What do they eat in the Arab Emirates. Holidays in the UAE: what local dishes to try. The best restaurants in Dubai

The national cuisine of the United Arab Emirates has been formed over decades, taking into account the Muslim faith and the arid subtropical climate of the country. Whichever emirate you stay in, the cuisine will have a number of distinctive features:

  1. Almost any dish is richly seasoned with spices and spices. It can be onion or garlic dressing, cinnamon, aromatic herbs and others.
  2. Indigenous Arabs cook exclusively in olive oil, not recognizing vegetable oil.
  3. Rice and legumes are used as the main ingredient: peas, beans.
  4. Important components of most dishes are vegetables, as well as fresh and canned fruits.
  5. The basis of Arabic cuisine is meat. It is important to know that Muslims do not eat pork, so in the Emirates it is prepared and served only in those restaurants that specialize in cooking non-traditional cuisine for the UAE. Arabs prefer lamb, goat and veal.
  6. The meat is prepared without the use of fat, professional chefs and locals use heat treatment, which makes meat dishes juicy and tender. The essence of cooking is as follows: the pan is heated to 300 degrees, after which pieces of meat are laid out on it, the protein in which instantly curls up, forming a crust that does not allow the meat juice to flow out. Soup recipes also involve pre-cooking the meat.
  7. Fish and seafood dishes are especially popular among the locals. The main ingredients are: lobster, crab, shrimp and tuna.

The food offered to tourists in tents and small cafes reflects the characteristics of the local cuisine. Almost any chosen dish will be wrapped in a flat-shaped Arabic bread - lavash. However, bakery products called pita are no less popular among local residents. You can eat outside:

  • A traditional bread dish called Manakish - olives and greens are covered with melted cheese, then the filling is put inside pita bread or pita bread. It is bought hot and eaten with the hands after it has cooled.
  • More than one family feast in the UAE is not complete without the Falavel dish; it is also popular among visitors to street cafes. "Falavel" are small balls made from mashed chickpeas and rolled in flour crumbs. The dish is ready to eat after frying the balls in a pan with olive oil.
  • For lovers of Shawarma (shawarma), culinary experts recommend trying the Arabic version. Real shawarma in the UAE is made from fried chicken. Together with tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers and garlic, it is wrapped in pita bread. Olive meat, pepper and paprika are used to prepare chicken meat.

Food served before main courses

Eastern people do not like to rush. This tradition is reflected in the peculiarities of eating. In the Arab Emirates, it is not customary to start a meal with a main course. Meze is always served first. "Meze" is a simultaneous serving of several snacks on a large dish, each of which is superimposed in the form of a small portion in its cell. Lots of options:

  • vegetable salads;
  • eggplant caviar (mutabbal, baba ganush);
  • pies with cheese or meat fillings;
  • walnut and garlic pastes;
  • wheat and corn porridge.

In the UAE, there are restaurants that practice free serving of vegetables in meze.

Fish dishes in Eastern countries

Most Arab restaurants are characterized by a large assortment of fish. The fish is laid out in specially designated open trays and covered with ice or floats in a large transparent container. During the order, the client chooses not only the dish, but also what kind of fish it will be prepared from. Fish menu of national cuisine includes:

  • "Briki" - fish or shrimp fried in thin puff pastry. Briks are molded by chefs in a triangular shape and are decorated with lemon slices and fresh herbs before serving.
  • "Al Madruba" - boiled salted fish. During cooking, spices and a small amount of flour are added to a pot of boiling water. The exquisite taste of "Al Madrube" is added by the sauce, which is served with the dish on the table. It emphasizes its unusual salty taste.
  • Fish "kebabs", grilled or dried fish are also popular among locals and tourists. Regardless of the cooking option, the fish is seasoned with sauces, hot spices and fresh vegetables.

Meat in Eastern countries is preferred to cook in the form of shish kebabs. A combination of several types of meat product is practiced in one dish at once. On the menu you can find the following names:

  • "Lamb shish kebab". Meat for barbecue is carefully beaten and marinated for 5-6 hours in freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is subjected to heat treatment, excluding the addition of oil, seasoned with a large amount of seasonings and served on the table.
  • Biryani is a traditional Arabic food. There are several restaurants in the UAE whose activities are exclusively related to the preparation of this dish in its various variations. The main ingredients in the recipe are rice and chicken or sheep meat. Meat products can be replaced with vegetable or fish products. First, a large amount of seasonings are fried in a frying pan, on which meat is laid out, cut into thin pieces, and the next layer is basmati rice.
  • "Guzi" - lamb cooked with nuts and rice groats.
  • "Kustileta" - lamb cutlets fried in spices.
  • "Makbus" - meat products cooked with rice groats and seasonings.
  • "Kebbe" - carefully fried meat in the form of balls.
  • "Al-mandi" - steamed chicken meat with the addition of honey.
  • "Haris" - a casserole, the main ingredient of which is calf meat.

When going on vacation to the Emirates, you should take the maximum amount of money with you, as this is the best country for shopping. Shopping is facilitated by excellent prices for clothes and goods in the UAE.

A feature of the local cuisine of the Arabs is a large assortment of sweets and desserts. Among vacationers are popular:

  • "Umm-ali" - milk-based pudding with the addition of dried fruits;
  • "Esh-asaya" - the main ingredients are cheese and sweet cream filling;
  • "Ligemat" - donuts with honey filling;
  • sherbet;
  • Asyda is a national dessert.

Dubai Buffet Video:

The favorite drink among the Arabs is coffee. Preference is given to grains from Arabia. The taste is different black coffee and with cardamom. At the end of dinner, the Arabs prefer to drink tea: black or green with mint.

An integral part of any trip is getting to know a new cuisine. Each country is rich in its own national characteristics in this area, and the United Arab Emirates is no exception.

As already mentioned, the UAE is a Muslim country, and tourists should not forget about the features associated with this. For example, before the trip, it is worth clarifying whether the month of Ramadan fell on this period, since at this time you can’t eat and drink from sunrise to sunset, and even if you are not a Muslim, it’s better not to do this openly on the streets of the city, so as not to arouse the indignation of the local population. Do not eat in the Emirates and in public transport and public places (fine AED 100 ≈ $ 28), such an offense is fraught with a large fine, and it is advisable not to even chew gum.

Most Arabic dishes are served with bread - either flat lavash or pita - round buns. A striking example here is the dish manakish - melted cheese wrapped in a flatbread or pita with finely chopped olives and sprinkled with herbs.

Despite the fact that the Arabs are very fond of meat, you will never see pork in national restaurants, as they consider the pig to be a dirty animal. And if you still really want to eat a pork chop, you will have to look for a restaurant of a different nationality - fortunately, there are no problems with this in the Emirates - cuisines of all peoples of the world are represented here. But other types of meat - lamb, beef, veal, goat meat, poultry meat - are available in any restaurant in the UAE.

What to try in the UAE

The meat is cooked here without adding oil or other fats, which is why it acquires such a special taste and aroma. The most popular meat dishes in the UAE are kebabs - a kebab-like dish, often from different types of meat, served on skewers or in a sandwich, sometimes minced meat or meat chips.

Very familiar to our tourists will be the shawarma dish (here they call shawarma) - the meat of a young lamb or chicken, fried on a spit and wrapped in the thinnest cake. This dish is often prepared right on the street in small cafes - the aroma is such that not a single passer-by can resist. But a distinctive feature of Arabic shawarma is that you can be 100% sure of its quality and you should not be afraid to buy it on the street.

It is worth trying in the UAE such dishes as biryani - a dish of basmati rice with the addition of a number of spices and a piece of meat or fish, guzi - lamb meat with rice and nuts, makbous - roast chicken or lamb with rice. Rice is generally the most popular side dish here. Most often in restaurants you do not have to order a side dish - when you order meat, you get a side dish in addition.

Kube and harris - meat pies are popular.

Arabic cuisine is rich in various spices, in Dubai there is even a whole spice market - Spice Souk. Any national dish will be generously sprinkled with spices, the most popular of which are cinnamon, sesame, chili, curry, coriander, garlic, and aromatic herbs.

As a maritime country, the UAE is also rich in seafood dishes - the most diverse - from tiger prawns to sharks, and in most restaurants you can even choose from the marine life that you want to eat presented in an aquarium or on a huge layout with ice, and you ready to cook right away. Traditionally, fish is cooked on charcoal, but sometimes grilled. The most popular fish dishes are: brik - seafood, namely various types of fish or shrimp, fried in a thin dough, and al-Madruba - boiled salted fish with spices and flour. You can't go wrong by ordering just fried fish, crabs, lobsters or shrimp - you will definitely be served them with the most delicious sauces, rice and flatbreads - you will not try this anywhere else.

Before the main meal, as a rule, you will be offered completely free meze snacks - a huge dish divided into portions of vegetable salads, pastes from various varieties of nuts and legumes, cereals, muffins with cheese or meat, or thick soups. This category of dishes includes, for example, khomus (aka hummus) - a paste of peas, sesame and lemon juice, tabbouleh - a mint, parsley and wheat appetizer, kussamakhshi - stuffed zucchini. Another popular vegetable dish in Arabic cuisine is falafel - balls fried in flour and olive oil from grated chickpeas or other legumes. By the way, if oil is used in Arabic cuisine, then olive oil is definitely preferred.

In the daily diet of the Arabs, there are also many dairy products, especially cheeses.

So slowly we came to the most interesting part of the section, namely, to oriental sweets. The range of confectionery presented in Dubai is one of the widest in the world, sweets are sold for every taste. Their main advantage is naturalness - nuts, dried fruits, honey, spices. Tourists are very fond of local puddings umm ali and mechalabia, pistachio baklava and sherbet, eshasaya cheese pie, dates with almonds, Turkish delight - the list is endless. It is oriental sweets that are one of the main “souvenirs” that tourists bring home as a reminder of a wonderful trip or as a gift to relatives and friends so that they can also experience the whole fairy tale of oriental culture.

The UAE is a hot country, so drinks play a very important role here. Arabs prefer to drink mineral water, sometimes they also drink tap water - sanitary standards allow. A wide selection of freshly squeezed juices is beyond any competition - in any institution or street cafe, before your eyes, you will be prepared an amazing fresh juice or fruit cocktail, which is strikingly different from what we are used to, because real fresh juice is thick and fragrant, it conveys the true taste of fruits, which you may not have guessed. Many tourists are amazed, for example, by fresh avocado - it would seem that a fruit that does not have the most pronounced taste qualities, but the taste of this juice is amazing, it is often added to various fruit cocktails. It can also serve as an excellent snack, as avocados are quite high-calorie and nutritious.

Drinking coffee is a separate ritual in the UAE - here it is a drink for relaxation and unhurried conversation. Coffee is brewed with the addition of a variety of spices and spices according to traditional Arabic recipes, of which there are a lot. The most popular variety of coffee is light Arabian, the main difference of which is unroasted beans. In any case, coffee is brewed on its own - without the use of coffee makers and machines. Coffee is served in traditional Arabic coffee pots "dalla", poured into small bowls.

Since the country has a “dry law”, alcohol is prohibited in the country. You can buy it only in duty-free shops - "Duty Free" - and in some hotels and restaurants licensed to sell alcoholic beverages. But, in any case, one should be extremely careful with their use, given the strict legislation of the UAE. In no case should you drink alcoholic beverages in public places, appear on the street or drive while intoxicated - the punishment will be very harsh - from an impressive fine and deportation from the country to imprisonment.

If you have visited Dubai or any other city in the UAE for the first time, you should definitely get to know the gastronomic tastes of the local population, as it is impossible to understand and feel the culture of another nation without completely immersing yourself in its usual rhythm of life, without having tried on yourself everything from which consists of the life of an ordinary representative of this people.

Enjoy your meal! And bright impressions!


Once in the Emirates, the tourist will be simply spoiled by the variety of food - almost all the cuisines of the world, including European, Indian, Japanese and even Mexican, are presented in local restaurants and cafes. All supermarkets and grocery stores sell the same products as in Europe; buffets at hotels offer both Arabic and European food.

The average bill in an inexpensive cafe is approximately 40-50 dirhams (AED), or 320-360 rubles per person; a good lunch or dinner for two in a mid-range restaurant will cost about 150-170 AED (1200-1350 rubles). For a combined lunch at a local McDonald's, you will have to pay an average of 22 AED (180 rubles), a Big Mac costs about 11-12 AED (88-96 rubles).

Street eateries offer traditional Arabic shawarma and grilled chicken. Shawarma on the street costs 4-5 AED (32-40 rubles). Ice cream costs 1-2 AED (on the beach - several times more expensive); a cup of coffee in a cafe - 8-12 AED; cold tea - 8-10 AED.

Information on the cost of food in local stores can be found in the article Prices in the UAE.

Of the traditional Arab dishes popular in the Emirates, one can note biryani (rice with meat or chicken), haris (boiled lamb), machbus (rice with lamb), homos (mashed peas with lemon). Poultry dishes are very popular in the UAE - there are many different options for cooking chicken with rice, vegetables and even honey.

A variety of spices and seasonings are used in large quantities.

Drinks in the UAE

In all emirates except Sharjah, non-Muslims are allowed to drink alcohol. However, you can not drink alcoholic beverages in public places, as well as buy alcohol for citizens of the UAE.

You can buy booze in special shops, restaurants at expensive hotels and bars. During Ramadan, alcohol is sold only at night.

Alcohol prices in the country are quite high - a bottle of wine costs an average of 80 dirhams (640 rubles), a half-liter can of beer - more than 12 dirhams (more than 100 rubles). In general, alcohol prices vary from emirate to emirate and from shop to shop. “Knowing” tourists who have visited the country more than once will tell you where you can find booze at the best prices.

Of the soft drinks, coffee is the most common. Here it is usually prepared "on the spot" and served in small bowls.

Tipping in the UAE

Most restaurants and hotels in the UAE include the cost of service in the bill, so tipping is not required. If tips are not included in the bill, you can leave 10% of the order amount. Tipping is not allowed in taxis. It is customary to give porters 5-10 dirhams.

The traditions of Arabic cuisine have evolved over many centuries. Of course, they were influenced by the special natural conditions and religious views of the locals.

National food

In view of the fact that the Muslim faith forbids eating pork, lamb, goat meat, beef, fish, poultry meat, and eggs are used to prepare meat dishes. Usually the meat is fried in a hot frying pan without using fat, which gives it a very special, specific taste. If you ever find yourself in the UAE, be sure to try the following dishes:

  • "guzi" - lamb with nuts and rice;
  • "tikka" - barbecue;
  • shaurma, shawarma or shawarma - a traditional Arabic dish;
  • "kustileta" - an Arab cutlet made from lamb and stuffed with special herbs;
  • "kebab" - shish kebab made from marinated meat;
  • "shish-kibab" - lamb dish;
  • "makbus" - meat cooked with spices and rice;
  • "Kofta" - kebab made from minced meat;
  • "kebbe" - fried balls of meat;
  • "meshui-mushakkal" - roast from different types of meat;
  • "rice" - something like Arabic pizza;
  • stuffed peppers (as a rule, young lamb meat is used).

Poultry dishes are no less popular than meat dishes:

  • chicken stew with tomato;
  • "al-mandi" - chicken cooked with steamed honey;
  • "Haris" - chicken casserole. Sometimes, this dish is prepared with veal;
  • "biryani-adzhadzh" - stewed pieces of chicken meat with rice;
  • "tikka-dajaj" - chicken skewers;
  • "Jaj-tannuri" - spicy chicken.

The most popular dish is "samman" - quail meat. Rice and fresh vegetable salads, seasoned with all kinds of spices and seasonings, as a rule, serve as a side dish for dishes prepared from poultry meat. Residents of the United Arab Emirates do not forget about hot first courses. All kinds of meat soups made from peas, capers, beans, rice, potatoes and much more decorate dining tables.

In addition to the main courses, the traditional Arabic table is served with small kubbe meat cakes made from coarse wheat flour, triangular-shaped sambusa pies. Such vegetable pies are called "khudar", cheese pies - "jabna", with spinach - "sabeneh", meat pies - "lyakhma".

Greens and vegetables are often used in UAE cooking:

  • "Khomus" or "Khomas" - pasta;
  • "burgul" - porridge made from corn or millet;
  • "kuzhety" - stuffed zucchini;
  • "Favtoush" - vegetable salad with Arabic bread.

Eggplant caviar, wheat with finely chopped greens, dolma (stuffed cabbage from grape leaves), rice in various combinations, soaked white peas and much more are also popular.

Dishes from sour-milk and sea products are consumed in huge quantities. Special preference is given to cheese and fish. A very original dish is makbus-samak - a kind of fish pilaf. It should be noted that the Arabs prefer to cook fish exclusively on coals.

And the desserts here are amazing. "Umm-ali" - milk pudding stuffed with nuts and raisins, "ash-asaya" - sweet cheese and cream pie, pistachio pudding, baklava, sherbet, honey donuts and much more.


Coffee is what occupies a special place in Arabic cuisine. This drink is not just a drink - it is a way to have a pleasant conversation. In the United Arab Emirates, coffee machines are not recognized at all - coffee is prepared on the spot. Coffee is poured from dalla (traditional coffee pots) into small bowls. There are many varieties of this drink. But locals give special preference to dark varieties, as well as light Arabian coffee.

Choosing to travel United Arab Emirates, everyone gets their own - beach or active holidays with numerous excursions, acquaintance with the lifestyle of the richest of the Arab countries, unforgettable shopping, new impressions. Fans of gastronomic tourism will not remain offended - Arabic national cuisine very varied. You can find everything in it - the simplicity of traditional dishes preserved from the times of the nomadic past, and refined luxury worthy of the table of the great sultans.A large number of constantly appearing positive reviews confirm this.
For those who prefer to do without culinary experiments and eat familiar food, there will be no problems - in every city there are many cafes and restaurants with European, Chinese, Indian and any other cuisine. And the oriental flavor goes well with their decor and menu.


To fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the East, you definitely need to get to know the traditional dishes of the country.

street food

To get acquainted with the national cuisine, you should not visit pretentious restaurants. For this, the best option would be to go to small cafes and street tents. There you can find any options - from full meals to a variety of snacks. Most often, the dish is wrapped in pita, local bread in the form of a flat soft cake. Bread can be of another shape - round small pita buns.
The dish can be called "fast food in Arabic." This is a pita bread (sometimes a pita) inside of which are placed soft, melted cheese, a lot of chopped greens and chopped olives. Manakish is sold fresh and very hot, it is better to wait until it cools down a bit and eat like Arabs - right with your hands.
Residents of the Emirates often cook at home, but you can try it in any cafe. You have never tried anything like this - chickpeas ("Turkish peas") have not yet become popular on the menu of Russians. Chickpeas are mashed, then soft balls are formed from it. After breading in flour, the balls will be fried in fresh olive oil. Most often, falafel is served in pita bread or lettuce leaves with a spicy sauce.
Shawarma or shawarma
A simple and very tasty (if you follow the recipe and high-quality ingredients) dish that has become familiar is also of Eastern origin. Each country has its own peculiarities of preparation, differences in the name. But it is in the UAE that shawarma is made from the freshest juicy meat in soft pita bread, it deserves your attention.
You can choose meat filling - chicken or lamb. It is accompanied by chopped cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, richly flavored with paprika, other spices and olive oil.


The abundance of spices is another feature cuisines of the UAE. If you are going to try new Arabic dishes, it is better to remember the traditions of oriental cuisine - seasonings and spices do not save here. Whether you dine in expensive restaurants with a varied menu or stop for a bite to eat at an outdoor tent, it does not matter - the food will be well seasoned and spicy.
Among the favorite spices of cooks are sesame, coriander, cumin (many know it as cumin), curry, cinnamon, various types of peppers. To appreciate the amazing richness of their assortment, you will have to visit the spice market. There you can also decide which of the unfamiliar seasonings you like, and which ones you definitely do not want to see in food.

Meze - a small collection of mouth-watering snacks

"High-speed" rhythms of today are powerless before the philosophical slowness of the East. There is still no it is customary to immediately start a conversation about the case or eat in a hurry, "on the go." The conversation should have its own preface, and lunch begins with served appetizers or Meze.
A large round dish appears on the table, divided into several separate small cells. They most often contain cereals from corn and wheat, several types of fresh vegetable salad with a large amount of finely chopped parsley, pies with meat, vegetable and cheese fillings, baba ganoush or mutabal (various varieties of eggplant caviar), garlic and nut paste. Regardless of the filling, the pies will be triangular.
Even if you are indifferent to eggplant, do not refuse to try mutabal. Caviar, resembling a delicate pate, is prepared from eggplant baked on coals with the addition of finely chopped nuts, garlic, fresh cilantro, lemon juice and other seasonings. This delicacy has no resemblance to our "overseas eggplant caviar".
Babaganoush is more like a salad. In addition to roasted young eggplants, it contains olive oil, sesame paste, cumin and several other spices.
Among appetizers, dolma is encountered - young grape leaves twisted into tubes stuffed with minced meat or chopped vegetables. Two or three varieties of cheese are added to this variety.
Some restaurants may serve vegetable meze for free.

First meal

The Arabic meal includes soups in meat broth with the addition of potatoes, rice and other cereals, peas, and beans. The first courses will definitely be served with "kubbe" - cakes made from dark flour (coarsely ground) with meat, several types of "sambus" - triangular pies. The stuffing will be different in everyone.
In "lyakhma" the filling will be meat, in "jabna" - cheese, in "sabeneh" - spinach, in "hudar" - vegetables.

Fish and seafood

Oman and the Persian Gulf allow you to fill a significant part of the menu with fish dishes. There are many restaurants in the Emirates specializing in seafood. Often they organize for visitors the opportunity to choose fish and other seafood on their own. A rich "buffet" opens before the client - display tables with fish lying among the ice. In other establishments, huge aquariums with live marine life are everywhere. The chosen one will immediately be taken to the kitchen, inviting you to wait a bit.
Fish UAE cuisine varied. The fish is dried, grilled whole or in the form of kebabs. Vegetables serve as a side dish. A combination of hot spices with spicy spicy sauces gives a special sophistication.
You can try the hamura sea bass, barracuda, shark, tuna, several varieties of shrimp, lobsters, which are almost never found in our country.
These triangular pies, where thin puff pastry hides a shrimp or fish filling, will be a great addition to a lunch. They are served with fresh herbs and thin slices of lemon.
Sometimes minced lamb is used as a filling for briki.
Al Madruba
Prepare the famous dish of salted fish. It is boiled with the addition of flour and spices. The fish is served with a spicy, slightly salty sauce.

Meat dishes

Choosing among lamb, chicken, veal and more exotic meats can be confusing at first. You will want to try everything, and especially kebabs.This is the most common and beloved by the Arabs way of cooking meat. It is prepared in different ways, but always delicious. Sometimes your serving may have several different types of meat at once. The traditional barbecue is especially good - from juicy lamb marinated in lemon juice with spices. Fried meat without adding fat is served with a special sauce.
The risk of "running into" low-quality or old meat is minimal - this is strictly here.
It is almost impossible to visit the Emirates and not try biryani - this is the pinnacle of the skill of local chefs. Visit restaurants that specialize in this particular dish.
It is difficult to describe its taste - it is something special. But to get a small idea, it is enough to list the ingredients. Biryani is prepared from lamb, chicken or fish, several types of vegetables and rice. The dish owes its taste to several spices, slowly fried in a thick-walled pan. A layer of meat cut into narrow strips (or oily fish) will then be placed there. Vegetables are laid out on top, rice will be the final layer. And only the Basmati variety - thin to transparent, elongated grains are quickly saturated with seasonings and meat juice. Some chefs add raisins and pistachios.According to the description, the dish may seem like pilaf, but it is not, the taste is completely different.
Among the traditional second courses of the United Arab Emirates there are others
Tabbouleh from crushed boiled wheat with finely chopped mint and parsley.
Locals love khomus - pea paste with lots of sesame seeds and lemon.
Haris is an original dish of lamb cooked with wheat. Most of all, the wheat side dish in it resembles the usual Russian porridge-kutya.
To prepare guzi, lamb is also taken. Garnish with rice mixed with nuts.
Roast makbus uses chicken or lamb. Rice for the dish is seasoned with plenty of sautéed onions with tomatoes. The meat is fried on skewers, as in our barbecue. There are many kebabs here: lamb shish kebab, minced meat is used for kofta. And in the cutlet with the funny name "kustileta" there is a filling of spicy herbs.
With a large portion of the side dish, small fried meat balls "kebbe" are served. There is even a version of pizza - "rice".
The kebab itself is called "tikka" here.
It will be interesting to try "kussa mahshi". These are young zucchini stuffed with a mixture of vegetables or meat.
Many different dishes are prepared from chickens:
- "al-mandi" - a bird smeared with honey is boiled for a couple;
- shish kebab "tikka-dajaj";
- "Jaj-tannuri" with a sharp, directly burning taste;
- small carcasses of roasted quails "samman" especially loved by local residents.
It is customary to garnish the bird with vegetable salads and rice. Everything will be tasty and spicy seasoned, sprinkled with herbs.

Arabic desserts

Sweets occupy a special place in the cuisine of all countries of the East. Pies with sweet fillings, many varieties of jam, candied fruits, pies with cheese, nuts, raisins, a dozen varieties of donuts with honey, syrups and cream. This is not all, because there is also the world-famous Turkish delight and pistachio or almond halva, sherbet and dates.
It is dates and desserts that you must try only in the UAE. The health benefits of dates are known from the ancient Eastern healers, and modern Arabs use them in various forms and combinations. Dates with almond filling are usually eaten for breakfast, they are served with tea and coffee. Sweet lovers can find dates covered in chocolate or honey, they are baked into cakes and eaten with fresh butter.
But you don't need to go to the shops for traditional delicacies - look for them among the colorful and colorful bazaars. Local vendors have all kinds and varieties of desserts to try on the spot or take home.
Umm Ali (Umm Ali)
It is prepared for the family table on special days or to treat guests. Compared to other desserts, it does not seem too sweet. Impregnation of the dough with fragrant syrups makes it tender. "Umm Ali" always has a lot of pieces of dried fruits, raisins and nuts.
Another sweet pudding with a generous soak of rosewater and a thick layer of crushed pistachios on top.
Ash Asayaya
An unusual taste of a cheese pie, richly smeared with cream, is also desirable to try.
Pistachio is considered the most delicious, there are many others that are no less pleasant. The only thing that can be called its disadvantage is excessive sweetness. But what a pleasure you can experience from a piece of halva with fragrant tea!

Cold and hot drinks

The hot climate and dryness of the air cause thirst in the natives of colder countries, who are not used to them. You can quench it with natural freshly squeezed juices. In any tent you will be offered 6-8 different ones and any mixes according to your desire.
Be sure to visit coffee shops, they are found everywhere. The smell of fresh coffee spreads far, tempting to come in and drink a cup. A good establishment can be identified by a cozy atmosphere, conducive to comfortable rest and aroma. They avoid bright lighting, preferring twilight.
They like coffee here a little unusual for us - they take unroasted (or very slightly roasted) grains for brewing. Coffee makers and coffee machines are not in demand here. It is cooked according to all "Eastern" rules - in a cezve on hot sand or in a special copper coffee pot. If you like light Arabian coffee, then you can buy some beans in any market.
Tea is also used in the Emirates. More often they complete a hearty meal of meat dishes. Green tea is especially popular. It is brewed with the addition of various herbs - sage and mint.
You can become a member of an exotic meal on board a large dhow or among the dunes in the desert.

What you may encounter when visiting local restaurants and bars

Going to a restaurant and seeing the sign "Members only" on the door - you will have to choose another institution. It will serve visitors with an "Honorary Guest" card and permanent members.
There are certain dress and appearance requirements for a visitor whose dress does not meet these standards may be refused. In this case, you will have to obey and leave.
In most restaurants, tips are included in the cost of meals. This can be read in the brought menu.

A few features of the Emirates related to food

Tourists are warmly welcomed, creating all conditions for a comfortable and interesting stay. But nothing can change foundations of the life of a Muslim state, living according to the laws and rules of its religion. This has to be reckoned with by all those arriving in the UAE.
In the holy month of Ramadan for all Muslims, eating and drinking is allowed only at certain hours (between sunset and sunrise). Throughout this period, cafes and restaurants will be closed during the daytime, and no food will be sold on the streets. They won't open until 8pm.
Tourists are advised to show respect for tradition by refraining from eating and drinking in public places and on the streets.
Another, even stricter prohibition concerns pork. Pork dishes are not found in ordinary restaurants. For a juicy chop or fried ribs, you will have to go to a specialized institution.
Do not drink alcohol in public places. There is no free sale. When choosing a hotel, you can clarify whether it has a license to sell. These restrictions apply to alcohol of any strength.

It is impossible to tell about all the features of Arabic cuisine - there are too many of them. But even a brief overview is enough to help us understand the complex and exotic traditions of this unusual country for us and avoid embarrassing moments.
It is hoped that the information and tips will be useful and make your trip even more enjoyable.