What can you do yourself if it blows from plastic windows? Draft from plastic windows: reasons, what to do? Why is it blowing from deaf plastic windows

It is generally accepted that replacing a traditional wooden frame with a modern PVC profile immediately eliminates drafts, ice formation, and freezing. However, after the onset of cold weather, many begin to notice something was wrong: it still blows from plastic windows. Why is this happening? And most importantly, how to eliminate this shortcoming?

Mounting quality

The first thing that comes to mind is the negligence of the installers. Indeed, the dishonesty of installers who did not bother to carefully fit the frame, poorly foamed the joints or made other technological errors, very often causes subsequent heat loss. But sometimes we ourselves strive to save money by choosing a cheap but low-quality profile. Or we choose a single-chamber double-glazed window, which does not cope with its task of keeping warm in the conditions of Russian winters. Yes, a lot depends on the hardware.


The reason that cold air blows from plastic windows is unreliable fittings. It is she who is responsible for the looseness of the fit of the valves when locking. Sometimes it is enough to replace low-quality fittings, and the problem will be resolved. Sometimes no replacement is required. You just need to adjust the existing system.

Now they produce designs that are designed for two modes: winter and summer. The first option is characterized by a denser clamping of the valves. If your master has not explained to you all the features of the adjustment, then you will have to deal with this issue yourself.

First of all, inspect the sash around the perimeter. You will find round or oval elements, which are called "trunnions". These details are just responsible for the clamp. The pins must be simultaneously moved to the maximum position by moving in a clockwise direction. The operation must be performed. For the procedure, you will need pliers or a screwdriver (this depends solely on the type of fittings). Be sure to turn all pins. Otherwise, you will break the structure.

Some manufacturers have taken care of automating this process. Their accessories are equipped with a special roller on which the ring is located. Rotating it, we easily change the modes from summer to winter and vice versa. In the winter version, the handle starts to work harder, the sashes are tighter, and the problem of what blows from the plastic window disappears in the blink of an eye.

Let's take care of the compaction

To eliminate drafts, take care of a good profile seal in advance. Otherwise, low-quality rubber will simply crack with the onset of severe cold weather. Yes, and a completely solid seal can eventually become completely unusable.

Therefore, if you notice that it is blowing through plastic windows, then immediately check the condition of the rubber cord. And if defects are found, immediately change it. This procedure is simple. She is quite capable of handling it on her own. Or just call the master at home.

When choosing new gaskets, take a closer look at commercially available ones. They have excellent thermal insulating characteristics. And one more thing: before gluing a new gasket, do not forget to thoroughly wash the profile from dirt.

The quality of the seal is also affected by such an inconspicuous structural element as a glazing bead. It ensures the tightness of the glass to the profile. The stalk also needs to be replaced. In addition to such a drastic measure, you can try to fill the gaps between the frame and the double-glazed window with silicone. Or resort to an effective "grandmother's" remedy - to paste over the gaps with thick tape.

From all the cracks

Why does it blow from plastic windows even when the seal is in order, and the glazing bead is not bad, and the fittings lock the sashes tighter than ever? In such a situation, it is necessary to check whether drafts penetrate from the side of the slopes. The fact is that the space between the wall and the window structure, according to the technology, is foamed with mounting foam. A special polyurethane composition is introduced into the gap with a gun or a bottle with a tube, where it rapidly increases in volume and solidifies. The excess is then removed with a knife.

If little foam is added, this leads to the formation of voids. And this is the direct reason that blows from plastic windows.

The mounting seam is not eternal. After five or eight years, the foam begins to slowly break down. There comes a need to remove the slopes, buy cans of mounting foam and re-fill the gaps with the composition. After that, return the slopes to their place.

Blowing from under the plastic windows

Under the windowsill sometimes there are similar gaps. Again, this is either a result of saving foam at the stage of installation of the structure, or simply wear and tear. In any case, it is necessary to disassemble the window sill and restore the tightness.

As a preventive measure, it does not hurt to take additional measures to warm the space under the windowsill. Just buy a sealant and carefully apply it along the seam between the PVC structure and the wall.

So that the mounting foam does not collapse too quickly under the influence of moisture, it is necessary to provide protection for it. Silicone or vapor barrier film does a good job with this. They protect the wall from moisture and prevent fungi and mold from developing.

Check loops

Sometimes you can find that blowing from the hinges of plastic windows. Why is this happening? In search of an answer, you will have to examine the outside of the frame. Look for additional holes. These, most likely, will be technological gaps for attaching a mosquito net to a window. They are not needed in winter, so we close them until summer.

We hope that now you have received the necessary clarification about why it blows from plastic windows. And like any problem, this trouble is better to warn in advance. Meticulously choose a company for the installation of PVC structures, no less meticulously select a profile, fittings. Check the quality of the installation. Do not forget to inquire about the warranty service of windows. So it will be easier and cheaper to eliminate the detected defects. And also follow the rules for the operation of plastic window systems, monitor the condition of the seal, and eliminate the problems that arise in time.

Winter, cold wind, as a result, drafts and blowing from the window, neither the owners of new plastic windows, nor the owners of old wooden windows are immune from this. Insulation of windows in an apartment or a private house should extend to the gaps above and below the windowsill, because. there may be gaps into which it will blow.

What to do if it blows from under the windowsill? How to identify the cause and eliminate the gap?

If the window was installed recently, you should contact the company that performed the installation. If the warranty period has expired or the installation was done by yourself, you need to consider ways to solve the problem yourself.

Blowing from under the window sill is possible if it is installed incorrectly, or if the mounting foam sags, which foams the space between the window sill and the wall.

Ways to insulate the window sill depend on which node is the source of blowing.

1. Blowing between the window sill and the window - how to eliminate the gap

The simplest, but not very aesthetic way to eliminate blowing is to place a barrier between the source of the draft and the room.

The method is good as a temporary measure, until repair work is carried out to eliminate blowing.

How to close the gap between the window sill and the window

Seal the gap with sealant

To ensure tightness, it is enough to purchase a transparent sealant, clean the place of its application from dust, degrease and wipe dry, then cut off the tip of the tube nozzle and squeeze out the sealant in a thin layer.

Advice. You can make a beautiful seam with a coin with a face value of 10 rubles. To do this, you need to draw the edge of a coin along the seam, pressing the sealant to the junction of the frame and the window sill. Different coin denominations will provide different seam thicknesses and curvature radii.

Note that when decorating a sealed seam above the window sill, you need to do the work quickly, in one motion, so that the seam turns out to be beautiful, and not intermittent. In this case, part of the sealant that will accumulate on the coin will be spent in those places where it is not enough, and after the formation of the seam, the excess sealant is removed from the coin.

During the formation of the seam, it is possible that part of the sealant will accumulate behind the edges of the coin and solidify on the frame and window sill. There is nothing to worry about, after hardening the sealant is easily removed.

The advantage of this method is that the work can be done in just a few minutes. However, the seam provides complete tightness within 1-2 years after application. This is due to the fact that the sealant gradually moves away from the plastic base or paint during cleaning, in particular washing the window sill. In addition, over time, it becomes darker, and one gets the impression that the window sill at the junction with the window frame is dirty.

Close the gap between the window sill and window profile

The method consists in forming additional protection of the hermetic seam with a plastic strip (profile).

Work order:

- prepare a plastic profile for the bathroom. Profile configuration - internal corner. Length equal to the length of the window plus 20-30 mm;

- cut off the perforated part. How to do this is shown in the picture;

- at the corners of the window sill, make holes with a depth of 10-15 mm. These are the future seats for the inner corner;

- clean the junction of the frame and the window sill from debris, dust, grease and wipe dry;

- fill the gap with sealant. This will condense it;

- squeeze out the sealant along the junction of the frame and the window sill. It is necessary to extrude evenly, forming a seam of the same thickness;

- cleaning the seam. If the seam is not very large, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you need to remove the excess sealant with a coin;

- place one end of the inner corner blank into the hole filled with sealant at a distance of 10-15 mm;

- carefully pressing the profile to the sealant, fix it along the entire length of the window;

- bring the second end of the profile into the prepared bed.

Advice. If the profile does not adhere tightly to the sealant, it must be pressed down and held slightly until the sealant hardens. If the profile has squeezed out the sealant, then you need to remove it without smearing it.

The advantage of this method of window sill insulation is that, despite the laboriousness, after sealing cracks and holes, a neat, moisture-resistant and durable corner is obtained.

2. It blows from under the sill of a plastic window or a wooden one

The reasons why it blows from below the window sill are the insufficient amount of mounting foam, which fills the distance between the wall and the window sill after installation, or its subsidence.

How and what to fix the foam under the windowsill

There are two options for eliminating blowing.

The first one is suitable, if the window was installed recently, and work on decorating the window opening has not yet been carried out, you can remove the window sill and blow out the junction of the wall and the window frame with mounting foam. After that, install the window sill in place.

The second method is suitable for a functioning window. In this case, the mounting foam is blown under the plastic window sill. After the foam has hardened, its excess is cut off, and the place of foaming is sealed with plaster.

The process of repairing the window sill on the video

Why does water accumulate on the windowsill of plastic windows

Often, after blowing is eliminated, users are faced with the fact that complete tightness leads to the fact that water accumulates on the windows and window sills of plastic windows. This is condensation that forms for various reasons, in particular:

  • due to lack of ventilation
  • due to the significant width of the window sill. It stands for a heating radiator and warm air does not have time to warm up the glass and prevent the appearance of moisture;
  • high indoor humidity. The appearance of condensate is typical for the kitchen or for rooms in which repairs are being carried out;
  • low temperature in the rooms;
  • defects in window installation and slope insulation.

How to get rid of condensation on the windowsill:

  • install a convection valve;
  • remove everything superfluous from the windowsill, in particular indoor plants in pots;
  • replace the heating radiator or replace the window sill with a narrower one;
  • periodically ventilate the room.

How to eliminate the appearance of condensation on PVC windows, shown in the video

For a long time, plastic windows have been complementing the facades of public buildings and residential buildings. These modern designs can be found at every turn and their popularity is growing. In most cases, there are no problems with the operation of high-quality systems, but there are exceptions. Even when ordering window structures from a reliable company, you may encounter malfunctions. If the apartment blows from plastic windows - what to do? Let's try to find out the factors of this phenomenon and how to deal with them.

About the article:

The reasons

Sometimes even the highest quality and most expensive plastic windows allow air to pass through. There may be several reasons for this. We list the most common of them:

  • Marriage in the manufacture of the structure;
  • Poor quality frame material, poor fittings;
  • Incorrect installation, non-observance of installation rules.

It is difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem on your own, for this you need to involve a specialist who is well versed in this. But even here the answer can be ambiguous, because sometimes there can be several factors at once.

Unfortunately, even by ordering proven systems from a good manufacturer, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from problems with drafts. After all, even elite windows can be installed incorrectly, and with the onset of cold weather, “please” by blowing through the structure. This causes a lot of negative emotions, because when ordering expensive systems, customers expect unconditional quality.

To fix the problem, you first need to determine exactly where it is blowing from. To do this, you can use a simple and proven method - hold a lit candle along the frame and slopes. The dancing light will show the air source if it is below, above or to the side.

Draft between loops

If it blows from the side of the hinges, the cause may be poor-quality fittings. A variant of incorrect installation of the structure under a slope is possible, which some installation wizards sin. If this is the case, then replacing the fittings with a better and correct reinstallation of the plastic window will help to cope with it.

Another reason for the draft from under the sealant may be loose pressing of the sashes. The sealing gum may dry out over time, and will no longer keep the sash tightly closed, and as a result, it will seep out from under the seal. In winter, when the plastic shrinks a little under the influence of low temperatures, the cracks near the gum can become even more noticeable, opening access to cold air.

Poor pressing of the sashes may be the result of the use of poor fittings. Due to its limited functionality, it cannot tightly close the sash, so air movement will always be noticeable. In this case, the only solution is to replace the hardware.

Another common cause is sagging hinges due to prolonged or careless operation of plastic systems. The sash can sag or even warp, from which it will blow through between the hinges. This can be corrected by adjusting the fittings.

Draft in the window sill area and on the side

The problem of a draft from below in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe windowsill is most common and is due to installation errors. Window systems are attached to the opening with special anchors, and then fixed with mounting foam. Immediately after application, it is necessary to cut off the excess foam and properly putty the places of cuts. So you can save the foam from subsidence and loss of strength. If these rules are not followed, you will soon find that it is blowing from the window.

The same drawback can be found when trying to save on mounting foam. If, when installing the structure, the work of blowing foam from below is performed poorly and with insufficient amount of foam to fix it, then it will sag over time. Even the best multi-chamber double-glazed windows will not save you from the cold if they are installed in violation of the rules. As a result, they do not perform the function of protecting the room from drafts.

If it blows between the frame and the side of the opening, then there may be such reasons: improper installation by installers, material savings. You can fix the situation by reinstalling windows again. For this, dismantling is performed with subsequent installation and high-quality sealing of all seams.

If the air source is on top of the structure, this is due to improper installation.

Warranty service

If the plastic windows began to let in air, you do not need to immediately panic. You need to contact the company that manufactured and installed the system. Provided, of course, that they are under warranty. It should be understood that the better and more reliable the double-glazed windows and fittings, the longer they are under warranty.

Today, most manufacturers of window structures perform maintenance for 5-15 years. The client has a choice - to buy an expensive system from a well-known manufacturer with a long warranty and extensive experience in the window construction market, or to choose a cheaper version of a handicraft production of a small company that can disappear as quickly as it appeared. It is clear that in the second case, you should not count on a long warranty service.

It can be concluded that the warranty period of service directly depends on the company's confidence in the quality of the products and services provided. In a company that respects its customers and cares about its own reputation, the warranty period will always be longer.

If it blows from the window, if any other problems appear, you need to contact the company that manufactured the window structure. If the warranty has expired, you can trust professionals who will quickly and efficiently fix the problems that have arisen.

Summing up

We can conclude that by contacting a well-known company that has been operating for more than one year and has an excellent reputation, you can prevent most problems with window systems. But even if malfunctions occur, you can always contact the manufacturer's service department.

The cold has come and many of us are puzzled by the question - blowing from plastic windows, what to do? Moreover, the manufacturers promised tightness, reliability and minimal heat loss of the structure. There can be many factors leading to this problem.

However, first you need to analyze why cold air is formed at the window. Maybe it's mixing air due to temperature difference? An ordinary candle can help with this - it is set on fire and rushes along the perimeter of the sash - judging by the flame of the candle, they conclude in which place it comes through.

They also pay attention to junction of the window frame with slopes- if the installation of the slopes was carried out illiterately or they are not sufficiently insulated, then it can blow out of the slots (not only in the slopes, but also in the window sill). If you just installed a plastic window and it is still under warranty, then you should call the wizard to fix installation defects, but if the warranty period has passed, you will have to deal with the defects yourself.

The main reasons for blowing plastic windows

  1. Manufacturing defect of the window structure.
  2. Use of low-quality plastic or accessories.
  3. Mistakes made during window installation.

Broadly speaking, the reasons may be the following:

Much depends on the correct adjustment of fittings.

  • incorrect adjustment of the fittings, due to which the sash does not fit the window tightly;
  • violation of the window geometry due to incorrect installation;
  • low-quality fittings (it is never recommended to save on this);
  • poor quality of the seal or severe contamination of this element;
  • violation of the integrity of plastic frames - cheap plastic may not withstand summer heat or become too brittle from the cold;
  • lack of insulation of slopes, their poor-quality installation;
  • incorrectly installed window sill and the occurrence of gaps in this area.

How to eliminate the causes of blowing

If you are interested in solving the question: why is it blowing from plastic windows and what to do, then you should first find out the reason for this phenomenon.

So, if a draft occurs around the entire perimeter of the sash, then your window is probably not switched to winter mode- so the fittings do not ensure sufficient fit of the sash to the frame. In this case, the existing system needs to be adjusted. To do this, the trunnions located along the perimeter of the wings are simultaneously transferred to the maximum position (you need to move them clockwise) - for this you need a screwdriver or pliers.

Important: The operation is carried out with the window open. It is necessary to find and turn all the trunnions, otherwise the structure will break.

Some window manufacturers have made the transition process automatic - the fittings are equipped with a roller with a special ring. It rotates and easily changes modes from winter to summer.

Other causes of drafts are eliminated in this way:

  1. Blowing from below from under the windowsill indicates that it is not installed tightly. The space underneath must be filled with mounting foam and then plastered. Sealant is used to eliminate blowouts. You may also need to reinstall the window sill.

  2. If it blows from the slopes, then the reason for this is the destruction of the assembly seam. As a rule, mounting foam in slopes is stored for 5-10 years (if it is not isolated from external influences). To fix the problem, you should disassemble the slopes and again "foam" the frame around the perimeter.
  3. Blowing from the junction of the frame and the impost of the window structure indicates a probable defect in the product. The outer slot can sealed with a special frost-resistant sealant.
  4. If it blows from the side of the hinges, then you need to inspect the window sash for unfilled mounting holes and close them tightly.
  5. When the sealant dries out and becomes inelastic, blowout can occur in this area. The problem is being solved seal replacement. By the way, this operation is easily carried out on your own - it is only important to choose the right sealant suitable for the type of profile. And in order to extend the service life of this element, it must be periodically lubricated with silicone.

    Read in this article about how, as well as about their types and features. Another useful attribute for plastic windows is a flashing. What is it and Details here. About energy-saving film on windows and other ways to insulate them at this link

  6. Most often it blows in the place where the frame is adjacent to the window sill. After all, windows are attached to the opening with special anchors, and then mounting foam is used for fixing. It is very important to putty the foam in time so that it does not collapse and is not blown through. The reason may be improper installation, banal savings on mounting foam. It turns out that the design will settle very quickly and will not fulfill its functional purpose, even if you have chosen multi-chamber double-glazed windows.

  7. If it blows between the side wall and the frame, then the reason is obvious - poor-quality installation or savings in materials, dishonesty of installers, and so on. To eliminate such a nuisance, you will have to reinstall the window structure or carry out a quality seaming between the side wall and the window frame.

If you do not want to face such a nuisance as drafts from plastic windows, then you can take additional measures at the stage of choosing and installing a window. These include the choice of high-quality window construction - durable and reliable PVC profile, durable fittings. It is clear that it is worth purchasing a product only from well-established companies that have long been known in this market segment.

You will also need to monitor the quality of window installation. In addition, do not forget that really good specialists provide a warranty service, during which you can eliminate all detected defects without your own investments and labor.

We pass the seams with sealant

It is also important to follow the rules for the operation of metal-plastic windows, monitor the condition of the seal, lubricate fittings in time, and so on. You can also take steps to insulate the space under the window sill before a problem occurs - for this you need a sealant. He neatly applied along the seam between the wall and the plastic structure. In addition, be sure to protect the mounting foam from the harmful effects of moisture. Vapor barrier film and silicone are well suited for these purposes - thanks to them, the wall will be reliably protected from mold, as well as from the appearance of fungi. If you follow the simplest rules for the operation of PVC windows and fix all the problems that have arisen in time (with the involvement of specialists or on your own), then the problem of blowing plastic windows will not arise. You will be able to enjoy the warmth without unpleasant cold air from the street, even on the windiest and frostiest days.

What to do if blowing from the video window

In this section, in continuation of our article, we suggest you watch a useful video. The video shows a way to eliminate blowing from window slopes.

With the very first autumn colds, you began to notice that the windows let the cold through. Quite a common problem, but your window structures are plastic, characterized by tightness and minimal heat loss, so why is it blowing from plastic windows?

Recently installed windows are still under warranty, so you should not look for the reasons for blowing on your own, but immediately invite a representative of a construction company to eliminate the deficiencies. In any case, calling a master is the easiest way, but why spend money if many defects can be fixed on your own?

Let's understand the problem. It is possible that you only need to learn how to tighten the plastic windows so that the wind does not blow, and the discomfort will disappear, but it is likely that much more effort will be required to correct the situation and the services of specialists will still have to be used.

The main reasons why it blows from plastic windows

It is not necessary to immediately assume that the problem is due to design defects or improper installation work. Don't get ready for a major renovation until you find a source of cold air. To analyze the situation why it is blowing through plastic windows, an ordinary candle or a lighter will help. With the help of fire, we will look for all possible places for cold air leaks from the street.

Attention! We handle open fire as carefully as possible: do not bring the lighter too close to the plastic so as not to damage it. We run our hand along the entire frame, paying special attention to the places where the window structure comes into contact with the walls and the window sill. Do not forget about the hinges, handle and sealing rubber.

How to adjust a plastic window so that it does not blow

The main reasons for blowing plastic windows:

  • incorrect adjustment - blowing from the sash of a plastic window due to the fact that it has not been switched from summer to winter mode;
  • manufacturing defect - poor-quality reinforcement of the profile, a double-glazed window is damaged, cheap plastic was used, which may not withstand temperature changes;
  • low-quality fittings and sealant are those parts of double-glazed windows that you never need to save on, so choose the most reliable fittings;
  • unprofessional installation - incorrect installation, no insulation of slopes, the window sill is not installed correctly, the geometry of the structure is broken;
  • the number of double-glazed windows does not match your climate zone.

Note! If it blows from a plastic window, the room is automatically ventilated and the double-glazed windows do not fog up. Having eliminated the problem of drafts, you can get the completely opposite problem. If your plastic windows, do not forget about the prevention of this phenomenon, about which there is a detailed article on our website.

How to adjust a plastic window so that it does not blow?

Seasonal adjustment of window structures means changing the summer mode of micro-ventilation to winter, when the sashes fit more tightly. Most often, simply by changing the degree of pressure of the sash, you can completely remove drafts in the house.

If plastic windows blow around the entire perimeter of the sash, how to adjust? First of all, we study the design: clamps are located around the entire perimeter of the PVC product doors, thanks to which a tight fit to the frame is ensured. Clamps are in the form of eccentrics with a recess for a 4 mm hex key.

By simply turning the eccentric, adjustments are made to:

  • Winter mode, when you want to ensure the tightest possible fit. To do this, all pins around the perimeter of the wings are moved clockwise to the farthest position so that the longest possible radius is directed towards the room when the frame is closed.
  • Summer mode, when window eccentrics turn to the shortest radius towards your room. In this position, there is a minimally dense porch: air freely enters through the sashes and the room is constantly ventilated.

Important! Before starting work, find all the trunnions to turn them at the same time, otherwise the metal-plastic window structure will break.

Please note that for many manufacturers, the transition from summer to winter mode is automatic. In such designs, all fittings are completed with a special mechanism - a roller with a rotating ring, with the help of which the pressure of the sealing gum to the frame is loosened or strengthened.

How to adjust plastic windows so as not to blow, video:

Blowing from the side of the loops

If it is found that it is blowing from the hinges of plastic windows, what should I do next? It is necessary to continue the inspection and identify all unfilled mounting holes in order to close them later. There are quite a lot of various fastening elements around the loops, passing inside the frame through the plastic itself.

As an example, there may be holes on the outside of the frame for attaching a mosquito net. Air can enter these cavities, which will enter the room through the frame in the hinge area, creating a draft. A simple sealing of the holes quickly solves such a rather serious problem.

Adjustment of fittings of plastic double-glazed windows

The second common reason why it blows from the handle of a plastic window or from the side of the hinges is poor-quality fittings or incorrect installation methods. You can hope that it will be enough just to tighten it, but most often you have to buy new fittings to avoid drafts in the winter.

Blowing from under the window sill

Blowing from under the bottom indicates exactly that the window sill is not completely sealed. When installing double-glazed windows, the builders had to qualitatively fill the entire space under the window sill with mounting foam, while not saving it.

Important! After filling with mounting foam, it is imperative to plaster the treated space under the window sill. This is done not for beauty, but so that the foam, under the influence of external factors, does not collapse and new pockets of drafts do not appear.

If it blows from the window sill of a plastic window, it will be necessary to seal all the cracks where a draft is felt. You can fix a similar problem on your own, but if the sealing does not remove the blowing, you will need to replace the window sill.

Blows between the frame and slopes, window sill

Another similar reason associated with poor-quality installation. So it can be argued if the double-glazed window was installed recently. If the plastic structure is operated for a long time (at least 7-10 years), then it must be understood that over time, the mounting foam always begins to wear out and collapse.

Such a problem does not show up overnight. A good owner will plan a major overhaul of the slopes in the summer, but what can be done with the onset of cold weather? The destruction of the assembly seam can be suspended with the help of sealants, but this is only a temporary measure.

If blowing is found in the place where the frame is in contact with the window sill, we can also talk about negligent builders and saving foam. The frame is attached to the opening with appropriate anchors, then everything is insulated with mounting foam and plaster.

Duo of rubber bands

A draft from a plastic window seal (in other words: rubber bands) indicates its partial or complete destruction. Over time, the seal seems to dry out and begin to crack.

You can try to repair small cracks with glue, but still such blowings are removed only by replacing the sealing rubber. The procedure is easy enough to carry out on your own, the main thing is to choose the right sealant for the existing plastic profile.

Remember to take a small piece of old gum with you when you go shopping to make it easier to choose.

How to seal plastic windows so as not to blow?

Sometimes it seems to you that a double-glazed window is see through, but in fact, it just seems to come from cold. This is most often observed in the lower parts of the valves. This is not blowing at all, since a draft is not detected.

The chill from the windows can be explained by the fact that you have:

  • single-chamber double-glazed window installed;
  • the number of double-glazed windows is insufficient for your climate zone;
  • heating does not work well;
  • heating radiators are blocked by an overly wide window sill;
  • too much ventilation is installed.

It is not difficult to carry out the insulation of a double-glazed window yourself. You will need a special film for insulating plastic windows. To learn how to apply it correctly, review the following recommendations.

Video "How to perform window insulation":