How to develop a leg after a fracture. Massage, exercise, exercise therapy. How to develop a leg after a fracture: recovery and rehabilitation

Full restoration of functioning is impossible without competent rehabilitation. Forced immobility for several weeks leads to partial muscle atrophy and weakening of the ligamentous apparatus. Exercise therapy for an ankle fracture helps to maintain blood circulation and metabolic processes in damaged tissues, which are necessary for proper bone fusion, and in the future - to restore motor ability in the area of ​​damage.

Immobilization after a fracture - rigid fixation of the bones with a plaster splint after their preliminary alignment ensures that the joint is held in the correct position. In case of complex injuries with the formation of fractures, surgical treatment is performed - strengthening of bone fragments with metal screws or plates. A plaster splint is applied for a period of 1 to 3 months, depending on the type and complexity of the fracture.

Measures to strengthen the tissues of the joint must be taken when the leg is in a cast - already on the second or third day of immobilization. The first classes after an ankle fracture do not imply active movements and the participation of the injured ankle. The muscles only adjacent to the affected area are involved. You can do them while lying in bed.

  1. Tighten and relax the gluteal, femoral and calf muscles. Repeat alternately with the sick and healthy legs 10-20 times.
  2. Squeeze and unclench the toes of both feet for 1 minute.

You need to do these movements as often as possible, ideally every 1-2 hours. After a few days, it's time to move on to a more intense complex.

When the leg is in a cast

Therapeutic gymnastics of this period excludes attempts to step on a diseased limb or rotate a damaged joint. Movements should be smooth, careful.

Sitting exercises:

  1. Keeping your back straight, place both feet on the floor. Unbend the knee of the sore leg, stretching it parallel to the floor. Return to starting position.
  2. Raise the leg without unbending, pulling the knee as high as possible, then put it back on the floor.

Standing on the floor

Perform each exercise 10-15 times.

The given complex helps to strengthen the muscular frame of the leg, helps to improve blood flow and tissue nutrition, and reduce swelling.

Therapeutic gymnastics for an ankle fracture requires careful attention to well-being. With severe pain in the area of ​​injury, the exercise should be postponed or its amplitude reduced.
Being engaged for the first time, you do not need to set yourself a rigid framework and try to complete the whole complex at all costs, through force achieving maximum number repetitions. Appearing fatigue or physical pain is a sign that you need to rest. It would be optimal to take a short break after each exercise, otherwise not only the sick, but also the healthy leg will get tired. After some time, provided that the balance is confidently maintained, you can begin to perform exercises without additional support.


Video - Therapeutic exercise after an ankle fracture

Restorative gymnastics after plaster removal

After the plaster is removed, the leg does not look in the best way- the skin is pale or cyanotic, swelling in the ankle area, thinner calf muscles. But the main problem of a limb freed from the shackles is stiffness. It is impossible to count on a full-fledged motor function of the fused ankle. When moving in the first days, you will have to use a crutch.

Therapeutic gymnastics after an ankle fracture is necessary to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, restore normal blood supply, tissue innervation, and return a healthy gait without lameness. After removing the cast, attention is directed directly to the ankle joint itself.

Classes are held under the guidance of a trainer in a special group. The intensity of the load is always calculated individually, based on the severity of the injury, the severity of pain, physical condition, body weight of the patient. At first, it is necessary to develop the injured leg every other day, as you get used to the movements, move on to daily exercises, increasing the amplitude and duration of training.

Exercises after an ankle fracture in the first days should be performed while sitting on a chair, this will provide a more gentle load on the fracture area. When exercising, you need to take off your shoes. Both legs must work simultaneously. Each movement must be repeated for 2-3 minutes.

  1. Place your feet on the floor parallel to each other. Raise up and lower your socks without lifting your heels from the floor. Perform rhythmically first with both feet at the same time, then alternately.
  2. Raise as high as possible and lower your heels, leaning on your toes. Alternate simultaneous and sequential execution.
  3. Perform smooth rolling of the feet from heels to toes and vice versa.
  4. Feet are on the floor side by side, heels are pressed to each other. Raise the socks up while turning them to the sides and return to their original position.
  5. The thumbs of parallel feet standing on the floor are pressed to each other. Raise your heels up, spreading them to the sides.
  6. Leaning your toes on the floor, make circular movements with your heels clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  7. Perform similar movements with the toes of the feet, resting the heels on the floor.
  8. Straighten your legs at the knees, stretching forward. Rotate your feet in different sides, pull the socks towards you, squeeze and unclench your toes.

Having mastered the complex in a sitting position, you can proceed to its implementation while standing, holding on to a support. To the listed exercise therapy exercises after a fracture, as the ligaments and tendons strengthen,

Gradually added new ones:

  1. Walking on heels, then on toes, on the outside, on the inside of the feet.
  2. Steps with rolls from heel to toe.
  3. Spread a thin towel or napkin on the floor. Get on its edge bare feet. Fingering, grab and collect the entire fabric under the feet.
  4. Use plastic bottle, rolling pin or other cylindrical object with a smooth surface. Roll the training projectile with your feet on the floor back and forth.
  5. Putting a small rubber ball on the floor, put your foot on top and turn it from side to side, pressing with your toe, heel, outer and inner sides feet.

In order to relieve fatigue, prevent or eliminate signs of swelling, before classes and during rest after them, the sore leg for 30-40 minutes. it is useful to lay horizontally on the armrest of a sofa, chair or armchair.

Along with therapeutic gymnastics massage, physiotherapy, baths are used to restore and strengthen the health of the joint. It is necessary to follow a diet - eat foods rich in calcium.
In the absence of contraindications, you can enter classes on the treadmill, jumping. To fix and support the ankle, it is necessary to use a medical orthosis or an elastic bandage.
The total duration of therapeutic rehabilitation classes ranges from 1 month to six months. The success of rehabilitation depends on the severity of the injury, the age of the patient, and the presence of concomitant diseases of bone tissues.

In addition to special classes in the group, you can find a lot of ways to develop a leg after an ankle fracture. Regular walking during street walks, climbing and descending stairs are excellent physical exercises that help to cope with the residual effects of the injury. Biking, swimming, working sewing machine with a foot drive have an additional training effect.

Ankle fracture requires correct selection shoes. Women will have to give up stilettos and high heels or platforms. Orthopedic insoles must be used for several months.

Fractures of the tibia are injuries that result in a violation of the integrity of the bone structure. This element is part of the lower leg, it often happens that its fracture is accompanied by an injury to the tibia, located in close proximity to it. Such injuries are common and if we consider them in the total mass of fractures, then the injury to the lower leg accounts for up to 20% of all cases.

As the causes leading to injury, doctors most often name various kinds of blows. They can be the result of a fall, an accident, non-compliance with safety regulations in the workplace, they can be due to adverse weather conditions, the result of criminal incidents, etc. Another factor that can become an indirect cause of a fracture is age. The older a person is, the more porous the structure of his bones, which means that they become more susceptible to such injuries.

Types of fractures of the tibia

There are several types of fractures of this element, which are determined by the following parameters:

    With displacement of fragments and without displacement.

    With the presence of fragments and without them.

    Depending on the direction of the fracture: transverse, oblique, spiral, fragmentary.

    Depending on the nature of the blow that led to the injury: it can be direct or indirect. The first one is considered the “lightest”, since the bone most often remains intact, no fragments are formed, the prognosis for recovery is favorable. As a result of an indirect impact, on the contrary, displacement often occurs, and sometimes even fragmentation of the bone with damage to soft tissues, tendons, nerves and blood vessels. Treatment is complex and lengthy, although most often the prognosis is also favorable.

Symptoms of fractures of the tibia

Symptoms that are characteristic of the injury of this particular element:

    Pain, localized mainly in the area of ​​injury, with possible irradiation to the knee or ankle joint.

    Swelling at the site of injury. More often, the swelling resembles the shape of a roller. Sometimes swelling can spread throughout the lower leg and go to the foot.

    The presence of a hematoma, which may not appear immediately, but after a few hours.

    If the fragments have been displaced inside, then the limb will be deformed, this is especially noticeable with a pronounced separation of the fragments.

    Shortening of the limb, as a result of "pulling" the muscles to the site of injury.

    Deviation of the leg from the axis.

    Restriction of movement, the inability to step on the injured leg. But if only the fibula was broken, then the person can even lean slightly on the limb.

    Feeling of numbness of the limb, which occurs when the nerves are compressed.

First aid for fractures of the tibia

The first aid to the victim of an injury is to anesthetize. To do this, a person must be given any suitable medicine. After that, you should immobilize the leg. As means for primary immobilization, any wooden beams, slats, sticks. The main thing is that they have the necessary length and strength.

When suitable material If you find it, you need to adjust it to the size of your foot so that the tire starts from the middle of the thigh and ends in the heel area. It is necessary to fix the leg in the knee and ankle joint; bandages or other improvised means are used for winding. After the leg is securely fixed, you should go with the victim to the doctor, for the provision of qualified medical care.

Diagnosis of fractures of the tibia

To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will conduct a survey regarding how, when and in what way the injury was received. This will make it possible to assess the force of impact, its nature and direction. Such a survey will allow you to make a preliminary diagnosis.

To clarify the nature and degree of complexity of the fracture, it will be necessary to take x-rays in two projections. After receiving a complete picture, you can proceed to the treatment of the fracture.

Treatment will depend on the nature of the fracture. If there is no displacement of fragments, then the process will not be too complicated. The doctor will limit himself to imposing plaster cast, which will start from the tips of the toes and end at about knee joint. Sometimes, as needed, the cast can be extended.

If there is a displacement of both bones of the lower leg, then their reposition will be required. In the most difficult cases the doctor can introduce pins inside the bone, while fixing the fragments in the correct position using special metal structures.

The healing time of the fibula depends on a number of factors: on the nature of the injury, on qualified and timely first aid, on the age of the victim, on compliance with medical recommendations regarding treatment, etc. Most often, the process of bone fusion takes from 2 to 3 months. Bone callus appears after 6 weeks. When a fracture with a displacement occurs and both knee bones are damaged, then the recovery process can be delayed and average up to six months or even more.

Related: 12 folk ways for home treatment

Rehabilitation after fractures of the tibia

Many patients, after removing the plaster, are not serious about the rehabilitation process, ignoring it. You shouldn't do this because it milestone recovery, without which a number of complications can occur.

In order for the leg to begin to fully function faster, it is necessary to perform a set of exercises recommended by the doctor. As a rule, these are adapted movements that will improve joint mobility, strengthen leg muscles and give them tone.

It will be useful to visit massage room. If this is not possible, then rubbing and kneading must be done at home. For this, special ointments can be used. Compresses, baths with salt, wax wraps and other procedures are also useful. But before proceeding with the implementation, you should definitely visit a doctor and clarify the possibility of their implementation.

Symptoms of a fracture of the tibia

If a fracture of the tibia has occurred, this can be determined by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain at the site of injury, when you try to lean on the leg, the pain intensifies, at rest the pain is dull and aching;
  • swelling appears at the site of the lower leg, if the vessels are damaged, then a hematoma (bruise) forms at the site of injury;
  • possible deformation of the lower leg, unnatural mobility of the part of the leg below the fracture site;
  • limb numbness, cold foot pale color may indicate injury to blood vessels and nerves, therefore health care in this case, it is required immediately;
  • if the fracture is open, then damage to blood vessels and tissues is visible, and the bone itself or its fragments can also be seen.

Regardless of how accurately you or those around you have identified the symptoms of a fracture, in case of pain in the damaged area, you should consult a traumatologist.

Fracture diagnosis

In case of injury, the victim must be taken to medical institution, while it is desirable to immobilize the injured limb by applying a splint. For it, you can use improvised means: attach two sticks or a board to the injured leg and wrap it with a scarf.

Immobilization is necessary so as not to aggravate the situation by displacement of the bone. You can also apply ice to the injured leg and give the patient pain medication.

The doctor will make a diagnosis based on external signs injury and asking the victim about the circumstances of its receipt. What matters is the strength of the blow, its direction.

Then, an x-ray of the damaged part of the leg is usually performed in two projections. He usually gives full information injury, and there is no need for additional examinations.

Types of fracture of the tibia

A fracture of the tibia can be stable (when the bone fragments are slightly displaced, but are next to each other) or displaced (the bone fragments are at a distance from each other), closed or open. With an open fracture, parts of the bone damage tissues and blood vessels, as well as skin covering and go outside.

In addition, there is a classification according to the very type of bone separation:

  • transverse (perpendicular to the axis of the tibia);
  • oblique;
  • comminuted (at the site of injury, small parts of the bone break off).

Treatment of a fracture of the tibia

Depending on the severity of the fracture, its specificity, treatment can be non-surgical, using special plaster and other splints to immobilize the limb. The bandage in the case of this injury covers most of the leg, comes at a certain angle on the heel and ends on the femoral part of the leg. More precisely, the place of application of the plaster bandage is determined by the doctor, based on the site of the fracture.

The time of bone fusion individually, averages 2 months. The injured leg must not be stepped on, movement is possible with the help of crutches.

If the fracture occurred with a displacement or the formation of many fragments, then surgery will be required to connect the parts of the bone into one. Sometimes a special pin is screwed into it to hold the bone.

Its use is contraindicated in children and adolescents, whose skeleton is still at the stage of formation.

Rehabilitation of a limb after a fracture

After removing a cast or other restraining devices from an injured leg, it will not be able to immediately perform all its functions in in full. The process of its recovery depends on the age of the victim, the severity of the injury and the time when the leg was immobilized.

For a faster recovery of the limb, you must follow the recommendations:

  • The movement of the limb must be resumed immediately after the removal of the cast, as it is necessary to develop the muscles. Walking is not only possible, but necessary. But here the load on the leg should be increased gradually, since the bone has not yet grown stronger. At first, you need to continue using crutches.
  • The effectiveness of rehabilitation is increased by massage, during which blood circulation in the injured limb improves, and the bone tissue receives more nutrients for strengthening.
  • The recovery process must necessarily include physical exercises (exercise therapy).
  • To speed up the healing process and strengthen the bones, the doctor may prescribe calcium supplements and vitamin D.

With a fracture of the tibia, timely medical care means a lot. In order for the treatment process to be more effective and to reduce its duration, be sure to follow all the recommendations of your doctor, and then pay sufficient attention to the rehabilitation period.

First aid

For fractures of any bones, it is extremely important to provide first aid correctly. So, the lower leg needs to be rested in order to avoid displacement of the bones. You need to put on a tire. To do this, you need to attach a board to the site of damage and tie it to the leg with bandages (carefully). You can also apply ice and give the victim pain medication if the pain is severe.

Types of fractures: a - without displacement; b - with offset; in - oblique; g - splintered


So, the victim must be taken to the hospital. The traumatologist will certainly prescribe an x-ray to find out the nature and severity of the fracture. Mild fractures (without displacement and separation of a large number of fragments) do not require surgical intervention. Plaster will be applied. Such a bandage should completely cover the leg, fix the heel at a certain angle and go about a third of the thigh. It may take more than two months for the leg to fully heal, as the bone is quite large. You can move around on crutches, stepping on an injured limb is prohibited.

If there has been a displacement, then surgical intervention is necessary, during which the surgeon will connect and compare all bone fragments and fix them in this position using a special device.


Even when the plaster is removed, the limb will still not be able to perform the functions that it performed before. Rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia is necessary. It may include several areas:

  • The activity of the limb should be resumed as soon as possible, since the muscles atrophied during the period of wearing the cast simply need to be developed. So don't be afraid to walk. But it’s better to wait a little with heavy and intense loads, since the bone is still quite fragile and has not had time to get stronger. In addition, you need to increase the load gradually, so at first you should not get rid of crutches, they will come in handy.
  • Massage can also be effective, as it helps to warm up the muscles and has a positive effect on blood circulation, as a result of which the bone tissues receive everything. necessary substances and recover and strengthen faster.
  • In some cases, physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed that have a positive effect on the regeneration and nutrition of damaged tissues.
  • exercise therapy (physiotherapy). It is advisable to perform exercises under the supervision of a specialist (some of them involve passive development of the lower leg when exposed to an outside person). For example, flexion and extension of the leg (passive with the help of a doctor and active) at the knee and at the foot are useful. In addition, you can lie on your side and raise your injured leg up (it should be on top). Then you can start doing half squats, and then full squats. The calf muscle almost did not work under the cast, so you can just strain it, then relax it for development.
  • The rehabilitation period can be accompanied by quite severe pain, in which case painkillers are prescribed for bone fractures. And in the event that inflammation has begun (with an open fracture or implantation of an implant), the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is required.
  • To speed up the process of bone fusion, you need to eat right, as well as take vitamins D and C and calcium. Also, the doctor may advise other drugs that affect the bone tissue.

Fracture of the tibia - symptoms, treatment

4. Rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia

In modern medicine, among the most common injuries in the lower extremities, fractures of the lower leg, including fractures of the fibula and tibia, can be distinguished.

In some cases, with a certain guiding blow and certain form damage, a fracture of the fibula is combined with a fracture of the tibia. Depending on the nature of the fracture, it is divided into direct and indirect fracture. A direct (bumper impact) fracture is more favorable and easier to treat. In addition, with this type of fracture, there is no a large number of fragments that remain as a result of crushing the bone.

An indirect factor that caused a bone fracture is unfavorable in comparison with a direct factor. This type of fracture occurs as a result of rotation along the axis of the bone in the direction of damage. After a fracture of the tibia in this situation, a large number of fragments remain. Damage covers a fairly large area of ​​the leg.

Among the most common causes of a bone fracture in this area, an ordinary fall or blow can be distinguished. In winter, mainly during the period of ice, the rate of such injuries increases significantly. As noted above, often such fractures are combined with fractures of the tibia. It should be noted here that the tibia is more durable, so if it remains intact during injury, the treatment will proceed more quickly and reliably. Thus, the risk of developing complications, including displacement of bone fragments, osteomyelitis and others, is significantly reduced.

Symptoms of a fracture of the tibia

Typically, the symptoms of a tibia fracture are severe enough to be easily identified. Among the main symptoms of a fracture of the fibula, a visible displacement of the bones can be distinguished. Thus, severe pain when resting on the injured leg is the main symptom of a tibia fracture. The victim noted the occurrence of severe edema and some hematomas. In addition, visually, the leg may turn out in relation to the second leg or look a little shorter. If the axis remains in place during the fracture, the patient can perform rotational movements. With a fracture of only a small bone, the victim can even lean a little on the injured leg.

Fracture diagnosis

In order to establish the nature of the fracture, the doctor interviews the patient, specifying the circumstances of the injury. The doctor needs to assess the force of the blow, how it was delivered, and also in which direction it was applied impact force. These indicators have a direct impact on the properties of the fracture.

As a rule, in order to recreate a complete picture of what happened, an x-ray is taken in two projections. Diagnosis of this type of fracture is not very difficult. Problems can arise only if there are various kinds of complications or if a fracture has formed in the tibiofibular joint. A fracture in the upper third of the tibia can in some cases Negative influence on the blood supply and innervation of this area.

Fracture treatment

Treatment of a fracture of the fibula is not particularly difficult if there is no displacement. Even if there is a fracture of the fibula and tibia, but there is no displacement, the treatment will be faster and easier. In this case, the treatment of a fracture of the tibia is to apply a cast. The plaster is placed in the area of ​​the leg that needs to be immobilized. This arrangement of gypsum helps to prevent the displacement of bone fragments.

In the presence of displacement of bone fragments, especially if there has been a displacement of the large and small bones, the treatment of a fracture of the fibula consists primarily in restoring them right position. With transverse impacts, bone plates can be applied. The introduction of the spokes slightly below and above the fracture during the treatment of a fracture of the tibia is carried out with a displacement that occurred as a result of a blow, except for the transverse one. These spokes fix and stretch the recovery site.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the fibula is a very important stage, ignoring which can not only lead to a significant increase in the treatment period, but also cause various consequences. After a fracture of the tibia, or rather after the removal of the cast, one of the most important tasks is to restore muscle activity and normal blood circulation. For this purpose, a special course of massage and exercise therapy is prescribed. All exercises can be performed at home. After a fracture of the fibula during the rehabilitation process, the training program is selected according to individually. Before performing any physical activity on the injured leg, you should consult with a specialist.

The timing of the recovery of a fracture of the tibia is directly related to the complexity of the injury. Recovery time is usually two to three months. It is possible to form a bone callus approximately one and a half months after a fracture of the tibia. When the bone is displaced, the duration of the rehabilitation period can reach six months or more. In addition, the patient himself and his mood play an important role in recovery. He must take a responsible attitude to the rehabilitation period, regularly attend special massage and physiotherapy, perform the prescribed physical activity, and also carefully and carefully treat the place of injury.


This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.

How long does it take to recover from a displaced tibia fracture?

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Rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia
Rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia is a very important period, and if you do not give it its due, the time for treatment can increase significantly, or even worse, lead to various consequences. The very first task after removing the cast is to restore muscle activity and normal blood circulation. For this, the doctor prescribes a special course of massage and exercise therapy. All exercises are designed to be performed at home. The training program is selected by the doctor on an individual basis, and you should not load your injured limb on your own without prior consultation.
Recovery after a fracture of the tibia
Recovery from a tibia fracture also involves the use of physical therapy, especially electrophoresis. A week after removing the cast, you can start swimming, gradually developing your leg. Classes on simulators and regular running are recommended to be included in the recovery program in the case when you already walk confidently and without pain, rely on the injured leg. Your best and first trainer should be a bike that works well on the lower leg and develops its flexibility.

Julia Veligotskaya

hello! I want to remove a metal plate after a broken tibia! Can I do it in another institution? we have our own institute of orthopedics in the city, I have already done ligaments and meniscus there!

Very important after a broken leg final stage before full recovery - rehabilitation. The reason is not only that after a fracture, muscles that have been deprived of a full-fledged load for a long time cease to work normally, because when a leg is broken, gypsum is applied, which is the main cause of atrophy of these muscles. Muscles that have been in plaster for a long time need to be developed, restored, otherwise the swelling after a leg fracture becomes very pronounced. Muscles are the most important component of the musculoskeletal system, they need constant training. When muscle tissue is actively working, blood flow in it increases, and, as a result, the muscles are filled with oxygen and feed on the nutrients that come with the blood. This is what they are deprived of during a fracture, when the “lazy” muscles are constantly in a non-working state. Swelling of the leg after a fracture, if the cast has already been removed, but the work of the muscles has not been restored, is a common thing. Reestablish normal work muscles hard, perhaps.

The first stage of leg rehabilitation after a fracture

Swelling of the leg after a fracture occurs due to impaired lymphatic circulation, however, severe edema can be avoided if the muscles are restored to their previous tone (at least partial) and the stagnation of lymph in the lymphatic vessels is eliminated. Great helpers massage is in this case - massage, as you know, accelerates lymph circulation, blood circulation, which helps to remove dead skin, gives access to oxygen and nutrients. Massage, which includes rubbing, kneading, stroking after a fracture, is used very actively. During the massage, the foot is rubbed with oils - they also have a positive effect on the condition of the foot.

The second stage of rehabilitation after a fracture

At this stage, we are developing the leg, returning it to its usual functions. In this case, physical exercises are actively used, which the patient does after taking thermal procedures) and massage. Swelling after a leg fracture can also be completely eliminated with the help of special exercises. Perform the following exercises, but it should be noted that it is not necessary to do them all at once. If you prefer to do this gymnastics at home, you do not need any knowledge other than a correctly calculated load so that your leg does not start to hurt.

1. Walk a lot, trying to lean on the injured leg as if it were completely healthy.

2. On the 7th day after removing the cast, perform rotational movements with the foot.

3. Perform leg swings, standing with your back to a chair and holding on to its back with your hands. Raise the leg, holding it in the air, should be 10 times, then do the same with a healthy leg. But exercise should not lead to pain.

4. Holding on to the back of the chair, rise on your toes, and then return to the support on your heels. If this is easy to do, then it is quite possible to do this exercise on one leg.

5. Lie on the floor and swing your legs in a cross motion. After a month, you can add training on simulators to the main exercises.

The third stage of leg rehabilitation after a fracture

But the third stage includes food, especially rich in silicon and calcium. Calcium is cow's milk, homemade hay, fish, soybeans, hazelnuts, bran bread. Silicon is found in persimmons, pears, raspberries, radishes, cauliflower. Vitamins E, C, D are needed.

Per recent times, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are among the most common diseases in society. According to statistics, over the past 5 years, the number of people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system has increased by 21% (children - 22%, adolescents - 47%).

A leg fracture occurs as a result of damage to one or more bones. lower limb. The rehabilitation period after an injury takes a long time, requires integrated approach to treatment. Putting a cast on the leg is a mandatory procedure that doctors resort to when a fracture is found in a patient. But as a result of this method of healing, the limb is immobilized for a long time, which leads to weakening of the muscles and loss of their elasticity.

To prevent possible complications, it is necessary to follow medical recommendations and undergo full course recovery of the body after a leg injury. The main goal of rehabilitation is to return the damaged joints to their previous mobility, relieve swelling, and improve the tone of muscle tissues.

Recovery stages

Rehabilitation after a broken leg takes place in several stages. On each of them, various health-improving techniques are used to restore the limbs to their former motor ability.

Activities that will allow you to quickly recover from a lower limb injury include:

  • at the first stage, the patient is forced to walk with a plaster cast for a long time, so the blood in required quantity does not enter the vessels of the leg. Circulatory disorders contribute to the appearance of edema on the lower limb, which is eliminated with the help of therapeutic massage and rubbing. Procedures are performed with special ointments, creams, cedar oil.

At this stage of rehabilitation (after removing the plaster cast), the patient is recommended to take warm bath with the addition of sea salt, healing decoctions based on plants, apply wax or ozocerite to the fracture site. Therapeutic measures will restore muscle tone, improve joint mobility, and restore normal blood flow;

  • at the next stage of recovery, it is necessary to gradually return the lost mobility to the leg. This can be achieved by performing daily physical exercises of a therapeutic nature. Health-improving gymnastics is done both at home and in specially designed gyms;
  • You need to eat right throughout the rehabilitation course. The final stage of recovery after a broken leg is dedicated to choosing a rational diet.

All 3 stages of rehabilitation are aimed at the speedy restoration of the motor function of the leg.

But full recovery depends on the degree of the injury, the state of health and the age of the patient. The attending physician will tell you how to restore a leg after a fracture, taking into account all factors, and also specify how long the rehabilitation will take.


A set of daily physical exercises and gymnastics will help restore motor activity to the leg. Proceed to them after removing the plaster. Exercise therapy for a fracture of the lower leg or other types of injuries of the lower limb consists in performing the following exercises:

  • Walk on the injured leg. It is difficult to do this, but gradually the pain subsides, and the motor function returns to normal;
  • leaning on something, make swing movements with the foot. Exercise is useful for improving blood circulation. Mahi repeat 10 times, holding the limb for a short time in the air;
  • perform exercises "bike" and "scissors", lying on your back;
  • if there is no pain in the leg, you can do squats 10-15 times a day;
  • rotation of the foot in a sitting or standing position;
  • bend and unbend the limb at the knee 10-20 times.

Exercise therapy will give positive result after an injury, but you should not immediately perform all the recommended leg exercises after a severe fracture. It is better to alternate them, doing 2-3 gymnastic tasks every day.


Indispensable after a broken leg. The value of the procedure is that rubbing and massaging the limb will help prevent muscle atrophy, improve blood circulation, and relieve swelling. You can develop a leg on your own, ask relatives for help, or entrust this matter to a specialist. The procedure can be performed before the plaster is removed. To do this, a small hole is drilled in it, through which massaging is carried out using special devices.

Before proceeding with the development of the injured leg, the skin is rubbed and warmed up. How to develop a leg after a fracture by massaging? The steps are as follows:

  • rubbing movements with the palm of the hand: all fingers, except for the thumb, are tightly pressed against each other. The thumb is in the maximum allotted position;
  • rubbing with the costal part of the hand: during the procedure, the hand is across the leg, the fingers are slightly relaxed;
  • pinching: movements are performed in the area where the fracture occurred;
  • kneading with the phalanges of the fingers.

You can start massage techniques on the 3rd day after removing the plaster.

The pace of the massage increases gradually, the procedure begins with light soothing strokes of the area around the injured side. For massage, it is better to use cedar oil: it does not have side effects and will enhance the effect of the procedure several times.

Nutrition Features

Recovery after a severe leg fracture is a lengthy process. For successful rehabilitation, it is important to adhere to the right diet, excluding from the diet harmful products nutrition. Food should contain silicon and calcium: these trace elements strengthen bones, contribute to the accelerated restoration of cartilage tissue. Recommended products include:

  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • fermented milk products (milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk);
  • bran;
  • nuts;
  • bananas.

It is worth refusing from fatty, salty foods, smoked meats, semi-finished products. Coffee lovers should limit the use of this drink: it removes calcium and other important substances from the body.


By taking pills and using ointments, it is impossible to achieve fusion of injured bones. But doctors often prescribe to patients who have suffered a fractured limb, various medications to accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.

During the rehabilitation period, medicines are used as additional funds that accelerate healing. In severe situations, an operation to fuse the bones will be needed.

For oral administration

Deficiency in the body useful substances, chronic diseases, weakening of the immune system, thyroid pathology, exhaustion - all this slows down the recovery process. Therefore, after suffering a leg fracture, it is important to take a course of vitamin therapy in order to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body.

  1. In diseases of the thyroid gland, medications are taken that contain calcium.
  2. If available chronic diseases recommended taking immunomodulators;
  3. When a patient suffers from anorexia, taking pills to improve the absorption of food will help.
  4. Hypovitaminosis is treated by taking medications containing vitamins.

outdoor application

Topical therapies are used to relieve soreness in the legs.

Ointments and creams based on glucosamine, chondroitin strengthen damaged bones, help restore cartilage tissue, and have a warming or cooling effect. The most common means of the group under consideration are:

  • ointment "Diclofenac" - has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling. Contraindicated in pregnant women, has a number of side effects;
  • gel "Ketonal" - anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent. You can not use it for children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers;
  • Gel "Nurofen" - quickly relieves pain in the legs, eliminates inflammation. It is not recommended to use it for more than 15 days in a row. Contraindicated in children, prolonged use causes redness of the skin, allergic reactions.

These topical products cannot be used for preventive purposes due to the content of hazardous ingredients in them. Their use is recommended in cases where the leg begins to hurt badly.

Folk recipes for fast bone healing

Alternative medicine is often used during the rehabilitation period for leg fractures. To eliminate pain, apply thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200braw potatoes to the injury site.

Among other methods of folk medicine, there are:

  • powder from eggshell- prepared by mixing dry rose hips, orange peels and shells chicken egg. All of these ingredients are ground in a coffee grinder. The remedy is taken 3-4 times a day for 1 tsp. after eating;
  • rosehip tincture - obtained from fresh berries of the plant, which must be boiled for 15 minutes, adding a liter of water. Then the medicine is stored in a warm place, and after a day it can be drunk for therapeutic purposes;
  • copper treatment - copper coins are attached to the sore leg with a band-aid. The metal has a restorative effect. Walking with fixed copper coins is necessary for 3 days in a row without removing them.

Spa treatment

People with leg fractures will benefit from visiting a sanatorium. In medical and recreational institutions, they offer a lot of ways to help you quickly recover from an injury:

  • manual therapy;
  • swimming in the pool;
  • physiotherapy;
  • healing baths;
  • mechanotherapy;

The patient is under the close supervision of doctors who will help not only restore the motor function of the limb, but also provide psychological support.

Rehabilitation in a sanatorium is unacceptable when a person is not able to move without assistance.

What to do with edema?

Edema that appears as a result of an injury must be eliminated as soon as possible. Swelling in the legs leads to complications, damaging muscle tissue and blood vessels. To combat the problem, the following local therapies are used:

  • ointment "Traumeel" - will prevent the inflammatory process, relieve swelling;
  • gel "Troxevasin" - will strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • heparin ointment - has an analgesic property, is a common remedy in the fight against edema.

Prevention of fractures

No one is immune from a fracture of a limb; damage to the tibia is especially dangerous. Injury can happen under any circumstances, from a banal fall on the street to an accident. Therefore, following preventive measures will reduce the likelihood of breaking a leg or arm.

  1. Diet - human nutrition should be balanced, rich in calcium and other trace elements that will strengthen bone tissue. The food should contain all the vitamins necessary for the body.
  2. Sports - it is important to warm up before training; physical activities should not exhaust a person: strong loads will damage joints and bones.
  3. Refusal of addictions - poisons that are contained in cigarettes and alcohol have a harmful effect on internal organs, bones.
  4. Rest - After work, you should pay attention to relaxing activities: walking, yoga, swimming.

In case of fractures of the lower limb, rehabilitation should be urgent, and timely medical care, exercise therapy, a visit to a sanatorium and other medical procedures guarantee a speedy recovery.

The human foot is a very complex anatomical structure, which consists of 26 flat and wide bones, interconnected by strong ligaments.

Unfortunately, it is the foot that is most prone to injury, and not only during sports. It is quite easy to twist your leg even just walking down the street, especially in winter when the roads are very slippery. Most often, you have to deal with sprains in the foot, which causes extremely unpleasant pain and pain when walking. You can read about the main symptoms of foot sprains, as well as how to provide first aid for foot sprains in the article on our website:
However, after the first aid is provided, and the acute pain recedes, it is necessary to continue to correctly develop the foot after stretching for its full recovery.

Here are some simple tips on how to develop a foot after an injury.
1. The easiest way is to trust the professionals and ask for help in the physiotherapy room (LFK) at the nearest clinic or medical center. The therapist will select a set of physical exercises appropriate for the profile of your injury, which you will need to perform regularly.
2. You can go the more expensive route and buy a home exercise machine for rehabilitation after injuries. Adjustable system loads, set using weights of various denominations, will develop the foot.
3. Finally, gymnastics for the feet helps a lot. Its undoubted advantage is that the classes do not require additional investments and are universal, and you can perform exercises for the foot at any time, as soon as you have a free minute.

A set of exercises for the development of the foot:

Stretch your legs in a straight line and with maximum effort tilt your feet away from you for five seconds. Do five repetitions.
- Repeat the previous exercise, but with the feet tilted towards you, inward and spreading them in different directions outward (left-right). Do five repetitions for each side.
- Rotate your feet in a clockwise direction without lifting your legs. Repeat five times, then rotate your feet counterclockwise five more times.
- Stretch your feet forward, but without tension. Within five seconds, try to spread your toes in different directions as far apart as possible, applying maximum effort. Do five repetitions.
- Stretch your feet forward, but without tension. For five seconds, press all your toes to the sole at the same time, with maximum effort for you. Do five repetitions.

You can also watch the video exercises for the development of the foot: