Recipes for growing vegetables. Vegetables - vegetable growing, vegetable care, storage. Delicious and healthy harvests for you all year round

Growing food in urban areas is popular all over the world. So, Britta Riley lives in a tiny apartment in New York. She came up with the hydroponic vertical garden. It takes up little space and brings a good harvest. About his innovation Britta.

In the West, if a product is labeled eco, bio or organic, it means two things. Firstly, these products are grown, harvested and processed in accordance with environmental standards, that is, without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, growth stimulants and other “nasty things”. They have been certified, and serious organizations have guaranteed their quality. Secondly, bioproducts are much more expensive than conventional ones.

In Russia, the market for "clean food" is just emerging. The biocertification and control systems have not yet been formed. And the difference in prices between bio-products and ordinary vegetables and fruits sometimes reaches 1,000%! Therefore, for us, the most eco, bio and organic are products grown by our own hands.

But not everyone has dachas and relatives in the village. What should urban children do, who are used to seeing potatoes washed and in nets, and greens in vacuum packs? Grow vegetables and fruits right on the balcony or windowsill.

6 reasons to arrange a mini-garden at home

  1. You can treat yourself to fresh, vitamin-rich vegetables and herbs all year round.
  2. Saving. Vegetables and fruits are expensive, especially in winter. With a home garden, you no longer have to adjust to the season (we eat plenty of tomatoes only in July, and apples in September).
  3. You yourself can grow a plant from a tiny seed with your own hands, you can collect fruits. This is a creative activity that charges with positive energy.
  4. You can improve your knowledge of biology, gain useful skills and acquire an exciting hobby.
  5. Your children will see how tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables grow and will understand that they do not miraculously materialize in the refrigerator, their cultivation is serious work.
  6. You can surprise your friends and acquaintances. Imagine how you will brag about the harvest, showing the window "beds". ;)

What you need to grow vegetables and herbs at home

  • Place. Usually this is a window sill or balcony. It is better if they face the sunny side. If not, lamps for additional lighting will be required. If necessary, the window sill can be expanded or shelving for "beds" can be built (the minimum distance between the shelves is 50 cm).
  • Capacities. Clay or plastic pots, wooden boxes can serve as beds for a home garden. The main thing is that there are holes in the bottom for draining water. Containers are recommended to be placed on pallets.
  • Priming. There are many potting mixes for indoor gardens. As a rule, several layers are made: peat, compost, turf. You can prepare the soil yourself, or you can buy it in a specialized store.
  • seeds. Some varieties of tomatoes or cucumbers grow well at home, while others do not even sprout. Therefore, before you start indoor gardening, you need to sit on the forums, read articles on the Internet and find out which seeds to buy.

In addition, you may need fertilizers, top dressing, a thermometer and a vessel for settling water (home plants are watered with water at room temperature, separated from chlorine).

Shelf for plants on the windowsill" data-img-id = "363908">

Mobile rack for "beds"" data-img-id = "363907">

Hanging rack for growing herbs" data-img-id="363910">

Solution for those who do not have a window sill" data-img-id="363913">

Vessels for moisture-loving plants" data-img-id="363914">

We have the inventory, now we need to decide what to plant. Lifehacker has already written about some vegetables that grow beautifully on the windowsill.

Today we will talk about ten more such plants.



Variety : "Amsterdam".
Temperature : 15 to 25 ºС.
Harvest : after ≈70 days.

For growing at home, you need to take miniature varieties of carrots. You can plant in boxes, pots or just cut plastic bottles with holes in the bottom. The soil should be taken drainage.

Seeds are placed in the ground to a depth of about 7 cm. When the carrots sprout and germinate a few centimeters, they need to be thinned out, leaving the strongest shoots at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. It is not recommended to keep the beds in direct sunlight.

You need to water carrots at home often, but you need to make sure that there is not too much moisture, otherwise the root crop will rot. From time to time, you can feed with fertilizers with a low nitrogen content (if there is a lot of it, all the growth will go to the tops). It is also very useful to occasionally loosen the soil.


Peppers grown on the balcony

Varieties : "treasure island", "dwarf", "watercolor", "swallow" and others.
Temperature : 25 to 27 ºС.
Harvest : after 100-130 days.

Seeds are first planted in small pots, which are covered with cling film and placed in a warm place. When the first shoots appear (in one to two weeks), several small punctures need to be made in the film. After a while, the pepper will get stronger, then it can be transplanted into large pots or buckets. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the spine. The plant is rooted by a third, after which it is watered with warm (30 ºС) water.

In the future, pepper can be watered every day. This plant loves light, so white spectrum lamps are recommended in addition to natural light. It is necessary to protect home-grown peppers from drafts and direct sunlight.

You can fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers, but potassium salt and potassium chloride will destroy the roots of the plant. With proper care, pepper on the windowsill can delight with fruits for up to two years.

Cherry tomatoes


Varieties : "pygmy", "bonsai", "bead" and others.
Temperature : 23 to 25 ºС.
Harvest : after 90-100 days (depending on the variety).

The soil, as in the case of pepper, is more convenient to buy ready-made. It is recommended to take a cylindrical container: it is better filled with the root system.

First, the seeds are germinated in small pots: buried to a depth of 1.5 cm, covered with cling film and left in a warm place until the first sprouts. When the tomatoes have risen, they dive into a larger and deeper dish.

It is important that the plant receives uniform lighting. To do this, you can hang fluorescent lamps above the "beds" or regularly turn the containers to the window.

Watering should be done carefully: cherry tomatoes are easy to fill. When the plant grows, it is recommended to loosen the soil from time to time and feed it with mineral fertilizers. If necessary, the tomato stem can be tied to a support (wooden skewer or pencil). It is also important to ensure that pests do not appear on the tomatoes.

By the way, not only cherry tomatoes grow well in home gardens, but also ordinary tomatoes.


Cucumbers grown on the window

Varieties : “room Rytov”, “miracle on the window”, “ant” and others.
Temperature : 21 to 24 ºС.
Harvest : after 35-45 days.

For cucumbers, rather large containers are needed, with a volume of at least 6 liters. The soil should be loose, with peat or compost.

At home, self-pollinating varieties of cucumbers grow well. First you need to prepare the seeds: they are poured into a weak saline solution, those that have surfaced are thrown away. Then, suitable seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate, after which they are washed on wet gauze and planted in the ground (under the film). When the seedlings sprout and grow up, they can be planted in large containers.

Water homemade cucumbers with warm water every day, but with caution. Leaves can also be sprayed with a spray bottle. Potassium nitrate is recommended as top dressing.

When the lashes of cucumbers form and grow, supports should be built for them so that the plant can trail.


homegrown radish

Varieties : "carmen", "white fang", "celeste F1" and others.
Temperature : 18 to 20 ºС.
Harvest : after ≈40 days.

It is recommended to plant radishes in wooden or clay containers, but ordinary plastic cups can also be used. Loose, well-drained soil is needed. Seeds can be checked for germination before planting, like cucumbers. After that, they need to be buried to a depth of 1-3 cm.

After planting, the soil must be watered and covered with a film. When shoots appear, the "greenhouse" is removed. Radishes, as a rule, do not dive. But sometimes they put it for two or three days in a lower temperature regime - about 15 ° C. This hardens the plant and contributes to a better harvest.

Five days after the appearance of the first shoots, organic top dressing is carried out, and two weeks later - mineral. Water the radish abundantly as it dries. It is also important that the air in the room where it grows is not dry.


homemade spinach

Varieties : "virofle", "gaudry", "gigantic" and others.
Temperature : 15 ºС.
Harvest : after ≈40 days.

Spinach belongs to vegetable greens and is considered very useful. To grow it at home, you need containers 15-20 cm high. Ready-made soil mixtures can be used. The main thing is that peat is included in their composition.

It is recommended to soak the seeds in water for a day before planting. Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1–2 cm. To accelerate germination, containers can be covered with a film. Spinach germinates about a week after planting, then it can be dived.

In winter, when the heating is on in the apartment and when the daylight hours are short, it is recommended to illuminate the plant with lamps and spray it with a spray bottle (in addition to watering).

The crop can be harvested when the spinach reaches 7–10 cm in height.



Varieties : "Marquis", "lemon", "Baku" and others.
Temperature : from 22 to 24 °C.
Harvest : after 50-55 days.

Basil is one of the most fragrant and favorite spices. At the same time, it is quite unpretentious and grows well on the windowsill.

Basil is planted immediately in large containers (with a volume of at least 1.5 liters). First you need to prepare the soil for planting: pour twice with mineral fertilizers with an interval of five days. The seeds are deepened by 1–1.5 cm. Until the plant sprouts, it must be watered every two days. Further watering is carried out daily, preferably in the morning.

green garlic


Varieties : "Kharkiv", "anniversary" and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 25 °C.
Harvest : after 15-20 days.

As a rule, garlic bulbs are used in cooking. But the green shoots (arrows) are also suitable for gastronomy: they are suitable for making marinades and sauces.

Varieties of garlic are divided into two groups: winter and spring. The latter usually do not give arrows, therefore they are not suitable for growing at home.

For those who have ever grown onions on a windowsill, garlic will not be difficult to deal with. You need to take winter-grade garlic cloves, preferably with sprouted sprouts. Any soil mixture can be taken. Each clove is planted to a depth of 2-3 cm and at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Once planted, be sure to water.

The container with garlic should be kept on the most lit window in the house. Water as the soil dries out. From time to time, you can feed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.



Temperature : 20 to 25 °C.
Harvest : after ≈60 days.

Mint has a fairly branched root system, so for planting it, you should take a deep and wide container. The soil is recommended to use peat, varieties - any.

There are two ways to plant mint: seeds and cuttings. The latter is shown in the video below.

To grow mint from seeds, you need to plant them in the ground to a depth of about 5 mm and water. To create a greenhouse effect, you can use a film. Before germination (about two weeks later), the ground should be sprinkled with water every day. After germination, mint must be planted.

Mint is unpretentious. In summer, it must be protected from direct sunlight, and in winter from lack of light and excessive watering. From time to time, the plant can be fed with organic mixtures.

Mature plants can reach a meter in height. As a rule, they have a lot of leaves - there will almost always be mint for tea or homemade mojito.



Varieties : "autumn fun", "home delicacy", "garland" and others.
Temperature : from 18 to 20 °C.
Harvest : after ≈30 days.

Ampel remontant varieties of strawberries are suitable for a home garden. They bear fruit all year round and are not too picky about light. Strawberries can be planted in any soil mixture. But first, drainage (expanded clay, small pebbles) should be poured to the bottom to protect strawberries from stagnant water.

Strawberries can be grown from seedlings or seeds. Both are sold in gardening stores.

Seeds are planted in small containers (for example, plastic glasses), watered abundantly and covered with cling film. After the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed and the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place. When three or four leaves are formed, strawberries dive into larger containers.

This plant loves light. When days are shorter than nights, artificial lighting should be used. Watering and spraying are carried out as the soil dries. Strawberries are easy to fill.

Solutions with a significant iron content are used as top dressing. During active growth, strawberries become overgrown with mustaches, they need to be tied to supports.

As you can see, growing vegetables, herbs and even berries in a city apartment is not difficult and even exciting.

If you have experience in home gardening, tell us about it. Write in the comments what and how did you happen to grow on your windowsill.

Many gardeners are already growing onions through seedlings, getting a good harvest of onion heads from seeds during the season. To do this, you need to grow strong seedlings and plant onion sprouts in the middle of May on the beds already with a formed root system and the first bunch of leaves.

When and how to sow onions for seedlings was described here.

When growing onion seedlings at home, problems often arise - the plants are stretched, thin, weak, easily lie down, bend or turn yellow, the tips of the leaves dry out. To avoid problems, you need to know what conditions are favorable for this culture and what care mistakes should be avoided.

13 mar 2020

In order for eggplant seedlings to succeed, be strong, healthy, you need to know what kind of care this culture loves and create favorable conditions for the plants to grow.

What loves and dislikes eggplant seedlings:

1. Eggplants love warmth. . Seedlings of this crop grow rapidly at air temperatures above +20 degrees, when the temperature drops to +16 degrees, plant growth stops. It is necessary to control not only the temperature of the air where the seedlings are located, but also the temperature of the soil in the seedling containers, since if the boxes or cups are on a cold windowsill, this can inhibit the growth of seedlings.

02 mar 2020

When growing seedlings of flowers and vegetables at home, the problem of stretching plants often arises. Stretching seedlings should be dealt with immediately after germination.

There are only five things that cause seedlings to stretch, and by eliminating them, you will get strong, stocky plants for planting in the ground.

1. Lack of Light Causes Plants to Stretch . It is important immediately after the appearance of the first shoots to provide crops with lighting lasting about 12 hours a day.

28 Feb 2020

When sowing seeds of vegetables and flowers for seedlings, in order to prevent regrading and remember what grows in a particular container, gardeners use various methods of marking crops. If the seedlings dive into cups, then you need to sign each cup, since when rearranging, planting in the ground, the plants will mix and get mixed up, only the labels on the cups will help prevent re-grading of plants.

What labels are convenient to use for labeling seedlings? These can be both home-made and purchased flags, plates, but since you always need to label a large number of seedlings, it is better to save money and make labels for seedlings with your own hands.

21 Feb 2020

The most exciting period of growing eggplant seedlings is the expectation of germination.

Most gardeners consider eggplant seeds to be tight. Due to the long germination of seeds, eggplant seedlings are sown early - from mid-February.

Eggplant can sprout after 1 week and after 3-4 weeks. When there are no shoots a week after sowing, we consider the seeds to be of poor quality or influenced by the moon, but we do not take into account errors when sowing this crop.

The germination rate of an eggplant seed is influenced by two factors - temperature and sufficient humidity.

14 Feb 2020

First of all, everyone has a problem - there is not enough space on the windowsills to accommodate everything that you want to sow.

09 Feb 2020

When growing seedlings of vegetables, you must strictly follow all the rules of agricultural technology from sowing to planting in the ground. Even a small defect, for example, an incorrectly chosen time for sowing seeds, leads to a decrease in the quality of seedlings, due to which plant yields may decrease.

I will list 5 main mistakes that kill seedlings:

29 Jan 2020

Growing seedlings of vegetables begins with the preparation of seeds for sowing. At the first stage, the seeds must undergo disinfection or preventive purification from fungal and bacterial diseases. Disease infections can persist on seed coats for a long time, and after sowing infected seeds, plants become ill already at the seedling stage.

Be sure to disinfect the seeds collected by yourself. If the manufacturer assures that the seeds have gone through all the stages of preparation for sowing, then you can immediately start sowing, bypassing the stages of disinfection and soaking the seeds.

24 Jan 2020

Any gardener wants to consume vitamin products as early as possible. Greens, radishes, onions - all these healthy vegetables grown in the open field can please caring summer residents with an early harvest in the second half of April.

The main thing is to know the necessary agricultural practices. Early vegetables need to be sown on time, covered, and suitable fast-ripening crops and early-ripening varieties should be selected.

There are several effective methods for obtaining an early harvest of vegetables.


1. Growing perennial crops (most often onions), which are the first to grow in the spring and delight with an early harvest. Perennial vegetable crops are a valuable source of the earliest harvest. All perennial vegetables are propagated by dividing the bush. They can also be propagated by seeds. Among perennial vegetables, onions, asparagus and rhubarb are early harvesters.

2. To get an early harvest, you need to pick crops with a short growing season and early ripe varieties . Early vegetables with a short growing season include crops in which the period from germination to the start of harvesting a marketable crop is 20-80 days. Also, when buying seeds, pay attention to the maturity of the variety.

3. The use of special agrotechnical recommendations allows you to get a crop much earlier. Of the known agrotechnical methods, the greatest efficiency was shown use of greenhouses and temporary film shelters , winter crops and growing vegetables on ridges and ridges .

4. Getting an earlier harvest also contributes to selection of a site for growing early vegetables . A plot with light-textured soil, not flooded, sheltered from northern winds, with a southern slope is more favorable for early vegetables.

Early vegetables in the greenhouse
To speed up the harvest, you can use unheated greenhouses of various types, hotbeds and covering material. Glass, polycarbonate, film 100-180 microns thick are used as shelters.

In greenhouses, you can grow seedlings of many vegetable crops for open ground, which will speed up the production of a marketable crop. Greenhouses can also be used for direct harvesting, especially heat-loving crops (watermelon, melon, eggplant, pepper, tomato, etc.).

Growing early vegetables under cover
As a covering material, you can also use a film (40-60 microns thick) and non-woven material (such as lutrasil, agrotex, etc.). You can cover both the soil (mulching) and the plants themselves (tunnel shelters). Mulching increases the temperature of the soil in the zone of the root system, fights weeds.

In the manufacture of tunnels, arcs made of metal, plastic, and willow shoots are used. A film or non-woven material is stretched over the arcs. The use of tunnels is especially effective on such heat-loving crops as watermelon and melon. Cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, zucchini and a number of other vegetables can be grown under the tunnels to speed up their development.

Early planting of vegetables
The earliest possible harvest will give the sowing of vegetables before winter. Especially winter sowing is effective for carrots, parsley, black onion, lettuce, radish, dill. Seeds are sown in such a way that they swell, but do not begin to germinate (in the conditions of Primorye, this is the first five days of November).

In the spring, seeds ready for germination determine favorable conditions themselves and sprout. This agricultural method accelerates the arrival of the crop by 2-3 weeks. When sowing, the seeding rate increases by 20-30%.

early vegetables in the garden
Accelerates germination and soil profiling - arrangement of ridges and beds for growing early vegetables. Ridges and ridges are better warmed by the sun, which means that seedlings will appear earlier and plants will develop faster.

Early varieties of vegetables
In addition to the fact that there are early ripening vegetables that, in any weather, give a harvest in a month, you can also pick up special early varieties. Then even heat-loving cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes will delight gardeners with early fruits.

early bow
First of all, these are perennial bows. Bow-batun - one of the earliest vegetable crops, which retains its marketable appearance for a long time. At slime onion tasty succulent leaves, edible until the flowering phase. Also at chives the leaves are tender at the beginning of the growing season, and then coarsen. Multi-tiered onion - early regrowth and early consumption. Cheremsha - an early perennial crop, collected both in the wild and grown in the country.

Early root crops
At asparagus juicy thick shoots that grow in spring are eaten. Both green shoots and bleached ones are used. Bleached shoots are obtained by hilling seedlings. When the comb reaches a height of 20-25 cm and shoots appear, it is raked and juicy white shoots are removed.

Radish (spring radish) is traditionally considered the earliest root crop. The growing season is from 20 to 40 days. From early varieties in the Far East are grown Heat , 18 days , french breakfast , Yakhont and etc.

early greens
Salads - These are mainly leafy and semi-headed crops from the Asteraceae and Cruciferous families. lettuce and its various forms have a growing season of 40-50 days.

Beijing cabbage, Chinese cabbage, mustard lettuce have a growing season of 50-60 days. The use of several dates for sowing lettuces allows you to create a conveyor for the supply of vitamin products, because lettuces can be sown in open ground from the end of March to the end of May.

Dill to the greens. Agrotechnics differs from dill to umbel in increased seeding rates by 2-2.5 times. When sowing in the 1st-2nd decade of April, already at the end of June (beginning of July), vitamin products can be removed. For growing on greens, varieties of bushy dill are best suited: Kibray , Umbrella , Uzbek 243 , superducat and others.

early zucchini
Zucchini, squash, crooknecks are crops with a growing season of 45-55 days. When sowing in the third decade of May, production begins to arrive in the second half of July. From zucchini varieties (hybrids) can be grown for early production - Belogor F1 , Gribovskie 37 , yellow-fruited , Kaveli F1 , Video clip , Anchor , Whale (a variety of Far Eastern selection) and others.

Of the early varieties of patisson, the most common Disk , Umbrella , UFO white .

early beans
Vegetable beans are an early ripe, high-protein crop. Unripe beans (shoulder) are eaten when the seed reaches a diameter of 2-3 mm. From seedlings (June 1-5) to the start of bean harvesting (July 15-25), 45-55 days pass.

Breeding varieties of the central regions of Russia are common: Welt , Second , Option , Saks without fiber 615 and others. Of the varieties selected by the Primorskaya OOS, the most famous are Fedoseevna , emerald , Sunny .

early peas
Early varieties of vegetable peas include Alpha , Inexhaustible 195 , Golden eagle , Early 301 , Yurga , Sprinter and others. They are often found in vegetable gardens, have a growing season (from germination to the achievement of technical ripeness of the blade) of 40-45 days. Peas are a long-day crop, so the further south a variety is grown, the longer the growing season.

early cucumbers
For open ground in Primorye, early ripe varieties of cucumber of the Far Eastern selection can be recommended. swag , Lotus , Cascade , Amurchonok , Surazhevsky . When sowing in the third decade of May (seedlings appear on June 1-5), the harvest begins in the second decade of July (vegetation period 45-55 days).

In the conditions of the monsoonal climate of the Far East, it is the cultivation of varieties of the Far Eastern selection that guarantees a harvest, since they are relatively resistant to downy mildew and bacteriosis.

Early varieties of cabbage
The earliest varieties of white cabbage are those whose vegetation lasts 70-80 days: Athlete F1, June , Malachite F1 , Number one Gribovsky 147 , Pandion F1 , Solo F1 , Surprise F1 , Chessma F1 , Express F1 and etc.

Early varieties of tomatoes
In tomatoes, the growing season ranges from 70-80 days ( Primorets , Summit , Iogen , pearl etc.) up to 120-130 days.

The most popular way to get garden crops on personal plots. On the beds you can cultivate potatoes, cabbage, root crops, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs and much more. But to get a rich harvest, you need not only to properly care for the plants, but also carefully select the site and prepare it.

How to do it right you will learn from our article. We have prepared a detailed overview of the methods and means of growing popular garden crops, and have selected photos and videos for you that will facilitate the process of growing vegetables in the open field.

Site selection and soil preparation

Choosing a bed for sowing a particular vegetable should be based on fertility, lighting, humidity levels and other parameters necessary for each type of crop. For example, cucumbers are afraid of drafts, so they are placed in areas protected from the winds, but at the same time quite wet. For cabbage, fertile and moist areas are chosen, well lit and protected from the wind. Tomato beds should be located in places with sufficient lighting, but without excess moisture.

Rice. 1. Preparing the soil for planting vegetables: digging, loosening and fertilizing

After harvesting, the beds are necessarily dug up and fertilized (Fig. 1). To do this, you can use organic matter (manure, bird droppings or compost), mineral fertilizers or green manure - green plants that make the earth looser, prevent the growth of weeds and saturate with useful substances.

A prerequisite for choosing a site for vegetables is the observance of crop rotation. Not all cultures get along well with each other. For example, cabbage greatly impoverishes the land, so after it it is better to plant vegetables that are undemanding to fertility.

Preparing seeds for planting

A high yield of vegetables is ensured not only by the correct selection of a place, but also by the preparation of seeds. Regardless of the type of crop, only the best seeds need to be selected and processed before sowing. An example of processing is shown in Figure 2.

Note: Before use, the seeds are heated, hardened and germinated. This ensures the appearance of friendly seedlings and high yields.

Preparation of vegetable seeds includes:

  • Soaking - raw materials are dipped in clean water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours. This helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria and saturate the seeds with nutrients.
  • hardening - the change is wrapped in a damp cloth and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 4-6 hours. After that, they are transferred to a room with room temperature for another 12 hours.
  • Germination - before planting, bean or corn seeds are dipped in a plate of water, and then wrapped in a damp cloth and kept at room temperature until small roots appear. This procedure significantly increases germination and yield.

Rice. 2. Treatment of vegetable seeds before planting in open ground

Early and heat-loving crops are grown not only by sowing in open ground, but also by seedlings. This is the only opportunity to get a crop in regions with a harsh or unstable climate (for example, in Siberia). With the help of seedlings, you can get not only cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage, but also beets, zucchini and corn.

Features of growing vegetables

Since each vegetable has its own growing technology, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the main aspects of the cultivation of common crops in the open field.


Fertile soils with a slight damp slope and the ability to retain moisture are excellent for cabbage.

Note: Good beds for cabbage will be those where potatoes, cucumbers or onions used to grow.

grow cabbage in a seedless way is possible only in a warm climate. In other regions, an early cabbage harvest can only be obtained by pre-breeding seedlings (Fig. 3). Seeds are planted at the end of winter in a container with a nutritious earth mixture. After the formation of several leaves, the seedlings are seated in separate containers.

Rice. 3. Planting and growing cabbage in the open field

Cabbage seedlings are transplanted in May, but it is advisable to prepare the bed in advance: fertilize with manure and carefully dig. Cabbage is planted in rows, at a distance of 50 cm from each other. The soil in the hole is moistened and fertilized with humus and ash.

Note: If the threat of frost has not yet passed, the seedlings can be covered with foil, but when the temperature stabilizes, the shelter is removed.

Cabbage is very sensitive to watering. In the absence of natural precipitation, the soil is moistened every 3 days, and so that a crust does not form on the surface, additional loosening is carried out. Hilling will help retain moisture and prevent the growth of weeds. Also, cabbage can be fertilized by introducing mineral and organic top dressings (10 days after planting the seedlings and again a month later).


For root crops, well-lit areas are selected. The most popular crops of this species are carrots and beets. But if carrots tolerate frost and drought well, then beets require more stable climatic conditions.

Note: Despite the resistance of root crops to temperature extremes, it is recommended to carry out pre-sowing treatment of seeds to accelerate their germination.

Beets can be sown both directly in open ground and grown from seedlings. Seeds are sown in small containers, and after the appearance of two or three leaves they dive (seated in separate pots or cups).

Rice. 4. Growing carrots and beets in open ground

Sowing directly into the soil is carried out when the soil warms up at a depth of 5 cm. Cold ground can cause seeds to germinate slowly or stop growing altogether. The beets may start to sprout side shoots. Sowing and caring for root crops in the open field is shown in Figure 4.

At cultivation of carrots and beets in the open field plants need to be taken care of. First of all, this concerns the loosening of row spacing and fertilizing. Loosening the soil is necessary to eliminate the crust that forms on the surface of the earth after watering or rain. In addition, it helps to eliminate weeds and saturate the roots of plants with moisture.

Top dressings are mainly organic (diluted cow dung or bird droppings), but special mineral supplements for root crops can also be used. It is also recommended to periodically thin out seedlings so that only the strongest plants remain in the garden. Thickened plantings also provoke the development of diseases.


The most common pumpkin crops in the gardens of our country are pumpkin, cucumbers, zucchini and squash. The main requirements for their cultivation are sufficient air, sunlight and water (Fig. 5). At the same time, pumpkin is not too demanding on soil fertility; for them, its moisture content is much more important.

Rice. 5. Growing pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini in open ground

Even though cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and squash belong to the same class of plants, the requirements for growing them in garden beds are slightly different:

  1. Grow pumpkin better in areas previously fertilized with humus or mullein. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they are recommended to be sown in warm soil, and before the first shoots appear, cover with a film.
  2. For squash the earth can be fertilized with minerals, but with proper care, the crop brings a good harvest without additional fertilizing. Squash can be grown as seedlings, but it is much easier to sow immediately in open ground, as the vegetable is highly resistant to frost.
  3. Zucchini- quite unpretentious vegetables that do not require special conditions. But to get a rich harvest, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral additives and observe crop rotation. In addition, zucchini love well-lit areas and frequent watering. You can plant directly into the ground, but for regions with a harsh climate and short summers, the seedling method should be preferred.
  4. Cucumbers and their cultivation in open ground e is also quite simple. To do this, it is enough to choose a well-lit area with drained soil. Vegetables are planted directly in open ground, and covered with foil to protect seedlings from frost. Such covering material also prevents the soil from drying out and stops the growth of weeds.

All cucurbits have one common requirement for cultivation: they are very sensitive to lack of moisture, so the beds should be watered regularly (every 3-4 days, provided there is no natural precipitation). Lack of water can lead to a decrease in yield and taste of vegetables.

Peppers and tomatoes

Grow peppers and tomatoes outdoors is possible only with the help of seedlings, since these crops are thermophilic (Fig. 6). The bed is placed in a place well lit and protected from the cold wind. In addition, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with organic and mineral top dressing in the fall.

Rice. 6. Growing seedlings of peppers and tomatoes in open ground

In warm climates, peppers can still be grown without seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in prepared soil around the end of May, and covered with a film. After the appearance of the first shoots, the shelter is removed. Tomato seedlings are also transferred to the soil at the end of May. After planting, you need to properly care for the plants, in particular, regularly loosen the soil to remove weeds, fertilize during the flowering and fruiting period, and also provide the crops with a sufficient amount of liquid.


The most popular legumes are beans and corn. These are heat-loving plants, for which wind-protected and well-lit areas are selected (Fig. 7).

When growing legumes in open ground it is necessary to strictly observe crop rotation and carry out pre-sowing seed treatment. This will help not only improve the quality and quantity of seedlings, but also strengthen seedlings during the development period.

Rice. 7. Sowing and growing beans and corn

Since both corn and beans are very sensitive to frost, they are planted outdoors after the weather becomes consistently warm. In addition, before planting, it is recommended to germinate the seeds in a damp cloth until small roots appear.


Potatoes are the most common vegetable in the gardens of our country. This crop is undemanding to the level of soil fertility, but it is still easier to get a rich harvest when a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers is applied.

Rice. 8. Growing potatoes in the open field

Medium sized tubers are suitable for planting. On the bed, longitudinal rows are made with holes at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other (Fig. 8).

Note: Before planting, the tubers should release small "eyes", which indicate that the first shoots will soon appear.

Throughout the entire growing period, potatoes are weeded and spud several times to remove weeds. If necessary, make top dressing or use chemicals to combat diseases and pests. In general, growing potatoes in the open field is quite simple, and even novice gardeners can handle the cultivation of this vegetable.


Green crops are divided into salad (intended for fresh consumption) and spinach (used for further processing). Salad greens also include spicy crops (basil, dill, cilantro) that are added to dishes fresh or dried. The green planting scheme is shown in Figure 9.

The most popular greens for fresh consumption is leaf lettuce. It is a cold-resistant crop that grows well in any soil, but it is better to get a bountiful harvest on loose soils.

Note: To keep the lettuce leaves large and juicy, the beds need to be watered regularly.

Rice. 9. Scheme of planting and growing greenery in the open field

Another popular herb is dill, which is also resistant to cold and disease, and does not require careful care. In the wild, dill grows freely, and often it does not even need to be specially planted, as it is sown on its own in the beds. Dill can be harvested both for greens and for seeds (umbrellas), which are used as a condiment.

Regardless of the type of crop, vegetables require careful care. Key activities include (Figure 10):

  • Loosening - using this procedure, the upper crust that covers the ground after rain or watering is broken. Loosening helps to improve the penetration of air and moisture into the deep layers of the soil. In addition, it allows you to remove roots and young weeds.
  • Watering - Most vegetables and herbs require regular watering. But the amount and frequency of water application is different. For example, cucumbers and zucchini require more moisture for abundant fruiting, and excessive watering of tomatoes can provoke late blight.
  • Top dressing - the introduction of organic and mineral fertilizers at different stages of cultivation allows you to accelerate the growth of crops, make flowering more intense or improve fruit quality.
  • Hilling - in the process of hilling the bushes are sprinkled with dry earth or peat. This helps retain moisture and prevents weed growth.
  • Mulching- this is covering the space around the bushes with a layer of sawdust, straw or a special film. Using mulch helps retain moisture, slow down weed growth, and protect young seedlings from frost.

Rice. 10. Vegetable care: loosening, watering, fertilizing and mulching

In addition, the growing process may require the use of specialty chemicals (herbicides and insecticides) to prevent disease and control pests.

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Sometimes I want to go out on the balcony, like Jamie Oliver, pick up my own grown vegetables and herbs and stir up something stunning from them. And the balcony, by the way, looks much prettier if there are not old pieces of iron that are stored there, which it’s time to send to a landfill, but fragrant herbs and vegetables.

website chose some interesting plants that take root well on the windowsill or on the balcony.


On the windowsill you can grow a hot pepper for pizza diablo. It will require a warm, bright place and varieties suitable for home cultivation: Carmen, Flint, Spark, Ryabinushka, Bride, Indian Summer, etc.

The bushes are very pretty and do not require large pots. Up to 50 fruits can be tied on one plant. The optimum temperature is 25-27 degrees Celsius.


For growing carrots at home, it is better to take mini-varieties such as "Parmex", "Sophie", "Granddaughter". They grow in 80-90 days and do not require much space - a pot or container will suit them just fine. You can also take a funny round variety "Round Baby".

The soil for carrots should be light and well drained. The vegetable can be grown in cut plastic bottles. The optimum temperature is within 13-24 degrees Celsius.


Mint is a non-capricious and undemanding plant. It can grow on your windowsill or balcony, even in winter, if you arrange additional lighting. It can be grown from cuttings and seeds. If it is possible to dig a stalk in the country at home or with friends, it is better to use this method. Mint grown from seeds is not as actively accepted, and it will take longer to wait for the harvest.

It is important to remember that the plant loves well-moistened soil. And, when choosing a place for it, keep in mind that the lighting should be good, but direct sunlight is best avoided. The optimum temperature for mint is 20-25 degrees with a plus sign.

green onion

To grow green onions at home, special dexterity is not required. But still, it is worth considering some nuances: the bulb that you will plant should be round, dense to the touch and without traces of rot, the root cup should be well formed.

Immediately after planting, it is worth putting the onion in a cool, dark place so that the root system is better formed, and only then the feather will need a lot of light. The optimum temperature is 18-20 degrees, you should not overheat, because then the growth of greenery will stop.


Any variety of basil grows well in flower pots and boxes. It is better for him to allocate a sunny place, water well, keep warm and provide good drainage. For planting, you can use both cuttings and seeds. At the same time, the cuttings will quickly give the first crop, but will not last long, as they will quickly bloom. Harvest from seeds will have to wait longer, but such a bush will last longer.

The optimum temperature for basil is 20-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, lighting is required for about 3-4 hours to increase daylight hours.


To grow cucumbers on the windowsill or on the balcony, you should take a closer look at the hybrid varieties that are marked with the F1 icon. If all conditions are created for the plant, it can produce 3-4 dozen fruits. Here you will have to tinker a little with seedlings, but after transplanting into boxes, you will only need to water and trim the antennae.

Planted plants in containers with a volume of at least 5 liters. It is important to remember that cucumbers are large watermelons and the earth must always be moist. The optimum temperature is 21-24 degrees Celsius.


Dwarf varieties are usually chosen as home tomatoes: Minibel, Florida Petit, Balcony Miracle, etc. You will have to take the most illuminated place in the apartment to this miracle. It will be necessary to start with seedlings, then plant them in containers, tie them up, feed them and protect them from the cold. This is one of the most troublesome balcony crops, but pride in the work done and horticultural talent is attached to the harvest.

It is important to remember that tomatoes, like all plants, love water, but they are easy to pour. Therefore, watering should be done carefully. The optimum temperature is 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius.


Sorrel, in addition to its wonderful taste, is distinguished by the fact that it calmly tolerates shaded places. It can be grown from the rhizomes of 2-4-year-old plants with buds or from seeds of varieties such as Maykopsky, Altaisky, Odessa broad-leaved.

It can grow at both 5 and 20 degrees Celsius and even withstands slight frosts. So you can keep it on the balcony until the last, and if the balcony keeps heat well, then do not clean it for the winter. The leaves are cut at a height of 8-10 cm, this must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.


Ginger is not only a delicious spice, but also a beautiful plant. If planted at home, sprouts can grow up to a meter in height. Plant pieces of ginger root, consisting of at least a couple of sections with live buds. If the root is dry, you can hold it in warm water for several hours to wake up the kidneys.

Plant the root should not be very deep, and until the first shoots appear, water should be very moderate. Keep ginger in the light, but away from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius.

A pineapple