What types of plastic windows online. Plastic windows, types and types of windows made of PVC profiles, classification of plastic windows. Reminder for buyers of plastic windows

A lot of materials on the topic of window installation describe the main stages of the work. However, installation plastic windows− this is not just attaching frames to anchors and foaming the seams. If we are talking about self-replacement windows, you should know much more. Read further in the article what types of windows exist.

Choose windows wisely!

Not all windows are the same. Yes, most of them have an adjacent design - a white matte frame and a sparkling double-glazed window. But if you look at the root, completely different products can be hidden under the same shell.

Types of windows by opening method

According to the method of opening, windows are divided into:

Fixed windows

Installation of plastic windows of this type can only be carried out in rooms where air exchange is provided by its own air conditioning system. A huge minus is the difficulty in cleaning the window with outside. Plus - reliability of the design. They can be used in shopping and entertainment buildings, industrial buildings, as well as in staircases and technical rooms.

Traditional design

The traditional window design allows it to open outwards. It can be supplemented with the ability to open the window into the room. Easy to clean and durable.

Hinged windows

Hinged windows allow you to leave the window in ventilation mode. However, if this is the only function of the window fittings, cleaning it will also be problematic.

Tilt and turn system

The tilt-and-turn window system is one of the most functional.

Sliding windows

Installation sliding windows allows you to win usable area in oversized rooms, and also perfectly complement the design of any room.

Figure 1 - Types of windows by opening method

Types of windows by design

  • Single glazed windows.
  • Double glazed windows are also divided into double sash and split sash windows.

This characteristic will significantly affect the soundproofing properties of the window system.

Types of windows according to source material

  • Wooden windows. The age-old classic has now received a second life through the green building brand. Manufacturers: Wicknorm (Germany), Schöb Fenster (Germany), KNEER (Germany).
  • PVC - plastic windows. The installation of Euro-windows today is associated specifically with the PVC profile, however, by “Euro-window” we mean an improved window system that provides greater sound, heat and vapor insulation through the use of modern technologies and materials. Manufacturers: VEKA (Germany), REHAU (Germany), DECCO (Poland).
  • Aluminum windows are installed in most public buildings And industrial premises. Manufacturers: ANTON WETZEL (Germany), TUR-PLAST (Poland).
  • Metal-plastic windows. This material is often confused with simple PVC windows. However, there is a difference - the design of a metal-plastic window is stronger due to the reinforcing amplifier placed in the PVC profile. Manufacturers: Baufen (Bulgaria), KBE (Russia, Germany).

Types of windows by purpose

  1. noise protection;
  2. shockproof;
  3. tinted;
  4. energy saving;
  5. semi-mirror.

Separately, I would like to say about energy-saving windows. It is understood that these windows will be coated on the inside with a coating of silver atoms, which will create a reflective effect and will help retain heat in the room.

However, when they try to sell you a window, attaching a thousand characteristics to the product offered, be careful: what sellers call an “energy-saving” window may in fact not be made using energy-saving technologies at all and may not even have anything in common with them.

Photo 1 - Making windows

The same goes for fireproof windows. Not every window is super flame resistant. Glass and profiles of fire-resistant windows, by the way, also have their own characteristics - fire resistance limit (CBC 15-60), requirements for the thickness of the package (16-38 mm), weight standards (38-76 kg/m²), etc.

Scheme 1 - Window fire block

If you are really interested in purchasing a fire-rated window, pay attention to the catalogs of certified products from Schuco, JSC Bavarian House and CORAL.

If we have sorted out the choice of the type of façade windows a little, then we haven’t even said a word about dormer windows (especially about the choice dormer window). Firstly, this is a separate type of window product, therefore there are much more requirements for it: due to the fact that the structure of the dormer window becomes part of the roof, it must at least have a III safety class and be accompanied by a full set of materials for installation. Here, without unnecessary savings, you should trust only proven brands FAKRO, ROTO or VELUX.

Window installation services: a full package of services and nothing else!

Leaving the purchase, much less the installation of a window, to chance is risky. If you do not have the relevant experience, you can easily miss the measurements or the choice of double-glazed windows.

And if you decide to turn to specialists for help, keep in mind that you have the right to demand that the entire sequence of work be completed:

  1. Window measurement.
  2. Delivery.
  3. Installation of windows.
  4. Slope finishing.
  5. Service.
  6. Guarantee.

If you come across a company that does not provide the full range of services, it is better to look for another provider: for example, selling windows without installation is unjustifiably unprofitable for you, because at a minimum you will have to look for workers yourself. In addition, the manufacture and installation of windows must comply with GOST, and in most cases guarantee you high quality manufacturing and installation according to all rules can only be done by certified companies. Otherwise, how do you know whether everything was done in accordance with the standards?

Moreover, before starting work, you must know exactly what you will get as a result: discuss with the workers what is included in the cost of the basic package of window installation services, and what will need to be paid separately.

Figure 2— Ventilation valve in section

Additional options may be offered to you when placing an order at the company’s office. Never refuse to consider such proposals: for example, good double glazing should not fog up, however additional measure precautions may include installing valves on windows (special ventilation systems) or, say, for more control over the room ventilation function is offered additional option− installation of the comb on the window profile.

The purchase will be worthwhile if you contact actual representatives of famous brands − REHAU, VEKA(facade windows) or VELUX (skylights), etc.

All of them - Veka, Velux, and Rehau, just like any other respected manufacturer, provide a list of offices and representative offices in a particular city of the country on the company’s official website. Therefore, you can be sure that you have truly entrusted the production and installation of Euro-windows for your apartment to professionals.

Materials for window installation

It is important not only WHO provides installation services, but also WHAT the workers use. If this is your first time installing windows, do not trust yourself with the choice of materials for installation work.

Remember! Manufacturing and installing windows is a job for professionals.

Even if we are talking about buying polyurethane foam or sealant, you should not go to the construction market without an exact list indicating the characteristics of each product. Moreover, most world-famous manufacturers are happy to provide their clients with a whole range of materials, the purchase of which greatly simplifies everything or, in extreme cases, they will recommend a company whose profile is the installation and installation of plastic windows.

Installation of window units: what you need to have on hand

Installation of window units is impossible without:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • silicone;
  • dowel-nails;
  • anchor plates;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • plaster.

Continuing the topic, let's give an example. All necessary materials for window installation can be found in the catalogs of many manufacturers, but one of the companies that provides materials and components for window installation in full is Bauset: polyurethane foam, silicones, cleaners and guns for them, mounting tape, sills, window sills, slope systems, chemicals for windows, auxiliary materials for installation - everything up to mosquito nets and platbands can be found in the manufacturer's catalog.

Figure 3 - Product catalog for window installation from Bauset

Among the auxiliary, but very practical devices is a heat shield for comfortable installation in the cold season. The inflatable screen for installation is mounted on spacers in the window opening with outside after dismantling the old window frame, thus closing the room from the penetration of cold air.

Final installation of windows: everything is strictly according to the contract!

In practice, few people complain about the quality of windows, but many complain about the installation of window systems. Installation errors can lead, at a minimum, to fogging of the window glass, and at maximum to damage to the glass unit (for example, to cracking of the glass due to the curvature of the frame installation).

To avoid unpleasant situations and losses, the installation technician must dismantle and install windows only in accordance with an agreement that guarantees high-quality installation.

GOSTs, requirements and basic technical standards that will guide the team during installation work. Having at hand technical requirements, the window installation process will be clear to you, and the mistakes of the technicians will become noticeable. When trying to control the installation process, do not hesitate to ask questions: sometimes a timely comment can correct a mistake in time.

  • The contract must contain precise and detailed construction drawing. A claim regarding the final installation of windows will be justified and easily proven by a direct indication of the discrepancy between the obtained result and the previously planned one. Thus, the drawing, among others, should indicate the depth and height of installation, expected installation gaps, dew point and junction points between windows and walls, as well as the installation method - with or without a quarter (the latter requires additional work).
  • The date and time of installation of windows and slopes must be clearly stated.
  • The contract must contain the warranty obligations of the performing company specifically for the installation work, and not just the warranty of the window system manufacturer.
  • Since you are unlikely to be able to fully check the window installation, the installation and repair of windows can be controlled by the company. If the contract contains such a clause, an inspector can visit the site to document the installation of plastic windows: a video or photo from the site will be excellent evidence if you need an examination of the work performed.
  • The contract also includes a description of the cost of all main and additional work (dismantling the old window and removing garbage), requirements for materials for installation and their list, and requirements for the premises (for example, temperature at the facility) may also be specified.
  • Installation of plastic windows. VIDEO

    No matter how trivial it may sound, but windows are different. Conventionally, they can be divided according to several criteria. Firstly, according to the material used for their manufacture: . Secondly, according to their design they are divided into paired, separate and single. Thirdly, windows can be single glazed or double glazed. The latest classification is based on the shape of the windows: rectangular, trapezoidal, round, etc.

    Let's look at windows made from different materials: PVC windows, wooden, aluminum, combined. Despite the enormous popularity of PVC windows in our country, wooden ones are most often found in our homes. These are old designs when used double glazing. Of course, these windows are inferior modern models energy-saving characteristics, but they are inexpensive. Available on the market wooden window offers, made from valuable species wood with energy-saving double-glazed windows, but they are not very popular, as they belong to the premium class and are quite expensive.

    Although popularity of PVC windows throughout the world reached its peak in the seventies of the twentieth century; in our country, these windows began to appear only after the collapse of the USSR. PVC windows contain one or more double-glazed windows (two sheets of glass, separated spacer frame with dryer). Most often used double-glazed windows, but in particularly cold areas three-chamber ones are used.

    Profiles for the production of PVC windows Can be used by a wide variety of brands. You will have to choose from great variety. You will also have to decide on the intimacy of the profile. There should be at least three cameras, and preferably five. Don't forget to check the reinforcing profile of PVC windows - it must be made of galvanized steel.

    Although most of us are accustomed to white PVC windows, you can order any color and design from the manufacturer. If you want PVC that looks like wood, then this is easily achievable. Just order wood lamination. You can even order different colors your windows from different sides.

    Plastic windows, types and types of windows made of PVC profiles, classification of plastic windows

    Windows in our life and in a building are an important element; they provide us with the necessary lighting in the room, ventilation of the room, and also allow us to enjoy a beautiful view from. Windows are comfort.

    For a comfortable component and decisive task there are some windows types and types of windows.

    What influences a better and more comfortable feeling:
    1) sizes of plastic windows
    2) location of PVC windows
    3) shape and design of windows

    It is clear that it is very small plastic windows or PVC windows that are incorrectly selected and installed can make your apartment dark, uncomfortable and uncomfortable. And at the same time, very large plastic windows can make you feel like you are in an aquarium, in a glass house, where you can lose the feeling of some protection from prying eyes. Before buy plastic windows, try to think about the type, size and location of plastic windows in your home, do not forget to think about the shape of PVC windows.

    According to building codes, only 10-13% of light enters the room, but optimal conditions illumination for complete comfort and health should be achieved with a width of PVC windows equal to 55% of the width of the room where it will be installed plastic window.

    At the same time, the window sill of your plastic window should be located at a level of 90-100 centimeters from the floor, thereby you can look out of the window without much effort and care for the plants located on the windowsill.

    Window frames and sashes of plastic windows:

    Window sashes of plastic windows, that is, a movable window element. Depending on the type of fittings used in plastic windows, the window can open like a door, tilt or open by rotating around a vertical or horizontal axis, and can also open in all directions.

    Plastic ones can also be single-leaf or multi-leaf. In double-hung and multi-hung windows, mullions can be placed to increase rigidity and support the window sash.

    There are plastic windows... or Classification of plastic windows

    Any product can be classified into varieties, and therefore plastic windows. It turns out there is many models of PVC windows and each has its own advantages, disadvantages, as well as price, which is the main driver for the emergence of some of them. Let's consider the most famous types of plastic windows, so that everyone can decide for themselves, even before coming to the store, which windows are needed for their house or apartment. Moreover, some of the varieties can be installed in rooms, others in the kitchen, and others can be placed in the bathroom.

    Plastic windows are classified according to their opening mechanism, the most famous and often used by customers are rotary, tilt-and-turn and blind. The list does not end with these three types, but buyers often use only these, the most popular. If you want innovation and show off a more gourmet model, you can find out about other types, but this is already an increased price. We will stick to this list, since most of the population installs only these models.

    Fixed or as they are called “fixed” PVC windows

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to block one of the window sashes so that it does not open or for increased visibility and insertion large size glass Such a sash is made motionless from the very beginning - “deaf”. Fixed plastic windows, these are tightly installed, they cannot open at all. Why does such a model exist? Its price is minimal, which means it is popular. But, of course, it is impossible to wash such a window on the nth floor; ventilation is also not permissible in in this case. And it would seem that because of this it is wrong to buy such a window. And this would be so if it weren’t for the combination; plastic windows, like regular ones, can be combined. For example, install a pivot window and a blind window at the same time, and the percentage depends only on the customer’s wishes. Possible for 70 percent of the entire area install blind window , and the remaining 30 are rotary or tilt-and-turn. In this case, you can already ventilate the room and wash the windows without problems, although this is not as convenient as with open window. The popularity of such combinations lies in only one thing: fixed windows are very cheap, because one of the important parts - fittings - is missing from them.

    Now that we know the most common types of plastic windows, all that remains is to choose the right one for each window. Moreover, do not be afraid to combine, there is not a lot of money in the house. With a good approach, the external design of such windows will be even more pleasing to the eye than with a solid, expensive PVC window with a tilt-and-turn mechanism installed. And if you have money, you can dream up other models, which you can easily read about on the Internet. And in order for the house to look good, when choosing, it is better to consult with specialists - designers, stylists, who will always give good advice, taking into account even the desire to save money. The house should be tastefully decorated, and one of the main parts of any home, because they are the first to catch the eye, right?…

    Pivot plastic windows

    These are plastic ones that allow the doors to open in one direction. This classic version windows, which opens as usual - to the side (right). There is basically nothing to rant about here.

    Pivot and tilt-and-turn plastic windows

    Nowadays they have become very popular tilt and turn windows. These are plastic Windows can be opened either by turning them inwards or by tilting them up, which allows you to ventilate the room without removing flowers from the windowsill.

    Hinged plastic windows

    Hinged windows open from the top. They are used and installed on flights of stairs, where casement windows can become a source of danger, in basements, as well as in rooms where open window sashes may interfere. This type is the most interesting and popular. Its structure has mysterious fittings; when you turn the latch one way, the window opens as usual, turns to the side, but if you turn the latch at a different angle, the window tilts back. This is very good to use in the summer, when the rooms are very hot, but when opened, the sash takes up a lot of space in the room. In this case, the window is tilted by a certain degree in the upper part, allowing fresh air. It is also worth saying that these opening methods depend on the fittings, although, in fact, they are exactly like this everywhere. But there are fittings that are equipped with a winter ventilation mode. If in windows with such fittings the handle is installed diagonally, that is, in a position between the opening for turning and tilting, such a window only slightly moves by a millimeter or two. This is enough to bring fresh air into the house, required quantity without cooling the room too much. As we see, everything is provided in fiberglass windows, and each model pleases with its additional properties.
    Tilt and turn plastic windows have a price higher than that of hinged windows, but due to two opening methods in one window, they are very popular and often used by ordinary citizens. Therefore, this model can even be called one of the most popular; is it possible that exceeding the price by a certain percentage can pay for the increased amenities? Who uses tilt and turn windows, they know that it was worth paying more for it. But if you want to save money, there is a third model, which is considered the cheapest of all.

    Plastic windows that open in both directions

    Plastic window that opens in both directions, rotates around its own axis in a horizontal and vertical plane. This type PVC windows are especially suitable for large windows. The advantage of this window is that it can be washed without any problems, both the external and internal surfaces of the window from the inside.

    Today, not all consumers know what kind of windows there are and what material they are made of. At the same time, manufacturers of window structures use materials such as wood, aluminum, polyvinyl chloride, fiberglass, steel, and combinations thereof.

    The most modern solution is plastic windows (PVC). However, the owner must independently determine which windows to purchase. Such decisions should be based on the functional load that will be placed on the product.

    History of creation and advantages of PVC windows

    Germany is the leader in the production of plastic windows. It all started with the invention of polyvinyl chloride in the first half of the 19th century by the German scientist Henri Victor Regnault. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientist Fritz Klatte received a patent for the production of polyvinyl chloride. And already in the second half of the 20th century, the German designer Heinz Pasche patented window frames using polyvinyl chloride.

    Plastic structures gradually improved and, starting in the 70s of the 20th century, became very popular, displacing traditional wooden products.

    • Long service life;
    • High noise and heat insulation;
    • Various designs of window frames;
    • Safety. Plastic windows are fire-resistant and non-toxic;
    • Easy to care for;
    • High resistance to corrosion.

    Construction of plastic windows

    Plastic windows consist of the following elements:

    • Window frame;
    • Doors;
    • Accessories;
    • Double-glazed windows.

    Window frame

    The basis of the window design is its frame, which is installed in window opening buildings. Frames vary in thickness, this parameter is also called - installation depth.

    The thickness of the frame is most often 5.8 cm, 6 cm and 7 cm. Occasionally there are designs with an installation depth of up to 13 cm.

    To determine what sizes the consumer needs to order, it is better to consult with specialists. The doors are also attached to the frame, which are fixed using fittings.


    Plastic windows can be single-leaf or multi-leaf. Single-leaf products are usually installed in small window openings. The cost of this design is relatively low. Consumers give preference to multi-leaf windows when it is necessary to glaze a large area, for example, a loggia. Here the sashes can be combined according to in different ways opening.


    Window fittings perform the functions of fixing sashes in various positions in height, horizontally and diagonally. Manufacturers also offer anti-burglary fittings, which allows you to get rid of unaesthetic metal gratings. Anti-burglary fittings provide varying degrees protection:

    • WK1. The basic level protects against physical force. Includes locking strike plate and corner switch with anti-burglar pin. The system is also drill-proof and has a handle with a lock;
    • WK2. Protection against the use of screwdrivers, pliers, wedges. This model is based on the previous version;
    • WK3. This option is designed against crowbars and pry bars. Here, additional anti-theft locking pins are used to reduce the distance between locking points.

    Double-glazed windows

    Several panes of glass, fastened together with separators, form a double-glazed window. Typically, double-glazed windows come from 2-3 glasses glued around the perimeter. A substance that absorbs moisture is placed inside the glass unit, thus making the glass unit airtight. Purified air or inert gas argon is pumped into the glass unit.

    The most common are single-chamber double-glazed windows, that is, packages consisting of two glasses with an air chamber between them. Double-glazed windows are used in houses near highways, as well as in regions with cold climates.

    To decide which double-glazed windows are best to order, the buyer needs to proceed from the functions that the window will perform. When installing a double-glazed window, you should pay attention to the fittings - poor-quality locking mechanisms may not withstand the weight of the sash.

    Classification of plastic structures

    Depending on the type of opening, PVC windows are divided into:

    • Blind - these products do not open and do not have fittings, so their cost is the lowest;
    • Folding (fanlight) - products open only from the top. This option is convenient if the window sill is occupied indoor plants. However, cleaning such windows is quite difficult;
    • Pivot windows are traditional windows that open in one direction, most often from left to right;
    • Tilt and turn - combine two types of opening;
    • Rotating - a rare and expensive model that was created for maximum comfort. The system is fixed in all positions;
    • Sliding models - used for balconies and loggias.

    Plastic windows come in rectangular, round, arched, triangular, trapezoidal and complex shapes.

    According to their purpose, PVC windows are divided into:

    • - inner side The glass unit is coated with silver ions, which reflect infrared and long-wave radiation. The air chambers are filled with inert gas argon, which protects the silver coating from oxidation and promotes better thermal insulation. Energy-saving windows allow you to save on heating costs;
    • Soundproofing - usually these are windows with double-glazed windows; the outer glass, unlike the inner glass, is thicker, and the air chamber is filled with argon;
    • Tinted - the simplest method of tinting involves applying a special film to a double-glazed window. Tinting is used for decorative purposes, and also protects the room from ultraviolet radiation, increases the strength of the glass and makes it safer in case of destruction;
    • Impact-resistant - usually such structures are installed in stores, warehouses, offices, places where valuables are stored. Impact-resistant glass includes triplex and tempered glass. Triplex is glass connected using a special film or resin; if the integrity of the glass unit is damaged, the fragments remain glued together. To achieve this result, the glass undergoes temperature treatment;
    • Self-cleaning - it is advisable to install such structures on high-rise buildings and store windows. The principle of self-cleaning is that debris does not stick to surfaces thanks to the thinnest film made of titanium oxide, but is washed away by rain without traces of drops or streaks.

    The best sellers are plastic windows German company VEKA, which has branches in many countries around the world, including the Russian Federation. Windows from the German brands REHAU and KBE are also popular.

    IN lately Three main types of windows are widely used. Windows are wooden, plastic and aluminum. Each type of window has both pros and cons. Next, each specific type of window will be considered in more detail.

    Wooden windows. Wood is considered a traditional material for making windows. Since ancient times, almost all windows have been made of wood. However, the old traditional windows had significant drawbacks. Due to insufficient treatment, the wood dried out and became deformed over time, which in turn affected both the thermal insulation of the window and the functioning of the mobility of the window structure. Modern wooden windows are manufactured taking into account the characteristics and properties natural material. For the production of wooden windows, deciduous and conifers tree. In more expensive and high-quality modern wooden windows, valuable wood is used. The material for the window is carefully processed and prepared timber. The wood is dried to a certain value and coated with various compounds that can withstand sudden temperature changes, precipitation and humidity. This treatment significantly increases the service life of the window and gives it additional strength. More expensive windows are not made from solid timber, but from a material that consists of several layers of durable wood glued together. The strength of such material increases significantly and, accordingly, the service life of the window increases. It is worth noting that modern processing wood material allows you to equip windows with more functional fittings compared to traditional windows. The main advantage of wooden windows was and remains, of course, the natural origin of the material. Moreover, modern wooden windows are equipped with high-quality double-glazed windows and have good thermal insulation. Accordingly, such windows have a fairly high cost.

    Plastic windows. To replace the old ones wooden windows plastic windows arrived. Until recently, plastic windows were installed only by people with above-average incomes. However, the situation is changing and recently plastic windows have been successfully installed in private homes, government and industrial institutions, that is, they are becoming available to almost every family. Modern plastic windows meet all the requirements for thermal insulation, strength, and appearance. A plastic window is a frame made of durable PVC profile in which the sashes are fixed. Double-glazed windows are attached to the window sashes, which may have one or more chambers. Chambers in a double-glazed window are formed by tightly bonded glass. The unused space of the frame and sashes has air partitions, which themselves are a heat insulator. The strength of a plastic window is ensured by high-strength plastic or metal profile in the window frame. Windows with application metal base also called metal-plastic windows. Such windows have increased strength. Plastic windows have a beautiful appearance, suitable for any type of building. In addition, the windows are made taking into account all requirements state standard They also have environmental and fire safety.

    Aluminum windows. Some buildings successfully use so-called aluminum windows. The main material for such windows is aluminum. The main advantage of such windows is, of course, the high strength of the window structure. Moreover, these windows are highly environmentally friendly. This material allows you to make window structures of a wider size. However, these windows have one significant drawback, which is the high thermal conductivity of the material. For this reason, aluminum windows are not as widespread as other types of windows. However, there is a type of combined aluminum windows. These windows have an external coating of aluminum, but are equipped with various thermal insulating materials inside. In addition, aluminum windows require careful handling. Deformation or destruction outer covering material may shorten the service life of the window, since aluminum is susceptible to oxidation.