Bud and ovary application. Fruit formation stimulator Bud: instructions for the use of fertilizer. Natural stimulant drug Bud - video

Each owner of a summer cottage dreams of an unprecedented harvest of vegetables, a gardener dreams of a miracle fruit, and an amateur florist has been trying to grow his scarlet flower for many years. Today, the dream of each of them is easily realized. The drug "Buton" - a stimulator of growth and fruit formation - is an indispensable assistant in the summer cottage and in the garden.

Ingredients of the drug Buton

Before using the agent for stimulating the growth of flowers and vegetables Bud, it is necessary to study its composition and instructions for use. We will get acquainted with the instructions later, and now we will try to deal with the incomprehensible names of the substances that make up the drug.

active ingredient- sodium salt of gibberellic acids. For growth and development, each cell of a plant needs, in addition to nutritious minerals and water, which they extract from the environment (soil, air), various chemicals. Scientists have discovered more than 100 gibberellic acids in plants, which are natural growth hormones, and have learned how to get them artificially (synthetic substances). Gibberllic acids stimulate the germination of even old seeds, increase yields, and shorten the period of fruit ripening.

Humates. Natural, natural components obtained from plant residues, extracts of peat, manure, silt. Potassium humate, which is part of Buton, is a whole complex of natural, natural microelements, vitamins, mono and polysaccharides and other useful substances.

Microelements. A small amount of trace elements is sufficient for the growth and development of plants. Fertile, well-fertilized soils independently make up for their deficiency.

  • If the plant lacks boron, it is prone to diseases, the ovary falls off, and the roots and apical buds gradually die off.
  • Copper increases resistance to fungal and viral diseases, reduces environmental impact.
  • Manganese takes part in cell photosynthesis, increases the yield and quality of fruits.

Appointment of a growth stimulator Bud

The bud is available as two products.

The manufacturer offers two types of products "Bud for garden and indoor flowers" and "Bud fruit formation stimulator". Both preparations contain substances that stimulate the plant's own strength, for abundant flowering and fruiting, promote rapid development, accelerate ripening and improve fruit quality.

Flowers. Processing "Bud" indoor flowers allows you to quickly increase the green mass of the plant, improves their appearance, helps in stressful situations (violation of temperature, humidity). Flowering plants receive additional nutrition, which increases the number and size of flowers.

seed processing for landscape gardening improves germination, ensures the survival of seedlings. Spraying during the budding period stimulates the plants to form additional flower buds, the duration of flowering increases.

Vegetables. Soaking vegetable seeds in "Buton" allows you to get early, strong and healthy seedlings. If you spray the established seedlings, it will better tolerate acclimatization, it will develop faster and grow young shoots. Repeated processing, at the time of flowering, reduces the formation of barren flowers, increases the number of ovaries on vegetable crops, and reduces the ripening period. Seed potatoes treated with the drug give friendly shoots that are less susceptible to diseases.

Horticultural crops. To increase the ovary on fruit trees, plantings are treated with "Bud" during the beginning of flowering, the formation of the ovary. The agent stimulates the formation of fruits, preserves the ovary under adverse weather conditions, increases the size of berries and fruits.

Method of application of the drug

Manufacturers offer several ways to use Bud.

Soaking seeds. For better germination and quick germination, the seeds are soaked in a solution of the Buton preparation before planting. Seeds are placed in a container with a solution, then planted in the ground, slightly dried.

Strictly follow the instructions for use.

Spraying. Spraying is carried out at different stages of plant growth: for better survival of seedlings, the formation of green mass, increasing the number of ovaries and preventing them from falling off.

Processing of potato tubers. Planting material is scattered in a place closed from drafts. The potatoes are moistened with the prepared solution, allowed to dry, turned over and again moistened abundantly. If there is a small amount of potatoes, it can be soaked in a solution for several hours and dried to land. Bulbs and tubers of perennial plants are also treated with the soaking method.

Instructions for use of the Bud stimulator

In order for the Bud preparation to bring maximum benefit, and the harvest to please you and surprise your neighbors, use it in accordance with the instructions. Soluble powder is packaged in bags of 2 grams. Easily diluted, has no sediment. According to the instructions, the dilution rate is 1-2 grams per liter of water. Often there are questions: - How to dilute the drug? What is the best water to use? Do we pour the product into water or vice versa?

A few rules for diluting solutions:

  • We prepare all solutions for processing plants in a special container.
  • Pour the product into a small amount of water and stir well. It is better to take warm water, the drug will dissolve faster.
  • Add water to the required volume. The water should not be very cold. Treatment with cold water, after a hot day, can cause stress to the plant (falling buds and ovaries).

Attention! To prepare a one percent solution in a liter of water, dilute 1 gram of the drug. To get a two percent solution, we take 2 grams of the drug for one liter of water, etc.

garden flowers:

Seed soaking - 2 grams per 0.5 liter of water, soaking time 10-12 hours.

Soaking bulbous and tuberous perennials - 2 grams per 2 liters of water, consumption 1 liter per 1 kg (for dahlias 3 l / 1 kg).

Spraying with a 1% solution during the survival of seedlings and before flowering.

Precautionary measures

  1. Use the drug only for the treatment of plants.
  2. During work, use personal protective equipment (mask, goggles, gloves).
  3. Prepare the solution immediately before use.
  4. Dispose of unused solution.
  5. After work, wash hands, glasses, gloves with detergent.
  6. All tools used for work should be kept out of the reach of animals and children.

Use personal protective equipment when handling.

First aid for poisoning

If poisoning occurs:

  1. The solution entered the mouth and stomach. It is necessary to do a gastric lavage, drink activated charcoal.
  2. The solution got into the eyes. Rinse with plenty of running water.
  3. The solution entered the lungs. With individual intolerance to the components, an allergic reaction may begin. Stop work, move to a safe place. Remove clothing, there may be a solution on it, this will aggravate the situation.

Attention! Any poisoning is dangerous to your health, be sure to visit a doctor.


The drug belongs to the III class of danger. It is non-toxic, does not cause poisoning of insects and animals, does not destroy the soil structure. Shelf life 2 years.

It is recommended to store in a dry place at temperatures up to + 30 degrees. Does not lose its properties when lowered to -30 degrees. After the expiration date, the drug must be disposed of. Make sure that the packaging is not broken, hide from children and animals.

Watch the video material about the Bud growth stimulator.

How does the Bud stimulator work?

Bud - a stimulator of flowering and fruit formation has an anti-stress effect. Stimulant increases the resistance of plants to diseases, accelerating growth and stimulating flowering. Stimulato Bud prevents falling of ovaries and increases yield by 30-37%.

"Buton" has a unique recipe containing several different growth stimulants at once, complementing and enhancing the action of each other, macro- and micronutrients, substances to improve its penetration into the leaves and achieve high phytosafety.

Such a richness of the recipe allows plants to always choose those substances that they need the most. This explains the universality and equally high efficiency of "Buton" for various cultures and various phenophases of their development.

"Bud" is not phytotoxic, completely absorbed by plants, does not pollute the soil and groundwater, is safe for fish, bees and other beneficial insects.

The drug allows gardeners to replace several drugs with one and achieve amazing results: significantly increase the yield (in some cases - more than 2 times), improve the quality and ecological purity of fruits, protect plants from adverse factors. For its outstanding qualities, "Buton" was awarded a gold medal.

"Bud" is used from spring to autumn. The beginning of the application of "Buton" coincides with the preparation of plants for planting.

"Bud" for flowers. If you prefer flowers and among them in your beautiful garden there are those that reproduce by corms (begonias, dahlias), then they should be soaked in the Bud solution for 5 hours before planting or sprayed with a solution. One liter can be sprayed with 10 kg of corms. This gives an increase in the energy of germination, an acceleration in the release of peduncles, an increase in the yield of children.

Stimulant Bud for flowers

Excellent results are obtained by processing gladioli, lilies, roses, chrysanthemums with Bud. Treated plants tolerate low night temperatures well, form more buds, bloom more luxuriantly and last longer. The yield of gladiolus bulbs increases by 15-20%.

"Bud" and fruit and berry crops. Treat apple trees 5 times per season: in the budding phase, after flowering, at the beginning of the formation of the ovary, during the period of fruit growth and during the laying of flower buds. "Bud » can save the ovaries from falling off when adverse weather conditions occur. In addition, "Button » reduces the ripening time, increases the yield, improves the nutritional and taste qualities of the fruit. And he takes care of the next year's harvest in advance.

It is enough to spray cherries or currants 3 times: at the beginning of flowering, after flowering and at the beginning of the formation of berries. Strawberries can be sprayed 2 times (during the period of mass flowering or berry setting). This guarantees a large number of large and tasty berries.

A particularly strong effect is observed when processing grapes. Spraying is carried out 3 times: during the formation of buds, during the period of mass flowering and at the time of tying berries. This leads to excellent results: the berries become larger, the number of berries in the bunch increases, the mass of the bunch and berries increases, and the sugar content increases. The yield and its quality are greatly improved.

Vegetables. "Bud" increases productivity tomatoes by 30%, eggplants and peppers - by 40%, cucumbers - by 30%, fruits and berries - up to 40%. In green crops, it stimulates the growth of the vegetative mass. Reduces the ripening time of the crop by 5-7 days. Increases the mass of vegetables, fruits and berries, improves their nutritional and taste qualities. The incidence of diseases is reduced by 2-4 times.

"Bud" promotes flowering plants. It increases the number of ovaries and keeps them from falling off. Accelerates fruit formation. The drug strengthens plants, increases their resistance to diseases and stress when grown in adverse environmental conditions. Restores the yield of fruit and berry crops affected by spring frosts.

"Bud" and potatoes. No growth regulator will prepare potato tubers for planting better than Bud. It is necessary to treat the tubers during vernalization or before planting with a solution of the drug (2-4 g per 2 liters of water). One liter of solution can process 100 kg of planting potatoes. An increase in the number of eyes and an increase in the energy of their germination after treatment with "Buton" allows the appearance of friendly and strong shoots, which in the future has an extremely beneficial effect on the health and productivity of potato bushes. When the potato blooms, it must be treated with the same solution and repeat this procedure after 7 days. This stimulates tuberization. When it comes time to harvest, you will see that it has grown noticeably, the size of the tubers has become larger, the little things are smaller, and the taste and nutritional value of the potatoes have increased.

Fine( 4 ) Badly( 0 )

To prepare a working solution, the drug is dissolved in a small amount of tap water and mixed thoroughly. Then bring its volume to normal, and then mix again.

Spraying is carried out with a freshly prepared solution in the morning or evening, while it is important to ensure uniform wetting of the leaves. "Bud" begins to act on the plant from the moment it is processed, the period of protective action is 1-3 months.

Potato and eggplant

In order to increase the yield of potatoes, as well as its resistance to frost and disease, the tubers are treated with a Bud solution before planting. Use 15 g of the drug per 10 liters of water, the consumption is approximately 1 l / 100 kg. In the budding phase, the same solution is used in an amount of 4 l / 100 sq. m landings.

Eggplants are sprayed at the stage of budding and the beginning of flowering in order to increase the content of solids, protein and sugar in the fruits. The same solution is prepared as for processing potatoes, while its consumption should be 4 l / 100 sq. m. This processing method can be used to increase the yield of tomatoes, reduce the acidity of fruits and increase disease resistance.

White cabbage

White cabbage is processed to increase the content of vitamin C and sugar, as well as to reduce the content of nitrates. To prepare the solution, take 10-15 g of Bud, dilute it in 10 liters of water, and then use it in the phases of the beginning of the formation of the first true leaf, the appearance of 6-8 leaves and during the period of heading. The consumption of the solution is 4 l / 100 sq. m.

Other plants

For processing strawberries, cherries and black currants, a solution is prepared using 10 g of Bud per 10 liters of water. Cucumbers are sprayed with the same solution when they have their first true leaf, and also at the beginning of flowering. Soaking the corms of flowers in it enhances the energy of germination, accelerates the release of flower stalks and increases the yield of the "children" of the plant.

Precautionary measures

The drug "Buton" is considered a moderately dangerous, non-phytotoxic compound, but it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and skin. Persons over 18 years of age without contraindications for health reasons are allowed to work with it.

Processing is carried out using personal protective equipment: rubber gloves, goggles, a gown and a respirator. Do not drink, eat or smoke while working with the drug. At the end of all work, wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your mouth.

Last year at the dacha I sowed a myriad of flowers. Unfortunately, their flowering, to put it mildly, disappointed. Few buds formed, and a lot of nutrition had to be added to the flower beds to make them look at least somewhat decent.

At the end of the year, a neighbor (and part-time owner of the most prominent rose garden in the area) advised an inexpensive drug that was supposed to solve my problem. Of course, I immediately bought it, and applied it in the spring ...

The flowers bloomed like crazy. And the vegetable garden (on which I sprinkled a little solution for the sake of interest) also pleasantly surprised me.

It all depends on the specific product. The fact is that "Buton" is produced with a slightly different formula - one drug was created for flowers (flower beds, indoor), the other for fruits and vegetables.

There is also a more "highly specialized" product - for eggplant, peppers and tomatoes. You will not be mistaken, as each pack is not only signed in large letters, but also provided with a picture.

  • Color processing. If they do not bloom yet, the plants will quickly acquire twigs and leaves, and will be more resistant to adverse environmental conditions. Bud-growing flowers will grow more than these same buds, and flowers that have blossomed as a result will last longer. Finally, already flowering crops will receive a balanced diet, which will make their flowers larger.
  • Soaking seeds. It will help more seeds "wake up", and earlier than usual. Seedlings will turn out stronger, more tenacious.
  • Spraying vegetables. Having processed the seedlings, you will help her quickly get used to the conditions of the open ground, it is better to bush. By applying the Bud solution at the time of flowering (the second treatment of the beds), you will stimulate the vegetables to grow more ovaries, reduce the number of empty flowers, and accelerate the ripening of many crops.
  • Processing fruits and other horticultural crops. If you have time to spray the garden before flowering, there will be more ovaries and they will be less afraid of bad weather. There will also be fewer empty flowers on trees and bushes, and the fruits will grow larger.

What's in the package

To put it simply, it is a grayish powder.

If you "dig deeper", the basis of "Bud":

  • Sodium salt of gibberinic acids. This is a natural growth hormone, which modern chemists produce artificially. Its task is to speed up the ripening period, “revive” even stale seeds, increase the number of fruits (flowers) on each bush.
  • Humates. These natural components are already extracted "from nature" - silt, manure, peat. They have a very complex formula, including vitamins, trace elements, polysaccharides, and so on.
  • Microelements. Manganese (an active participant in photosynthesis), copper (makes the plant stronger, more resistant to stress and disease), boron (does not allow flowers or vegetables to dry out, lose their ovaries, get sick).

Ways to use "Buton"

Each drug you buy can be used in several ways.

  • Soaking seeds. Processing one variety? Just put the seeds in a jar (cup, lid) and fill with a solution of 2 g of Bud and a liter of water (or half a liter if these are flower seeds). Filling several varieties or types at once? This can also be done in one container. And so that the seeds do not get confused, wrap each type / variety in a piece of gauze or bandage.
  • Tuber processing. Most often, Bud is moistened with potatoes before planting (although tubers and bulbs of other vegetables and flowers can also be sprayed). It is laid out in boxes indoors (it is important that there are no drafts inside). The potatoes are sprayed, then turned over to the other side and sprayed again. Solution: 2 g per 2 liters of water. If these are 2 varietal kilograms you bought, they can be completely soaked in a bucket of solution. After that, the tubers are planted in the ground.
  • Spraying. The most popular procedure. You can spray seedlings, flowers (potted and in flower beds), bushes and trees. And at different stages of growth.

Do you want to see with your own eyes how this tool works and what it gives? I offer a video review of a woman who treated tomatoes with Bud (the scene is Kazan). And this is what she saw in her garden:

Instructions for the drug

As a rule, "Buton-P" is a bag with 2 grams of the drug. They must be diluted in 1-2 liters of water, obtaining a one- and two-percent solution, respectively.

In private crop production, the manufacturer himself recommends using Bud for the following crops:

Solution preparation principles:

  • first take a small amount of water, and when the powder dissolves in it, add the remaining water;
  • it is better to take a warm liquid - the “Bud” dissolves faster in it;
  • but cold water, on the contrary, is a taboo, since getting a cold solution on the leaves (especially on a hot day) can provoke the opposite effect, causing sensitive buds and ovaries to fall off;
  • do not stir the drug in a cup or bowl that you use for eating and drinking - take only garden remanent.

Is Bud dangerous?

The hazard class of this fruit formation stimulant is the third. This means that it is non-toxic and does not kill insects or animals. Also, the drug does not pollute the soil into which it accidentally gets.

Sometimes this substance (in powder or solution) enters the human body. Our actions:

  • if swallowed, induce vomiting and gastric lavage, then take activated charcoal;
  • if you have inhaled the drug, go out into the fresh air and see if you have an allergy - if so, it is better to call a doctor;
  • if "Bud" gets into the eyes, rinse them well under the tap.

How to store the drug

The shelf life of "Buton" is 2 years. If this period has expired, the sachet with the drug must be disposed of. The same is done with the unused solution: it is prepared immediately before spraying, and pour out what is left.

It must be kept in a dry place. The temperature in the room should not be higher than +30 degrees. Moreover, it can even be a utility room located on the street - "Buton" will not lose its properties if the temperature in the room drops to -30 degrees.

Well, of course, such chemicals should not be stored together with medicines (for both people and animals - it is possible with medicines for flowers / vegetables), as well as products. Access to drugs of this kind should be limited for children and pets - this is not a toy.

When buying, always check if the package is intact. If it is damaged, do not take such a drug.

By the way! If you often visit garden or flower shops, you have probably heard that there are a lot of fruit formation stimulants and just high-quality fertilizers.

For example, there are also "Zircon", "Epin", and in general - about 10 popular horticultural products. What they give and in what cases it is better to buy certain funds, this thorough video will tell:

The main task of the agrarian is to provide comfortable conditions for the growth and development of plants that he planted in the ground. Various preparations for agriculture help to achieve success in this. In this case, it is necessary to apply several at the same time: for protection, for replenishing vitamins and minerals in the soil.

In order for the culture to develop normally, the introduction of phytohormones such as cytokines, acids and auxin is required. Fertilizer Bud in the composition has all the necessary hormones that act as a growth stimulator. These elements help in the development of not only fruits, but are also useful for shoots, planting material.

Composition and description of the drug

Bud is a whole line of fertilizer mixes. Each has its own purpose, but the main goal remains stimulation:

  • fruiting;
  • flowering;
  • growth and development.

In addition to the fact that the fruit formation stimulator Bud actively influences development. The positive directions of the line include increasing the resistance of crops to adverse weather and climatic conditions. Contribute to the improvement of metabolic processes, increase immunity.

The release of drugs Florist Buton, Uniflor Buton is carried out by a company that has long been developing a complex of fertilizer compositions (including growth stimulants) - the Green Belt Technoexpert brand.

As part of the line fertilizers, the active substance is the sodium salt of gibberellic acid. It is necessary for every cell of the plant. Therefore, culture diligently tries to extract it from all substances (water, air, soil). Since there are more than 100 types of this acid in the environment, almost all of them were included in the preparation.

They were created artificially so that it became possible to obtain a high result (growth and development) even when processing old seeds. Simultaneously reducing the ripening period, and increasing the yield in percentage terms.

Humates entered Bud. The component is natural, natural. You can get it from:

  • residues of plant origin;
  • peat extract;
  • manure;

Potassium humate, which is in Buton, is not just natural trace elements, vitamins. There are polysaccharides and monosaccharides, more than a dozen useful substances.

In order for the culture to develop quickly and without problems, a certain amount of useful trace elements is required:

  1. Bor. Prevents premature fall of foliage, death of the root system, kidneys. It helps to strengthen the immune system to protect against diseases and infections.
  2. Copper. It is necessary to reduce the harmful substances that the culture receives from the environment. It also increases resistance to fungal spores.
  3. Manganese. The element is an active participant in cellular photosynthesis. Due to the balance in the fruits and a sufficient amount of manganese, you can get a crop 2 times more than the usual volumes. The quality of the grown product is increasing.

Important! Both types of Bud in the composition contain the required amount of micro and macro elements. Therefore, the introduction is required according to the purpose and predetermination of the means. Bud fruit formation stimulator will serve as a help in the garden and in the garden. The second type of drug Bud is intended exclusively for flowers in the garden and at home.

Product Benefits

Choosing the drug Bud, the gardener gets an excellent tool for crop control, crop development without the presence of harmful substances. But not only this is a positive moment for choice. Improving the quality of fruits (taste and external), safe use for all types of crops. No toxic effect. As well as:

  • can be used for ovary and for flowering;
  • survival rate and germination of seedlings, seedlings improves by 2-3 times;
  • the characteristics of the fruits of all varieties differ from other species that were processed by other means;
  • maturation accelerates up to a week;
  • immunity is enhanced, which helps plants withstand frost, drought, and other natural phenomena;
  • increase resistance to infectious and fungal diseases.

Of the negative points, the cost of drugs is distinguished. But most users argue that it is not worth saving money if in return the agrarian receives a profit and an improved product.

Ways to use a growth stimulator

Bud is used for all types of crops. Suitable for perennials, seeds and annual crops. Methods of use are offered by the manufacturer, described in the instructions for use:

WayFor whatTechnics
soakBefore planting in the ground, seed treatment should be carried out. It helps to germinate, accelerate the growth of seedlingsThe seed material is placed in a tissue base. Moisten in water, and then lowered into a container with a solution. Dry before planting
sprayingImproves survival, increases green mass, the amount of ovaryIt is allowed to carry out manipulations at any stage of development. The solution is prepared for each type of culture separately.
potatoFor large tubers, high yield. Increases resistance to diseases, harmful insectsThe tubers are soaked in the solution. Dry before planting in the ground

Instructions for use

First of all, choose the type of preparation: Bud for garden and indoor flowers or for fruit formation. For maximum results, you should study the instructions, choose the method of application. Top dressing has a powdery appearance, diluted in water.

Standard packaging: 2 g per bag. This is enough to get a liter of working mixture. The manufacturer recommends breeding strictly according to the proposed scheme.

Dilution of the drug

If Buton's working solution is prepared correctly, then no precipitate will be observed. In order for the drug to be useful and effective, we follow the rules:

  • the breeding container must be dry, special (only for Bud);
  • initially, fertilizers are diluted in a small amount of water until completely dissolved;
  • add liquid to the required volume. Warm water is used. By no means cold. Since it causes stress in any plant.

For each type of plant, the working solution must be fresh. Separate formulas are used:

  1. For indoor flowers make a 1% solution (add 1 g of Bud to 1 liter of water). Processing is carried out at the stage of budding. As for the flowering period, it is better not to carry out any manipulations. Possible damage to the appearance. Provided that the flower has suffered a disease, is weak or develops poorly for other reasons, experts recommend spraying at least 3 times, adhering to the time interval (week).
  2. For garden flowers a 2% spray solution is used. But it is better to soak at the seed stage. For soaking formula: half a liter of water + 2 g Bud. Withstand 12 hours. Dry, plant in the ground.
  3. Vegetables. During the growing season, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers are processed. The solution is made 1% for the first time, subsequent times a 2% Buton mixture is already applied. As a standard, it takes up to 1 liter of the mixture per 10-20 square meters. m. For cabbage, the technique of breeding and using Bud is similar to tomatoes. But the first treatment is done after the appearance of the first 5 leaves.
  4. Potato. Planting material is soaked in a solution: 3 l of water + 5 g of Bud. This displacement is enough for 150-200 kg of potatoes. After the appearance of flowers, spray with a 1% solution.
  5. Berry and fruit bushes (trees). If young plants are planted, then spraying or soaking the rhizomes can be carried out. Mature bushes and trees are sprayed at the rate of: 1 l - a young tree, 3 l - an adult, shrubs - from 0.5 to 1.5 l per unit. The solution is made 2%.

For productivity and rapid growth of culture, Bud is not used in the presence of diseases. Only after treatment as a stimulant and restorer.

Precautionary measures

A bud is a tool that was created in a laboratory. What does the presence of chemical and artificial elements mean. Therefore, do not discount the presence of a hazard class. The stimulator Bud has an average (3 - 4).

Application can only be subject to strict adherence to the instructions, in compliance with safety measures.

A farmer who has purchased Bud for his orchard must protect his face. Mucous membranes and skin of the hands. Regardless of the hazard class, some trace elements can cause an allergic reaction. As protective means use:

  • gloves and rubber boots;
  • goggles and respirator;
  • robe.

Starting to work with the drug, it is worth removing drinking water and food away. It is forbidden to smoke and drink liquid. Buton's working solution cannot be stored.

Help with poisoning

Provided that the mixture has somehow entered the oral cavity, rinsing will not be enough. To avoid poisoning, the stomach is washed, activated charcoal is taken. If necessary, seek help from the hospital.

If a rash, itching and other allergic manifestations appear, you should immediately stop working with the substance, remove the protective suit, take a shower with laundry soap. Then take hypoallergenic drugs.

How to store the drug

All fertilizer mixtures must be stored in a special room. Bud growth stimulator has no distinctive rules from general recommendations:

  • the temperature regime should not exceed 30 degrees;
  • low humidity level;
  • close tightly;
  • keep away from other substances, food, liquids and medicines;
  • keep animals and children away.

Be sure to check the expiration dates of the powder before buying. Do not store the prepared solution for more than a day.


Growth stimulator Bud is used as a universal remedy not only for weak plants that have suffered diseases. It helps to restore development after the resulting stress, strengthen the immune system.

The substance is actively used for seed and planting material. Based on the feedback left by users, Bud is characterized as an excellent helper in the garden, vegetable garden and at home.