Love horoscope for June according to the signs of the zodiac

This month, representatives of your zodiac sign are expected to positive change, which means that you can boldly move forward towards achieving your goal! Astrological forecast portends Virgo cardinal advances and changes in life. Some representatives of this sign will change leadership, someone will change their job, and in individual cases- and where you live.

Virgos who need help can count on their close relatives and good friends. However, serious support will come to you only from an imperious patron.

The talismans of the Virgin in June 2018 will be:

A rock: Amethyst

Animal: Sable

Number: 21

Colour: Turquoise

Plant: Gladiolus

Name: Olga

Mascot: Brisingamen

Happy (favorable) days for Virgo in June: 2, 12, 19, 23, 25, 29.

Unlucky (unfavorable) days for Virgo in June: 7, 15, 20.

Joint business with your friends, as well as trusting relationships with partners will help you overcome all the difficulties that stand in your way. If you have common views on life, then there is a high probability that your relationship will be long-lasting. Virgo horoscope for June 2018 does not recommend you to give up useful advice influential friend. This person sincerely wants the best for you.

At the end of the month, under the impression of ongoing events, Virgo may experience deep disappointment. Fortunately, the horoscope says that this feeling will take hold of the representatives of your zodiac sign for a short time, because life still goes on. From the confrontation with the leadership or with the people on whom you depend, this month you better give up. All the same, you prove nothing to them, only add problems to yourself.

Love relationships and marriage

If life lonely virgin boring and monotonous, and the soul wants love - then you should “come out of the shadows” and start looking for your soulmate. Some of the Virgos will begin to perform non-standard actions, while others will only need to declare their existence, and consider that the goal has already been achieved. The second option is more suitable for women, although exceptions are possible.

For those Virgos who are not yet in a strong relationship, the love horoscope for June 2018 promises bright and memorable meetings with new people. You will begin, like a magnet, to attract people of the opposite sex, and it will be impossible to resist this attraction. Among this many new acquaintances, there will definitely be your man. You will immediately understand and feel it.

According to the horoscope for the Virgo sign for June 2018, the union family people will survive the renaissance with their moments of happiness during the period of romantic intimacy. Virgo will occupy all the thoughts of her partner, and he will see only her and no one else.

Family Virgo, do not forget about children who need attention, care and love, regardless of their age. Spend as much time as possible in the home circle, and find an activity that everyone will like. Moreover, Virgo women are ideal mothers, and Virgo men are responsible fathers. The horoscope for June 2018 claims that it will not be difficult for you to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the house.

Work and career

In June 2018, the career and finance horoscope predicts Virgo, who is busy looking for work, a lot of available vacancies. But don't make hasty decisions! Before agreeing to an employer's offer, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. Rational and prudent Virgo must do right choice which will help her to achieve further career development and material well-being.

At the beginning of the summer, you may have conflicts over working moments with your colleagues and partners. Financial horoscope does not recommend Virgo in June 2018 to confront their environment. But if it was not possible to maintain an even relationship, try to immediately minimize all undesirable consequences. Otherwise, complications and financial losses are possible. You should only move to a new job as a last resort. Just for the sake of new sensations, this is not worth it.

Due to some miscalculations and failures, Virgo may experience depression. You are pragmatic, punctual, responsible, and suddenly such annoyance! But the less you feel sorry for yourself, the faster you will get out of this state. The horoscope declares that in June 2018, dominance and arrogance can play a cruel joke with the Virgo leader, and you will lose what you have been seeking for so long.

Do not refuse business trips, business negotiations, as well as attending trainings, courses and seminars. In the future, the acquired knowledge will be useful to you, and you will begin to move forward. career ladder and, if you wish, open your own business. Help the people around you, and you will gain a reputation as a decent and sympathetic person. Many will want to do business with you!

Virgo Health in June

A good psycho-emotional state and doing what you love will allow Virgo to practically not complain about her health at the beginning of summer. However, some representatives of your zodiac sign in June 2018, according to the horoscope, will experience discomfort caused by seasonal allergies. When manifested similar illness you should visit a specialist who can choose the best course of treatment for you.

The horoscope claims that rational nutrition in June is a guarantee of excellent well-being for Virgo. Special attention should turn to products that strengthen the joints. These are kefir and low-fat milk, calcium-rich foods - cod liver, egg yolks, olive oil, nuts and greens. If you have joint disease, stop drinking carbonated drinks, beer, chocolate and sorrel.

The life of Virgos passes under the active influence of Mars and Jupiter, which will absolutely not let them get bored and relax throughout the entire period - the horoscope predicts for June 2020. Virgos rarely live by feelings, they are pragmatists, practitioners and natures are extremely active. And now is the time to use these qualities of your character.


In June, Virgo may receive an offer that at first glance is tempting and promising, and it will be very difficult for Virgo to refuse it. And it is here that Virgo needs to apply all her pragmatism, the ability to question everything, to completely turn off emotions and feelings. The decision should be taken solely on the basis of sober calculation. And, if after a thorough analysis, finding out all the pitfalls and currents, you still decide to accept this offer, then do not rush and think again!

In addition, the stars strongly recommend abandoning real estate transactions, changing the type of activity, workplace. This is especially true for Virgos born under the influence of Venus (September 3-11). Soft, shy and doubtful, Venus will not be able to resist the influence of giants such as Mars and Jupiter on your destiny. Therefore, cardinal changes in your life are now highly undesirable. Real estate transactions can end in failure due to financial fraud of partners, a job change can turn into a complete disappointment, and business expansion can turn into irreparable financial losses.

The impulsiveness and incorrectness of Virgos will most likely go to the detriment. The phrase said by Virgo in the heat of the moment threatens to spoil relations among colleagues for a long time. Arrogance is characteristic of many Virgos, and under the influence of Mars and Jupiter, it can reach extraordinary proportions. This, too, will not benefit the representatives of the sign, it will alienate many previously sympathetic colleagues from them, and even more so the leadership.


The family life of Virgos, even with a big stretch, cannot be called calm and even in June. The inability and unwillingness to restrain emotions, the inability to respect the feelings and desires of your loved ones will destroy the family idyll until the very end of the month. Try to be gentle and friendly in disputes, or better yet, avoid them altogether. This will benefit both you and your partner. Your half is already having a hard time with your difficult temper, and in June you can be simply unbearable.

The virgins are now not in the the best location spirit, and this will affect their romantic relationship. If they are dear to you, try to escape from your usual environment at least for a while. A vacation or a weekend spent together by lovers will help you get new emotions and impressions, which will serve as an excellent foundation for their further construction.

In June, Virgos can safely do repairs or shopping. The forces spent on repairs will be able to remove excessive emotionality, and purchases that are pleasant and sweet to the heart will soften the temper of the Virgin. In addition, the purchases will be practical and profitable, and the renovation, which began in June, will end with the desired result and on schedule. AT color scheme used for interior decoration, give preference calm flowers and shades - beige, coffee, pale lemon.

Virgos who decide to change their image should do it in June. A change in style in clothes or makeup, hairstyles or an image in general, will only bring positive emotions a lot of satisfaction and will be appreciated by your surroundings.

The horoscope for June 2020 does not recommend Virgos to take long trips, especially to exotic countries. You will spend much more useful time spending it with your children. Spend more time educating and developing them. Take a joint outing into nature, ride a bike or rollerblade together, discuss a movie you watched the day before. Not only your child, but also you can get great pleasure from this.

Virgo child

Parents of a child-Virgo stars are advised to carefully monitor the state of his weight. Little Virgos are prone to overeating and do not really like active and outdoor games, as a result, their body weight very often tends to exceed the norm. Remember that it is in the family that eating habits and ideas about food are formed. the right way the child's life. Now it is not too late to make the necessary adjustments, and the entire responsibility for the health of the child lies entirely on your shoulders.

Pay great attention to the child's diet, as well as the calorie content of the food he consumes. Balance your diet towards increasing fiber and vitamins, especially since now is the best time for this. right time, and summer will offer a lot of delicious cooking options. Eliminate the consumption of bakery products by the child. Fresh vegetables and fruit will be a great alternative to buns and pies.

Give the child to sports section, children are naturally curious and active, so this will not be difficult for you.


The health of Virgos does not cause much concern, despite the fact that most Virgos are not in the best psycho-emotional state. Many Virgos in June will be prone to seasonal allergies. The most common allergy symptom in Virgos is rhinitis and various dermatoses. The cause of allergies is the growth and flowering of many allergenic plants.

Allergic rhinitis is a good reason to visit an allergist. An experienced specialist will be able to choose an effective course of treatment. Modern medicine offers wide selection antihistamines and topical steroids, which will help, if not completely cure the disease, then greatly alleviate its course and smooth out the symptoms. Therefore, do not put off going to the doctor for a long time, it will help you live more comfortably.

In June, Virgos should abandon real estate transactions, change the type of activity, workplace.
Spend time with your family and spending time with your children.
Horoscope for Virgo for July 2020.

Horoscope for June 2019: Virgo will actively resolve issues of personal and business relationships in the team. She will have to build new connections and break old ones, do a complete reset of relationships, reflect every second on how other people influence his life.


Due to the fact that some members of your work team will not behave very plausibly, you will have to work hard and energetically. Moreover, both for himself and for “that guy”. Circumstances will force the representative of the zodiac house to work hard and take work very seriously. Virgo will be engaged in "long-term" projects, work for the future, plan for months and years ahead, overcome a lot of difficulties and all sorts of troubles, it is not clear where they come from on the Virgo's path. But the most difficult thing for Virgo to do is to argue with superiors or those in power. Work in June 2019 will take all the strength from the representatives of the zodiac house. The main events in the business field of Virgo will take place no earlier than June 15-18, and after these days you will no longer have any doubts about what is the most promising in work.


AT last decade June 2019, due to the influence of Uranus, Virgo will feel a sense of fear of the future, and the greatest desire will be the desire to hide from life's problems in a reliable rear - the walls own house. Now Virgo really needs moral support and approval from her family and loved ones. And, if Virgo is sure that she has someone to rely on in a difficult moment, she is able to move mountains and achieve success even in what seems unrealistic at first glance. If a representative of the zodiacal house of support has nowhere to wait, he may give up, and this will have a detrimental effect on all his affairs. Therefore, it is in the interests of the representatives of the sign to make every effort to have loving and understanding people next to them during this period - your family and friends! Their support and love will be the most effective incentive for you to move towards success and victory!

On June 25-29, tense situations may arise in the family of many Virgos due to the behavior of teenage children. The child will try to assert itself at the expense of parental authority. It is imperative to speak out all the questions that have arisen out loud and not let the situation take its course. The connivance of parents can lead to disastrous consequences. It is not too late to correct the behavior of the child.

virgin woman

For many Virgos in June 2019, it will be a very timely review for the relevance of their wardrobe. It's time to make adjustments to it. Representatives of the sign often prefer those things in which they are comfortable to the detriment of the quality and style of clothing. They are often seen wearing worn sweaters and sneakers. Sometimes it happens completely out of time and place. Do not forget that they still meet by clothes, and sometimes it looks so ridiculous on Virgos that it may not be necessary to see off the mind. Try to bring your wardrobe in line with your daily needs. It does not hurt to bring elegance and aristocratic restraint to it.

Virgo Man

Virgo men in June 2019 are advised by the stars to listen less to the opinions of others. Virgos are very dependent on public opinion, they very often deny themselves something that they really need, for the sake of society. In addition, advice from an elderly relative can do a disservice. Intuitively, the Virgo man will feel that the advice will not lead to the desired result, but he will listen to him anyway. The star advises the Virgo man to trust himself more and live with his own mind.

Many representatives of the stronger sex may have difficulties due to car breakdowns or household appliances. Do not do repairs yourself. It is better to resort to the help of professional craftsmen - now you will not be able to grasp the immensity.

Virgo Child

Little Virgo in June 2019 will be the center of attention of her entire family. In fairness, it must be noted that loving and pampering the Virgin is a pleasure. But older relatives, grandparents, very often openly harm educational process because of his boundless love for his grandson or granddaughter. Conversations with grandparents will not bring the expected result, so it is better to limit the time the child communicates with representatives of the older generation in June 2019.


The health of Virgos in June 2019 can be harmed by alcohol abuse and promiscuity in food. It is best to avoid alcohol altogether. In addition, Virgos need to be more careful about where and what they eat. Representatives of the sign often have to snack on the run, getting food where they have to. In June 2019, food poisoning can knock you out of the cage for a long time and cause quite substantial harm health. Problems are easier to prevent than to fix later. Therefore, try not to eat in unfamiliar places, be sure to check the expiration dates and the composition of the products. And, if the food causes even the slightest suspicion of not being very high quality or freshness, it is better to stay hungry than to end up in a hospital bed.

In June, many representatives of the sign will be unpleasantly surprised by extra pounds around the waist. And this is not surprising. Virgos lead a sedentary lifestyle, among them is the largest percentage of people engaged in mental work. In the middle of summer, you need to start an active fight against excess weight. The period of the waning moon will be the most reliable assistant in this. It is at this time that it will be easiest to part with excess weight. Sweet tooth should limit the consumption of goodies that are detrimental to their figure. Sweets are a source of light carbohydrates that are easily deposited in the fat layer. Remember this when eating another bun or chocolate bar.

Horoscope for June 2019 Virgo will break old relationships and build new ones.
Stars recommend the Virgo man to listen less to the opinions of others.
Virgo, more than ever in June 2019, needs the support of the family.
Horoscope for July 2019 Virgo.

In June 2018, the stars will give Virgo many opportunities to control their destiny. She will be able to strengthen contacts with others and significantly change the situation in her life. professional field. The horoscope advises not to pay attention to the fact that someone will disagree with your opinion. Only you know what you really need.

The main tasks of the month of Virgo

For most of this month, the Sun will be in your 10th house, the area of ​​personal success and career. It will endow Dev with energy and determination, the desire to be ahead and the ability to solve all issues on their own. It is not surprising that in June 2018 your most cherished desires may come true. That's just others may relate to this differently - usually accommodating and soft, Virgo this month will show a rare intransigence. On the other hand, according to the horoscope, they should not forget that much more can be achieved with the help of collective work. According to the Virgo horoscope, June 2018 will be the time when you can get unexpected attentions from your work colleague. But Virgos who are in a relationship will have to worry a little and be jealous.

Horoscope for June 2018 Virgo: study, business and contacts

In the first half of June 2018, Mercury will be in the 10th house of your horoscope, but already at the end of the second decade, it moves to the 11th house - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfriends and like-minded people. The Virgo horoscope for June 2018 predicts that at the beginning of the month you may have many ambitious plans, and thanks to your practical acumen, you will be able to achieve their implementation, using both your own diligence and numerous connections for this. The horoscope says that good time to start own business, however, as well as for further career advancement. Some representatives of the sign may receive quite lucrative job offers in the first half of June 2018. But even if you have been thinking about it for a long time, the horoscope does not advise you to immediately agree. You need to think carefully about everything and calculate the opportunities that this or that vacancy provides. Now you will have the opportunity to choose, therefore, you need to choose the best.

Love and money of Virgo in June 2018

June 2018 for Virgo will be quite prosperous in financially month. Although there is never a lot of money, but now you will have enough of it not only to satisfy your personal needs, but also to save some money. The horoscope recommends thinking about how best to manage it, but does not advise real estate transactions this month.

In the first half of the month, Venus will be present in the 11th house of your horoscope. Then she advances to the 12th house - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsolitudes, restrictions, secret fears. Therefore, at the beginning of June 2018 you will have good relationship with others and complete understanding with your partner. But in his second half, according to the horoscope, some representatives of this sign may have a secret romance - for example, with a work colleague that they do not want to advertise. Or Virgo may suddenly fall in love, but being unsure of reciprocal feelings, she will prefer to keep it a secret from everyone, including from her chosen one. If you are already in a relationship, then in June 2018 you and your partner may have a lot of problems. You will suspect that he is cheating on you, and it is possible that your suspicions will be well founded. As the horoscope predicts for June 2018, Virgo should not show her feelings, but continue to study the situation in order to understand exactly how to act. Scandals and quarrels will not bring any benefit.

Horoscope for June 2018 Virgo: activity and health

Mars throughout the month takes a strong position in the 6th house of your horoscope. This is a favorable position for physical activity associated with the overall health of the body. In June 2018, the horoscope advises Virgos to pay attention to the work of their cardiovascular system. Also, due to lack of attention, loneliness or disagreements with a loved one, there is a greater likelihood of developing depression. In the first half of the month, you need to be careful when handling electrical appliances.

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In June 2018, Virgos will have a lot of pleasant little troubles. Representatives of your zodiac sign this month will have to show special insight and attentiveness, thanks to which they will be able to overcome even the most difficult obstacles.

Intuition will be especially sharpened. It will not be difficult for Virgos to foresee possible surprises that may emerge in the process of implementing plans. You should not force things and try to speed up the result, because in a hurry you can make irreparable mistakes that can cost too much.

You should also not forget that against the background of your success and in the light of the circumstances, you may have envious and ill-wishers who, in turn, will try to hinder your professional growth. Be careful with those who are actively interested in your affairs and plans.

Horoscope for decades

The first decade of June 2018, influenced by planetary aspects, will be a busy and busy time for Virgos. During this period, you will have to redo all current work, as well as to bring the work begun to its logical conclusion. Be careful with any calculations and calculations. There is a possibility of being mistaken or overlooked important detail. Try to double-check all reports and other business documentation to protect yourself from serious blunders. During this period, more than ever, you will need moral support, understanding and sympathy. Only relatives and close people can provide you with this with a vengeance. And only they can sincerely worry and be interested in your affairs. The beginning of June 2018 will be marked by sharp swings in mood. Against the backdrop of a busy workload, Virgos may experience slight malaise and weakness, household problems and fuss can cause irritation. To avoid this, try to explain to your household that you are going through difficult times right now and you need support.

The second decade of June 2018 for Virgo will be quite calm and harmonious. Representatives of your zodiac sign will have a wonderful chance to improve their living conditions and increase their well-being. And it's all to blame - a business proposal that will arrive in mid-June and will open up tempting prospects for career growth or developing your own business. Those who are experiencing financial difficulties can safely apply for a good position with a decent salary. You have every opportunity to receive an offer for long-term cooperation during this period or find a source of additional income. You will be surrounded very interesting people, which will mark the place of your friends. But be careful, and do not trust too much the first person you meet. Better strengthen relationships with old and trusted friends, and spend free time in their society.

The third decade of June 2018 is the right time to start implementation cherished desires. It is during this period that Virgos should expect changes that will break into life and partially or completely change their usual way of life. Under the favorable influence of the planetary aspects, the Virgo will be quite ready to accept the new trends of Destiny and begin to live in a new way. Do not be afraid and afraid of change. Your adaptive abilities are quite good, and the changes will enter your usual way of life gradually, delivering a minimum of discomfort that will quickly pass. The end of the month is also ideal for a change of residence, for marriage, for changing the type of activity or place of work, and many other undertakings and changes. Lonely Virgos can count on a marriage proposal from a loved one, and family representatives of your Zodiac sign will be able to enjoy harmony in relationships with a partner.

Horoscope for June 2018 Virgo

Until June 6, Virgos will be able to successfully demonstrate their business qualities, mobility, quick wits, which will be in great demand in the educational and scientific fields. But from June 7 to 18 there will be a lot of fuss, careless and ill-conceived activities that take a lot of time and effort, and as a result, it may turn out to be unproductive or useless. It will be difficult to reach an agreement and make decisions that would suit everyone. After the 22nd, Virgos will have a very difficult period when they will have to mobilize to face difficulties. Situations are likely that can be a serious spiritual test for Virgos. What they cherished can turn against them, and fate can put them in front of the need to figure out their desires and priorities.

Horoscope for June 2018 for Virgo women

Virgo women, you will be more sociable than usual, only now your requirements for the quality of communication will increase greatly. If the society is the highest, if the trip is to a prestigious resort. In June, your requests are in danger of growing to the skies, and you will want a worthy representative of the opposite sex on a pedestal next to you ...

  • Talisman of the month: a chess piece, a pendant in the form of your Zodiac sign.
  • Auspicious days: 5, 10, 14, 25 June.
  • Not auspicious days: 12, 18 June.
  • Priority of interests: fulfillment of a long-standing desire associated with your dream, self-realization.

love horoscope

Stubbornness can lead you and your partner to mutual disappointment. Do not drop your image of a romantic heroine! Do not let yourself be pressured, especially in intimate matters. As they say, take care of honor from a young age, no matter how old you are. In mid-June, your personal love desires may come into conflict with the norms of behavior that your parents instilled in you. You will want much more tenderness than you get from your loved one. Therefore, you can willingly accept signs of attention from others.

Health Horoscope

Now it is worth persistently continuing the work begun last month, a course of massage, a diet, cosmetic procedures. The result will be inspiring! You are quite suspicious and unsure of yourself. And therefore they tend to follow the lead of charlatans from medicine. Avoid specialists who recommend drastic measures to you. June is a difficult month for you. You will need maximum attention and sensitivity in relation to your health. Try to use Wednesday and Friday to properly exercise. You will be full of strength and energy these days.

Horoscope of work and finance

The main thing now is not to lose the initiative. Reassure relatives in time, contact with the right person and then the family treasury will replenish. Suppose that one of the household turned out to be a squanderer and the money went to no one knows where, postpone the showdown until later. You may not get exactly what you expected, but this is not a reason to be upset. From June 16, everyone will finally see the fruits of your labor. Only this is not a reason to turn up your nose and claim that you, as always, were right. You can be congratulated in terms of money, you will be lucky much more than before.

Horoscope for June 2018 for Virgo men

Virgo men, you can relax and unwind friends will help you unwind. A variety of communication with nice people awaits you after June 7th. Your logic, intelligence and ingenuity will help to make an indelible impression on new acquaintances, you will solve all crossword puzzles and riddles, you will shine in mind games.

  • Mascot of the month: arrow and bow, darts wall game.
  • Auspicious days: June 6, 11, 15.
  • Unfavorable days: June 13, 19.
  • Priority of interests: career advancement, achievement of a career-related goal, promotion.

love horoscope

The first week will pass peacefully, thunderstorms in family life have already died down. Nevertheless, parents will continue to put pressure on you, be persistent and patient. You will want your spouse to take over some of your responsibilities. She probably won't like it. From June 12, your personal relationships will become unmatched better and warmer. Your beloved will even be able to help you out of financial difficulties. You will be just the perfect husband and father. Your willingness to pamper loved ones will break the ice that has arisen in family relationships.

Health Horoscope

On June 11 and 15, health problems are likely. It is better not to prescribe serious medical intervention for these days of the operation, now it is undesirable. Doing well now physical therapy and do a massage. At the end of the month, you will feel tired. Your health during this period will entirely depend on how others are willing to spare you and not burden you with their problems. It's time for a medical checkup. The information you receive will be objective, and the most optimal treatment will be offered to you. From June 25 to June 27, you can successfully devote time to wellness procedures and taking care of your health.

Horoscope of work and finance

You will be able to achieve significant success in your work, for this you only need to use your connections and acquaintances wisely. Business partners can let you down, especially in the middle of the month. You need the help of a third party to understand that this is pure misunderstanding. If you can finally sort out relationships with partners, they will become yours. best friends. And profit calculations will be justified only if you act in the interests of your superiors. Now is not the time for initiative.

Children's horoscope for Virgo for June 2018


At the beginning of June you will be proud of your boy. He does well everywhere academic year and is engaged in several circles at the same time. But in the second half of the month, you will realize that your child is very tired. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to fully relax. It is not necessary now to demand the impossible from the son. Do not push him to do during this period what was difficult for him before.


Your girl will suddenly stop obeying her elders. As a rule, Virgos have no problems with behavior, but there may be difficulties with concentration. Your daughter will have her head in the clouds and think about anything but business. Don't blame her. You can help your child by taking control of the things that you consider important to her, reminding her of them more often, suggesting how to properly allocate time.