says that she loves, it is so. This zodiac sign is not prone to flings, she is serious and does not waste time.

In bed, this woman is not prone to experimentation, and many signs may seem boring. Nevertheless, she has good compatibility with many zodiac signs, and if a man is looking for tenderness and intimacy, and not dizzying adventures in bed, then this woman is a godsend for him.

She is the perfect wife. Everything will be fine in the family - financial situation, comfort and order, happy children. This lady knows how to take control of everything, she is independent, but she recognizes the primacy of a man and does not press.

With her next to good, calm and comfortable. She was brought up "in the old way", knows her place, and despite the passion for her career and achievements, she will always find time for her beloved family.

with other signs

Relationships with the Capricorn lady for different men, whether it be Aries, Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Pisces or another sign, will develop in different ways. The compatibility horoscope will tell about this, and will make it clear whether it is worth trying to improve relations.

1. Aries is the perfect sign for the Capricorn lady. Aries is first, Aries is strong, Aries puts work first, is not romantic and is very down to earth. It will be easy for them to understand each other, the characteristic of this couple is excellent - there is a high probability of creating a good family.

2. A pair of a Capricorn woman and a Taurus man is common and successful. They are similar in their views, they have high compatibility and every chance of love to the grave.

3. But if a conservative Capricorn woman and a fickle Gemini man meet, little is good. It is better for both of them to communicate with other signs of the zodiac, they will not be able to understand and accept each other's inner world.

4. Cancer is a great sign for her. Cancer is a calm man, Cancer is family-oriented, Cancer appreciates decency and stability. True, he may lack romance a little, but in general, the compatibility of the couple is good.

5. The characteristics of the union of a Capricorn woman and a Leo man can be described in one word - struggle. Any horoscope makes it clear that the compatibility of this pair is unlikely, there are too many conflicts.

6. The characteristics of a pair of Capricorn woman and Virgo man are very interesting. On the one hand, the horoscope describes this zodiac sign as soft and romantic, but they harmoniously complement each other. This strange couple has good compatibility.

7. Libra is far from the ideal zodiac sign for this woman. Scales are fickle, scales are unstable, scales will simply annoy her, accustomed to simplicity of understanding and not loving intrigue. The characterization of the couple is questionable.

8. The horoscope describes Scorpio as the perfect zodiac sign for her. When a Capricorn woman and a bright, passionate Scorpio man converge, miracles happen. They are without a doubt a harmonious couple.

9. Sagittarius is swift, Sagittarius is bright, Sagittarius is simply unrestrained! Although they are different, Sagittarius and Capricorn complement each other, give each other a lot of new things, and make an excellent couple.

10. Even a horoscope is not needed to see how harmoniously a Capricorn woman and a similar Capricorn man converge. They are ideal friends, lovers, partners for life.

11. But a Capricorn woman and an Aquarius man are unlikely to be together. A conservative Capricorn woman and a fickle Aquarius man do not understand each other, the characteristics of the couple do not give hope for a brighter future.

12. Pisces is a delicate nature. Pisces feel, Pisces understand, Pisces would seem to be the perfect sign for Capricorn, but this is not always the case. The horoscope indicates possible conflicts, and only wisdom and patience will allow the couple to be strong.

What year?

Adding to general characteristics Eastern horoscope, you can get a more complete picture.

  • The Capricorn Rat is an amazingly hardworking woman who is career-minded. She will achieve everything and be the first in everything.
  • If her year is the Ox, then she will achieve everything with amazing perseverance, she will never give up and will not retreat.
  • The tiger is swiftness and power. This woman is fearless, she has no doubts, she is independent and knows how to provide for herself.
  • The cat makes this sign softer. She is wise, calm, not in a hurry and observes, knows how to use the efforts of the people around her for her own purposes.
  • The dragon gives the Capricorn woman contradictory features. She often doubts, she has a changeable mood, she sometimes asks, and sometimes hides in the shadows.
  • The Capricorn snake is a unique woman. Sexy, laconic, very wise and has incredible intuition.

  • The horse is noble, honest, very active. She knows no laziness, no fear and doubt.
  • Goat is a great addition to the virtues of this sign. She is beautiful, ageless, very active, she has a lot of energy. She knows her own worth and knows how to achieve her goal, but she can be a little capricious and arrogant.
  • The monkey is the sign of the mind. This woman is the best - she is a leader, she knows everything, works hard and has incredible logical and mental abilities. He is not afraid of difficulties, he can solve any problem with his mind, even unsolvable ones.
  • The rooster gives the Capricorn woman courage, pride and brightness. She likes to attract attention to herself, but she is not flirtatious. She likes to be the first, so that everyone admires her merits - and she easily achieves this.
  • The dog is a special being. This woman is responsible, ready to sacrifice herself, devoted, honest and fearless. She chooses one path and never deviates from it, always knows her goals and desires, does not doubt and is not afraid.
  • The pig endows this woman with kindness, openness, friendliness. She has many good friends, among them - only worthy people. She is hospitable, an ideal wife and hostess, in her company it is always good and comfortable.

There are only 12 signs of the zodiac, and there are billions of people on earth, and each has its own unique character. To truly understand the soul of a person, to know his unique inner world, you need to communicate, observe and be interested.

And a horoscope can help, guide and point to in general terms human features. Author: Vasilina Serova

Capricorn is an amazing zodiac sign, seemingly earthy and practical, but at the same time mysterious. His strength is not immediately visible, but it can be fully judged by the results - rarely does anyone achieve such a position in life as he does. Sometimes it seems that in love this sign is guided only by the mind - all sorts of rules and calculations, but in the depths of its soul lies romance, which is not always visible to other people.

Capricorn is quite specific - its compatibility in love is not good with every sign. Let's look at what determines the success of Capricorn in relationships and with which signs of the Zodiac it is easiest to achieve.

Characteristics of the sign

Capricorn embodies the energies of Saturn - the planet of self-control, discipline, analytics, restrictions, cause-and-effect karmic relationships. Hence the corresponding qualities of his character. A person of this sign acts imperceptibly, but clearly, purposefully and inevitably. At first glance, he does not stand out from the crowd, except perhaps for some elegant correctness. Deliberately attracting attention to oneself is beneath the dignity of Capricorn, he considers it a stupid and waste of time (as well as gossip or intrigue).

Men and women of this sign value their family and relatives very much, family ties are sacred for them. They honor the success and high position in society, obtained by their own efforts. The physical attractiveness of a partner for them is by no means the most important thing (not only for women, but even for men). A Capricorn man is looking for an economic and intelligent girl - he can and will pay attention to a bright flirting woman, but he will connect his fate only with a real lady, who must also be practical. A Capricorn woman will not allow herself to be conquered by any man - only to one whose character and position she can be proud of all her life.

Depending on the year of birth

Considering the compatibility of Capricorn with other signs of the zodiac, it is necessary to take into account the year of his birth, since the symbolic animal is Chinese horoscope changes the characteristics of the sign, endowing a person with new qualities or strengthening existing ones.

  1. The Rat enhances the industriousness and ambitions of Capricorn, endowing him with flexibility and charm.
  2. The bull emphasizes the perseverance of this sign, strength and endurance, a sense of responsibility and reliability.
  3. The tiger gives energy and teaches you to develop ideal tactics in achieving your plan.
  4. rabbit does given sign sensitive, but at the same time contradictory.
  5. The dragon strengthens the ambitions of Capricorn (the main thing is that the latter has enough opportunities to realize them).
  6. The snake endows this sign with extraordinary sexuality and a kind of wisdom.
  7. The horse gives him noble goals, although it makes him less permanent.
  8. The goat enhances intuition.
  9. The monkey gives him an extraordinary mind, but also vanity.
  10. The rooster makes this sign courageous, but endows it with a certain “hussarism” - a kind of dashing in order to impress.
  11. The dog gives sensitivity and altruism, enhances his devotion and hard work.
  12. Pig makes this sign emotional, gives a penchant for the arts, but also for criticism.

Harmonious unions

First of all, compatibility in the relationship between a Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman will be successful. They already know exactly what they want from each other, because they see in a partner a mirror of their own soul. The Capricorn girl is conscientious with many people, but in alliance with a person of her sign, she will acquire exactly those values ​​that are close to her: strong family ties and revered traditions, true love, a high position in society and financial stability. Her compatibility with the Capricorn man in love and marriage is almost perfect - this woman suits him perfectly, being economic, intelligent and purposeful.

As for the compatibility of Capricorn with other signs, one of good options will be his union with Taurus. They very often find each other and are happy in marriage. Taurus is ruled by Venus, giving him gentle nature, sincerity and warmth. They are related by common values, practicality, respect for family ties and love for material comfort. Perhaps their relationship is not too passionate, but stable, long-lasting and strong.

Capricorn compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Horoscope - Capricorn

CAPRICORN! Compatibility with other zodiac signs.

CAPRICORN Horoscope of compatibility of CAPRICORN with other signs of the Zodiac Partners of CAPRICORN Personal horoscope

Capricorn marriage compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The compatibility of Virgo and Capricorn is also good. They are connected by something more than just a sexual relationship - they are not only lovers, but also best friends. Their love is spiritual intimacy. Virgo, like Capricorn, loves order and accuracy, which greatly facilitates relationships in marriage. This couple, as a close-knit tandem, overcomes life's difficulties and often reaches great heights.

Successful is the compatibility of Capricorns with Cancers. At first glance, it seems that the couple has many differences, but they are overlapped by the mutual desire to create a strong family. The lunar character of Cancer is unusually sensitive and slow in making decisions, therefore Capricorn is often the active principle in a couple (it doesn’t matter who it is - a man or a girl). In general, their marriage has everything - love, friendship, and sexual harmony.

Troubled unions

Considering the compatibility horoscope of Capricorn, it is worth noting less successful combinations signs. Problems can arise in a relationship with an Aries. The latter is too impulsive for Capricorn, and besides, he is messy in finances. In addition, both signs in their own way are endowed with leadership qualities and are not eager to give in to each other - this causes conflicts in marriage. I must say that they are sexually well compatible, but this is not enough for a long-term relationship.

The compatibility of the signs of Capricorn and Gemini is not very successful. The love that is born between them rarely lasts. Often the gap is due to the frivolity or inconstancy of Gemini. For a while, Capricorn tolerates the throwing of a partner, but in the end he gets bored of it, and Gemini is not used to living according to a strict scheme. To save this marriage, they need serious work on themselves and relationships.

The compatibility of Capricorn with the sign of Sagittarius is also problematic. The latter is too loving to become the ideal of family happiness for the former. Sagittarius is always looking for adventure and vivid emotions, while Capricorn lives by other, traditional values. Sexually, they are well compatible, but for a strong and lasting marriage, these signs are too different.

The compatibility of a Capricorn woman with other signs is not easy. Representatives of the earthly elements are overly closed: they hide their feelings from others, trust almost no one, seek stability in relationships, and not violent manifestations of feelings. Compatibility largely depends on the personal efforts of partners. It is influenced by the elements, planets, the Moon and the eastern horoscope.

Capricorn character

A woman born under the constellation Capricorn is hardworking and hardy. She is far from romance, for her the material side of life is more important. Often such women make a career, which is why they lose happiness in their personal lives. But they have a chance to get married even in adulthood: they retain their charm for a long time. In the Capricorn family, there are caring wives and mothers who try to help everyone at home achieve success in life.

The main character traits of a Capricorn woman are as follows:

  • secrecy;
  • isolation;
  • endurance;
  • diligence;
  • purposefulness;
  • ambition;
  • grace;
  • elegance;
  • lust for power;
  • caring.

Often women of this sign marry by calculation. They forget about feelings when it comes to material well-being. Capricorns are prone to bouts of pessimism, although women are less likely than men. If they link their fate with a weaker partner, they become tough dictators and toxic mothers.

Capricorn and earth signs

Earthly men are serious, pragmatic, hardworking and conservative. The following signs belong to this element:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • Capricorn.

Capricorn woman has good compatibility with other signs of the earth, because this is her element. Partners similar views, characters and temperaments.

Capricorn and Taurus

This couple is almost perfect. Both partners dream of a cozy nest, happy family and shit. Taurus charges a woman with optimism, supports her in all endeavors. The wife is more dynamic, she pushes her husband to new achievements, she always gives wise advice. In this pair, it is not clear who leads whom, relations are built on friendship and equality.

Compatibility in marriage can collapse, because there are no relationships without problems. Partners do not differ in fidelity, they easily cheat on each other. At the same time, both are jealous, it is on this basis that scandals can arise. The husband is lazy and passive, it irritates his wife. Often, she takes on all the responsibilities, from household chores to making money for the whole family.

Capricorn and Virgo

A restrained and modest couple from the outside may seem boring. In fact, partners are comfortable in this union. They are not adherents of violent passions and emotions. A guy and a girl, already at the beginning of their acquaintance, clearly determine how they will live together and equip their life. Many of the views of these signs coincide, therefore it is not difficult for them to find mutual understanding.

The threat to the family is the cooling of feelings. At one fine moment, husband and wife begin to exist parallel to each other. They do not notice this for a long time, the relationship continues by inertia. When the couple realizes that nothing binds them anymore, they can run away. A common goal, property or children can save the union. For this, the spouses are ready to look for ways to solve their problems.

Compatibility of two Capricorns

Relations between two representatives of the same sign develop gradually. Partners are cautious and distrustful. They perfectly see their compatibility in marriage, but are afraid to make a mistake. When they eventually marry, they become a model of a family that is correct in all respects. With age, the relationship in a couple becomes warmer and more tender. Mature people do not have youthful complexes, their love only grows stronger.

The problems are related to the closeness of partners. They are afraid to show their own feelings even in front of each other. The man and woman of this zodiac sign are prone to depression, they are incorrigible pessimists. In order for the compatibility of Capricorn man and Capricorn woman to improve, they need to confess their love to each other more often.

Capricorn with fire signs

The fire element gives men inexhaustible energy. They are active, successful, striving to be the first everywhere. These are the signs that are controlled by fire:

  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.

The compatibility characteristic of a Capricorn woman with signs of fire is not very favorable, but a compromise can be found, because the partners complement each other well.

Capricorn and Aries

At first, the guy and the girl attract each other. They are fascinated by the appearance and temperament of their partner, but very soon it turns out that they are poorly compatible in sex. In other areas of life, it is also difficult for them to find mutual understanding. In rare cases, mature couples understand the benefits of their union. A woman becomes a wise adviser and tactician in him, a man develops strategic plans, charges his wife with optimism and energy.

Unfortunately, there are more problems in such an alliance than benefits. Partners are very different, it is difficult for them to find mutual understanding. Conflicts often arise out of the blue. The militant patron of Aries - Mars - makes him too aggressive. A woman is very jealous, but for a man, fidelity is a very relative concept. Different outlooks on life do not allow a positive forecast for this marriage.

Capricorn and Leo

The union of these two dissimilar people is based on mutual benefit and strong physical attraction. Partners are perfectly compatible in sex, they cooperate well. Leo is the leader in a pair, but he will never subdue an earthly woman. She will support him as long as she considers it useful for herself. The couple is bewildering to others, but in love there are more exceptions than rules.

Leo man and Capricorn woman lose their compatibility easily, there are always conflicts in a couple. Sooner or later, spouses begin to fight for leadership. The husband cannot fully unravel his secretive wife, and this causes him considerable discomfort. The woman is very jealous, her nit-picking becomes another reason for quarrels.

Capricorn and Sagittarius

Such couples are rare, although partners can gain a lot in marriage. A woman is charged with optimism from a fiery man, acquires new meanings in life. Sagittarius gets a faithful and reliable girlfriend who will help realize his plans. If the spouses learn to compromise, their family life will be happy and successful.

Unfortunately, the differences between the signs are too strong for their connection to be serene. From the first days, the wife has been trying to tie her husband to the house, but she is unlikely to succeed. The freedom-loving Sagittarius suffocates within four walls, he cannot exist without society. A man's attempt to pull his wife out into the world is also a failure, she cannot stand noisy companies. Problems arise if the partners begin to prove who is in charge in the house. Only love and equal relations can save this union.

Capricorn and air signs

Windy and independent men, ruled by the air element, prefer free relationships and rarely initiate marriage. Air signs are:

  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Aquarius.

The compatibility of an airy man and a Capricorn woman is very doubtful. Relationships are more dependent on the desire of the air sign than on the woman.

Capricorn and Gemini

These two zodiac signs are intellectuals. It is conversations on different topics that can cause their mutual interest. The girl will gladly take care of the guy who is careless in her opinion. He will gladly agree to this. A woman can take a lot from this union. She will begin to see the world not so gloomy, get rid of conservatism, become more mobile and dynamic.

Couple problems are commonplace. Compatibility of Gemini man and Capricorn woman is not the best. Very soon, Gemini will get bored with guardianship, they will try to run away. A woman considers her partner frivolous, tries to re-educate him, but she is unlikely to be able to do this. Such actions will only lead to conflict and destroy the alliance.

Capricorn and Libra

Only true love can unite these dissimilar people. The leader in this pair will be a woman. She will skillfully direct the efforts of a man in the right direction. Libra will find peace, stability and balance next to his companion, which they are looking for all their lives. But achieving harmony in this pair is a very difficult process. Partners need to go through many trials.

Quarrels in marriage arise if the spouses begin to go too far. A woman tries to stir up her passive husband, but she does not always succeed. Libra is a sociable sign, Capricorn is closed in itself, therefore it is very difficult for them to understand each other. In addition, everyone wants to be the head of the family. Only the wisdom of a woman will save the situation. She knows how to lead from behind the scenes, Libra will not even guess who actually has the reins.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Two lonely people who, in an incomprehensible way, decided to connect life with each other - this couple can only be described in this way. Aquarius man and Capricorn woman have such low compatibility that the relationship between them is a rarity. The love of creativity, the desire of a man to find peace and stability can unite partners.

Quarrels and disappointments await the spouses from the first days. The husband will understand that his wife is not as principled as it seemed before. She is ready to equip the house, but does not forget about her career. A woman will see that Aquarius does not want to take on any obligations, she herself has to carry the whole family on her shoulders, so the couple breaks up and builds relationships with others.

Capricorn and water signs

Men ruled by the water element are sexy and attractive. At the same time, they are mysterious and enigmatic. List of water signs:

  • Scorpion;
  • Fish.

Compatibility with the signs of water in a Capricorn woman is better than with other elements. But you still have to build relationships by reaching compromises.

Capricorn and Cancer

There is a lot in common between these signs. Both value family, traditions, and are kind to their parents. They know how to manage finances wisely. A man and a woman are able to accumulate a considerable amount over the years of living together. The girl in the guy is attracted by romance and sentimentality, the guy is attracted by the strength and almost maternal care of his girlfriend.

The compatibility of Cancer man and Capricorn woman is far from perfect. A man perceives the world with feelings, and a woman with intellect and logic. They may have different approaches to problem solving. In addition, both signs are closed and secretive, it is difficult for them to be frank even with each other. Vulnerable Cancer harbors resentment in his soul until he throws them out on his wife. A woman can hardly tolerate the laziness and passivity of Cancer, this also becomes a cause of quarrels.

Capricorn and Scorpio

Relationships in this couple and compatibility in marriage are built on friendship and mutual respect. Both signs are ambitious, but they know how to cooperate. A woman acquires sensuality and emotionality next to Scorpio. He becomes more patient and reserved. Partners enter into marriage late. First, they carefully study each other and only then make an informed decision.

Problems arise when partners decide not to cooperate but to compete. They rarely fight openly: both are masters of secret games. But in the pursuit of who will lead whom and outwit whom, they can lose their compatibility.

The woman is smart, she perfectly manipulates other signs, but this will not work with Scorpio, therefore it is better to give in to each other, to seek compromises.

Capricorn and Pisces

Pisces man and Capricorn woman are highly compatible. In such a family, love and mutual understanding reign. A woman next to her chosen one becomes soft and gentle, learns to look at the world with new eyes. A man acquires practicality and purposefulness. The leader in the pair is a woman, but she manages the partner gently, without humiliating his dignity.

If a woman goes too far, starts to put too much pressure on her husband, he will close in on himself. It is unrealistic to break through the wall that the offended Pisces build. As a result, the wife will be left alone with all the problems. It would be correct to share responsibilities in the family, the woman is responsible for material sphere, and a man - for the spiritual and sensual.

Women born under the sign of Saturn are practical, ambitious, and persistent. The absence of excessive romanticism allows them to approach marriage issues rationally. A Capricorn woman cannot be accused of insensitivity, emotions are not alien to her. But when it comes to starting a family, she prefers to weigh everything, because she chooses a spouse she can be proud of. Often a young Capricorn girl marries a man older than herself, who has already taken place in life and will be able to provide for all the needs of the family.

The element of fire suits Capricorn the least. Being antagonists, they have a different sexual temperament, they treat household and financial matters. It is quite difficult for them to get along under the same roof. Excessive pragmatism of the representative of the elements of the Earth gets on the nerves of their fiery partner. Frequent sexual problems lead to adultery and breakups. However, with mutual efforts, representatives of Earth and Fire can benefit from their union.

The joint life of representatives of the elements of the Earth is not overshadowed by quarrels and quarrels. It lacks a dramatic anguish and an endless showdown, but great passion also does not illuminate such a union. Both partners strive for financial and emotional stability, mutual respect replaces love for them. The couple lives their lives quite happily, calmly, without shocks, supporting each other in everything. Excessive conservatism in this case works as a powerful deterrent, so such unions break up extremely rarely.

The relationship between Earth and Air is highly problematic, although not without perspective. The union of representatives of these two elements is rare, but it can be quite strong. The main problem in such a pair for Capricorn is the inability to fully control the partner. manipulate representatives air element impossible, and without this, the interaction with the other half of the Capricorn lady quickly comes to a standstill. It can be very difficult for them to get along with each other. If a woman does not give up trying to re-educate her husband, divorce is inevitable.

There is no better partner than Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces for Capricorn. These two elements successfully complement each other emotionally, which gives the couple harmony in the relationship. With representatives water element Capricorn feels quite comfortable, their relationship is devoid of anxiety, insecurity, which distinguishes alliances with Air or Fire. Despite the fact that it is difficult for Capricorn to put up with the changeable mood of the representatives of the water element, as a rule, partners get along well.

Capricorn Woman + Capricorn Man = I look at you like in a mirror

Love: 80%

Marriage: 80%

It would seem that it is not easy for a woman and a Capricorn man to get along under the same roof. Both "Saturians" are ambitious, stubborn and strive for leadership. However, this couple is the best illustration ideal relationship, since two strong personalities do not enter into confrontation, but join forces. Both partners follow the same goal, which for both is financial stability. They raise children, equip the house, creating in it comfortable space for life. Both spouses are hardworking, persistent and hardy, so sooner or later they manage to achieve a fairly high position in society. The thoroughness with which both approach the choice of a partner makes such a marriage extremely stable. After all, the spouses weighed all the pros and cons of the union before marriage. You can’t call the relationship of two Capricorns emotional or romantic, they live not with feelings, but with reason. But mutual understanding and support in such a family are present throughout life. While others are looking for love, getting married and divorced, these two are building their well-being, laying a solid foundation for the future of their children.

Capricorn Woman + Aquarius Man = Never Say Never

Love: 60%

Marriage: 40%

signs, following friend after each other rarely show good compatibility, and Capricorn with Aquarius are no exception. However, at the beginning of acquaintance between these people, there is often an attraction that develops into more strong feelings. Everyone knows that opposites attract each other. So it is in this case. Windy Aquarius is tempted by the thoroughness of the lady of Capricorn, her restraint, graceful manners, logical judgments. In turn, the young lady sees in front of her a sociable, charming, cheerful guy who can bring bright colors into her life. She rightly believes that the soft, supple Aquarius is an excellent "material" for creating an ideal spouse. But when living together, it turns out that it is not so easy for this couple to get along, since their views are radically different. Lady Capricorn is too grounded to understand and appreciate the Napoleonic plans of the second half. It seems incredibly stupid for her partner's desire to embrace the whole world with his love. Aquarius, in turn, considers the spouse limited, and family life boring and gray. The only thing that can save such a marriage is a strong mutual feeling. The Capricorn woman must give her husband some freedom, stop endlessly sawing him. She will have to come to terms with the fact that Aquarius does not at all seek to make a career. A man, in turn, must remember that he is no longer alone, learn to reckon with the opinion and desires of his partner.

Capricorn Woman + Pisces Man = On the Wave of Feelings

Love: 90%

Marriage: 90%

This couple is like two halves of one whole, in which both accept each other with all the advantages and disadvantages. Mutual respect and support loved one, which is equally characteristic of the Capricorn woman and the Pisces man, makes their union unusually strong. Mutual feelings awaken all the best that these two have. Lady Capricorn blossoms before her eyes, her temper becomes softer. She bathes in the adoration of her partner, enjoying the romance of feelings. The Pisces man gains confidence in own forces and becomes more active. Despite the fact that the leadership in such a family belongs to a woman, both partners are quite satisfied with this and there are no conflicts on this basis. Often a spouse, in her business or career, delegates household chores and child-rearing to her husband. Even such an unconventional relationship format easily takes root in a Pisces-Capricorn pair, since both understand that this is done for the sake of common well-being. It cannot be said that a strong nature, which is a representative of the earthly element, strives to suppress the career aspirations of a spouse. On the contrary, Capricorn willingly helps the chosen one if he has the prospect of growth.

Capricorn Woman + Aries Man = The Power of Two Elements

Love: 70%

Marriage: 40%

People born under the sign of Aries are energetic, active, easy-going, stubborn and independent. Exactly the same qualities are inherent in Capricorn. Under certain conditions, these two can interact quite successfully, but more often than not, their marriage breaks up, leaving behind only the bitterness of disappointment. Being a complete astral opposite, Aries and Capricorn have different karmic tasks, so their activity is directed towards opposite sides. A homebody and an eternal traveler, an optimist and a realist - they have almost no common ground, except for the beautiful sexual compatibility. Aries is not affected by the tactics of manipulation, he is too busy with himself to unravel other people's hints, although he is also offended by straightforward statements. Therefore, to find mutual language with a partner, a Capricorn woman must stock up on remarkable patience. In turn, Aries will have to use all his charm and eloquence to attract the other half into allies, but by joining forces, this couple will easily move mountains.

Capricorn Woman + Taurus Man = Yin and Yang of the Zodiac Circle

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

The Capricorn woman has everything to attract the Taurus man. She is pretty, has a slim figure and looks youthful despite her age. Having communicated with the Capricorn woman closer, Taurus will appreciate her thriftiness, rational attitude to money, emotional restraint. These two are similar in their desire to have a cozy, beautiful home, to secure their own future. Taurus and Capricorn have every chance of becoming a harmonious couple, since it is not at all difficult for them to find a common language. Both value calmness, a stable and measured existence. Successfully complementing each other, partners are able to experience the whole gamut of sensual pleasures. Some difficulties in the family, of course, arise. The ascetic Capricorn strives to lead a healthy lifestyle, prefers to buy functional, practical things. Taurus, on the contrary, loves to eat deliciously, is not indifferent to beautiful trinkets. However, minor quarrels do not spoil the overall picture at all. Active Capricorn is a little annoyed by the inertia of the second half, but over time, the lady realizes that her husband needs an incentive to start acting. I must say that she finds this "magic key" unmistakably.

Capricorn Woman + Gemini Man = In the shadow of motherly love

Love: 90%

Marriage: 70%

These two are as different as earth and sky, whole and dual, student and teacher. Capricorn will never understand Gemini's inconstancy, endless mood swings, inability to clearly articulate their own thoughts and desires. However, these children of Mercury know how to be different, which successfully confuse everyone who encounters them. Like a two-faced Janus, such a man always turns out to be exactly the side that the lady who is interested in him wants to see. Therefore, the Capricorn woman easily falls under the spell of this intellectual. However, such a union is often quite strong, because with all the shortcomings, the Gemini man is compliant, pleasant in communication and easily adapts to circumstances. Without a fight, he will give primacy in the family to the second half. Most likely, their couple will resemble the relationship between mother and son, because the Gemini are eternal children, and the "Saturians" are wise beyond their years. The youth of such a man is delayed until about forty. At this time, Gemini is not averse to having fun, they prefer communication with numerous friends to family comfort. If the spouse gives him some freedom, the family will have no reason to quarrel. The sexual temperament of partners does not differ much, although a man is not averse to trying something new, and a conservative lady rejects such undertakings in the bud. However, Gemini can easily leave their fantasies unsatisfied, there are enough interesting things around without this. In everything else, the spouses find a compromise, successfully complementing each other. Gemini men manage to earn money, and the Capricorn woman knows how to manage them rationally, therefore financial well-being always present in the family.

Capricorn Woman + Cancer Man = Blossoming of Emotions and Feelings

Love: 90%

Marriage: 80%

From the point of view of astrology, the signs Cancer and Capricorn perfectly complement each other, performing one karmic task. This union will contribute not only to the growth of material well-being, but also to a comprehensive spiritual development both. The Moon ruling Cancer softens the action of overly strict Saturn. Under her influence, the Capricorn lady reveals her true femininity, and her partner becomes more collected, bold and decisive. A caring, economic woman is just what a Cancer man needs for family happiness. He will appreciate the economical attitude to money, constancy, practicality and discretion of Capricorn, but he may well withdraw into himself in response to secrecy or excessive severity. However, this woman skillfully hides any emotions, never goes into open conflict, achieving what she wants by psychological manipulation in which a great craftswoman. Thus, Cancer feels protected next to Capricorn. He even gives way to the lady the head of the family, being content with second roles. Such an alliance is also favorable for the woman herself. A gentle, romantic partner is able to awaken hidden sensuality, to inspire confidence in Capricorn, which is so lacking in the representatives of this sign. The intuition of Cancer, combined with the iron logic and practicality of Capricorn, provides the couple with the opportunity to achieve excellent results in general business, especially if it is associated with the elements of Water or Earth.

Capricorn Woman + Leo Man = In the Rays of the Sun King

Love: 50%

Marriage: 70%

Representatives of the earth signs do not get along too well with the fire element, but this applies to a lesser extent to the Capricorn-Leo pair. Oddly enough, these two are similar in many ways, and it will not be difficult for them to create a happy family. Leos love to be the center of attention, and a Capricorn woman may well be in the crowd of his fans. Being very prudent in his feelings, the Leo man will appreciate her restraint, a good education the ability to behave with dignity. Communication with a Capricorn woman amuses Leo's vanity, because she willingly listens to his stories about achievements. In turn, the lady enjoys compliments, gifts, surprises, which the gentleman does not skimp on. Adhering to traditional views on the family, the Leo man understands well what kind of spouse he needs, Capricorn meets these requirements almost completely. In their views on housekeeping, home improvement and raising children, this couple coincides completely. As a rule, a diplomatic lady gives way to her husband, preferring to act according to the saying: "the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck." Despite the difference in sexual temperament, problems in intimate life this couple does not arise, since both are ready to sacrifice the sexual component, receiving in return reliability, stability and friendly support. The vital optimism of Leo has a beneficial effect on his partner, dispelling the anxiety inherent in Capricorns.

Capricorn Woman + Virgo Man = Rationality of Feelings

Love: 50%

Marriage: 70%

The Capricorn woman rarely finds her ideal in the Virgo man. The pettiness and boringness of the latter does not appeal to her at all. Often their communication turns into a mutual exchange of barbs, because both are caustic and sharp on the tongue. The representatives of the earth element have a lot in common, but in order to understand this, they need common goals. Therefore, often a romance between Capricorn and Virgo arises on the basis of joint work. The phrase "passion broke out between them" is the least suitable for this couple. Rather, their relationship is built on a sober calculation, especially if before meeting each other, both have already failed in marriage. The Virgo man is attracted in Capricorn by her love of order, the ability to organize space rationally. This union is quite strong, although the stubbornness of a woman and the pettiness of a man may well lead to a break, especially in the first years of marriage. Capricorn and Virgo are strict but loving and responsible parents. Giving your children a good education and excellent upbringing is their priority task. The intimate side of life is not very important for both partners; they do not differ in a burning temperament. Often a couple finds secluded life in nature attractive. With age, the spouses become passionate gardeners, finding harmony in conjunction with the related element of the Earth. Since Virgo and Capricorn are highly efficient, together they can achieve significant success in business and gain material wealth.

Capricorn Woman + Libra Man = Sadness to Joy

Love: 40%

Marriage: 60%

Capricorn and Libra are more likely to become good friends than spouses. But miracles occasionally happen, such absolutely different man and the woman are at the altar. This couple has chances for a long, happy marriage, but for this the lady will have to show maximum diplomacy and come to terms with the fact that she will not be able to remake the Libra man. But getting along with this cheerful, optimistic guy is not so difficult, because he is very pleasant in communication, never forgets to thank for attention and care. He does not skimp on the kind words that are so valuable for an insecure Capricorn woman. Oddly enough, it is Libra who, more than anyone else, needs a guiding and guiding force, since they themselves are not able to make a single decision. Such a man will gladly shift the responsibility of choosing to a partner. However, this must be done tactfully, so as not to infringe on the manhood of your half. Having received the support of a person who, if necessary, can act decisively and straightforwardly, Libra also gradually gains the necessary firmness and business acumen.

Capricorn Woman + Scorpio Man = On the Far Side of the Moon

Love: 70%

Marriage: 80%

It will not be easy for these two to create a couple, despite the fact that they are well suited to each other. To take a closer look and evaluate the prospects for partnership, Capricorn and Scorpio will need enough time. However, after a period of initial testing, both realize that the strong attachment that has arisen between them is worth a lot. The Scorpio man is distrustful, secretive, sarcastic, touchy, perceives the world around him as hostile. It is not so easy for him to find his soul mate. It's not about high demands, just few people agree to put up with his difficult character. The Capricorn woman takes such shortcomings calmly, she does a good job of ignoring them. However, her boundless patience has a limit, she will not put up with psychological pressure from her partner endlessly. It is in Capricorn that Scorpio finds the ideal mistress of the house, a caring mother to her children and a faithful, understanding friend. This lady is not at all windy, never gives rise to jealousy or doubt. She knows how to manage the family's finances wisely, which is important for the stingy Scorpio. Both spouses are not inclined to sort things out, so scandals in the family are very rare.

Capricorn Woman + Sagittarius Man = In search of the ideal

Love: 60%

Marriage: 30%

The Capricorn woman is not prone to frivolous acts, but it is difficult for her to resist the charm of Sagittarius. Smart, ironic, good-natured, this guy is almost always in the spotlight. He is full of plans, has clear goals and does not consider anything to achieve his goal. “We have so much in common with him,” the enchanted lady thinks, and she is cruelly mistaken. Sagittarians do not differ in constancy in love, they are up to gray hair are in search of the feminine ideal. So he gives a lot of reasons for jealousy to his chosen one. Most often, it is the “hikes to the left” that cause a break in this pair. However, even being faithful, Sagittarius gives Capricorn a lot of reasons for discontent. He constantly generates creative mess” and the lady is forced to state with horror that her clean house, where everything is laid out on the shelves, is turning into a territory of chaos. Sagittarians are independent, moreover, they are intemperate in their language, so they often change jobs, unless of course they are busy own business. However, in the latter case, there is no need to talk about financial stability either. Of course, this unnerves the pragmatic Capricorn, but in response to her fair remarks, the husband accuses his wife of stinginess. Oddly enough, the differences of this couple are resolved by themselves, as the spouses grow older. Over the years, the youthful enthusiasm of Sagittarius fades away, he no longer pursues the ideal, realizing that the best woman of his life is nearby.