Linguistics test 1 course. Screening test for the course “General Linguistics. Basic language features

Control tests

1. General linguistics studies:

A) the laws of origin, development, structure and functioning of a particular language;

B) general laws origin, development, structure and functioning of languages.

2. internal organization languages ​​are studied by sciences:

A) cognitive linguistics, contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistics;

B) phonetics, morphology, syntax, lexicology.

3. The processes of generation and perception of speech are studied by:

A) sociolinguistics;

B) syntax;

C) psycholinguistics.

4. Cognitive linguistics studies…

A) the processes of generation and perception of speech;

B) the interaction of language and culture;

C) the processes of structuring human knowledge in language.

5. The comparative study of languages ​​is carried out by the sciences included in the section

A) intralinguistics;

B) comparative studies;

C) extralinguistics.

6. Linguistics is one of ...

A) humanities, social sciences;

B) natural sciences.

7. The basis for the development of the general theory of linguistics was ...

A) comparative linguistics;

B) comparative historical linguistics;

C) cognitive linguistics.

1. Language is essentially a phenomenon…

A) biological;

B) social;

B) mental.

2. Specify an incorrect statement:

A) the physical signs of a person are not related to language;

B) the existence and development of language is subject to the laws of nature;

C) language arises and develops only in a group of people.

3. The essence of the language is manifested in its properties:

A) express feelings and emotions, influence the psyche of people, establish contact with the interlocutor, create artistic texts;

B) to carry out the expression of thought, to name objects and phenomena of reality, to accumulate knowledge in verbal form, to be a means of knowing the world, a means of obtaining new knowledge.

4. The main function of the language:

A) regulatory

B) contact;

B) communicative.

5. The function of using language as a means of influencing the psyche

another person is called...

A) symbolic;

B) regulatory;

B) suggestive.

1. The position that language as a system exists in the mind of a person, and it functions in speech, was substantiated by ...

A) I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay;

B) F. de Saussure;

C) W. von Humboldt.

2. The system of signs that is stored in the human brain is called ...

B) text.

3. L.V. Shcherba proposed to distinguish between the following aspects of the language:

A) speech activity, language system, language material;

B) language system, speech activity, language ability.

4. Indicate the incorrect version of the characteristics of the features of the language in comparison with speech:

A) a means of communication, a social phenomenon, a relatively stable system of sign units, independent of the situation and the environment of communication;

B) the process of communication, a physical and physiological phenomenon, variant, contextually and situationally determined.

5. The set of psychological and physiological conditions that provide speaking and understanding is called ...

A) speech activity;

B) language ability;

C) linguistic competence.

6. In what main aspects does language activity manifest itself?

A) ... in the language system and speech;

B) ... in speaking and understanding;

C) ... in the language system, speech and text.

1. The language of animals ...

A) is inherited, has a limited set of meanings, unidirectional communication, closeness;

B) is not inherited, acquired as a result of training, transmits any information.

2. Artificial languages ​​are created in order to ...

A) to adapt to the environment;

B) transmit limited information under certain conditions;

C) to give people a simple, easy to learn means of international communication.

3. In the artificial languages ​​Volapuk, Interlingua, Esperanto...

A) grammar is constructed, and vocabulary is borrowed from natural languages, partially modified;

B) grammar and vocabulary are constructed according to their own rules.

4. Mark those languages ​​/ alphabets that perform a compensatory function:

A) dactylology;

B) gesture speech;

B) Morse code

D) Braille.

5. The system of conditional signals includes:

A) traffic lights chemical formulas, flares, the language of flowers;

B) gestures, facial expressions, physical contact, pauses.

1. Indicate the incorrect statement: Thinking is ...

A) the highest form of reflection of reality;

B) subjective reality;

C) objective reality.

2. According to the theory of verbal thinking...

A) language is the material support of thinking;

B) thinking is not connected with the motor speech code.

3. Specify an incorrect statement:

A) the CPC has a sensory nature;

B) Code of Criminal Procedure contains signs of verbal language.

4. Who first expressed the idea of ​​the influence of language on thinking?

A) F. de Saussure;

B) W. von Humboldt;

C) E. Sapir.

5. According to the theory of linguistic relativity ...

A) each language has its own logic of thinking;

B) the development of the language is determined by society.

6. What term denotes the totality of the fixed in

units of the language of people's ideas about reality at a certain stage in the development of this people - a) a cognitive picture of the world;

B) linguistic picture of the world.

1. According to the linguistic theory of F. de Saussure, a linguistic sign is ...

A) bilateral mental essence;

B) one-sided entity.

2. Semiotics is a science…

A) about sign systems in nature and society;

B) the specifics of linguistic signs.

3. Indicate which of the signs of the sign is indicated incorrectly:

A) has an ideal character;

B) is not connected with the designated object by a causal relationship

C) denotes something outside of it.

4. According to the unilateral concept of the sign

A) the value is not integral part the sound shell of the word;

B) the value is included in the sign.

5. Between the plane of expression of the language system and the plane of content there is

A) full compliance;

B) asymmetric ratio.

6. Indicate the correct statement:

A) semiotics reveals one of the aspects of the language - sign;

B) a linguistic sign does not differ from many other signs.

1. Indicate the incorrect statement: The system is ...

A) a complex whole, consisting of interdependent and interdependent elements and performing a single function;

B) a set of connections and relationships between elements.

2. In the language system:

1) hierarchy relationships reflect ...

A) opposition of units;

B) the entry of simple units into more complex ones, the dependence of some units on others;

2) in the language system, paradigmatic relations are

A) the relationship of units located linearly in the statement;

B) relations in a group formed from units that have similarities and


3) attitudes of motivation reflect ...

A) the relationship between the expression plan and the content plan;

B) the connection of a new, derived unit of language with the original unit.

3. Why is language a heterogeneous system? Eliminate excess.

A) it is formed by homogeneous elements;

B) it is formed by heterogeneous elements;

C) it has irregular elements.

4. The pressure of the system is manifested in the fact that ...

A) there are unrealized opportunities in the system;

B) irregular elements tend to adapt to the typical ones.

5. What defines dynamism language system? Eliminate excess.

A) opposition of language tradition and living language practice;

B) the contradiction between the system and the structure of the language in the course of its development;

C) the presence of variability of the elements of the language system.

6. What level is not the main level of the language?

A) phonological;

B) lexical;

C) phonomorphological;

D) syntactic.

7. What language model is characterized in the definition: a fuzzy limited set of systemically organized heterogeneous units united by a common feature or function:

A) level model of the language;

B) field model;

C) associative-verbal model.

1. Phonetics as a science studies ...

A) sounds from the point of view of their meaningful function;

B) acoustic and articulatory features of sounds, change

sounds in speech.

2. The elements of the phonological system of the language are

A) allophones;

B) phonemes;

B) sounds.

3. The definition of a phoneme as a sound type, in which sounds that are close to hearing and articulation are combined, belongs to ...

A) Moscow phonological school;

B) the Leningrad phonological school;

C) the London phonological school.

4. The phonological content of a phoneme is ...

A) the totality of its permanent features;

B) the totality of its distinctive (differential) features;

C) a set of variable features.

5. The main types of oppositions of phonemes were described by ...

A) I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay;

B) N.S. Trubetskoy;

C) L.V. Shcherba.

6. The structure of the phoneme system of any language is determined by ...

A) privative, one-dimensional, proportional oppositions;

B) privative, multidimensional, isolated oppositions.

7. The prosodic level of the language is formed by ...

A) stress and intonation;

B) stress, intonation and alternation of sounds;

C) stress and syllables.

8. Consonant languages ​​are dominated by ...

A) vowel sounds

B) consonants.

9. Distribution is...

A) opposition of phonemes in pairs;

B) the set of all possible environments (combinations) in which

phoneme occurs.

10. According to the theory of syllabophonemes, a phoneme contains ...

A) the image of a syllable;

B) the image of sound.

1. Morphology as part of grammar studies ...

A) a system of words;

B) a system of grammatical categories, grammatical means.

2. What is the name of the hierarchical organization of words according to root and derivational morphemes?

A) word-formation subsystem;

B) inflectional subsystem.

3. Traditionally, parts of speech are distinguished on the basis of ...

A) syntactic and semantic criteria;

B) morphological, syntactic and semantic criteria;

C) morphological criterion.

A) large groups of words according to inflectional affixes;

B) a system of grammatical forms opposed to each other,

expressing a common grammatical meaning.

5. Indicate in which row only examples of lexicogrammatic categories of words are given:

A) verb aspect, noun case, qualitative and relative adjectives;

B) transitive and intransitive verbs, animate and inanimate nouns, qualitative and relative adjectives.

1. Indicate which macrocomponent of the word carries information about the most common and essential features of the word:

A) denotative;

B) connotative.

2. Indicate which macrocomponent carries information about the features of the functioning of the unit in speech:

A) connotative;

B) functional.

3. To denote the sound shell of a word, the term is used:

A) a seed

B) a token.

4. Which of the signs of the word do not have absolute power, that is, they do not work in all languages:

A) phonetic design;

B) grammatical formality;

C) the presence of a value;

D) impermeability;

D) reproducibility in speech.

5. The internal form of the word is ...

A) a value element that reflects the attribute that was put into

the basis for the name of the subject;

B) the totality of the features of the object reflected by the word.

1. The systemic organization of vocabulary is based on ...

A) the semantics of words;

B) the systemic nature of the world.

2. Systematic vocabulary is manifested:

A) in the possibility of combining words based on semantics into groups;

B) in the polysemy of words.

3. What association of words is characterized in the following definition: a large group of words of one part of speech, united by one word -

identifier, the meaning of which is fully included in the meaning of the rest of the words of the group:

A) thematic group;

B) association group;

C) lexical-semantic group.

4. Specify the correct definition of the lexico-semantic field:

A) a set of a large number of words of different parts of speech, phrases and phraseological units related to the same sphere of reality;

B) a set of words of different parts of speech associated in the mind of a person with a certain word - a stimulus;

C) a collection of a large number of words of one or different parts of speech,

united by a common concept.

5. The systemic organization of vocabulary as a whole has ...

A) a hierarchical structure;

B) field structure.

6. In the description of the main features of the lexical system of the language, exclude the superfluous:

A) multidimensionality;

B) variability;

B) rigidity;

D) openness.

1. The study of the plan of expression of the proposal is engaged in ...

A) constructive syntax;

B) communicative syntax.

2. The block diagram of the proposal is ...

A) a set of two word forms expressing a subject and a predicate

B) the totality of all members of the proposal.

3. Structural diagram is a sign…

A) propositions

B) predicativity;

B) modality.

5. Modality conveys…

A) the correlation of the utterance with the moment of speech;

B) the relationship of what is reported to reality in terms of possibility

Or impossibility of implementation.

6. In terms of the plan of content, the positional scheme of the sentence is a sign ...

A) predictability;

B) propositions

7. What is the name of the set of semantic components that describe the situation referred to in the sentence:

A) a proposition

B) positional diagram

8. What is the name of the part of the sentence that contains new information for the interlocutor?

A) a diagram

D) proposition.

9. Specify an incorrect statement:

A) the actual division of the sentence coincides with the structural


B) the actual division of the sentence is a semantic division

suggestions for known and new information.

1. The diachronic description of the language involves the study of ...

A) language changes within the same state;

B) language changes in different periods time.

2. What is meant by differentiation in diachronic language learning?

A) ... the process of interaction between dialects of one language or

B) ... socially determined stratification of the language;

C) ... the historically determined process of splitting the language into dia-

lectures or into separate related independent languages.

3. Sound laws...

A) fix the correspondence of sounds in different periods of development of one

one or more related languages;

B) reflect the alternation of sounds.

4. The most ancient parts of speech are ...

A) noun and adjective;

B) noun and verb;

C) verb and adverb.

5. The oldest type of sentence was…

A) two-part;

B) one-component;

C) one-part impersonal sentence.

6. In an ancient sentence, the connection between words was carried out ...

A) with the help of unions;

B) with the help of adjoining;

C) with the help of adjacency and assimilation.

7. In the development of a complex sentence, a big role was played by ...

A) participles and participial phrases;

B) selection of a logical subject and a predicate.

1. Mark the external (extralinguistic) factors of language development:

A) contacts of languages;

B) the action of analogy;

C) language policy;

D) revolutions, wars;

D) population migration;

E) speech economy.

2. The law of economy of speech efforts is ...

A) in a person's desire to minimize mental and physical

efforts in speech activity;

B) in the desire of the language to include each new fact of speech in a certain system of linguistic forms.

3. What is the self-development of the language?

A) in the struggle of opposites;

B) in evolutionary development.

4. The most mobile subsystem of the language, reflecting changes in

the life of society is…

A) vocabulary;

B) grammar;

B) vocabulary.

5. Why does the language stop developing, “dies”? Eliminate excess.

a) in connection with changes in public life;

B) due to the fact that the community of people speaking it is disintegrating;

C) due to the fact that the language is losing social functions.

6. What is the reason for the progress in the development of the language? Eliminate excess.

A) ... with a change in its internal structure;

B) ... with the expansion of the social functions of the language;

C) ... with the development of opportunities to express new content.

1. What is the two-way connection between language and society?

A) language necessary condition the existence of society;

B) the development of the language is determined by society;

C) language arises only in society, and the existence of society

provided by language-based communication.

2. General National language exists in several forms:

A) book and colloquial speech;

B) literary language, dialects, jargon, vernacular;

C) scientific, official business, journalistic, colloquial

3. Which of the signs is not typical for the literary language:

A) oral form of existence;

B) codification of norms;

C) stylistic differentiation.

4. Literary Russian language is ...

A) the language of fiction;

B) a strictly standardized form of the language;

C) book version of the Russian language.

5. Non-normative forms of language include ...

A) territorially limited form;

B) literary language;

C) social dialects;

D) vernacular.

6. The main scope of functioning of the territorially limited

A) the scientific field;

B) everyday communication;

B) publicity.

7. What determines the social differentiation of the language?

A) ... the presence of territorial dialects;

B) ... social differentiation of society;

C) ... language contacts.

8. What are the consequences of fundamental social changes (war, revolution) for the development of the language? Eliminate excess.

A) expanding the scope of the use of the literary language;

B) democratization of the language;

C) updating political vocabulary and phraseology;

D) displacement of dialect boundaries;

D) linguistic purism.

9. What is the name of the set of political, legal, administrative

negative and economic measures taken by the state to

purposeful language development?

A) language policy;

B) language situation.

Key to tests

Test No. 1: 1b, 2b, 3c, 4c, 5b, 6a, 7b. Test No. 2: 1b, 2b, 3b, 4c, 5c. Test #3:

1b, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b, 6c. Test No. 4: 1a, 2c, 3a, 4a, b, d; 5a. Test No. 5: 1c, 2b, 3b,

4b, 5a, 6b. Test No. 6: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b, 6a. Test No. 7: 1b; 2: 1)b; 2)b; 3) b; 3b,

4b, 5c, 6c, 7b. Test No. 8: 1b, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7a, 8b, 9b, 10a. Test number 9: 1b,

2a, 3b, 4b, 5b. Test No. 10: 1a, 2b, 3b, 4b, d; 5a. Test No. 11: 1a, 2a, 3c, 4c, 5b,

6c. Test No. 12: 1a, 2a, 3b, 4c, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8c, 9a. Test No. 13: 1b, 2c, 3a, 4b,

5c, 6c, 7a. Test No. 14: 1a, c, d, e; 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6a. Test No. 15: 1c, 2b, 3a, 4b,

Main literature

1. Popova Z.D. General linguistics: textbook. allowance / Z.D. Popova,

I.A. Sternin. - M. : AST: East-West, 2007. - 408 p.

2. Introduction to linguistics: a course of lectures - Voronezh: Origins, 2004. - 154 p.

3. Workshop on the course "Introduction to linguistics": textbook. allowance / comp.

IS HE. Charykov. - Voronezh: Origins, 2008. - 58 p.

4. General linguistics: in 2 hours. Part 1: General problems of language: textbook.-method.

allowance / comp. ON THE. Kozelskaya. - Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. state university,

2004. - 36 p.

5. General linguistics: in 2 hours. Part 2: Language system: textbook.-method. allowance / comp.

ON THE. Kozelskaya. - Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. state un-ta, 2005. - 44 p.

additional literature

1. Gorelov I.N. Fundamentals of psycholinguistics: textbook. allowance / I.N. Gorelov,

K.F. Sedov. - M. : Labyrinth, 2002. - 256 p.

2. Mechkovskaya N.B. General linguistics: structural and social typology

gia of languages: textbook. allowance / N.B. Mechkovskaya. - 2nd ed. - M .: Flint:

Nauka, 2001. - 312 p.

3. Sternin I.A. Language and thinking: textbook.-method. allowance / I.A. Sternin. -

Voronezh: Voronezh Publishing House. state un-ta, 2004. - 23 p.

I option

1. The study of general problems related to the structure and functioning of any language in society is

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) philology

D) general linguistics

2. The cognitive function of language is the ability

B) express the internal state of the speaker

C) serve as a means of communication

3. Relations that connect language units of the same level in the system are called

A) linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

D) syntagmatic

4. The elementary minimum part of the value, its component is

D) archiseme

5. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasi-morphemes

D) free phrases

6. The grammar of Panini expounds

A) Sanskrit grammar system

B) Sanskrit lexical system

C) Sanskrit phonetic system

D) stylistic features of Sanskrit

7. The first centers of Arabic linguistics arose in Basra and Kufa in

B) VII - VIII centuries.

8. Paradigmatics is

9. At the origins of Russian psycholinguistics were

A) I. A. Baudouin de Courtenay, S. Kartsevsky

B) V. V. Vinogradov, L. V. Shcherba

C) F. F. Fortunatov, F. I. Buslaev

D) L. S. Vygotsky, A. M. Leontiev

10. Language signs represent the following type of semiotic units

A) copies or images

B) signs or symptoms

C) signs-symbols

D) proper signs

11. He represented the complex essence of the language in a number of antinomies (dialectical contradictions)

A) W. von Humboldt

D) G. Steinthal

12. Representatives of the behavioral trend in psychology

C) have nothing to do with the development of psycholinguistics

13. The "General Rational Grammar" developed by the learned monks of "Por - Royale" was based on

B) philosophy

C) psychology

D) natural science

14. National bilingualism is typical for such a language situation when

A) citizens of the country use colloquial and literary language

B) citizens of the country know their native dialect and national language

C) people of different nationalities live in the country

D) the country has two official languages

15. The merit of neogrammarists is

A) their discovery of the language law

D) empiricism and inductivism

16. Among the founders of the sociological trend in linguistics were

B) A. Meie, L. Bloomfield, A. Bergson

C) F. de Saussure, W. von Humboldt, L. Hjelmslev

17. The thesis “Language, considered in itself and for itself, is the only and true object of linguistics” belongs to the famous linguist

A) S. Bally

C) F. de Saussure

D) J. Vandries

18. The theory of psychological communication was put forward by

A) A. Kh. Vostokov

B) A. A. Shakhmatov

C) A. A. Potebnya

D) F. I. Buslaev

19. Moscow Linguistic School is a representative

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

20. Linguodidactics is

II option

1. Diachronic universals are

A) grammatical universals presented in ancient languages

B) general trends in the development of various languages

C) the history of the formation and development of one of the syntactic categories

D) semantic universals that have lost their meaning

2. Understanding the phoneme as the minimum unit of psychophonetics is associated with the name

A) Baudouin de Courtenay

B) E. D. Polivanova

C) N. V. Krushevsky

D) V. A. Bogoroditsky

3. What is the essence of N. Chomsky's concept?

A) The transition of language from the subject form to the form of activity

B) Supra-individualization of speech activity

C) The notion of the universality of the innate rules of language operation

D) Speech activity as one of the types human activity

4. A pidgin results from

B) the disappearance of a language to replace it

D) mass interethnic contacts

5. "New Doctrine of Language" developed

A) V. V. Vinogradov

B) I. I. Meshchaninov

C) N. Y. Marr

D) L. V. Shcherba

A) modality, time, face

B) time, face

C) modality, face

D) modality, time

7. Linguodidactics is

A) a pedagogical discipline dealing with the development of a child's speech

B) a scientific discipline dealing with the description of the language system and its units for educational purposes

C) a linguistic discipline dealing with the development of language ability

D) discipline that develops problems higher education

8. The emergence of nationalities is associated with

A) the development of the productive forces of society

B) replacing former tribal ties with territorial ties

C) the emergence of private property and the collapse of primitive communal relations

D) the development of the productive forces of society, the emergence of private property, the collapse of primitive communal relations and the replacement of former tribal ties with territorial ties

9. The division of mankind into races is completely connected with the division of the population

A) territorial

B) ethnic

C) social

D) religious

10. Relations that connect language units of the same level in the system are called

A) linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

A) A Leontiev

B) J. Miller

C) L. V. Shcherba

D) L. S. Vygotsky

12. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasi-morphemes

D) free phrases

13. Moscow Linguistic School presents

14. The elementary, minimal part of the value, its component is

D) archiseme

15. The activities of the Prague Linguistic Circle are connected with

A) descriptive linguistics

B) glossematics

C) sociolinguistics

D) functional linguistics

16. The theory of psycholinguistic communication was put forward by

A) A. Kh. Vostokov

B) A. A. Potebnya

C) A. A. Shakhmatov

D) F. I. Buslaev

17. The languages ​​used for international communication are

A) Afrikaans, Swahili

B) English, Russian

C) Lithuanian, Armenian

D) Chinese, Mongolian

18. He represented the complex essence of the language in a number of antinomies (dialectical contradictions)

A) W. von Humboldt

D) G. Steinthal

19. The cognitive function of language is the ability

A) express the internal state of the speaker

B) serve as a means of communication

C) influence the addressee of the speech

D) serve as a means of cognition of the surrounding world, express the activity of consciousness

20. The study of general problems related to the structure and functioning of any language in society is engaged in

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) general linguistics

D) philology

III option

1. The merit of neogrammarists is

B) individualism and psychologism

C) atomism, emphasized historicism

D) empiricism and inductivism

2. The doctrine of language as a category of living organisms belongs

A) G. Steinthal

B) A. Schleicher

C) W. von Humboldt

D) G Curtius

3. The origin of any language must be considered with

A) the culture of a native speaker of a given language

B) the mentality of the people themselves

C) socio-economic development of the people

D) the history of the people themselves - the native speaker of this language

4. Most domestic researchers of synchrony and diachrony proceeded from the thesis

A) synchrony and dachrony are in sharp opposition to each other and therefore retain their specificity

B) synchrony and diachrony, constantly interacting, lose their specificity

C) synchrony and diachrony constantly interact, retaining their specificity

D) the opposition of synchronic and diachronic points of view is completely absolute and uncompromising

5. Among the founders of the sociological attack were

A) F. de Saussure, A. Meillet, J. Vandries, E. Benveniste

B) R. Rask, F. Bopp, W. von Humboldt

C) G. Steinthal, A. Schleicher

D) A. A. Shakhmatov, F. F. Fortunatov

6. The study of general problems related to the structure and functioning of any language in society, with the functions of the language, is engaged

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) philology

D) general linguistics

7. Foreign psycholinguistics arose in

A) early 20th century

B) 70s of the XX century

C) 50s of XX century

D) late 19th century

8. Consciousness is

A) manifestation of language ability

B) the highest form of mental reflection of reality

C) one of the sides of the relationship between language and thinking

D) self-realization of a linguistic personality

9. What is the essence of thinking?

A) Thinking is the essence of the human brain

B) The quality of any natural language

C) The system of expressing the meaning of words

D) Property of artificial language

10. The elementary, minimal part of the value, its component is

D) archiseme

11. Understanding the phoneme as the minimum unit of psychophonetics is associated with the name

A) N. V. Krushevsky

B) V. A. Bogoroditsky

C) E. D. Polivanova

D) Baudouin de Courtenay

12. A pidgin results from

A) conscious human activity

B) mass interethnic contacts

C) constant contact of two languages

D) the disappearance of a language to replace it

13. The division of mankind into races is connected with the division of the population

A) ethnic

B) territorial

C) religious

D) social

A) time, face

B) modality, face

C) modality, time, face

D) modality, time

15. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasi-morphemes

D) free phrases

16. Moscow Linguistic School presents

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

17. The founder of American structuralism (descriptive linguistics) is

B) E. Sapir

C) L. Bloomfield

D) G. Gleason

18. Relations that connect language units of the same level in the system are called

A) linguistic

B) paradigmatic

C) stylistic

D) syntagmatic

19. Semantic classifiers (keys) indicated

A) what vowels make up the word

B) how many syllables are in the word

C) what semantic sphere, area of ​​reality does this word refer to

D) what consonants are included in the word

20. W. von Humboldt interpreted language as

A) a set of cultural, figurative and verbal signs

B) sign system

IV option

1. Analogy is

A) grammatical changes in the language

B) establishing an associative relationship between language units

C) assimilation of some elements of the language to other elements of the same level, more common and productive, or convergence of such elements

D) changing the semantics of the word according to the metaphorical type

2. The founder of Copenhagen structuralism (glossematics) is

A) H. I. Uldall

B) K. Togeby

C) K. Werner

D) L. Elmslev

2. The doctrine of the morphological structure of the word was developed in the works of a representative of the Kazan Linguistic School

A) V. A. Bogoroditsky

B) N. V. Krushevsky

C) J. A. Baudouin de Courtenay

D) A. I. Alexandrova

4. The first centers of Arabic linguistics arose in Basra and Kufa in

A) VII - VIII centuries.

5. The theory of psychological communication was put forward by

A) A. A. Shakhmatov

B) A. Kh. Vostokov

C) A. A. Potebnya

D) F. I. Buslaev

6. The communicative function of language is the ability

A) serve as a means of cognition of the surrounding world, express the activity of consciousness

B) serve as a means of communication

C) express the internal state of the speaker

D) influence the addressee of the speech

7. The study of general problems related to the structure and functioning of any language in society is engaged in

A) linguistics

B) private linguistics

C) philology

D) general linguistics

8. Moscow Linguistic School presents

A) logical direction in linguistics

B) formal direction in linguistics

C) psychological direction in linguistics

D) sociological direction in linguistics

9. The relations that connect language units of the same level in the system are called

A) paradigmatic

B) linguistic

C) syntagmatic

D) stylistic

10. The thesis "Language, considered in itself and for itself, is the only and true object of linguistics" belongs to

A) S. Bally

C) J. Vandries

D) F. de Saussure

11. The elementary minimum part of a value, its component is

D) archiseme

12. W. von Humboldt interpreted language as

A) sign system

B) a set of cultural, figurative, verbal signs

C) semiotic system of verbal and non-verbal signs

D) an exponent of the spirit and character of the people

13. Non-limiting (non-discrete) language units include

C) quasi-morphemes

D) free phrases

14. Representatives of the behavioral trend in psychology

A) are major critics of psycholinguistic theories

B) made a great contribution to the development of psycholinguistics

C) have nothing to do with psycholinguistics

D) deny the very possibility of the existence of psycholinguistics

15. Historical and cultural area is

A) same as language union

B) the union of several language unions

C) the unification of peoples and their languages ​​on the basis of common cultural and historical traditions, the nature of writing, the cultural layer of vocabulary, etc.

D) association of peoples on the basis of ethnic kinship

16. The merit of neogrammarists is

A) their discovery of the sound law

B) individualism and psychologism

C) atomism and emphasized historicism

D) empiricism and inductivism

17. Among the founders of the sociological trend in linguistics were

A) A. Meie, L. Bloomfield, L. Hjelmslev

B) F. de Saussure, W. von Humboldt, A. Bergson

C) F. de Saussure, A. Meillet, J. Vandries, E. Benveniste

D) J. Vandries, A. A. Shakhmatov

18. The primary types of speech activity include

A) speaking and reading

B) reading, writing

C) writing and listening

D) speaking and listening

19. Linguistic signs represent the following type of semiotic units

A) copies or images

B) signs or symptoms

C) signs-symbols

D) proper signs

20. Pragmatics is

A) a special area that studies the appropriateness of using certain speech structures

B) a section of linguistics that studies the functioning of language signs in speech

C) a direction that studies the ways of applying the achievements of sociolinguistics in practice

D) a discipline that studies the rules of behavior of an individual in society

Linguistics, linguistics, linguistics are all synonymous names of the same scientific discipline. Linguistics is the science that studies languages ​​that exist, have ever existed or may arise in the future, and thus human language in general. Linguistics is part of philology, which studies the literary and historical monuments of the past. Philology emerged from the depths of philosophy and linguistics itself became a science only in the 19th century. The main characteristic of linguistics is that this science is social. Linguistics is connected with history (any historical epoch is imprinted in the language), with literature (any text is created with the help of language), with psychology (the state of the central nervous system is connected with the language), with physiology (human organs are involved in the pronunciation of words), with archeology ( studies ancient history in everyday life), with geography (the language has dialects), with philosophy.

2. General and private linguistics.

General linguistics studies the features of a person's language, the laws of its structure, functioning and development, i.e. such facts of the language that are characteristic of all languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world - i.e. language universals (sounds, syllables, parts of speech) Private language. - deals with individual problems of a language or a group of related languages ​​\u200b\u200b(for example: Slavic, German.) Private is divided into descriptive and historical Descriptive - studies the state of the language at this stage of its development Historical - studies the language in its historical development.

3. Language as a social phenomenon.

Language arises, develops and exists as social phenomenon. Its main purpose is to serve the needs of human society and, above all, to ensure communication between members of a large or small social collective, as well as the functioning of the collective memory of this collective. The concept of society is one of those difficult to define. Society is not just a set of human individuals, but a system of various relations between people belonging to one or another social, professional, gender and age, ethnic, ethnographic, confessional groups, where each individual occupies his own specific place and, therefore, acts as the bearer of a certain social status, social functions and roles.

4. Basic functions of the language.

Commutativity - enables people to understand each other, to establish joint work in all spheres of human life. Thanks to this, it is possible to move forward and further develop human society

Expressive function (expression) - thanks to this function, a person can formulate and express his thoughts. Until a thought is expressed using language, it remains a thought in itself and is not the property of others

The emotive function of expression, emotions. With the help of it, you can express your attitude to what we are talking about.

5. Secondary functions of the language.

Pictorial function - with the help of it you can quite clearly characterize the subject of speech, talk about a person, draw a “picture”

aesthetic - the ability of behavior to paint pictures of beauty in thoughts and feelings. Causes aesthetic pleasure

Pedagogical - in the process of mastering the language, the formation of a person takes place, through the language a person learns the norms of behavior, morality, principles of life, the idea of ​​good and evil. This is how a person is educated.

accumulative - in the process of his development and formation, a person gains experience, but at the same time he must study and master the experience of previous generations, comprehend it and use it for further advancement

The function of socio-psychological impact - with the help of it you can organize for various actions, actions, or you can disorganize

Didactic unit: “Live and dead languages, artificial languages. Prospects for the linguistic development of mankind. Language contacts. Bilingualism"

№ 1 Shortanswer What is the name of the changes associated with serious rebirths in the structure of the winning language, when the speakers of the defeated language introduce their own “accent” into the language they adopted? substrate № 2 Multiple selection What facts should not be confused with the phenomena of crossing (mixing) of languages? 1,2 № 3 single selection What is the influence of the substrate? № 4 single selection Which vocabulary fund changes more slowly in the diachronic aspect? № 5 single selection What layer of vocabulary do they belong to? following words: boyar, clerk, archer, brush? № 6 Shortanswer Can archaisms move from a passive dictionary to an active one? (use affirmative/negative particle in your answer). Yes № 7 Shortanswer What is the enrichment of the vocabulary of a language at the expense of the vocabulary of other languages ​​called? borrowing № 8 Shortanswer Who was one of the first to create mathematical basis rational artificial language? Leibniz № 9 single selection Which languages ​​are: Esperanto, Volapuk, Ajuvanto?
1. international
2. natural
3. artificial
№ 10 Shortanswer Mutual language based on a mixture of related languages ​​or dialects? koine № 11 Shortanswer Oral means of interethnic communication, which does not displace other languages ​​from everyday life, but coexists with them on the same territory? lingua franca № 12 Shortanswer Auxiliary trade language in former colonial countries? pidgin № 13 Shortanswer Bilingualism, possession and alternate use by the same person or group of two different languages ​​or different dialects of the same language? bilingualism № 14 Shortanswer Simultaneous existence in society of two languages ​​or two forms of one language, but one of these languages ​​or forms is considered more prestigious? diglossia № 15 Shortanswer Languages ​​that have only the value of an educational tool and a subject of scientific research? dead № 16 single selection Which languages ​​are: Latin, Aramaic, Coptic, Gaulish, Akkadian? № 18 Multiple selection What types international languages exist? 1,2 № 19 single selection What languages ​​are the languages ​​of mathematics, chemistry, logic, programming? № 20

Correct answers are marked with "+"

1. The Tatar language belongs to

a) Indo-European

B) Turkish

c) Altaic languages.

2. Agglutinative languages ​​are characterized by

a) polysemy of affixes,

b) the absence of suffixes,

C) the unambiguity of affixes.

3. Phraseologism reach the handle- This

a) fusion

B) unity

c) combination.

4. Word zashkvar- This

A) jargon

b) professionalism,

c) dialectism.

5. Japanese language uses

a) syllable

b) hieroglyphic,

C) syllabic and hieroglyphic writing.

6. To the way of expression grammatical meaning not applicable

A) reduction

b) suppletivism,

c) reduplication.

Test.7. Interfix is ​​for

a) connections between the prefix and the root,

B) joining two roots,

c) suffix and ending compounds.

8. Meaning of the word plate‘alien aircraft’ is formed by

A) metaphorical transfer,

b) metonymic transfer

c) or is direct.

9. Select a row with languages ​​​​of the Indo-European family only:

a) Greek, Armenian, Basque,

B) Greek, Latin, Sanskrit,

c) Latin, Aramaic, Gothic.

10. One of the theories of the origin of the language is called

A) the theory of labor cries,

b) the theory of joint activity,

c) the theory of ritual singing.

11. The unit of grammar is not

a) a morpheme

b) a phrase

C) phoneme.

12. The Marxist theory of the origin of language is associated with the name

a) Marx

B) Engels

c) Lenin.

13. Concept language family characteristic of

A) genetic

b) typological,

c) linguistic and geographical classification of languages.

14. The idea of ​​language as a sign system was laid

a) Wilhelm Grimm

B) Ferdinand de Saussure,

c) Mikhail Lomonosov.

15. The hypothesis of linguistic relativity suggests dependence

a) language from geographical location,

B) thinking from language,

c) language from thinking.

16. The emergence of comparative historical linguistics was influenced by the study

A) Sanskrit

b) Chinese characters,

c) the languages ​​of the peoples of Polynesia.

a) text

B) an offer

c) a phrase.

18. Deals with the problems of state languages

a) ethnolinguistics,

b) psycholinguistics,

C) sociolinguistics.

19 - Test. euphemism is

a) territorially limited vocabulary,

B) a neutral word that replaces a rude or inappropriate one,

c) the antonym of anachronism.

20. Dead languages ​​include all languages ​​in the series

a) Hebrew, Greek, Latin,

b) Sanskrit, Farsi, Hindi,

C) Latin, Gothic, Old Church Slavonic.

21. The main ways of expressing grammatical meaning for analytical languages:

A) word order in a sentence, function words,

b) word order in a sentence, affixation,

c) affixation, suppletivism.

22. English is one of the

a) synthetic

B) analytical,

c) polysynthetic languages.

23. In which row are the representatives of structuralism named?

A) Willem Mathesius, Roman Jacobson,

b) Edward Sapir, Benjamin Lee Whorf,

c) Nikolai Trubetskoy, Alexander Potebnya.

24. Does not apply to the ways in which homonyms appear

a) the collapse of polysemy,

b) a coincidence as a result of borrowing a word,

C) conscious replacement of borrowing with the original word.

25. Transliteration is the exact ratio

a) between the sounds of two languages,

a) between the sounds of one language and the letters of another,

B) between the signs of writing of two languages.

Test - 26. Diacritical marks in writing are

a) signs clarifying or changing the meaning of other signs, +

b) a synonym for punctuation marks,

c) only accent marks.

27. Not related to obsolete vocabulary

a) archaic

B) neologisms,

c) historicism.

28. Phraseologism - unit

A) vocabulary

b) morphology,

c) syntax.

29. Polysemy is

a) polyphony

b) complexity,

B) ambiguity.

30. Not a recognized language family

a) Turkish

B) Nostratic

c) Semitic-Hamitic.