If you dream of children from an orphanage. Dream Interpretation - Playground. Dream Interpretation Orphanage, why dream of an Orphanage in a dream to see

Seeing your children in a dream portends happiness and prosperity if they look healthy, beautiful and smart. If they are shabby, filthy and sick, it means that in real life they will always have good health. Seeing babies - your affairs will get better, cradling them - in reality, hear promises and believe them.

Playing with children in a dream means committing a reckless act in reality. Kissing children - peace and joy will reign in your house. Carrying children in your arms is a minor chore in the family. Put them on your shoulders - you will have a boy if it is the first child, and a girl if the second.

Seeing children playing portends pleasure and fun. see them in kindergarten- spend happy hours in peace and doing what you love. If children say or sing something in a dream, in reality you will make a pleasant acquaintance. Crying children in reality will give you a lot of anxiety.

To dream that your child has fallen and hurt himself is an obstacle in your endeavors. Seeing how children do their homework and help you with the housework portends peace and prosperity. Seeing your child seriously ill indicates that something threatens him in reality and you should pay the most serious attention to this. If a child has a sore throat, do not worry - this is a positive dream, all fears will be in vain.

see in dream dead the child portends anxiety and disappointment in the very near future. Beating children in a dream - to family troubles due to their own incontinence and irritability.

If in a dream you punish your children, this means that in your soul you doubt the correctness of the educational methods you have chosen, in which there is no respect for children. Upset, complaining children are a sign of impending trouble due to the deceit of people who pretend to be your friends.

Do something with your kids interesting business- it means that in reality interesting purchases or gifts await you.

Reading books to children and seeing them read them speaks volumes about what you will find with them. mutual language and they will please you, when they grow up, with their successes. To see children frolicking in a river, a fountain, etc., is happy dream that portends you good luck. For a mother, hearing the voice of her child in a dream is a sign that she should be prepared for sad events.

Seeing feeble-minded children in a dream means grief and unfortunate changes in life. If in a dream you protect children from angry dog or dangerous wild animals - it means that the enemies threatening you will succeed if you succumb to their tricks and evade fulfilling your debt obligations.

If, while visiting with your children, you are ashamed of their ugly behavior - in reality this portends you unfulfilled hopes in the future.

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Why dream of an orphanage

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Seeing yourself in an orphanage - to the loss of a relative; pass by the orphanage - to increase the number of family members.

Why dream of an orphanage

Spring dream book

Orphanage - to despondency, to undeserved resentment.

Why dream of an orphanage

Summer dream book

Orphanage - dreams of loneliness.

Why dream of an orphanage

Autumn dream book

Orphanage - to the illness of parents.

Why dream of an orphanage

Modern dream book

If you ended up in an orphanage in a dream, it means that your friends will support you in difficult moment. Feel free to ask them for help.

If you take part in the fun of kids in an orphanage, you will soon indulge in pleasant memories of youth.

To see yourself as one of the children in an orphanage - to sadness and tears because of your child.

If such a dream occurs to a person who does not have children, it portends fun adventure with old friends.

Leaving an orphanage in a dream means that your dreams are not destined to come true and you should give up illusions.

Why dream of an orphanage

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Orphanage - You see yourself in an orphanage - a dream suggests that in real life your environment is reliable; you can rely on friends and relatives and in difficult times do not hesitate to ask them for help. You see yourself as a child in an orphanage - a dream warns that your child is in danger.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

A dream is associated with the dreamer's state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises a solution to problems, a frightening one - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people who were born on Monday, they are prophetic.

28 lunar day

The dream picture is most often overflowing with non-standard images and ideas. Often in it you can see yourself in a different physical shell. It is believed that such dreams reveal the secrets of the sleeper's past lives and show who he was in past reincarnations.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

Few people will be left indifferent by a dream, the “main character” of which was an orphanage. Destitute, deprived of parental warmth, children always evoke sympathy, therefore, having seen such pictures in a dream, a person is ready for the worst when he wakes up. But do not panic, dream books assure. It is better to remember all the details of what you dreamed about, and you will be able to understand why this is a dream.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller was sure that if in a dream you found yourself in an orphanage, this means that your friends in difficult times will show themselves with better side. But if you see yourself as one of the orphans, then be prepared for the fact that your "offspring" will bring you a lot of grief.

Well, if you see yourself in a boarding school, but do not have heirs in reality. In this case, the vision will mean fun with childhood friends.

Brief interpretations

Be sure to remember what exactly you dreamed about, at least without details, and the dream books will not leave you in the dark, rest assured. Here, for example, what dreams of an orphanage:

  • return in a dream to your old shelter - you lack the attention of others;
  • leaving the walls of the orphanage - to parting with illusions and dreams;
  • to dream that you have adopted a baby - to changes in your personal life;
  • you see an old abandoned boarding school - to trouble.

"Mistress of the orphanage", or you are waiting for changes ...

Why dream of a dream in which you act as a teacher in an orphanage, caring for children? This question is of most interest to women who do not have their own children. The interpretation of sleep, according to Pastor Loff's dream book, will please you: soon you may have your own baby.

I dreamed that you were a strict "orphanage" headmistress, which all children are afraid of? Do not try to deceive and depict what is not in reality, this can do much harm, the Eastern Dream Book warns.

Being a pupil: from success to sadness

It's sad when you are abandoned and betrayed. This is especially acute for children left by their parents in an orphanage. Had a dream that you were one of those kids? Do not be upset, sometimes dreams are terrifying only by the plot. But, the interpretation of these dreams makes you rejoice.

If in a dream you were having fun jumping with other pupils of the shelter, then you can rejoice - success awaits you, pleases Slavic dream book. The situation is somewhat worse with dreams in which you cried, hiding in a corner - quarrels and minor problems await you.

… Artyom woke up from his own scream. He had such dreams almost every night. He put his hand under the pillow and pulled out a photograph of the girl. He found this photo a year ago on the street during a walk. Now he always kept her under his pillow and believed that this was his mother. In the darkness, Artyom stared at her beautiful face for a long time and fell asleep without noticing it….

In the morning, the head of the orphanage, Angelina Ivanovna, as usual, went around the rooms with the pupils to wish everyone good morning and pat each baby on the head. On the floor near Artyomka's bed, she saw a photograph that fell out of his hands at night. Picking it up, Angelina Ivanovna asked the boy:
- Artyomushka, where did you get this photo from?
- I found it on the street.
- And who is it?
- My mother, - the kid smiled and added, - she is very beautiful, kind and loves cats.

The manager immediately recognized this girl. The first time she came to the orphanage was last year with a group of volunteers. She must have lost her picture here. Since then, this girl has often hung around the thresholds of various institutions in the hope of obtaining permission to adopt a child. But, according to local bureaucrats, she had one significant drawback: she was not married.
- Well, - said Angelina Ivanovna, - since she is your mother, then this completely changes the matter.

Entering her office, she sat down at the table and waited. Half an hour later there was a timid knock on the door:
- May I come to you, Angelina Ivanovna? - And the same girl from the photo appeared at the door.
- Yes, come in, Alinochka.
The girl went into the office and put a thick folder with documents in front of the manager.
“Here,” she said, “I got it all.
- All right, Alinochka. I have to ask a few more questions, that's the way it's supposed to be, you know... Do you realize the responsibility you're taking on? After all, a child is not to play for two hours, it is for life.
- I'm aware of everything, - Alina breathed, - I just can't live in peace, knowing that someone really needs me.
- Well, - the manager agreed, - when do you want to see the children?
- I will not look at them, I will take any child you offer, - said Alina, looking the manager straight in the eyes.
Angelina Ivanovna raised her eyebrows in surprise.
- You see, - Alina began to explain confusedly, - after all, real parents do not choose a child for themselves ... they do not know in advance what kind of child he will be born .... beautiful or ugly, healthy or sick... They love him for who he is. I also want to be a real mom.
- For the first time I meet such an adoptive parent, - Angelina Ivanovna smiled, - however, I already know whose mother you will become. His name is Artem, he is 5 years old, his own mother abandoned him in the maternity hospital. I'll bring it now if you're ready.
- Yes, I'm ready, - Alina said in a firm voice, - show me my son.

The manager left and after 5 minutes returned, leading by the hand little boy.
- Artyomochka, - began Angelina Ivanovna, - get to know this ...
- Mum! Artyom shouted. He rushed to Alina and clung to her so that his fingers turned white. - My mommy!
Alina stroked his tiny back and whispered:
- Son, son ... I'm with you ..
She raised her eyes to the manager and asked:
- When can I pick up my son?
- Usually, parents and children gradually get used to each other, first they communicate here, then they take them away for the weekend, and then for good, if everything is in order.
“I’ll take Artyom right away,” Alina said firmly.
- Okay, - the manager waved her hand, - tomorrow is still a weekend, you can take it, but on Monday you will come, and we will draw up all the documents as expected.

Artem was just happy. He held his mother's hand and was afraid to let her go even for a second. Educators, nannies fussed around ... some collected his things, others simply stood on the sidelines and wiped their eyes with handkerchiefs.
- Artyomushka, goodbye. Come to visit us, - Angelina Ivanovna said goodbye to him.
- Goodbye, I'll come, - Artem answered.
When they said goodbye to everyone and went outside, he finally decided to ask his new mother the most important question:
- Mum…. do you like cats?
- I love it, I have two of them at home, - Alina laughed, gently squeezing a tiny palm in her hand.
Artem smiled happily and walked to his house.

What will happen if a child dreams of orphanage? Most full interpretation sleep from the astrologers of the site "Star Dream Book".

Few people will be left indifferent by a dream, the “main character” of which was an orphanage. Destitute, deprived of parental warmth, children always evoke sympathy, therefore, having seen such pictures in a dream, a person is ready for the worst when he wakes up. But do not panic, dream books assure. It is better to remember all the details of what you dreamed about, and you will be able to understand why this is a dream.

Miller's dream book

Gustav Miller was sure that if in a dream you found yourself in an orphanage, this means that your friends will show their best in difficult times. But if you see yourself as one of the orphans, then be prepared for the fact that your "offspring" will bring you a lot of grief.

Well, if you see yourself in a boarding school, but do not have heirs in reality. In this case, the vision will mean fun with childhood friends.

Brief interpretations

Be sure to remember what exactly you dreamed about, at least without details, and the dream books will not leave you in the dark, rest assured. Here, for example, what dreams of an orphanage:

  • return in a dream to your old shelter - you lack the attention of others;
  • leaving the walls of the orphanage - to parting with illusions and dreams;
  • to dream that you have adopted a baby - to changes in your personal life;
  • you see an old abandoned boarding school - to trouble.

"Mistress of the orphanage", or you are waiting for changes ...

Why dream of a dream in which you act as a teacher in an orphanage, caring for children? This question is of most interest to women who do not have their own children. The interpretation of sleep, according to Pastor Loff's dream book, will please you: soon you may have your own baby.

I dreamed that you were a strict "orphanage" headmistress, which all children are afraid of? Do not try to deceive and depict what is not in reality, this can do much harm, the Eastern Dream Book warns.

Being a pupil: from success to sadness

It's sad when you are abandoned and betrayed. This is especially acute for children left by their parents in an orphanage. Had a dream that you were one of those kids? Do not be upset, sometimes dreams are terrifying only by the plot. But, the interpretation of these dreams makes you rejoice.

If in a dream you were having fun jumping with other pupils of the shelter, then you can rejoice - success awaits you, the Slavic dream book pleases. The situation is somewhat worse with dreams in which you cried, hiding in a corner - quarrels and minor problems await you.

Adoption as a symbol of change

Do you want to know what the dream is about in which you decide to take a child from an orphanage? Remember who he was and what gender. So, for example, adopting a male baby is a sign of imminent anxieties, worries and troubles. And if the adopted baby is a girl, then you will encounter something that will greatly surprise you, the Gypsy interpreter broadcasts.

In a dream, you decided to take a child from a shelter for upbringing, but you just can’t get custody of the baby? Why dream like this, Tsvetkov’s dream book will tell you: something will stand in the way of your happiness.

Orphanages cause sadness, regret and heartache in people. After all, there are children who are deprived of parental love, a happy childhood and have little chance of getting a prosperous life, the support of loved ones.

But what if it was destined to dream of an orphanage? Or did the children in it dream? What significance does it have for the dreamer? This image may mean:

  • Health status.
  • The presence of difficulties or luck.
  • Happiness.
  • Career.

And in order to know exactly what the orphanage is dreaming of, you need to take into account many factors, which we will now understand.

Kids, location, role of the dreamer

Surely in your dream you saw not only the house itself, but also children, so pay attention to them. If they looked good and were in a great mood - you have a great period in life, when all undertakings are successfully completed, luck will accompany everything.

Did the children look unwell and angry? The dream warns you not to start any business, as there is a possibility that they will not be completed. And what will the dream book tell when there was an orphanage in dreams, and you were in it? He characterizes from the beautiful side of your friends who will provide you with any help in difficult times.

To see children fighting in a dream - there are enemies who want to put spokes in your wheels. If the fight does not stop for a long time, you will have to make efforts to change the situation in your favor. The kids were separated by one of the adults? An influential person will help you. But when the children from the orphanage played together, the dreamer expects success in financial affairs, and in love.

Now let's turn our attention to the environment in which the orphanage dreamed. If it was a hill or a mountain, it is necessary to make efforts and overcome difficulties in order to achieve what you want.

But to see in a dream an orphanage surrounded by a garden, forest or park means that everything is fine with you, things are going uphill and there is no reason to worry. Sunny weather in a dream is also a positive sign that promises good luck in career growth and any business related to finance.

Maybe in a dream you returned to the orphanage where you grew up? In this case, the dream book explains, the orphanage personifies your longing for the past and lack of attention from others.

But picking up a child from an orphanage is a change in personal life. Did you see who was taken? Then take the boy - to the troubles, and the girl promises surprise. If you saw yourself as a shelter teacher, then you are already ready for the appearance of your own children, and this event will happen soon.

And what will the dream book tell, why see yourself in a dream visiting children in a shelter? Most likely, someone around you needs your help, in no case should you refuse someone in need. Also, figuring out what the orphanage is dreaming of, you can see a warning about troubles that friends and relatives will help you deal with. The main thing is not to be shy about asking for help when needed, and accepting it when offered.

Orphanage in a modern dream book

A dream about an orphanage is a subconscious signal that in your soul you feel lonely and deprived of the support of a loved one, best friends or family members. To achieve peace of mind and a sense of happiness, you need to take the first step towards your loved ones, communicate more with them and try to renew the mutual understanding and trust that was in your relationship before. Seeing yourself visiting an orphanage in a dream is an omen that you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation and face problems that you will not be able to cope with on your own. They will come to your rescue best friends, and with their help you will quickly and practically without loss be able to find a way out of the prevailing circumstances and return your life to its previous course. If in a dream you played children's games together with orphanage kids, it means that in reality you will soon be visited by a slight longing for the past youth and childish serene joy. A dream in which you saw yourself in the role of one of the pupils of an orphanage indicates that one of the next days your child’s misconduct will cause sadness and lead to great trouble. If such a dream was dreamed by a person who does not have children, it is likely that he will soon have a pleasant, cheerful meeting with old friends, which can end in an interesting adventure. If you dreamed that you were leaving the orphanage, and the children living there were saying goodbye to you and waving their hands to you, then what you are dreaming of most now will never come true. You should say goodbye to many illusions in advance and give up unfulfilled desires, otherwise great disappointments and emotional experiences await you.

From this article you can find out why you dream Orphanage according to the dream books of various authors. What does what you see mean, the layout of the dream according to Lenormand will tell. And it will help to understand the dream more precisely moon calendar dreams.

Why the Orphanage is dreaming: interpretation of sleep

Dream interpretation of psychologist D. Loff

Why does the dreamer dream about the Orphanage, psychological analysis:

Orphanage, placed in the Orphanage - As a rule, such a dream symbolizes neglect, the search for a place in life, the opportunity to apply the POWER of one's charity in practice. In most cases, the meaning depends on your position in the shelter dream scenario.

If you, an employee of the Orphanage, want to ADOPT a child from an orphanage or simply visit this institution, then you are the bearer of world justice, and this situation requires a detailed understanding.

Worldly dream book

Orphanage - Perhaps you are trying to rise up and fight injustice, want to compensate for the injustice of the actions that you have committed in real life.

If you are playing the role of a child placed in an orphanage, you should analyze and study the nature of your relationships with people in real life. Do you feel you belong to this world or are you constantly looking for your place in it?

Islamic dream book

Why is the Children's Home dreaming in a dream?

The orphanage is a humiliation of dignity. If someone sees himself in a dream as an orphan in an orphanage, they will offend him and use violence against him, because orphans are usually offended people whose property is in the hands of others.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.