Not like everyone else: eight inspiring stories about unusual businesses

Many people believe that not everyone can do business. They complain about the lack of start-up capital, look for win-win ideas, and wait for the right moment. The following facts may change their mind and attitude towards business.

1. There are 28 million small businesses in the US

This is 1162 times more than the number of large corporations. 70% of US small businesses are made up of one person. Small businesses employ more than half of all US employees. This fact confirms that almost everyone can start a business. Although in recent times the number of new firms created during the year was less than the number of closed firms. (Brookings Institution )

Visual ratio of the number of small firms and corporations in the United States on the chart

2. You can start a business in New Zealand in one day

In this country, legislation allows you to register an enterprise in one day. Singapore laws allow you to start a business in 3 days. Saudi Arabia guarantees entrepreneurs registration in 5 days. Registering a business in China and India takes more than a month.

Number of days to register a business

3. Only half of businesses live more than five years

About 50% of new businesses close within five years of opening. 30% of them stop working after two years. Internet entrepreneurs use the term "valley of death". It means the first months and years of the project. If a business venture crosses the valley of death and does not shut down, its chances of serious success increase.

30% of businesses close in two years

4. Nearly half of the Fortune 500 companies have dropped out in 10 years.

The Fortune Global 500 list includes the largest corporations in the world. In particular, it includes the Russian Gazprom, Lukoil, Sberbank and several other companies. 40% of the companies included in this list in 2000 gave way to new players.

This means that new companies always have a chance to push recognized leaders and bypass them. This is exemplified by the Internet corporations that have literally changed the global corporate landscape.

In 10 years, the composition of the Fortune 500 list will be updated by almost half

5. Millennials are more likely to add brands as friends than relatives.

Millennials (people born between 1980 and 2000) are three times more likely to be added as friends in in social networks brands and companies than their relatives. At the same time, three-quarters of this generation will not be upset if any brand whose product they use ceases to exist.

On the one hand, this indicates the desire of the solvent population to receive commercial information from business, including data on discounts, sales, new collections, etc. On the other hand, the belief in the existence of an emotional connection between business and consumers is not supported by facts.

The wealthy generation follows brands, but does not become emotionally attached to them.

6. From 2010 to 2013, the amount of content on the Internet tripled

The volume of content on the Internet is growing exponentially. And by 2017, more than 90% of the total content on the Web will be video. This is due to the growth in the number of Internet users, the migration of marketing budgets from television and radio to the Web, an increase bandwidth Internet channels, development technical capabilities computers and mobile gadgets.

The role of the Internet in business will grow. It will become the dominant transmission channel marketing information: advertisements, commercial reviews, information about new products, etc.

By 2017, 90% of content will be video

7. Children in the US and Canada spend over $500 million annually on chewing gum.

Children's spending on sweets is rising even during economic downturns. Parents tend to give their children pocket money, even if it means denying yourself something to do so.

From a business perspective, this means that businesses targeting children are more resilient to the economic cycle. Many children's products sell at a higher markup than adult products.

Kids in the US and Canada love chewing gum

8. More people in the world have Cell Phones than access to a toilet with a sewer

There are 6 billion mobile phone users in the world. At the same time, only 4.5 billion people on the planet have access to a toilet with a sewer. Even if you take into account the fact that many people have two or more SIM cards, the numbers remain impressive.

First, people are willing to buy gadgets and spend money on cellular communications, even if they do not have access to basic amenities. Secondly, the authorities and businesses are ready to build high-tech infrastructure, for example, to install cell towers, even where they have not had time to build social infrastructure, such as sewerage and water supply.

It's easier for people to access gadgets than a sewer toilet

9. Gambling is one of the most profitable businesses

Casino and slot machines generate more profits than the music and film industries, ticket sales for sports events, selling tickets to amusement parks and cruise ships combined. Of course, in many countries of the world gambling is prohibited. However, in the age of the Internet, this obstacle is surmountable.

A good reason to open an online casino

Businesses spend about $500 billion a year on advertising. According to numerous studies, the audience pays attention to no more than 12% of advertising messages. Thus, brands throw away 440 billion dollars a year.

Nowadays, business has begun to pay more attention to the phenomenon of audience deafness to advertising. To overcome immunity potential clients, companies began to abandon traditional advertising in favor of alternative ways marketing.

The vast majority of advertising messages go unheard: people ignore them

11. One in three Americans have not saved a penny for retirement.

36% of American wage earners have no retirement savings. This means that they will be forced to work until they die, since in the United States the solidarity pension system does not cover all citizens.

This situation threatens the stability of the US financial system. The fact is that private pension funds are among the main investors in the US stock market, as well as among the main depositors of banks. The post-war generation is now retiring and gradually withdrawing funds from pension funds. And young people do not make contributions to retirement accounts. This means that the stock market is on the verge of a severe downturn, and the banking system will not be able to maintain the current level of lending.

1 in 3 Americans don't save for retirement

12. In the US, small businesses file 13 times more patents than corporations.

Small businesses are forced to innovate in order to survive. Because of this, they register 13 times more patents than large firms. This means that in order to be successful in many areas of small business, you must experiment.

Small business is more innovative

13. The typical smartphone owner checks it 150 times a day.

Smartphone owners look at the screen of their device hundreds of times a day. Most often, they check email and social media accounts. This can be used for marketing purposes: SMM and mailing lists e-mail you can target a mobile audience.

Brands can reach mobile users

14. Young people do not work in large companies

The proportion of young people under the age of 35 in the staff of Fortune Global 500 companies is 7%. The share of young employees in organizations is growing as the scale of business decreases.
This means that the new generation does not fit into the corporate world. In addition, this may indicate the desire of young people to open their own business.

Big companies don't hire young people

15. Consumers trust employees more than bosses.

Half of consumers believe that the truth about the product can be learned from an ordinary employee of the company. 43% of consumers believe that only the boss of the company will tell the truth. 7% believe that businesses do not share the whole truth with consumers.

This means that it is more profitable for sellers to build relationships with customers at the level of ordinary employees. At the same time, top managers can connect to communication in exceptional situations.

Clients trust ordinary managers

16. New customers cost more than retaining old ones.

Business spends 6 times more funds to attract new customers than to retain existing ones. This means that businesses should pay attention to working with old customers, invest in loyalty programs and remarketing.

The ratio of costs of attracting new and retaining old customers

17. Customer satisfaction is 70% dependent on service

After buying a quality product, the customer may remain dissatisfied. And buying a product of compromise quality can satisfy him. The fact is that customer satisfaction is 70% dependent on the level of service, but only 30% on the quality of the product.

Good customer service is important

Photos from open sources

Business and entrepreneurship is one of the serious areas of earning. Everyone is hearing famous brands and manufacturers. But do we know everything about them? Perhaps this collection of 10 facts will come as a surprise to many and will make you look at the business world from a different angle.

1. The first fact is related to an American company engaged in retail and hosting. it Amazon online store founded in 1995. To date, the store is one of the most popular in the network. In just one second, the store manages to sell an average of 163 products. It is difficult to imagine how many goods he sells in one day.

2. Did you know that Monday is the most unproductive day of the week. It turns out that a person's performance on Monday is significantly reduced after three hours labor and this is not a joke. If you want to bring maximum benefit to your employer, and to yourself personally, work on Tuesday. Productivity will skyrocket compared to Monday.

3. This fact is connected with the dreams of most men. Almost every man wants to have in his arsenal such a “candy” as a Bentley, Bugatti, Audi, Porsche or Lamborghini. But what unites all these well-known brands besides their exorbitant prices with many zeros after the first digit? In fact, all these car brands are owned by the Volkswagen concern.

4. Why do you think chains of large stores place children's toys on the lower shelves? Yes, because this is such a cunning marketing ploy. After all, children are not tall people, unlike an adult, and it is problematic for them to reach the upper racks. Therefore, when children's goods are located on the lower racks, it is very convenient for the child to grab them and throw them into the basket to mom or dad, especially if the parents do not see this. And at the checkout already, like it or not, you have to pay for the goods. Do you want to keep your savings and protect your nervous system from children's tantrums, then roll your children in carts.

5. And this fact is simply shocking. This is a McDonald's fast food restaurant. The fact is that in 2010 the company fired 155 of its employees. The reason was that the workers fed homeless people with leftover food. It is frustrating to realize that even a large multi-billion dollar company like McDonald's can be so petty.

6. Now about the world of music. Fender, a well-known guitar and audio amplifier company, was founded by a man who did not and still does not know how to play the guitar. His name is Leo Fender. Surprisingly, it's a fact.

7. In the United States, there is such a thing as black Friday". On this day there are big discounts on all products. So much money is being spent that it would be enough to feed all the hungry on earth for two years.

8. It turns out that there are businessmen much richer than Bill Gates. This is John Rockefeller and Carlos Slim. The first is considered the richest man on the planet at the beginning of the 20th century, and the second - the 21st century. An interesting fact is that if Rockefeller's money is transferred to our current course, taking into account all the subtleties, it turns out that in the 20th century he was 5 times richer than his modern follower.

9. Believe it or not, the best-selling product in the world is not super cool cars or fancy phones, but the most common Rubik's cubes, the original name of which was "magic cube". And in second place in the ranking of the best-selling goods is the sale of mobile phones from Apple.

10. Duracell- largest company for the production of batteries. It would seem that what prevents such a large and profitable company from using modern material to build their offices. However, the company exercised the right to build part of its newly erected office, from materials that were made from waste own production. Some strange companies.

Heroes of our time: not like everyone else: eight inspiring stories about unusual businesses

In 2017, the small business portal website published hundreds of interesting stories about entrepreneurs who launched their business from scratch and develop it no matter what. During the New Year holidays, we decided to remind readers of some of our heroes. This compilation contains eight inspiring stories about entrepreneurs who have come up with a very unusual business.

Monsters to order:
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Once in the rooms of fear, specially hired boys jumped out of the darkness and screamed heart-rendingly - they frightened the public. Nobody pays for this today. The quest participant demands that a monster is a monster, and an alien is an alien! And if there is demand, then there must be supply. Ivan Plotnikov, the founder of the sculpture and props studio FreeArt, told the portal about how to make a business on monsters, aliens, basilisks from Harry Potter and other otherworldly creatures.

Put everything on the map:
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Deciding to become an entrepreneur, Artyom Ruzheynikov started making accessories for shoes. When the business went down, he began to look for ways that would help to stay afloat. After testing about two dozen different business ideas, he unexpectedly created a sought-after product - a map of the world in the form of a wall puzzle. Now it is sold in more than 20 countries around the world, and the MiMi design studio that produces it no longer suffers losses.

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Buying clothes and shoes over the Internet still scares away many users - among other things, they are afraid that the chosen item will not fit in size. The Imigize contactless shoe fitting service can help online stores attract new customers. Valery Chernik, co-founder of the Imigize project, told the website about how the unique technology was developed and how to enter the world market using 3D models of legs.

A place on the wall - a niche for business:
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When Andras Gusti, the owner of the Begemot Begemot mobile development studio, acquired the Hello Poster niche marketplace, he expected to quickly update the technical part, set up advertising and get a project that works without the participation of the owner and brings passive income. Everything turned out almost the opposite: to breathe into the project new life, Andrasz had to plunge into the wondrous world of posters with his head. Andras Gusti told the Biz360 portal how the Hello Poster renovation went.

For most people, business is something beyond, where huge amounts of money are moving, and the chances of successfully opening and promoting your own business are negligible. They believe that starting a business requires a lot of money that they do not own, and a win-win idea is necessary for success. Here are some startling facts about entrepreneurial activity which we hope will change the vision of many people.

1. There are over 30 million small businesses in the United States of America

This number exceeds more than 2000 times the number of medium and large firms and companies. Small businesses employ 70% of the American population. This fact indicates that absolutely anyone can open their own business.

2. You can start a business in New Zealand in just one day

In New Zealand, it is possible to register a company in just one day. The fact is that government bodies of this country are trying in every possible way to encourage citizens of their country, as well as foreign investors, to do business in New Zealand by simplifying the registration of private companies, low primary taxes and reducing the portfolio of necessary securities that are necessary to legitimize the right to do business.

3. Only 55% of businesses live more than four years

About 55% of new private institutions close within five years of registration. The fact is that at the initial stage of formation, businessmen often do not withstand high level competition, make certain mistakes, etc. And for any company, one of the most difficult periods of its life cycle is First stage, the duration of which varies from three to seven years. If the business successfully survived this stage relatively gently, then success is guaranteed.

4. In the US and Canada, children spend over $1.5 billion annually on sweets.

Even during periods of economic instability, profits from sales of sweets are growing! Such stability is not found in any other industrial business. Children spend their pocket money, which their parents deduct for them, on chocolate products, chewing gum, etc. Businesses targeting children are the most resilient in times of economic downturns.

5. The number of people who own mobile phones exceeds the number of people who own sewerage and water supply.

There are 6 billion users on Earth mobile communications. When as soon as 5 billion inhabitants of the planet have Free access use of water supply and sewerage. People are ready to neglect essential goods and purchase modern gadgets and electrical appliances.

6. Gambling is the most profitable type of business

Casinos make huge profits. The profit of gambling firms exceeds the film industry, heavy industry, football clubs. True, in many countries gambling is banned. But not just on the internet.

7. $500 billion is the amount of money famous brands spend on advertising

According to researchers, only 15% of advertising remains in the attention of the audience. We can make a simple conclusion that companies are simply throwing money away. Just imagine how this money would help the poor and residents of third world countries.

3. In 1997, when college friends were just starting to create an algorithm capable of finding any information on the Internet, they did not know how it would all end. Then they were young students who wanted to get a good education. There was not enough time to work and the guys decide to sell their algorithm to Yahoo for $1 million. Yahoo even bargained for up to 500 thousand, but ultimately refused. The guys continued to work with the algorithm and subsequently the company Google was created, which is now valued at $ 250 billion.

4. In the United States, entrepreneurs are trying to register everything so that in the future there will be an opportunity to protect their rights in court. So, Facebook has officially registered the words "face" "book" "like" "poke" and "wall" as official trademarks.

5. Lego is an incredible construction set that I will remember from the very early childhood. But most of all, the details that were scattered throughout the house will be remembered. stepping on them bare foot, experienced not the most pleasant feelings, but memories remained. So, the Lego company created so many details that each inhabitant of the earth would have 50 pieces.

6. And now incredible fact from the world of music and show business. What do you think pop singers sing about the most? According to statistics, 92% of all their songs are related to sex in one way or another.

7. Gangnam Style is a video that has captured the minds of mankind. Only the lazy did not jump to the bizarre sounds performed by the Korean rapper. Interestingly, this clip was watched by more than a billion people on YouTube, and this is an absolute record. Before that, no video was gaining such popularity.

8. Love requires sacrifice - a phrase that everyone has heard. But when I read the following fact, I get the impression that British stylists interpret it in their own way. Beauty requires sacrifice, and this is true. In the best salons in Britain, stylists use bull semen as a hair conditioner. Incredible, but true.

9. McDonald's is a ruthless company. This is the impression that can be formed after reading the following fact. In 2010, the company fired 155 people because they were handing out leftover food to the homeless. After that, believe in their charity and desire to help someone.

10. Toy Story is a cult cartoon that changed the entire animated film industry. Steve Jobs can be considered the godfather of this cartoon, because it was he who bought the Pixar company, invested a lot of time and effort in making this cartoon appear on the big screens.

11. Thousands of people register on social networks every day, but this fact is not remarkable. Not less people and die. Yes, yes, you got it right. To date, Facebook has more than 25 million accounts of deceased people.

12. Love to drive on the road? Then you definitely should not go to Finland. According to the laws of this country, the fine is determined based on the annual income of the violator. Once a reckless driver paid a fine of 200,000 euros.

13. Site statistics, here is another interesting fact for our rating. In 2013, the lowest ranking porn site in the US was on Thanksgiving. Of course, everyone was with their families, and they did not consider naked girls.

14. Do you often buy things in stock stores? I often, because they are there with a good discount, while brand new. But if you ever see a thing from Louis Vuitton among other things, then know that it is a fake. The company has such a policy that unsold items from the new collection are simply burned.

15. An interesting fact for music lovers. The creator of the famous Fender guitars, Leo Fender, never knew how to play this instrument.

16. Monday is a tough day. And it is not just words. Scientists have proven that it is on this day that the productivity of work is the lowest. The average worker is enough for a little more than 3 hours, then the efficiency rapidly goes to zero.

17. Black Friday is the day of the biggest discounts in the USA. Many make senseless, I would even say stupid, purchases. One statistical agency considered that the money spent on this day was enough to feed all the hungry on earth for 2 years.

18. How much do you think Bill Gates will have to work to buy a new $150,000 Ferrari? Believe it or not, but only 10 minutes, because he earns $ 250 per second.

19. John Rockefeller was the richest man in the world at the beginning of the 20th century. If we transfer his money to the modern rate, and even take into account inflation, then we can confidently say that he was already 5 times richer than the Mexican Carlos Slim, who is the richest man in the modern world.

20. What do you think is the best selling product in the world. I'm sure not many will guess. Rubik's Cube, it is he who occupies the first, leading line. In second place is the iPhone.