Financial horoscope. Leo weekly financial horoscope

Leo must be a well-to-do person, this is the foundation of his life. He is characterized by a great love of luxury in comparison with all other representatives of the zodiac circle. Such people live in a big way, relax on a grand scale, and this makes them look for sources of income that allow them to satisfy large financial demands.

How does a lion spend

Lions spend a lot, which causes displeasure and even anger of households, who understand that with such manners, a rubber budget is needed. But Leo continues to spend, and the situation develops in an incomprehensible way - the more money he leaves, the more earnings grow. Maintaining a reputation as a generous person adds to his confidence and vital energy. The financial horoscope states that stingy Leos usually have a much more modest level of income compared to their spendthrift counterparts in the zodiac sign. These people love to impress with broad gestures, luxury, throw money right and left - for rest, friends, entertainment and holidays. They are often casino regulars, do not waste time on trifles and are known as Fortune's favorites. But their money often goes to something more worthy, for example, to support acquaintances and even strangers who somehow seemed to them cute. Temporary financial difficulties do not demoralize Lions, but push them to look for new sources of income.

How Leo makes money

As easy as spending, Lions usually have earnings - in any case, they do not stand at the machine from bell to bell. They are remarkably good at making money with the wrong hands, turning speculative transactions, organizing people as part of a profitable project, to whom, of course, they assign a role minor characters but at the same time be honest with them.

Financial success for these people is practically guaranteed. Starting a new business, they will definitely study it comprehensively in order to understand the features, identify pitfalls, and also possible consequences one direction or another. They become strong professionals, work for highly paid jobs, but they may well change their field of activity if they smell good money elsewhere.

These people take the most significant heights if they are engaged in their own business, head a company or some kind of structure. In addition, it has been noticed that Lions earn the more, the more often people from their official and social environment get sick. For example, under their supervision successfully operate medical centers, pharmacies, etc. Other situations are possible, for example, Leo can attract the attention of his superiors, being in the place of a sick colleague.

Leo Business Horoscope Tips

It is desirable for you to have your own business, and up to 75% of the income is recommended to be invested in its further improvement and development.

If you happened to receive a large amount on the new moon, then the next 28 days in terms of money promise to be very profitable - use it to the maximum.

To keep your wealth steadily growing, always carry a one-dollar bill in your wallet.

Whatever talents you have, it is contraindicated for you to go to the intended goal over other people's heads and assert yourself at the expense of others.


Your planet is the Sun. You can also be called the sun. For everyone around you shine, shine, warm with your warmth, which, like the Sun, you have enough for everyone. Nobility and generosity are your second nature, dear Leo. And the first, by the way, is self-esteem, you are the king of animals and the king of the entire Zodiac. Life for you is a throne room, and you are a just and kind ruler in it. And there is no need for excessive modesty, you yourself know very well that your subjects adore you. You love luxury and feel uncomfortable without it. Perhaps you can only be reproached for a certain greed for flattery, but this small flaw, in any case, overshadows your many virtues.


Leo is the healthiest sign of the zodiac, so it is unlikely that you have serious health problems. However, take care of your heart and spine. Astrostar recommends: sometimes you tend to royally overestimate own forces, so rest more, do not overwork, although it is quite difficult for you. Never miss a vacation. And it’s better to devote it to doing nothing in some exotic country (just don’t rush to get acquainted with local cuisine– who knows how your stomach might react to it). Your healthy foods and supplements: apples, cheese, seafood.


Your loved one in your eyes should be an ideal. And if you have fallen in love, you are ready for anything. You do not skimp on gifts and signs of attention, literally blinding the object of passion with your radiance. This is wonderful, but still you, like a true king, sometimes tend to listen only to yourself. Astrostar astrologers recommend you: just listen to the opinion of your loved one more often, human warmth will never be replaced by the most expensive jewelry.

Work and career

You must strive to realize yourself in professional activity, and, it should be noted, almost certainly you will succeed. You feel great, first of all, in leadership positions, but you also reveal your potential in any creative profession, because a real fire of creation burns in you! You are often willing to take risks that usually pay off.


Our call to the Lion - do not hesitate! Everyone loves you, how can you not love the sun? But still, your rays can make someone wear sunglasses. You are sometimes too demanding to close people - remember about mercy! With another Leo, with Scorpio and Aquarius, you are constantly competing in everything you can; Relationships can go wild, but if you're ready for it, all the better! Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini will become excellent companions for you: you are tuned to the same wave and live with the same emotions. With Virgo and Libra, you are able to create long-term creative and business alliances. Capricorns and Taurus are not close to you, they think too mundane for you. You yourself are wary of Pisces and Cancers - who can understand them, these water signs?


It is not fitting for a lion to dress modestly; you should shine in the throne room and on the tram. You like bright colours, custom fit, designer shoes. Why not, after all? Our only wish: in your desire to stand out from the crowd, do not overdo it, choose an outfit according to the occasion.


Your home is your palace, in which you create your own with great pleasure. small world. Latest Achievements Italian design, fashionable Japanese motifs, African decorations - all this can be perfectly combined in your interior of one room, in which, by the way, you love to receive guests. And for your guests visiting your home is a real treat.

The financial side of life has always been important to people. You can achieve success and increase your savings with the help of the recommendations of the weekly financial horoscope.

In March, life picks up pace, and people, waking up from hibernation, begin to work actively in order to achieve material well-being. The energy of the planets will allow many representatives of the zodiac circle to succeed in the business field, so do not miss the opportunity to start new projects. Your work will definitely pay off, and you will get the opportunity not to deny yourself the pleasure of spending what you earn on your needs.


Aries succeed in business area the energy of Mars will help. His influence will increase due to his stay in the constellation Sagittarius. However, astrologers recommend that representatives of your Sign learn to control emotions, because an aggressive planet can make you show aggression. Otherwise, the influence of the planet will favorably affect both career growth, and on promising deposits.

Self-confidence and upholding the right to personal opinion will allow you to expand the boundaries of possibilities. Aries should not miss the chance to develop not only in their industry, but also make efforts to acquire additional skills. In early March, you have every chance to change your job or position. The beginning of spring will also be successful for starting a business.


Taurus should beware of the energy of Neptune. This planet will negatively affect your mood and you can complicate business relationships. To avoid conflicts, astrologers recommend doing things that do not require the intervention of outsiders. During this period, you will be able to draw up business projects, as well as plan the development of your own business.

Your success will depend on your determination and desire to reach new heights. Direct energy in a peaceful direction, but it is undesirable to make concessions that are not beneficial to you. In this case, it is important to put in place people who want to cash in on your knowledge and skills. Disputes can be avoided by physical activity. They will allow you to throw out anger and achieve inner harmony.


The beginning of March will give Gemini many prospects. The Sun in the Sign of Pisces will positively affect your mood, and you will be able to free yourself from stereotypical thinking. Gemini should actively get to work and not be afraid of additional loads. Your strength will be enough to lay the foundation for future success, and then move steadily towards your goal.

A positive attitude, as well as a complete disregard for gossip behind your back, will help Gemini to achieve success in the business sphere. Keep in mind that successful people discussed most often. If you are in the spotlight, then you are on the right track. Do not stop and do not give up so as not to give your envious people a reason to rejoice.

Cancers in business and work can be hindered by self-doubt. The energy of the Moon, your patron, will not always support you, so astrologers recommend pulling yourself together. Eliminate unplanned expenses, and send the saved money to a business that will bring you, if not high profit, then at least additional income.

In order for the week to pass without financial losses, astrologers recommend that Cancers listen to their inner voice and not be led by emotions. In the period from March 5 to 11, you can lose a significant amount of strength, and in order to restore them, it is important for you to adhere to the correct daily routine. Eliminate strong worries that will interfere with your path to personal success.

Lions reach financial well-being the spirit of contradiction will help. To make your success unconditional, keep your envious people as close as possible. That way you don't give them a chance to get in your way. Lions know how to do everything in defiance, perhaps better than all other Signs, so your well-being will depend on willpower and the desire to plug everyone into a belt.

Activity should be developed until Friday. From the 9th, Jupiter will begin retrograde movement, which means that Leos will need to double-check everything related to finances. To your money luck was always there, exclude rash spending. Remember: money loves counting and saving.


The energy of Mercury promises good luck to Virgos. Already on Tuesday, he will move into the Sign of Aries, which will favorably affect your activity. However, the desire to make money alone will not be enough. Virgos will have to give it their all in order not to miss the opportunity to develop interesting and well-paid projects. Motivate yourself to increase your finances.

Virgos this week will be able to achieve stability, which will help restore faith in their own strengths and actively resist ill-wishers. It is important for representatives of your Sign to set realistic goals for themselves and follow them, forgetting about inconvenience and timidity. This is the only way you can increase your capital. Hurry is also important because at the end of the month Mercury will turn retrograde, which means it will slow down all innovations and work with documents.


Venus will give Libra self-confidence. From the beginning of the calendar spring positive energy will overwhelm you, which will successfully affect the way of thinking. You can not only dream of a good salary, but also achieve a promotion. Achieve whatever you want, and do not forget that it would be inappropriate to remain in the shadows during such a good period.

From March 5 to March 11, Libra expects a lot of interesting offers, including from new employers. This week you can forget about what failure is, because you yourself are the creator of your success and well-being. To make all your dreams come true, cast aside doubts and go to your goal with your head held high.


Scorpions this week to fix financial position a change of scenery will help. Astrologers recommend not to refuse business trips. New circumstances and acquaintances will give you strength, and the energy of Mars will help you set the course for success. Don't be discouraged if you have unintentional expenses. Your desire to get back on your feet and stop counting money until the next paycheck will help you find a good income.

Scorpios will be able to give their best this week. However, astrologers recommend that you monitor your well-being in order to avoid overwork. A breakdown will not contribute to active development, so do not break the daily routine. Diet can also have a positive effect on activity. Eliminate the use junk food and you will feel energized.


Sagittarius should beware of the energy of Neptune. An insidious planet can sharpen your sense of altruism, and you will forget about your goals in an effort to help those around you. This state of affairs can negatively affect your financial stability, so astrologers recommend making a plan of action for the week and strictly following your instructions.

It is important to keep emotions under control, otherwise your increased impulsiveness will play a cruel joke. This week, it is important not to miss out on great deals in order to realize your full potential. It is important for Sagittarians to remember what they need specifically. This way you can separate the important things from the irrelevant ones that will slow down the path to success and financial stability.


Capricorns this week, astrologers recommend sticking to the rules. The strong energy of Saturn can bring back all the negativity that you cannot contain. So that the financial side of life does not come under attack, direct your energy towards achieving your goals. Try to avoid any conflict situations so as not to put yourself in danger.

Success will not leave those representatives of the Sign who can control their emotions. For Capricorns, it will be important to use all the opportunities provided by fate in order to increase the chances of additional income. Eliminate excitement and haste so as not to make mistakes.


Aquarians will be able to breathe freely this week. Your antagonist planets will lose their strength, which will be very good for financial affairs. In the period from March 5 to March 11, representatives of your Sign should not reject the help of loved ones who can give you important life advice. Work will bring you the long-awaited success only in a team.

Astrologers recommend Aquarius to leave egoism, which this week will not only be inappropriate, but will also block your path to material independence. Do not put your "I" above the rest, and then you can earn an excellent reputation among colleagues and superiors. Your efforts will definitely be rewarded.


Pisces achieve financial well-being will help self-confidence and determination. This week, the favorable energy of celestial bodies will allow you not only to dream, but to go towards the goal, not noticing obstacles and obstacles. Nothing will be impossible for you, so tune in to win and train your willpower.

Success will not come to the representatives of your Sign on its own, so you need to make an effort. With a positive attitude, you can leave doubts and reach new financial heights. Do not forget about your personal life. Love will help you gain wings on which you can overcome all the troubles in the business sphere.

The article contains basic information, thanks to which it will be possible to quickly find correct solution for any life situation, which is described by the financial horoscope for the signs of the zodiac.

Financial horoscope for today, tomorrow, week and year for the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra

Today will be easy. Do not miss the opportunity to earn extra money and your personal budget will stabilize. Tomorrow everything will not go as smoothly as you would like, but hard work will give results.

The week will be held in active business tones, there will be an opportunity to fill in financial holes. By the end of the week, there may be a decrease in income and a negative trend in general plan finance. The year is going to be tricky. There will be losses and rises, the main thing is to stay afloat and make fateful decisions in time that can change your financial situation in an instant.

- Taurus
Today there will be difficulties with colleagues, but this will not affect the financial situation in any way. Tomorrow will be forced spending. This week everything will be calm and stable, no unexpected expenses are expected. The year will be difficult, and it will not be possible to avoid holes in the budget. You may need to find a source of additional income.

- Twins
The likelihood of progress, in a long-stopped case, will be quite high. Grab an idea today and see it through to the end. Tomorrow it's better not to overexert yourself, financial condition will not change in any way. The next week predicts budgetary and moderate spending. This year it is better to refrain from serious purchases, because the purchased equipment or real estate will bring a lot of negativity.

- Cancer
Works and efforts today are rewarded by Cancers by right. Tomorrow will not be an easy day, and there may be small financial difficulties. The week will be very different and stand out from the background of the month, this is a good time to do business with big turnover of money. The year for cancers will be the most positive in financial terms, money will flow in a stream, but they need to be directed in the right direction so that they continue to make a profit.

— Virgo
The need for money will lead to additional earnings. It will be easy to get the required amount tomorrow, and the working day will be easy and simple. The week will not pass without financial losses, but the calculated spending will only bring pleasure, and the rest of the money will be enough to feel great until the next payday.

The Devs have a year full of work, they have to keep up to three, or even four sources of income. All this will fill the budget and will not make you think about financial difficulties. This year is an auspicious day for investing in a long-planned business, it predicts quick earnings. The difficulty will be only in one thing: to keep the entire empire built in your hands.

- Scales
Libra will have a good day without spending, a bad day for financial investments. Tomorrow will be a great day for players on the stock exchange. This week, quality earnings may be in the scales that own real estate and land. The year will be changeable and the scales will often have to change their vector in business. Meeting with foreign partners will bring success.

Horoscope for today, tomorrow, week and financial year for the zodiac sign Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

- A lion
Lions can do anything today, it’s time for them to unload and spend some money. Tomorrow you need to get together and be ready for everyday work, which consistently bring income. The week is calm and balanced. Be ready to pay off all your debts, and it's time to forget about taking on new ones. A difficult year both financially and in your career, you will need to save money and teach your loved ones the same. Only the right savings this year will keep you afloat.

- Scorpion
Scorpions, although empty in their wallet, will feel great. Tomorrow there will be easy money, but it will come and go. You don’t need to get too attached to them, otherwise there will be zero joy from spending them. The week is not without failures, the brink of financial collapse is somewhere nearby. auspicious year for scorpions to accumulate the required amount, whether it be a car or even more expensive purchases.

— Sagittarius
Sagittarians are the most stable financially. Today and tomorrow, they will not be waiting for big rewards or winnings in lotteries. Money will flow through them. Holding a large amount in your hands, you should not get used to it, because the archers will find where to invest it and receive income as steadily as they did.

- Capricorn
Capricorns have a good day today, if there is an opportunity to invest money, at least with a minimum profit, invest without hesitation. Tomorrow you can change your income with minimal manipulation, think about how this can be done. The week will be accompanied by great desires, but this is not the best time for big spending. This year is the most successful for creating your own business, save up money and work in the industry where you have great experience.

- Aquarius
Today it is better not to buy anything that can be more expensive than daily profit. Tomorrow is a difficult day that will require a lot of energy to complete things. Unfinished business will haunt for a long time and accompany at great expense. This year should be lived moderately and not chic. Financial stability can only be established after Aquarians get rid of bad habits.

- Fish
From today and throughout the week, Pisces will behave calmly, thereby attracting a lot of money. All year around Pisces will be easy money, and there will be no need for additional earnings. Try to catch the flow of money that has been passing near you for a long time.

Money horoscope for men and women from Pavel Globa, Vasilisa Volodina

Everything is pretty relative this year. There is no doubt that the year will be difficult, but the right manipulations with in cash will help to keep afloat any man. It is better for women to refrain from purchases that deal a big blow to the personal and family budget, says Pavel Globa.

Vasilisa Volodina draws attention to the general financial difficulties. Money can be caught almost from the air this year, but it will be hard for those who do not raise their heads and do not pay attention to the opportunities hovering around. Risk in business and any business that involves money may not be justified.

In this article, you can find many answers to questions about who was born in January according to the zodiac sign, as well as an equally useful and interesting ...

Leo knows how to earn, but also knows how to spend. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to make any savings for this sign. The only exception: if material well-being allows him to take the position to which he aspires. The money horoscope for Leo warns that in order to become rich, Leos will have to learn not to waste their energy in vain, but to spend it on their own business. However, energy alone is not enough in this case. We also need material investments: about 75% of income.

The monetary characteristic of the zodiac sign Leo also depends on the phases of the moon. So, for example, the following pattern was noticed: if in the new moon Leo became the owner of a large amount, then during next month his financial condition will be good. In other cases, this amount runs the risk of disappearing into nowhere. short term. For those who believe in omens and amulets, we can recommend carrying a dollar bill in your wallet. It is believed that it attracts money.

Often the material condition of Lviv depends on the circle of their acquaintances. The more friends, the more likely it is that this sign will not have to live in poverty. After all, he will always find a way not only through acquaintances to find himself high paying job, but also to convince them to lend him a significant amount.