Horse manure is useful as fertilizer. What can you feed with manure? Benefits of horse manure as fertilizer

​Similar articles​ ​It is highly undesirable to include nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the last two feedings of tomatoes.​

​The first liquid feeding is usually carried out when 2-3 true leaves have formed on young plants. To prepare a solution, dilute one tablespoon of urea in 10 liters of water.​

​If the greenhouse has dense soil (clayey, for example), then it is better to refrain from horse organics. The decomposition of manure in soil with high density is slowed down. Because of this, methane and hydrogen sulfide accumulate in the ground, which poison the roots of plants.​

​Slurry, which can be purchased at any stable, is a very fast-acting fertilizer. It is added by first diluting it with water and increasing the original volume by 5-7 times. It compensates for the deficiency of nitrogen and potassium in plants. Tomatoes love this type of feeding, especially at the beginning of the growing season.​

​There are several ways to set up a warm greenhouse. The simplest one is to dig a trench in the greenhouse, at least 0.5 m deep, and put fresh manure in it, with a layer of 0.2 m. You need to fill it with soil on top, to the level of the top cut of the soil. After this, the bed should be shed with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. pink color, and add fertilizer to it at the rate of: nitrophoska (2 tablespoons) and wood ash (1 cup), per 1 square meter. In such a bed, and even under a film, cucumbers grow very quickly and delight you with rich harvests.​

  • ​liquid horse manure, and manure in granules. Manufacturers also began selling it in bags.​
  • ​Growing a tomato is one of the most difficult gardening jobs. This crop is demanding not only in terms of care and planting rules, but also in soil fertilization.​
  • ​7-10 days after planting, all plants are watered weak solution potassium permanganate.​
  • ​You should choose fertilizers with a low nitrogen content in relation to other components.​

​Poultry "waste" has another undeniable advantage - droppings can be used fresh.​

​Horse manure has long been used in agriculture. Firstly, since this excellent fertilizer was always at hand before. Secondly, today the use of manure is the most environmentally friendly and effective way to increase productivity.​

Feeding with chicken manure, mullein and horse manure - which is more effective?

Feeding with chicken manure - for rapid growth

​To obtain sustainable yields, it is necessary to regularly replenish the stock nutrients in the soil. Organic fertilizers are best suited for these purposes:

The next fertilization of tomatoes is carried out a week after the first liquid feeding. A solution of nitrophoska at the rate of 1 tbsp is best suited for it. spoon of fertilizer per liter of water. The resulting solution is enough to fertilize up to 30 tomato bushes.​ ​Fresh manure is mainly applied during autumn continuous digging​​Purchase and transportation of this fertilizer to in kind- very expensive activities. If you only need to process a couple of beds, you can use more compact packaging.​

​In order to fertilize plants with horse manure more rationally and fully, you need to know how to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in it.​

​A standard bag holds about 40-50 liters of dry substrate, and it weighs about 35-40 kg.​ ​It is best to start planting tomatoes on soils where other crops, such as cucumbers, were previously grown, but after potatoes it is not recommended. Prepare the soil for planting in the fall by digging and adding up to 0.8 kg of lime, 8 kg of organic mixtures (bird droppings, manure, compost, peat), and up to 50 g of superphosphate. This amount of fertilizer is taken per square meter.​After 10-15 days, ammonium nitrate is used, which is added in a dosage of 10-20 g per 10 liters of water.​

Preparing mullein for feeding - safe organic

​Planting is carried out in the spring, and the soil must be ready in the fall - this is an important rule that every gardener must remember.​

​The maximum that is required is to dissolve it in a certain amount of liquid.​

​When applied to the soil, it begins to act almost immediately. However, in the first year, the increase in yield is not so noticeable: horse manure contains almost no mineral nitrogen. But in subsequent years, the result becomes clear, because the organic substances contained in horse “apples” decompose and increase soil fertility. Naturally, horse manure is used differently on different types of soil and for different crops. Let's look at exactly how.​

​Cow or horse manure, less often pig manure, is the most popular fertilizer among gardeners. It should be added only after composting.​

​Subsequent feeding is carried out at intervals of 10-12 days with a solution of nitrophoska (you can use “Agricol No. 3” or “-ffecton O”) before planting the seedlings in the ground.​

Fertilizing with horse manure is a rarity in the garden

​. It can be used in the spring for crops with a long period of growth and development (white cabbage, potatoes).​

​Manufacturers of fertilizers for farms, gardens and household plots began producing granulated horse manure several years ago.​

How to properly feed tomatoes?

Nitrogen is one of the most important elements found in green manure plants. Manure is saturated with their particles. Hay, straw and others cereal crops accumulate and retain this chemical element, and subsequently transfer it to the soil, providing new plants with adequate nutrition. Tomatoes, for example, love nitrogen-rich soil. If they are fully provided with this nutrient, they get sick less and bear fruit more actively.​

​After the opportunity arose not to purchase this fertilizer by truck, but to purchase it in much smaller quantities, interest in it increased. Now even many summer residents have begun to fertilize their beds with horse manure, and are very pleased with the result.​

​In the spring, the soil is dug up and loosened, all weeds are completely removed. After this, it is necessary to additionally add 30 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium fertilizer. Tomatoes are planted only after the soil is properly fertilized, which makes it possible to get a rich harvest.​

​To get an early harvest, you need to use foliar fertilizers every six days from a mixture of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. For every 10 liters, 10-15 g/10 g/10-15 g are added, respectively.

Types of fertilizers for tomatoes

​Today we will tell you exactly what fertilizers are needed for a crop such as a tomato, what scheme is used to apply them, and what should not be used for tomatoes.​

  1. ​When talking about bird droppings, summer residents generalize all birds, be it ducks, geese, or turkeys. The only thing that stands out separately is chicken - it is easiest to find at poultry farms, and even in household Chickens live, as a rule, all year round, producing a fresh portion of fertilizer every day. It is also superior to other species in terms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content.​
  2. ​Horse manure as fertilizer​
  3. ​Poultry droppings are a very strong fertilizer that can “burn” plant roots if used incorrectly. Used after composting with straw or peat at a ratio of 1:2, and also as liquid fertilizer (10g of dry manure per bucket of water).​

The plants themselves will tell you the required amount of fertilizing and how to fertilize the tomatoes; you just need to carefully observe the seedlings.

Tomato feeding scheme

​Manure application rates are 4-6 kg per 1 sq.m.​

​Today the most popular fertilizer of these types (possibly due to its prevalence) is

  1. ​If horse manure is not stored properly, a significant portion of the nitrogen can evaporate in the form of ammonia as a result of the decomposition of protein substances. With sufficient air access, this reaction occurs faster. Therefore, the main task during storage is to ensure dense stacking with minimal access to oxygen.​
  2. ​Like any other organic matter, this substrate must be used skillfully. There are many ways to use horse manure. His
  3. Saltpeter, for example, helps increase the weight of fruits. But this increases the ripening time.​
  4. ​At the time when the first clusters begin to bloom, tomatoes need a solution of azofoska and mullein, which are added at 25 g per 10 liters of water.​
  5. ​Tomatoes can be fertilized with various formulations, which consist of the following components:​
  6. ​The application standards, however, are the same for all types of raw manure. No more than half a kilogram should be added to the soil per square meter vegetable garden
  7. Ground is an excellent biofuel for greenhouses and greenhouses, and in this case it can be used fresh. Needs to be removed from the garden top soil, in its place, 30 cm of thawed coprolite is poured in a loose layer, poured with very abundantly heated water with potassium permanganate and horse manure is covered with ash (or fluff lime), and on top with fertile soil. This soil is made from excavated soil mixed with ash. Water again with warm pink potassium permanganate. The resulting “featherbed” is tightly wrapped with film. After two days, you can plant the prepared seeds. In the same way, you can organize a garden bed outdoors. For some crops, rotted manure is used.​
  8. A wonderful liquid fertilizer is herbal infusion (green manure). The green parts of the plants (gardeners recommend nettles) are filled with water and infused for 2 weeks.​
  9. ​The main visible signs of nutrient deficiency are:​

What don't they like about tomatoes?

​With the “manual” method of application, it should be taken into account that 7.5 kg of fresh manure and about 5 kg with sawdust are placed in 1 bucket with a capacity of 10 liters.​

  1. ​"Orgavit horse", it is used for all types of garden, garden and house plants.​
  2. The “cold” laying method involves the formation of a pile 2-3 meters wide and 1.5 - 2 meters high. Length is unlimited. The top of this structure must be covered with peat or straw and well compacted to protect it from various external influences.​
  3. ​used both in rotted form and fresh, using, for example, to heat beds.​

​As tomatoes grow, they need to be constantly fed by adding a variety of additives to the soil. This includes granulated superphosphate at a rate of 10-12 g, which is added to the wells for seedlings, and special mixtures of ash (10-15 kg) and lime (3-5 kg), which help plants grow. ​

  • ​The remaining 2-3 main feedings are carried out at intervals of two weeks. To do this, take mullein and potassium sulfate (mullein can be replaced with bird droppings). A mixture such as potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate is also suitable. The dosage is 30 g per 10 liters of water based on 15 g of mullein and 20 g of potassium sulfate (or 25 g of ammonium nitrate and 30 g of potassium sulfate).​
  • ​Superphosphate is the most common and effective fertilizer for tomatoes and is best suited. It contains nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus. This fertilizer helps reduce soil acidity. In addition, magnesium promotes the rapid development of nightshade crops. Superphosphate is available in the form of dry granules and powder, which are diluted in water along with other products. Typically a garden sprayer is used for application.​
  • ​If you want to apply natural fertilizer to individual plants, then for convenience and fast delivery nutrients, we recommend diluting the fertilizer in water, adding 1 part of manure to 10 parts of liquid
  • ​Horse manure: degrees of depravity​

Growing rules

Peat is a universal regulator of soil moisture (with simultaneous fertilization and improvement of structure). It retains moisture on sandy soils and takes away excess moisture on heavy soils. But it contains few nutrients, so peat is usually mixed with other organic fertilizers.​

Sluggish, yellow, rapidly falling leaves on tomatoes, as well as slower growth and development of plants indicate an insufficient amount of nitrogen in the soil. But it should be borne in mind that similar signs can be caused by low temperature, lack of moisture and poor lighting of seedlings.​

​It is best to buy horse manure on peat bedding. The mixture of this substrate with sawdust contains the least amount of nutrients. But this type is often sold in bags, which simplifies transportation.​

​It differs from many analogues in that most of the nutrients are preserved in an accessible form. It does not increase soil toxicity.​

​The temperature inside will be within 25-30 degrees, no air will pass through, and carbon dioxide will occupy the free cavities, which will slow down the activity of aerobic bacteria and help preserve more of the beneficial properties of this organic fertilizer.​ ​Basically​

To make the soil fertile, peat and loamy soil mixed with manure are added to it.

​You need to fertilize tomatoes very carefully, as this is a capricious crop. So, they don’t like tomatoes:

​Complex fertilizers are a prepared mixture that includes potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. This is a nitroammophoska, which is one of the best for feeding.​

Horse manure as fertilizer: use of fresh, rotted, dry

​. Feeding with dry bird droppings will be effective if it is infused in water beforehand. The consumption rate is two times less.​​There are four degrees of soil decomposition. Horse manure, the use of which significantly improves soil fertility, can be:​ ​Ash formed when burning branches, straw, firewood or charcoal called stove and is a valuable fertilizer. It contains potassium and phosphorus in easily digestible forms, as well as large number microelements (magnesium, manganese, iron, sulfur, zinc, molybdenum, etc.). When applying, ash should be embedded to a depth of about 10 cm, since when applied superficially it contributes to the formation of a soil crust. You should not mix this fertilizer with mullein or bird droppings, lime, or phosphate rock, as this reduces the effectiveness of fertilizers.​

​The stems and leaves of young plants acquire a pronounced purple shade- this means the tomatoes lack phosphorus.

​Manure is a complex organic fraction in which mineralization is slow. Because of this, it cannot always provide adequate nutrition for plants. This product is ideal for replacing mineral fertilizers, since it is of natural origin and will not contain substances harmful to the human body. Another plus is that there are no weed seeds that burn during the manufacturing process. Properly stored, this

​this type of organic matter is respected by melons​

​To summarize, we note once again that fertilizers for tomatoes are applied according to a certain scheme, which allows you to give the plants everything they need. The first feeding, as we have already said, is carried out before planting the seedlings, the second is carried out when the seedlings are pale and begin to lag slightly in growth. In this case, fertilizers for tomatoes are needed, such as a mixture of mullein or bird droppings and water (at the rate of 1/8 and 1/10, respectively) with the addition of ammonium nitrate (15 g), potassium sulfate (10 g).​ ​Soils that are too oily and contain excess organic fertilizers.​

Which crops should be fertilized with fresh manure?

​For tomatoes, manure, wood ash, humus, and peat are used.​​Mullein is often confused with slurry, but these are two different fertilizers. In fact, slurry is the raw material for mullein. Yes, it is also suitable for application to the soil, but there is a risk of introducing pathogens that are dangerous to plants, as well as weed seeds. Mullein is fermented slurry.​ ​Fresh. It can be visually identified by the remains of straw and sawdust: in fresh manure they retain their structure and color.​

​The stores have wide choice ready-made organic fertilizers: Vermix vermicompost, Pixa supercompost, Sozervay-ka!, Reliable compost and others.​

​Pale leaves with clearly visible green veins (chlorosis) warn the gardener that the plants require iron.​

​. To maintain a normal balance, mineral fertilizers should be used in parallel

Biofuel for gardening

​Horse manure should be diluted in granules in this way:​​dry humus is very useful for most plants. It contains 2-3 times more nutrients than fresh substrate. If you fertilize the soil with horse manure, pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, and squash will grow and develop well on it. Another lover of “fresh food” is celery. On soil fed in this way, it forms huge, well-leafed bushes along the entire length with fleshy stems, which overwinter splendidly without shelter (in the fall they need to be pruned at the root).​

How to “warm up” a bed for cucumbers?

The next feeding is carried out after 10-15 days, the mixture used for this is as follows: 15 g of saltpeter and 15 g of potassium chloride are added to a bucket of ordinary water for irrigation. Regular feeding When planting, it is carried out with granulated superphosphate, after which soil is added.​

Litter manure - how to store?

​More than three feedings with mullein, as this is harmful to the crop.​

Mineral fertilizers are applied once every two weeks; for this purpose, root and foliar feeding, additives in the holes, and spraying are used. Peat-humic mixtures with sodium humate and Bacillus subtilis strain are used.​

​During the fermentation process, most dangerous pathogens die, and weed seeds settle to the bottom along with other heavy particles. Therefore, feeding with mullein is much safer. To prepare this fertilizer, you need fresh cow manure, which is placed in a suitable container and filled with water in a ratio of 1:5. The components must be mixed, the container must be closed with a lid and wait about two weeks. Every 3 days it is advisable to stir the mash.​

​Half-rotted. It dries out: compared to fresh, the same volume will weigh a third less. The organic residues in it are dark brown, easily losing their structure.​

​All simple mineral fertilizers for tomatoes are divided into nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.​

Rotted manure

​You can quickly feed the plants if necessary by spraying the leaves and stems with a nutrient solution (foliar feeding). Standard solution for this purpose it is prepared from superphosphate (1 tablespoon is filled with a liter of very hot water). After 24 hours, the resulting solution is filtered and water is added to 10 liters. To increase the nutritional quality of this organic compound, you can use composting, decomposition to humus, or add it to the soil in advance, for example, in the fall.​

​Orgavit is poured with water, and wait until the granules are completely dissolved. The suspension must be left for at least 4 hours so that the beneficial substances are transferred into an easily digestible form. Before feeding, the resulting mixture must be stirred well (to avoid the formation of phosphorus sediment). Then water the plants following the instructions.​

​It is applied under fruit trees (up to 5 buckets per plant), under berry bushes(3 buckets), use it to mulch the beds with strawberries and tomatoes.​

Liquid horse manure

​You can dilute horse manure (fresh) in this way:​

​As you can see, proper nutrition for tomatoes is necessary for the growth of the plant and subsequently obtaining a bountiful harvest. Begin preparatory work Long after planting the crop, the soil is fertilized in the fall so that in the spring its layer is sufficiently fertile. But fertilizers for tomatoes are also necessary throughout the entire growing period, for which various mixtures are used according to a specially developed scheme.​

Urea can only be used for spraying; under no circumstances should it be added directly to the hole. In addition, frequent watering is also harmful, so they must be done strictly according to the scheme.​

​Many experts say that fertilizers for tomatoes can be very different, the main thing is to strictly follow the dosage and application schedule. What and how best to feed them? Let's take an example general scheme applying fertilizing when growing in any conditions (for poor soils and during rainy summers, the amount should be doubled, but the dosage should be reduced by one third).​

​The readiness of the fertilizer is indicated by the settling of solid particles and a noticeable change in color to a lighter one.​

Horse manure granules

Rotten. This manure is a homogeneous black mass, which no longer contains noticeable remains of straw and sawdust. It is half lighter than fresh “waste”, which is why it costs a little more.​

​Nitrogen fertilizers. The most common: ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium sulfate, urea, urea. These fertilizers cause acidification of the soil, so after their use the soil should be limed.​

​After planting the seedlings on the beds in the greenhouse, you need to find out: what to fertilize the tomatoes with and how often. Only timely and balanced fertilizing will allow you to get a rich harvest. delicious vegetables. Overfeeding of plants should be avoided, as this can have the exact opposite effect. Using horse manure as a fertilizer, you can achieve good results both on your own personal plot, and on a larger, industrial scale.​ ​With all the advantages of this fertilizer, there are situations in which​

​If there is a lot of sawdust in the manure, then it is good to mulch it trunk circles fruit trees after watering. Then the moisture in the roots will remain much longer. Humus mixed with straw and leaves is “filled” between the rows of raspberries and strawberries, forming a layer at least 10 cm thick. It is not advisable to apply manure to beds where small crops are planned to be planted. The fact is that horses do not pick up weeds, and they can “chop” small sprouts.​

​Take a proportion of 1:200 (naturally more water) and place it in a warm place for several days. After the mixture has fermented, it is diluted again 1:10, and any garden crops are fed with it.​

​Horse manure can be used as a fertilizer for most plants. It consists of

When should horse manure not be used?

​Tomatoes must be fertilized correctly at a certain period of time. Among other contraindications when growing, one can note: Tomatoes love fertilizing and respond best to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which improve the quality of the fruit (low nitrate content) and regulate their simultaneous ripening.

  • ​The finished mullein must be diluted again in water, at least twice. This is done immediately before its use. Since mullein contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, but little phosphorus, you can enrich the solution with superphosphate at the rate of 100 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of solution. For the same amount of mullein, it wouldn’t hurt to add 500 grams wood ash.​
  • Let's humus. This is completely rotted dung. It is earthy in color, loose, homogeneous, and weighs only a quarter of the same volume of fresh mass.​
  • ​Phosphorus fertilizers. - superphosphate in the form of powder or granules.​
  • ​Before planting tomato seedlings, fertilizers are added to the holes - a handful of humus or compost and a pinch of ash. This will be the first feeding of young plants. In the absence of humus, immediately after planting, small tomatoes are watered " green tea» infusion of green herbs with the addition of mullein and ash.​

General rules for the use of “horse apples”

​Tomatoes are very responsive to both soil quality and fertilizing. However, adding an excess amount various fertilizers unacceptable for tomatoes. It will be better for tomato plants and fruits if they are slightly “underfed” than given an excessive dose of nutrients. The best option is the gradual application of fertilizers, and fertilizing should be done with those elements that are necessary at this stage of the plant growing season. It is better to refrain from using it:

​Several years ago, liquid concentrate of cow, bird and horse manure appeared on sale. Manufacturer guaranteed natural origin product, and promised that the effect on plants would be the same as when using simple manure. Another way to use fresh manure is to scatter it around the garden for autumn digging. It will rot enough over the winter. But this method, despite all its ease, is better not to use. When used in this way, this fertilizer can lose up to 50% of its beneficial properties.​

​nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, and other nutrients​

​Plants should not be thickened; there should be a distance of 45 cm between individual bushes; ​Feeding should be done when planting seedlings. Application time - after 15 days. Nitrophoska and complex fertilizers are added to the soil. Dosage: half a teaspoon per 1 liter of water. Fertilizer is applied to the grooves, which are made either on both sides along the beds or around the plants. It is best to introduce mullein into dry soil - pour into the grooves as much as they can absorb. Don't forget to fill the grooves with soil after the liquid has been absorbed.​

​How to use manure​

Fertilizer for tomatoes - which fertilizer to choose?

Potash fertilizers for tomatoes. Usually potassium sulfate or potassium sulfate is used. It is not advisable to use potassium chloride and potassium salt, as they increase the chlorine content in the soil, which negatively affects the development of tomatoes and the taste of the fruit.​

Fertilizing tomatoes when planting

The first liquid feeding is carried out approximately 2-3 weeks after planting the seedlings. For this, a mixture of mineral fertilizers is used: phosphorus - 40 g, potassium - 15 g and nitrogen 25 g, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. One liter of the prepared solution is poured under each plant.

​Before you start planting, you should select tomato varieties that have proven themselves well in the given region. In addition, you can successfully use your own assembled planting material from your favorite bushes. The selected seeds should be “etched” with potassium permanganate, since no fertilizer for tomatoes will help if a obviously diseased plant sprouts. After this, the seed must be soaked in one of the preparations that stimulate germination, such as “Guamat”, “Zircon”, “Kornevin” or “-pin”. They not only accelerate seed germination, but are the first, environmentally friendly fertilizers for future sprouts. Absorbed into the seeds, these preparations supply the sprouts with microelements necessary for their growth and development. Soak the planting material for a period of 16-18 hours at a temperature of at least 15 degrees (optimally 22°). After this, the seeds should be removed from the solution, otherwise they will rot (the seedlings need oxygen). The best option is to germinate in a cloth soaked in a solution.​

Fertilizer for tomato seedlings

​If there is a fungal coating on its surface, it is not suitable for use as biofuel (it loses the ability to heat up).​

  • ​Gardeners tested this product, and it received a fairly high positive rating. Moreover, it is packaged in small bottles with a capacity of 5 liters, which made its delivery to the site affordable for most gardeners. This recipe is used when preparing an infusion of horse manure with your own hands. The final product was popularly called “Horse Mash”. It is done like this:
  • ​Fresh horse manure is a natural source of heat for creating beds for melons. Its “burning” temperature is more than 33°C, which
  • ​, which, as a powerful catalyst, affect plant flora. When using horse manure, the productivity of garden and vegetable crops increases, resistance to diseases and negative external factors increases. By fertilizing the soil with it, you can achieve an increase in its fertility for several years due to a significant aftereffect period.​
  • ​You cannot flood the beds with tomatoes;​

​Compared to bird droppings and mullein, horse manure is a rarity these days. But it is this manure that is best suited as biofuel for greenhouses - fresh it is laid in a layer of 20–30 cm under the soil layer. During the decomposition process, it creates temperatures of up to 80 ° C! It is simply ideal to grow seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, and white cabbage in horse manure.​

  1. ​For each type of soil, for each crop grown, it is necessary to select its own fraction of horse apples. However, there are general recommendations that need to be taken into account. They have been developed on the basis of long experience by knowledgeable gardeners and horticulturists. So, fresh manure should not be applied to the soil in the spring: it contains a lot of weeds that have not been processed in the horse’s stomach (and may also contain pest eggs). Rotted manure becomes very low in nitrogen, which can reduce the effectiveness of the fertilizer. Left in heaps, not covered with a film, the ground very quickly loses its properties, so it is best to fertilize and plant plants on the same day. Large areas should be divided into sections that can be processed in one go. On light soils, it is enough to use manure once every three to four years; on heavy soils, you can scatter it once every seven years.​
  2. ​Complex fertilizers for tomatoes​
  3. ​During the period of mass flowering, the following feeding is carried out, which is necessary for the formation of a good ovary. It is prepared on the basis of mullein or bird droppings (0.5 liters), to which a small amount (1 tablespoon) of potassium sulfate is added and diluted in 10 liters of water. In the absence of organic fertilizers, fertilizing is carried out with a solution of nitrophoska (you can use “Sortvorin” or “Kemira-universal”. It is advisable to add about 3 g of copper sulfate or potassium permanganate to the liquid fertilizing.

​This should not be used for soaking seeds. useful fertilizer like wood ash. The mineral salts it contains slow down the growth of young plants. Potassium fertilizers are not used for soaking seeds for a similar reason - they have a inhibitory effect on seeds and seedlings.​

How to correctly apply fertilizers for tomatoes in a greenhouse

​When creating a “warm bed” for cucumbers, horse manure cannot be used if it is not sufficiently decomposed, since poorly weathered ammonia can poison the plants.​

  • ​Fresh nettle is poured with water and infused for three days. Then horse manure is added to this mixture (in the proportion of 1 part to 10 parts of infusion), and the whole thing is left for another couple of days.​
  • ​allows you to grow southern plants even in cold climates​
  • ​This is a very rich in composition, but not very common feeding. The fact is that it is very problematic to buy such miracle organics in their natural form, since they are sold mainly from large stables, which are not available in all regions of the country.​
  • It is important to have bright, good lighting; tomatoes die in the shade;
  • ​15 days after picking, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added. Dosage: one tablespoon of each component per 10 liters of water. You can additionally add 2 tbsp. spoons of kemira.​

​Fresh manure is applied only in the fall, for digging. In the spring, it is permissible to add a small amount of this organic matter to potatoes, zucchini, and cucumbers. For other crops, it is better to apply rotted manure at the rate of 5-6 kg per square meter. For liquid feeding, you can prepare an infusion by diluting a liter of manure in 10 liters of water.​

Organic fertilizers for tomatoes

​If a poultry farm has settled near your village, you can completely forget about buying mineral fertilizers for your garden. Even if the poultry farm sells the litter for money, its value will still be much lower. It is bird droppings that experienced summer residents consider the most fast-acting fertilizer - it contains half of the periodic table. Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are present in compounds that are easily absorbed by the root system of plants.​

  • ​B lately Gardeners are increasingly using ready-made complex fertilizers. These include: diammophos, nitroammophos, ammophos, nitrophoska, Kemira Universal-2, Calcium nitrate, Mortar, Universal, Potassium Monophosphate and others. Their main advantage is that they eliminate the need to independently prepare mixtures of various fertilizers.​
  • ​When the ovary begins to form, the tomatoes are fed with an infusion of wood ash (2 liters per 10 liters of hot water) with the addition of 10 g boric acid.​
  • The key to a good tomato harvest is strong and healthy seedlings. Timely and properly carried out fertilizing plays a huge role in this.​
  • It is not advisable to apply this fertilizer to potatoes. It can be a carrier of scab.​
  • ​The finished product should be used after thorough mixing, by watering, or spraying the leaves of plants in the evening.​
  • ​. For example, watermelons grow in such a bed in closed ground even in Siberia and the Urals.​

Mineral fertilizers for tomatoes

​The situation has begun to improve in the last few years. New types of packaging have appeared. This

​When growing, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of fertilizing, since an overdose or lack of it will greatly affect the yield.​

Fertilizers for tomatoes can also be applied to the holes. This is superphosphate, saltpeter with the following dosage: for each hole, a tablespoon of fertilizer.​

​Tomato is a very useful crop, but also demanding to grow. The first fertilizers for tomatoes begin to be applied to the soil long before planting, in the autumn months, so that the soil becomes fertile and saturated with all necessary substances.​

​If we compare bird droppings with other types of organic fertilizers and manure, then in addition to much greater efficiency

​Tomatoes, although they require additional attention, are very responsive to timely, proper fertilizing and various agricultural practices (loosening, weeding, hilling, watering). Therefore, every gardener can grow a good harvest of tasty and healthy fruits.​

To accelerate the ripening of fruits and improve their taste during the period of mass fruiting, tomatoes are fed with a solution prepared from 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and one spoon of sodium humate per bucket of water.

Feeding tomato seedlings: how and when

What can be fertilized with manure? This is the question often asked by both experienced and novice summer residents. The answer is simple: almost everything, but it is important to follow application rates and follow recipes for making a nutrient mixture for plants.

Growth and development garden plants, as well as abundant harvests are impossible without the application of fertilizers. Each crop must receive the required amount of macro- and microelements from the soil, which must be applied regularly. The most popular natural fertilizer is manure, which has been used by private farm owners for many centuries. It is this unique source of nutrients that we will talk about today.

The benefits of manure and its types

Manure is rich magnesium And calcium, which reduce soil acidity. Potassium And phosphorus are contained in manure in the most accessible form for plants, and nitrogen remains in the soil for a long time. Contained in manure microorganisms contribute to the formation of humus. Also, large amounts of manure are released into the soil. carbon dioxide, necessary for photosynthesis and heat exchange.

There are several types of manure:

  • – the most best variety fertilizers of this type. Suitable for planting in greenhouses and greenhouses. Within a week after this, the temperature of the manure rises to 60°C, remains for a month, and then drops to 30°C;
  • cow manure - suitable for all types of soil. It takes a long time to decompose and can be used from early spring until plants begin to bloom. It heats up to 50°C, but after a week it cools down to 30°C, so plants receive the required proportion of microelements only for a very short period of time. The normal color of manure is black;
  • goat and sheep manure– very effective and “long-lasting” varieties of manure (they can be applied 4-5 times less frequently than horse and cow manure). It is especially good to use these types of manure on “cold” soils and for fertilizing garden plots;
  • pig manure introduced mainly into greenhouses, and it works most effectively only together with active spring sun. Since pigs eat not only plant food, but also animal food, the composition of pig manure is more diverse compared to other species. It also contains plant residues from weeds and seeds, which effectively fertilize the soil. It can be used on any soil and is best mixed with horse manure;
  • rabbit manure it is not inferior in efficiency to horse breeding, but it can rarely be found in the required quantity, since there are not many rabbit farms;
  • chicken droppings especially rich in nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphoric acid. Land fertilized with chicken manure remains fertile even several years after the application of this fertilizer. It should be remembered that watering plants with solutions based on chicken manure should only be done at the root.

Horse manure is the driest, lightest and most compact, its moisture content is the lowest - up to 8 kg of fresh horse droppings can be placed in one bucket

What can be fertilized with manure in spring?

You should start fertilizing with manure in the spring. For this purpose, a rotted substrate is used, the concentration of substances in which has already reached optimal values.

Apply fresh manure to spring fertilizer soil is not allowed, because due to the high content of uric acid and other aggressive substances, it can burn young plants.

Humus is applied in a continuous “carpet”, evenly distributing it over the area of ​​the site. Fertilize the land with manure early spring, greenery has not yet begun to grow. Under fruit trees add 1-3 buckets of manure (volume 10 l), and under berry bushes no more than 1 bucket of fertilizer. In spring, the following crops are also fed:

  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic.

What can be fertilized with manure in the fall?

The second stage of applying fertilizers to a summer cottage begins with the arrival of autumn. At this time, microelements are mixed with soil components and feed the plants gradually over the next 6-8 months. The soil becomes more fertile, since the accumulation of necessary substances in it occurs more actively. Therefore, autumn fertilizing with manure is considered more useful than spring fertilizing. The following plants are usually fertilized at this time of year:

  • cherry;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • gooseberry;
  • raspberries;
  • carrot;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • plum;
  • currants;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • apple tree

Rotted manure is usually applied in the spring, and fresh manure in the fall.

How to feed tomatoes with manure

To prepare the manure mixture, dilute a bucket (10 liters) of manure in 30 liters of water. The resulting composition is infused for 3-5 days. Apply 2-3 liters of diluted manure per tomato bush. After this, the plants are not watered for 3 days. Apply the first fertilizing 20-25 days after planting the seedlings in the greenhouse. Subsequently, the manure composition is applied no more than once every two weeks.

The amount of fertilizer should be increased depending on the size of the bush

You can also prepare a complex composition. To do this, dilute 0.5 liters of mullein in 10 liters of water and add 1 tbsp. nitrophoska. Apply 0.5 liters of the resulting mixture to each plant. Apply the second feeding when the second flower cluster blooms, and the third during the flowering period of the third cluster.

How to feed cucumbers with manure

Can be used to fertilize cucumbers fresh manure. Unlike rotted fruit, it has an alkaline reaction, and during decomposition it releases a large amount of nitrogen, which is necessary for the growth of this crop. Manure fertilizers work especially well on acidified soils.

Cucumbers require the most fertilizer during the fruiting period.

Cucumbers are fed with manure at least 4 times per season:

  • first time- at the very beginning of flowering. Dilute 1 glass of mullein in 10 liters of water and add 1 tsp. potassium sulfate, superphosphate and urea. After watering, apply 0.5 liters of solution under each plant;
  • second time- at the beginning of fruiting. Dilute about 0.5 kg of chicken manure, 3 tbsp. in a 10 liter bucket of water. ash and 1 tbsp. nitrophoska. Apply 1 liter of mixture under the bush;
  • third time Cucumbers are fed two weeks after the second feeding. Dilute 1 liter of mullein with water in a ratio of 1:3 and dilute the resulting composition with 10 liters of water. If desired, add 1 tsp. potassium sulfate, urea and superphosphate. Water the beds with a strained solution at the rate of 8-10 liters per 1 sq.m;
  • fourth time cucumbers should be fed 2-2.5 weeks after the third feeding. Dilute 1 liter of chicken manure with water in a ratio of 1:3 and add 10 liters of water. Use 5 liters of composition per 1 sq.m.

How to feed other vegetables with manure

Other vegetables in the garden are fed with organic matter prepared according to the following recipes:

  • white cabbage feed with manure twice a season: 20 days after planting the seedlings and 25-30 days after the first feeding. Dilute the fermented mullein with water 4-6 times and apply 0.5 liters of the composition under each plant. In dry weather, add the same amount of water for irrigation;
  • zucchini feed with manure even before flowering. For 1 liter of mullein, take 10 liters of water and add 10 g of nitrophoska. Apply 1 liter of composition to each bush. During flowering, zucchini is fed again. To do this, 1 liter of fresh chicken manure is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 and 1 tbsp is added. complex fertilizer. The resulting mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water and 3 liters of the composition are added per 1 sq.m;
  • potato does not respond well to the application of organic fertilizers and minerals. Manure allows you to only slightly “heal” weak and pale plants. 0.5 liters of liquid mullein are diluted with 10 liters of water and 3-4 liters are added per square meter;
  • carrot doesn't need much feeding organic compounds. You can feed it only if the shoots are weakly developed. Bird droppings are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15, and slurry - in a ratio of 1:5 and the furrows between the beds are watered;
  • red beets, perhaps, “likes” organic fertilizers most of all. The first one is done after 3-4 true leaves appear. For 10 liters of water, take 1.5 cups of mullein, 1 g of nitrophoska and the same amount of boric acid. Apply the second feeding with a similar solution, but with 1 cup of mullein, during the growth of root crops. Don’t be afraid to overfeed the beets; excess nutrients will not harm them.

Manure can be stored outdoors, but only under film cover

How to feed roses and other flowers with manure

Not all flower growers want to “spoil” the aroma of their country flower bed with the unpleasant smell of manure. But now there are manure concentrates on sale that are intended for use even indoors. In addition, to feed garden and indoor flowers, you can use mullein or horse manure with a less pungent odor.

It is undesirable to use sheep and pig manure, as well as waste from pets, to feed flower plants.

For feeding any flower plants Mullein is suitable, initially diluted with water in a ratio of 1:4, infused in a loosely closed container for 3-4 days, and then diluted again with water in a ratio of 1:15.

Roses, dahlias And peonies fed with horse or rotted cow manure. Add 1 kg of manure to 10 liters of clean water. After a day, dilute the mixture with water in a ratio of 1:2 and water the flower beds.

After applying organic fertilizers, the soil should be loosened

Under perennial flowers the soil is prepared in the fall and about 10 kg of rotted organic matter is added per 1 sq.m. Upon landing one- And biennial flowers the soil should be dug up or loosened. And before sowing seeds or planting seedlings, add up to 5 kg of rotted manure per 1 sq.m.

How to feed strawberries with manure

For feeding garden strawberries(strawberry) manure is used most often because it is difficult to find best option to enrich and saturate the soil with useful substances. You need to feed strawberries twice a season:

  • first feeding carried out in the spring when berries appear on the bushes. To do this, use mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Under each bush, add 0.5 liters of the composition;
  • second time Strawberries are fed after harvesting. Before the cold weather sets in, plants need to receive a supply of nutrients to make it easier for them to survive the winter. Shortly before the first frost, spread fresh manure between the rows and leave it like that until spring. Over the winter it forms humus, which can be reused.

To reduce the unpleasant odor, the drug Baikal is sometimes added to the manure solution.

How to feed trees and bushes with manure

It is best to use for feeding trees and bushes. rotted manure, which was aged for 2-3 years before use. This supplement is great for apricot, plums, cherries And other stone fruits, and also for apple trees, pears And coniferous plants(pine, spruce, juniper, yew, thuja, etc.). Fresh manure usually applied once every 2-3 years (2-3 kg per 1 sq.m.) in the fall for plowing or digging. In other cases, the manure should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and left covered for a week. Fertilizer is applied after watering the trees. Repeat feeding in the summer no later than the second half of July.

When planting fruit trees, you can apply up to 20-25 kg of fertilizer at a time

Berry bushes They usually feed in the fall; to do this, add 2-3 buckets of fresh or rotted manure under each bush.

Now you know that you can feed almost any crop with manure and you need to do it regularly. Experiment with different types manure to determine which organic fertilizer option is most suitable for the plants in your area.

To ensure cultivated plants complete nutrition, it is customary to use chemical and organic origin. Experienced gardeners advise not to pass by horse manure. It is good for both filling beds and mulching, and is many times superior to other types of manure.

Can it be used?

Horse manure is ¾ water. The rest is occupied by minerals (phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium) and organic components. Thanks to this recharge, the soil improves its structure and absorbs the optimal amount of water, oxygen and heat.

Benefits of horse manure:

  • Stimulates the production of carbon dioxide. She especially loves cucumbers.
  • The soil becomes loose, air exchange improves.
  • It generates a lot of heat, which saves plants from freezing in winter. This property is also used for natural heating of greenhouses.
  • Not able to acidify the soil.
  • Increases plant resistance to diseases.
  • Accelerates seed germination, stimulates the development of young shoots, enhances fruiting.
  • Supplies the soil with nutrients for a couple of years to come.
  • Fresh manure decomposes fairly quickly.
  • Lighter than other types of manure.

Horse manure is great for clay soils, because it loosens it very effectively. If the soil is sandy, such fertilizer will retain nutrients, preventing their rapid leaching.

Dried or processed horse manure (dung) can rid an area of ​​many pests, including mole crickets.

Harm from horse manure:

  • Cheap store-bought raw materials may be low quality. There is no benefit to it. Rather, on the contrary: plants from such fertilizer begin to hurt and bend.
  • Failure to comply with the dosage of applying it to the ground can negatively affect the harvest.
  • Application of concentrated liquid fertilizer will burn root system plants.

Types, composition and properties

Horse manure is commonly used in a variety of forms.

  • Fresh (freshly cleaned from the horse).

Due to its high nitrogen content and excellent heat dissipation, it is in great demand among gardeners. It is important to remember: it is not advisable to use fresh humus for root feeding. It is applied in the fall when preparing the soil for winter. Over the course of several cold months, it has time to decompose well, and therefore only benefits the plants.

The freshness of manure is determined visually: young organic matter has a light brown and specific structure. Hay or straw is clearly visible in it.

In spring, fresh manure is used in greenhouses as an excellent biological fuel. Warm soil is required for the normal growth of cucumbers, squash, cabbage, and zucchini. It can also be used for potatoes, as well as other crops that have a long period of growth and development.

  • Half-rotted

In this type of excrement, the organic remains are already dark brown, with a loose texture. Semi-rotted manure is used to fertilize flowers and most vegetable crops.

  • Rotten (ground)

It looks like a homogeneous black mixture. It is approximately twice as light as fresh. Such organic matter is used as an excellent substrate for spring seedlings (optimal proportions are 1 to 2). The land will be appreciated by all cultures without exception. This is the best organic fertilizer for them.

In some root crops, after adding soil, accelerated growth and improved taste are observed. Onions and radishes even lose their characteristic bitterness.

Rotted manure is indispensable for garden trees(up to 5 buckets), berries and mulching flowers.

  • Liquid

You can buy it at the store or prepare it yourself. Liquid horse manure is easy to use and transport. It is also called an ambulance for depleted plants. He acts quickly and efficiently.

Before use, liquid humus should be prepared: nettle tincture is poured into the slurry, mixed, and left for up to 48 hours. Before watering, the concentrate should be diluted in water (1:6). Perfect time feeding - late evening. Liquid manure is indispensable for tomatoes during periods of intensive growth.

  • Litter

This is horse feces combined with straw or peat. Litter is usually added to improve nitrogen retention.

Many gardeners apply this fertilizer for tomatoes. Nitrogen protects vegetable crop against all common diseases, including powdery mildew, and also helps to increase productivity.

Feeding with horse manure

In order for the most valuable organic fertilizer to work more efficiently, it is customary to stack it in layers. For spring planting in a greenhouse, 35 cm is enough, for autumn - 45. Straw (or hay) is evenly distributed on top and sprinkled with earth (up to 40 cm layer).

On arable land, horse manure is preferably used before winter. Especially fresh. For 1 sq. m. should account for approximately 6 kg of organic matter. Digging is carried out immediately, before the nitrogen begins to evaporate.

Loose soil is usually used as mulch. A small layer of 5 centimeters is enough.

For root feeding would be better suited liquid manure. Before adding it, the beds are thoroughly watered. This increases the percentage of fertilizer reaching the root system.

When talking about the lifespan of this organic raw material, we must not forget about the climate and soil type. How colder climate, the heavier the soil, the more efficient and faster the horse droppings will work. In warmer climates, the aftereffect of fertilizer increases. Therefore, the benefits on loose soils become noticeable only in the second year after burial.

For potatoes

Horse feces are ideal for feeding potatoes. It is customary to bury fresh manure in the ground under it in the fall. However, experienced gardeners increasingly prefer it in a semi-rotted form and straight into the holes.

Due to the long growing season, it is permissible to apply fresh fertilizer in the spring (5 kg per sq. m. is sufficient). Usually it is recommended to add soil or half-rotted droppings into the holes.

A 10 liter bucket holds about 8 kg of manure.

It has been noticed that with this fertilizer, potatoes produce powerful stems, rich ovaries, and invariably large root crops.

For roses

The queen of the flower bed especially appreciates fresh manure. They fertilize the bushes in the autumn, while hilling them. Dosage – up to 4 kg per square meter. m. In this case, in the spring it will be easier for the flowers to use all the nutrients.

Repeated fertilization is acceptable during the period of rapid flowering. Here they already use root feeding with liquid manure.

With this care, the rose gives significant growth and pleases its owners with large, strong flowers for a long time.

For berry crops

Horse feces are also good for berries. First of all, this concerns strawberries. Fertilizers are applied in liquid form. 1 kg of organic matter is enough for a bucket of water. Before adding, the mixture must steep (at least 24 hours).

When planting berry fields, it is recommended to use dry manure. It’s enough just to scatter a few buckets of it on the beds.

Compost based on horse droppings, hay and leaves is an excellent mulch for laying rows of not only strawberries, but also raspberries. Its optimal layer is up to 10 cm.

Horse manure increases the yield of berry crops, prevents berries from rotting during the rainy season, and improves their taste.

For mushrooms

Dry manure is most suitable for growing champignons.

The preparation process for growing mushrooms is quite long. It consists of laying the substrate, applying mineral fertilizers and lime. However, the result lives up to any expectations: mushrooms appear within 3 weeks. Productivity is up to 4 kg per square meter. m. The mycelium bears fruit for 3 months.

When is it best to use?

Horse manure is applied both in spring and autumn. It is important to maintain proportions and not oversaturate the soil with it.

It is customary to apply fresh manure before autumn digging. The optimal layer is 0.5 m. Straw is placed on top (up to 30 cm) and buried. By spring, this fertilizer will be ready for use by plants.

At the beginning of spring, fresh fertilizer is only permissible for feeding plants with a long development period (like cabbage and potatoes).

The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizer. If fresh compost is used in the spring, then it is taken from a proportion of 750 g per meter; less compost is needed - up to 250 g per square meter. m.

Fertilizing is applied immediately before digging up the soil or when planting cultivated plants (immediately in the holes) to prevent nitrogen evaporation.

When organizing greenhouses, horse manure is placed up to 25 cm under the soil. The optimal dosage is 5 kg per square meter. m. The soil is first disinfected with potassium permanganate (the solution should be weak). Then the beds are covered with polyethylene for 48 hours. Next, they begin sowing.

Liquid fertilizer is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. It is better to leave it for 2 weeks (stir occasionally), adding 1 kg of sawdust to the solution. The finished fertilizer should be diluted again (1:6). It is used for root feeding in the spring and summer. Nutrients quickly reach the root system and support plants during growth and flowering.

Granular horse manure

Garden plants are traditionally nourished with “Horse Orgavit”. This is the most popular type fertilizers Sold in bags weighing up to 2 kg.

Crops easily absorb nutrients from this form of feeding. The product is non-toxic and prevents soil acidification.

This type of manure can even replace mineral fertilizers. It is completely natural and environmentally friendly, and therefore is not capable of harming human health. In addition, it does not contain weed seeds.

Organavit can be used only after preliminary preparation:

  1. Fill with water according to the instructions on the package. The granules should completely dissolve.
  2. Leave for 5 hours, during which the nutritional components will take on a form that is easy for plants to assimilate.
  3. Before feeding, mix thoroughly so that there is no phosphorus sediment at the bottom.

Preparation and storage

Gardeners have virtually no problems with the addition of horse feces, but certain difficulties may arise with its storage.

So, if you bring and dump a bunch of dung on the field, and do not remove it in winter, such fertilizer will no longer be of any use in the spring - all the useful substances will be lost. Therefore, such a valuable fertilizer must be well taken care of.

It is customary to distinguish two storage methods:

  • Cold

Horse feces are piled up, compacted, and then covered with a layer of soil. This way you can reduce the loss of nitrogen. Since the temperature does not increase, the decomposition process proceeds in the usual way.

  • Hot

The litter is laid in layers, but there is no need to compact it. First, choose a storage area. 0.5 m is enough. A 30-centimeter layer of peat is poured (in extreme cases, fallen leaves), then manure is laid. The thickness of the layer is up to 20 cm. Then the pile is sprinkled with phosphorus flour (in the proportion of 10 kg per half ton).

Ignoring these measures will lead to evaporation of ammonia, loss of nitrogen, and, in general, loss of useful components.

The less oxygen available to horse manure, the more nutrients it will be able to retain.


Organic fertilizer produced by horses can increase the harvest not only in the year of feeding, but also in the next. The effectiveness of this procedure depends on the type of soil, type of manure and the actual crops being cultivated. Proper use of this fertilizer helps to obtain a bountiful harvest, regardless of weather conditions.

Horse manure is considered the best organic fertilizer since the domestication of the horse. However, it must be used wisely. If used incorrectly, this substance can cause harm rather than increase productivity.

Horse manure consists of animal bedding and excrement, which is a substrate of digested plant feed. Its composition is not inferior to most chemical fertilizers, but, unlike them, it does not destroy the soil and does not accumulate in plants.

Horses are a source of high-quality fertilizer

Prices for garden carts and wheelbarrows

Garden carts and wheelbarrows

Straw is just one type of stall bedding. The quality of the final product will greatly depend on the material that was used as bedding, and therefore ended up mixed with feces and urine in the final product. Straw, the presence of which in manure is not disputed by the mass consciousness, is only the most common option. In terms of benefits for plants, it is approximately in the middle. The most useful, although the rarest, is considered to be peat bedding. The most harmful, although also rare, is sawdust litter.

The main chemical elements and compounds that make up horse manure

WaterIts content is 71.3%. This is slightly less than in pork and much less than in cow. In other words, horse manure is drier and more concentrated.
Organic compoundsThey are present in an amount of 25.4%. It is clear that the higher this indicator, the more nutrients will go into the soil.
NitrogenHis percentage- 0.77%. This, as in the previous paragraphs, is higher than that of pig and cow manure. It enters the manure in the form of straw bedding that has absorbed the animal's urine. Straw absorbs nitrogen well and retains it. This element is important integral part Plant DNA, chlorophyll, enzymes, proteins, from which proteins and amino acids are synthesized. From this, its importance for the normal development of garden crops is clear.
PhosphorusIt is contained in concentrations from 0.3 to 0.7%.
PotassiumIt can contain from 0.2 to 0.8%
CalciumThis element is approximately 0.35%.

In addition, horse manure boasts the following advantages:

  • looseness. A very important characteristic. Adding loose matter to the soil makes it lighter, airier and increases its ability to retain moisture. This substance has a particularly beneficial effect on heavy clay soils;
  • high decomposition temperature. This makes it indispensable for planting in greenhouses;
  • no oxidizing effect on the soil;
  • light weight. A 50 liter bag, stuffed to the top, weighs 35-49 kg. This characteristic does not affect productivity, but is very important. Thanks to it, a kilogram of horse manure will significantly exceed in volume all other “varieties” of this substance. Thus, even despite the higher cost, buying it may be more profitable;

  • lack of characteristic odor of feces;
  • stimulation of the vital activity of soil microorganisms and earthworms. This is very important, since even one-time fertilizing will improve the health of the soil, because the activity of worms and microorganisms is very important for its fertility;
  • absence of weed seeds. The structure of the horse's digestive tract is such that seeds eaten along with grass or hay are digested almost completely and can no longer sprout.

In addition, when decomposing, horse manure releases carbon dioxide, which plants feed on, and a lot of heat.

What form does it come in and where can I buy it?

Horse manure is divided into several categories depending on the stage of decomposition and the specifics of preparation. It is useful to understand them, as these categories are applied in different ways.


It is a mixture of feces and urine with straw, formed during the cleaning of stalls and levadas in which horses are kept. Purchased from their owners. You often read that it is almost impossible to get fresh horse droppings, since few people keep horses. But this opinion is not true. You can get fresh manure everywhere, although you will have to look for it.

This is easiest for residents of regional centers, small towns and villages surrounded by rural areas. But city residents should not despair. The easiest way is to find a forum on the Internet where horse owners from your area communicate and ask there.

The straw included in its composition is brown and half-rotten in appearance. Semi-rotted manure is considered to be manure that has been stored in the right conditions for 6 to 12 months. According to some indicators, the most important of which is nitrogen concentration, this form is superior to all others, including humus. They add it to the beds at the rate of 3 kg per 1 m2, usually when digging. It is especially useful for melons, cabbage and cucumbers. If half-rotted manure was applied to the soil in the fall, then the next year all root crops, tomatoes and strawberries grow well in such beds.

As this substance decomposes in the soil, a lot of nitrogen is released, much of which is absorbed by microorganisms. Therefore, bring it in better in autumn so that the soil has time to become saturated with nitrogen during the winter.


This is a substrate that has been decomposing for at least 3-4 years. The most useful form, since the concentration of beneficial soil microbes and worms reaches a maximum, chemical elements transform into forms that are easily digestible by plants, and the straw breaks down into individual fibers. Humus looks like a crumbly brown mass, homogeneous or with small inclusions of solid elements. There is no fecal odor at all. This is the heaviest variety; compared to fresh, it loses about a third of its volume. But be careful - after five years of storage it turns into ordinary soil, albeit with slightly improved properties.

It is used to fertilize all garden crops without exception. Moreover, it has been noted that its application not only accelerates growth and increases the size of fruits, but also improves their taste.

This wonderful fertilizer needs to be mentioned separately. As was written above, it is dangerous to apply fresh manure under the roots, as it can burn them. To avoid this, experienced gardeners prepare a manure tincture.

To make it, you need any tightly closing container, for example, a large barrel. In it, fresh manure is poured with water in a 1x1 ratio, stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, tightly closed and left alone for 10 days. The resulting infusion, unless otherwise indicated, is diluted with water immediately before use in the proportion of 1 part infusion to 10 parts water.

Good results are shown by using this infusion for flowers immediately before the flowering period. You can also add manure tincture to water for watering other plants. The water should become the color of weakly brewed tea.

Manure infusion can also be bought in stores.

Granular manure

A great example of how modern technologies help gardeners. This is ordinary manure, which is turned into granules using the following technology. First, it is crushed until smooth, then heated to 75 degrees. It is mixed with crushed straw, dried, passed through a molding machine, and the resulting granules are dried. As you can see, no “chemistry”, which many gardeners are afraid of, is added, and the granules can be safely used even by ideological fans of the “natural”. They are used to feed almost all garden crops, the recommended amount is 10-15 kg/100 m2. They are usually sold by weight in markets and stores. The shelf life is three years.

Feed granulator prices

Feed granulator


Horse owners can prepare manure themselves.

The stalls are cleaned once a day, large feces lying separately are picked up during the day. They also need to be stored separately; this is the most valuable manure, clean, without litter impurities.

The stalls from which manure will be collected should not be covered with sawdust. They greatly degrade the quality of the final product. It is best to use peat as bedding. If this is not possible, use straw.

Typically, cleaned manure is loaded onto a wheelbarrow, taken to a storage point and simply poured onto the ground. You can't do that. Precious nitrogen is oxidized by oxygen and turns into ammonia, which is useless for plants. It is necessary to immediately store the manure if you plan to use it nearby, or pack it in bags if you plan to sell it or transport it to the place of use. Filled bags must be tied.

Storage methods

Proper storage of this natural fertilizer is very important. If incorrect, nitrogen enters chemical reaction with oxygen contained in the atmospheric air, it oxidizes, turns into ammonia and evaporates. Based on this, it becomes clear that the primary task is to organize storage so that the substance has as little contact with air as possible.

The most common method is to dig a hole in the ground. It is laid so that at least 10 cm remains to the edge. This gap is covered with sawdust and straw. The top of the pit is covered with film and its edges are pressed to the ground with bricks or other weighting materials. If laying occurs in the summer, when there are still several weeks of hot, dry weather ahead, you can generously water the contents with water, and only then cover.

It is also stored in compost heaps, laying in layers with garden weeds, peat, fallen leaves and other plant organic matter. This method is considered one of the best, since the released liquid is absorbed plant layers and thus is saved.

Prices for garden composters

Garden composters

The first and last layers are made from plant materials or peat, their thickness should be at least 20. The height of the heap should be approximately 1.5 m. It is covered with film on top.

Methods of application

Manure is most beneficial for heavy soils. On dry and loose soils, to achieve a noticeable effect, you will need to apply it for several years in a row. Fresh manure mineralizes slowly, so it should be used together with mineral fertilizers. Humus does not have this drawback, so additional fertilizers are not needed. Substrate of any freshness can be applied before winter; even fresh ones will have time to mineralize before the sowing season. The average application rate is 5 kg per 1 m2. It is useful to know that a regular bucket holds approximately 7.5 kg of manure. This will help you measure out the right amount without having a scale.

This natural fertilizer has a pronounced cumulative effect, the benefit from it reaches its maximum in the second or third year of continuous use.

It is best to apply manure when the beds are completely dug up, which usually occurs in spring and autumn. Approximately one bucket is taken per hundred square meters. Fresh is added in the fall, half-rotted and humus is added in the fall.

Manure is also used for soil mixture for seedlings, especially tomatoes. To do this, take 2 parts of garden soil and 1 part of humus or half-rotted manure.

The most striking cases of failure when using this type of fertilizer are associated with the application of fresh excrement directly under the roots of plants during the growing season. There is no need to do this. The product, which has not yet begun to decompose, contains too much nitrogen and generates too much heat. All of the above can seriously damage the root system.

As biofuel for greenhouses and greenhouses

When decomposing, fresh horse apples release a lot of energy; local temperature increases can reach 33 degrees. At the same time, the soil is being enriched with valuable substances. In particular, carbon dioxide, which is released in particularly large quantities, serves as the main source of plant nutrition. It is especially useful for cucumber sprouts; adding fresh manure to the greenhouse in which you plan to plant cucumbers increases productivity. Therefore, young litter is perfect for “heating” greenhouses. It can be applied either in spring or autumn.

Greenhouse on a dung bed

For flowers

Species belonging to the rose family (the most popular in Russian gardens are roses and ornamental rose hips) always respond positively to watering with diluted manure infusion. It is also useful to scatter a small amount of half-rotted manure between the bushes, or use it for mulching. It is also useful to water other flowers with liquid, especially during the flowering period.

For cabbage

White cabbage is fed with this fertilizer twice a season, the last time at least two months before the heads of cabbage are harvested. Otherwise, some of the nitrogen may accumulate in them in the form of nitrates. Fertilizing is done with manure infusion, with a glass of ash added to a bucket. Water with this mixture mainly in the evening, at the rate of one glass per bush.

The colored ones are also watered twice, but according to a slightly different pattern. The first watering is carried out two months after planting the seedlings in the ground. Dissolve a tablespoon of urea and 2 cups of manure infusion in a bucket of water. Pour 2 cups of this mixture under one plant.

The second time feeding with the same mixture is done when the head of cabbage reaches the size walnut. A liter is poured under the bush.

For cucumbers

This crop is also watered with a mixture based on manure infusion. Processing is best done in the evening.

The first fertilizing is applied when the plants begin to bloom. For a bucket of water, take a glass of infusion, a teaspoon each of urea, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Add a glass of the resulting liquid under the plant. The second time watering is done after 2-3 weeks, the third time after the same period of time. The composition is the same.

Cucumbers are also grown in “dung” beds. In addition to fertilizing, this method provides this heat-loving crop with a comfortable temperature for it, since manure, decomposing, heats the soil.

Semi-rotted manure is mixed half and half with straw. The bed is thickly covered with this mixture (the second option is to pour it into wide transverse trenches) and left alone until a light smoke appears above it, indicating that isothermal processes have started. this means that “the process has begun” and the fertilizer can be used for its intended purpose. This takes about a week. After this, the bed is trampled down, watered with water, covered with polyethylene and left alone for two days, after which it is opened and covered with a layer of soil.

For carrots

If the planted carrots grow poorly and slowly, they are fed with manure infusion. The first time this is done is when the bulk of the plants in the garden have already produced their fourth leaf, the last one 2-3 weeks before harvest.

For potatoes

When planting potatoes, place a handful of manure mixed with soil in a 1:1 ratio into the hole. In addition to increasing the yield, this mixture repels wireworms.

For apple trees

Annual feeding of apple trees with horse manure will help make the tree healthier and increase productivity. This is always done in the fall after harvesting the fruits, once a year. A shallow trench is dug around the tree so that it encircles it in a ring at a distance of half a meter from the trunk. The trench is filled with fresh manure or manure infusion, allowed to stand and covered with earth.

Video - Adding humus to the soil

When not to use manure

Despite the undoubted benefits, this substance cannot be used thoughtlessly; there are also contraindications.

  1. It is necessary to observe the norms and frequency of applying this fertilizer. Overdose can be harmful.
  2. Horse manure should not be applied more than two weeks before harvest. Otherwise, it will accumulate in plants in the form of nitrites and nitrates, which in large doses are harmful to the human body.
  3. Do not use manure covered with mold and fungal deposits.
  4. Only manure from proven stables or granulated manure is applied to the potatoes. Scab is transmitted through manure.
  5. It is unacceptable to apply fresh manure directly under the root system of plants.

As you can see, there are not so many of them. In other cases, horse manure, especially in the form of humus, can be used.

Manure from domestic animals, including horse manure, is often used by gardeners as organic fertilizer. Well, if the stable is located nearby, then the issue is easily resolved, but what should those who do not have the opportunity to purchase it do? Dry and liquid concentrates come to the rescue.due to a richer chemical composition and the absence of an unpleasant odor.

Composition and benefits for plants

Horse manure itself has several advantages over the excrement of other animals and birds. It contains less moisture, is lighter and decomposes faster. It contains a large amount of:

  • nitrogen,
  • phosphorus,
  • potassium,
  • calcium.

To create warm beds this is an ideal option. Manure heats up to 80°C and retains heat for 2–3 months. It is less susceptible to pathogenic microflora.

Horse manure extract contains a high concentration of useful substances; when stored, it takes up much less space - a 5-liter bottle versus a pile of manure. Benefits for plants when applying horse fertilizers, it is obvious: they develop well, productivity increases. Fertilizer does not affect soil acidity.

Application: advantages and disadvantages

Liquid organic fertilizerin the form of an extract has its pros and cons. The benefits include:

  • use on different types of soil;
  • no odor;
  • different methods of application- foliar and root feeding;
  • balanced composition of elements;
  • no effect on soil microflora.


  • liquid the extract does not affect the structure of the soil and does not improve it;
  • it contains a high nitrogen content, therefore, it is introduced at a certain period;
  • does not contribute to the accumulation of necessary elements in the ground.
The extract is exclusively food for flora representatives.

Fertilizer form

Produce concentrate in granules and liquid form. Liquid fertilizer is suitable for all garden plants and garden in open or closed ground. How to produce extract, and what is it made from? The basis for it is horse manure. Using special bioreactors, they decompose organic matter without access to oxygen. This technology guarantees that the fertilizer will not contain bacteria, causing diseases, pathogenic microflora and weed seeds."Orgavit" - granular dry fertilizer, which is also balanced in the content of necessary substances and is suitable for all plants. Porous granules can accumulate moisture and release it, if necessary, to crops during dry periods. According to the manufacturer, “Orgavit” nourishes plants throughout the entire growing season.

How does the extract differ from the dry form according to the principle of action?

If dry fertilizers release beneficial substances gradually, then liquid concentrate - This " ambulance" It immediately delivers to the plants necessary elements with water through the roots or leaves, depending on the method of application.

How to prepare a working solution and use it correctly

Horse manure concentrate sold in bottles or cans. The question often arises:how to breed itso as not to harm the plants? Before purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the label. On it the manufacturer placesinstructions for use, where indicates in what proportion the product is needed dilute with water and how to useit for root and foliar feeding. It happens that instructions for horse manure extractmissing, then you need to contact the seller for advice.

Water the plants at the root or spray the leaves with the solution using a spray bottle once every two weeks in dry weather in the early morning or evening.

Some experts recommend for feeding mix diluted fertilizer with 0.5 cups of wood ash or nettle infusion (take 1 kg of chopped fresh nettle per 10 liters of water). Granular fertilizer is suitableas for indoor flowers, and for plants grown in beds and greenhouses. According to the instructions for application, dry granules are poured required quantity water, infuse and water the plants. “Horse” fertilizers like:

  • tomatoes;
  • flower crops - they are watered during the flowering period;
  • cabbage (the last feeding is carried out 2 months before the heads of cabbage ripen);
  • cucumbers - feed them several times during the season: during the flowering period, and then 2 more times every 2–3 weeks;
  • poorly growing carrots - apply fertilizer when its fourth leaf unfurls;
  • garden strawberry, apple tree.

The last time you can fertilize crops apply 20 days before harvest, otherwise the vegetables will have a high concentration of nitrates and nitrites, which are contained in the product in addition to the manure itself.

In what cases should it not be used?

In some cases, it is better to avoid horse fertilizers.

  1. If the greenhouse has dense soil.
  2. There are signs of fungal diseases soil
  3. Large amounts of nitrogen or other elements are contraindicated for plants: herbs, representatives of the legume family.
  4. Do not use fertilizer for fast-growing vegetables - radishes, spinach, lettuce and herbs.

Application of horse manure extract- this is good method of replenishing nutrients for short term. But it must be used taking into account the chemical composition of the soil and the type of crop. High concentrations provoke diseases or burn plant roots.