Influence of flavors on the bite of the silver carp. Instructions for high-quality assembly of tackle “silver carp killer. Habitats and search for a place to catch silver carp

The silver carp belongs to the carp family. It feeds mainly on algae growing at the bottom of water bodies. Perfectly acclimatizes in any conditions. It is considered a valuable industrial fish, reaching a weight of up to 8, and some individuals 30 kg or more. Its meat has excellent taste and useful properties. To successfully fish this giant, you need to use strong quality tackle, as well as choose the right bait.

Lure Requirements

When choosing a bait, you should take into account the fact that this fish is herbivorous. Its mouth is positioned to collect plankton from the bottom. This distinguishes it from many other fish. The bait should be sinking and form a slight turbidity around itself.

Before fishing, you need to use bait. Without it, it is unlikely that you will be able to attract the attention of this fish. In addition to the bait itself, a small foam ball so that it does not sink to the bottom, but stays above its surface. There are many ingredients for which there is a chance to catch a silver carp, so it is advisable to have several types of them with you: canned corn, boiled peas, pieces of mushrooms, vegetables or berries. If it is bread, it should be soft and have a crust.

The best natural baits and baits for silver carp

This fish is perfectly caught where the water is slightly cloudy. Therefore, the best baits will be those that are able to form a similar effect around themselves. Many fishermen use natural baits:

  • - is mounted on a hook in several pieces, completely covering its sting.
  • Canned corn- worn in the same way as polka dots.
  • Pieces of vegetables- cut into small pieces. Cabbage leaves work well for this.
  • Various cereals- mainly it is semolina and millet porridge.
  • Bread- should be soft, with an elastic crust. A hook is threaded through it twice.
  • Young cane shoots- often they can be found near any body of water. As bait, those that contain algae are most often used.

Ready-made baits for catching silver carp

Specialty stores often sell quality baits. One of them is ready-made technoplankton. It is a compressed food powder that dissolves easily in water and forms a slight haze. It contains aromatic and flavoring substances. There are several different types technoplankton: anise, honey, strawberry, bloodworm, blood, vanilla, raspberry. Looks like a small barrel. Suitable for bottom line fishing.

In addition, silver carp is often caught on foam balls, which are put on hooks of 2-3 pieces. Sometimes it is possible to catch it on an empty hook, after wrapping it with algae.

How to increase the catch of fish?

For 7 years of active passion for fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Biting activator. This pheromone supplement is the strongest lure for fish in cold and warm water. Discussion of the Hungry Fish bite activator.
  2. Raise gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for the particular type of tackle.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

How to choose bait depending on the season

Fish activity always depends on the season. Therefore, baits are chosen for each pore different.

In winter, it follows when there is a thaw or after the appearance of the first ice. Hooks are available in 4 sizes. As a nozzle on them, bloodworm and are best suited. You can use flavored baits, corn. Before fishing, it is worth feeding the fish for at least two days. A small hole is made on the ice and vegetable bait is poured into it. The rod is chosen quite strong with a thick fishing line. When fishing, the bait should be at the very bottom.

When spring comes, the silver carp feeds on detritus (upper layer silt). Unlike winter, the nozzle is placed 10 cm from the bottom. Styrofoam or small foam pieces are ideal bait at this time. They have no smell, so they are not able to scare away the fish.

The most successful time for hunting silver carp is the summer period. At this time, there is a lot of natural organic food and he actually does not pay attention to artificial baits. The best time of day to catch him is in the morning. In summer, he chooses places where there is a lot of vegetation as a place of his parking. As nozzles, you can use insects, cereals, technoplankton, pieces of vegetables and mushrooms.

In autumn, its activity is significantly reduced. Silver carp can be found at this time in those parts of the rivers where there is a weak current, especially in shallow water. There he searches for the remains of vegetation. It is good to catch bait from porridge and technoplankton tablets. For fishing use a float rod, a donk and a feeder.

DIY bait recipes

It is not necessary to buy baits in the store, you can make them yourself from ingredients that can be found in every home. Various cereals and technoplankton cooked at home are popular.

To prepare the bait you will need:

  • Millet - 3 kg.
  • Makukha - 1 glass.
  • Breadcrumbs 2 packs.
  • Powdered milk - 150 gr.

You can add store bait 250 gr.

Millet is pre-divided into two parts 2 and 1 kg. The first part should be boiled for about 15 minutes. You need to make sure that the mixture does not burn, but also avoid frequent stirring. Smaller - grind. Boiled porridge wrapped in a towel insist 3 hours. Add the remaining products before fishing, mix thoroughly.

  • 4 liter saucepan.
  • Peas - 1 kg.
  • Semolina - 2.5 kg.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Water is poured into the container and brought to a boil. Peas are poured into it, after which the gas on the burner is reduced to a minimum. Porridge is cooked for about 4 hours. Periodically, the porridge should be stirred so that it does not burn, otherwise you will have to cook again. When the peas are ready, they should be passed through a colander. The strained broth is put back on the fire, and the peas are set aside for bait for other fish.

Pour semolina into the broth, stirring it with a spoon to avoid the appearance of lumps.

When the porridge is ready, it must be removed from the heat and kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands. After that, honey is added and everything is put in the refrigerator.

Technoplankton can be prepared in a similar way. There are several recipes for its preparation:

  • Semolina - 500 gr.
  • Corn flour - 500 gr.
  • Breadcrumbs - 300 gr.
  • Mamaliga - 300 gr.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.

All products are mixed in large capacity, while adding water (a small portion) with honey.

  • Condensed milk - 1 can.
  • Cake in powder.
  • Powdered milk.

Condensed milk is poured into the dishes and whipped with a mixer. Gradually, milk and cake (half portion) are poured there.

You need to mix until you get a mass of such a consistency as sour cream. After that, the mixture is placed in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. After pulling the mass from the refrigerator, it is diluted with the rest of the milk powder and cake, adding a little water.

First stage.

  • Dog food - 500 gr.
  • Roasted crushed peanuts - 100 gr.
  • Sweet paprika (powder) - 50 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 gr.

Mix all the ingredients in the first bowl.

Stage two. Take another container and put the following ingredients into it:

  • Boiled potatoes - 500 gr.
  • Bananas - 1 kg.
  • Egg yolk.
  • Condensed milk - 50 mg.

Knead everything and mix with the first part, so that you get a dough. This mass can be rolled up in the form of barrels. It is used as bait as well as bait.

  1. The silver carp is a shy fish. During fishing, complete silence and disguise must be observed.
  2. The fishing line is selected not less than 0.25 mm.
  3. When fishing, it is good to have a hook with you. It is worth pulling out the fish very carefully, due to the fact that it has quite a strong resistance.
  4. It often happens that the flow interferes with successful fishing. The bait blows away from the place where it was thrown. To avoid this, a sliding weight of about 100 g is put on. depending on the ability of the rod. When the weather is calm, you can remove the sliding weight from the snap, replacing it with a regular one. In this case, a large float is placed that can withstand up to 50 grams. loads.
  5. Successful fishing is carried out in the same way both on the bottom and on the float. The advantage of the latter is the possibility of fishing at different depths. Also, when floating, it is important to use two baits - heavy and light. The first creates cloudiness in the water, the second is used as an additional one.

Fishing for silver carp with sports gear used to be considered a hopeless activity. Instances of this underwater representative were caught on the hook only occasionally, and the very fact of capture was of an accidental nature. But over time, anglers picked up the key to this strong and large fish, which can now be hunted purposefully.

Silver carp fishing begins in the spring, when the water warms up, and small soft algae begin to develop in it, which are the basis of its diet.

Fish can be hooked throughout the season open water, but the most productive months are:

  • June;
  • August;
  • beginning of September.

In other periods, it is possible to catch a silver carp, but it is more difficult. In general, for successful fishing, you need to choose the right tackle, bait, bait and choose a place where the likelihood of a bite will be maximum.

Fishing places

Today, silver carp is common in many water bodies of our country. Previously, it was bred only in fish farms, because it grows quickly and is not picky about habitat conditions. Now they are stocked with fish in rivers, it is a massive species in paid ponds, where it is actively caught along with carp.

The silver carp likes soft muddy bottoms and is rarely found on hard areas. The presence of algae in the place of his residence is mandatory, otherwise the fish will have nothing to eat. Depths can vary from one to six meters.

In rivers, the silver carp chooses areas with a slow current and return flows. It can go to the mainstream, but will not stay there for a long time. Fish can stand in local pits immediately behind sandbars and shallows. Here the water flow slows down and asks for a lot of food.

In closed reservoirs without a current, silver carp can migrate through the reservoir during the day. At night and at dawn, he approaches coastal zone, but during the day it can often be observed at a distance from the coast.

The depths at which the fish prefer to stay depend on the pond itself and weather factors. In cold weather, this underwater inhabitant sinks to the bottom and occupies local pits and dumps. In the heat, it is in the water column at small and medium horizons.

How to catch silver carp

Catching this fish is an exciting activity, since a trophy really comes across on the hook, which provides great resistance when playing. Such moments are remembered for a long time, and the angler is eager to experience again and again the sensations that hunting for this underwater giant brings.


It is possible to catch silver carp in the spring, but the result is often unpredictable, because cold water the fish is still not very active and does not respond to the offered baits. A relatively stable biting of fish occurs at the end of May, when the reservoirs warm up to a temperature of 15–20 degrees, and small algae begin to develop.


The peak of silver carp biting falls on June. This is facilitated by the warming of the water and the availability of a food base - the fish eat off after a long winter. At this time, you can catch it in almost any body of water where it lives. True, it has been noticed that at the beginning of summer small or medium-sized individuals are caught.

Trophy silver carp starts to take well in August, after a relative lull in July. In the middle of summer, many reservoirs “bloom”, and the fish has a huge natural food base, so it often ignores bait.

In August, the water is cleared, there is less food, the silver carp begins to react more actively to the bait of anglers. Now the bite of a large specimen is likely, so the tackle should have a good margin of safety.


Effective silver carp fishing in autumn lasts almost the whole of September. In the southern regions, this period can last until mid-October. With the cooling of the water, the biting of the fish gradually subsides.

Fishing for silver carp in the fall is practically no different from fishing in the summer. The only difference is the depths where the equipment should be thrown. During this period, they are larger, and the fish keeps mainly at the very bottom.

in winter

Catching silver carp in winter is very difficult, and in most reservoirs it does not give any result at all. At this time, the fish is passive, is in deep areas and feeds on the remains of algae, which it finds on the bottom. To catch this underwater inhabitant from the ice is incredible luck. True, anglers rarely manage to successfully bring it out, since winter gear is often not designed for such a huge trophy.


The silver carp is not just a large fish, it has remarkable strength and an indomitable temper. To successfully catch it, you need to have strong and reliable gear that will allow you to emerge victorious in the fight against this underwater giant.

Ways to catch silver carp can be as follows:

  • classic donka;
  • snack;
  • line;
  • feeder;
  • carp fishing;
  • float rod.

In any chosen method, you need to use thick fishing lines and strong hooks that will not allow the fish to get away with impunity.

Coils can be anything. Suitable for large carp or feeder inertialess. You can use inertial or multiplier. Of the lines, it is better to give preference to braided line, since it has a higher breaking load.


Baits for silver carp must be of plant origin. It is almost impossible to catch fish on any worm or insect larva. The range of nozzles is very diverse and depends on the reservoir itself and the method of fishing.

The main nozzles for silver carp are:

  • technoplankton;
  • canned or fresh peas;
  • clover and nettle leaves;
  • a piece of fresh cucumber;
  • crust of bread;
  • canned corn;
  • cabbage;
  • seaweed.

Some anglers use boilies or foam balls.

The silver carp is considered pretty big fish, whole flocks of which are clearly visible in the water on clear and sunny days. Its weight reaches 70 kg, but such individuals are found on large reservoirs or rivers. In small reservoirs, you can find fish weighing about 10 kg.

Only a few can catch such a large giant correctly, because everyone is used to catching small fish such as crucian carp. Although catching silver carp does not seem to be something very difficult, the main thing is to use the right tackle, and the video presented in the article will help you figure it out.

To understand the principle of action of tackle on silver carp, it is necessary to understand the principle of the process of catching silver carp. It is not caught on ordinary bait, as it feeds on silver carp completely different food than ordinary fish. Therefore, ordinary bait does not attract him.

It will seem rather absurd that the silver carp pecks on a bare hook. No need to invent any nozzle like cucumber or cabbage. Just a couple of good large and strong hooks will suffice. Naturally, he will not swim up to him and just swallow.

can attract him natural food - plankton. In fact, this is the turbidity that the silver carp filters with its large mouth. As soon as he notices that there is a cloudy spot in the water, he immediately swims up to it to filter his food in it.

But if there are hooks in such a muddy spot, then the fish will definitely suck them in. This is how the silver carp is caught. It remains only to figure out how to make an attractive haze for him and place the hooks there. Murk for catching silver carp is created using:

  • Special technoplankton sold in specialized stores. It is a compressed barrel that dissolves in water and forms a cloudy cloud.
  • Bait-geyser. This is a special bait that creates the effect of spraying in water. Also sold in fishing shops.
  • A special porridge to which spraying ingredients are added.
  • Makukhi.

In order not to run into low-quality bait, it is better do it yourself. It can be an ordinary bait or porridge, in which one of the following components must be present:

  • semolina;
  • crushed cookies;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • powdered milk;
  • Wheat flour;
  • bran.

After the dregs have been created, it is necessary to figure out what the tackle is for catching silver carp.

Tackle for catching silver carp

For catching silver carp, tackle with a loud name is used "silver killer". Such a tackle is a large float with a large carrying capacity. Below the float, 30 cm, there should be a feeder on which the hooks are fixed.

They should hang down a little below the feeder, so they will be right at the epicenter of the cloudy cloud. Swimming up to the feeder, the silver carp begins to filter out the dregs, and with it sucks and hooks. To catch this kind of fish ideal option are very large hooks.

The sinker on the silver carp killer is sliding and it is located directly above the float. In this case, the load used as an anchor, and the float takes a vertical position due to the feeder with technoplankton or porridge. As soon as the feeder is empty, the float tilts to the water at an angle of 45 degrees, making it easy to determine when it is necessary to replace the porridge or technoplankton barrel.

Silver carp is not only a large fish, but also a strong one. When fighting, it can make turns and rapid jerks. If the hook is of poor quality, then it will not cope with such a turn, so you should use only quality items.

It is also important to make sure that the hook is sharp, because after a few fishing trips it gets dull. In this case, it must be replaced immediately, because the fish can spit it out and not be hooked.

How to fish for a killer silver carp-tackle and video

Tackle must be collected, after which the spring is stuffed with porridge or technoplankton is placed. If porridge is used, then it is better to hide the hooks in it. In this case, they will not get confused. Can hook on styrofoam, which is used to improve the suction of the hook by the fish.

In this case, several grains of foam are put on the hook. In this case, the tip of the hook should be bare, the foam should be moved further and left on the semicircular part.

So that the hooks do not get tangled, and the porridge does not fall out of the spring, the rod is inserted into the stand, the friction clutch is released and the float with the sinker is taken. After that, you need to sit on a mattress or an inflatable boat and start moving along the river. You need to swim away from the coast.

If the reservoir is small, it is necessary to bring the float to the middle, and on a large river it is brought in 50 m or 100 m. slide towards the shore, shifting the float a few meters closer to the shore. This is taken into account if you need to throw tackle in a certain place.

This fish begins to peck in mid-May, and stops in September. In winter they are not caught. Best time to bite:

  • morning;
  • evening.

At night it is practically impossible to catch. It should be remembered that during the day the fish goes deep into the reservoir, and in the morning and evening it swims closer to the shore, but still keeps at a distance of 20 30 m. Porridge or technoplankton is replaced every 2 hours.

You can use the “silver carp killer” tackle separately from the place where other fish are caught. If a large float suddenly easily goes to the side or water, this can always be noticed. Often silver carp self-cutting, and it does not distract from catching other fish.

Interestingly, one caught silver carp can weigh much more than the entire catch for the whole day. The above video clearly demonstrates how large this fish can be.

Silver carp is a schooling fish that does not breed in climatic conditions our country. It feeds on microscopic algae (phytoplankton). best time The year for catching silver carp is June, August, and early September. I did not notice the influence of the weather on the biting of the silver carp, with the exception of sharp drop pressure. Based on personal experience, I will try to reveal some details of catching silver carp.

Choosing a place to catch silver carp

A good place for fishing for silver carp is the reservoirs in which the silver carp was inhabited more than 10 years ago. When choosing a fishing spot, keep in mind that if there is enough natural food in the water, then there is practically no chance of catching a silver carp. Visually, this can be determined by the color of the water, it should not be "green". I want to say that the biting of silver carp is difficult to predict, and in order not to “rattle” with an empty cage, I advise you to combine fishing for silver carp with catching other types of fish.

Tackle for catching silver carp

For catching silver carp, you can use a hook, feeder, and any carp "sticks", preferably with a good carrying capacity. I usually use a Shimano BEASTMASTER AX Specimen 13 350 Long Range DOUBLE LEG two-section carp stick, test 160 grams, length 396 cm. Due to the fact that long-range casting may be required, there is a need to install a "shock leader".

Now the most interesting - rigging for carp fishing. The shipped feeder (spring), with an anti-twist, this is the main element of the equipment. On average, the weight of the feeder should be from 40 to 70 grams. The leash is best made from a fishing line with a diameter of 0.25 mm, a length of 20 to 30 cm. Hook "KOSADAKA" OTAKU 3303 Gold Size No. 6, wire thickness 0.56mm.

You should pay attention to the following point: the braided leash did not justify itself, there were simply no bites.

Bait and bait for carp fishing

For grafting, I use such a favorite silver carp bait as boiled peas. In order for this bait for silver carp to turn out right, it is necessary to boil the peas until it is completely boiled, so that it looks like mashed potatoes. In order for the peas to be fixed in the feeder, it must be strengthened breadcrumbs. When fishing, the bait must be hidden in a cool place, as the peas will deteriorate very quickly, and the fishing will go to waste.

For silver carp bait, I use round styrofoam, white color, with a diameter of 6 to 8 mm. It is important that the buoyancy of the foam is enough to tear off the hook with the leash from the bottom by 5-10 cm. If this moment is missed, then the cage can not be deployed.

When to catch silver carp

The main bite of the silver carp lasts from morning to afternoon (I have not been able to catch a silver carp at night), so the answer to the question of when to catch a silver carp is simple. Casting must be carried out in such a way that the tackle lies on a clean bottom. Since large specimens of silver carp are very shy, it is advisable to cast away from the coast. Max Time bait work on silver carp, approximately 2 hours, respectively, if during this time there was no bite, it is necessary to recharge and cast again. When you "fill your hand", fishing for silver carp will become commonplace for you.

Catching silver carp on the bottom

The first tackle that I started catching silver carp in a specialized way was the same tackle that I saw on the video - this is the “silver carp stick”. The meaning of this gear takes into account all the structural features of the mouth of this fish and the peculiarities of its nutrition.

Technoplankton serves as bait, bait and bait - this is a product designed for catching various fish. It looks like a “barrel” with compressed bait, along the axis there is a hole for attaching to the “silver carp stick”.

For silver carp, technoplankton light color, on the package it is written for which fish it is intended: silver carp, White amur, carp or catfish. I used only for silver carp and carp. It soaks in stagnant water for 30-40 minutes, and very quickly on the river.

Tackle for catching silver carp on top

If the silver carp feeds on top, then he needs to feed the nozzle so that it floats directly on the surface of the water. To do this, I use a water-filled ball or Sbirulino floats, a leash made of inconspicuous fishing line 0.25-0.3 mm long 1-1.5 m. he is the owner.

I often use plain bread crumb, bread crust, less often canned corn. Putting the bread crumb on the hook, you do not need to roll it into a ball, just thread it on the hook and firmly press the bread to the forearm with your fingers. This is very important point! On the hook, the bread crumb should be soft, voluminous and fluffy - as if it has been floating on the water for a long time and soaked.

When fishing on top of a bread crust as a nozzle, there are also recommendations:

  • firstly, it is best to use soft French rolls and bread, putting it on a hook, you need to pierce the crust twice. First, we pierce the crust from the side of the pulp with a hook, raise the hook up, turn it so that the sting of the hook looks down at the crust and pierce it again. Thus, the crust is better kept on the hook when casting.
  • secondly, the size of the used crust should not be too small, because. while the silver carp approaches, it can be eaten by a trifle: rudd, crucian carp, roach and perch.

From my experience, I can honestly say that the capture of silver carps on float gear on top was quite rare and problematic. Silver carp caught by these methods did not exceed 2 kg, and I did not come across a large silver carp until I switched to fishing from the bottom with floating bait baits.

Catching silver carp on a float rod

The first silver carp was caught precisely on this tackle, which I will not describe in detail, because. it is almost a standard carp for long-distance casting, the only thing that you need to choose a float for catching silver carp is transparent. Ordinary carp floats scare the silver carp and the depth needs to be done more, and it happens that the fish feeds no deeper than 10-15 cm from the surface.

If reeds, various sticks, etc. float on the surface in a reservoir, then you can use balsa floats, the same dry reed sticks, but there is one feature. The float with the antenna must not stand vertically! The silver carp is alarmed by the fact that all the branches and reeds float horizontally on the surface of the reservoir, and the position of your bite alarm is different. It must be fastened so that it is in horizontal plane.

I use two types of floats for catching silver carp:

  1. The first is an elongated spindle-shaped foam float, loaded from below with several pellets. Top part the float is painted in a color noticeable from a distance, and the lower part, which is in the water, in a protective one. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the protective color does not always mean the color of the water, especially when fishing from above. The fish watches the food from below and sees all objects against the sky. For this reason, I paint the lower part of the float either in light blue color(for clear and sunny weather), there are also gray and white floats.
  2. The second is ordinary floats with a not very noticeable antenna, in which I pass the fishing line through the cambric on the antenna and load it so that they do not get up, but lie on the surface of the water.

Fishing has become an indispensable hobby for many people, a way of spending leisure time. Sometimes the presence of a catch has no special significance. But the enthusiasm and excitement experienced during biting and catching are irreplaceable. And when you manage to fish out a significant trophy, then days and hours are literally counted until the next opportunity to go to the reservoir. The silver carp sometimes reaches such an impressive size that such prey is a significant reason for the pride and boast of any fisherman. To achieve this goal, they go to very costly tricks - they use special gear,. But do-it-yourself bait for silver carp is prepared very simply, it is no less effective and at the same time economical.

The homeland of the silver carp is the warm Amur River. It was from there that this type of fish was artificially distributed to other habitats. in different reservoirs, but will breed only in warm running water. These aquatic life come in two colors:

  • white;
  • motley.

Individuals of white color are larger in size compared to variegated ones. Silver carps may have various dimensions and body weight (average up to 20 kg). Nevertheless, a young specimen weighing 1.5 kg is a great success for the angler.

Silver carps, unlike other fish, do not give the usual bite, they completely swallow the bait with a hook. Previously, seeing no other possibility, they were caught only with nets. This fish feeds on plankton, and due to its physiological structure, it absorbs food by filtering water. Therefore, it is most attractive to them cloudy water saturated with planktonic microorganisms. It is this nuance that is used by modern anglers. Now floats are used, together with purchased technoplankton or do-it-yourself bait for catching silver carp.

The use of technoplankton in the hunt for silver carp

Technoplankton is an artificially synthesized bait, which is produced in the form of tablets, consisting of a pressed powder. It is sold in specialized fishing stores. This agent, gradually dissolving in water, creates a muddy area, similar to a natural accumulation of plankton, actively attracting silver carp to the required place.

Technoplankton in its composition has flavored components that increase the appetite of fish. Successful scents:

  • vanilla;
  • honey;
  • strawberries;
  • anise and the like.

Soaking in the water, technoplankton gives off a fragrant wave, to which the olfactory organs of the silver carp react. Hungry fish goes to the right place, actively absorbs food, falling on the hook. Catching silver carp using technoplankton is very successful, but has a significant disadvantage - the high cost of this bait. Everyone wants the ends to justify the means. Therefore, fishermen find alternative ways.

Advice! Bait for silver carp, made with your own hands from inexpensive products available in every home, if properly prepared, is no less effective than purchased.

Components used for bait for silver carp

This fish can also be caught on porridge, the main thing is to add ingredients that can be sprayed to create the appearance of saturation with natural plankton, which lures these aquatic inhabitants.

You can prepare bait on your own from any cereal, but with the obligatory addition of one or more components:

Advice! Self-prepared bait significantly saves financial resources. But still, you do not need to use low-quality products if you want to achieve the effectiveness of the resulting product.

It serves as a good basis for preparing bait for silver carp. At the same time, it is important that it boils well, so you need to purchase high-grade peas. To prepare bait, which is enough for several fishing trips, it is enough to take 1 kg of the product. Then divide it into parts and store in the refrigerator until the next outing to the reservoir.

Each angler has his own recipes and ingredients for attracting silver carp, but there is a rule that must be followed by everyone.

Advice! The bait should have a pasty consistency, and also include components that will contribute to the gradual dissolution and the formation of a cloudy cloud, similar to a large accumulation of planktonic microorganisms.

Bait recipes for silver carp

Bait can consist of a wide variety of ingredients, so when preparing it, fishermen turn on their imagination and often experiment. But it is important to observe the measure in additives. Since an excess of aromas, as well as the use of components that are unpleasant or unappetizing for the silver carp, can scare away the fish. To avoid bad experience we offer the following do-it-yourself bait recipes, the effectiveness of which has been proven over the years.

Groundbait with a base of peas


In a large saucepan, at least 5 liters, it is necessary to heat the water to a hot state, but not boiling, and pour 1 kg of yellow peas into it premium. Peas can quickly burn and boil away, so it's best to keep an eye on them while stirring. As soon as it boils, add a tablespoon of soda and put on a small fire. Next, wait until the peas are completely boiled, on average it takes about three hours.

If you do not want to wait until the peas are completely boiled, then you can do this. At a certain stage, the resulting puree must be rubbed through a sieve, since then only porridge without solid particles will be needed. Place it again on the stove, and after boiling, begin to gradually fall asleep, stirring regularly to avoid the formation of lumps.

Advice! Make sure the peas don't burn. The silver carp will never go for the slightest smell of burning. And also thoroughly knead the bait to prevent the formation of lumps and clots.

Next, remove the semi-finished product from the heat and continue adding semolina, as well as active mixing, until a pasty mass is obtained. It must be placed on a surface previously sprinkled with semolina, and kneaded until the dough stops sticking to your hands.

Then melt the honey in a water bath and add it to. For better mixing, you can divide the dough into parts by adding honey and kneading each separately. The finished product is enough for several forays into the reservoir. Temporarily unnecessary bait is stored in the refrigerator.

Bait based on flour, bran and milk powder


  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 kg;
  • bran - 1 kg;
  • dry milk - 1 kg;
  • vanilla sugar - 30 g;
  • potato starch - 50 g;
  • sand, ideally from the shore of the reservoir where fishing is planned (but any other is possible).

In a deep saucepan, mix flour, milk powder, starch, vanilla sugar. Gradually add boiled water to the mixture, stirring constantly to avoid the appearance of lumps. Thus, you need to achieve a creamy consistency. In order to achieve the required density, add bran and sand to this mass, mix thoroughly and let it brew for half an hour until fully cooked.

Preparation of bait for silver carp does not imply any particular difficulties and financial costs. Simple inexpensive ingredients that do not have a strong odor are used. The main thing is to avoid burning and get a pasty product, without clots, which, when dissolved, will create a cloud of turbidity, reminiscent of the silver carp's favorite plankton.