The internal device of the gas column. How to use a geyser: new and old model Milla geyser instructions

Install instantaneous water heaters started back in the days of lack of hot water. Old-style models are still found in some "Stalinka" and "Khrushchev". However, the residents modern houses do not refuse to install heating equipment, which is associated with seasonal shutdowns.

It should only be taken into account that the models of the old and new samples differ somewhat in the type of control. How to use a gas column correctly? If you have any difficulties with this, then our article will help to solve them.

The principle of operation of technology

It is easier to remember the rules for using the device when you understand its device. Regardless of the manufacturer, all geysers - "Neva", "" and others - have the same design. Only the location of the nodes can change.

Main knots:

  • Heat exchanger;
  • Collector for removal of gases;
  • Ignition block;
  • Burner;
  • Water and gas fittings.

Facing the column is made in the form of a metal casing - in some models it has a viewing window. On the panel there are regulators of power and temperature. Electronic control is complemented by a display.

Ignition block. Depending on the type of ignition, the product has a piezo ignition button or an electronic battery activation button.

  • semi-automatic models. Piezo ignition can be started in different ways. In some cases, you need to hold the button and press the power regulator. The wick will burn until you turn off the device yourself. It is recommended to turn off the burner after use or when leaving the house. So you can save gas and extend the life of the device.
  • Automatic equipment is more expensive, but it is economical in operation. The wick does not burn constantly. The burner ignites only when the mixer is opened and goes out when it is closed. The electric charge is sent by batteries or a turbine. Batteries need to be changed periodically normal operation turbines need to ensure a stable pressure in the line.

Electronic devices can be equipped with a flame regulator. With a reduced pressure, the modulator allows you to adjust the heating power so as to obtain the desired water heating temperature.

Outlet manifold. Situated at the top. Pipes are connected to the branch pipe for the removal of combustion products to the street. In devices with closed camera combustion collector is located below and is equipped with a fan for forced removal of burning. These are turbocharged models such as Neva Turbo, Neva Lux 8224, Bosch WTD.

speakers trademark"Astra" and "" are available only with open cam combustion.

Heat exchanger (radiator) is the main part in the water heater. Water flows through its tubes, which is heated by a burner. A high-quality radiator is made of pure copper. If impurities are added to the alloy, then the knot quickly burns out and leaks. Read the article « » to learn more about his device.

Burner located under the radiator. A reliable body must be made of steel. The part distributes the flame through the nozzles for uniform heating of the heat exchanger.

gas node may be on top of the water (in older models) or to the right of it. Operation is controlled by turning the gas on and off.

water block located nearby, thanks to it fuel enters the system. When water is started, pressure is created in the system, which causes the rubber membrane to bend. She pushes the stem, which turns the fuel valve.

An ignition device is located near the burner. Also, the equipment is equipped with protection sensors:

  • The draft sensor monitors the presence of draft in the system;
  • Ionization sensor - control of the presence of a flame;
  • Thermostat - temperature measurement, protection against overheating over 90 degrees.

When one of the sensors is triggered, the device turns off.

Electrical diagram of the device:

Operation features

There are a number of regulations and rules under which the use of gas equipment. Consider the basic requirements for open type columns:

  • It is impossible to start work in the absence of draft in the chimney or in the presence of reverse draft;
  • It is not allowed to turn on and carry out ignition without studying the operating instructions;
  • Required for normal operation natural ventilation(window, window leaf);
  • It is forbidden to change the design of the equipment by yourself.

Columns with an open combustion chamber are most at risk of gas leakage. If you smell, then:

  • Close the valve;
  • Open windows and ventilate the room;
  • Do not start a fire until the room is completely ventilated;
  • Contact the repair service.

Before starting the appliance, check for draft in the chimney.

How to properly check

There are two "popular" ways to check:

  1. Take a piece of paper and bring it to the chimney or ventilation. If the sheet is tightening, then the mine is working properly. If it falls, then you need to clean the hole.
  2. Light a match and bring it to the viewing window. Does the flame deflect to the side? Then you can start the column. If it burns steadily, check the chimney.

It also happens that everything is in order with the mine, but there is no traction. Perhaps the room is not ventilated, so there is no air flow for combustion.

How to turn on the water heater

Before turning on any equipment, there must be water in the heat exchanger. Therefore, the water valve must be opened first.

Electrical Models:

  • Insert the batteries into the battery compartment;
  • In some cases, you need to turn the power or temperature toggle switch;
  • Open the gas valve;
  • Turn on the mixer at the hot position, which will cause ignition.

During a long break in the operation of the device, a airlock, because of which the burner does not ignite the first time. Way out: open and close the mixer several times until ignition occurs.

Semi-automatic devices:

  • Start the fuel supply;
  • Set the power and hold the piezo ignition button until the wick ignites;
  • When the water is turned on, the burner will light up.

Launching modern technology is easy. But what about the old product?

Column ignition obsolete type

A device with manual ignition is considered obsolete. The design provides for constant burning of the wick and manual shutdown. Ignition occurs from a burning match, less often with the help of a piezo ignition. These include: "Iskra KGI-56", series L, GVA, VPG. They are equipped with a turn signal or a lever to regulate the temperature.

The principle of operation is the same as modern models. The only difference is in the features of turning on the heating. If you are launching for the first time, then you should know that:

  • In a room with a column should be constant inflow air. This is essential to keep the flame burning. Therefore, in kitchen doors there is a gap of 5 cm below. If installed plastic windows- it is necessary to have a ventilation valve;
  • Traction should be checked regularly;
  • Check the condition of the gas valve. Open it and anoint the joints with soapy water. If bubbles appear, then there is a leak.

For ignition, it is more convenient to use long matches that reach the igniter well.

Launch of KGI-56

Turn the fuel and water valves. Now turn the left knob all the way to the left. Hold the button of the solenoid valve, if provided in the product. Continuing to press the button, ignite the igniter with a match. After that:

  • Open the hot water faucet;
  • Turn the other knob to the left to ignite the burner.

Done, you can go take a shower.

Switching on devices such as L, GVA, HSV

Start as with other types by supplying gas and water. Move the handle on the panel to the first position. Press the valve actuation button and bring a match to the igniter. Hold the button for another 10 seconds. In the same way as in the first case, turn on the tap and quickly turn the regulator to the maximum mark. After ignition, you can start using.

2017-03-10 Evgeny Fomenko

Consider characteristic faults geyser Mila, and what repairs you can make with your own hands. For example, let's take the automatic model Milla VPG 10 LCD with an open type of combustion chamber. All repair work produced after shutting off the gas valve in the apartment.

Heat exchanger leak

One of the most common breakdowns is the leakage of heat exchanger pipes. The manufacturer tries to make the pipe walls thin, thereby reducing heat loss. One of side effects This is what increases the likelihood of fistula formation.

If water began to slowly drip from the bottom of the Mila water heater, you need to remove the casing and carefully inspect the heat exchanger. Large holes will be noticeable by drops of water, smaller ones by rusty traces of a greenish tint. Since the heat exchanger makes up a large part of the price of the entire apparatus, you can do a partial repair with your own hands:

After the fistula is eliminated, water is launched into the column and its operation is checked both with cold and heated liquid. You can additionally wipe with a dry cloth to make sure there are no small smudges.

Membrane damage

The next common failure is the deformation of the water block membrane. It is responsible for opening the gas with a sufficiently strong water pressure. Since it is flexible and made of silicone or rubber, it can stretch or tear over time.

Signs of this will be too weak a flame or none at all. Water may also begin to flow from under the cover of the water unit.

To replace the membrane, the casing is removed and the union nuts are unscrewed at the point where the pipes are connected to the water unit. Next, the bolts are unscrewed from the cover and the membrane is removed. It is important to buy exactly the same model, the markings can be found in the instruction manual or go to the store with a removed example. When installing, do not confuse the sides and align all the holes. After replacement, the device is assembled in the same way.

Electronic part malfunctions

The column may not ignite if nutrients have sat down in it. In this case, a spark is produced, but its power is not enough to ignite. The control electrode does not give a signal and the gas does not start. This is resolved by replacing the batteries. To do this, you do not need to disassemble the water heater, the container is located below. It is best to purchase expensive alkaloid batteries that will last many times longer.

Geyser electronics unit

If replacing the batteries did not solve the problem, the column control unit could fail. In this case, you need to contact specialists who will find what exactly is faulty in the electronics.

2017-03-10 Evgeny Fomenko

Consider the characteristic malfunctions of the Mila geyser, and what repairs can be made with your own hands. For example, let's take the automatic model Milla VPG 10 LCD with an open type of combustion chamber. All repair work is carried out after shutting off the gas valve in the apartment.

Heat exchanger leak

One of the most common breakdowns is the leakage of heat exchanger pipes. The manufacturer tries to make the pipe walls thin, thereby reducing heat loss. One of the side effects of this is that it increases the likelihood of fistula formation.

If water began to slowly drip from the bottom of the Mila water heater, you need to remove the casing and carefully inspect the heat exchanger. Large holes will be visible by drops of water, smaller ones by rusty traces of a greenish tint. Since the heat exchanger makes up a large part of the price of the entire apparatus, you can do a partial repair with your own hands:

After the fistula is eliminated, water is launched into the column and its operation is checked both with cold and heated liquid. You can additionally wipe with a dry cloth to make sure there are no small smudges.

Membrane damage

The next common failure is the deformation of the water block membrane. It is responsible for opening the gas with a sufficiently strong water pressure. Since it is flexible and made of silicone or rubber, it can stretch or tear over time.

Signs of this will be too weak a flame or none at all. Water may also begin to flow from under the cover of the water unit.

To replace the membrane, the casing is removed and the union nuts are unscrewed at the point where the pipes are connected to the water unit. Next, the bolts are unscrewed from the cover and the membrane is removed. It is important to buy exactly the same model, the markings can be found in the instruction manual or go to the store with a removed example. When installing, do not confuse the sides and align all the holes. After replacement, the device is assembled in the same way.

Electronic part malfunctions

The column may not ignite if nutrients have sat down in it. In this case, a spark is produced, but its power is not enough to ignite. The control electrode does not give a signal and the gas does not start. This is resolved by replacing the batteries. To do this, you do not need to disassemble the water heater, the container is located below. It is best to purchase expensive alkaloid batteries that will last many times longer.

Geyser electronics unit

If replacing the batteries did not solve the problem, the column control unit could fail. In this case, you need to contact specialists who will find what exactly is faulty in the electronics.

It takes ~3 minutes to read

Geyser(water heater) is the simplest and most economical solution for domestic hot water supply. This device is installed in many private houses and apartments. In old houses, most likely, equipment of an early sample remained. It is not only ineffective, but also dangerous. In this case, the installation of a geyser modern type just needed. Such speakers comply with safety regulations, are easy to use, and have a low cost.


Rules for installing a geyser

It is easy to guess that electrical equipment can cause an accident. Therefore, there are rules for installing a geyser, standards, failure to comply with which threatens with problems with the law. This is correct, because rash decisions by the owner of the column can lead to tragedy.

Independent connection of the gas column is an extremely dangerous occupation. In accordance with government regulations, only services that have a special installation license can carry out these works (the same with heating). However, replacing an old device with a new one is allowed, but not thoroughly installed from scratch.

Below are the standards for installing a geyser according to SNiP, they are valid for both apartments and private houses in Moscow.

  1. The room for installing a geyser is at least 7m3.
  2. The wall on which it is planned to place the equipment must be made of fireproof material (brick, concrete).
  3. The presence of good ventilation and windows in the room where the column is installed is a prerequisite.
  4. Ceiling height not less than 2 meters.
  5. To place the device, you will have to find a chimney in the room.
  6. Adequate operation of the entire system is possible at a water pressure of 1 atm.
  7. Unauthorized installation in the bathroom and toilet is prohibited. In addition, in the kitchen, the unit must be at a distance of at least 10 cm from hob, but you can't hang it over it.

These were latest standards SNiP. The old ones are different to some extent. If you have an old style column in the bathroom, you can replace it with a new one - this will not be a violation of the law.

We prepare documents before connecting the geyser

Initial installation is often accompanied by at great expense and work with a bunch of documentation. However, this fact does not repel apartment owners.

If there is no gas pipeline in the house, you will have to independently lay the gas supply lines. This will require a lot of money, so it is advisable to team up with neighbors who also want to install speakers.

What stages of documentation must the owner go through?

Firstly, to obtain consent from gas distributors and transporters for gas supply and for the installation of a land allotment under the gas pipeline. Plus, calculate the consumption and get an extract with technical specifications.

Second, create a project. This includes the conclusion of an agreement, the collection of all documents and their thorough examination, obtaining permission from inspections.

Thirdly, after the installation work is completed, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with GORGAZ and OBLGAZ.

It is impossible to legalize such activities without the relevant documents. Below is a list of them.

  • a document confirming your ownership of the apartment (photocopy);
  • 2nd, 3rd, 5th page of the passport (photocopy);
  • a photocopy of the taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • permission to process your personal data;
  • a document on the purchase of gas and a letter indicating the conclusion of an agreement for the forthcoming work;
  • document on the maintenance of gas equipment;
  • specifications for gas connection and confirmation of the fulfillment of technical conditions;
  • a photocopy of the act stating the division of property between the homeowner and the gas distributor;
  • photocopy technical passport gas meter and conclusion about its verification; a copy of the entire project and a stamp from the Gazprom branch.

How to install a geyser

Now we come to the actual installation gas water heater in the apartment. After you have managed to register the activity in all inspections, conduct gas lines, get full set documentation and fulfill all technical conditions, setting up a gas column will not be difficult.

Main stages:

  1. Remove the front panel and determine the location of the anchors by marking the fasteners. Checking the correctness of the markup is carried out using building level. Drill holes, screw in dowels and anchors.
  2. Install the fixing plate (present in most models) and align with the building level.
  3. Place the column directly on the plate. A characteristic click will indicate the correctness of this action.
  4. From the outlet of the water heater to the common chimney, put corrugated pipe. Work the wall with a perforator, insert a chimney there. The space between the wall and the chimney must be sealed with foam.

Selecting a location for installation

The norms for installing a geyser in an apartment suggest correct placement equipment. First of all, they are based on the installation of the hood in accordance with all the rules, the convenience of the location of the water heater and the possibility of communications.

The volume of the room must exceed 8m3.

The wall on which the unit is hung must be fireproof. Otherwise, use galvanized a metal sheet up to 1 mm thick. If we talk about at what height to hang a geyser, then everything is for sure - from the side panel to the wall at least 15 cm and in front of the front panel at least 60 cm of free space.

In a living space, you can either place a new appliance in the kitchen, or replace an old one in the bathroom. About how to install a gas water heater in a private house, we can say that the installation rules are the same as in apartment building. These were the requirements for installing a gas column in an apartment, private housing. It can also be placed in non-residential specialized premises with the appropriate permits.


If you need to replace the column, then first of all we dismantle the old device. Be sure to check the quality of the locking of the valve for gas pipe to avoid gas leakage. All valves in the water supply must be closed.

Now disconnect all pipes and a flexible gas hose from the column. The chimney is also being dismantled. The column is removed (after detaching the front panel).

Very often the wall needs cosmetic repairs. Old fasteners are removed, and the holes are filled with a special solution.

When finishing installation, the wall is leveled. A special adapter is connected to the chimney for connecting corrugations. pipes.


You will need:

  • drill (or puncher) with a set of drills (0.8-1 cm);
  • a set of fasteners (self-tapping screws, anchors), the type of fastening is selected depending on the speaker manufacturer;
  • bubble, laser level.

To gain access to the water heater fasteners, you need to remove the front panel. Further, according to the markings of these fasteners, mark on the wall the places of fastening of anchors or hooks. The location of the marks must be checked by level. Using a drill, holes are drilled (2.4 pcs.), Where anchors or dowels are then placed.

Most modern models have a plate that is primarily attached to the wall. This greatly simplifies the installation of the gas column. The plate is applied to the wall, leveled and the attachment points are marked.

Drill a hole on desired height and fix the plate, put down the level. Next, drill the remaining holes. This completes the installation.

It remains to fix the water heater. Set the front panel aside so as not to damage it (it is too early to attach it yet).

The chimney for the column is most often corrugated flexible pipe of steel. Walk along the wall with a perforator, then insert the chimney. The remaining gap is either closed non-combustible insulation, or simply filled with foam.

Gas connection

When installing equipment for the first time, it is required to lay a pipe with gas. This work is carried out exclusively by specialists of gas services who have the appropriate permits. To do this, you will have to fill out an application and invite the masters. They will deal with the insertion of the tee into the pipe going to the stove. A pipe is connected to the tee and then moved to the installation site.

If you know the exact model of the device, bring the tube to the place of its junction in order to avoid the use flexible hose. Keep in mind that there is a gas valve in front of the connection. First of all, the column is mounted on the wall, and therefore the gas pipe is connected to it.

An even simpler way is to bring the edge of the pipe up to a distance of 50 cm to the installation site and complete the path by connecting the gas valve. In this case, you do not have to focus on the work schedule of the masters gas service and install at a convenient time.

Water connection

Trumpet with cold water is sent to the apparatus, and hot wiring is carried out throughout the house. It is better to connect to the water heater using an American (connection with a movable cap nut).

Along the lines of hot and cold water be sure to place ball valves as shut-off valves.

The durability of the heat exchanger depends on the purity of the water. Therefore, it is advisable to install a filter.

Pipes can be run in two ways:

  1. At a distance of less than 30 cm, connect with a flexible hose or copper tube.
  2. Depending on the material of the main wiring, make a direct connection of metal-plastic, polypropylene, steel pipes.

Starting and configuring the geyser

Before starting, check for seams. Gas and water pipes must be airtight. To check if this is the case, there is a proven way:

treat all connections and fittings with soapy water;

  • open the gas cock;
  • check for bubbles on the connections;
  • it is much easier to check the joints of the water supply, just make sure they are dry.

The launch is carried out according to the instructions of the purchased device. Another milestone- setting. It is produced using a pressure gauge (the price of this device can vary greatly depending on the functionality). The gas pressure is set with an adjustment bolt, and the air supply with a shim.

Video: do-it-yourself gas column connection