Lighter description. Long cigarette lighter. Souvenir lighters banned

Zippo are the legendary American gasoline lighters manufactured by the Zippo Manufacturing Company, which was founded in 1932. According to the official version, the idea to produce and sell reliable and affordable lighters came to the future founder and owner of the company, George Grant Blaisdell, when one day in a club he saw his friend's inconvenience when trying to light a cigarette. At first, Blaisdell tried to sell Austrian lighters, but found several flaws in them and, being a man of ingenuity, improved the design and improved the characteristics of the model, giving the new product the name Zippo. In 1936 the design of the Zippo lighter was patented and has not changed much since then - a metal case rectangular shape, a hinged spring-loaded lid that can be easily opened with one hand, a special wall that protects the wick from side wind and, of course, a branded click when opening and closing the lid, which is also patented.
Over the past 80 years, Zippo lighters have become a symbol of american quality and reliability, a cult item and a collectible (the company even produces a special guide for collectors). In the museum that exists next to the factory, a huge number of models produced in different years: Related unusual stories, owned famous people, samples from limited editions, experimental samples, models with all sorts of finishes - you can study history from the exhibits of the Zippo Museum. There are not only traditional brass and nickel-plated lighters, but also models in silver, gold, steel, leather and wood trim, and the number of different designs of images and overlays on the body is in the tens of thousands. Since 1956 narrow lighters are produced, intended mainly for women, and since 2005. - gas lighters.
Each classic Zippo lighter consists of 22 parts and requires 108 operations to produce. All Zippo lighters are stamped on the bottom with a logo, early models also have a patent number on the stamp, from 1957. the year is indicated on the stamp, and since 1986. and month of issue. In addition to the stamp, you can determine the authenticity of the lighter by the wheel, the inscriptions on the inner case, the windscreen and some other features.
In our online store of worthy gifts "Learta" Zippo lighters of various series are presented. Lighters are supplied in a plastic or cardboard box with instructions. All Zippo lighters come with an unlimited international warranty, according to which any lighter "will be restored to working mechanical condition free of charge." The warranty does not cover damage to the cabinet finish.

Dimensions of Zippo lighters:

Wide (regular) lighter - 56x36x12 mm, weight (without fuel) 55 gr.

Wide lighter in Armor case - 57x37x13 mm, weight 67 gr.

Narrow lighter - 56x30x10 mm, weight 45 gr.

Or gasoline. In addition, lighters use different types ignition - flint, piezoelectric and etc.

Petrol lighters appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were not very reliable at first. Petrol lighters Zippo” appeared in 1932 and have a cult status due to their reliability and remarkable history.

Austrian lighter of the 1920s, which served as the prototype for the creation of Zippo lighters

Gas lighters were invented later than gas lighters and were joyfully received by smokers, as they did not give off a pungent gasoline smell and could even be used to light cigars.

Ignition device

Gas lighter with pyrophoric "flint" (cerium alloy - mischmetal).

The principle of operation is based on spontaneous combustion of pyrophoric alloys ( ferrocerium) at abrasion; ignited by hot wire electric shock, touching a hot object; piezoelectric discharge; catalytic ignition of vapors of organic substances.


Liquefied gas is used as fuel in gas lighters. propane or liquefied butane, which after passing through reducer vaporizes to form a highly flammable mixture of gas and air.

Vapors burning in gasoline lighters gasoline.

combustion temperature

Depending on the type of fuel flame lighters can reach the following temperature values:

  1. propane -butane- from 800 to 1970 °С;
  2. petrol- 1300-1400 °С;



The design of the lighter directly depends on its purpose. Pocket lighters have small size, they are easy to carry. The design is absolutely any, but the sizes are limited. Desktop lighters are quite rare. These lighters are quite massive and are not designed to be carried. The design of such lighters can be anything. There are also special fireplace lighters, with a large length, they have a small width and thickness, and even lighters from famous brands. Not so long ago, sensory lighters appeared, in which gas is ignited without mechanical influences, but by acting on a sensor sensor. AT recent times the so-called branded or promotional lighters are gaining more and more popularity. They are an ordinary pocket lighter, on which the necessary information is applied. The information is usually promotional in nature. Widely used large networks shops and class establishments HoReCa. Lighters with information are also used for promotions. Information is usually applied to inexpensive plastic lighters using silk-screen or tampon print.

kitchen lighter

Many lighters for cookers have an elongated spout (so that you can light the oven with them) and there are several types.

Ignition type


A conventional lighter with a gas container, an elongated spout and a piezoelectric ignition. The lighter is also suitable for lighting fires and fireplaces. Gas lighters are conventional and turbo.


They were common in Soviet times, such a lighter is plugged into an outlet. The lighter is tied not only to the house but also to electricity. In the absence of electricity in the house, it is impossible to light a gas stove with such a lighter. Has the most powerful spark effect while the button is pressed. The principle of operation is based on the cyclic closing and opening of the electrical circuit by a spark-producing rod, under the influence of electromagnetic field. The iron-containing rod closes the circuit, turns on the electromagnet, which draws the rod into itself and thereby opens the circuit, the rod returns to its original position under the action of the spring, and the process is repeated. The resulting electric arc ignites the gas. The advantages of such lighters: reliable and fast ignition of gas, simplicity and durability of the design. Disadvantages: dependence on an external supply circuit, high level radio interference, risk of electrical injury.

Battery powered

Designed to run on one or more batteries. It is a pulse converter with a step-up transformer. Gives off many weak sparks while the button is pressed.


Does not require energy sources or other consumables. Has in its design piezoelectric. Gives several powerful sparks along the button in one direction and in the other.

Souvenir lighters banned

The EU and a number of US states have adopted or are preparing to adopt legislative acts, prohibiting the circulation souvenir lighters, made in the form of objects that are not lighters (animals, cartoon characters, lanterns, cameras, etc.), which can be mistaken for toys by children and lead to injuries, burns and fires in their hands.


first lighter, Döbereiner flint and flint, was invented Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823. It was produced until 1880.

The first "flint" lighter was created after the invention of the ferrocerium alloy by Baron Karl von Auerbach in 1906 in Austria. It is this alloy that is the basis for the manufacture of "flints" for lighters. Then the flint lighter acquired a design that has survived to this day almost unchanged: a specially serrated wheel strikes a spark from the “flint”, and the spark ignites the wick soaked in gasoline or the gas coming out of the valve.

The development of lighters was accelerated during the First World War. The soldiers used matches to see the way in the dark, but the intense flash when ignited gave away their location. The need for a fire without a big flash fueled the lighter industry. By the end of the war, lighters were a mass-produced product. The leader in the production of flint lighters at that time was the birthplace of ferrocerium, Austria, and also Germany. A little later, lighters began to be mass-produced around the world.

During Second World War Zippo lighters, made in the USA and common among US military personnel, have become the standard for reliability and functionality among liquid lighters.

see also


  • Russian-language online encyclopedia of lighters (rus.). archived
  • Site of an English collector about rare and vintage lighters (English). Archived from the original on February 24, 2012. Retrieved August 21, 2010.
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The classification of modern lighters has two main sections: according to the one used in the device fuel and ignition method. In the first case, everything is simple: lighters can be refueled either with gas (liquefied butane or liquefied propane - the flame can reach temperatures from 800 to 1970 degrees Celsius) or gasoline vapors (the flame can reach temperatures from 1300 to 1400 degrees Celsius). In the case of methods of ignition, there are more options. Common types of lighters are:

  • Silicon lighters(use of a sparking material, silicon, by means of friction during mechanical action);
  • Touch lighters (when the cover is opened, the gas supply and the operation of the sensor mechanism begin; when a finger is brought to the sensor, the mechanism gives a spark);
  • Electrical lighters or lighters with electronic ignition circuit (the principle of operation is based on the cyclic closing and opening of the electrical circuit by a spark-producing rod under the influence of an electromagnetic field. The iron-containing rod closes the circuit, turns on the electromagnet, which draws the rod into itself and thereby opens the circuit; then the rod returns to its original position under the action of the spring, and the process repeats. The resulting electric arc ignites the gas.) As a subspecies, battery-powered lighters can be distinguished (designed to run on one or more batteries, it is a pulse converter with a step-up transformer, it gives a lot of weak sparks while the button is pressed. There is also a similar type of battery-powered lighters (with the possibility of recharging from the mains and also with recharging from USB ));
  • Piezo lighters(has in its design a piezoelectric element that has a piezoelectric effect, produces a charge and generates a spark under mechanical action).

In addition, lighters can be classified into the following types:

- cigar;

- tubular;

- fireplace;

- kitchen;

- cool lighters;

- well, and all the rest.

Also, lighters are pocket or desktop, disposable or reusable (with the possibility of refueling)

Yes, and I almost forgot, according to the type of flame, lighters are divided into those that have a pipe blower, adjustable flame and ordinary. Gas, in conventional lighters, leaves the top valve through the divider at a low speed and mixes with air at its outlet. In tube lighters, the gas first passes through a special diaphragm in the turbine, through a very small hole with a sharp increase in speed. After that, through the side holes in the turbine, it draws in air and under strong pressure enters the flame shaper, which is located at the top of the turbine. The shaper is needed to give the flame the desired shape. In some turbo lighters, a refractory metal coil is installed above the turbine for greater wind resistance. This spiral, due to thermal inertia, heats up and does not allow the fire to go out in strong winds.

The principle of ignition based on the piezoelectric effect (from the Greek ?? - piezo - I press). This phenomenon, discovered by the brothers Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880, is that when single crystals of certain substances are squeezed, electric charges arise on their faces. Such a single crystal replaces flint in the design of the lighter.
The piezo element in a lighter is a small quartz crystal endowed with piezoelectric properties. When voltage is applied to the crystal, crystal cell deform and change the size of the crystal. This is called the direct piezoelectric effect. Conversely, when a quartz crystal is stretched or compressed, stress is formed on its surface. This phenomenon is called the inverse piezoelectric effect. A weak blow to a quartz crystal located in a lighter generates a voltage of several hundred volts. This is how an electrical breakdown occurs, and a spark jumps between the electrodes. The gas ignites.
By the way, a piezo lighter is a science-intensive product, the brainchild of high technology the second half of the twentieth century and is a kind of mini-power station ... in the palm of your hand. In fact, is it not a miracle when pressing a finger on a key with a force of only 20-30 N is directly converted into high voltage 10-20 thousand volts? Moreover, it is an almost inexhaustible source of energy, the service life of the piezoelectric elements of such a mechanism is at least 12 years!

These lighters do not need energy sources or other consumables (except gas of course).
Piezoelectricity is generated by an innovative process that does not use standard electric wires. Instead, the spark is produced by natural forces. The piezo igniter is very reliable.
Piezoelectric does not use electrical connections, although many devices use wires to get a spark in a certain place. To ignite in such devices, you usually need to press a button. They are quite effective, easy to use, durable and require minimal maintenance.
Piezo lighters tend to last much longer than mechanical lighters. The secret of their longevity lies in the absence of friction elements. However, if something happened to the piezoelectric element, you will not be able to fix it. No cleaning will help him, "amateur" will kill the lighter completely. Note, however, that the failure of the piezoelectric element is a very rare phenomenon.
In addition, piezo lighters are not threatened by gas leakage, which, unfortunately, often happens with flint ones. Of course, we are talking here exclusively about high-quality piezo lighters from reliable manufacturers, and not about black market products.

Fireplaces are installed in apartments with a large area, but most often they are used in private estates. In order to set it on fire and not get injured, it is best to use a fireplace lighter.

Benefits of using

Fireplace electric lighters

Safe operation of the fireplace requires the use of special devices for ignition of the flame. Fireplace matches have been used for a long time, however, fireplace lighters have replaced rare items.

Their operation is much safer than the usual way of making fire.

Benefits of using devices:

  • comfort;
  • functionality;
  • wide range of uses.

Varieties of models

Fireplace lighter is of two types:

  • gas;
  • electric.

Models gas devices for ignition are made of an aluminum case, inside of which there is compressed gas. Ignition occurs with the help of electricity.

All you need to do is press the power button. Such devices can be used not only for a fireplace, but also on a hike, in the country.

Electrical appliances are flameless. Work happens from the accumulator. They are either wireless or connected to a power source.

You need to turn it on directly in the furnace. Then a fire occurs. The required voltage for the device is 220 volts.

How does a piezo lighter work. What is inside.


All devices for ignition are made on the basis of the basic safety requirements for structures.

Therefore, the devices are made of material that is resistant to high temperatures. Also needed long handle so as not to burn your hands.

Also, manufacturers create various designs and shapes of devices. Many of them can be filled several times.

The main advantage of a fireplace lighter is the comfort of its use.

Made of aluminum alloy, the devices will last a long time. Main areas of application:

  • Lighting a fire in a fireplace. The safety and simplicity of the accessory allows it to be used even by teenagers. Convenient length and buttons allow you to keep your hands away from the flame at a great distance.
  • BBQ, hiking, picnics. The advantage is that weather conditions cannot affect the fire.

Main manufacturers

A large number of manufacturers and stores offer to purchase fireplace lighters at affordable price from 150 rubles and more.

  • The company "Mig" presents to the attention of buyers gas lighter with ceramic piezoelectric element. The main advantages of the model are flame adjustment, safety lock from children. It is also easy to fill it with a regular lighter can. Length 18 cm. Available in several colors.
  • ONEY company. Lighters are presented in various designs and forms. Manufactured in several sizes using modern styles and designs. The material of manufacture is plastic.
  • Bioker offers an unusual fireplace lighter. Stylish design will perfectly complement any interior. Convenient size 35 cm allows you to safely use the device. The metal case reliably protects from mechanical damage. It has an adjustable flame and is equipped with a refill mechanism.

Also popular is a model with a size of 20 cm. It is refilled, it works from a built-in piezoelectric element. The cost is much higher than plastic due to the use quality materials and unique design.

  • Silver Match will be a great accessory for making a fire. Due to the length of 50 cm, it can be used for hanging candles. Made of metal and plastic, equipped with a flame regulator.
  • Lighters with bendable tip. The main advantage of the accessory is a bendable rod, which allows you to make a fire in hard-to-reach places. Also useful for gas stoves. The material of manufacture is plastic, it has an ignition lock. Presented in several colors.

The use of lighters allows you to safely start the fireplace. Many models are equipped with fire control and child lock. Convenient ignition buttons allow you to bring your hand to firewood or coal at a sufficient distance, and not be afraid to get burned by it.

Video: Ignition and combustion of the Tarnava fireplace