Maxim Vlasov is a psychologist. You can not be offended by people suffering from such a disease. Why psychology is needed





This method is designed to determine the total content of metals: copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, manganese and nickel in soils of various composition, as well as in bottom sediments and sediments. Wastewater containing various amounts of organic matter, by flame atomic absorption spectrometry.

The range of determined metal concentrations is given in Table 1.

In the event that the metal content exceeds the upper limit indicated in Table 1, dilution of the solution obtained after decomposition of the samples is allowed.


The method consists in oxidative roasting of samples, followed by decomposition of the residue with a mixture of acids. Quantitative determination of heavy metals is carried out by atomic absorption spectrometry under standard conditions for each element.

Due to the complexity and multicomponent composition of the samples and the high content of calcium, magnesium, iron, and various organic compounds in the sediments, a mandatory procedure before the acid decomposition of the sample is the calcination of the sample in muffle furnace at a temperature of 400 - 450 ° C for two hours. Increasing the firing temperature above 450 °C is undesirable due to possible loss of lead. Subsequent acid decomposition is carried out with a mixture of concentrated acids HF-HNO 3 , HF-HCl, HClO 4 -HF, HNO 3 -HCl, depending on the composition of the samples.


The measurement technique ensures obtaining the results of the analysis with an error not exceeding the values ​​given in Table 2.

table 2

Values ​​of the characteristic of the relative measurement error and its components at a confidence level P = 0.95

Error characteristic (limits in which the error is), ± ?, %

Characteristic of the random component of the error (standard deviation of the random component of the error), ? (?), %

Characteristic of the systematic component of the error (boundaries in which the systematic component of the error is located), ± ? about, %


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 100 incl.


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 100 to 500 incl.


from 50 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


From 200 to 500 incl.

St. 500 to 2000 incl.


3.1. Measuring instruments

Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)

Laboratory scales, quadrant VLKT-500

GOST 24104-2001

Volumetric pipettes with one mark with a capacity of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 cm 3, accuracy class 2

GOST 29169-91

Volumetric flasks with a capacity of 100, 500, 1000 cm 3, accuracy class 2

GOST 1770-74

Graduated cylinders with a capacity of 50, 100, 1000 cm3, accuracy class 2

GOST 1770-74

Pipettes measured graduated with a capacity of 2 cm 3

GOST 29227-91

State standard samples of the composition of aqueous solutions of lead, nickel, manganese, copper, zinc, cadmium ions with a mass concentration of 1 mg / cm 3

3.2. Auxiliary devices and equipment

Hollow cathode lamps or electrodeless discharge lamps on metals

glassy carbon cups or

Platinum cups

GOST 6563-75

Air compressed to a pressure of at least 300 kPa (3 atm.)

GOST 17433-80

Gases compressed and liquefied in cylinders:


GOST 5457-75

propane air mixture

Ashless paper filters "blue tape" with a diameter of 13 - 15 cm

TU 6-09-1678-86

Porcelain mortar, cups and pestle

GOST 9147-80

Soil sieves with a mesh size of 1 mm

GOST 6613-86

Jars made of glass or polyethylene with a wide mouth and lapped or screw lids, with a capacity of 1000 cm 3


GOST 23932-90

Hob electric laboratory with a heating regulator and a closed spiral

GOST 14919-83

A muffle furnace of any type that allows you to obtain and maintain a heating temperature of up to 500 ° C

3.3. Reagents and materials

All reagents must be chemically pure. or "ch.d.a.".

Notes. 1. It is allowed to use other measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, reagents and materials, the technical and metrological characteristics of which are not inferior to those indicated above and provide the normalized measurement accuracy.

· Performers should be instructed on safety measures when working with a spectrophotometer in accordance with the instructions supplied with the instrument. The organization of training of workers in labor safety is carried out in accordance with GOST 12.0.004-90.


Measurements according to the method must be performed by a specialist who has completed the appropriate training course on working with the device. Sample preparation can be performed by a laboratory assistant or a technician with experience in a chemical laboratory.


The measurements are carried out under normal laboratory conditions.

· Ambient temperature (20 ± 5) °C.

· Atmosphere pressure(97.3 - 104.6) kPa.

· Relative Humidity air up to 80% at a temperature of 25 °C.

· Frequency of alternating current (50 ± 1) Hz.

Mains voltage (220 ± 10) V.


7.1. Soil samples are taken in accordance with GOST “Nature Protection. Soils. General requirements for sampling” and GOST “Nature protection. Soils. Method of sampling and preparation of samples for chemical, bacteriological, helminthological analysis.

7.2. Sewage sludge, bottom sediments are taken by the method of point samples in layers from a depth of (0 - 50) cm, (5 - 20) cm and from 20 cm to 1 m, each weighing no more than 200 g. Spot samples are taken at the test site in layers so that each sample is a part of the sediment typical of structures. Collect point samples of precipitation from silt pads depending on the physical parameters, i.e. with a knife or spatula from diggings or by scooping with a sampler. For analysis, a combined sample is made up by mixing at least five incremental samples taken from one sample site. The mass of the combined sample must be at least 1 kg. Samples of liquid precipitation are taken from pipelines or other technological facilities, taking into account the structures:

Sediment after settling tanks, sludge thickeners, digesters is taken from the pipeline when pumping the sediment into the receiver, not earlier than after 10 minutes of operation of the transfer pump;

The sludge liquid is taken by scooping from the distribution bowl.

Point samples of precipitation are taken at intervals of 10 minutes in the amount of 3 - 4, with a volume of at least 500 cm 3 each, poured into a bucket, mixed. For analysis, a combined sample of 0.5 - 2 dm 3 is taken.

7.3. When sampling, an accompanying document is drawn up in the approved form, which indicates:

The purpose of the analysis;

Place, time of selection;

Sample number;

Position, name of the employee taking the sample, date.


8.1. Instrument preparation

The preparation of the device for operation is carried out in accordance with the instruction manual and the analytical parameters are set, the values ​​of which are given in Table 3.

Table 3

Component name

Analytical line, nm

Flame, concentration characteristic, μg / cm 3

Spectral slit width, mm

The upper limit of the linear dependence of the calibration curve, µg/cm 3

Air-propane 0.05

Air-propane 0.05

Air-propane 0.05

Air-propane 0.05

Air-acetylene 0.5


Air-acetylene 0.05

8.2. Preparation of calibration solutions of metal ions

8.2.1. Preparation of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid

48 cm 3 concentrated hydrochloric acid is placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 1 dm 3, brought to the mark with distilled water.

8.2.2. Preparation of calibration solutions A with the content of metal ions 100 µg/cm 3

Solutions are prepared from GSO with a metal ion content of 1 mg/cm 3 .

In a volumetric flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3 add 5 cm 3 GSO and bring the volume in the flask to the mark with a solution of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid.

The solution is stable when stored for a month.

8.2.3. Preparation of calibration solutions B with the content of metal ions 10 µg/cm 3

In a volumetric flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3 add 5 cm 3 of calibration solution A and bring the volume in the flask to the mark with a solution of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid.

The solution is stable when stored for 10 days.

8.2.4. Preparation of working calibration solutions of metal ions

Calibration solutions for constructing and checking the calibration curve are prepared on the day of the analysis in volumetric flasks with a capacity of 50 cm 3 in accordance with Table 4. After introducing the metal solution into the flask, the volume of the solutions in the flasks is adjusted to the mark with a solution of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid.

Table 4

Preparation of calibration solutions

Mass concentration of metals in calibration solutions, µg/cm 3

An aliquot of the solution, cm 3, placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3

2.5 calibration solution A

1.0 calibration solution A

5.0 calibration solution B

2.5 calibration solution B

1.0 calibration solution B

8.3. Instrument calibration

The instrument is calibrated using a series of calibration solutions.

Set the reference to "0" by introducing a solution of 0.5 M hydrochloric acid solution into the flame.

To build a calibration graph for the corresponding element, the absorption of metal solutions is measured in ascending order of the concentrations of the components to be determined. The measurements are repeated twice. After each measurement, spray water for 5 seconds.

According to the results of measurements, a graph of the dependence of the average value of the atomic absorption of this element on its mass concentration in solution is plotted.

8.4. Controlling the stability of the calibration characteristic

Samples for monitoring the stability of the calibration characteristics are calibration solutions.

Samples are selected with the concentration of the corresponding element close to the working measurement range. The sample is analyzed in strict accordance with the prescription of the method.

The calibration characteristic is considered stable if the following condition is met for each control sample:

where X k - calculated value mass concentration metal in the control sample, μg/cm 3 ;

X me - the measured value of the mass concentration of the element in the same sample for control, µg/cm 3 ;

K gr - standard operational control calibration characteristic (Kgr = 15%).

The stability of the calibration characteristic is monitored every 10 analyzed samples, while analyzing 1 - 2 calibration solutions (see clause 8.2.4). If the stability condition of the calibration characteristic is not met for only one sample, it is necessary to re-measure it in order to eliminate the result with a gross error.

If the calibration characteristic is unstable, find out and eliminate the causes of instability (inaccurately prepared calibration solutions, non-compliance with the conditions of Table 3, etc.) and repeat the control for this element using other calibration samples. If instability is detected again, a new calibration curve is built in accordance with clause 8.3.

When changing reagents, a long break in the operation of the device, the device is re-calibrated for all elements.

8.5. Sample preparation for analysis

8.5.1. Samples are brought to an air-dry state depending on the moisture content by spreading out on a layer of paper on a laboratory table.

8.5.2. After thorough mixing, the sample is distributed in an even layer (1 cm) and the amount of sample required for analysis is taken by quartering. Then crushed in a porcelain mortar, stored in boxes or bags.

8.5.3. A portion of 0.1 - 0.5 g (depending on the expected content of the elements to be determined) is placed in a porcelain crucible and calcined in a muffle furnace at t = (400 - 450) ° C for two hours.

Decomposition with hydrofluoric acid is used in the analysis of samples with a high content of silicic acid. The residue after calcination, placed in a cup of glassy carbon (or in a platinum cup), is treated with 10-20 cm 3 of hydrochloric acid (? = 1.19) and heated until the silicate part decomposes and then to wet salts. Another 5 cm 3 of hydrochloric acid is added to convert all salts to chlorides and the mixture is evaporated to dryness. To the residue is poured 20 cm 3 0.5 M hydrochloric acid and heated until the residue dissolves. The solution is transferred into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3 and topped up to the mark with 0.5 M HCl.

Decomposition with a mixture of hydrochloric, hydrofluoric, perchloric and nitric acids is used to analyze samples containing residual organic matter. To do this, a sample of 0.1–0.5 g is placed in a glassy carbon cup (or in a platinum cup), treated with a mixture of nitric and hydrofluoric acids (10 × 20 cm3), and evaporated to wet salts. If the sample is not completely decomposed, add another 10 cm 3 of hydrofluoric acid and evaporate to dryness until it is completely removed. Add 5 cm 3 of nitric acid to the dry residue, heat gently until the salts dissolve, and transfer the solution with the precipitate into a 50 cm 3 beaker, washing off the walls of the cup with distilled water. The glass is placed on a tile and the solution is evaporated to 5 cm 3. Add 10 cm 3 concentrated nitric acid, 3 cm 3 perchloric acid and evaporate to vapors of perchloric acid. Further, stronger heating is continued for complete combustion. organic matter. If the solutions remain dark, add dropwise, very carefully, concentrated nitric acid to the fuming perchloric acid, after removing the cups from the stove. Perchloric acid has strong oxidizing properties and a mixture of nitric and perchloric acids, when heated to vapors of perchloric acid, quickly destroys all organic substances. After complete decomposition of the sample (the solution should be colorless or slightly yellow), the solution is evaporated to dryness, 3 cm 3 of concentrated hydrochloric acid are added and evaporated to wet salts. The wet residue is dissolved in 10 cm 3 0.5 M hydrochloric acid and the solution is transferred into a volumetric flask with a capacity of 50 cm 3, topped up to the mark with 0.5 M HCl and stirred.

8.5.4. To recalculate the mass of a sample for an absolutely dry sample, the content of hygroscopic moisture is determined. To do this, take 3 samples of the same mass, place them in pre-prepared porcelain cups (clause 8.5.5) and dry at t = (105 ± 5) ° C in an oven to constant weight.


R air dry - mass of air-dry sample, g;

Pdry - the mass of an absolutely dry sample, g.

When the condition is met: calculate g cf. :


Determine the conversion factor for an absolutely dry sample:


where g cp. - the content of hygroscopic moisture,%.

The exact mass of a sample of an absolutely dry soil sample (g) is calculated by the formula:


where K is the conversion factor.

8.5.5. Preparation of porcelain cups.

Empty numbered cups are brought to constant weight in an oven at t = (105 ± 2) °C, cooled in a desiccator and weighed.


When measuring the atomic absorption of heavy metals, some spectral, chemical and physical interference may occur.

Spectral noise is due to the proximity of the spectral lines of other metals and radicals. For example, an absorption line of the (-OH) radical can be superimposed on the lead resonance line at 283.3 nm. To avoid errors in the determination of lead, a narrow monochromator slit is used.< 0,2 мм. Спектральные помехи могут возникать также из-за неселективного поглощения. Наибольшую опасность неселективное поглощение представляет при определении низких содержаний элементов в растворах с высокой концентрацией солей (навеска 0,5 г в 50 см 3 раствора) и при расширении щели спектрофотометра в 5 - 10 раз. Наиболее значительные неселективные помехи могут наблюдаться в присутствии больших содержаний железа, кальция, натрия (более 3 мг/см 3). Для учета неселективного поглощения применяют дейтериевую лампу. Увеличение концентраций солей Mg, Fe, Ca, Al до 4 - 5 мг/см 3 приводит к значительному снижению величин и чувствительности аналитического сигнала. С ростом концентрации солей в растворе уменьшается степень атомизации из-за неполного испарения капель и частиц аэрозоля, а также из-за образования труднолетучих и термостойких соединений металлов с Al, Ca, Si.

For example, chemical interference caused by the formation of difficult-to-dissociate compounds in the flame can be observed in the determination of manganese in the presence of SiO 2 (> 40 μg/cm 3) due to the formation of manganese silicate. The absorption of manganese also decreases with an increase in the concentration of salts K, Na, Mg, Fe, Ca, Al.

When determining nickel, chemical interference is observed in the presence of more than 3 mg/cm 3 Fe 2 O 3 . In this case, it is necessary to equalize the iron content in the standard and analyzed solutions.

Physical interference occurs due to the difference in the physical properties of the analyzed and standard solutions; they depend on the difference in the concentration of salts and acids. Therefore, the content of the main components in solutions, as well as the concentration of acid in the atomic absorption determination, should be approximately the same. The influence of the composition of the solution on the result of the determination of nickel, copper, zinc increases when the concentration of one of the elements - Al, Ca, Mg in the solution is more than 3 mg/cm 3 .

The atomic absorption of lead is affected already starting from a concentration of 2 mg/cm3 of one of the macrocomponents, with an increase in the concentration of which the background fluctuation increases, and in the presence of calcium, a constant component is added to the analytical signal of the atomic absorption of lead. Therefore, the calibration graphs for lead, when measuring atomic absorption along the 283.3 nm line, shift upwards. If we take into account this background addition, which depends on the calcium concentration in the solution, then the graphs also pass through the origin of coordinates and their slope decreases with increasing calcium concentration.


10.1. The lamp corresponding to the metal to be determined is heated for 15-20 minutes.

The monochromator is set to the wavelength corresponding to the analyzed element.

Choose the appropriate width of the spectral gap (table 3).

Set according to the instructions for the device, the gas ratio and the air supply to maintain the combustion of the gas, set fire to the flame.

Spray with distilled water.

Set the zero line to distilled water.

10.2. Calibration solutions are sprayed into the flame, then samples, and the values ​​of the atomic absorption signals of the analyzed samples are recorded.

In the solution obtained after the decomposition of the samples, the value of the absorption of resonant radiation by the atoms of the element being determined is measured. At high content of the determined component, the solution is diluted with 0.5 M hydrochloric acid so that the value of atomic absorption is in a straight line depending on the concentration of the determined element.

10.3. When analyzing samples of unknown composition, the addition method is used. This method excludes possible mistakes, caused by the difference in the gross composition of sample solutions and standard solutions, since the latter are used as sample solutions with the addition of the element being determined.

Take three identical aliquots of the analyzed solution. To one of them is added a standard solution with the content of the element to be determined close to the expected content in the analyzed solution, to the other - a standard solution with the content of the element to be determined twice the expected content in the analyzed solution. The volume of the third aliquot is equalized with the volume of the first two by adding 0.5 M hydrochloric acid. If the volumes do not equalize, then this must be taken into account in the calculation.

The absorbance value should be in the straight line section of the graph. Non-selective interference must be taken into account (see clause 9).


where C is the concentration of the element in the solution without additive, µg/cm 3 ;

C 1, C 2 - the concentration of the element in the added standard solutions, µg/cm 3 ;

And about - the value of the absorption signal for a solution without additives;

A 1 , A 2 - the magnitude of the absorption signals for solutions with additives.

The results obtained for two solutions with different additives are averaged. This method calculation is applicable if there is a direct relationship between the concentration of the element in the solution and the value of atomic absorption.


where X p is the mass concentration of the metal in the analyzed solution, found from the calibration curve, µg/cm 3 ;

m 1 - sample weight in terms of absolutely dry matter, g;

V is the volume of the analyzed sample, cm 3 .

For two parallel determinations, two concentration values ​​\u200b\u200bin mg / kg X 1 and X 2 are obtained and the arithmetic mean is calculated:


The two results must not differ from each other by the amount of allowable differences between the results of the analysis:

The values ​​of d rel, % are given in Table. 5.

If the standard d rel is exceeded, the analysis is repeated using a reserve sample. When the specified standard d is repeatedly exceeded, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory control results are found out and eliminated.


results quantitative analysis in documents providing for its use, they are presented in the form:

Mg/kg, P = 0.95,

where: - metal concentration in the sample, mg/kg;

The error in determining the mass concentration of the metal, mg/kg.

Meaning? calculated by the formula:

, (9)

where?, % - confidence limits of the error in determining the elements presented in Table 2.


13.1. Online control of reproducibility

Samples for reproducibility control are real samples of soils, bottom sediments, sediments treatment facilities. For analysis, a double amount of an analytical sample is taken, divided into two equal parts and analyzed in full accordance with the prescription of the methodology, varying the measurement conditions as much as possible.

The discrepancy between the obtained measurement results and should not exceed the value of the standard for operational control of reproducibility D rel.

where - the result of the analysis of the working sample, mg/kg;

- the result of the analysis of the same sample, obtained by another analyst using a different set of volumetric utensils and other batches of reagents, mg/kg;

D rel - allowable discrepancies between the results of the analysis (given in Table 3).

The choice of the value of D rel is carried out according to the values:

where is the arithmetic mean and, mg / dm 3.

The values ​​of D rel, % are given in Table 5.

Operational control of reproducibility is carried out in each batch of samples.

If the standard for operational control of reproducibility is exceeded, the experiment is repeated. When the specified standard D rel is repeatedly exceeded, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory control results are found out and eliminated.

13.2. Operational error control using control samples

Samples for control are standard samples of soil composition. Two to three standard soil samples are analyzed with each batch of samples. Samples are selected in such a way that, in terms of the content of the elements to be determined, they cover the entire range of concentrations of a given batch of samples.

The result of the analysis should not differ from the certified value of the mass fraction of the element in standard sample by the value of the standard for operational control of the error K.

where - the result of measuring the content of the element in the standard sample, mg/kg;

C - certified value of the content of the element in the standard sample, mg/kg.

The values ​​of K rel are given in table 5.

If the standard is exceeded, the control determination is repeated. When the standard is repeatedly exceeded, the reasons leading to unsatisfactory results are found out and eliminated.

13.3. Operational error control using the method of additions

Operational error control is performed in one series with CCA of working samples. Samples for control are real samples of soils, bottom sediments, sewage treatment plant sediments. The analysis is performed by one analyst under the most stable conditions (using one set of volumetric glassware, reagent solutions, etc.).

Take away twice large quantity analytical sample than is necessary to perform the analysis. The first half (2 samples) is analyzed in strict accordance with the MVI prescription and the result of the initial working sample (X) is obtained. The remaining two samples are analyzed in accordance with paragraph 8.5.3 of the methodology and the solution obtained after the decomposition of the samples is supplemented with one or more analytes (C) and analyzed in strict accordance with the procedure, obtaining the result of the analysis of the working sample with the additive (X "). GSO or certified mixtures prepared on the basis of GSO are used as an additive. The amount of the additive should be 50 - 150% of the metal content in the original sample.

The decision on a satisfactory error is made when the following condition is met:

where X" - the result of the analysis of the working sample with the additive, mg / kg;

X is the result of the analysis of the working sample, mg/kg;

C - the amount of addition of the analyzed component, mg/kg;

K d is the standard for operational error control.

Operational error control standard (permissible value of the difference between the result control measurement samples with additive - X", samples - X and additive value - C) in the entire range of determined contents are calculated by the formulas:

mg/kg, (10)

mg/kg, (11)

where? x and? x" - (mg/kg) - values ​​of the error characteristic corresponding to the mass concentration of the determined component in the sample, the sample with the additive, respectively.

Values? x (? x") are given in table 2.

Table 5

The value of the standards for operational control of the reproducibility of convergence, and errors (using samples)

Name of the determined component and measurement range, mg/kg

Standard for operational control of convergence, d rel, % (for two results of parallel determinations, (n = 2) (Р = 0.95)

Standard for intralaboratory operational control of error, K rel, % (P = 0.90)


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 100 incl.


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 100 to 500 incl.


from 50 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 200 to 500 incl.

St. 500 to 2000 incl.

on the certification of the measurement technique

Measurement technique total content of copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, nickel and manganese in soils, bottom sediments and sewage sludge by flame atomic absorption spectrometry ,

developed FGU "Center environmental control and Analysis” Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia (Moscow)

certified in accordance with GOST R 8.563-96.

Certification was carried out based on the results metrological examination of materials for the development of measurement methods .

As a result of certification, it was found that the method meets the metrological requirements for it and has the following main metrological characteristics:

1 Measurement range, values ​​of the characteristic of the relative measurement error and its components at a confidence level P = 0.95

Error characteristic (boundaries in which the error is located),
± ?, %

Characteristic of the random component of the error (standard deviation of the random component of the error),
? (), %

Characteristic of the systematic component of the error (boundaries in which the systematic component of the error is located), ± ? With, %


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 100 incl.


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 100 to 500 incl.


from 50 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 200 to 500 incl.

St. 500 to 2000 incl.

2 Control standard values

2.1 Relative values ​​of the standards for operational control of reproducibility, convergence, errors (using samples)

Name of the determined component and measurement range, mg/kg

Standard for operational control of reproducibility, D rel, % (for two measurement results, m = 2) (Р = 0.95)

Standard for operational control of convergence, d rel, % (for two results of parallel determinations, n = 2) (Р = 0.95)

Standard for external operational control of the error, K rel, % (P = 0.95)

Standard for intralaboratory operational control of error, K rel, % (P = 0.90)


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 5 to 10 incl.

St. 10 to 100 incl.


from 20 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 100 to 500 incl.


from 50 to 100 incl.

St. 100 to 500 incl.


from 200 to 500 incl.

St. 500 to 2000 incl.

2.2 The values ​​of the standard for operational control of the stability of the calibration characteristic at a confidence level P = 0.95

2.3 Values ​​of standards for operational control of errors during control by the method of additions

The operational error control standard (permissible value of the difference between the result of the control measurement of a sample with an additive - X", sample - X and the value of the additive - C) is calculated by the formulas:

When conducting intralaboratory control (P = 0.90)


When conducting external control(P = 0.95)


where? X, ? x" (mg/kg) - values ​​of the error characteristic (ignoring the sign), corresponding to the mass concentration of the determined component in the sample, the sample with the additive, respectively.

X \u003d 0.01? x X (X - mass concentration of the determined component in the sample);

X" = 0.01 × x" X" (X" is the mass concentration of the analyte in the sample with the additive).

Values? x (? x") are given in section 1.

3 Date of issue of the certificate 10.04.2002

Valid until April 10, 2007

Deputy scientific director

I.E. Dobrovinsky

Purpose and scope. one

1. The principle of the method. one

2. Characteristics of measurement error. 2

3. Measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, reagents and materials.. 2

4. Security requirements. 3

5. Requirements for the qualification of the operator. 3

6. Conditions for performing measurements. 3

7. Sampling. four

8. Preparing to perform measurements. four

9. Interfering influences. 7

10. Taking measurements. eight

11. Processing of measurement results. 9

Despite the fact that I am far from the Minister of Defense, although I am not very embarrassed in terms, I will still refrain from words and comparisons that may offend Mr. Kerry. God forbid create an international scandal. I am not used to apologizing to presidents and their accomplices, despite the fact that they do not need my apologies. However, like me in their excuses.

But I need to speak out, and I turn to science for help.

Before me is an article by psychologist Maxim Vlasov. He claims that there are people whom no logical arguments can convince of anything at all. They are so obsessed with their idea that they follow it unquestioningly. These people are distinguished by rigidity and perseverance. They are sensitive to insults and neglect from others. Such people, according to the specialist, have mental disorders. They are completely unhealthy. Unfortunately, these people already inadequately perceive the surrounding reality. Such a disease in a scientific way, I ask you to note this to Mr. Kerry and his owner, is called paranoia, which very often borders on fanaticism.

Maxim Vlasov states: “The fact is that scientists and doctors do not yet really know the causal appearance of paranoia, not the methods of its treatment. And although, of course, paranoia is treated, including through psychotherapy, there are no guarantees for a successful recovery of the patient, some argue that it is basically impossible to do this ... ”

And then I thought, why should I be indignant at the crazy speeches and no less crazy statements of Uncle Joe? He is sick, and, apparently, incurable. You can not be offended by people suffering from such a disease.

I am sure that all sane Israelis understand this, except for the “crown duke”, who seized power in the labor party, and the Israeli finance minister, who stands up for the well-being of the middle class in general and one woman in particular. I keep forgetting her name. Well, God be with her and with people who are ready to pay for the economic well-being of the “people” with the sacred land of the Jewish state. The main thing is that the Prime Minister of Israel should remember that the land of our country is not “shagreen leather” in its mirror image. It is impossible to bargain with the world for an ephemeral "peace" through territorial concessions in particular and any other concessions to terror in general. Even for economic handouts. Not a single piece can be torn off from the “shagreen leather” in exchange for smiles and a pat on the back of the anti-Semitic powers. I beg your pardon. The powers have nothing to do with it. I specify - anti-Semitic leaders. Lord, I screwed up again. How many times I promised myself not to cut the truth-womb in the forehead. So no, I couldn't resist.

Kerry's latest speech is nothing more than a direct blackmail of Israel with a global boycott. In the subtext of his words, there is an undisguised threat of the cancellation of the American protection of Israel from the attacks of the outside world and the termination of financial and military assistance. Naturally, these threats were not made directly. But he who knows how to hear will hear. A senior Israeli government official told the media, “Kerry is threshing and crushing Israel like a grain in a mortar, demanding constant concessions from us. But at the same time, Abu Mazen did not step aside from his positions, and this, obviously, suits the American representative quite well.”

Undoubtedly satisfied. But I don’t quite understand what makes the Secretary of State of such a great and powerful country to destroy the small state of Israel to a greater extent?! Anti-Semitism? Injured self-esteem? Or the disease I mentioned above? Or maybe all at once?

And further. “If already now, at the stage of drawing up a framework agreement, the US Secretary of State is showing such a one-sided approach, one can imagine what will happen next.

However, if you look at the current situation in cold blood, the international boycott of Israel, which is threatened by Kerry, is not such a strong weapon in his hands, ”said a senior politician in a morning interview with Kol Israel radio station.

I can't help but quote the Minister of Economy Naftali Bennett:

“There is no people in the world who agrees to give up their state because of the threat of an economic boycott. Israel's economic prosperity will come from security, not from a terrorist state near Ben-Gurion Airport."

Right Minister, right.

Mr. Netanyahu, you understand that your minister is right! Or I'm wrong?