Solid fuel boiler new world. Small solid fuel boilers. Low power solid fuel boilers

Each of these modifications has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, electric domestic boilers heating systems are safe, low noise and lack exhaust gases. At the same time, they consume a lot of electricity, which leads to high heating costs. Gas and liquid fuel household heating boilers are also quite expensive to operate and maintain. In this regard, solid fuel equipment is becoming increasingly popular.

Solid fuel household heating boilers are among the most environmentally friendly and unpretentious. They can successfully operate on coal, wood and other types of fossil fuels. The main advantages of such equipment are the low cost of heating, automatic mode temperature maintenance and easy to operate.

In addition, the Vienybė domestic solid fuel heating boiler is also distinguished long work without refueling (up to 16 hours), high degree of automation and efficiency up to 90%. The safety of operation of Vienybė equipment is ensured by the presence of a safety valve.

Installation solid fuel boiler- one of the best, and sometimes the only one possible option heating of houses located in areas without a centralized gas supply. Alternative - electric heating, for example, cannot be used in country houses and cottages, since the energy supply system available in horticultural societies is not designed for such a load. This solid fuel boiler is convenient and economical. It is suitable for firewood, coal, wood waste, briquettes, pellets - everything that the owner of the house can and deems necessary to prepare.

Features of the design of solid fuel boilers

The boiler body can be made of cast iron or steel. The advantages of steel boilers include their lower cost and lighter weight, as well as better resistance to body temperature changes. A significant drawback is the shorter service life. Sooner or later, the body of the high-temperature chamber burns out. The advantages of solid fuel boilers made of cast iron are strength and durability, the disadvantages are heavy weight And increased sensitivity to rapid change temperature regime. If the temperature of the heat exchanger drops sharply by even 20°C, its sections may collapse. This feature should be taken into account when designing a heating system.

An important factor is the presence or absence electronic system combustion control and forced coolant pumping. Equipped with a control unit and electric pump boilers are more economical, but energy dependent. In the event of an emergency power outage, the electrified solid fuel boiler will be stopped. A simpler, energy-independent boiler does not need electricity. However, such units have a slightly lower efficiency, and to organize the movement of the coolant they need to install a “gravity” system - a structure made of pipes large diameter, installed with a certain slope.

Pyrolysis boilers long burning

The most advanced, efficient and economical are solid fuel boilers with a stove, the design of which allows for pyrolysis combustion of wood fuel - firewood, pellets, briquettes or wood waste. The only requirement for fuel is that its moisture content should not exceed 20%. Pyrolysis is the process of high-temperature decomposition of wood under conditions of limited oxygen supply, in which the feedstock is converted into wood gas, coal and resins.

Coal and resins smolder in the firebox, providing the temperature necessary to maintain the pyrolysis process (on average 400°C - 500°C), and the resulting wood gas is fed through a nozzle into a special high-temperature chamber, where it mixes with air and burns with a large release of heat. The main advantages of pyrolysis boilers are unprecedented high efficiency and a long fuel combustion mode, which makes it possible battery life within 14 - 24 hours. The main disadvantage is the high price and dependence on electricity supply, since many models are equipped automatic systems regulation of combustion mode.

Pellet boilers

According to experts, one of the most significant disadvantages of most types of solid fuel boilers is the inability to maintain a constant combustion temperature in them. The use of coal and firewood of different quality and humidity does not allow stabilizing the heating temperature of the medium, which negatively affects the efficiency of the heating system. Boilers that are designed to use special granular fuel - pellets - do not have this drawback. The fuel for such boilers is produced in Moscow from wood processing waste, peat and residues from the processing of certain types of agricultural products.

The raw material for pellets is crushed, dried and compressed under high pressure into oblong granules. standard size. Stabilization of the combustion process and temperature conditions in pellet boilers is ensured thanks to an automatically regulated fuel supply from a special bunker. In the most perfect models automation is capable of cleaning the combustion chamber from soot and ash. Standardized fuel consumption allows you to accurately assess the need and timely purchase required quantity pellet All boilers operating on granular fuel are economical and have extremely high efficiency.

Solid fuel boilers from the Belkomin company are an excellent alternative to gas, liquid fuel and electrical equipment. They are recommended to be installed in houses where there is no gas or electricity. The fuel is ignited by electrical system ignition or traditional way.

How to choose a solid fuel boiler

The industry is rapidly developing more and more solid fuel boilers, hundreds of brands, thousands of models. In times of rising gas prices, only a lazy manufacturer does not produce such boilers. Boilers are made reputable companies, in modern factory workshops, small workshops with much smaller production volumes, as well as handicraft workshops.

The Belkomin company is a reliable, time-tested manufacturer of high-quality solid fuel boilers from Belarus.

Classic solid fuel boilers: inexpensive and practical

In fact, this is the simplest and inexpensive type heaters. The heat exchanger material can be made of two types of material:

  • Steel. Is less durable material than cast iron, but in principle, such boilers still work for 10-15 years - it still depends on the thickness of the material.
  • Cast iron. More durable, work for decades, due to the large thickness of the heat exchanger walls. Less high efficiency, and in case of severe overheating of the boiler, cast iron may burst. A cast iron boiler is more expensive than a steel one. Due to its special design, cleaning it is more difficult compared to a steel boiler.

Classic solid fuel tanks are the most common and are installed in country houses, in country houses, in small workshops, garages and they depend on the availability of electricity.

Types of fuel that such heaters use:

  • Firewood
  • Briquettes
  • Pellets
  • Coal.

In addition, the data solid fuel boilers They are also used as recyclers of combustible industrial waste, which can make it possible not only to burn the waste, but also to heat the given production. The efficiency is approximately 85%.

Long-burning solid fuel boilers

Unlike the previous type, they are designed for any solid fuel. The unsurpassed advantage of such boilers is that the combustion process is very long and can last from 12 to 48 hours, because The fuel burns very slowly during its operation.

Another feature is that enough fuel is loaded into the firebox at one time. large number fuel. Suitable for this:

  • Firewood
  • Briquettes
  • Coal

Some TIS models can heat a room for up to 7 days!

Pyrolysis boilers

They have two independent combustion chambers:

  • Primary. This chamber is designed to start the pyrolysis process and generate synthesis gas. Combustion is artificial, with a low amount of oxygen
  • Secondary. This chamber burns synthesis gas, which allows the boiler to operate on one load of fuel for a very long time.
  • Combustion lasts up to 10 hours, and the efficiency is 90%.
  • Wood is preferable hard rocks, and its humidity should be no more than 35%. If the humidity is higher, normal combustion will not occur, since water vapor will interfere with this.

Fuel used:

  • Pellets
  • Briquettes
  • Brown coal

The listed fuel contains big exit volatile substances, and is most preferred for pyrolysis boilers.

Pellet boilers

  • These solid fuel boilers operate on compressed combustible material - pellets, which are granules
  • Fuel is loaded into a bunker, from where it enters the firebox via an auger.
  • The boiler operation process does not require human supervision as long as there are pellets in the hopper.
  • The durability of such boilers is more than 20 years.
  • Efficiency is about 90%.

In view of the fact that fuel is supplied automatically, the second name for this type of solid propellant is “automatic”.

Price of solid fuel boilers

Based on the above, it is easy to guess that the most expensive and more complex in design are pyrolysis boilers and solid fuel boilers for long burning. Price popular models starts from 82,000 rubles.

Yes, solid fuel engines require large initial costs, but later, during their operation, these costs quickly pay off due to fuel savings. Be that as it may, any of the boilers will make your home energy independent; you will not depend on constantly rising prices for gas and electricity, which in this regard are noticeably inferior to solid fuel.

Where to buy solid fuel boilers

  • TIS automatic solid fuel boilers can be purchased from any of our dealers, who are represented almost throughout Russia. Detailed information look in the section
  • In one of our offices located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar. Office telephone numbers are located at the top of the site.

We wish you warmth in your home!

Long-burning solid fuel boilers from the manufacturer

On our website you can find out what it is solid fuel boilers where you can buy them, how to choose quality appliances, find out what the price of such boilers is. These are steel or cast iron heating devices that run on solid fuel. If we are talking about a household unit, manual fuel supply is assumed; industrial models are equipped with automatic supply and ash removal. Such boilers are installed where there is no gas heating, or as a backup heating device.

Types of equipment

Based on the type of control, boilers are divided into automatic and mechanical. Moreover, the second option compares favorably in both price and reliability. As a rule, such devices can be purchased inexpensively. Heating boilers need regular care, such as cleaning from scale and burning, as this will help to avoid disruption of heat transfer from the boiler wall and damage metal parts due to overheating. Modern solid fuel boilers are high-tech and safe, and their operation is stable. For advice on choosing such equipment, you can contact our experts. The fuel for such devices as a long-burning solid fuel boiler is:

  • . coal;
  • . firewood;
  • . peat;
  • . pellets;
  • . reed or straw.

Different types of fuel vary in burning time, which ranges from two to eight hours. Through the fuel exchanger, the heat released during combustion is transferred to water - the coolant of the heating system. As for long-burning boilers, such systems differ from conventional ones in their design. Here the combustion process begins not from below, but from above. Fuel ignited in this way burns much longer. The air distributor of such boilers has telescopic design and constantly presses on the source of the flame under the influence own strength gravity. And thanks to this pressure, the fuel burns out gradually in horizontal layers. It is this design that makes combustion better and longer, which is very beneficial for heating. Additionally, such units have a longer service life because steel heat exchanger does not experience significant loads. Improvements to heating boilers that lately are becoming more widespread, thanks to the popularization of such systems, causing excess pressure in the system and an increase in temperature. For this reason, they can be dangerous, as they lead to ruptures of the heat exchanger pipes. To avoid such consequences, install an expansion tank. It collects excess water, which expands when heated too much.

How to buy a unit profitably

If you need to purchase a long-burning solid fuel boiler inexpensively in Moscow, we will be happy to help you in this matter. Here you will find many options for boilers from the manufacturer, you can order the product Russian made wholesale or retail. Our specialists will help you easily make the right choice and a profitable purchase.

Double-circuit solid fuel boiler

The double-circuit type of long-burning boilers for heating has design features. Two cylindrical containers, one placed inside the other, provide heating. The smaller container is responsible for heating the room itself, and the larger one supplies hot water. Scheme double-circuit boiler necessarily includes a chamber for heating the air, a draft regulator heating system, telescopic pipe, damper, camera complete combustion fuel, generation and combustion zone and air distributor. The module is designed for thirty kilograms of fuel, which will burn for seven to eight hours, and the device will not require human participation and will work automatically.

Equipment Features

A double-circuit solid fuel boiler has certain pros and cons, which we will introduce you to. Advantages: service life, efficiency, wide range, reliability, possibility of autonomous operation. They approach him various types inexpensive fuel. Disadvantages: fuel must be dry, lack of adjustability hot water, absence automatic control, manual filling. There are also features of installing such boilers. It should only be carried out by competent and experienced specialists, whom you can find on this site. They will provide guaranteed high quality installation work. The following materials are used for heating boilers:

  1. 1. Cast iron.
  2. 2. Steel.

The first option is more durable and provides better heat transfer to the room, but cast iron is more fragile. Steel boilers differ significantly in both quality and design. They are stronger, but susceptible to rust. Manual and more high-quality assembly typical for cast iron. But steel samples are easier to clean. If you are choosing which dual-circuit heating module you should buy, you will be interested in the price of cast iron and steel modules. You can contact our staff with this question, and they will be happy to advise you.

Long-burning solid fuel boiler with water circuit

The advantages of having a water circuit in a long-burning heating system include, first of all, performance, decent efficiency, rapid heating of the coolant, rationality of heat distribution, and efficiency. But remember that if we choose a cast iron device, its maintenance will still be quite difficult. A solid fuel boiler with a water circuit is quite inexpensive compared to other units. The document requirements for installing such heating systems are also low. To install a solid fuel boiler with a water circuit for your home, you will only need proper ventilation and a chimney in the room where this equipment will be installed.

Installation of a solid fuel boiler

The installation of heating boilers plays no less a role in the safety and reliability of the system than the devices themselves. Therefore, such work should only be carried out by real experienced professionals. Solid fuel heating boilers, as a rule, are not equipped with controls and a circulation pump. They also do not have a security group. The boiler piping scheme is chosen in such a way as to solve these problems. To do this, the circuit includes additional equipment, devices and components. For example, a heat accumulator and a boiler indirect heating. These additions are necessary to ensure uninterrupted and quality work heating system. This is how a solid fuel boiler is usually installed:

  1. 1. First of all, before installation, determine the power of the solid fuel boiler.
  2. 2. Stands out for him separate room, where all safety rules will be observed. The floors of this place are concrete.
  3. 3. The installation itself of the device and other components, such as regulators, chimney and other system components.
  4. 4. Setting up the heating boiler.
  5. 5. Regular monitoring and cleaning of equipment.

Double-circuit boilers are usually installed in small buildings, for example, in wooden house, where there is one bath near the kitchen. Then the boiler can be located not only in separate place, but also in the kitchen.

Solid fuel boiler piping

The piping is a set of equipment included in the heating system. The harness must include:

  • . heating boiler;
  • . pipeline;
  • . heated floor, radiators;
  • . fittings;
  • . control equipment;
  • . control equipment.

Tying a solid fuel boiler is the work of a real installation master, because everything depends on him future work systems. On our website you can easily find specialists in Moscow who take a responsible approach to the creation of heating systems. Here are the basic standards that must be observed in such a matter as piping a heating boiler:

  1. 1. It is desirable to have monitoring devices.
  2. 2. The difference in temperatures of liquids during circulation should not exceed twenty degrees.
  3. 3. The pressure must be within the range of the relevant standards.

Options for strapping schemes are divided into schemes with natural circulation(open and closed), collector circuit connections, with forced circulation, hydraulic arrow, heat accumulator and indirect water heater.

Connection diagram

Connecting heating boilers, like them further work, depends on how professionally the installation of pipes and heating radiators is done. Create ideal scheme Only a person can connect the heating system, knowledgeable of principles her work and has extensive experience in such procedures.

Small solid fuel boiler 14 kW

Despite high level gasification, the possibility of connecting main gas is not available everywhere, and solid fuel boilers continue to be in great demand among owners of private houses.

Low power solid fuel boilers

To small ones heating boilers solid fuel boilers include boilers with a capacity of 7-12 kW. They are compact, light weight and easy to use. Some models are equipped hob for cooking and heating food, making them an indispensable assistant in a small country house.

This floor standing boilers, most often equipped with one heating circuit.

The fuel used for the boiler is:

  • Brown and black coal;
  • Coke;
  • Firewood;
  • Pellets;
  • Fuel briquettes.

When planning to purchase a small boiler for a private home or cottage, first decide which fuel will be primarily used. The future will depend on this right choice compact solid fuel boiler. If it is firewood, then it would be preferable to choose a bottom combustion system. Typically, such a boiler is equipped with 2-3 combustion chambers, the fuel in them burns almost entirely. Low consumption of firewood and low emission of combustion products into the atmosphere distinguish this boiler model from other combustion systems. A boiler of this kind allows you to control the combustion process by regulating the volume of air entering directly into the combustion chamber.

Top combustion systems are most often installed when choosing coal as the main type of fuel for the boiler.

Such boilers are made from the following materials:

  • steel;
  • cast iron.

Steel boilers differ from cast iron boilers of the same manufacturer in that they cost less, but at the same time have a relatively short service life and non-demountable design.

Small solid fuel boiler Cleaver

How to properly install a solid fuel boiler

The ceiling height of the room where the boiler is planned to be installed must be at least 2.2 m, the volume of the room must be at least 8 m³, the room must be equipped with an opening window with an area of ​​more than 0.7 m². Great value has a room ventilation system and fire protection. During installation, it is necessary to provide a separate outlet for the smoke channel.

Pay special attention to the organization of the chimney. It definitely needs to be insulated. The height must be at least 6 m. Keep in mind that cast iron is unsuitable for pipes - it cracks quickly.

The weight load is small, does not exceed the permissible load level per unit floor area according to SNiP - 250 kg/m²

The efficiency of such a boiler can be easily increased by installing a circulation pump in the heating system.

Buying small solid fuel boilers, you really get the opportunity to provide your home with heat at minimal financial costs.

A modern solid fuel boiler has wide range positive qualities and has high consumer characteristics. This makes it in great demand in the heating equipment market.

Types of household solid fuel boilers

Units can use various types of energy resources:

  • firewood;
  • granules;
  • coal;
  • peat.

There is also universal option- a solid fuel stove that can work effectively with any of the options listed.

Classification is also carried out according to the combustion method. Boilers can be:

  • classic;
  • pyrolysis;
  • long burning.

Traditional devices are often used for firewood and peat. Their operation is simple, but during operation the equipment requires regular replenishment of the firebox - at least four times in twenty-four hours.

Pyrolysis models use the process of gas release during fuel smoldering. Thanks to this, the efficiency of the units tends to be incredibly high performance. It is pyrolysis equipment that is the most economical option for home heating. However, it also has a minus - it is whimsical in operating conditions. For example, such a coal-fired boiler can only use dried rock, the moisture content of which does not exceed 20%.

Long-burning devices do not need frequent refilling: they can work with one portion all day long! This best option for a private home large area. Most often, these units use firewood or briquettes.

Features of solid fuel heating boilers

The pyrolysis type solid fuel coal boiler has complex design and tangibly high price, long-term combustion models are also not entirely simple. But traditional devices are popular home solutions that can be found everywhere.

The units are made of durable heat-resistant materials - cast iron and steel. Iron-carbon devices rarely require cleaning, are characterized by high inertness, and have excellent corrosion resistance. Steel devices heat up much faster, but cannot boast such a long working period. At the same time, they are cheaper and lighter than their cast iron “colleagues”.

Solid fuel models can be energy-dependent or autonomous. It is worth noting that boilers with automation always require a source electrical energy, but they provide full automation of work.

Some ovens may be supplied hobs what is a great option for a small country house.